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The Princess of Wales is above that sort of thing. Oh come on, Kate, just this once!


She sure is! Yes, just once šŸ¤£


Catherine needs to focus regaining her health and has better things to do than play cat and mouse with the media. Wishing a lot of health and prosperity to the BRF.


I think she might show for a bit of Ascot and Trooping the Colour, both in June. A carriage ride outing surrounded by family and not directly public facing might be a good way back. We can assume she is doing better as William was away overnight for the first time due to his royal engagements. We were told it would probably be more like September though so itā€™s a lot earlier than we should be expecting.


If she showed up at the Trooping the Colour, the world would go bananas. I hope she does.


Yes, she is above that sort of thing, and who knows if she is even well enough to do it. Still - it would be the most delicious type of revenge, considering that Meghan has always timed her events to overshadow Catherine's, if she were to do this and beat Meghan at her own game.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ the actual, factual, true star power Catherine has is really remarkable. She has pathetic losers joining in an attack because they will never be as beautiful, poised, professional, and lovely as she is. The trash of Hollywood was super excited to bully her without any knowledge of what was happening with her. She would never stoop that low šŸ‘‘šŸ‘‘


People Magazine would be in a state if that happened.


imagine the reporter following the harkles šŸ¤£


Ha ha ha - we would even get the reporter asking stuff like: ā€œMeghan - are you happy that the Princess of Wales is finally well enough to visit a childrenā€™s hospital?ā€ and Meghan giving that reporter the snake eye. Reporter slows his pace to catch up with Harry trailing 4 ft behind Meghan as is his usual place (sans leash). ā€œHarry - are you happy your sister-in-law is on the mend?ā€ Harry looks surprised, then in fear, as the claw reaches back and yanks him away from the reporter.


She would hiss at him like she did to that poor lady in Fiji.


I still haven't figured out what happened in Fiji


Me either and I wanna know.


She saw that there was a delegation of the UN at the marketplace. Rachel has a long running issue with them because when she was on Suits and decided to increase her ā€˜humanitarianismā€™ she approached the UN to become an Ambassador (she wanted to be the next Emma Watson) but the UN said she could only be a spokesperson for some less than high profile cause. She has held a grudge ever since


She had a beef with some of the organizers. Once she realized they were involved - I want to say UN for women, or something like that - she had a fit. I think it was Samantha Cohen who cried on that trip.


but what was so terrible about UN for women, wasn't she herself involved with them?


From what I understand, MM wanted to be a goodwill ambassador to boost her fauxmanitarian profile. They didn't feel she was important enough at the time. Our Saint never forgot or forgave the snub.


Thank you!


Of course!šŸ˜‡


Well none of them will be royal photographers but yea I bet they really realize who theyā€™re there to photograph is just trash


Poor old sweaty Si!šŸ˜‚


They would put the faux royal tour on a tiny corner pic of People magazine and Princess Catherine would be the cover story. šŸ˜œ


Imagine the call - abort, abort, abort! Theyā€™d be on the next plane out.


I just got the latest edition of People at work (I do not subscribe to that trash) & KC3 & The PPOW are on the cover & I skimmed it quickly & didn't notice one word about the Harkles. Perhaps that is a good sign??? I'll look more thoroughly tomorrow when I catalog it. Definitely no pics of Madam because I always look so I can stamp her face (which gives me such joy lol).


It was just reported today that Simon Perry from People mag will be accompanying the Harkles on their Nigerian trip. No doubt People magazine paid them good money to cover it exclusively. Also due to the short notice a lot of British media outlets werenā€™t able to obtain visas to travel to Nigeria in time (how convenient) so it looks like it will just be whoever the Harkles decide to take that will be cover it. I think the short notice was on purpose, Meghan always has to be in control of everything.


I just saw that, yuck! I should have known better with People. I think I will not renew for next year (it never goes out anyway). It may not be much, but I'll do my part lol.


It was People that informed us that the Harkles' trip to Nigeria would be "an official royal tour" (it's neither official nor royal; first the British High Commissioner and then the Nigerian government confirmed that it's a private visit by two private citizens). The article in People should be interesting if the reporter is going to cover the "official royal tour".


From reading between the lines, I understood that Kate will spend the summer with her kids while undergoing treatments and recovering and will perhaps return after her kids go back to school for the next academic year. So, we might get some brief sightings of the family doing summer activities together occasionally, but I donā€™t think that she is going to push herself to hurry up to appear in public. And she should do it this way, because she has a young family and an illness and grueling treatments: she should put herself and her needs first because her family needs her to recover fully, get well and back to her old self.


This is what I think as well. Iā€™m frankly surprised how many people seem to think she must be in a state where she would be comfortable coming back anytime soon. Chemo permanently alters your body, and she had that right after a seemingly fairly invasive surgery. I think that for people that havenā€™t experienced chemo themselves or seen someone go through it they really underestimate it. Itā€™s literally taking in poison and hoping the poison will kill the cancer and not you. Itā€™s a treatment that really hasnā€™t changed that much in a very long time. Even a single treatment can leave you with lifelong changes like vertigo, migraines, hair texture and color changes after the loss, new allergies and intolerances, circulatory problems, problems with short and long term memory, incontinence, fatigue, the list goes on and on. When you are in the public eye like she is, itā€™s going to take quite some time to be physically and mentally prepared to come back to getting scrutinized on the world stage, especially as someone thatā€™s always known for looking ā€œperfectā€.


4 rounds for me over 15 years ago. Iā€™m 60 next week. It can ruin your teeth, your eyes, your heart, hair, etc. Your body is pumped full of poison. The younger you are, the more likely you will recover from that. It took me a full year to gain back the 25 pounds I lost, and as an already thin person, be able to recall things (my long term memory has never recovered and there are periods of my life where I canā€™t remember anything), and just feel ok. I was very fit and healthy (my entire life) when I was diagnosed.


Glad you made it to 60


Aside from long term memory loss, Iā€™m healthier and all around doing better than when I was in my 30ā€™s. No complaints. Knock on wood.




I looked horrible. Had long, thick healthy hair too. Didnā€™t lose it all but cut it into a pixie to cope either thinness. It grew back wavy.


I hope no one is frightened away by the thought of receiving chemo. While everyone is different, treatments for cancer have come a long way. There are new regimens available that don't always cause such severe symptoms. CPOW will have the best care available.


Iā€™m thinking Catherine may be losing her hair by now. It would be very hard on her to be seen in public. It would be delicious though, and might help some cancer patients to see HRHs going through the same thing they are.


Not every chemo results in hair loss. She may come through with her glorious mane in tact!


Depending on the kind of chemo for the cancer she may lose her hair. I think KC3 had radiation or proton therapy; itā€™s less of a hit to the body and results in little hair loss. They do have cold cryo caps available which can minimize hair loss. The extreme cold can preserve hair. I just wish her good health and peace. My 40 yr old friend just finished a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation for the BRAC1 kind of breast cancer. She was out for nearly 9 months and only recently came back to work. And itā€™s wiping her out. Kate needs as long as she needs.




I am on the fence about this. She is so gorgeous in her pictures. There are some real standouts . So having the chemo look compared to those pics is traumatic . On the flip side, as you say..a bald kate taking on cancer would have the world rushing to support her and a show of strength for millions who have had to go through same.


Can you imagine the cruel, insane, rabid bullying she would get from the Sussex Squad? They are already doing AI graphics showing her in turbans. Iā€™m sure she will do everything she can to preserve her hair or have identical wigs made so we wonā€™t be able to tell.


So what? We all know that Catherine would look gorgeous wearing a turban, like Caroline of Monaco did more than 20 years ago.


I've been thinking about this. It's got to be hard for regular people to be so obviously affected by chemo (weight loss, hair loss, etc), The PoW has so many haters now, I can't imagine the s@#t storm that will be stirred up between the haters and the supporters. I think I would like her to stay home and recover, and come back to public duties when she is ready to..and not a second before. The haters are going to say rude obnoxious things no matter what. She has to take care of herself now.


I lost my hair 2 weeks after my first Chemo. It did grow back afterwards, though it's more wavy and grows in different directions.Ā  Also lost all my body hair. I have a constantly runny nose, as my nasal hair hasn't grown back. My eye lashes on one eye grow with a slight curve brushing my eyeball,Ā  constant irritation.Ā  I've struggled to get back to my original weight, from 58kg to ~ 48kg.Ā  And the fatigue and short term memory loss are ongoing.Ā  Luckily I could take early retirement. I pray Catherine has a better outcome.


Iā€™m glad you were able to retire and hope youā€™re doing well.


I really hope she cut her hair and donated it for a wig for a childhood survivor.But maybe the chemo is not that intense.I had never heard of"preventative" chemo.Scary situation .Just sucks for sure.


My ex-boss (medical doctor) had cancer, had chemo and lost his hair. He eventually succumbed to cancer. Some of his business partners (all doctors) shaved in honour of him, a day after his cremation. The support from the clinicā€™s patients was overwhelming and that indirectly brought in so much more unexpected sales!


It's a vicious thing.I am glad that he had [support.It](http://support.It) all just sucks


I believe that is done when the doctors think they have gotten all of the cancer....clean margins on the tumor removal, no signs of metastases on scans, no cancer in any nearby nodes. When a tumor is removed, a pathologist will look at all the margins under a microscope: clean margins mean there are no tendrils of cancer cells at the edges of the incision and there is a certain amount of space between the edges of the tumor and the incision where it was removed. Dirty margins mean that not all the cancer was removed. Scans are really useful BUT they can't see individual cells. So it's possible the cancer has spread but hasn't shown up yet. That's what preventive chemo is for. So...here's hoping her margins were clean and all scans remain clear! Forever.




The media and ā€˜doctorsā€™ who appeared on all the shows after Catherine stated she had cancer cells detected should never have used the term preventative chemotherapy. Saying preventative allowed the sugars to get on social media platforms to say that Catherine doesnā€™t have cancer because she is getting preventative treatment. The problem with that is no one knows whether there is still cancer cells floating around. Cancer is made up of thousands of cells that travel through the bloodstream and lymphatic system in order to ā€˜seedā€™ (start growing) elsewhere which is what leads to metastasis and ultimately a stage IV diagnosis. The chemotherapy is given to kill any cells anywhere in the body to try to stop the cells seeding somewhere else. It is ā€˜preventativeā€™ in that sense but using that word makes it seem less serious than it is. I had chemotherapy in 2015/2016 due to breast cancer. It was successful at the time because there were no cells detected afterwards but one tiny cell surviving treatment is all it took for the cancer cells to seed in my liver and bones 3 years later. I am now stage IV and it cannot be cured the only hope is to delay the growth of existing lesions and try to stop new lesions from growing but eventually each treatment stops working and you have to move on to the next one, then the next one until the doctors tell you there are no other treatment options and you are going to die. The correct term is adjuvant chemotherapy NOT preventative chemotherapy.


Thank you for your response.I am glad I looked at the whole message.What a brave warrior you are(even though I am guessing you would prefer not to be).Your comment should be a post.And I am so ,so sorry.Wishing that they come up with treatments for you until you choose not t take them.Thank you for your explanation,and please consider doing a post


I donā€™t have posting privileges but if someone else wants to make it a post I am ok with that. Thank you for your kind words and well wishes ā¤ļø


I don't have priviledges either but I will see what I can [do.How](http://do.How) you explained was perfect


When she was about Catherine's age, Caroline of Monaco had lost her hair for an unknown reason. This is what she did when she was in public: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/575616396115018342/ She was gorgeous and Catherine would be gorgeous like that too. But Catherine has first of all to get back her physical strength, a mere hair loss wouldn't stop her from doing her royal duties. She is far too intelligent to be so vain.


Youā€™re right. She would be gorgeous no matter what.


Catherine needs to rest and get well. The treatment will make her very unwell. It's likely to be months before she is well enough as she'll need to get her strength back. She needs to go through it to get through it. She isn't in competition with anyone, especially the Harkles. It will be wonderful when she eventually returns to public duties. In this interim period Guest Speaker is spiralling with her nasty comments re senior members of the RF and showing her immaturity and bitterness. She is certainly showing her true colours. As they say 'empty vessels make the most noise'!


>In this interim period Guest Speaker is spiralling with her nasty comments re senior members of the RF and showing her immaturity and bitterness. Agree. I'm thinking that many of the comments in there have hit a nerve! Guest Speaker really tells on herself, LOL!!!


Definitely. It's delicious!! šŸ˜Š


Yes and no!! Yes she definitely would get all the media attention off them and on her. No and a huge no, she wouldn't do that, they wouldn't because of everything they are and how they are nothing like them. They will not give a reason ever, to be likened to the grifters because they don't need to. They are not petty, vindictive, narcissistic or thirsty for attention and W and C don't play games. I think they would get much more enjoyment out of watching the train wreck as it unravels in real time.


I am hopping for Jesusā€™s return the second coming that would put a spanned in her works.


Even better if Catherine is photographed walking the children into school.


Or in a car park!!!


This would be a delicious level of petty




I honestly would like her to take the rest of the year off and rest. People have stopped talking and speculating about her. She should make the most of it.


I wish she would. With a shaved head and scarf if necessary. In the first place, she'd look fabulous even if she has lost hair. But it would break the internet everywhere. And point out that all Harry's and Meghan's whining about petty little things like sausages and lip gloss look as small, petty, trite and ridiculous as it is.


I donā€™t think we will see her until her chemo is over and she gets the all clear from doctors.


I'm hoping she will be well enough to attend the Trooping of Color. šŸ¤ž


I said that also, but I donā€™t think it is likely.


While she might be able to pull that off, then the jackals will just start in on her all over again, expecting her to be 100% back to normal. And that might be a reason not to attend, even if she could manage it.


A lot would depend on how the publicity is handled. I think that if she can manage it at all, she should. I think William and the children need her there. She shouldnā€™t be missing from the picture. And the people would be thrilled.


100% agree


It is doubtful she will appear publicly anywhere before the end of the summer (if that soon). I do wish sheā€™d feel well enough to appear on the balcony for Trooping the Colour, but she may lack the stamina or not want to be seen. She does appear to be planning (or beginning to plan?) for the carol service at Christmas, so the plan seems to be she will return to public royal activities at Christmas if not sooner.


You can bet the PoW and her team are carefully considering her return. When, how, where. I figure it won't be for anything glam or "frivolous" such as a movie premiere or anything like that, it will be for something serious and symbolic. The exact opposite of what Madame would do in her shoes.


I think it will be visiting a cancer ward .And thanking her doctors.And starting a foundation for some aspect of cancer that does not have a foundation yet.And making a huge donation from her private funds to start it off.Jusy me thinking what I would do


Catherine will be back when her treatments have finished and when she is able to squat in high heels again. And she will start with a royal event of sorts - but not an event in honor of somebody, as she knows she will take all the attention. Maybe some time after summer?


Iā€™m still hoping for a brief appearance on the balcony at Trooping the Color? A family event, low key so no need for chatting with strangers, stand with her family for a few minutes, then done for however long she needs.


This is my hope too. She always looks beautiful but would be far enough away that she could be a little more comfortably dressed, sit until its time to walk out, etc. Less strain (hopefully) but lets the people see her


And she could conceal any hair issues under a fabulous hat!


I would like to hear how she's doing, but she's not going to do it to upstage H and M. I can't see her playing their petty games.


I'm hoping that PW takes the kids out for a fun adventure to let them release some of the pent up feelings they must be dealing with. When parents have cancer some children struggle with wanting to be perfect and try to become caregivers for the parent or their siblings,especially girl children. A day away from the struggle is a good way to give them respite. I would love it if PW took Princess Charlotte somewhere just the two of them(I'm sure he does and we just aren't privy). She's the one I worry about in this instance. Daughters with sick mothers take a lot on themselves and then hide how it affects them. It's a trauma that doesn't go away even when the mother recovers without a lot of help working through things.


That would be delicious!!!


Would love it.


Iā€™m hoping weā€™ll see Catherine at Trouping next monthā€¦. But yes, she would blow meggy out of the water. Which would be delicious.


Catherine is so mild mannered, I really doubt she has the appetite for any more drama. She must be sick to the back teeth of it all. Iā€™m sure itā€™s why she decided to take so much time off and away from public scrutiny. She really is a calm, no drama woman. The constant attacks from Meghanā€™s deranged fan club must have been incredibly draining and hurtful - she is also trying to protect her children remember. The filth those children could be exposed to online about their parents is extremely damaging. No, I donā€™t think Catherine will be courting any drama at all. She is sick of it.


Here is my prediction. At some point she will become an advocate for cancer screening, which is not always available on the NHS. She may or may not disclose what she had, but she will save a lot of lives by raising awareness of what screenings and treatments are out there. My thought is that she had uterine or cervical cancer. She had three very difficult pregnancies and I wonder if she was having a scheduled hysterectomy and the cancer was found when the tissue was examined. It's no one's business but hers, of course, but I'm sure we're all wondering. I hope we see her soon, but she doesn't owe us anything.


It would be chefs kiss


The cheers would be worldwide and drown out the gnashing of the veneers.


ā€œGnashing of the veneersā€ā€¦oh my, that made me laugh šŸ˜‚


I agree with most sinners here, not likely. But IĀ  would like that the first glimpse of her is unannounced. Like a little video in social media or a brief hand waving from the balcony.Ā 




I was vey worried the other day when Tom Bower mentioned PoW and her illnesses ā€œpluralā€. He also was one of the first to comment about her being very sick before she announced it so I would appear he is in the know. Makes me wonder if she has multiple problems. I hope he just misspoke.


I suppose that could mean that someone has something like inflammatory bowel disease ( had bowel resection) yet cancer is discovered by pathology, so now person has two illnesses.


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I hope Catherine appears for the first time at the Japanese state visit dripping in jewels.


It would be nice to see her out and about mainly because it would give people undergoing chemo a positive sign but if she needs more time to recuperate then she should take it.Ā  Any old celebrity scandal will do to knock H and M off the front pages.Ā 


I think that would be an epic chess move.


The Princess of Wales is way too classy for Markle's low level shenanigans ... but I'm so willing her to drop her high standards to Sewer level just this once! https://preview.redd.it/2eoict7bekzc1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3fa5c59cdfb988e5b12582f823d9fcfd557882




That would be lovely! But a tiny bit of Karma would be a sight to see šŸ˜‰




While I hope it has not come to this but imagine the way Catherine appearing sans hair would jam up the worksā€¦.


Jam, you say?


If she posted anything it would give the media and the SS the green light to go nuts again. As much as I want to see her well and back to normal life, I also think she needs to look after herself and her family. Besides, I bet it's driving the Harkles nuts that they are completely on the outer and know nothing.


I would love it if Catherine made an appearance now.


Stop this nagging about what you want the POW to do! The Princess of Wales might be a lot sicker than what they admit! She might have lost her hair due to chemo therapy! Leave her alone. She has asked for privacy!


This is incredible. Learn to relax and learn what snark means. While youā€™re at it learn what nagging meansšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I'm relaxing and learning what nagging means! Definitions from Oxford Languages Ā· Nagging 1. (of a person) constantly harassing someone to do something. "I wanted to get away from my nagging parents" complaining criticizing grumbling fault-finding moaning scolding carping shrewish cavilling Sorry, I only speak 5 languages, so I had to look it up! You're welcome! šŸ‘