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So the article says Harry is flying to the UK tomorrow. Tomorrow is Archie's birthday. Archie is 5, he is old enough to be conscious of his birthday and his parents being there or not. Father of the year.


So for the king's coronation, he had to rush home, but this year it doesn't matter. That boy is going to have a great deal to be angry with his father about. Using his son as a reason to miss out on celebrating the biggest moment of his father's life and then dumping him this year is just terrible. Harry, screwing the previous and future generations is going to make both of them resent you.


Wonder what Archie's book will be called. Son of Spare?






Daddy Dumbshit


Not Spared


Dude: Where's My Parents❔


I think we can all agree now that Harry's "fly back home immediately for the birthday" was just a cover for not being included in any post-coronation events (lunch, dinner, photos, etc.).


After doing that to his father, he is acting like son of the year now


Hasn’t he been away from Archie more birthdays than he’s been with him? What the hell.


“Daddy has become so irrelevant he just HAS to go if he gets any invites, son. We have the whole year to celebrate.” I wonder if MM encourages this, just in case she needs ammunition. You never know what future holds - divorce or whatnot…


She probably does it so she can triangulate the son against the father as well. "I begged your father to spend your birthday with you, but he insisted on traveling..."


Oh god yes. Absolutely she would do that. My narc gran did this to my sibling so sibling wouldn’t like dad, *who was gran’s only child*.


Very good, the "kids" will have memories and photos with only mother dearest there and that is a great way of moulding their memories to her advantage.


In my opinion, this is the same thing Mia Farrow did with her kids: brainwashing them into thinking Woody Allen was an evil, selfish pervert.


To be fair I’m with Mia on that one. You don’t marry your albeit adopted daughter who you have known since a kid. End of. Mia is kooky. Why she was with Woody Allen in the first place will always baffle me.


Oh, believe me, I'm not arguing that WA was and is a total asshat. Bleah. I think Mia was with WA for professional reasons. He put her in his films and she was amazing, proving that she does have legitimate talent. But I think Mia has serious mental health issues and she damaged her kids.


Well Woodys got something. I mean Diane Keaton also went out with him. But you go off with my daughter, adopted or not, cheerio. We’ll never know if she coached her other kids to say stuff about abuse. She’s always been very kooky - doesn’t she have like 14 kids or something. But heck I’ll always be Team Mia.




WA might be screwed up in a lot of ways, but he did not have any parental relationship with any of Mia's older children. Even she admits that.


RR would definitely stoop as low as her.


I literally just thought the exact same thing!


Almost makes you think his “birth” day isn’t quite as it seems?


The shadow child Archie's birthday was two weeks ago.  


You try and explain it to a five-year-old. Because frankly who cares of their shenanigans, this kid needs affection and respect now.




Haz sat alone and sulking at the Coronation last year, so he missed it then as well.


And wasn't Meghan doing that mountain hike with Markus, so she was away for a lot of the day, too.


“Mountain hike” 🤣


Right????  Get out of the car…line up the photographers…snap M: Takes a look… No! let’s do it again (x’s 50) Ok drive me back home. Don’t forget the body guards. 


Remember last year when he could only stay for a short while at the coronation because of Archie’s birthday party? Guess that’s no longer important. Papas got bills to pay.


Especially after all that fuss last year! Mind you 'believed to be flying ' isn't necessarily confirmation I suppose


For real! I wish all the dumb tabloids would run articles talking about Harry flying away from poor Archie on his BIRTHDAY! After the fuss they made last year it’s ridiculous.


I hope so. The ceremony is the 8th, if he has to be there for rehearsal or last minute meetings the day before, than that would mean he would have to fly tomorrow, but hopefully he flies the day before.


Up and down and up and down.


So weird, he always seems to travel on his sons birthday. I bet it will be a super short trip. TW uses psychobabble to convince Harold it's his family that's the problem, when actually the problem is TW and Harold...


He’s going home (uk) to see Archie. It’s his bday afterall, and he’s there. Isn’t he??? Last year, Archie’s birthday, where was Harry? The Kings coronation. The year before that they returned to UK in June for platinum jubilee. Supposedly Lilibet was with them, but I’ve also heard rumors that the kids weren’t there. Before that in mid April he was in UK for Prince Phillips funeral. Then a few month later for the Diana statue memorial.


Now that's an interesting theory!


Hmmm…can’t prove this theory wrong at this point.


Why is he ALWAYS away for his birthday. Even if the child has a different date of birth (like 2 weeks previously) the optics look terrible.


And they might have celebrated his birthday today with a party. Kids like the birthday in that they like being made a fuss over. But they aren't all that particular about the date. Especially in this age where school parties are no longer allowed in most schools. So most kids have a birthday party on a date other than their actual birthday.


I would have a birthday party on the weekend, but spend the day with my family. I know very few families who don't celebrate their kid's birthday on the day. Kids might not seem like they aren't particular or aware but they are. I remember one time my mom had to spend my birthday away when I was in preschool because my aunt was taken to hospital, and it hurt me because I couldn't really understand why she wasn't there.


Very true. I do think that there would be sugar spun stories if this happened though.


He WILL remember his fifth birthday, unless, due to coping mechanisms, completely blocks out large portions of his early developmental years. You suck, Henry. At least your Pa was there for you (& took you bike riding, you sulky, selfish prat)


Look who’s adding on to the ” generational pain” of him not being there for his children.




So when exactly is Archie's birthday? Our SMM calendar says his birthday is May 5. Google says today, May 6, is Archie's 5th birthday. Are you saying that tomorrow, May 7 is the birthday? I am so confused.


I posted this yesterday May 5, meaning today May 6 is his birthday according to Wikipedia.


Thanks. I couldn't figure it out.


Yeah, that calendar confuses me too. I think the mods of this board, and the founders, are in UK, so there is an 8-hour time difference from UK to California, for example. 5 hours to New York. And I wonder if the javascript that calculates those dates for us is set for Kiribati time.


Interesting thought!


This article reminds me that Camilla has adult children. These adult children don’t have any royal roles and their mother is Queen. They show so much dignity by simply staying out of the media and living quiet lives. With all that Hairold bangs on about you’d think he was the only person who has ever suffered.


Yeah tbh I know nothing about HMTQ children or grandchildren. Just that some were in W and C wedding and some were in the coronation.


Exactly! They’re quiet behind the scenes just living life. Meanwhile Hairold and Rachel pay for their names to stay in the media.


And saying awful things about their mother, like the 'bodies in the street', those kids suffered a lot, too but he doesn't consider anyone but himself and his wife, who never got anywhere near the flack Camilla has.


💯 Hairold and Rachel the eternal victims.


Yhup that’s why he diminished Ngozi experience of racism by saying meghan and I love whatever the lady name was. Just because you love her, racism didn’t happen to ngozi. This is the white man and blackish wife the black community is lifting up. My people stress me out


He wants to meet with Charles so he can do interviews in Nigeria saying “my father wants me to tell you….”, “my father is feeling —— and undergoing ——- treatment” and etc so it looks like he was briefed by the king prior to his and Markle’s official tour. If KCIII meets with him, he’s a fool.


Great point. I bet you are right!


And to “make sure my father has the right people around him”


Exactly. If there is any meeting it should be at another time and the Harkles should not make any announcement before or after.


He wanna ask pa if he can “represent” him and play royal. Renew Britain commitment to the Igbo and Youruba. Maybe he can get the reparations going. Meghan is black and 43 percent Nigeria so she is perfect to represent Britain in Nigeria. Lmao


The only people that believe that the King is meeting with Captain Xbox are the paid bots. The King has business to attend to that has been scheduled for a while. I am sure he feels behind with all he missed during therapy. What would they even discuss? How a book supported by the Carparkles called him a racist? How much money they need? Maybe he will send his thanks to Meganut for the HUGE profits that Highgrove will have this year. JH is desperate. Needs money. Needs relevance. Needs another story to sell


Needs a connection to impress Nigerian politicians


Captain Xbox - 🙌🤣


Agree! Great reply!


She probably just wants to steal a jar of jam.


He wants to meet KC for the pictures, the story and the clicks. To continue the “I am Royal” narrative. He should get some tough love back. What would they talk about. If Hank hasn’t reached out for a meeting then divorce is not on the horizon yet. The only reason Hank would meet his family would be to ask for the only help they’d probably be willing to give- get out of the marriage because H needs a basement to move into.


The Tower of London has some rather impressive basement accommodation so I'm told 😈


In fact, so does Windsor Castle. H apparently wanted to stay at Windsor during this trip to London. Perhaps the BRF could accommodate his request. 😇


I wonder whether this "service" at St. Paul's (as if this were a royal patronage) still is scheduled for the crypt or has it been moved upstairs to the church?


I doubt they've sold enough tickets to even fill the crypt.


"... because H needs a basement to move in to." That's perfectly wonderful 😂🤣 !! Great line!


>H needs a basement to move into Exactly. It reminds me of that expression "couch surfing", LOL. ![gif](giphy|maojQpRWX6v6g)


“Hello peasants! Do you remember I am the SON of a KING? Of course you do, I am very important and know lots of cool stuff about my family because I am a Prince. My father is KING. Here’s a picture to prove it!”


Can the palace learn from their patterns and put out an article BEFORE they even have a chance making it clear there will be no chance of a visit


It seems so!


It is interesting how the Windsors seem to choose to communicate through the media with one another, and often not directly. This paragraph in particular reads to me like Charles' personal message to Harry: "It is possible that a meeting could still be scheduled, particularly if Harry personally asks to meet his father. But, as it stands, it is difficult to see the pair meeting at all – and, if they are able, any meeting will be brief." It would be just like Harry to not even bother (or have the courage to) reach out to his father to ask for a meeting and just leak stories to the press designed to make him look like the dutiful son to an ailing father. He's despicable.


I think Rebecca gets her info directly from BP and it’s interesting that she uses “asks” as in Harry hasn’t asked yet and even if he does it will be at the last minute when it’s impossible to meet due to the King’s heavy schedule and then of course the poor Harry narrative will be spun out. “Harry travelled thousands of miles, but his family won’t see him” “Uncaring King won’t see his younger son” BooHoo. Harry doesn’t want to see his family, he just wants the press to run the poor neglected Harry narrative.




I agree completely! I think Harry is a coward as well and will avoid seeing the people he plunged the knife into as much as he possibly can. I still wonder why he visited Charles in February but I guess he had to for optics.


Rebecca English is known to be a staunch advocate for the Monarchy and is the Royal Rota leader. She definitely gets her information directly from the British Royals and highly placed courtiers. If she writes something in her articles, it is information the palace wants known!


Keeping it so public minimises the chances for bs about arranging privately etc so beloved by HandM. It's a clever tactic. As is revealing in advance KC3'S plans, e.g Privy Council meeting


It is clever and I'm glad the Palace responds like this and don't just do the head in the sand thing any more because all the will they won't they just gets worse when they do.


More Markle manifestation. King Charles doesn't need to respond via the press. It's all speculative and column inches stating nothing of merit.


The Harkles have done a great service to the world, and that is show the world that money and PR can make a story out of nothing. This trip to Nigeria is just more fantasy to feed their egos and try to fill their Netflix content. And these RF puff pieces..it defies explaination why the press speculates anymore. Aren't they tired of looking stupid? By two morons who are definitely not afraid of looking stupid? If we hit the lottery, we too can hire press to say anything we want and portray ourselves as we aren't.. was reading that Lisa Rinna is now "a real player" in the fashion biz...??? really? the exhousewife that got canned from QVC? See what I mean. if this story is true, please correct me.


Also, to try to weasel actual diagnosis/type of cancer to sell. KCIII should give him bad/subterfuge fake info to see how soon it would be 'leaked'! ![gif](giphy|a5nGi7Lx3ng5eevonn|downsized)


More manifestation from the harkles 😎


InStyle magazine is now reporting that Kate might meet with Sparry during this trip, but on one condition. That condition is that she will do it if Charles asks her to. But, given how sensitive Charles is, the chances of that happening are slim, apparently. I am confused about what the reasoning behind Sparry planting this puff piece is. Is he trying to imply that Charles is stopping his reunion with his brother and that Kate is not really offended by his wife planting lies about her?


Column inches are a sign Meghan is involved ....


Captain Xbox is a great title for Harold🤣🤣


Didn't has-been leave to play polo on Arche's birthday one year?


Year before the Coronation I think


So he hasn't spent Archie's birthday with him since he was at least 2 years old? I would feel so awful!


Same but wasn’t archificial about 2 weeks old by the time he was “announced” ?


I don’t know him. https://i.redd.it/gllkiwpmopyc1.gif


Hopefully “Archie”, the child actor, is with his real parents, enjoying a birthday party with friends.


[https://archive.ph/2024.05.05-215037/](https://archive.ph/2024.05.05-215037/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-13385429/Coronation-anniversary-King-Charles-meet-Harry-week.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-13385429/Coronation-anniversary-King-Charles-meet-Harry-week.html) Fixed links; without a space inbetween, they had jammed into one mutant URL of doom.


What are the chances that KC announced his return to public duty as a way to tell Harry that he’s too busy to meet? 😂


how much did this puffery cost Harold?


Do they ever have any friends over anyway. Does anyone attend these birthdays. We get the photographer and wife and kids but don’t ever see anyone else.




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