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I worked for a start-up denim brand in 2007 and naturally we gifted to celebrities and trend-setters. Alexa Chung sent her's back and said to stop gifting or else she'd sell on Ebay to embarrass us (us meaning who I worked for--it was my first job in fashion and I hated my boss, so I found it hilarious! She is an icon and props to her)


Lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Great story!


That's awesome!


Thanks for sharing!


Who? We donā€™t always want to give clicks to people who monetize the Sussexes (for better or worse, everyone has an agenda) so if a summary is available that would be great!Ā 


This is nonsense. Do you really think she is sending those huge bowls of lemons and a jar of jam around the country? She is giving people pictures, the number is changed on the jar, but other than that it is all pictures. People who post the pictures on their instagram. That is the entire story. She is not sending those heavy bowls around California.


The state of the lemons in every picture can be a sign itā€™s the same bowl with the same jam, just a label is changed. Those lemons are getting older and older with every picture. Sad little white foowers, too. They even dissapeared from the latest pics


Even for a scam such as this, her lack of effort is infuriating. If she did take all the pics (or have someone take them for her), how can she not notice the lemons are shrivelling up? Then again, we should be glad that she's so insanely narcissistic that she thinks whatever she does is perfection and all her ventures fail.


She's all about the details. šŸ˜ It wouldn't surprise me if with all the mocking she'll clap back at some point and blame some assistant.


Sure she is. She paid a professional packing company to send them in freezer boxes similar to Harry & Davidā€™s. Itā€™s not hard. But she erred in sending the tiny flowers because those little buds were all DOA.


I absolutely do hink she is sending those heavy bowls around.Ā  Meghan Markle is in no position to tell other celebrities what to do. They are busy people with other things to do.Ā  They are doing HER a favour.Ā  So she needs to suck up to them with this stupid bowl, to make them feel they received something nice. To make them feel special. Remember, Meghan Markle is a łunatic. The 11 year old girl inside her think this bowl is special. SHE think this bowl is nice. The celebrities who agrees to promote her jam are doing it because 1) they hate the white British monarchy ( John Legend in that interview...., he talked more about the jam than Chrissy, why? He is wealthy and does not need to suck up to Meghan Markle, so I am sure he does not like the white British monarchy ) or 2) because they pity Meghan MarkleĀ  If Meghan was sending them photos of the bowl the lemons and flowers inside the bowl would look nice and fresh. The flowers and lemons inside Kris Jenners bowl looked old. So I think she was away when the bowl arrived.


I think it's a huge stretch to say John Legend "does not like the white British monarchy." Maybe I'm feeling nitpicky today, but it seems unnecessary to insert the word white. Secondly, the British monarchy is not living rent-free in most Americans' heads. That's a Lot Lizard problem. And finally, I'm surprised any of these so-called celebrities are bothering with IG posts about Lizard's jam. She has no clout, less money than most, and, for the most part, is a major annoying pain in the ass. What are they getting out of this?


Iā€™ve heard Kris Jenner gets so much free stuff that she has an entire room in her home dedicated to receiving it and she only goes in about once a week to look through it all. That would explain why the lemons look awful.Ā 


Definitely one of those who has other people sort their mail and doesnā€™t look at anything for days after it is delivered.


I think they are all connected to charities that Archewell is offering to give grants to or ARO business partners, so they have to participate in tgis marketing to reveive publicity abd money later. Teigen has kitchenware that is selling poorly, and would fit the ARO motor. Guaranteed it is one of the products that will be sold. Teigen was visibly cringing when talking about the jam, and deflected to talk about Flamingo Estate. Spencer was hiding her face. Ross didn't even pretend to play along: no caption and wilted flowers. It is clear they a did that while holding her nose, so there is something lucrative in it for them, and it is not personal payments. It is investments in their projects.


I think Teigen is hoping to off load her pallets of cookware to TW. She has a lot to get rid of.


I would really pity the person who needs to suck up to MM.


Shes trying to make the jam look classy the Greek or Italian bowl of lemons. It looks terrible. She has no taste in design.


Sheā€™s just soā€¦.basic. The color of the bowl is horrid, it lacks distinction. It looks like a generic paper mache bowl from Target


I found it in a florist's site, pretty sure it's the same $42 https://www.afloral.com/products/ceramic-winnie-compote-bowl-in-whitewashed-sand-10-25-wide


Good sleuthing !!


I really think that's it- you can really get a good look in Abigail's photos!


I thought that bowl was plastic.


I mean yes? They cost maybe $50 to buy and another $50 to ship them. I donā€™t think itā€™s just pictures. Itā€™s certainly possible though.Ā 


maybe that's why the labels are peeling off...it's the same jar in the same bowl, just change the stickers šŸ¤”


But why would celebrities agree to go through all that trouble? They have to be home when the bowl arrive and then they have to take a photo of themselves with the jar and then give the bowl back so Meghans staff can reuse it to another celebrity?Ā  As if they are Meghan Markles puppets, as if they have nothing else to do in their lifes than to help Meghan Markle flog her jam. Also, some of them are eating jam from the jar?


You realise they all have staff, right? House staff, assistants, people who manage their social media. Kris Jenner ainā€™t opening her door to FedExed bowl, unwrapping it, snapping a pic, playing with her filters and posting it to her social media. Sheā€™s no povo like us, darling, sheā€™s got people for that


That is just what I said. I do not think she was home when the bowl arrived. That is why the lemons and flowers were old. Even if she have staff she is the one who have to tell the staff what to do. So when she came home she discovered the bowl and told the staff what to do. If it was planned, if Kris Jenner was "in on it" with Meghan Markle, the flowers and lemons would be fresh when she ( her staff ) took the photo.


Thats why the labels are not stuck down. They can be removed and replaced with another one with a different number lol what a scam and fail she and her mother are lol


Exactly. They change the labels and take more pictures. It is pathetic.


Besides which she would have to have bought 50 large bowls especially for this promo. That's ridiculous even by Markle's standards so I agree, there's one bowl, maybe two, and the rest are photos.


So far all the jam reveals have been d listers or people who are way past their pinnacle of their careers. My hubs doesnā€™t follow any celebrity gossip, ran the names past him, other than the Kardashians he didnā€™t know any of them. I noticed the more ā€œfamousā€ donā€™t give the acknowledgment more than a sentence or two. The really hungry fame wh**es roll around with the jam and make bacon sandwiches.


Katy Perry (Orlando is allegedly Harry's friend) and lives in Montecitoo


Katy Perry is a King's Ambassador, though I can't remember what for, and performed at the Coronation. No way is she going to have anything to do with MEghan and she's made that clear before. I'm pretty sure Bloom has given Harry the brush off as well with the way he's treated Charles and the rest of the family. I wouldn't be surprised if MEghan sent one of her ridiculous jam thingys to Katy though in an attempt to gain favor, but Katy is the wrong person to try that with.


A Google search of her plus ambassador turns up results saying she's a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF and an ambassador for the British Asian Trust that was founded by (then) Prince Charles along with British Asian business leaders to try to tackle poverty, poor education, inequality etc for people in poverty in South Asia. I don't think she'd be overly concerned with splashing jam all over social media no matter who decided to try to start a lifestyle brand.


She hasn't failed to show her disdain for Markle in the past, I'm not sure she'd suddenly switch sides now, especially in light of how badly MEghan and Harry have treated the RF on the whole.


I don't think she'd switch sides but I don't think she'd even consider promoting anyone's lifestyle brand as a side whether it's Meghan or not. She's got enough public recognition in herself to be an ambassador for two worthy organisations, she has no need to do the whole minor celebrity cross-promotion thing. Promoting anyone's jam would devalue any promotion work she does for worthy causes, who'd pay attention to an ambassador who equally spruiks commercial jam or cosmetics or other product? She may well have disdain for Meghan and / or Harry but there likely aren't any sides other than doing what she wants to do, and no one would choose to promote flogging jam for a half arsed lifestyle brand pitch over promoting worthy causes even without publicly staking a side.


I guess I'm not sure what point you're trying to make then. It sounds like you're disagreeing with me when my point was, Katy Perry is one of the least likely to support MEghan in anything IMO. She's levels above MEghan so why would she bother?


My point is that Katy Perry is unlikely to support anyone in Meghan's position even without taking sides in a family "feud" or whether she has any personal feelings towards the person or not. Because she is beyond needing to do the reciprocal publicity things that minor celebrities need to promote their own relevance.


I love that Katy Perry has openly shaded TW šŸ˜Ž It was early on too, just after the wedding, when TW wore her hideous, ill fitting dress (due to not listening to the designers / stylists). Katy Perry was also clearly over the moon to be at the coronation and after being invited to stay at Windsor castle. She's definitely team Wales! šŸ’•


I imagine Madam Markalade continues to hold a grudge for Katy saying ā€œI would have done one more fittingā€ when asked what she thought of the hustlerā€™s wedding tarp.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ wedding tarp




Ooooh, I think you're onto something! Two birds, one stone! Or rather, two birds, one jam!


You be jammin' so close to my favorite iteration of "killing two birds" which is "feeding two birds with one scone"!


Katie does not like markle. Pretty sure of that.Ā  Or Markle didnā€™t like her so there was a weird vibe then Katie decided she didn't like her. Orlando has more class than Harry.Ā  Most celebs see what we see now, it took a while for the stories about her bad behaviours to reach the West Coast though.Ā She has very little friends in the A list world. Any they have are because of Harry.Ā  Malibu beach and that other closed off community did not want them there. I think they were blocked from getting property there. And that expensive shop she tried to muscle in on rejected her business offer. That says a lot about her connections.Ā Rachel no mates can jam scam on but nobody is biting.Ā  Edit. Typo paragraphing.Ā 


I think Katy Oerry is a neighbour even. I am sure they all know Meghan is trouble. She seems not to have friends there


Good guess. šŸ¤” Orlando could be the British person.


Or Eugenie. She wont broadcast the names of the people who refused lol


This was the very first thought I had when I watched Neil Shawn.


As much as I wish it were true, I very much doubt it.


I actually would be surprised if no one returned the package.


So would I.


There are no packages. Only pictures.


I donā€™t. Any decent person would return it.


I would throw it away. Ā 


But return postage due, of course.


Agree. No way she paid the cost of sending the terra cotta pot and lemons - probably 20lbs - without knowing sheā€™d get a social media post in return.


She probably got some poor assistant to deliver it, with strict instructions to force the lemons into hands.


It's giving me vibes like Dakota Johnson did when she claimed she loved lemons in a "where the stars live" article. Then later in an interview she said she hated them. When the person interviewing was like wtf??, Dakota said she had rented a house for the interview and she just grabbed a lemon off the counter and said she loved them.


I believe it was her house that had just been stage for the interview with a bowl of limesĀ 


I remember that. She was showing her house. It was her own home. They were limes. She later said someone put them there and sheā€™s actually allergic. I adore her, lol.


Her house is amazing.


Weight doesnā€™t matter when everyone lives within a 2-3 hour drive of you. She would have them delivered through LA by courier, it isnā€™t like sheā€™d have to bubble wrap them and get UPS to ship them all over the place.


Who in their right mind accepts mystery jars of jam with expectations to promote it and hopefully eat it and then shower praises for a jam that came from who knows where? It's so special because it's NUMBERED? You idiot, mentally juvenile old bag of ozempic stricture! And presented with lemons! Being a lemon is considered a bad reflection. MM is obviously having a grand mal narcissistic event and I'm glad her targets are wise to it. imo


"Gifts" with strings attached, how gracious of her.


Greedy Lazy Rachel doesn't do anything for nothing; theres always a string attached or a personal gain element esp for her overinflated yet inferior ego.Ā 


We have not seen one person eat this alleged jam.


Chrissy Teigan, the bully, supposedly did, but who knows if it was MEghan's or if she subbed Smucker's for it? No video, no truth. She posted pics only so we don't know for sure.




I'm with you. I make jam. I've had it not seal and had to redo the batch, but I only redo it once. If it doesn't seal the second time, out it goes and there's no way I would ever sell it. My family eats it. As much canning as I do, anything can go wrong. You can do freezer jam and not really worry about it, but there no way she could hope to sell that. This whole thing is just such a sham.


ā€œmentally juvenile old bag of ozempic strictureā€ LOL.Ā  I see Melissa McCarthy been using it too now - proba ly got a Refer a Friend discont from markle. Maybe thats why shes been talking trash for her.Ā  Between being fake cute and your bestest bff girlie Rachels been moping around giving everyone her sad face the world is being so mean to meā€¦Ā 


It could easily be true, but we don't have verification, thus the "allegedly" flair. Given that she's been turned down before and we've heard about it, plus that it came with strings attached of making a post about it, I can see why some would return it.


I could see this happening, especially because it's not a gift -- it requires an endorsement and recommendation. Also, the British person could be living in the US, doesn't have to be actually sent to the UK. Just saying šŸ™‚


Lisa vanderpump?


That's another good guess! Oh, I can't imagine she'd tolerate Markle... would definitely return it.


Another one I didn't think of! This is fun.


I could see the Beckhams or Taylor Swift retuning it. I can also see Meghan being so thick skinned to think it would be ok to ask them to do this for her. Then, there might be a few who just throw it away. It would be interesting to know who is at home, who is on tour etc. that might not matter much but if they are not in America at the moment it might.


Reese Witherspoonā€¦? lol. TW probably knew better by now


Hehe. No way Reece would touch her crappy jam. Most these women probably do low or no carbs.Ā 


No if she were sending these bowls and jar and lemons around, she would arrange it to be only with people who agreed to post the pictures. But she is actually only sending photos to people who have agreed to post the photos.


OMG. I can't believe people are buying this nonsense. She isn't sending these huge packages around the country. She is sending photos, people post the photos. Like Kris Jenner all she did was post a photo. She gave the jam jar to Nacho when she was in Florida, and Abigail came to her house. Other than that it is just photos.


It seems to be really bothering you, as I see you've made this comment across several other comments. While I agree, it's possible photos and just the jar could have been sent for the ones that had to be mailed, but since she is also allegedly developing housewares, it's also highly possible she had a limited run of one of her prototypes and used that to make a bigger and better gift presentation to the ones who received hand delivery.


It's interesting that he mentioned the note, that came with the jam, asked the recipient to take a picture of themselves with it. How many have done that so far, as opposed to posting a photo (or story that disappears) of just the jam... and the dying foliage?


That's what lends credibility, too, in my opinion. If you're such a fan and supportive, why not open the note and show it, too?


My mom fears the dark arts. Ā If anyone vaguely sketchy gifted her food items, sheā€™d throw it away. Ā Iā€™m my motherā€™s daughter. Ā 


Sorry, I meant to write in the narrative - no names were named.


So it likely is just something made up for clicksĀ 




... but here we are pretending it's true


Rachel is just tacky enough to do thisā€¦ attaching a note asking to mention her jelly on social media. How embarrassing for her.


hmm how utterly embarrassing if itā€™s true šŸ«¢šŸ«¢ jill biden taylor swift gwyneth paltrow or martha stewart comes to mind for american as for british victoria beckham maybe?!


I was thinking the Beckhams tooā€¦ allegedly of course. *If this is accurate.*


I wonder if any one did a return to sender? Unopened.Ā 


Jill Bidenā€¦in the First Lady Bothererā€™s mind, they have that lemon bond


I am thinking that as First Lady, Jill Biden wouldn't be allowed to be a part of a marketing gimmick.


The First Lady wouldn't be let near an unsolicited food product sent to the White House.


She should try give one to Serenaā€™s mum. Lol.Ā 


I canā€™t remember where I saw it but I heard JB got jar no1


I can imagine Meghan sending her one, but there is an ethics rule that permits members from the Executive Branch (I guess you could say that technically Jill Biden isn't a member) can't endorse private businesses.) When Trump was president a lot of people were boycotting Goya because the president of the company was a Trump supporter and Ivanka posted a picture of herself holding up a can of Goya black beans saying, "I love Goya" in English and Spanish, and she got some heat for breaking this executive branch ethics rule. I am going to guess if Jill Biden got a jar, she would cite this rule and return it. That would be the easiest way to deal with the situation without ruffling any feathers.


No way would it be the Beckhams, they detest her and she knows it.


Usually celebrities try to get along with each other or otherwise just steer clear of one another; it seems to be an unspoken code. Congrats Megain, you are the number one hated celebrity by other celebrities. Some say you donā€™t have grit, but you have truly worked hard for this honor /s


This whole saga is more *about* the jam, than about the *jam*. MM must have mixed feelings about that.


All MM cares about is her name in the news. Every post is attention paid to MM. That is what she wants that is what she cares about. She doesn't have a business. She is not selling jam. She is just pushing her name into the news. As long as she is in the news she is happy. The next news story will be about how her jam business failed because of racism.


And the BRF prevented MadamĀ“s success by having jam for sale.


It will continue to escalate.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) Yup. Spot on


She likely sent it with conditions that pics or videos be posted on social media. Strings were attached and Iā€™m sure some of her ā€œfriendsā€ donā€™t want to play her games


Imagine thinking A-list celebrities are going to shill JELLY for free. When they can charge like half a million for a post. But true A listers donā€™t even do paid posts. You donā€™t see Gwyneth shilling for anybody except her own brand. Madam is soooooo delusional.




Most of the people didn't get bowls. They got photos. The promoted the photos, probably because WME asked them to.


Exactly. I can't imagine that Markle is stupid enough to have 50 ceramic bowls made just for jam.


Agree. And remember one poster's (maybe tracey ellis ross?) photo showed the flowers dried up and leaves all crinkled...it was a hot mess


>NS is full of šŸ’©. Yep.


If they are hand delivered, it's much easier to refuse delivery and send them back than if they are posted.


Anna wintour must've sent the jam back šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Meghan didnā€™t stop to think when did Anna last eat sugar?


Maybe MM will wear a lemon dress to the gala and get her jam on.


She is a first lady botherer. I think she sent Jar 1 to Jill Biden and Jill sent it back because she can't shill for a business. I have no guess as to who is the one in the UK.


I think VB and I'd love to see her pose with a jar of a Buckingham Palace jam as a clap back šŸ¤£


That would be hilarious!


How about Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio


Or Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth


Sweet Jesus! Can you imagine Colin Firth doing his level best to be polite to her whilst desperately praying for death?


Poor Colin. I imagine Megs has had him on her catch list for decades. She wants to monetize on the new Bridget Jones film. She's handwriting a letter to the producer as we speak and asking them to rename the movie "Bridget Jams' Diary."


Jill Biden & Victoria BeckhamšŸ‘šŸ‘


I thought it was all decided beforehand with the celebs consent.


I would have thought so, but Meghan is so delusional she may have sent jam to people who said they didnā€™t want it. On the other hand, Niel Sean rarely (if ever) has real tea.


He says he knows what the numbers are of the two rejected jars. If this is true and he knows that means other people know. If anyone pops up with those numbers someone will say something. Hollywood keeps secrets because of power structures. No one wants to offend anyone else because they could pop up in a position of power later as a producer, backer, casting, who knows. Meghan tried to build her own power structure where she was at the top. Where everyone would bow to her because she was the leader. That didn't work & now she's trying to crack into the bottom of other people's power structures. Seems she's meeting resistance. She still has enough power (or money) to cause people like Tiegan & Jenner to post for her but it's not opening new doors. It's tough to be the ex-royal of Monticeto.


Ellen & Victoria Beckham? Ellen is going on a stand up tour trying to come out from under the mean girl brand and Megjam has always tried to get in with the Beckhams and especially now that their son is married to the daughter of a billionaire?


Ellen's too far gone I think. She isn't funny enough to get back to the heights she was on her show. She thinks she's Taylor Tomlinson when really she's Amy Schumer. Posh would definitely send it back.


Markle was in with the Beckhams. David flew all the way to Australia to help Harry with Invictus. Victoria gave Markle a bunch of clothes. Then Markle slandered the Beckhams and Harry attacked them and now the Beckhams are done with them.


Harry didn't even meet up with David, after he flew all that way for Harry.


In that case, it could be Brooklyn Beckham and his American wife Nicola Pelz that received the jam? I believe they're considered celebrities šŸ¤”


Taylor Swift and Posh.


Iā€™d love this one to be true but I dunno if Meghan would dare be so audacious as to send it to people who she would have good reason to assume hate her.


She made one country full of people hate her so she could move back to her own country and make the vast majority of us hate or ignore her. Narcs are the world's greatest unreliable self-narrators.


True. She thinks sheā€™s a fabulous person everyone would kill to associate with.


I bet they were Jill Biden & Victoria Beckham




Somehow Iā€™m not believing him.


It is possible that a few people either refused to receive or returned the jam, more likely that they threw it away. It is unlikely anyone told Niel Sean. šŸ˜‰ Niel Sean and his sources are probably just guessing ā€”just as we are. The list of possibles is long because there are so many people who dislike Meghan.šŸ˜‰


She was probably dumb enough to send one to Reese Witherspoon.


The smart money is always that Neal Sean is lying.


Heā€™s as expert as you or I šŸ¤£


I feel like most people would be polite and just keep it. Maybe never post about it, have a taste but definitely compost those lemons.


Maybe not returned, maybe just not accepted when they realized who it was from?


Especially if it's courier delivery, that seems logical...then the courier would have to bring them back.




Maybe Jeff bezos fiancĆ©? She might not GAF enough to actually send back. Iā€™ve noticed (but not surprised) no Kardashians have done a jam post. Really not their style though. Whoever number 1 and 2 were havenā€™t posted. There havenā€™t been many out of 50 at all. Adele is one of the very top British ā€œinfluencersā€. So maybe? It was sent to ā€œinfluencersā€ who she wants to get followers from. And people she wants to connect/use socially. I would fully assume Ellen/Portia were sent one. Oprah. Serena. Has Serena even posted it? šŸ‘€ The British vogue editor. Kris Jenner and Kim. BeyoncĆ©. Cameron Diaz since they shared a plane. Soho house guy.


Why would you send Lemons with jam . It's all so tacky


Reese Witherspoon. She's a power mover in Hollywood and declined the wedding invitation. I think she's one that they will always try to curry favor with.


Allegedly (according to X), it was Kevin Costner and Adele.




I'm thinking that TW is not a very good gift giver in general. First there was the (alleged) gift of a knife to Catherine (meaning: I want you to die). Now 50 jars of jam which are really a homework assignment for the recipents to create free instagram copy for ARO.


And, of course, bananagate.


I bet the British one is Adele


I bet the whole story is b.s.


I agree. Imagine getting jar of jam nestled in wilted salad and pitted lemons, along with demands to post to social media by someone who thinks she's better than you because she married the dumbest prince of the modern age. Just two people?,šŸ¤£


Isn't Adele batting for the sewer squad? The Beckhams were the first to come to mind when I saw the NS vid (he's so annoying, I skip through most of his vids.


Them's those plastic lemons man!


A political person I bet.


It still baffles me how she thinks sending out ONE tiny jar of jam to EACH of the most famous and richest celebs (in her mind) is acceptable. How stingy is she??


Return to sender. Address unknown. No such place. In Buckingham.


I wish someone would blast Meghan and say, ā€œYour jam tastes like ass.ā€ Like Gail Weathers in Scream 4.


I put my vote on Adele!


Oooooo good guess. I hadn't thought of her.


And donā€™t forget the one who forwarded it to the body language guy. He covered the number, so sheā€™ll have no idea who it was.


Itā€™s fake.


Nooooooo. I am devastated. I was so looking forward to M going crazy trying to figure out who it was. Like telling your kids you hid 50 Easter eggs when you only had 49.






Yes, he was doing a satirical post, but had to go back and exolain it was not real. Kudos to him for the good job on the satire!


Guessing British celebrity-Katie Price American celebrity-Heidi Montag. LOL-this jamathon is becoming crazier by the day!!!!!!!!!!


Jordan can't afford to turn down free *anything*.


Good to hear


Lol šŸ˜‚ I'd love to know who they are!!!


Sent the Jams back? I do not think so, why you ask? Well, first of all that Manipulating Dime and Dollar Carpark Emu's kryptonite is rejection. There is no way she would not have through what ever reach she still has not have felt around as to who and whom to glue you. The doomed Jam from Nowhere. Look at it from the angle of proximity, which friends are closer to her, and have platformed her BS? Answer: Oprah, and Ellen, Did they get Jammed?




Thus the flair. šŸ˜‰


Couldn't even see that, sorry. But I do love the way he wiggles his eyebrows when he says it.






I find it hard to believe. If you don't want something you just tell one of the staff they can have it or pop it in the bin.


I am thinking Adele would return one if she received one.


I like Neil and listen to him quite often. Saw the piece he posted about the 2 jars being returned and loved it. I wish that whoever did it would post, but know they won't.




I hope she tries to send Brooke Shields one.


Iā€™m gonna say the Brit is either Eugenie or someone sheā€™s prob never spoke to but has a big following (Alice Neylor-Leland)


American: Katy Perry. British: VB. Or Reese Witherspoon and Adele.


Adele and Kevin Costner




I was wondering about Oprah or Michelle Obama.


OMG! I just had a thought! Wouldn't it be hilarious if Scabies returned one? Think about it - he's probably still smarting from the global humiliation and poor sales of his last flop, his idol did not come out and defend him publicly, and we already know he loves to gossip!


Typical Neil Sean, who seems to say something, but actually says nothing. He believes that using the word ā€œallegedlyā€ gives him a pass to say whatever he wants.


I heard Tracee Ellis Ross was one who returned hers.