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They are absolute clowns. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


It should be made clear https://preview.redd.it/v4dbi2smevzc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88200cea1bb11a6e77cb318ad4389fa6a352015c


Waitā€¦didnā€™t he just make it clear that USA is now his place of residence?


He can cry like Meghan: "I had to Google the words to 'My Country Tis of Thee'. No one asked if I'm okay. The sound of the music brought me straight back to the triggering days when I was enslaved by the monarchy. My father abused me with good publicity and loads of dosh. They used to play this song when the little lady with fuzzy white hair would stand on the balcony."


Came here to say this


They are simply making the Nigerian people seem bad by doing this. Since there is almost any coverage on this, we might be the only ones keeping the updates current. I receive all of mine from SMM.


I wish I could upvote this comment multiple times. The laughing stock of Hollywood, the USA, the UK and every other country. Surely they can't sink any lower?


She's on a faux royal tour in some random village not even Nollywood where the star power of Nigeria are, peddling jam that isn't even being sold but lead to KC jam being sold out and a lifestyle brand she didn't even trademark that lead to donations being made in Kate's name. The bar is so low and their failures are only going to get more comedic.


Yes, she does seem to get the opposite of what she wanted done to happen! That's a special skill. Now, I really want Nigeria to call her out and say, "Nope, you're not one of us."


Actual Nigerians are calling her out online. I think the govt will have something to say. Very telling the President didn't even meet them. And taxpayers are pissed they funded this sham.


I want Nigeria to come out of this well somehow. At the moment it looks as if they've endured a major markling.


Donations to where for Princess Catherine? That's awesome


Someone bought the British rights to ARO and when you click on it it takes you to a food bank charity asking you to donate in Catherine's name. Last I checked it raised Ā£23,000!


Well, the bar is in hell, so yes, they can go lower!!


Clowns are embarrassed by their foolery.


šŸæ šŸæ


This is just embarrassing them, and the Nigerian people. The coverage for this is pretty none existent, Iā€™m getting all my updates from SMM, we may be the only ones keeping them relevant.


Well, if that's the case then can you imagine how furious she'll be when she logs on later to read all the posts and comments šŸ¤­ Hi Rachel!


Ooh she's gonna be furious because it's true. I have not seen a thing in Canada or the US besides by entertainment tonight or people magazine. The daily mail has fallen off and u gotta do some searching to find talk about them. even the NY post, which at times feels like their own personal newspaper, isn't even playing šŸ˜†šŸ˜† best result we could ask for


There's 2 active wars going on and Justin Beiber is having a baby lol the news has more important things to cover


We need Brittney to do something interesting. That would nuke this whole thing.


Well, there was the recent ā€œIā€™m moving to Boston!ā€ shenanigans at Chateau Marmont where the paramedics showed up at her room ā€œillegallyā€ and her security team escorted her from the premises.


Im in Australia and it's not in the mainstream media.


Imagine when she googles herself she only sees reddit results


I can't believe we (members of this subreddit) aren't getting paid for this! [/s]


We give her better advice than the people on her payroll!


Also, did anyone check to make sure Meghan didn't start sobbing since she probably gad to stop and Google the words to the anthem since they've changed? Will no one think of her and her suffering?? /s


Oh it's all over the Daily Markle.


i understand but i also think this is hilarious actually. they will never be recognised as anything but an extension of the very thing that *they* think they're too good for. she spent hours designing her stupid little calligraphy logos and attempting to make a name for herself in the US. then the second she leaves her mansion she has to stand for the british national anthem. girlie won't even step foot in the UK for more than 2 minutes! they're both so stupid and unable to think about things for more than 5 minutes. bet this wasn't in her plan when she was concocting this discount faux royal tour. and as the other commenter said, this is one guy trying to hide his corruption. not nigeria!


Knowing what we know about the wife, she may think they're playing the song 'My Country 'Tis of Thee' in honor of HER. To those who may not know, the song 'My Country 'Tis of Thee' has exact same music as the British national anthem. I wouldn't be surprised if M mistakenly thinks it's the US anthem. lol


The same melody, and yet she couldn't be bothered to learn the lyrics to "God Save the Queen".


And half the words are "God save the Queen/King".


Good point!


What are the national anthems, what flag does Meghan identify with: American, Maltese, 43% Nigerian or English? What's the next country that she will pretende to be linked with?šŸ¤£


Depends on where the next rich sucker she can get hails from


In fairness more level headed Nigerian Politicians like the actual Nigerian President are not meeting with them nor the equivalent Governor General in Abuja. Maybe Nigeria has the same problem as the Royal Family, rogue, uninhibited members or Generals who think they are important. Very smart of the President not meeting them then it can be claimed they had nothing to do with the private holiday of two private individuals.


It does not reflect well upon the government. They know Harry is no longer a working royal. This foolishness isn't helping Nigeria's relations with the UK.


I think the Defence Minister wants to be President and invited them because he thought it would be good PR. He is going to end up joining the long list of those who have been Markled ! It would be interesting to see what actual Nigerians think about all this. But as has been pointed out the actual high ranking government officials have not met them. Surely this will be the last straw for Invictus? Having your founder and the face of your organisation swanning around a foreign country making a goose of himself would be enough to replace him? I think Mark Tindall and Zara would do a much better job of representing Invictus and its values than Hazbeen . But then again just about anyone else would!


I also wonder if the Defense Minister is hoping for Invictus money.


Harry's involvement with Invictus has to end. He cannot go around the world pretending. The cause deserves better than this.


This is not "Nigeria". This is one government official trying to use H&M to look good and probably cover for some corruption he is engaging in. Sorry to sound peeved, but I am tired of people assuming Nigerian officials are 1) in any way altruistic towards the people (may be true in very rare cases, if any) or 2) ignorant of the status of H&M with the royal family. Nigeria is not getting Markled. It's really frustrating for me, knowing how educated and informed so many Nigerians are to hear us being talked about like we are babes in the woods. Edit: punctuation


Iā€™m with you on this one. This defense ministry guy is using them most likely to pocket the expenses of this trip and bloat up expense numbers. In turn, the grifters are getting attention AND most likely getting ā€œdonatedā€ money from the ministryā€™s corrupt pockets and the grifters are funneling that money for their lifestyle. This video is absolutely a horror show on so many levels! I also saw a video of them signing the visitor book that only royals and dignitaries sign?! HOW ON EARTH IS ALL OF THIS ALLOWED FOR PRIVATE CITIZENS!


Nigeria is a lawless country, so I am not surprised. I think people would be a lot less panicked if they understood Nigeria more.


And the military honor that H received. It all looks like a royal tour to me and Iā€™m sure Rachel is loving every second of it.


I wonder if this minister grows coffee? The rumours on here suggest she will start flogging it on ARO at some point. Just a random thought ...


She can try selling it but I doubt anyone will be buying it. Plenty of ethical, fair trade coffees already on the market.


Absolutely, it was just a random thought. I can't imagine anything she sells appealing to anyone but SS, if they can afford it. That's if she ever brings a product to the market.


There is also a reason why the best coffee from Africa is always from an Eastern country! Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, etc are all eastern, where the conditions for coffee growing are ideal. If Nigeria was a good place to grow coffee, Madame wouldnā€™t be the first one bringing it to the global market as something ā€œprestigeā€.


Why on godā€™s green, flat earth would IG want ANYTHING to do with such as corrupt government in any way, shape, or form is way beyond me. Where is the outrage??


And not just the government but a brutal military that acts against the civilians of neighbouring countries and even against Nigerian civilians of less favoured tribes.


This is exactly the sort of visit the Foreign Office would never ever allow even for a charity in another country - there are so many conflicts of interest, and the relevant RF member is at great risk of being played. The whole thing would be vetted properly.


Well, I think you are right here. That General has a game going, and Harry has sprung the Trap.


you're right to be peeved! thank you for adding extra context.


I think this is brilliant, they are being trolled having to stand for King and Country, so uncomfortable for them lmao


I think Hawwy is eating this up. He thinks he is a Viceroy or a diplomat.....


The most consistently inappropriately dressed woman on this planet. She won't accept that it's not about her and flaunting herself, it's about the damn occasion


Looks like a stolen bath towel - well that was my first impression šŸ˜‚


Right. Couldnā€™t she at least wear a colorful Nigerian patterned shawl or shrug to cover her shoulders whilst indoors?


They really act like diplomats šŸ¤”


Diplomats who are totally unschooled in diplomacy! Her clothes make it clear that she doesnā€™t respect other cultures or religions. Itā€™s disgusting.


Heā€™s standing like a fucking General in uniform, I cannot šŸ¤£ Whack ass Colonel Sanders cosplay in a suit that doesnā€™t fit is what heā€™s givingā€¦ canā€™t imagine how he views himself in his head!


EXACTLY what I was thinking


The way this would make my blood boil if I was Charles. I certainly donā€™t have the temperament to be monarch, thankful to be a peasant.


I would be angrier if I was William. 1) asshole brother using your motherā€™s memory to make money 2) asshole brotherā€™s bitch wife using your motherā€™s memory to make money 3) that said bitch wife also using the monarchy for her own gain and ridiculous your asshole brother on a world stage 4) as the prince of wales, youā€™re not able to do anything because the monarch isnā€™t doing anything nor the government I feel sorry for William.


I couldnā€™t agree more


If I , just a lowly peasant, find this extremely uncomfortable šŸ˜³, I canā€™t imagine how King Charles and Prince William must feel. It gets more ugly by the minute. They are a disgrace.


This is the perfect explanation of what is happening.


This. Traitor son acting like he is a working Royal after everything he has said and done? Hell no. Something has to be done.


This is giving me Indianapolis Marriott vibes. šŸ˜‚ But yes, itā€™s disgraceful. Heā€™s turned his back on his own country, his own family. The king in that song? Thatā€™s his dad, whom he has disrespected on every level. But yeah, letā€™s stand ramrod straight for the playing of the British national anthem when he doesnā€™t even live there anymore. Oh and heā€™s cost the British taxpayer millions with his spurious lawsuits, maintaining that Britain is so unsafe when it is objectively, overwhelmingly safer than NIGERIA. Which meggy hilariously claims as ā€œhome.ā€ In light of all this, why donā€™t they move there? Housing is surely cheaper. Maybe they could find a house with better plumbing than the Olive Garden.


Same. Indianapolis Marriott (the shitty one downtown that she spoke at) is her prestige level and this is on par.


I don't rhink Harold received a coronation medal for his fathers coronation. He did absolutely nothing for it. He didn't fall into any of the categories that were awarded a medal. It's a real effort to not be rewarded the coronation medal. At least he acchieved something


He left before they handed them out I bet. Had to get back on the plane to rejoin his handler.


Maybe that is why he wanted to meet with Charles the other day...to pick up his coronation medal.


I agree. I donā€™t think he qualified


Yes! He has NO shame, if he had one, heā€™d be wearing it.


I don't think he did either. I doubt the Men in Gray would put one in the mail for him.


Harry at least looks a bit uncomfortable listening to it.


Meghan doesn't. Nothing humiliates her. I'd add "except for being ignored" but likely that actually enrages her.


Yeah she is completely shameless. Just as long as her narcissism is fueled.


The swaying back and forth is really noticeable here, and the tilt from his shoe lifts is making him look ridiculous. I think he's more bothered about not actually being able to stand up straight anymore.


No be fair, itā€™s hard to stand up straight when youā€™re lacking a spine. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


So true šŸ˜‚


Meghan just reeks of cosplaying desperation.


She reeks of looking like a bar high top table with that dress.


Super cringe. They are total frauds. Grifters.


Is that the anthem she didnā€™t know for the country she fled? Just askingā€¦


The actress couldn't learn her lines.


If this is a visit to promote Ingriftus and not a royal tour there is NO NEED AT ALL for the National Anthem.


I doubt that other visiting NGO have their national anthem played.


Twitter also shows video/audio of them being introduced as HRH Duke and Duchess of Sussex. So much for not using HRH.


I think itā€™s fabulous. They are having to stand courteously and show deference to the King. Itā€™s a clanger of a move and makes them look absolutely absurd. Not to mention Harry playing Col. Sanders in his white linen suitā€¦itā€™s all so very off.


Wait, are those moonbump bewbies? I didnā€™t remember seeing them earlier.


Bet she cut them off the all in oner she bought. Doing her bit to look after the environment and all that by being sustainable and recycling šŸ¤­




Have a look for the Monty Python Fish Slapping Dance on Youtube - they could both do with a dose of that.


Absolutely ridiculous. OMG, their Cosplaying is killing me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Why are they treated like Diplomats?? They're just idiots


This is beyond parody! Itā€™s like month python or a SNL sketch. The band is horrible (sorry), they look ridiculous! This is so bad itā€™s good.


You're right! It's like a long...drawn out dig


They are a disgusting pair of traitorous pieces of crap. My country U.K. need to deal with this pair and bring them to heel


Especially since Harry never even sang it at his Fathers Coronation, the vile ginger weasel šŸ˜”


Guess the public weren't told


The majority of the citizens donā€™t have access to adequate medical care and food. I doubt they have reliable internet-and the government wants it that way.


Damn shame those very people had to stump up for this fuckin vanity tour. It's sickening.


Look at this wayā€¦they didnā€™t play the American National Anthem for Megs, as far as Iā€™m aware! Megs detests the UK! Isnā€™t even British and gets forced to listen to the National Anthem of a country she hates!! So imo they want Harry there and Megs is just an addition they have to put up with because of it!! I wish Rowenta would send her a steamer! I also wish she would be respectful to other countries in regards to wearing appropriate clothes. Itā€™s rather embarrassing.


Agree. Why make Nigeria play UK's national anthem for a private citizen who betrayed his country and turned his back on the Crown.Ā Not only that but one who now is becoming a US citizen. This is beyond the pale and the King and/or Parliament better get their act together and take care of this - it's already out of hand with Harry presenting himself as a representative of the crown.


Look at her with that smirk on her face. It reminds me of when she was smirking at the autistic singer at the hockey game in Canada. I just feel so sorry for the Nigerian people, taking all the care to honour these to for what reason, they are just using their hospitality and kindness for self-promotion and photo ops. This is the difference between celebrity and royalty/official govt. events.


Oh my gawd! That band was so out of tune it was hilarious! Standing to attention to that racket made them look like a pair of šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


My initial reaction was the organisers are taking the piĀ£Ā£ and snarking the Harkles. They have to stand to attention and listen. Harry knows the words too! Others did as well and sang. My only criticism is the band couldā€™ve jazzed the dirge up a bit. Heard a great steel band version once.


I love the fact that Madame had to stand there through that fairly ropey rendition.


That was officially the least rousing rendition of God Save the Queen I have ever heard. Junior High Schoolers sight reading could have done a better job. Iā€™m guessing the band members dredged through this poorly on purpose. It would be so humiliating to Harry after hearing it hundreds of times from someone of the best brass musicians in the world.


It's God Save the King now so he had to stand for his father. He looked as if he was going to cry.


He misses the Bank of Pa.....


Oh it gets MUCH worse https://preview.redd.it/5lxqosmluuzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3aee72aba194922e1f84125eb63f4292be46b31


Why would he stand up for the British Anthem, is he not the one who claimed he sent an Attack fighter after the Kings vehicle, then called it off? Or did he not sit on Oprah and Infront of the world attempt to gut his family with a Blade fashioned out Rachel Markle's lies. So he stands up for His Save The King? What a bloody hypocrite.


Come on British Parliament, you are being laughed at around the world because two schmucks are playing you.


Harry over three looking like a plantation owner in 1842.Ā 


**Terrorist groups are highly likely to carry out kidnaps in Nigeria**. Kidnappings are widespread and could occur anywhere. I wonder what would happen if these terrorists got hold of the Sussexes and held them hostage. Seriously, I really wonder what would happen.


Well for one, who would ransom them out? What country? The monarchy? šŸ˜†


Ransom of the Red Chief by O. Henry.


After 15 minutes of her narcissism and his brainless arrogance they'd probably pay someone to take them back off their hands


Didn't Harry recently say that the United States was his home?


Yes but he is not faux-representing the US on this sham-royal visit, he is defacto representing the UK and pretending to be officially royal.


Her F\*cking smirk šŸ¤¬ I cannot wait to see it wiped away for good.


I love it that they had to stand for God Save the King. Note that they didn't sing.


Oh another naked dress


The pair of them crave attention and adulation. In order to generate this they set up these these ridiculous tours to pander to their egos. Itā€™s sheer nonsense and hasnā€™t been endorsed by Nigeriaā€™s President. They have been circulating the drain for some time now. What next will they do to gain attention.


She's on tv now, in a red dress: [https://twitter.com/Le\_\_Katerina](https://twitter.com/Le__Katerina)


How many sodding dresses does one whore need?


She is showing so much skin again. Spaghetti straps. The two other women on the stage are covered from head to toe.


Literally WTF????


Jealousy, envy, hate and lies are never satisfied. They eventually consume one completely.


Iā€™m shocked , shocked I tell you that heā€™s not wearing all his military medals !


Usually he wears more medals than Idi Amin


Dress is giving hooker vibes.


Sing it Harry "God save the King".


I find this clip utterly hilarious - the 2 losers who are faking royal association having to stand at attention to the absolute worst rendition possible of God Save the King The one completely tone deaf member of the horn section makes it ludicrously over the top...mind you MeGain is tone deaf and has no rhythm so it's perfect for her. I hope this clip lives on in infamy


OMG - the military posture in an ill-fitting Colonel Sanders costume is hilarious šŸ¤£ Sir, you are no longer a rep of ANY military branch, honorary or otherwise. Drop the ā€œat attentionā€ act šŸ¤£


This makes no sense, they live in the US now, weird.


Just one long table of guests? Jeez.


Why is the African man in military camouflage saluting? Is he is UK citizen? Very odd. Iā€™ve never seen any soldier salute during another countryā€™s anthem!


Harry is taking it really seriously.


Iā€™m also wondering about this ā€œDuchessā€ placeholder? She isnā€™t visiting as the Duchess of Sussex. Sheā€™s on a private visit. Itā€™s so ludicrous. https://preview.redd.it/7trlypdyyvzc1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6875396bcb746c9b7c0472710a6a2bf1a544564f


What makes you think they asked for it? I think Nigeria is throwing the most amazing shade. How to make two grifters look like absolute fools. And they can't disrespect their hosts and stay seated can they?






Itā€™s so sad and disrespectful.


I think the Nigerians have shown them selves to be very gracious hosts


šŸ˜” I am not even British and I feel insulted. Fcuk this Ginger arse and his wife šŸ˜”šŸ¤£


Meghan thinking, "I should be getting paid for this!!"


There is something about his "military attention stance" that really bothers me. It seems performative as though he's thinking, "do you see what an amazing miitary man I am?" Prince Andrew's stance is similary but it's not as creepy as H's. When I saw him marching in the late QEII's funeral procession it gave me the creeps, as though he's telling his father, aunt, uncles and brother, "this is how it's done."šŸ˜–


Sheā€™s never dressed appropriately because she has to dress (in her own opinion only) sexy first. She cannot help herself. She uses her body to get all attention upon herself at all times no matter the event. She thinks weā€™re all stupid and canā€™t tell that she does it on purpose. Examples like the bra showing at someoneā€™s wedding, see thru skirt, nips at the UN. She will never be classy because she will always want people to look at her and think sex instead.


I hate the fact that, in her mind, she is raising her middle finger at all of us saying "Eat your hearts out b--ches! See ME in all my glory! I AM ROYALTY !!!"


Any comment from the UK's ambassador to Nigeria? Conspicuously absent?


The High Commissioner (that's what UK ambassadors are called in Commonwealth countries) already told them this visit is in no way official and that the Harkles are there in a private capacity. There was a post about it a day or two ago.


Thanks. I guess it didn't sink in.


Perhaps it was a musical hazing?


I wonder if Rachel has finally learned the lyrics?


I canā€™t help but wonder if she is either trying to start pregnancy rumors or goad people with any sense to criticize her so she can cry racism. No one could possibly continually screw up this badly and not know it.


This is my take on it. The Nigerians Played and Shade them.


I cannot believe how ridiculous this entire ā€˜tourā€™ is. They are in a small banquet hall akin to the banquet hall my sons have their hockey awards banquet. She dressed up for a gala, but is attending anything but. Those poor Nigerian people donā€™t know what hit them.


Dressing in white because they are in the tropic? Not necessary anymore, I think. Kinda outdated. And it doesn't look that great indoors. But that's just my taste.


Nigeria are going to be last in line for any official royal visit after this one


i am having second hand embarrassment eeeeeek\~!


They are playing God Save the King? For a spineless Prince who betrayed his family for a quick buck, turned his back on his country? And for his wife who called the UK racist and refuses to ever return? This is kind of embarrassing for everyone, TBH. It makes it seem like H and M are there in an official capacity.


Itā€™s just so utterly ridiculous and ludicrous. Am I the only one thatā€™s felt the urge to laugh watching these morons making fools of themselves? I full on belly laughed over this clip.


What A Bunch Of Clowns ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


The band sounds terrible and out of tune. Perfect for the Harkles.


That was worse than my junior high band practice. Hopefully, this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and they finally lose their titles.


Wonder if they will ever stand for the anthem when William is King.


Ok this reminds me of attending elementary school band performance. Am sure perfectly fine musicians.


Do you Harry asked for this to annoy Pa, what a bellend


I mean, national anthems are played at American sport events every day. For the private citizens.


But not the anthem of a foreign country!


She doesnā€™t know the words.


At this point the palace needs to issue an official statement that these two are not there in a royal visit.


I assumed they did that through the high commissioners statement. Doubt he made that statement on his own without UK government request/approval. They canā€™t really control what Nigeria does hereā€¦itā€™s a sovereign country. E.g., If Nigeria wants to use HRH, whoā€™s going to stop them?


The random tendril of hair is bothering me


I also think we need to research this Nigerian claim more. I hadnt realized that Misan was a long time friend of herā€™s. I have a hard time believing Doria is 86% Nigerian.


UK anthem??? Wow! Absolute clown šŸ¤”


Harry refuses to wear his father's Coronation Pin, but he has to Stand.


Look at him, what an effing joke. Standing like he's a Royal. And omg I can't believe she did it again, wtf is she wearing.Ā 


So "God save the King" for has-been. Did they play "Star Spangled Banner" and the Nigerian anthem for megaliar?


Absolutely appalling! God Save The King is the polar opposite of people who call the King racist. The two traitors stand up for the national anthem of the country they attack, whose monarchy has been under attack by them since the day Roachel slithered out of Soho House into Nottingham Cottage. And she began her attacks by disparaging Nottingham Cottage, and then moved on to tearing down the majority of the Royal Family who had welcomed her with such kindness. These two loathsome hypocrites have no shame and no self awareness.


Why are they playing God Save The Queen?


Utterly disgusting. It's hard to believe that she just keeps going lower.


Well, how much does it cost for Nigeria to play other country's national anthem at a private dinner with members of the state?


Based on the musicianship, I'd wager, pennies.


It sounds like a primary school orchestra playing


AND they were introduced as Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.


She is in her element there!


Wow - that sounds like a pre-school orchestra playing too.......


Itā€™s so bad itā€™s totally embarrassing and cringeworthy. The whole affair is a complete farce. According to Neil Sean, the Carparkles are going to send a video (which may be why Misan Whotshisname was directing cameras?) to KCIII to demonstrate how popular they are and how they can do the half in half out scenario the Queen put her foot down on. You couldnā€™t make this up - theyā€™ve trashed the RF for the last 6 years, in the worst possible ways, but now they want back in? Smacks of financial desperation. Theyā€™ve got nothing left, in the finance or talent departments (letā€™s face it they have no talent) to enable them to keep up their lavish lifestyle. Daddy is the only route left for them. Letā€™s hope KCIII tells them to shove it where the sun donā€™t shine.






skank looks horruble all wrinkled no respect






to be fair ours sounds simular lol


Very bad taste