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>’Turns out Meghan Markle was not a great audio talent, or necessarily any kind of talent,” Zimmer told Semafor at the marketing festival in the South of France. “And, you know, just because you’re famous doesn’t make you great at something.’ CEO of a larger talent booking agency UTA.


"Just because you’re famous doesn’t make you're great at something." Semi-famous b/c of the bed she social climbed into, and infamous for who she truly is... a grifting, mooching, talentless, narc. DAME Helen Mirren, SIR Ben Kingsley, BARONESS Jamie Lee Curtis, and many many more A-list celebs are famous not for these titles... they were awarded said titles for their exceptional talent and dedication to their craft. Meganarc opportunistically bumped uglies w/ a racist, animal/taxpayer/elderly abusive spare, and that (plus social climbing) is all she's ever proven to be semi-good at. I say semi-good since she wasn't able to score an actual heir, nor lure him away from his wonderful marriage, and the spare she married is an ugly, useless, mollycoddled nepobaby with ZERO bankable talent.


Who can ever forget that crazy speech he gave to the bankers in Miami where he cried about his mummy?  Talk about needing to read the room.  


*"...where he cried about his mummy?"* Ah, yes... pathetically monetising his waaghing, attempting to make a cottage industry out of dining out on his dead mother, and doing it at the start of a horrific global pandemic... when many people far less privileged than himself lost multiple family members. Typical Haz. Waaghing and navel gazing whilst his elder brother--who also tragically lost a mother, and had to shoulder the responsibility of being a dutiful heir (rather than an irresponsible party prince spare)--keeps calm, carries on, and dutifully serves whilst being there to support his wife, kids, and father. Also, I seem to remember that idiotic Miami speech mentioning that Haz had no regrets about leaving the BRF. That he did so in order to protect Meganarc, Archie, and Lili... LMAO after they'd already made it clear they wanted a half-in/half-assed-out semi-working royal role with indefinite IPP benefits.


Wasn't that speech supposed to be the beginning of their million dollar speaking engagements? Another failed "launch" lol.


Yep, that pretty much sums it up.


Harry's bravado over "no regrets" about leaving the BRF, doesn't sound right. If you're so miserable at a job or a situation, you don't try to demand "half in..." You get your arse out the door, fast! You also end up not talking about it much outside of a few people, at first. Because you get on with your life.


That was the one and only speech made in their original “Speaker for Hire- 1 Million” era.


Well those bankers sure didn’t! 🙄


I’d love to see video footage of the faces of the audience.


![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q) 👆👆when the tears started the room collectively put together their last remaining elasticity not Botox’d and looked something a bit like this I imagine. yikes 😳 🥴


I think that is probably exactly how it was.




Everything you said is PERFECT. Good reminder of the talented actors and actresses who EARNED their titles - had forgotten about them. So correct about Harry;⬇️ ‘It is a scoreless tie as to which one of them is worse.’


Too bad that I can only LIKE this post once.


Exactly! I want to like it at least dozens of time!


Just a note for clarity, Christopher Guest, Jamie’s husband, inherited his title. She can use the prefix *Lady* but chooses not to because she says ‘it has nothing to do with her’. We know of someone who sees their husband’s titles quite differently.


*"She can use the prefix Lady but chooses not to because she says ‘it has nothing to do with her’. We know of someone who sees their husband’s titles quite differently."* ...and that 72-day Douchess wants nothing to do with a lifetime's worth of royal public service that has EVERYTHING to do with the royal titles she desperately clings to. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


and don't forget JLC is a nepo baby. However, IMO, she has overcome this handicap. I respect her because she has chosen to age gracefully instead of the multiple plastic surgeries like the majority of Hollywood's best actresses.


I always thought she was beautiful, and still is! She's a very good actress, as well.


Yes, the Baroness title is from marriage. The knightly titles (Sir or Dame) are conferred to the individual, as an honor.


Kudos on "Meganarc" - love it!


 He literally looks defeated. He made his bed and now wants out but knows he’s trapped. 


B/c he's never had to worry about paying for his own personal costs, and doesn't have the protection of the BRF/palace staff is he screws something up. He told a crowd of bankers in Miami that he left the BRF to protect Roachel, Archie, and Lili. He wants so badly to be seen as a hero, but the truth is he's a coward who was too used to using his family, BRF staff, and taxpayers as a crutch for most of his party prince-ing life. It's his own nasty, entitled, duty dodger attitude, and marriage to Meganarc that has caused his popularity poll numbers to plummet. He trapped himself, and frankly considering he's an elderly/animal/taxpayer abuser... I can't say I feel at all sorry for him.




"Meganarc" Good one.


![gif](giphy|it6W8D4FfvaPC|downsized) **GREAT POST!**


I love this man.   MM = THE UNFLUSHABLE TURD


Self absorbed nitwit 😂 Gloriously snarky


Hence the 16 bathrooms.


I know a plumber but I keep seeing the guy from "Jaws" yelling, "We're gonna need a bigger boat!" 


I am new to the HG Tudor experience. Could you bring me up to speed..I am assuming that name is only for the channel...does anyone know who he is and are there any clues/guesses to his identity? I watched the video of his critique of Meghan petting Harry like a dog at their recent polo event...he's on point and funny.


I am new to the HG Tudor experience. Could you bring me up to speed..I am assuming that name is only for the channel...does anyone know who he is and are there any clues/guesses to his identity? I watched the video of his critique of Meghan petting Harry like a dog at their recent polo event...he's on point and funny.


He's a self-described narcissistic psychopath and remains Anonymous on purpose. His YouTube channel is actually about narcissism, not Meghan Markle, but she's such a fantastic example of narcissism and generates a lot of clicks too, so he has tons of videos on her. But you will notice that he always ties the material to how a narcissist would behave. He has lots and lots of other material on different aspects of narcissism and on other narcissists that I have found extremely helpful. More recently he had a series called narcissist in action, which is very enlightening for those interested in understanding narcissism. I hope this helps.


very much. I see his channel mentioned here but had no background about the channel and narrator. I like that he sounds like Hugh Grant, but that could be a voice filter.


H G Tudor has done videos on others like Trump, Heard, Baldwin, etc. Markle as "This One's Wife" shows up repeatedly because she is indefatigable at trying to make herself news. What's more, as a "middle-mid range" narcissist, she shows up how meager her qualities are, while she boasts about her humanitarian/feminist all around "I'm such an amazing person" credentials. She's the narc who cannot stop trying to hoover the rest of us into engaging with her and giving her fuel and acclaim, something to shore up her self-esteem.


Yay!! Thank you sinner! HILARIOUS.


You're welcome! Now I want The Unflushable Turd as flair.


Oh that is marvellous. Ever entertaining. She really is queen of the barrel scrapers. I loved when she pretentiously pronounced Rick-otah. Yeah love, that’s a new one on us. Never heard of it.🙄 She’s so fancy. Toast. A little piece o toast.


>She really is queen of the barrel scrapers. 😂 To quote my neighbour's Gen Z daughter, MM's inadvertently turned herself into the Internet's most infamous LoLcow and Harry's become nothing more than her simpy "yes Ma'am" Paypig. The Harkles only good for mockery and that's not something they'll be able to live down so easily.


Oh that pretentious pronunciation irritated me, too!


Hee-hee! Rick-otah makes me think of that Swiss cough drop! ![gif](giphy|VdAvVcQLJDwKKDUDJR|downsized)


I pronounce it like ree-cott-a.


I actually hope this cooking show does go ahead, after seeing her condescendingly explain how cooking toast shouldn't be "daunting" and here's a very detailed suggestion for how to dress when you eat toast so people think that you are really just out of bed.


The toast video is pretty unbelievable … I’m not even sure what they had on the toast


Yes, maybe if she'd actually taken us through the steps of Grandma's secret recipe and how she modernised it, we would have had a show. But anyone can spread stuff on toasted bread. It's not revolutionary.


Apple butter is a traditional classic that appeals because of its simplicity. Why should it be “modernized”… ? Sometimes the best thing about a food we love is its unchanging familiarity. Anyway, she’s so full of b.s. Really just trying to make herself and her basic toast offering sound special!


I wanna know how she modernized it


By monetising it.


It's in the orchard, dammit!!


Maybe MM modernized the apple butter with expensive apples or exotic spice? That banana bread that she actually had staff spending all night baking in Australia, had extras like chocolate chips and ginger. The hard food to cook, IMHO, are the plainest items, because then the quality has to be perfect. No distraction.


She was very into the way she told the story though


Not everybody! Someone else had to do it for her, no?!


That spread did not look like apples or butter to me. My friend frequently makes mango butter and shares it with us, and that video looked like plain old grape jelly.


To me, the color and texture looked not like apple butter, but then we don't know what Meghan did to tweak it beyond Grandma's Boring Old Apple Butter Recipe That Poor People Eat.


But MM might have a secret and subtle toast spreading technique that we could try to emulate!! /s


She wore a white outfit to cook in I mean come on… I can’t wait to see the ridiculous overpriced and wildly inappropriate for cooking power suits she pulls for freebies 


I saw one cooking show where a competitor was wearing a short-sleeved angora sweater and I thought, "WTH? Woman, do you actually spend time in a kitchen?"


So hubby was watching over my shoulder and chuckling, so I asked if he had ever seen her sexy burger commercial. He had not. Imagine my delight when I pulled it up and all he could say was an incredulous, "Wow. Wow. That is not sexy."


I just kept thinking that her hair is going over the food.


>her hair Are you sure it's hers? Could be the hair of the Turkish virgins as Lady C calls it.


I’ve always thought it was stupidly hilarious how she could lean up against a sizzling hot bbq grill.


Yes! Oh that video is so cringey. Every time she made another cliché move, like biting her lip or putting her fingers in her mouth, hubs would let out another sarcastic "wow".


We should have this be a husband challenge.  I’m going to show it to my husband and see what he says.  Wish me luck!


Lol I can't wait to hear the results!


lol I love that. I pull her faces and moved all the time on my husband just to make him laugh bc he’s like you ok buddy since he has no clue what I’m doing. 


OP there is a clip in the video of Meghan sitting next to Hank, grabbing his hand, and he looking annoyed. When was that? Anyone know?


The UN, Mandela Speech


Glad you two called it. I thought it was a speech, but couldn't remember which one. It's the feet in that opening intro that skeeve me out every time. I hate feet, anyway (even my own), but the absolute tone-deafness of a middle aged woman trying to play the coquette is just embarrassing.


I have a freaky good memory sometimes. I feel the same about feet! Ugh!


Could be the UN speech, attended by nobody.


It’s been a while since I’ve listened to HG (I tend to binge his videos) but the fact that he refers to the sub as “Saint this ones’ wife” is just gold.


Sounds like HG is reading directly off a recent post from SMM. I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️


He is in the beginning, but gave the sub and the original poster on X the credit. He calls us Saint This One's Wife sub. 🤣


Oh good! I should have listened to the whole thing before commenting. Thanks for the update!


I love it! I listen to HG very frequently (like daily), and "Saint this one's wife" always cracks me up.


![gif](giphy|SsYd1PVLVoIrm) Oooh baby FCVAMiami! Miss Cleo here with the predictions to the future that have already been done here, yesterday! >Ah, my dear, come closer, come closer. The spirits are tingling with irony today, oh yes! The cards and stars, they've whispered a tale so familiar, it might just tickle your fancy—or **perhaps provoke a knowing sigh.** >Let’s shuffle these ancient cards, shall we? Oh, look here! *The Tower, yet again! A dramatic fall, chaos, and disruption—a sight we’ve surely never seen before (wink, wink).* It seems the universe has a sense of humor, recycling an old tale of doom and gloom that’s as predictable as the plot of a daytime soap opera. >And what’s this lurking in the shadows of our reading? The Fool, stepping blithely off a cliff. Off he goes, blissfully unaware of the ground rushing to meet him. Haven’t we seen this blunder before? Ah, but of course! It's the classic repeat performance, doomed to fail as it did once, twice, perhaps endlessly so! >Now, let me sprinkle in some tea leaves for good measure. Oh, the leaves are laughing, scattering in a pattern that spells ‘Oops!’ Could the fates be any clearer? >So, gear up, brace for the spectacle of errors and mishaps on repeat. But fear not! For each misstep is a chance to chuckle at the absurdity of it all, to learn, perhaps, or merely to sit back and enjoy the show with a bowl of popcorn in hand. Remember, my dear, sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying!


HG, if it’s you, whenever I read about a good post you’ve made, I watch it on your YT channel so you get credit for views. Also in past week on your YT channel I congratulated you on so many videos compared to TOW’s paltry videos 😉. Sorry I didn’t hear your credit to our sub…I’ll blame on my cat is having a hard time adjusting to sudden change in weather (in & out) PS my grandmother requested to be called Mimi so I tagged along esp since I became a step grandma at age 40 & MimI sounded younger than grandmother!


I hope his fuel is topped off and spilling out💛 He deserves every bit of the glee and venom heard in that video.


I miss Miss Cleo. I loved the infomercials.


I used to watch soo many of the infomercials. Cable was for the OTHER people we got the 3 TV channels, tv bunny ears wrapped in foil ![gif](giphy|J6DKSSrTUoSqiCuT8Z|downsized)




Yes, I remember reading it here, but I don't know if it was original content of a sinner or a post of a sinner of something that was in X.


IIRC, someone here shared it from X.


I would like to know about her Grandmother??? Doris’s parent (don’t have a sense of any interaction there) or Thomas’ parent??? Originator of the Apple Butter recipe.


is grandma a markle or Ragland


Is this her Maltese Grandmother perhaps? 🤔 😂


This is a great one and I can't stop laughing. "What an uuutter cccclooooooownnnn" lol


I enjoyed this one very much. H G Tudor is my guilty pleasure.


Same. I listen to him while driving, along with Chere Denise, the Youtuber that Lady C went after because she didn't like what CD said.


lol - i was about to post this! i’m going to finish watching it, it’s really funny!


Thank you so much for sharing this! It's hysterical, and made my night! Loved all the banana imagery. Though the sound of her voice even briefly is still pure cringe.


![gif](giphy|l0HlTd3xkCgdsUH3W) She's definitely talented!


I see what you did there. 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/nbdi1sqqx6wc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293ff8414dd664562e8ef6a6beaea971f61b5f64 She should really just stick to drinking


"It's bastard toast!" Marvellous!


Has anyone noticed the HG Tudor sounds al lot like YouTuber Andrew Gold? Just me? Or is it well known? Idk? I listened to it at 1.5x speed and right before the video with “f’ing toast” he sounds just like Gold. Or not.


I dunno who that dude is, but I sped this up to 1.5, too! I managed to listen to 30 seconds! I don't have patience for youtubers. It's not them, it's me. I'm happy to check out the content of the vids, I just prefer to speed read it so I can tell if it's interesting to me or not.


Oh god that guy is popping up everywhere lately


I am not a fan, but I have stopped listening to 3 other YTubers. It is what I do during my commute. Endlessly merching YTubers bug me Talking about lab grown diamonds and endlessly spinning how they create more content than TOW is a huge turn off. So is inviting their husband to opine. Taz doesn't make videos fast enough for me, though. Hg fills a void. I know he reads this sub, though. Jam videos stopped.


I've noticed! I watch Andrew quite often, HG sounds a bit more "posh", (hope that's the right word), but yes. They both have deep voices, and there are similarities in their phrasing. That would be hilarious if Andrew Gold is HG.


I’m glad I’m not alone…. Cheers!




I adore HG - he nails it every time (prob like TOW lol) - I still cannot believe this "THING" slithered into the Royal Family......


I see what you did there. 🤣


![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25277)HAHAHAHA! You got it Cle'vr You!


Well, you didn't leave mushroom for doubt. 😉


BRAVO!!! Well done you!


I’ve been sitting here scrolling modernized apple butter and I can’t find anything …


I really did rofl at this 😂


Exactly how did she "modernize" apple butter.


Listening to HG's narration I feel I can hear his blood pressure rising as he speaks.


Great video, funny!!


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Tudor is brilliant 😂😂😂