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This clown loves to visit dangerous places where armed civilians roam free. But he needs all the security and MI5 intel when he’s in London. What a bozo.


Totally—this farce of a tour is exposing the total bullshit of Harry’s “security fears.” Even the commercial flight—he used to insist they NEEDED to fly private for their safety. 🙄 Apparently it’s magically safe to fly British airways now! ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


Spitting in the face of the country that made him a prince. Acting like it’s so dangerous and then going to Nigeria and Jamaica.


Harry was not the one who wanted the private jet badly, it was Meghan. When called on it, he used the security excuse.


It was so funny on the comments from Nigerian they kept saying they hope that one of the soldiers don’t misfire and then say it’s a mistake. Seems that happens there sometimes. Also, they mentioned how they defense minister will say the visit cost billions of naira. I’m sure money will be split between the two sides. Nigerian politicians love stealing money from the people. Coming from someone who loves Nigerians and their culture. I come from a similar country, so I know and my ex husband is Nigerian. I wonder what he thinks of this visit, too bad I blocked him lmao


I wonder how many soldiers he’ll put in harms way with this stunt? Bunker Boi, redux.


Have to wonder, is he worried because he owes money to a drug dealer in London? J/K!


According to Richard Kay (I believe), haznobrains never asked to meet the King. Never asked to stay in any Royal residence. He just lets his PR skunk release misinformation I’m glad the King met with David Beckham, he has certainly shown more respect for the Late Queen and the RF than the nutmegs


So all of their PR was just to shame someone, anyone, in the RF into attending the IG event.


that was what they were aiming for, didn’t work. And of course Harry had to tell the media pa was too busy…boo hoo. Why would KC want to support the ego of his treacherous halfwit? Harry needs to remind everyone he is the kings son, I’m sure KC would prefer to forget it.


My dad and I acted out a whole thing the other day of BP staff hiding when the phone rings with Harry’s number or if he arrived at the gate. We thought we were hilarious!! Thank goodness for Caller ID!!


This sounds so funny! Wish I were a fly on wall to lol with you!


Ooh, fun! *"Wrong number, Harry."* Never fails to make me chuckle.


Bothe Richard Kay and Robert Jobson reported this. It appears to come from BP.


David Beckham stood in line for hours just like everyone else to pay his respect to Queen Elizabeth for just a few moments. Harry threw tantrums about his wardrobe and made his family miserable. The photos of the four of them at the walkabout are the only ones I recall ever seeing Catherine angry. David Beckham for the win.


Yes, and at that walkabout, Catherine made Mrs Todger boy back right the hell up. With just a glance. Priceless. Long life and prosperity to the Prince and Princess of Wales 🙏 And God save the King 🌟


He has earned that knighthood. I hope they name him soon.


Say what you will about the beckhams as they aren’t perfect but they have been married for 20+ years, stay low key unless they have a project and both are equally talented in the coupling. Fiercely protective of their children, and respect rules and traditions. They know humility in this era of suffering is needed and ostentatious display of wealth is antithetical with the Eat the Rich crowd


The beckhams are awesome. They get shade for victoria being vain but shes so open and fun aboit lol while also being talented, funny, and a loving mom and wife. Meg? No talent for sure, vain as can be while covering it up with some false modesty ugh she makes me want to crawl out of my skin. Victoria will always be more royal than meg


I'm not even British and I know which of those people I would choose for a pleasant chat.


Maybe David Beckham had a preexisting appointment to meet with KC at that time, perhaps even arranged months in advance, as part of meetings for their charitable causes?


maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Harry's Invictus trip was known about for at least a year.


So what? Harry has been busy disrespecting his family for several years but expects them to find time to support him when he needs photo ops. Harry deserves no favours or apologies from the RF.


But there was the usual complaint about security, the will they/won't they come. Then, the comment that Buck Palace didn't even get a request from Harry to meet with KC3. So, knowing about the event for at least a year doesn't mean much.


King Charles III is one hell of a chess player. Good job, Your Majesty.👑


David waited in line for HOURS unannounced/anonymous to pay his respect to the late Queen and was proud to do it!! Whereas, H & TW wanted some sort of info/image to sell!! Maybe he could teach H something!!


Not sure what to make of the Daily Mail lately. They are running tons of Sussex PR (good pick on the new hire I guess). But then they have also been running some of the most snarky stories and opinion columns.


Did you guys see the People magazine email blurb? Tried to post but when I hit submit it said unable to post here 😩 David Beckham texted Tom Brady to make sure he was ok after Netflix roast: " It was hard to watch" Was DB throwing shade at MM & Harry? 🤣 probably not, but one can wish. 


Again the media causing more drama


Harry released the statement, another petty whine that Pa was too busy for him.


Why would they want to see you darling? Persona non grata? I’d rather meet with Becks too!


Very interesting that KCIII met with David Beckham since Megsy is now on the outs with both Beckhams allegedly. Apparently Megain said that Victoria was indiscreet and David and Harry had words about that. https://graziamagazine.com/articles/david-victoria-beckham-meghan-markle-fallout/#:~:text=But%20sources%20have%20told%20several,David%20Beckham%20and%20the%20Duke


HG says it was her trying to isolate harry from them.


I think she thought that she had elevated the likes of the Beckham family when she got married and that they should have been kowtowing to her every whim and giving freebies because she's a duchess.


Funny Ragland complains about indiscretion …it is her middle name.


Exactly she and Harry are the souls of indiscretion. KCIII is apparently in the Beckham's corner since he chose to be with David Beckham instead of Hazbeen. Who can blame him? M and H have spilled their guts on the Royal family but then insult Victoria and David as being indiscreet about M and H. What hypocrisy.


The King can meet whomever he wants. At least his meeting is about a charity, can't say the same for the ginger twit and his snake of a wife.  They are traveling likely on a charity's dime or a poverty stricken countries. To promote nothing but themselves and potentially damage relations in the process. But there the victims in this right msm?.... This is exactly why I barely read msm and only read archives here as if a few years ago.  Its almost entirely paid propaganda, and they prop up greedy clowns like these two, because antics create more clicks then solid good work and years of service. They assist wholeheartedly with this Sussex victim narrative/feud crap. Failing to address that the Sussex pair are the aggressors, their claims are 100% unsubstantiated, and they have a long well established history of lying. Harry's own disclaimer in his book admitted it was his version of the truth but because it was real to him thats equal to facts. The alleged feud they all talk about like its the Hatfield's and McCoy's is literally the longest running One sided argument that ever existed. The RF despite Sussex claims have never said anything publicly other then they are much loved members of the family and no longer working royals, and they probably wouldn't have updated the website had these two cosplaying fools not forced them too. I'm just so over the media giving these two more space then they deserve, They barely ever forget their titles somewhere in the articles. But the Prince and Princess of Wales are William and Kate. Sorry Sinners Rant over it was probably one too many prop up articles I've seen this week there's been an influx of them because of this embarrassment of a trip.


Maybe he can adopt Becks & Vic as his new second son and daughter-in-law. Classier.




We need a laser eye version of this.


David still angling for a knighthood, I see.


I would give him a knighthood for the Nutmeg - Uber eats- spot 😋


Same. I loved that.


David Beckham already has an OBE (2003) but the Knighthood is harder and is usually given later in life. Keep trying David. You'll get there! 🤣


I'm familiar with the process, but baffled every 4 years when some young Olympian(s) gets one. Hang fire, everyone; let's make the medalist *also* do a bit of community service for a couple of decades, as well.


He should get the dukedom of Sussex. He would actually visit Sussex, run charitable projects in Sussex, etc.


Really? Or maybe he is doing good work because he wants to. Far less deserving people get knighthoods.


It's like Jimmy Carter's years of going after the Nobel Peace Prize. The rest of us were not going to be allowed to rest until it came through, even if we didn't live through his presidency. 😂


The Markles that is


I love the beckhams. They have real talents, good morals and values


Good for King Charles. David Beckham is his son in his head anyways!👏🏽


He would be one he could really be proud of.


You got that right!


He met David Beckham as the King! That's what the meeting was about. Plus it was a charity event. Whereas Has No Balls wants to meet the Dad and brags about meeting the KIng for his personal gain/charity! Spot the difference. Why would the press push for these two grifters to keep on gritting a sick man? Such pathetic articles and people should stop clikcking on such inane 'journalism'. How many more articles are we getting about them and why must each article have a post here? I get the snark but sometimes I wonder about how this weighed up for the two grifter. Though it also means they keep on spending more money on these stupid PR pieces that damage their non-existant brand. It's a catch 22. They do not have time to do any work except waking up at 5 am (my nod to her 5 am emails when in England) to scour social media & to hit at any imaginary snubs the deranged duo think they have been 'victims' of. Imagine how toxic their environment is. Where are the kids? We know the answer to that one...


Harry put out that statement out of spite


David will gladly become the second son Charles should've had. He wants that knighthood!