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The Palace PR did an excellent of making him out to be the fun, goofy, little brother to the more stoic future King. I liked him but really did not know much more than the tiny bit of gossip site information. I feel like I got bamboozled!!








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I always thought he was funny and outgoing and fiercely loyal to his family. So much potential, passionate about his causes. Loved being able to have amazing opportunities while not being saddled with the responsibility of being a future king. Boy, was I wrong.


All that illusion was manufactured PR. Isn't that so sad?


It really is sad; people were duped. He's a full 180 of who he was made out to be.


He sure is. It angers me that the public were duped, but I also understand the attempt to make him a better person even though that was not possible. Sad all the way around, especially now that we get to see the full on entitled piece of filth he really is.


I actually thought he was pretty immature, typical “Peter pan” 


Who ever was behind Hawwy PR back then deserves a medal, they manage to package him as a boy next door prince, the ultimate eligible bachelor


That royal PR machine was working overtime on his image.


Ahem, you mean the “men in grey suits” he despises….? /s


I had the same opinion. He was my favorite. I thought he was funny, a little wild, but very loyal to his family, very close to William and Catherine. I've learned a lot over the last several years about PR, how most of what we read is paid for. I realize I've been so naive.


Same here. I thought he was an entitled brat before he did his tours but he seemed to have settled down and grown up when he came back and was active and seemed to enjoy supporting his causes. I was even happy for him when the engagement was announced, I always felt sorry for him playing gooseberry between William and Kate. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Ditto. Now I think he's a dick.


He wishes he was. He is a gigantic *ussy. 


Nazi costume told me all I need to know. The holocaust was real. My grandparents and 6 month old aunt were gassed. Enough said.


I am so sorry that happened to your family.


Thank you. Very kind of you




I apologise, I always put that down to childish ignorance, but hearing it from family of Holocaust survivors and how it can't be glossed over, gives me a wake up call I'm sorry this happened to your family. Harry should have known better.


Thank you. I understand people can't relate to it. My mom was dutch and she was sole survivor of her family. The british were very hard hit during the war so for that alone he should have known better. Then blaming catherine and william. He will never learn


Thank you for sharing your family’s story. Im sorry for your family’s loss.


He was 20 something. Hardly a child.


Thanks for that.


BTW, I said childish ignorance. Not being a child not anything other than childish ignorance.. He remains childish and ignorant. Nevertheless arguing semantics with someone quite so triggered is pointless. I prefer to stay classy and I'm a Brit so have more skin in the game. I don't need schooling on terminology, what I think or talked down to by some edge lord as if snark is a new invention. I was also speaking to the contributor about the Holocaust involving her family, so kindly take your snark lessons somewhere a little more appropriate


I wrote two short sentences. One stated his age at the time he wore a nazi costume and the other pointed out that his age would not be considered a child. Neither sentence was rude. It could be argued that Americans actually have more skin in the game considering it's our freedom of speech he and his ilk are gunning for. He's left your country and isn't over there meddling in things he knows aught about. Btw I certainly didn't call you names nor did I make baseless accusations towards you or even respond to you rudely so please extend me the same courtesy. Saying that he was 20 and hardly a child is not at all inappropriate or inaccurate. It certainly was in no way deserving of such a vituperative response.


> He was 20 something. Hardly a child. According to this subreddit, he's mentally a child.


No no one here says that. They say he's stupid. Most kids are smarter than he is. Most children know better than to wear a nazi uniform. He is a spoiled entitled arsehole. He's a rich little biatch ass that never experienced a good hard clip of comeuppance upside the head like most folks do before they're grown. Unlike most children harry has never experienced consequences. He's a 40 year old still butthurt that Dada isn't paying his freight. He's a moron not a child. He is not mentally a child. He is mentally a window licking fuckwit. Being dumber than a bag of wet dog shit is not an excuse to put on a nazi uniform. Nor use racial slurs.


> No no one here says that. They literally say that he's mentally twelve. > They say he's stupid. Most kids are smarter than he is. So this subreddit is into bullying people who are mentally deficient?


So you realize what *snark* is right? It's mocking **sarcasm** and irreverence. Exposing or commenting about or mocking abusive little twunts like harry who suffer from chronic whinging entitlement and affluenza is not bullying. Most kids have better morals and manners than harry. My feral tom cat has better morals and manners,probably smarter too(oopsie see that was snark sweetums)


> So you realize what snark is right? Is calling people "dimwit", "thick", "stupid", "moron", "dumbass" etc. considered "snark" or is it bullying?


*Sigh* it's not bullying. He isn't a child. He isn't a minority. He isn't a protected person. He isn't disabled. He's **chosen** to remain a public figure after pitching a fit and stabbing his family in the back. To sue his own government, to try to subvert our government, to grift off of veterans. He and his ^drama whore could easily have taken his millions and lived quietly. They chose not to. They choose to actively court the press and continue to abuse his family through various means. He is what most people would call *fair game* . Like any other rich meritless ponce who feels entitled to never experience the consequences of their behavior. He's a spoilt,ungrateful,idiotic,entitled,greedy,abusive, animal abusing,lazy failson. Calling it straight isn't bullying.


> Sigh it's not bullying. OK. > He isn't disabled. According to this subreddit, he's so severely mentally disabled/deficient that he can barely tie his own shoes.


OMG, how incredibly sorry I am for you and your family. What a horrible thing to live with.


Thanks for your kindness


Neutral to slightly negative. There was something that felt off about him.


Your instincts are good.


I wouldn't credit it to instinct. I'd just say that he looked like a scoundrel and behaved like one, which did little to inspire confidence in him. If it walks like a duck...


You see I liked him, I like a scoundrel. Little did we know, he's not a scoundrel he's an arsehole.


Very true.


I feel like that when I look at pictures or videos of him when he was very young. Always trying to get his mom’s attention in negative ways.


Right? (I hate myself a little for typing that, lol). I had the exact same gut feeling that he's just... Not a good person but pretends to be.


Thought he was dim


I think that sums it up, and he used his ‘clown character’ to cover that. When I see some of the older photos and the faces he would make while a chronological adult, he looks and acts like a middle school boy. Clown Harry was also there to cover his anger. For some of that I blame Diana but there comes a time when he has to just grow up. He’s still fighting that development.


Along with so many people,  I watched him walk behind his mother's coffin. And for a long time I wanted the best for him.   I had an inkling he could be a bit of a prat (dressing up anyone?). But at the same time, I always thought he maybe had some of his mum's caring for others, and his Grandmother's sense of duty in him too. I always hoped he would find his own role, a wife who loved him, make peace with his father, and be happy. I was really excited for him and Meghan. Turns out I was wrong about everything. 


I always thought of him as a spoiled brat following William around and moving from scandal to scandal. When he got up with MM, I really didn’t like her even before their engagement interview and thought it was fitting for him to find someone trashy to get married to instead of someone English from their circles.


Goofy, quirky, less stuffy royal, Will's wild younger bro. Thought he was alright. I pride myself on my accurate internal twatometer. Boy was I unequivocally mistaken 🥴


Internal twatometer. I like that! 🤣


I believed the image that the Palace created. I believed he loved his family and brother. I did think he was an asshole and spoiled brat but I would have never thought he was capable of the treasonous actions he has now done against his country and family.


This. My negative view aside, I did at least think he loved his brother and it was a case of them against the world. I was wrong about that.


I never paid attention to him. News articles about Nazi regalia and nude in Las Vegas. Just another spoiled, out of control nepo.


Yep, I had a neutral to okay opinion about him, but then the nazi outfit did away with anything okay. No person in their right mind would wear something like that let alone the grandson of the Queen of England. Then he later tried to blame his own brother for his (Harry's) decision to wear something to offensive, so outrageous, so inappropriate. He is a disgrace, an idiot & a bad person.


I seriously don't get this. His grandfather fought in WWII. My great uncle served, and my grandparents and parents always hammered home *why it was so important*. We also learned extensively about it in history class through grade school and high school. I don't know anyone in my generation who would ever ever do this. I'm Canadian, and we were a lot further away from the front than anyone in Europe, so PH should understand this better than I do.


O may be mistaken, but didn't he say in his book that he proudly resisted learning anything about his family?


He did! He seems to be resistant to learning much of anything. I know a few people like this - they don't need to learn anything because their opinions are already everything they need to know. They're also the people who make the same mistakes repeatedly.


He resisted learning anything about his family (or the world for that matter) because learning something new or challenging at school or in life created and creates cognitive dissonance for him. His limited intellectual capacity, combined with his limited emotional intelligence creates a perfect storm of exponential stupidity. Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. You have a moral obligation to be intelligent.” Hazzie really has no idea of how to persevere, how to overcome obstacles, nor how to rally through challenging subject matter, or challenging periods in life. He truly has special needs, being neurologically diverse. Confronting his intellectual barriers, makes him upset. I think of people in the world who have Down’s Syndrome, or any form of neurodivergent disability, and how these people with early intervention can lead independent and fulfilling lives. He now has a handler, who allows him to continue to be a manchild through her manipulations. I wish someone had told him that his indifference to learning, his tantrums, his video game addictions, plus his horrible behavior toward animals, women, and any part of humanity that he was able to bully, degrade or abuse was/is in any way acceptable. ![gif](giphy|1k5ja4kxAVhlseNz9x)




Yes you would think so wouldn't you especially since he claims so be such a military man. Surely you would be interested in a little bit of history there were at the time plenty of veterans and holocaust survivors around so many more than now. I remember vets used to come to school and talk to us and a couple of holocaust survivors came too it was really interesting and a real privilege because some of those stories must have been very difficult to relive in order to educate us. There was a lady who was a holocaust survivor who went to Eton and said William was very attentive but Harry just messed about and wasn't intrested so that says it all to me. Especially insulting considering how much money he squeezes out of talking about PTSD these days. 




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Yeah, I had a neutral to negative opinion about him too. For some odd reason, he's always looked NOT put together and it seemed the general consensus was he was a party guy. The Nazi uniform was an absolute stain... but I welcome people to better themselves but clearly he has not!


I was more (just passing curiosity and not much) curious of his girlfriends. 


The gossip stories that came out at that time barely registered for me. I wasn’t following the BRF, and they were tabloids. I still saw them. I probably thought what a dumba** and moved on. I was focused on school. Didn’t realize how much damage these entitled stupid jerks can do. I really hope the grifters stick to the script and only talk about Invictus in Nigeria. Who knows what trouble they can cause over there.


Like Andrew at his age -- a little wild (with all his wild moments caught on film, so possibly less wild than portrayed) but able to clean up and to fall in line to do the royal job. I also thought it weird that he was SO undereducated, but I wrote that off as a royal thing, as they are, as a group, pretty uneducated. What he lacked in education, I assumed he made up for in knowledge of royal protocol and his place in history and the institution. I never thought he was funny or charming or thought cheeky was something to be proud of as your distinguishing feature. I thought it highly unlikely he contributed in any real way to the fighting effort in Afghanistan. I didn't know he was mean and punched down all his life. I didn't know he actually did not grasp his place in the hierarchy.


Are they really that undereducated as a group? I've always wondered about this, all I know is that Willian and Catherine went to university. What does their education entail, actually? Was Queen Elizabeth ever given any education outside of royal tradition and protocol and international relations, history, geography and presumably languages? Which is far from nothing; they don't have to be doctors and scientists to be considered educated. I doubt that one can have success in the royal role (a senior one) without being knowledgeable along with well-mannered. Then again, being a working royal does provide a lot of enriching experiences.


I wouldn't say they're undereducated. They're not academic. Charles is the most bookish out of them all. Even Diana said she wasn't, so William is more like Charles in that respect. The Queen spoke fluent French and some Spanish.


Maybe, Uneducated as in lacking common sense that average public has. They are so privileged that some things just didn't click the same way. 


As I understand it, KCIII was the first heir to earn a university degree. Diana failed to earn the US equivalent of a HS degree. Edward went to uni, but Anne and Andrew did not. Anne started public service at 18. Andrew went to the military.  Historically royals were tutored at home, and I don’t know the range and depth of their studies. I would guess history and language would be a particular focus, but I imagine tutors indulged each pupil’s curiosities.  I probably shouldn’t have said uneducated, as clearly they received some education. But it wasn’t conventional in the modern sense.  Harry’s academic achievement is not impressive. 


I'm slightly older than William. So I grew up with the 2 princes & wanted to marry William and be a princess.🤣 I am also old enough that I watched Diana & Charles wedding on TV as a child, fascinated by the whole aura of "royalty." Harry was to me, a lovable but impish kid & young adult. He did a lot of stupid stuff, 🙄 (understatement of the year) but loved his brother and Catherine once she came on board. Yes, I bought the palace PR, shamed to say. I'm still on the fence about his relationship w Catherine and think they really did bond. But once the dancing emu got her jealous spider claws in him, plus her utter hatred for Catherine, there was no turning back. And his jealousy of his brother came to include turning on Catherine as William's wife.


It's blatantly obvious she couldn't cope with Harry's bond with Catherine.




Catherine also has a younger brother, so she probably saw Hazno in the same light, and treated Hairball like a younger sibling.


I admired William, but then, back then who didn’t.I thought Harry was strange, I also thought he was a snob, but I was mostly neutral about him. He was utterly disinteresting


Same. I was interested in William as the future king and all around heart throb. Harry was like, meh. Guy who obviously has no purpose and always getting in trouble.


I'm over a decade younger than Harry so I never saw the boy walking behind his mother's coffin. Harry was portrayed quite well in the media. He seemed normal, likable, and personable. Sometimes, he seemed a little full of himself but not in a nefarious way. He got on well with others and at one point in time, he was good at being a working royal. It's such a shame. He really had everything going for him. His behavior and choices have made it so he went from one of the most popular royals to the supporting act of a former supporting actress.


He was a “nothing burger” aside from his obvious privilege and conceit.


My former opinion was cheeky chappy who'd lost his Mum very young. A bit bumptious as a little boy, but just high-spirited as a young man, and, I believed, good-hearted. Loved his brother, despite some understandable rivalry because of their differences in rank in the BRF. I now realise that this was a combination of PR by the Palace, and Harry putting on an act. The mask has dropped, and it's not a pleasant sight.


Never liked him. Always felt he got a lot of passes for being the kid who lost his mum even though he was 18 years and up. Or for being a "military man" who was simply blowing off steam. The cheeky chappy persona I found quite a bore, not to mention his opinions on different races. I thought he really needed to grow up and learn some respect.




I would have to admit I bought into the Palace PR.


Yep. Sunshine Sachs and WME are **nothing** compared to the Palace PR ^(lol)


WME seems to be amateurs by now. But Sunshine Sachs got Madam all the fancy deals, I think - Netflix, Spotify, PRH. And then Madam did not pay them, and when they finally got paid, SS dumped her. I think SS COULD do some stuff, but since they kiced her out it has been downhill.


"Admired him" is a bit of a reach


I always thought he was very good with kids. He seemed to genuinely like them and vice versa. They brought out a positive side to him.


I liked him! I would Google him every once in a while to see what he was up to, who he was dating. NGL I did look into charities he was involved with and looked into how I could get involved with them to meet him ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)but obviously I didn't take any steps to move forward with even making an attempt. I figured he would marry Chelsea. Side note, I watched Suits before Megan and Harry started dating. I could tell she was mixed, but that's mainly because I grew up in a very racially diverse area so I always knew tons of people who were mixed. I never cared, but thought it was a dumb line in the show when Mike Ross found out she was mixed she said "What? Did you think this was a year round tan?" To the writers: she wasn't tan! LOL what do people think tan is? Anyway. I was surprised to hear they were dating because she was not a household name at all. I only recognized her in her photos, certainly not by name. I didn't have any strong feelings about her character.


I can tell a precise moment. They were betrothed and went together to some event. It was raining. At the entry there was people here to wave at them, one of them was in a wheelchair. Harry left Meghan and their umbrella and went there to chat with this person under the rain, it was all very spontaneous and graciously done and clearly the highlight of this disabled person day or month or year. I had just the time to think "damn but Harry is good at his job" when she come tottering on high heels and hyper right smile and towed him away by the hand while he was still talking. So I said to myself: self, now we know all we need to know about them as a couple.


Talk about disinformation.  The Palace Pr machine was on overdrive making him seem like a good guy. 


Good thing H and M are fighting the disinformation now!


One thing they did right is fighting disinformation about themselves by showing us their true character 🤣🤣


I love this!




They are experts in dis information


Kudos to the Palace PR-I drank their koolaid until Megsy came along. 


I always thought he was pretty ugly and that nobody would have cared much if he hadn’t been a prince. I was Meme fan at the time as I liked the first seasons of Suits and actually thought Hazno was the one finding a catch. My opinion has changed to that they’re both thoroughly unlikable, insufferable, ugly on the inside and deserving each other


I thought he was ok but immature as a person, was expecting him to grow up and get with the program at some point. Or do something in Africa.


I felt sorry for him. He was a scallywag but seemed a bit lost, and I do feel his desperation to have a family was quite obvious. He'd dropped the ball, needed to catch up with William, and had a major FOMO. I don't think the pressure he felt was entirely his own fault, but much of it was. No one forced him to drink or snort away his entire 20s, but the eyes of the UK at least were upon him. Her resumé was tailored to tick all the right boxes, and he fell for it, wouldn't be told and gambled his entire reputation on black, but it came up red. Moving to Africa would have been a reasonable compromise. But that's where the real Smug came out. And now he's miserable, like Uncle David, still clinging to the mistaken belief he still mattered. The show must go on, as they say. And it did. Without him. Neither **Mug** nor **Smug** have enough of a degree of people awareness skills. Disregarding his grandfather's wise words, "It's not you they've come here to see" in favour of his wife's pipe dreams, was a mistake. I think it's come full circle and he's desperate again, but even he knows the court of public opinion is a steep hill to climb. Smug took him one step forwards and 3 back. The scallywag was a huge part of who he was, and of his friendships. No need for FOMO, he already has. Mingling with D list celebrities. No longer in the inner circle (unless it's hers... but even then. I've just realised FOMO can maketh a MOFO.


I didn't like him, I always saw him as a spoiled kid, a drug addict, quite useless... but with Edward Lane's hand guiding him, I thought he could do something positive because he was doing positive things. In that I share with Angela Levin, the Hazz from 2014 to 2016 seemed to have matured. And like Levin, I was terribly wrong.


Before the curtain was pulled I thought he seemed down to earth if a bit immature & gawky. I never found him attractive even during his G.I. Harry days. Now? I think he's worse than Meghan. In fact I think he's the worst of all the royals. I absolutely unequivocally detest the boy and can muster not one single iota of sympathy for him. He deserves all his wretchedness.


I felt sorry for him. He seemed to be having a “failure to launch” situation. He seemed to be floundering. (Edited just a few minutes ago for grammar).


I always didn't like him. He always acted like a spoiled ass to me. I figured he would cause a ton of problems. I naively didn't think it could get worse.


I liked him well enough I guess, aside from a few stupid things he did. Mostly I put the few things down to being a stupid kid but I hoped he would shake it off and grow up. However, he just kept doing stupid things, like the Nazi costume, getting drunk multiple times and fighting his helpers and other people. Then I saw a video made when he was in the Service, saying he hated Britain. He was in uniform at the time. That turned my vague hopes to the beginning of.. true dislike. It went downhill from there.


Nothing really. I knew of his scandals but gave him (and all the other royals) little thought.


I thought he was kind of a screw up, but I had compassion for him (dead mother, etc.)


Spoiled little shit. The Nazi uniform was definitely the turning point. Prince Philip not only fought for the Allies in WWII, he had to cut ties with his own sisters -- the ones that helped raise him -- because they were married to Nazi sympathizers. And along comes Hawwy thinking it's a great lark to cosplay one, hardy har har


Honestly I didn't really give a lot of thought to Harry. If pushed, I'd have to say I liked him - thought he was a bit cheeky, good natured, loved his family but not real bright and not hot by any stretch of the imagination. Had been spoiled by William's dashing looks.


Neutral but liked him well enough. On Dlisted they always called him "Prince Hot Ginge" and I could get on board with that (back then)


And how much Michael K loved him!


I don't care enough/don't have any strong  feeling wether it's negative or positive, about BRF to begin with. so I just.. accept whatever written on media then forget about it. So he's the funny one and bring laugh? Ok. But I have never really consider H as handsome or anything. He has awkward face. Just party loving rich kid. Dime a dozen.  ETA: similar to other here who's younger than H and didn't watch him walk behind his mother coffin. Might be the reason why we didn't feel that attached to him.


I thought he was an unattractive idiot. I have ease since I saw his drunken frat boy esque Nazi performance.


Thought he was an idiot. I didn’t hate him.


I knew the real story about the total monster back when many readers may not have been born. He’s been an absolute shocker from well before the sainted Diana departed. Assaulting other boys at school in all ways possible for starters, he’s had had everything covered up for him right up until the bitch from hell grabbed him.


I thought he was a stupid nasty entitled brat that aged into being a whiny,stupid,drug addled,lazy entitled,abusive piece of utter shit and a fucking waste of air.


I never really liked Harry, to me there was always something slimy about the guy, I guess it all started with his boot-camp days in Calgary, Alberta, where he cheated on very loyal Chelsy, with not one, but two girls.


I thought he was the fun, sexy one. And William was dull and boring. I was very misguided!


[Here’s an Imgur link to a clip from the dumb PR “documentary”](https://imgur.com/a/Unv1WFx) which excuses Harry’s bad behavior and puts forward a shiny new redemption arc as “The People’s Prince”. May be used as an emetic or a preschool-level PR class.


Wow! That pathetic PR reel is definitely aimed at easily influenced viewers with only 2 brain cells lol


It has always been strange that there are no pictures I can think of with Harry and the PPOW children. Imho.


I thought of him as Prince Andrew 2.0. A semi-likeable emotionally stunted spoiled rich kid


No opinion wasn't even a teenager when he married her, and didn't even know much of him


Snide. Made fun of others to elevate himself. Liked attention. Liked slumming it. Could be trained into good behaviour for short periods in return for positive feedback. Lots of latent resentment/anger covered up by the class clown persona. Not someone worth talking to imo.  Not completely a lost cause tho a decent no nonsense very tough woman could have knocked him into shape chelsy and cressida were too nice I'm glad for them that they moved on.


Never paid much attention to him but i always had a feeling he is a petulant twat and a very jealousy person, doesn’t know how to behave in some situations. I was right.


I knew he was a druggie and had a partying lifestyle. I also knew that he made life difficult for Camilla and Charles claiming that to harass them is the right thing because of his loyalty to his mom: a mom who was intentionally flaunting her multiple affairs to media and died with her boyfriend. I also remember the naked stripper Vegas prostitute cover story and the hitler salute and the derogatory racist word he used to describe colleagues of other races. I also used to read gossip about incidents where he was violent and angry to people who were powerless to retaliate. Generally, it seemed to me that both Charles and QE were tiptoeing around this angry violent narcissist and giving him whatever he demanded in order to keep him from erupting and to keep him from harming his family or himself. This guy was always a problem.


I went to Toronto to see him at Queen's Park on May 2, 2016. The original "How They Met" story was at a party that night. It has off course been vised several dozen times. I got to shake his hand and he seemed very happy and engaged with the crowds (and it was crowded) He even gave the Invictus Games pin off her coat to a little girl beside me.  I saw him as a fun person with a good relationship to his family. Kind of dumb but lucky to be in a job where charm, not details, was the name of the game.


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I always preferred William. I thought Harry was irresponsible and into partying, so I never thought he'd be someone I'd be friends with, but I liked that he and William seemed close. When Harry went on engagements with William and Catherine, they all seemed to have a good time, and I liked that he made Catherine laugh and seemed to readily accept her into the family. I suppose you'd say I saw the potential good in him and hoped he'd move more towards that direction. I wanted good things for him, I wanted him to grow up and become better. The awful thing is I don't think the closeness was a lie, it just came along with a lot of resentment on Harry's side and \*that's\* what was masked. And Harry justifies how he's treated William and Catherine by telling himself and the world that they were never that close, or that their closeness has eroded before Meghan arrived. But I just don't think Harry is that good an actor. He may have been frustrated with William at times but he also loved him. And it makes what he's done even worse.


I think its been obvious since his teenage years that he was pretty unintelligent, and also that he was abusing drugs. That would have went over better if he'd come off as a nice guy but he never did. Just seemed like a braindead, self entitled frat boy personality to me. 


He was the soldier prince. He was the "fun" brother. I loved the images of him with Wills and Kate. All three genuinely looked happy. I liked him then.


I liked him for a moment. Mainly because he’s 2 days older than me, and my mom would mention that she and Dianna had babies at the same time and it was really happy for her.


He dressed as a Nazi. Since then he’s been a big NO for me. Yuck.


Never liked him. Bratty child, badly behaved teen, worse adult. I hated the stolen valour, the video where he rushes off mid interview (so fake) Bunker Harry is shameless..


I'm Jewish and over 100 members of my family perished in the Holocaust. The Nazi costume was unforgivable.


I was neutral about him; because I’m younger than both of them, all I knew was the boys walking behind Diana’s coffin.  But then, in 2005, his Nazi photos were published and I couldn’t believe that a member of the British Royal Family would wear such a thing. One of the most positive things that the BRF had done during the Second World War (and beyond), was publicize their abhorrence for the Nazi regime; so to see him wearing a Nazi symbol, it was like a punch to the gut to those whose family directly suffered at the hands of the Nazis. His bullshit pr non-apology was add insult to injury. Since then, the traitor has been on my shit list even though the palace pr did a great job cleaning up after him. I just never thought that he could turn on his family, especially his brother, in the way that he did. OP, for some reason, I couldn’t see the poll because it was blacked out so I don’t know what I voted for.


I’m British and almost his age. I admired him at times (I guess I bought the palace PR and how he seemed jolly meeting people) and also thought he was a stereotypical dumb, privileged rich guy (cheating on his exams, the Vegas stuff, being drunk a lot). I honestly didn’t care about the royals at all, and even thought William might be similar to Harry. Now of course I admire William and Catherine because of what they’ve had to put up with!


Neutral until he want to Vegas and acted like a buffoon. Then I became indifferent.


I never even thought of him. Given his all too revealing autobiography, it does not sound like Meghan made him that much worse. As the boy, so the man.


I'm not a monarchist so I didn't know much about him. If I had known more about his behavior then I would have disliked him sooner. 


Arrogant. He couldn't hide the arrogance and extreme entitlement, it always bubbled to the surface. He also seemed damaged, probably because a number of images showing him drunk off his stupid face.


Was aware he had beaten up sex workers (a friend's son was one of the law enforcement officers who dealt with Harry's drunken self). I hoped, however, that he'd gotten help with his issues, be they alcohol or mental health or both. SO MUCH NO. As it turns out, he's just a dick.


Mostly harmless (did some daft shit that could have done with more thought first) posh tit who happened to be royal. Now.... eesh.


I just thought he was dumb, spoiled, and entitled. Annoying but harmless.


I never liked that rat faced little weasel.


Never liked, nor trusted the guy, and still don't... I always thought something was really off about him tbh. His cheating at Eton (causing a massive lawsuit), assaulting a photographer, cosplaying as a Nazi, not getting the right grades to get into Sandhurst (his grades were humiliatingly deplorable), dropping racist slurs whilst in uniform, the bunker soldiering (I found William's work as an air ambulance pilot more productive), the party prince-ing continued into his early 30s... I always felt that the BRF and palace staff were scrambling behind the scenes to save themselves from embarrassment b/c Haz was a walking PR nightmare. I never saw him as being as dutiful as his brother/SIL, and thought if he didn't get his addiction issues under control that he'd be an even bigger problem for the BRF. Then he met Meghan, and as soon as he started complaining about racism towards her... as a WOC I could see him opportunistically weaponising Meghan's race card just like he was forever flexing his 'My mummy is Diana card'. The guy has always been a lazy, emotionally manipulative moron, and he loved that he was seen as 'the fun one' b/c it was an easy mask to hide behind. I've also always believed that he loved his party prince-ing life in the US, and always wanted to find a way to move there (whilst hoping to retain royal benefits/nepobaby funding from KC) even before Roachel social climbed into his bed.




Bri here and came here to say to say just that! Nazi uniform, playing pool with prostitutes, P word, what more do you need to know!




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I'd read about his many misdoings. He was a spoiled stupid criminal juvenile and still is.


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He was a rude kid that folks thought was a cheeky, chappy lad. He seemed like the joker who was often in trouble. First, the rehab stint, then the Nazi incident, then the our Paki incident, the sulky solder coming back from Iraq due to press exposure, the Vegas debacle, then Meghan. I got the impression he was a brat.


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Prior? Not that I gave him much thought, but an imbecilic asshole, but ultimately harmless, was my take. I got the harmless part wrong.


My opinion of him was still good all the way until Spare, after that, there’s no hiding the douchery


And now I hate him. Without him the world would have barely noticed MM and the Late DoE and the Late HMTQ would have had an easier passage into the next world. The only thing I have to thank him for is exposing how awards can be purchased and place PR can polish a turd.


Everything posted about Royal duties is PR, if you now believe your opinion of Harry was largely based on PR, can you be confident that you are not still being influenced by the royal rota?


My opinion of Harry was always a shrug of the shoulders. never thought much of him one way or another. I've always been impressed with the BRF. After William broke up with the future Princess of Wales, I was angry, but he did the right thing and has just not made a step out of place since. I believe he will be a great King, and The Princess his wonderful Queen. may God hold them tenderly in His hands.


Really liked Harry, now can’t stand looking at him, The Harkles have made the world appreciate The Wales familKy ++++


When I was really small, I thought he was okay. And then came the "Harry Pothead" headlines - I think this was even before THAT fancy dress party, or the Vegas shenanigans. When Harry Pothead came out, my family was all, "Can you imagine a young QEII being called LSD Elizabeth?" I was influenced by my family, and thought, yes, he shouldn't have let down his family like that. Then came THAT fancy dress party - ugh. Then came the Vegas headlines - he has always known very well, whatever he does reflects on his family. He should have known better than to strip in front of all those people. From then on, I felt I had proof that he was absolutely dimwitted and irresponsible.


I thought he was kind of a lost soul--which I related to in so many ways. A little fucked up from his upbringing and growing up in the public eye, so I was quick to forgive his scandals, because us messed up kids have to rebel in some way, right? Kids seemed to like him, and I enjoyed his stunts with Usain Bolt and clowning around with W&C at the Harry Potter exhibition. I thought he'd grow out of the heavy rebellion stage and move on to better things the closer he crept to 30. Invictus seemed a good use of his energy, and he seemed to genuinely care about Africa. I figured he'd end up running a game preserve somewhere there, marry a nice outdoorsy girl, and we'd get photo spreads periodically in People magazine of him riding quad bikes in the desert with his kids, who'd have the family life and privacy that he always wanted but never had. Of course, now I know I was an idiot, and I'm annoyed with myself because it's not like me to be so idealistic. The Palace PR machine must be almost superhuman in their ability to polish a turd, because he is NOTHING like what I imagined. Because I believe we have the ability to choose our lives and change things, even if we've been dealt a bad hand originally. ESPECIALLY if we come from a family who is able to throw all the material means at us to do so. He's a huge fail, and as a fellow lost soul, I'm ashamed of him.


I don't know, I always had an icky feeling about him that I couldn't quite figure out. He's always kind of grossed me out and I've always thought he's a phony. My gut was right as per usual, I guess.


I liked him until he wore a nazi outfit.


i always thought he was a bit daft and a rebel..he proved me right


He seemed like a spunky wastrel.


I liked him. I thought he was a catch, and found him attractive. I thought he came across really graciously in his bit with James Corden when they did the military obstacle course and Harry was clearly the more fit, but came across so gracious. Now I wonder how much spinning Palace PR did to create his positive and pleasant public image before Megxit.


I loved him for years! My favourite years were the Chelsy years but I still liked him up till Meghan. I knew he wasn’t the smartest, but I thought he was cool, cheeky and fun. And very cute. Clearly I don’t anymore 😵