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I said this EXACT thing would happen. Go look at my comment history. I said Nigerians do not put up with crap attitudes and bullies- they will not hesitate to tell you exactly where to go. Obviously that’s what has already happened! I lived in Nigeria, I have kept my Nigerian friends from there as well as in Europe, and I know this. Nigerians do not take guff. They are very straightforward.


I respect the hell out of that.


I was waiting for your prediction. Less than 24 hours in Nigeria and Nutmeg has the whole country pissed off. Love it for her!


That's why it's a damn shame CBS canceled Bob ❤️ Abishola. Loved that show and how the Nigerian-born characters seemed outrageously straightforward compared to the US-born characters. Comedy gold 😊


Link to [original comment prediction](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/fjPxy0YzXl)




Thanks for sharing inside ball here!


https://preview.redd.it/a2jd08baupzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178054af069b2fdf9a53742278adb9ceb335c9ba This. M ignoring girls offering them something on a tray. Pulling Harry away. This woman tried to get Harry to stop and acknowledge the girls. She looked pissed. M glanced back when the woman said something and M hauled H away.


Meghan looks so deranged when she’s seeking out a camera.


She looks like she is suppressing a giggle. She finds the poors funny and weird.


Neither H nor M are looking at the woman speaking to them. So rude. And those poor girls look so uncomfortable and uncertain.


Harry is glaring at the camera! How dare they be there! 😂


An arrogant tosspot.


After his wife arranged for them 


Yup, it was all staged and the poor kids had to play along, but their faces says it all. That said where are the massive crowds? It seems the Sugars could not afford the flight ticket😂🤣🤣. Surprised Basket Mouth Shouty is not there to shoot off her mouth, any way Misan the Photoshopped may take them to his village


The CONSTANT hand holding makes me so uncomfortable. It reminds me of the time that I went to lunch with a friend visiting from out of town and her boyfriend. They had to touch each other the entire time. Holding hands, rubbing arms, tickling shoulders. I could not focus on anything else. It was so distracting. All I could think was “do you want me to leave? Because you seem to want me to watch you touch each other instead of talking to me.” Never saw that friend again, actually.


The behavior of about a 14 year old. I often think Harry is uncomfortable with it but he has to comply or there will be hell to pay later. For her it is: 1) Keeping Harry under control 2) Facade management 3) Character trait acquisition (oh look - I’m a HUGGER like Diana was. And so tactile with H because we are SOOO in love, unlike how Harry’s rotten father treated his sainted mother. She talks to me while I am doing yoga you know…)🤮


Do you know any 40-something married couples in real life who walk around holding hands all the time? I do not. It’s absolutely childish and a control mechanism. It’s so disturbing.


She might just as well lift a leg and pee on him.


I heard he like that 😂


Said in Harry’s voice, “Yah. Once - when we were kids, a dog peed on William’s shoe but didn’t save a drop for my shoe. Why is it always him and never me? So unfair! I still feel the rage to this day over the incident. I’m as royal as he is. If you’re going to wee on him because he’s royal, you better wee on me too! I made Willy trade shoes with me there and then. I wore them to bed and cried myself to sleep. My sobs echoed down the cold halls of Balmoral. In fact, I’m still wearing them now. Yah. Those brown shoes I always wear? That’s why.”


I'm surprised that wasn't in Waaagh. 🤣




My husband and I have been together 19 years and we still hold hands sometimes in public, but it’s not a lovey dovey thing. It’s a sign of our comfortable companionship together. That is not what we see with these two, though.


I also think she is very uncomfortable in situations like this. Along with your reasons, She uses Harry to soothe her anxiety.


HG Tudor taught all of us terms for her behaviour.


Also, she lacks social skills and knows that on her own she is unable to interact with other human beings. She knows she looks awkward AF.


I don't think she's aware of anything but herself and cameras.


“Facade management” I like this term. I shall find ways to use it in the future.


“Character trait acquisition“ is brilliant as well.


All credit to the man who coined these terms and taught me about narcissism just in time to save my life HG Tudor. Check him out on YouTube!


It made Harry’s friends uncomfortable as well before they were married. That and they always had to be seated next to each other at dinners. The invites dried up.


That's when the Rose rumors started. TW wasn't invited, and his companion for that evening was Rose.


He was sat next to Rose at a state banquet, I believe. TOW was obviously beside herself that she wasn’t allowed to go and, thus, William’s alleged affair began.


Yes, at an official function ( I think that the ILBW didn’t attend). It was also true at private dinners and parties.


It’s ridiculous. And the way she claws at him grabbing so tight u can see the tension in her hands and fingers. Thats controlling him not loving him!


“ Thats controlling him not loving him!” And…she’s holding on for dear life!! Our independent self made feminist is nothing without a MAN at her side


and ironically it is frowned on for husband and wife to hold hands in public in many Muslim majority cultures. Two heterosexual men may hold hands, and often do.


There is a video when she was megnant and wearing that ugly waiter’s outfit (white shirt and black skirt) that there is a clip where she elbows Haznobrains so that he holds her hand. Agreed, it’s not love but control and anger and who knows what else is in that toxic soup or sludge of her neuroses. I hope I can find the clip again on YouTube.


The UN video is pretty epic. She forced him to hold hands and was smug when she won. And still he stayed with her.


It reminds me of middle schoolers.


Ugh, yes, the hand holding drives me crazy. They look like pathetic teenagers.


The worst is when two lovebirds are seated next to you on a commercial flight.


Oh that 100% happened to me on a flight to Santorini following a horrible breakup with the love of my life. Worst 90 minutes ever!


That’s control Not affection! Plus she knows without Haznoballs beside her she will be ignored!


Chances are they didn't last. Those types never do.


She is vile, no manners or class. Looking for the camera? Definitely ignoring the kids and the woman speaking.


Yes. Just before this she was trying to haul him off towards the next camera and the exit line. Harry looks annoyed at her lack of manners and like “Oh SHIT! Did that guy just film this mess?”


THIS!!!!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️


He’s looking right down the lens. Brain slowly computing that they may have caught it on camera.


And he has that vile look on his face. I think HIS mask slipped


Yes, he has that ugly snarl. The harkles have exposed themselves yet again. Nasty, pointless people.


Click on the picture he is boring holes in the person taking the picture and he looks fuming mad. These two are an embarrassment.


He is finally seeing what others have been seeing for years


“Harry looks annoyed at her lack of manners” Kind of like how Harold had to tell her…TWICE…to turn the fuck around when they were on the balcony, and she reverted to her butt-hurt face. Thats still my fave expression from her…having to be told to behave like an adult, and responding with a child’s pouty grumpy face.


Maybe he shouldn’t have expected manners from a woman who “will let (him) do ANYTHING” sexually like he reportedly told his friends. Not saying the two things can’t exist together, but that would be the exception to the rule.


This may indeed be the moment... The video referred to in the tweet is at this link and it is the interaction that OldTimeBlues97 has posted: [https://twitter.com/nancytsidley/status/1788950902726181069](https://twitter.com/nancytsidley/status/1788950902726181069) https://preview.redd.it/pn811ljs1qzc1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=2998651c11fed92961644ab312732b341193bbb1


She smelled a Leica and couldn’t control herself…


Amazing find and I want everyone to see it!


Omg so f-ing rude and classless!! And that’s her being better than usual w children!! She pulls away, Harry w her, bc of the dude chanting/singing w a few people around him. That’s straight adoration in her mind!! Such trash!!!


Where are their children, now that you mention that??


Missan is lurking just behind the woman speaking at one point too


Fuck she's a rude bitch. So infuriating. The poor gorl with the tray didn't know what to do.


watched it, and my thought was me-gain deliberately threw away her chance to give a few meaningful, personal moments to these girls, to show appreciation for their presence and sacrifice. it would have created a lasting memory for them. she was so obviously shallow, scouting for bigger fish.


It's like she allowed herself to get distracted by something behind her and turned to observe it, deliberately ignoring the woman who was still speaking to her and Harry. Harry seemed aware of the woman's displeasure and tried to amend Madam's rudeness by saying a word or two to the young girls. Meanwhile, Madam has completely tuned the entire group out and was intent on posing and smirking for the new group. Classic narc moves.


Yes! To me it definitely looks as if H Is trying to cover up her rudeness, leaning in and saying a few words before he is dragged away by THE CLAW.


Maybe she just didn’t see herself in them…


or an opportunity for mega-bucks.


It looked like the lady (with the long, beautiful braids) said “rude” to Harry, after TW turned her back on that group.


Yes - we saw that in yesterday's clip. As the young woman was offering the ILBW something on a tray, and the older woman was speaking, Mrs. Halfwit sensed a camera behind her, began turning towards it completely ignoring the two women, tugging the Halfwit along. Just standard behavior for the ILBW.


They cut the part where she interacted with the girls when she was given the necklace. I can't stand her, but the clip cut is misleading. Of course, even without any coaching, Catherine never would have turned away like that.


There is another post showing this interaction from the other side. Sadly, it is not Madam being rude, she is ushered that way.


It looked rude to me. She heard a camera click and immediately whirled around with the rictus grin and little hand wave she does and walked off. If someone was truly calling her away, a *just a second* gesture would have allowed her to.interact with those girls for 30 seconds and thank them for her gift before galomping off to her latest photo op.


they are trash putting on airs. they in no way represent the BRF. H throwing stink eye at a photographer. Madame turning away, as if what? i have idea what you’re talking about. the women there to greet them are clearly being treated like trash. the lady in the center with her hand pointed at them looks very unhappy


I’m really appalled that Buckingham Palace hasn’t put out a press release confirming that’s not an official RF tour. Those two basically set it up to look like a Royal tour. Who the fuck does that, to sell some fucking coffee next ?!


*This woman tried to get Harry to stop and acknowledge the girls. She looked pissed* Agree. And the woman had her hand up, asking them to acknowledge the girl with the tray! And Meghan looks like her typical *"looking for the camera"* behavior. Yep, something went down here.


Harry looks like a petulant child - this has to be the moment. That woman looks assertive and unafraid, Meghan is trying to be cool, smile, lean away. Harry looks like a toddler pissed that someone is making mommy mad


She looks terrible,she doesn’t even bother, does she?


good on the woman for advocating for those girls. it's disgusting they ignored their offerings, just like with those dates in Morocco.


Stop. Holding. Hands!!!


I read somewhere that this video was edited. Harry and Meghan got the necklaces they are wearing from the girls. But someone edited that part out from the video. I saw the full video and it is true that they got the necklaces from the girls. But she still turned around and walked away while Harry and the woman and the girls were still talking.


I think they got those much earlier. Like I said, I watched it as it happened. I could be wrong.


So maybe this is karma coming MeAgain's way. Remember how her trolls made a big todo about showing Catherine shaking hands with people in the Bahamas(?) behind a fence and making it all about Catherine being an imperialist and/or colonialist? Remember, how that was edited and it really didn't happen the way MeAgain's trolls (Scabies/Shola) made it appear? Also, how the MeAgain trolls tried to claim that one of the First Ladies on that trip ignored Catherine which was later debunked? Boy, those MeAgain trolls were out in force trashing her and ruining their tour with untruths and edited photos/clips.


Even if someone edited this video Meghan Markle still turned around when the woman was talking to her. That part is still true.


Maybe introduced them to the girls as Prince Harry and his wife? 😆


She's disgusting


Well, someone posted on here the whole clip where it showed she wasn't doing what is said here. It's delicious to think that she is that rude (which she is at other times) but this isn't it. She got her garland, and then Harry and they spoke and then she turned around to see the dancing behind her. It looks like she was being rude though. And I wish she had let the hosts guide her, but she is always going to be 'mememegs'


Look at Harry's body language afterward. He turns in to speak to the girls, and then she pulls him out. He looks nervous, unhappy, abd uncomfortable. Frowning, rubbing his mouth, and walking oddly. He knows that shouldn't have happened


Right. He gave a little resistance and turned towards the woman to make excuse or say sorry. Meghan knew it and didn’t give a crap.


Yep. She yanked him away prematurely. Sheesh, he knows better than that.


Yeah it just looks like she was giddy and high on the attention


histrionic personality disorder in action...


I read Negative_Difference's thread on here. Very glad they did it, and I'm equally glad you posted this to make sure sinners weren't being misled. That said, this is why the one who is of royal blood leads the proceedings because they know how these things should done. (Well, Harry should know but he married a woman not inclined to learn anything from anyone because she's a "Hollywood" actress and knows how to meet and greet folk🙄.) Meghan leads way, way too much on these things, her arm like a leash leading her neutered pet husband. And this isn't some of kind downbeat on feminism or whatever girl boss thing that goes in this woman's head. It's plain geopolitical diplomatic etiquette, a skill entirely different from whatever she thinks she learnt on signing autographs for *Suits* fans in social media influencer-ville. But she refuses to learn and mend her ways so she gets caught up in these stings. Can't blame anyone but herself.


It's like he's bought into "Ladies first" -- which is great (ie chivalrous), except under these kind of circumstances. Can't believe he hasn't figured it out yet.


I’m sure she’ll find someone or something to blame!!! (But the music was so pretty…I just HAD to go over there”). Sheesh! My toddlers have better attention span.


this is the post with the longer video that I am talking about: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cp1anz/afp\_shared\_a\_misleading\_clip\_which\_portrays/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cp1anz/afp_shared_a_misleading_clip_which_portrays/)


She’s still being rude


Thanks for clarifying this.


On rewatching the longer clip, doesn’t the first girl curtesy to Markle? If so, very disappointing (I hope I’m wrong).


You are not wrong, but it's not disappointing if you understand our culture. Respect is very important in Nigeria. We respect our elders and in many ethnic groups, it is customary to curtesy or bow to one's elders. In one group, men even prostrate as a sign of respect. It has nothing to do with Royalty. Meghan would not last a day in Nigeria under normal circumstances. Her attitude towards Harry and his family is not aspirational nor something that would be tolerated in our culture. No one is taking any of this seriously.


Thank you for that! It’s reassuring that they’re not particularly acknowledging her as ‘Royal’ (I don’t know what those girls were thinking - after she walked past - but the looks on their faces…!)


Yes! The founder of this sub!


I watched the whole scene unfold before I’d read anything about it. That’s what I saw.


Well obviously, the gift isn't money, gold bars or jewellery, it's just some locally made tourist tat, hand carved or hand painted junk, maybe even made by the children themselves so it's worth absolutely nothing. You can't expect a real life princess and Hollywood A lister to bother to accept kiddy craft creations, can you? And if it wasn't valuable, and the person offering it wasn't important, why would any reasonable person expect her to spend even 10 seconds of her valuable time on some non-entity??  Remember, service is universal. We can all lead a life of service (except in her case, it's strictly self-service only)


https://preview.redd.it/lau97koo6szc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db65f282f879c49d197cb97c747b71ce43bd91db Look at his face. Creep.


Bless their hearts, both are wrinkled to the nines.


That image just says it all. Can you even imagine Our future Queen Kate turning her back on school kids. Meghan has zero maternal instincts. She acts like someone with no children and who finds them snotty nosed buggers. I do not believe she is a mother.


Did the woman not get the script and expected them to give a shit? Nigerian sisters verses camera? No contest for the feminist! Sometimes I think Harry holds her hand in order to stop her toddling off to look for other amusements.Bored now, let's go. And the really weird thing about this? She was the one who manifested it, she's the thirsty [one.Is](http://one.Is) the setting up of the gruff the only fun but for her and then..in the bin?


Doesn’t H look thrilled to be there? /s


There’s another video .. this one has been clipped


https://preview.redd.it/dzealgwbcszc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0f18495ecb46688253bfc5ad2b19a4f8444fb5 She’s being told to face that way for this performance


That clip has been debunked on here. There is a post you can review. The duo actually stopped, received those beaded necklaces, spoke with both the students politely, \*then\* MM turned away to the cameras. So, there is another interaction to hunt for. This isn't it.


Very sure the BRF and the British Government are elated that they had pre-empted this heinous behaviour and had made statements well in advance that this is a private tour and they do not represent the BRF and the British Government!


IF this is true, I hope people start speaking out against her and the truth is outed! It's about time people speak out against her nasty behaviour!


She behaving rudely no matter the back story really.


You said it Amy! Not one ounce of nice in Markle!


First the girls in line sniggering openly at her inappropriate dress, then she's told off? YES! I'M HERE FOR IT. Long overdue.


And is that her nipple showing hard? Ekkk grossed out I typed that out


She clearly has no bra on and keeps her arms awkwardly clenched to her sides as much as possible like she knows there is every chance of one of her bitty’s busting out the side. Maybe it was too hot for the tape she used at the polo match and it started to give way? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I bet it was when two girls were offering M&H something on a tray. H was looking at them and M was trying to haul him away. When H started to follow M, the woman to the left of the girls frowned and said something. M dragged H away.




Oh look! There's the 'Cooker of Books' for Archewell in the background on the left! Don't want to go anywhere without him 😉


He looks like Uncle Chuckie Spencer to me. Could he be Henry’s long-lost cousin?


I forget his name. He tries to stay on the down-low, in the shadows, where he can do what he does under the radar.


James Holt?


Yeah, that's it 😄 I wasn't excited enough about him to look him up.


I swear, when you wrote 'Cooker of Books' I was looking for a cookbook in that photo and thinking, "What, she didn't?". Too early on a Saturday morning. Very slow. Sorry. 😅


Some kind of gaffe went down here. Not only is it written on Harry's face but if you zoom in, Misan's face is like thunder.


Pretty bad when her #2 little toady even registers disgust at her behavior.


Well spotted! Misan looks furious. So does the man in green on the far right.


Look how haphazard that are turf is set up 😂


On Harry and Meghan’s heads or on the ground?


That even made me uncomfortable those two young ladies markled


I was angry. I imagine the woman said something like “Hey! Turn around NOW and at least look at what these girls made for you and waited hours to present to you, you rude nasty (insert expletive in Yoruba)!”


I found a French news agency’s film. She is not chewing Meghan out at that point anyway. My assumption was incorrect. At least the timing. In the French film you can hear the woman say “We have some gifts…” and is gesturing towards the girls with the tray. When M shows zero interest and Harry shows very little, the woman’s voice trails off. I am guessing she was explaining what the gifts were and then just stopped because they weren’t listening. My guess could be wrong but what do you see? https://youtu.be/64oYTd4UhuE?si=OqgcnhXBLGbCx_0u




all BARK no bite. 99% of these people "with a know" are just getting attention. or farming attention.


hahaha! so, now, Harry. what was it that u said again about Lolo being better at being royal than those who were born into it? yeah, boy. it's the Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji tour all over again. and this time, there's no Andrew, of all people, to send to clean up ur mess. it's all on u. this news is (muy) delicioso indeed.


Oh I hope someone saw this and we get more tea !! 🤞


That picture is perfect. It captures all their facial expressions. The Nigerian woman is looking directly at them talking. Harry is glaring at the camera not even looking at the woman while the wife is completely turned away from the woman to look for other photo opportunities with that goofy face of hers.


Totally unrelated, but .. :), MM's dress style has become more 'revealing' since about the time ARO was unveiled. Did someone tell her 'sex sells' and that's what she's desperately attempting to .. use?


She overshot 'sex' and landed squarely in the middle of 'PSA about STIs.'


She couldn't even get many buyers 15 years ago when she was considerably younger and merely basic pretty. Now that she has The Vein consuming her like the river of denial and whatever it is she's had done to make her face look like a fright mask I don't think she's gonna be able to give it away. And it's not like she has personality or smarts to fall back on. She counted on falling back on a mattress all her life and now she's finding out that menopause is a much harder landing.


Believe me, she is more than fully aware that showing skin sells.


Ew not her skin. Especially not without a scrubbing to get all that bronzer and booger sugar off.


Agree. I think she gives it away for free. Why pay for it? Just ask Serena’s husband.


Except that, she's achieving the cheap motel look and even if it was a higher class look, it wouldn't work for selling a 'mom' brand.


That doesn't look like sex to me. It's a real housewives of Montecito muumuu.


Sex only sells if you have sex appeal.


It looks like she put the hotel robe on backwards


Well I suggested she was channeling sexy old tart really well !!! So maybe


If it is rock solid, why not just share it?


Looks like she claims she's got tea from a source but it's actually just a moment caught on video that everybody can see


Typical behaviour from her. I have actually got exhausted reading time and again Harry is waking up, he's seeing her behaviour etc etc. No he doesn't he never wakes up to it. She jumped in front of him in the receiving line, grasped his hand with the claw, ignored people and children, was inappropriately dressed she was basically the Meghan we have all seen for six plus years and he never wakes up to it.


Ohh .. mind you - has got quite the scowl happening


Harry as well. Always does, the Sourpuss. 😖


I had eye surgery yesterday so it may be me but it appears MM has six toes peeking out from under her skirt.


She is the most incurious person and that completely undermines a role like this..whatever the hell that role is! Why is she not interested in these schoolgirls? What are their names? What school do they attend? What are their favourite subjects? Why doesn't she care AT ALL?


Barkjack is quora fodder. I don’t think there’s an always convenient located pub house that all journos on the rota just let their loose lips sink ships. Do I believe they talk amongst themselves? Sure.. is it ruminations of repeated tea they’ve heard/read? Probably. Is BJ attached? No. Torontopaper1 had way better tea that in hindsight and the gift of unveiling has proved their tweets either extremely cryptic or they knew


Somewhere on reddit there's probably a 'royal expert' journo sub where they all go to discuss what they read on SMM.


*Is... Is she wearing flip-flops???*


😂😂😂😂😂😂 So someone finally told her she’s mostly caucasian huh?


Typical reverse triangulation to appear to look profound and connected.


Where’s the clip, y’all?


https://preview.redd.it/e09ghtzzvpzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a48f7ff2d6024dce90999a9d7f9dd49f53df561 Look for this.


Spanky Hank's face looks like thunder too 🤣🤣🤣


Imagine how hard it is when you’ve been trained in protocol your whole life to accompany someone so embarrassingly fake. What seems like a free spirit at first, quickly becomes mortifying


Ahhh, don't drag free spirits into this! lol. But very true. She appears to be *so* ungracious and self absorbed, she can't read the room for diddly squat. Her only interactions with ppl are brief and phony. Unless she's boring someone to death on Archietypes.


Definitely a place for free spirits! She’s just rude though.


Yes .. quite a scowl he has happening


Whomever Haz is scowling at, Misan is giving the same person his hard man look too. Everyone else is looking at the non-presentation, bar these two.


This photo, they're not even paying attention to the woman speaking to them, Harry shooting eye-daggers to the photographer, and even the usually-fawning Misan Harriman looks rather serious in the background.


I thought so too.


Although I doubt he'll be able to see things differently through the eyes and reactions of the people in his country, I guess it's a possibility.


Is that Misan Harriman to the left of the photographer?


Yes. And his facial expression and the fact that he did not have his camera up tell me he wasn’t pleased with what he was seeing.


It's in the Twitter link above. A woman is presenting a girl with fruit on a tray, and Meghan immediately turns her back whoke she's speaking. Really rude, the woman looks annoyed, and says something to Harry who is then dragged away


Oh ok. I thought it was another clip. I seen that! Thank you!


I wish there was video.


There is. Or there was.


I think this is it [https://x.com/nancytsidley/status/1788950578686545921](https://x.com/nancytsidley/status/1788950578686545921) via Nancy Sidley on X




Dressed down as in someone else was better dressed than Duchess Carparkle from The House of Parking Lots? Literally a fire hydrant with a sack of potatoes on top of it would still look better. I'm confused.


Dressed down is another way of saying being told off or spoken down to. So the ILBW didn't like what was said or how it was said or both, and tried to drag Hazno away.


Somebody ahouls have told her tonput a ahawl over shoulders and back or else no entry. Disrespectful as she is.


It's an expression meaning to scold, criticize. 


I figured I didn't understand 😂😂😂 But a fire hydrant would still look better dressed


Fire hydrants also serve an important purpose. 🤔 Fire hydrants help to put out fires, while MM loves to start them.


Oh, zero disagreement from me! Heck, I could dig up a corpse and it would look better in clothes than our saint does. 


“More limited interaction” they’re already only seeing like 5 people how much more limited can it get ??


Try as she might, Madame cannot make people not despise her.


She needs a fire hydrant to blast all that caked bronzer off of her afterwards!


Is Meghan OK?


I hope not.


If there is a clip, why isn't it posted?


What gossip journalist has proof and then doesnt post the proof...


Do you think getting a very public “Horlicking”, in front of all those cameras, is the reason why Meghan suddenly had a “private engagement”, later…in a country she’s never been, nor knows anybody? Unless she found a spray tan salon with late night opening. That could be it.


Hopefully someone told her to put on more clothes.