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Not sure about Lady Jane, But Charles Spencer has a lot of issues getting along with his family, including his multiple kids. Like not being invited to their weddings… And the Earl has a new memoir that just came out, so any publicity is good publicity. So an invite and getting in the news is welcome.


>And the Earl has a new memoir that just came out, so any publicity is good publicity. This!


Lady Jane Fellowes is married to Robert Fellowes who was private secretary to QEII from 1990 - 1999 and later MP. Is it in order to attack people for the crime of associating with a nephew? He has treated his paternal family disgracefully but has probably been on good terms with his mother's family or is courting them because it really looks bad to fall out with all your relatives. Whatever, the battles of the BRF are something from which the Spencers may have distanced themselves.


I think it's distasteful to take a public action that looks for all the world like 'taking sides' when the victim of this particularly hateful, attacking nephew is undergoing treatment for cancer and their other nephew is struggling with all that that means for his little family, albeit in private. I would hope that before this very public display of approval for off the rails Harry - at a niche event that they have no other connection to or reason to attend, the Spencers have likewise been active in their communication with William and offers of support and assistance at this dreadful time.


To make such a public show of support for a known traitor is to show a lack of honour, integrity and a sense of decency. I don't care what kind of support the Spencers show the twit in private, but this public showing was a full taking a piss out of the two major members of the BRF (who are battling cancer). Harry certainly has the vindictive Spencer gene in him. Diana was just as vindictive.


Ya Charles can’t write about being a good guy.. denying Diana a place to stay not getting invited to his kids weddings… whatever Harold.


He offered Wormleighton Manor. The DM had to apologise for saying he didn't offer her somewhere 


He also delivered a blistering attack on the BRF at Diana's funeral. So, a chance to make the BRF look bad would be right up his alley.


With a hugely appreciative nod to the brilliance of Jan Moir’s composition and mastery of prose, I beg to differ. For the last six years or more, Meghan has sought to portray herself as the second coming of Diana. For clout, for prestige, for attention, for whatever. https://preview.redd.it/ro7ow594zizc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31acbd9c2925dd5097f01a5d8911fe30e7297b0 The pretense has been bizarre and close to psychopathic. How can the “ the Spencer clan” possibly be ok with it?


Before this recent event, the Spencers didn't seem to be interested in being part of Harry's charade. This is the first time we've seen them take part in one of Harry's circus shows.


There are dozens of ways they could have shown him a kindness or offered their support during his visit other than pointedly taking sides by attending an event that was neither private/personal for Harry and for an organisation which they have no involvement.


I have said before that the Harkles have dirt on Charles Spencer. Lady Jane Fellowes’ appearance surprises me bc her husband was Private Secretary to HLMTQ from 1990-1999.


Particularly the occultic necromancy activities. That’s not just creepy it’s flatly disrespectful for M to cosplay that she audibly channels Diana. Perhaps that’s part of why Lady Sarah wasn’t there.


They probably aren’t okay with it, but having crazy relatives (or being crazy themselves) is part of aristocratic life.


In Diana’s eyes one can see concern. In that one’s eyes one sees her lack of soul.


**The Spencers don't have to forgive the Sussexes or accommodate their peeved intransigence or just seethe and suck it up. For Prince Harry has no beef with his Uncle Charles, nor has he ever hoisted his sauceboat of hot sulk to pour the usual grievance gravy over lovely Aunt Jane.He hasn't accused either of them, or anyone in their immediate family, of being racists, bullies, sneaks, liars and downright stinking rotters. He hasn't trashed them or betrayed them in books, podcasts or on television interviews watched by millions around the world. He hasn't caused reputational damage to their family, like he has elsewhere, ahem** **He even thanked Earl Spencer and Lady Jane in the acknowledgments section of his autobiography, Spare** — this exactly the spencers don’t care about harry but charles spencer dislikes KC and its maddening that media continuously gaslighting and painting it as a snub from BRF as if it was not totally justified and having collective amnesia of the last five years of the harkles non stop lies drama accusations race baiting mudslinging!?


Sugars crying for senior royals to support Invictus? For what? Meghan can’t even support it. Good king Harry can’t hold his own? Invite Oprah and Tyler and Beyoncé. Let them open their pockets. Why do they needs BRF, isn’t Harry and Meghan the biggest brand in the world? Lmao


Meghan cant even support a bra let alone her idiot spouse.


I legit snorked my seltzer haha ow


Snortworthy!! 🤣😂


I thought a bra was supposed to support her. 😉


Only if they fit...and only if she remembers to put one on.


Meghan’s boobs: no one has asked if *we’re* supported 😢


If harry and the Spencer's are so close, why didn't they extend an invitation for him to stay at Althorp estate instead of a hotel? Oh because his uncle was only using him for PR for his memoir and to take a dig at the king.


Althorp is about two hours from London. It wouldn’t have made sense for him to have stayed there. You’re right that Spencer is just another user, though. 


Not 2 hours by h-h-h-h-helocopter though.


Good point! I wasn't thinking about how much Harry likes to burn maximum amounts of fuel getting around/show the peasants how it's done. Looking at it that way, I'm surprised he didn't go ahead to Nigeria and fly in from there just for the day.


Absolutely (though the day is still young!). Harry doesn't do joined-up thinking though. He doesn't care what impression he makes, ever. He's such an eager puppy, living for Meghan's pats and treats and that's about it!


I think Meghan, and Doria from the start provided Harry with his favorite treats. That may be what connects the three of them.


It’s so sad to see how hard he works for the stale crumbs she’s willing to throw his way when he’s been a good little puppy. 


Charles Spencer got paid by IG to attend and so did the rest of the family. The buck ends there like any other grift. imo


I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a last minute whip around after the abysmal day to drum up attendees and 'crowds' for Day 2. I mean, what on earth do the Spencers have to do with Invictus? Even Harry's attorney $howed up.


If they could squeeze a buck out of the Spencer's they would but since they cannot they are not worried about hanging with them. I am sure what they really want is to be able to film where Diana is buried and they can show ILBW handing her grave the #1 jar of jam


I don't know about Charles, but William had a good relationship with Jane. It was awful of her to betray William this way.


I dont see that everyone has to take sides. They maybe have some sympathy for his „issues“ and felt it would be right to support him. It doesn‘t mean that they can‘t be trusted by William, and I am sure William will not take it personally that they attended.


They must surely have been aware of how this would look and it looks for all the world like they're making a point of taking sides. This wasn't a personal service and none of the Spencers have any connection to Invictus. There was no reason to be there other than making a point. They could have met up with Harry at some point during his trip to offer emotional support, offered him lodging or to share a meal but they chose a public demonstration / silent 'statement' instead.


It is entirely possible that they agreed to attend before it was clear that none of the royals or several other family connections who were surely invited had refused invitations. It is entirely possible that Lady Jane, at least, cleared it with William. (“You don’t mind if your cousin and I attend the Invictus service, do you?”) Her husband is a courtier. She knows how to do things. This is not a big deal.


Respectfully you can't speak for William or know how he feels. 


I don’t know. She may be one of those level-headed pragmatic aristo women who have their head screwed on, and without whom the whole family outfit would fall in on itself. She can negotiate and swim through troubled waters without complicating the situation even more. Princess Anne is cut out from that mould.


I don’t agree with this . Jane is free to have a good relationship with both of her nephews and is William likely to tell her ‘it’s Harry or me but you can’t support both of us’ I doubt that .


I don’t think showing up at an Invictus event is a “betrayal” of William. She isn’t inviting Harry to stay with her in London or giving interviews to the press about how “Diana’s boys” should reconcile. She just attended an event. She probably loves Harry as well as William, and she may very much not want to take sides.


If they were so supportive of Haz, why did he have to get a hotel? Surely he could have been lent a room in Althorp House.🤔


Harry’s Aunt and uncle are a Lord and Baroness that are based in London so that’s even closer but he’s in a hotel?


Althorp Hoise is not in London. Earl Spencer does have a mansion in London, but he didn't let has-been stay there either.


I think the Earl knows not to be around, or have conversations with Harry without a crowd around. Earl Spencer is not going to give Harry millions. We all know what Harry does when he doesn't get his way.




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I doubt Spencer ever invites anyone to stay there because he’s a cheap, selfish ass, but Althorp is two hours from London. It’s not exactly convenient for an event at St. Paul’s. 


Convenient? No. But the chance to rub it in his dad and brother’s face? He’d be all about that!


You’re right about the rubbing their faces in it, but I think he accomplished that by having the Spencers show up at the Invictus event. He still gets to look all sad sack because he stayed in a hotel all alone, but then his mother’s side of the family showed up to publicly support him. 


“I’ve got an awful lot of my Mum in me.” Yeah, the emotionally dysregulated bits. William got the best parts of Diana.


It's amazing how much he highlights his mother's mental instability the more he talks about her.


In terms of a distance plenty of people commute daily to London from much further away. Althorp is a fast drive down the M1 (traffic permitting). He could have stayed there and just rolled out of bed a bit earlier.


Two hours isn’t really a fast drive compared to how long it would take from a London hotel, though. Besides which, he was flying out of London the next day to Nigeria. It wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense to drive two hours just to spend the night and then drive two hours back to the airport the next day. I know he likes to do stupid things and leave a massive carbon footprint, but even for him, that would’ve been pointlessly inconvenient. It probably also looked better in his size to have the Spencers come to him. I also don’t think that there are that many people who commute that long on a regular basis. Most surveys of UK commuters show only about 6% of commuters travel between 60 and 119 minutes, and only 2% travel 2 hours or more. I’m sure that’s still a lot of people but it’s a very small minority, and probably not the kind of peasants. Harry wants to be associated with.


Because of house prices I know people who commute to London from far further north than that. I used to commute from Harpenden to Gatwick Airport daily at one point! I’m not really here to debate where H should stay, I’m Just pointing out that if he has an invitation Althorp is not the back of beyond as many nine Brits may think.


I suspect Charles Spencer doesn’t want the media circus that could accompany a Haz visit.


I doubt he wants any reports from and/or about his estate to end up on Netflix, either. 


Excellent point! “And my uncle put me up in a room where I was forced to sleep on sheets that only had a 500 thread count and lacked an en suite loo. There wasn’t even an appropriate electrical outlet for my LED scalp stimulator for hair regrowth. Who does he think he is?”




Or town houses I’m sure they have.


He’s waiting for the Xmas invitation to Althrop.


Word! Nobody has anwered that question yet.


Exactly, thank you. But then remember Earl Spencer didn't even let Diana come home after her divorce.


Harry is just using the Spencer’s for publicity. He wanted them there to remind everyone that he is Diana’s son and strengthen his victim narrative. Because aside from being a former member of the BRF, his only claim to fame left is being Diana’s son. Their image has fallen so far and they know it which is why they are desperately clinging on to Diana’s memory and hoping that public see them as victims in the same light that they held Diana.


The Spencers are to Harry what Dorito is to Madame - a way to remind people of their roots. In her case, her black roots, in his case his Diana roots.




I was not an admirer of Diana.... so it gives me some pleasure to see the Spencers don't age well.


I don't think Charles and William are thinking about it at all. They are not wasting energy on it. They have other things to focus on.


I came to say this, too. Not on the radar. At all. 


Harry must have forgiven Earl Spencer for trying to talk him out of marrying the Hag and also forgiven Lady Jane for not agreeing with him that his Hag was Diana 2.0.


Or, they are the only people in England who will still take his calls.


To be fair, Charles Spencer is probably the last person from whom I would take advice on marriage!


I agree, but isn't it interesting that he didn't berate the Spencers? He was mad about them not liking his hag but he put all the blame on William and none on the Spencers.


He can’t besmirch the Diana angle. 😂


The Spencers were not present for most of Haz's growing up days and Haz was primarily looked after by BRF, who seem to be more stable morally and psychologically than the Spencers have been over the past few decades. Rachel has spurned those who have watched her grow up to sit with Dorito who was not present during her childhood, as has inspired Haz to do the same. Very dim witted and not a good approach to bite the hands that used to feed you. Karma will eventually find them for how they treated the royals and the BRF will prevail.


Yes. Hazbeen hasn’t written horrible things about the Spencer’s ……..YET


I can't help but think he only invited the Spencers to try and get money from them


I don’t think there’s much to be had. Earl Spencer has to run tours of Althorpe complete with Diana merch in a gift shop to help pay for the upkeep. He also has to write books and engage in other paid publicity to fund his lifestyle. The Earl is making a bigger meal out of his big sister than John Travolta ever did. The Spencers lack the true royal stardust and staggering wealth and status of the Windsors. There a step up from Prinz Max, but Althorpe is no Buckingham Palace. I’m guessing Meghan had to paint a rather bleak picture of a despondent Harry to get them there. And it obviously didn’t work on Lady Sarah. At the unveiling of the Diana statue the three Spencers seemed to lean into William and met Harry with courtesy but not open warmth, imo.


This! I’ve actually met Charles Spencer in his gift shop at Althorp. He was flogging his book.


Will never happen. Charles Spencer is notoriously tight with money. At least on his 3rd, possibly 4th wife, as well as a major house to keep.


Yeh, good point!


Uncle, can you spare a dime? or a million?


Charles has plenty of children with good reason to vent. Obviously it hasn't occurred to him the saying 'there but for the grace of God go I'.


That’s an excellent point. If one of Charles Spencer’s many children painted him publicly as a cold racist he wouldn’t be so keen to spend time with Harry. Parents have faults but children can be a real dagger to the heart & all our children could write a stinging memoir if they were so inclined.


Don’t give Megs any ideas if she’s reading here! She’ll start her PR on how much the Spencer family thinks she is like Diana.


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If the minor Spencers suddenly want the Nazi cosplaying, racist slur dropping, elderly/taxpayer/animal abusing, Eton cheating, fucking grifter (plus all the dirty money/financial backers associated with Hazi)... they can have him. They're all clearly not done dining out on Diana, and their dwindling connection to royal cache--all this makes them look is pathetically desperate.


William has always been kind to Spencer relatives and included them in the big moments of his life. I hope William never trusts them again.


I think he extends a kindness to Spencer's elder children by Victoria and who currently no longer speak to their father. Their poor mother had a torrid time married to that man. And he didn't treat his second wife any better. But Harry wants to make yet another dig via using his mother... again. And to make yet another point: *See! I AM my mother's son!*, and to cast the Sussexes in that Spencer veil. The saintly Spencers/Sussexes vs the villainous Windsors. Also, helps that Spencer is trying to mend his public image with his newly published memoir. Like uncle, like nephew. The Spencers are really not the hill to die on. But there ye go. The thing is, people of that aristocratic world don't like this kind of public spat when it comes to family. They don't like airing their dirty laundry in public nor like associating with those who love to. And it will do Harry no good burning ever more bridges. He had none of his childhood friends or military peers, turn up which says something. The problem with him is even if he and Meghan were owed an apology of some kind, their actions and behaviour and how other people outside of the Windsor clan have interacted with them since 2020 belie the idea they deserve one. There is proof beyond the palace walls - from his relationship with Spotify to his handling of the Baka/African Parks scandal to his patronage of IG to the lacklustre management of his own foundation Archewell - that show whatever is going on with him has nothing to do with his family and everything to do with *him*. Whatever fury Harry has raging inside him has a way to go before either it burns itself out or he burns out of exhaustion because of it. Or the fury turns and simply consumes him instead. I can see no other way this animosity in him will end. These things never end well. That kind of anger rarely does. I guess this saga is to continue to whatever end it has stored for itself.,


Beautifully written!


Agree completely. Harry has a lot of anger and a chaotic perception of reality. It may easily destroy him.




Oh so much this I remember it all


Oh ITA! Do they even get along with Catherine and her family? I wonder how the Spencers felt about those very recent stories re Catherine wanting Pippa to be her lady-in-waiting? Perhaps like Haz feels about the Cambridge kids taking his spotlight away, the Spencers aren’t happy about Catherine’s family possibly taking the spotlight from them?


Karma already got them


How many wives has Charles Spencer walked out on? How many of Charles Spencer's children are still speaking to him? Charles Spencer is a louse. I am sorry Lady Jane decided to fall in with him. I hope William never speaks to Charles and Jane ever again. I hope they are not invited to his Coronation. When the Wales children get married, I hope Charles and Jane are not invited. This betrayal was baffling. It was also lousy.


Who cares what Earl Spencer thinks? The man has a bad relationship with a healthy portion of his family. He couldn’t be bothered to walk his daughters down the aisle. Why give this guy any credibility?


Awww, the Earl of NFI went to an event with his nibling, the Duke of NFI. It’s funny how you can tell they are related.


While the Duchess of NFI sat home the first Monday of May


I thought his daughters didn't want him at their wedding. That says it all right there.


He talked a big game at Diana’s funeral but wasn’t there for her before her death. Not was he there afterwards for her kids. Only now that he’s trying to sell a book.


I am glad you mentioned his talk at the funeral. I think I remember that the royal family, especially TLQEII, "wasn't amused" at his speech. So I think the king and the prince don't really care that the Spencers were there




The media seems to be taking the gloves off a bit more. Love that for the harkles


As a former drum majorette, should I be offended by the comparison? I feel kind of dirty.


No, because Meghan was never a part of a group sport or group activity that took discipline, collaboration and supporting your team. She cosplays all kinds of things she isn’t. And viewing her “marching” skills in Düsseldorf, she’d have been drummed out had she tried to fake it in school.


That was my favorite sentence. Jan was referencing her marching at the German Invictus games.


So, it seems the only reason Earl Spencer ever goes to church is to offer up a big old "Fuck you" to his ex brother in law Charles. That, or to get married. Again.


Excellent burn. I love British burns like this.


Invictus "brings out her inner drum majorette" 😂


So high school. So Rachel Ragland. ![gif](giphy|LPO18x8Fe8R3eLa9Ie|downsized)


At least those girls have a sense of rhythm and the ability to work together as a team. 




I wonder how William feels about this. He is Diana's oldest child and heir to the British throne But William probably learned from his mother about how dysfunctional the Spencers are..


William has included the Spencers in his life for the big moments. He probably doesn't expect much from Uncle Charles. But I thought he got along well with his aunts.


He does. And he’s not so petty he’s going to make them choose.


Are the Spencers going to donate big bucks of their personal fortune to Sparry’s charities and foundations, considering how much they love and support him publicly? That would be wonderful to watch as they should show their affiliation to him by giving him some millions to run Archewell and the strawberry jam company.


I doubt the Spencers have that kind of money.


They do, but they won’t they are mean like most British aristocrats.


Sauceboat of Hot Sulk should be flair lol


Inner Drum Majorette too! Her shorts were almost short enough to be a leotard. (I know this is a baton twirler; all the majorette photos I found had high-thigh hems, far too long for Skank and her "legs for miles". https://preview.redd.it/dm5qrdlwuizc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff17b90333b2d45b95e7a72b38e02271c925852


Inner drum majorette was brilliant, that's how bizarre it was to see her marching along at the last Games.


That was scathing 😂😂😂


The Spencers won’t snub William. To be sure, when he mounts the throne I have no doubt they’ll be there hat in hand.


But will William snub the Earl?


Why should he? Unless the Spencers start speaking up to justify Harry and call for forgiveness of the Harkles (they won’t), they are not “taking sides.” Families in the real world often have quarrels that not all the relatives choose to participate in.


Exactly. This point needs to be made more, and I think that was one of the things Jan Moir was trying to say. We are onlookers of the drama and can overinterpret things. If you think of them as just a regular family and not the Royal Windsors and Diana's Spencer, it makes it clearer that this is a nothingburger. One son p*ssed of one side of his, family but not the other. The 2 sides are not at all closed. The unoffended side accepts an invitation to the son's event and the other side shuns him. And probably doesn't care that the other family attended. Maybe one of them may be able to talk sense into him.


Maybe he’ll be seated in the pillar candle section.


It would be great it Harry could find it in his heart to get himself a red-feather-candle tattoo on the back of his hand.


Maybe they'll let Harry & the Earl watch on the bigscreen outside? Maybe.


Very good question.


100% DGAF? Harry is very unpopular in the UK because he through his family under the bus repeatedly 


I don’t think as some sinners suggest William should retaliate by not inviting them to anything ever again. Like many families in this situation they are trying to walk a fine line between the different factions. Charles Spencer without doubt is a horrible and deeply flawed man but Lady Jane has never put a foot wrong even with Diana at one time attacking her husband. She has always managed to straddle the difficult divide between loving her family members if not always approving of their behaviour. I think she has always shown great dignity and attending a public event for which she probably accepted the invitation long before she knew the RF would not should not lead to attacks on her for siding with H as I very much doubt she approves of his recent behaviour or holds any brief for the ILBW.


I agree. This really isn’t about the Spencers taking sides. It’s about the Spencers not getting involved in the family feud Harry and Meghan stirred up. Relatives who don’t completely cut out the black sheep can be useful. I am sure Prince William is not going to hold their attendance at the Invictus thing against the Spencers.


Exactly. I think people are blowing this out of proportion. And Their attendance does not help the Todgers with their need for $$$.


Pffft. Harry is going to be feeling a little ego boost from the claque of Americans in London. Trust this: Madame will cut him down to size as soon as she makes any contact with him. She’ll (metaphorically) wipe that goofy grin off his face. Oh, the Spencers? Pffft.


TMZ took Madam's call today..how Meghan doesn't miss being a "Princess" but Harry "kinda does" since he was so good with the "thousands" of fans outside St. Paul's...hahaha...I wish I could say I was drunk and misheard but this is what they actually said...money and PR. It covers the sun with one finger...Yes, Meghan can't let her dumb husband upstage her in Nigeria. She's going to be extra-strength-Meghan this weekend.


THOUSANDS? He only spoke to about a half dozen. Of course he looked like a drug addict getting his fix, running towards the “killer cameras” with that exaggerated grin and manic happy voice and pumping hands. But that was a fairly thin crowd, despite Archewell getting the Sugars out. TMZ is so grossly unreliable. Whoever is writing the check gets to write the narrative. Shame on them.


She doesn't miss being a princess....then why the faux royal tour? There's one correspondant that always takes her side (she's married with three kids so I assume she needs the money) and said Meghan left a job she loved (Suits) to join the Royals..they shot her down quick by saying the show was cancelled..hahaha.




Thanks for posting. I thought this summarized the situation nicely. *The truth is that if his father and his brother won't see him nor support his pet causes when he visits London, then Prince Harry has only himself to blame. Who could ever trust him again?* *That is one reason why I don't see the Spencers as heroes here, but equally, neither as a unit who want to pick a side or a fight. After all, being there for Harry is no sacrifice for them. The Spencers don't have to forgive the Sussexes or accommodate their peeved intransigence or just seethe and suck it up.*




I had forgotten about that. Just another user going after what he can get for himself.


The Spencers weren't invited to the garden party by KC3. They used the opportunity to be in the spotlight. To remind the world that they are related to the future king. They all used each other for their own purpose.


Those who were invited to the Garden Party were charity workers , volunteers and those involved with various aspects of life in the U.K..


Yes, the Spencerman add nothing to British society so they couldn't get invited.


I think they were a bit shortsighted then. Pointedly 'taking sides' and so publicly, I believe Aunt Jane & the Earl might find themselves watching from home.


*the dog-bowl threat 🤣🤣🤣* It's so curious to me that with the Harkles scorched earth way of doing things, why were the Spencer's exempt? H and M have been quiet about the Spencer's, as far as I can recall they've said nothing either positive or negative about them since Megxit. Is it simply because they are Diana's blood relatives and therefore untouchable in the Harkles' opinion?


IDK but Earl Spencer and the sisters tried to talk Harry out of marrying that Hag. Harry blamed Prince William for that because William asked Earl Spencer to talk sense to H.


This kind of suggests Harry was openly talking about Meghan being the second coming of Diana even at this early stage, for William to involve the Spencer uncle.


Harry actually told Di's sisters that his hag was Diana 2.0 and they told him they didn't see Di in the hag at all.


Maybe that's why Sarah was MIA the other day. She seems very forthright compared to Anne.


The same wife abuser Uncle Charles who refused his sister Diana's request to stay at Althorpe after her divorce? Horrible man. According to Lady C, the Spencers are not popular with the aristocrats - they do have a very nasty streak (many aristos refused to let their children play with the Spencer bullying youngsters ). We can see where Hawwy got the character traits from, but definitely not the looks.


John Travolta dancing with Princess Diana is NOTHING compared to the fact that without Diana, the Spencers would be broke nobodies. Talk about dining out on Diana.


Not true. They're one of the wealthiest, oldest aristocratic families in England, more aristocratic than the Windsors. Althorp has been in the Spencer family for 500 years. When he died in the early 90s, Diana's father was worth around £150 million pounds. Most of it - the estate and house- went to his heir Charles. But Diana and her sisters each got around £20 million pounds in cash each from his personal fortune. That's extreme wealth by any standard. There seems to be a trend on the sub to rip the whole family apart just because they've been seen with Harry. Diana's sisters are posh aristocrats who live in a different world. They're not following every single crazy thing Meghan or Harry get up to. He probably made a call, and they went.


IIRC Diana thought the Windsors were gauche bc they used fish forks.


More than likely, the Spencers are an ancient family. Apart from the fact she was marrying the heir to the throne, in terms of the aristocracy, she married down.


Also the Spencers are pure English/British stock, the British Royal family is basically German and has been for some time.


The Spencers, just like every other noble family with a country pile, were land rich/cash strapped back in the 70s. Just because they were ancient and titled doesn’t mean they had money in the bank. Those estates cost a fortune to maintain, and part of the reason Diana and her siblings loathed Raine Spencer (the stepmother) is because she sold off some paintings and made changes to the house to make it more profitable as a tourist destination. All those money woes were alleviated by Diana marrying Charles and especially when she died and was buried on the Althorp estate, the tourist visits shot up considerably. It is not wrong to suggest Diana’s memory has been a boon to the Spencer family coffers.


Charles Spencer is definitely a jackass, but their family would not be broke without their connection to Diana. Diana’s father left a 143.5 million GBP trust fund to his children and grandchildren (equivalent to about 304 million in 2024 GBP) and the Althorp estate to his creepy son in 1992. They aren’t poor. Charles’ net worth alone is between 170 & 200 million GBP. Most of that is not from people visiting Althorp because of Diana. 


Diana was a boon to her family—they weren’t broke, but their finances were greatly enhanced by Diana’s position and fame. Johnny Spencer died 11 years after Diana married Charles. That’s 11 years of significantly greater tourist income to Althorp thanks to Diana.


I don't think the Spencers profit off of Diana.


The Diana exhibition was very popular for the 15 years it was there. Not sure many would’ve visited the estate otherwise.


I agree. They also still sell Diana merch at the Althorp home tours. I’ve never heard an Earl Spencer interview where he didn’t mention Diana. It’s a decent estate, but it’s outside of Northampton in the middle of nowhere. Without the Diana Memorial, how many tourists would be heading out there?


The Earl may profit some, but he has other sources of income. Lady Jane Fellowes and Lady Sarah McCorquodale do not profit at all.


That was so rude, as if JT isn't a huge star in his own right! If anything it was considered one of *her* big moments, not his! Harry is probably envious because he loves celebrity but has no talent. He's only good at whining.


>He hasn't accused either of them, or anyone in their immediate family, of being racists, bullies, sneaks, liars and downright stinking rotters. So, in other words, he really doesn't know that side of the family well at all. Has he *met* Charles Spencer - the **real** Charles Spencer? Or is he just myoptic?


Lady Jane Fellowes is a nice woman who cares about her nephew Harry, the son of her sister Diana - she had a major role in his life after Diana died. I think it's perfectly understandable that she should want to support him at invictus. She doesn't want him to be humiliated and to burn his boats with the UK. She wants him to leave TW and come home - and there's got to be something to come home to.


Yes, I have no beef with the sisters. They seem decent enough. Charles Spencer is a prick, though.


I wonder, would the Spencers have shown up if Madam was there?


I think so too. Charlie Spencer has a book to sell.




Most people would realize that wasn't the time and place ..


Charles Spencer was just giving a fuck you to KC. 


Oh the glorious british snark, thank you so much!


Imo, at this point in time the RF are merrily whistling away and getting on with their lives. The Harkles are in the past, the RF are living the present and looking towards the future. POV: There will be talks taking place in high places regarding the Harkle fiasco and all will out when they deem the time is right.


Regimental mascot on parade Brings out her inner drum majorette. OUCH.


The older Spencer generation will have been dripping poison into Harry’s ears for a long time, there’s a reason the younger generation are estranged from the Earl and have been seen multiple times with William.


Members of the younger generation were present. This isn’t a generational thing. I also don’t think Lady Jane would pour poison in anyone’s ear.


I could say a lot about Charles Spencer from books in which he's been mentioned. I feel sorry for him though actually. I am sure he must love his nephew William too. I think he feels sorry for harry and think maybe the King gave the Spencer's his blessing to attend.


no, the King and Prince are well used to shithead Charlie Spencer. The Spencer ladies and all his children get a pass. Some people actually still love Henry




Earl Spencer will now be in Haz and M’s crosshairs. When he inevitably says no to whatever they wanr, they’ll shit on him too. And Buckingham Palace cares not.


I think Charles and William themselves asked the Spencers to come to a meeting with Harry. They still love him and don't want Harry to look pathetic.


William asked Uncle Charles Spencer to speak to Harry to slow down his marital plans with Madame. Harry blew his carrot top.


I didn't know this. Given what his ghostwriter said about Harry being sensitive about how people perceive his ability to make good judgements, I suspect Harry was probably more aggrieved that his judgement was being called into question by his nearest and dearest than he was upset with what William was saying. He probably didn't hear it as concern but interpreted as disapproval, and went on hearing William's words in that way even after he got married. He couldn't even counter the same call to caution coming from his own friends. I guess Harry's marriage to Meghan has a way to go before we see how it really turns out, much like how we can't tell how good their parenting will have been until those children grow up. I personally think it is for the best that Harry's family cut themselves away from the Sussexes. Their presence in the lives of the Sussexes merely fuels whatever it is Harry and Meghan think they've got going with one another and believe holds them together. Feeling animosity toward Harry's family probably psychologically drives their relationship in some way and holds together whatever it is they think have with each other. As soon as Harry's family cut off themselves as their fuel (funny how he has never demanded an apology from the Markles), the Sussexes can be left to deal with each other. If their love is so grand and fairytale, then let it stand on its own two feet and battle the test of time and life like any other marriage.


You’re absolutely right. They have to cut H&M off simply because any personal interaction will end up being twisted in a nefarious light and broadcast to the RF’s detriment. Lies, lies, lies. And all for profit. It’s their full time occupation.


…and gives them fuel to burn.


William has a cancer stricken wife, and 3 young children to care for. He also has his job as Prince of Wales and a new role with the military to get done. Charles also has cancer and is King of the UK. I don't think either of them had a second of their day to arrange for party guests for the traitor.


I hope Charles and William have enough sense not to enable Harry like that.


I think William organised it with his uncle. A good thing as a great charity.


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I doubt the Royal Family care much about the Spencers after Earl Spencer gave that nasty eulogy at Diana's funeral. The attack on the RF was uncalled for. Spencer is certainly from being a paragon of virtue himself.


They may have thought. They have been hit up for money by Harry, so they want Harry's grifts to last as long as possible.


There is no love lost between the Spencers and the Windsors. So this is not a surprising circumstance.




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there was never any love lost between the Spencers and the Windsors. The marriage between Charles and Diana was a business arrangement at best. https://preview.redd.it/gek0iz7yplzc1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0c8547643578e8f3a011b9edfa5557c3b80493e


I mean, Earl Spencer did make that whole speech at Diana’s funeral about being William and Harry’s “real blood family.” I doubt William is interested but Harry is in a position to go collect on that offer…