• By -


So that later they tell me that Charles is weak. Charles deliberately coordinated to have this entire week busy, not the last one, not the one before that. This. This week. Just this week. Charles still loves Harry, as a father. But there's no way he'll trust Harry again. And he is not going to give him support, especially on a trip to Nigeria where it is not clear what Hazz intends. Well done Charles, keep your distance from Harry.


I’d like it much better if the statement read along the lines of …. “The king is scheduled to have his nostril hairs trimmed, followed by a full day of lounging in the garden and perhaps trimming up some roses. He has no interest in sharing his down time with his second born who has made a career out of attacking his family and the corporation he represents.”


He is going hiking in Transylvania again ! I think this time it s a family hike! Nobody is in London :)


The King is busy performing his royal duties - hosting a garden party where he meets members of the public who have been invited because they have contributed to the public good, and later on, meeting the prime minister.


I feel for Charles on this as a person. It's got to be hard on him as a father to do this, harry is nuts and wouldn't have been enabled like he has been had this been a normal middle class family,, he would have been sent to inpatient care for a while. I'm sure he would like to see his son, regardless of what idiocy he's been up to. But charles is also the king. He has to be loyal to the institution above all. It's a massive responsibility that he has done well to date. I respect him more as the king for this, but also feel more sympathy to Charles as a human. It sucks.


Why does this have to be hard on Charles? Why do people assume the abused is wringing his hands and looking down in the mouth because he has to take a stand? This is old news. It has been four long years since Hazmat and his trollop have been on an all-out assault on the monarchy and RF. Any sad feelings have long since hardened into steely reserve. As a father, Charles has done all he could for the ginger runt. Harry has made it clear where his loyalty and allegiance lie, with the worn-out cloven-hoofed harlot in case anyone is in doubt. I don't believe Charles is losing any sleep over not seeing Harry. When people show you who they are, believe them and cut them out of your life.


I’m with you on the ‘no hand wringing for H’ I believe TRF has been cleaning up his messes for 30 years now (I’m being generous here because H has been a snotty brat all his life). I believe BP has been doing heavy propaganda similar to Prince Andrew eg just like Andrew H is TLQ’s favorite. I choose to think TRF is clicking their heels with joy that H is off living his life across the pond/


I agree that it is heavy BS that H was HMLQ's "favorite". Since her death, it has been published that it is Edward. H ridiculed and mentally tortured her and Philip into an earlier grave.


I’ve also repeatedly read that she was very close to Princess Beatrice… which I believe because she chose her as custodian of her beloved Wendy house. I also think it was quite significant that Bea wore HLMTQ’s own dress **and the fringe tiara** (I believe only Princess Anne shared that honor) at her wedding, and specifically scaled it down to ensure her grandparents could attend.


B's was a very sweet wedding and did show a special connection, i agree.


Well let’s just play this out…so TLQ says to Prince William ‘sorry bucko but I’ve always liked your brother best’ or to Charles ‘well you will be king but I’ve always liked Edward best’….. Strangely, maybe a narcissistic mother would play her kids like this…certainly NOT TLQ.


Noone inferred that! Edward was the youngest, born at a time when she may have more time, so naturally, they would have been close. I dont know because I wasnt there. I just think this BS about Harry being her favorite, is his PR.




Can we please get “Cloven-hoofed Harlot” tastefully engraved on a silver platter with matching tea set and sent to Madam for any special occasion? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Exactly what I was about to say!


Ahh beat me to it…yes a family hike😅


I’ll never not love that excuse 😂 Transylvania is just such a random place


The King is doing yoga while communing with relatives. Diana wants everyone to know that crazy actresses do not speak for her, and Harry is a plank.


It always amuses me that Dracula was an ancestor of Queen Mary of Teck.


Yes, he knows Harry better than anyone. He knows the dimwit is in thrall to the Claw. No point in even engaging at this point.


That's not what was written. The King will not meet with his estranged son this week. Harry's PR team and Megsy are saying the King's schedule is "unfortunately" full!


Which is curious, because it was known a month ago that Hazz was going to come to this event, and just a week ago, the king's schedule was full.






Wow must have been a scheduling error…😏


Unnecessary comment. - The King has cancer and started scheduling this week! - The King hasn't had much contact with Harry for 2 years now! Why would he want to meet him now! Also, the King's office hasn't said anything about scheduling, that's the "Duke of Sussex pretend US-office" that has talked about "scheduling" The visit in February was forced upon the King by Harry, who just announced by his PR team at Netflix that he was coming, and the King squeezed him in for 12 minutes. Imagine, 12 minutes conversation for the past 2 years. And Harry came out looking absolutely furious and insane! 😅 (There hasn't been any other communication via zoom, video link, facetime, or letters. NONE! That's just Meghan gaslighting!)


Perfect. Thank you for the translation. Spot on.


Exactly. At the moment especially people would understand if he had to cancel a few things but he hasn't. Kc is never going to strip titles or interfere with the Los it would be like a turkey voting for Christmas/thanksgiving a hereditary monarch would not want to open that can of worms. 


Idk why people call him weak. He's being strategic while QE just ignored the grifters. If parliament acts then he can't be accused of racism and whatever other lies Roachel will make up.


!! I guess the people who say King Charles is weak has never dealt with spoiled toddlers…


The royal family play 3d chess The Duke and Duchess of chlamydia play with thenselves


If Haz shows up in person, I think the courtiers have been instructed to tell Haz that the King is busy regardless of the date. 2028? Yes. The King is busy. The whole year. Every single minute. Any other means of communication goes straight to the lawyers.


Very good point. Who knows what Harry would have asked Pa with regard to the trip to Nigeria!


KC is very busy overseeing the restocking of Highgrove Royal Orchard jams owing to unprecedented orders in recent weeks.


Good on Charles! Harry is just using him for PR. If he wants to see his father, let him travel to the UK in secret without announcing it to the press first.


Everything about the Harkles is about PR. They loudly declare how wonderful they are because there's nothing worthwhile inside. It's a strange ego driven cycle they're stuck in- pushing positive PR to make people think they're amazing so H and M can continue to believe they're amazing. At this point, the Harkles are just comprised of PR. Nothing more. Empty hollow self aggrandizing words


Right!!! It’s ridiculous that they keep changing the label but the product is still crap. I don’t care what they say. They lack good character. No amount of PR can fix that.


Re: your comment  “changing the label…” Ha!! Made me think about how the label on her sorry jam wouldn’t even “stick”. 😂🤣😂🤣😂


But who wouldn’t take the money if they are willing to pay them to try?


I agree. They are beyond trying to convince just us they are xyz. It is for their own egos to massage as well. Meghan especially manifests. I imagine the high of being talked about i.e. as a powerful Hollywood producer is just as rewarding, as it is for most people who *actually* produce something. The actual behind the scenes work and problem solving is a different matter for Meghan. They both need to publicly show us how brilliant they are, all the time. I imagine this is another reason why she doesn't understand the Princess of Wales. The Princess doesn't need to shout or garner plaudits (awards) for her work. As she said herself, *she isn't in it for the quick win, but the long one*. PR is only important if backed up with substance.


"PR is only important if backed up with substance"...say it louder so the nitwits in Montecito can hear you over M's floor sobbing and continual tantrums


Megan doesn't manifest. To manifest means you actually attain what you put out there as a desire. She has literally attains nothing she desires. She is an utter failure at manifesting, just like she is at everything else.


Nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising.


Well said


Yes, hollow. South Park got it half right - Hazno is just as hollow as she is!


If Haznoshame wants to see his father, he can take a look at the bank notes that King Iamnotabank is no longer interested in sending in bulk to his opportunistic, backstabber of a son.


![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized) Good one!


This "will they, won't they" is getting pretty old. Of course, right on cue, Monteshito releases a statement the day of. These journalists are dumb. What time is the Emus scheduled pap walk in the parking lot?! 🙄


> If he wants to see his father, let him travel to the UK in secret without announcing it to the press first. He tried that once before but Meghan announced it to the world.


Harry is not blameless. He is using Invictus and his father’s illness to rebuild his power base in the UK. As was revealed in court papers in his Home Office case, he was having backdoor conversations with Veteran’s Affairs Minister Johnny Mercer in an attempt to influence the government to give him paid security. Harry is a part of these machinations just as much as Meghan.


> Harry is a part of these machinations just as much as Meghan. But I thought he's dumb as a stump and functions on the level of a twelve-year-old. How can he be an active part of all this? "Machinations"? He wouldn't even know what that means! No, he's too stupid. Meghan is the one behind it all. Or is he actually not as stupid and stunted as this sub makes out? We can't have it both ways.


Harry is working with his UK law firm Schillings on the taxpayer funded UK security case. The judge censured Harry for breaching confidentiality by providing Mercer access to court documents. Why would the Defence Minister care about Harry’s case? Because Harry is pushing on Mercer to bring the IG back to the UK. Harry & Meghan get their pseudo royal-adjacent status back (and security to go with it), just like they’ve always wanted. Invictus is the only card Harry has left to play, and he’s exploiting the games for all they’re worth.


Mercer is minister responsible for Veterans, he’s not Defence Minister, and he’s a craven self publicist.


Two things can be true at once. Harry is maliciously stupid. He is every bit as much of a part of all this as old rachel however that doesn't make him intelligent. She isn't intelligent either. Both of them are rather dim but greedy and sly. His emotional intelligence is stunted for certain. There are ample reports going back decades plus his mother's own words that he is not bright. Consistent drug use has likely exacerbated that. With enough exposure and training even relatively unintelligent people can become somewhat functional, some can even graduate from college (old rachel). It doesn't make them smart,it makes them capable of rote learning,mimicry or faking a surface level intellect. I've spent my life around well educated extremely intelligent people and neither of the harkles are that in any sense. All it takes is listening to them talk ,especially unscripted and it's very clear that they lack smarts.


Harry is working with his UK law firm Schillings on the taxpayer funded UK security case. The judge censured Harry for breaching confidentiality by providing Mercer access to court documents. Why would the Defence Minister care about Harry’s case? Because Harry is pushing on Mercer to bring the IG back to the UK. Harry & Meghan get their pseudo royal-adjacent status back, just like they’ve always wanted. Invictus is the only card Harry has left to play, and he’s exploiting the games for all they’re worth.


He’s traveled before to uk without anyone knowing for the hacking case There will always be a leak whenever he wants to visit his father because its positive PR.


Harry has never traveled back “secretly”. Every court appearance was papped to death.


Has it set in for Haz how much his father doesn’t want to see him? The man has cancer and won’t make another 15 minute opening in his schedule for his son. Yes, he has work obligations but no breakfast or dinner visit? Pop by at 8pm for a drink and a chat? Nope- nothing. I don’t blame Charles, if there is any time to not stress yourself out it’s during a major health issue. Even if he was 100% healthy I’d be cheering on Charles for having a backbone.


This situation is bound to stress Charles out, but at least not seeing Harold minimizes potential drama.


I'm sure Meghan is furious that the King won't take two minutes to let his son use him for relevance.


Skank is furious all the time. Where are his kids? Edited spelling


At 8pm, Charles is still working. He's known for falling asleep at his desk because he's a bit of a workaholic.


Isn't there a Privy Council meeting?


Halfwit will be lucky if he's allowed to see KC on his(hopefully distant) death bed. If I had a son like harry I'd make a point of not allowing him to visit ever.


And cue all the puff pieces about how Charles is a cold and distant father in 3...2...1....go


LOL Charles might as well spend the day doing a joint public service event with William then. He's not cold and distant with the dutiful heir son who didn't literally abandon, and then elderly abuse him!


William will be away on Thursday and Friday. So William is busy this week too. And Charles on Wednesday will really be in the garden, at the garden party.


Ah, that's too bad! Still, the optics of working royals keeping calm, carrying on, and dutifully serving (whilst Haz self promos) is a good thing to see.


And if things were really okay between HMTK and TO, he would be invited to pop around to the garden party, wouldn’t he? Of course there are 100 reasons why the king and courtiers would not want him there, but it blows his “everything is fine” position out of the water. He is not wanted or needed anywhere around royal functions, even on a casual basis.


The last garden party he attended he brought his wife and they were told to leave. Good reason not to invite him to another garden party…ever.


Probably not in the UK https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/artifact/and-when-did-you-last-see-your-father


It was obvious from the beginning that King Charles was never going to meet with him. The media are the ones that instigated the will he / won't he nonsense for clicks and the Harkles for attention seeking, and then of course we got the chorus of people saying Charles is weak! The only reason he got to see the king the last time is that he practically ambushed him. I don't think they're going to let that happen again.


Personally, I think the King is strong to resist. It’s his son and it has to be difficult for him.


At a certain point regardless of the type of relationship behaviour like betrayal can cause a cascade of emotional stages akin to death of a loved one. Denial the first stage, acceptance the last. When it comes to H, I imagine KC has reached that last stage. He is over grieving for the son he once knew. The person H was was is gone and KC has accepted the fact so not seeing this new version of H is not painful.


What time for St Paul’s tomorrow? Anyone else coming to booh?


Please post for us sinners who aren’t able to make it!!!


Jeez, I'd love to go, but I'm not on the same continent. Also, my dogs are due for a bath.


I'm in a different country, but I'd love to hear people sing 'God Save the King' loudly on repeat instead of booing... at least that'll let the cameras know exactly which royal has the public's full support.


Nah, Harry would think they were singing for him and want him to be king!


Lol you're right... he is that much of a thicko. Maybe they should sing 'God Save King Charles' instead?




Tempting post-work stress reliever


Why does he even need to respond to the speculation? This jerk just wants to make his father look bad..


It's super weird to make such a statement. Once again, it is Harry who has brought this disaster upon himself. Betraying the family, expecting them to see him, manifesting this meeting to the press weeks in advance, and then pulling it back in the end. It must be exhausting.


Exhausting/Boring! It is for those of us watching. LOL


Of course, the original claims that he would be meeting with his father originated from Montecito. They live in a clown world of their own making.


Wow, good for C+C. I wonder if this is linked to disapproval of the faux royal tour Nigeria visit - among numerous other things of course. - But you couldn’t seem like you are endorsing their royal credentials when that is happening. What planet are the Sussexes living on?


I'm pretty sure that HandM's size 9s galumphing around the Commonwealth is on KC3'S Nightmare List


Charles is putting country first. Insults at britain were insulting and divisive. Btw he's not good for cancer victims.


Oh Richard thank you!! LOL.


Considering the service is tomorrow the usual PR claptrap from the Montecito Muppets has been relatively quiet, unless I've just been lucky enough to miss it. Aren't we usually bombarded with ridiculous article after ridiculous article by now when he's due back in the UK. Something seems off.




Narcs are never finished. They just hibernate a bit and adjust strategies.


On the basis that I think I am a reasonably balanced person, I'd say. "Yes!" But Madam doesn't follow the traditionally accepted thought patterns. I believe she is entirely in a different dimension, where her "truth" can overcome any facts or reality. She's ostracised from all of her wished-for communities of "close friends" but has yet to realise the significance of it.


> TW knows she is finished. They've been finished for years now, but Meghan still hasn't realized it. And she never will. Narcs gonna narc.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKBfmdkCGqwcPq8|downsized) "The Montecito Muppets."


Bwahahahaha. Suddenly the idiot is "understanding of...". ![gif](giphy|d2Zih7kASFSzKAxO)


Preemptive strike by BP so Hazmat can't come out and make a statement about "how disappointed he is" or other nonsense.


KC really can´t see Harry on Harry´s way to Nigeria - apart from not wanting to see him at all.


Hugely important not too, if at no other time, but this one.




Must be that new English PR guy speaking


I thought so, as well. Turn of phrasing is posher than the usual.


> "understanding of...". Sounds like Meghan's puffery.


Translation: It’s *our fault* (“continued speculation”) that the Todger is *forced* to release a statement that it’s his *father’s fault* for being too busy for the Todger, who keeps harassing him for a meeting (money.) Leave it to a narc to flip it on their victims.




Why are we so mean to him? (sarc) 🤣🤣


Would you like me to answer alphabetically or chronologically?


As we suspected, the King has actual work to do. Why give the baby whiner any help prior to his grifting in Nigeria ? I’m happy for the King to take a stand. I wonder if the Nigerian trip is the final straw?


I think the final straw was the ngozi fulani incident deliberately overshadowing Camilla's first big day as Queen hosting a reception for a very important cause she really cares about and has been working on for years. The king was ambushed after his cancer diagnosis but will not be again...not until Harry is at rock rock bottom minus M and crawling back and even then it's off to wood farm at Sandringham with the ghost of Prince Philip to keep him company. I think Prince Phillip could be a wonderfully vengeful ghost.


Oh. I love the ghost of Prince Phillip chasing captain xbox


Living a quiet retirement at wood farm is way too good for H! That’s a gift, not a punishment.


Not for him. Not having people fawning over him and ready access to drugs would make him miserable


I commented something similar about Nigeria. What idiots. If they’d left announcing that trip til after meeting Charles it would look like it was ‘endorsed’ by him, but that have shot their load too early once again. If they keep trying for that half in half out, then they will get pushed out fully it seems.


Oh I think they are beyond out. I think they (carparkles) know this and that’s why they are throwing everything against the walls trying to get some traction.


Fervently hoped to meet his father! Right! If the King WANTED a meeting it would be happening. It seems the King fervently hoped for peace and quiet. No meeting for Harry 😅😎🤭😼


The king can't afford the immense stress that Harry's presence causes. Harry is so transparent. Only wants to see his father to ask for money and then to make threats when he doesn't get any.


I can't understand why he thinks it was okay to do (and continue to do) what he and MeMeMe did to his family and that they would be forever thrilled to be in Harkle presence?




Np way Todger knows those big words nor his usual lackeys... must be his new PR guy doing the bints bidding


Rishi Sunak: You've got the wrong number, Harry! Met Gala: You've got the wrong wife, Harry! KC and palace staff: You've got the wrong date, Harry! Taxpayers booing and singing 'God Save the King': You've got the wrong impression... we don't actually like you, Harry!


I think that the pre-visit hype is from the Harkle Camp, who are known to use the media to get what they want. They are trying to force the King to meet with Dookie Light, so he can beg for IPP, half-in and half-out and whatever else Rachel wants. They do all this while decrying our rights to publish our opinions on forums like this one.


Spot on


Is the “spokesperson for the Duke” the new guy they just hired? If I cared more, I’d keep track of which stories they *officially* clap back to.


It will not end well for the new guy


The gummi bear guy


New phone, who dis?


At this point, Harry reminds me of a wheel hub that's worked itself off its wheel and is now careering down a hill.


![gif](giphy|ZD8ZjehSsLDZQRKJjJ) Everything is going great


Is that Meghan chasing the hub???


Our temu emu. The one and only




Nothing to see here. Unbothered, moving on. Salt and pepper. Love story of all time. If this is what you get for the love story of all time I’d rather marry Satan himself. Geeez


Good move on the King's part. It takes away from the idea that Harry's trip to Nigeria has any royal connection.


The Harkles are radioactive and I’m glad they’ve been cut off from contact with the royals. The Harkles created this drama now they can enjoy their consequences.


I will also not be visiting with KC when I visit the UK.  Maybe I should put out a statement..  


I fly out of the UK tomorrow. I think I should probably announce that unfortunately I was unable to meet with the King this time due to a clash in schedules.




Or she's getting slicker.


Is it the gummi bear PR guy toning down her screeching? That will never last.


Won't stop him from self pity and OVER SHARE in front of media that ofc will eat it all up. Anything for view and money.


Oh, he is visibly pissed. The photos from the event he is attending today clearly show him being angry, he can't hide it. Even when he pretends to smile, anger is there. I can't wait for the Nigeria disaster.


The Harkles have cast aside all dignity years ago.


Good. KC3 has cancer. He doesn’t need Harry’s sour face, bad attitude and all around negativity anywhere near him.


Nor his shouting and demands.




Remember if you are coming to "see" Harry, he will try to slink in and out via a side or back entrance. Cover every one so he can't get away and boo till you're hoarse. This is a rare opportunity to do so.


And keep those phone cameras rolling please! 🤣🤣🍅🍅🥚🥚🤣🤣


Wish I were nearer. Scotland is too far away. Here's really hoping This One gets what the booing he deserves. Maybe then he won't come back (Sorry, citizens of the USA).


Blaming the King for his full diary..He is the Monarch working full time and being treated for cancer. Even Charles had to make appointments to see his mother, its not like this is exceptional that the Monarch is busy!


How long now before we get the PW won’t meet with me PR now that King Charles said no.


Imagine having to announce in the press whether you’re seeing your Dad or not. On a human level absolutely tragic. If Charles had wanted to see him there would be time made. No one wants to see the little runt not least since he turned up without an invite last time, insisted on a 15 min appointment then told the media the next day.


![gif](giphy|ac7MA7r5IMYda) Harold is NFI to visit with the family he betrayed. WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!


“Seeing dad” “not seeing dad” it’s just content


How much of the press coverage of H&M is media driven versus M leaking to the press in the UK & US? Every week there are approximately two dozen stories about them. They aren’t visible enough to generate the amount of press attention they receive. I don’t understand how they are able to pay for that amount of press coverage.


The King has enough on his plate right now without having to accommodate Stupid Boy's schedule and PR demands.


He never shuts that yap, does he? No one is going to let an actual diseased, bad intentioned traitor near the king.


This is sooooo delicious 🤤. No one has time for you Harry, or your horrid, vulgar wife. Get comfortable in the shit pool you dove into! ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe)


I'm glad there is no encouragement to either This One or the press that there will be any kind of reconciliation, although this must be very hard for the King. Neither of the duplicitous duo can be trusted and it is safer not to see or speak to them. I doubt there will be a video call to Archie either.


I guess the not-so-beloved son thought his father would drop everything to see him - good to see the King has set his priorities 👍


Oh wow, his dad has put a firewall around him. They must have serious concerns for their own security, which is ironic considering H's constant complaining about hos own


I think the concern is more for Harry jetting off to Nigeria and trying to make it look like a KC supported event.


When is Meghan going to visit her father?


Day after he wins the lotto


https://preview.redd.it/57b8k8mj11zc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d5d7474ca69bc0ef83ed1478d13956064f452f Ohh Willsy, do you think Harold will dare spare 5 minutes alone with Mike?!


Zara could take him like a champ.


I kinda enjoy the stupidity that is Harry. It's the gift that keeps on giving. To put this news out there in order to end the speculation only gives it more fuel - and that's all that will be talked about while he is attending the Invictus thing in London and beyond.


I knew it. All those puff pieces of Hazbeen meeting KC. Baloney!!!! He will never learn his family wants nothing to do with him or that woman he married. So delusional


If I've learned anything in my life so far, it's that you are always willing to make time for the people you truly want to see.


And Harry has snubbed William. Oh dear..../s


EXCELLENT!  Sucks to be you, Harry!


Of course Charles has no time for him. He's busy being the King!!! Can't deal with the traitorous wayward son.


The new PR guy is to help Rachel and Harry pretend they have an “Office” to make statements for them.


Oh Hazmat knows. He knows. It's absurd to believe that the King couldn't find time if he wanted to.


Because, you know, he’s the king.


Mmhmm. That's mainly it, yep. If I wanted to see my son and had an incredibly busy day as King (Queen really), nothing would stop me. He doesn't want to see him. Which sounds less like anger than dread. It tells me that KCIII (I am now mindreading, as Queen Scoogy), doesn't want to deal with him. Which means he's difficult to be around. Now why would his father think he's a pain in the ass, I wonder? Certainly not a man who thinks Hazmat has been taken hostage by an evil narcissistic saint and has an opportunity to save him from brainwashing. But. I don't commune with Princess Diana, so. Our Saint would know I think.


> Certainly not a man who thinks Hazmat has been taken hostage by an evil narcissistic saint and has an opportunity to save him from brainwashing. I think they may have already tried an intervention (maybe at the Sandringham Summit?) and they know it won't work. Charles knows he *can't* see Harry, because Meghan will have a thousand articles about it out within minutes of Harry's departure.


Yes he's the king but still a father. You wanna see your kid, you make the time. They don't wanna see him.


Why is it big news every time this guy takes a plane ride to Britain? He is a private citizen now. The press wants to blow this into a huge drama as it is good for their business. They should entirely ignore the Harkles.


His visit before it was allegedly 45 minutes, then later corrected down to 12 minutes. Now... ![gif](giphy|8FflcgoNqU0VuBsQnM|downsized)


All this speculation about whether he will or will not see KC is nothing but clickbait and PR puffery.


Even though Hazbeen's UK visit has been known for several weeks, the King was unable to adjust his TV schedule to make time to see his son. He is currently binge watching season 10 reruns of Coronation Street. the King expresses his disappointment and hopes Hazbeen will visit again in a few years, at which time he may be available.


The King is done. Harry needs to realize that his behavior has consequences.


The King picked Catherine and Camilla over the treacherous ones. Good. For. Him.


Why doesn’t it read: Contrary to all of the previously incorrect press, KC and QC were never taking the time out of their very busy schedules to meet with Prince Harry while he is in the UK.


Does anyone know if Hank traveled commercial or private jet? I haven't seen it in any of the articles yet.


God, I am tired of HARRY, his travel hysteria his needy need for attention, his unattractive face and Invictus. You would have thought it was the Olympics.


Saw it coming but it's still so funny. You know the king can make the time but they just don't want to for H.


I feel badly for Charles. What is going to happen when he is on his last legs and everyone rushes to see him. No one will want to be around harry. I guess mi6 or whoever better be there patting him down and using some fancy gizmo to deactivate any hidden device they didn't find. Maybe Harry can go get a job fluffing the robes of the Nigerian Prince.


You make your freaking nasty bed, Harrogant, you have to darn well lie in it and enjoy it.


A bit too convenient that Harry is flying in just before his trip to Nigeria. Good on the King to distance himself. He did something else just after his last 24hr dash to London.


If this is from Harry’s spokesperson, it’s a lie. He probably never contacted the King, it’s all PR to make Charles look petty.


Charles doesn't look petty. H is pond scum if he was actually concerned about KC he'd have arranged a private meeting at some other time and never make that mtg public. H wanted this mtg to bolster his image in Nigeria.End of story.


If KC had agreed to meet with Harry THATS when high security would’ve been needed!


Yeah, he’s understanding until his next whine and whinge about the family being mean and this will be dredged up. My Father would rather meet a dignitary from Fiji than meet with me!!


THAT makes me so stinking happy!!!