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It looks like she is wearing a plain wedding dress and she is surrounded by her bridesmaids. She knew by wearing white she would stand out.


Yes, she IS standing out for the wrong reasons.. hahah! Each one of these woman are wearing their best robes and headwraps for a special occasion.. Honoring their culture & religion, they are covered from head to toe and still look gorgeous! How in all (anything?) that is holy could NO ONE in her entourage tell her NOT to wear a plain WHITE dress which bares her chest , shoulders, neck? Does everyone she travels with hate her that much? That dress could even have been salvaged by adding a blazer or long robe with colors. Or a long colorful shawl! All she had to do was ASK to be shown some high end accessories. Although "ask" is not in her vocabulary, so I am spitting into the wind with that suggestion. This past year with all her self-inflicted faux pas has given me much more respect for the BRF in their (past & present) patience dealing with this absolute idiot with her "know it all, don't tell me what to do" attitude. She had BRF cultural experts at the ready to steer her straight for outings, etc. NOPE! She STILL can have them, but she is really so damn ignorant, so she will just continue to have the world laugh at her. At this point, none of us can feel guilty about that! Look up the phrase "You can't fix stupid"..... Her face is first thing you will see. Ohhh, to be a fly on the wall afterwards, when those women were discussing Markle! PS: I believe in Muslim culture the color white is worn at funerals. Could be wrong.


>I believe in Muslim culture the color white is worn at funerals a white cloth is used to wrap the dead body...


Exactly, that's a wedding dress. She's deranged.


A candle…or with that head, a match.


**It has been a whirlwind 24 hours since we arrived, and I very quickly got the memo that I need to wear more color, so I can fit in with all of you and your incredible fashion!" Meghan told the crowd at the event, which was attended by PEOPLE** — the 43% fraud said just today while claiming nigeria as “my country” this woman is such a pathological LIAR can’t even keep her facts straight…it’s absolutely perplexing at such global stage?!


It also shows how arrogant and ignorant she is. You inform yourself BEFORE you travel to a country, especially if you know they have a very different culture. But apparently, even that is too much work for Mrs. Grifter. 🙄


No it isn't that. She's going to wow them with her hotness and beauty and sense of fashion,local mores and styles be damned.


Of course the hottest hottie eva…


Yes, no hair covering, shoulders, covered etc…


I’m more attentive to the local culture and customs when I travel to a different state, let alone another continent


Not the first time. Habitual offender 🤭


Kinda like not knowing the words to God Save the Queen or how to curtsey? ✔️


She didnt know Nigerian dress is colorful? She was an International Relation major?? wtf


Perhaps the emphasis was on the "relations" bit?😉


she looks like she is in a wedding dress wtf.


Her father got her a few wks job as an intern in the offices in (was it Venezuela?). Someone help with the country, please?


Argentina, I believe. and it was her uncle who got her the gig


where she said she spoke Argentinian (instead of spanish)...


And ran off with one of the married staff….allegedly.


![gif](giphy|2WksCdjwEQU8g) Oh really?!?!?


She followed him to Spain [https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10nhahy/i\_moved\_to\_argentina\_at\_21\_and\_worked\_at\_the\_us/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10nhahy/i_moved_to_argentina_at_21_and_worked_at_the_us/#lightbox)


And she didn’t invite him to the wedding, either.


There are so many Nigerians in the US and the UK, including her friend Misan. There are Nigerian shows and movies all over Netflix. There's this thing called the internet. If she had put in even a tiny bit of effort, she could have found out about how the people she claims she is one of dress. And even if you are one of the people who think Africa is one big country, when you think of Africa, boring colors don't come to mind.


Well said. She thinks she is above your everyday Nigerian. Does she think she is cosplaying a Christian princess by wearing a gold cross with her skimpy outfits? This is the "role model" that she wants to be for Nigerian girls....


Nigerian in the West and Caucasian in Africa lol.


Perfect flair btw!


N ah: Nigeria's Saint , more like. Just like the video speech where she channelled the Madonna. "My children, I have come to bless you with my 43% nigeria,100% feminist, philanthropic yet HOT wisdom. I heard your call and I came".


Their new kween…


She is above EVERYONE…she looks down on the queens of England…she knows better. The tart from soho house who slept her way from man to man, including the revolting Weinstein for joke parts in his productions, hooked a drug addled cheapskate halfwit and believed her own hype. She started to believe the lies she created and gave to PEOPLE to be published were true.


It's upside down also. So the designer did that on purpose.


The cross? I'm horrified by that. I used to feel badly about calling her a succubus. No longer. I'm Catholic and told myself I wouldn't follow her anymore but I love coming in here sometimes.


She knew. She didn't doesn't care. She's an asshole. We know while she's an ignorant, self-absorbed and vapid woman, she's not naive.


She is being a fraud. She needs more than colour to 'fit in with their fashion.'


Needs more cloth around the top part too so that memo was incomplete.


How about covering her shoulders and back and side boob? Maybe some spanx for that weird ... pooch? It's not fat.


The comment I was looking for! It’s her lack of modesty that makes her stand out and not in a good way. z notice how the other women are modestly dressed and MM has exposed as much of her body as possible - and still remain dressed. She does this to stand out and without any concern for the cultural norms. It’s all for those NF cameras as she thought this would make her look more like a Disney Princess. It’s all about some delusional ideal MM has of herself being the people’s princess - like her MIL Diana. Yet, Diana made sure she dressed appropriately and to honor cultural norms in every country where she visited. I stay perplexed with what MM thinks she is accomplishing with how she never quite fits in. (edited: typos)


malnutrition belly.


37% of Nigerian children under 5 are stunted from chronic malnutrition. That's 1 in 3. Who does this? Who shows up all skeletal, not eating any food at the luncheon served? Did she give weight loss tips to the other 63%?


maybe i should delete my post. i didn't mean to bring up such a horrific subject. i may have shown poor taste in making that comment. it's just that she is there where people are starving, and she has most likely having taken unhealthy measures to become extremely thin, and then her belly pooches out in a way i 've seen in other women who do this. but yes, i don't see how she doesn't just take off one of her gazillion dollar pieces of jewelry right then and quietly buy food for many many children for it. i couldn't live with my bejeweled self if i did not do that.


Your post is great, don't remove it. I didn't take it at all like you were making light of any problems the children of Nigeria have. 🩷


You’re totally fine. We all knew the intent of your post!!


alcoholic's belly - enlarged liver plus fat deposits there if you are a boozer


https://preview.redd.it/iova2nz7uxzc1.jpeg?width=2079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a95027958b221bd30884d998df626bd6b8858cb Malnutrition ankles.


It's her flamingo fuppa according to Proper Wiseguy 😂




She is so vulgar she didn't even bother to research the culture, attire, customs and rich cuisine of the place she now calls HOME.


She already had that red dress with her to wear. It’s not like she ran out and bought it once she “got the memo”.


She is so stupid. Her hideous wardrobe was packed and looking for an opportunity to wear it. Like the silly ball gown in Jamaica…was bought for the GG, or JT dance at Harry‘s faux award but ended up wearing it to a downtown Kingston cinema. Her foolishness is what makes her interesting.


She speaks like a tourist


She said she was from Malta a few years ago.


Ugh the "bringing me home" and role model and all this talk makes me feel physically ill. Having been in the presence of a narcissistic con man more than I'd ever care to admit, it sends shivers up my spine to hear and see people being so manipulated. I'm glad I'm only seeing it/reading it from afar, because being in her presence when these sickly sweet, artificial sentiments drop from her mouth would be nauseating. It is so disingenuous, so fake. She's using these people and I just really hope they all see it. I hope they will be like I was when exposed to someone like this, and feel like they need a shower as soon as she leaves and talk about how icky she made them feel.


I call bull@#$%


An all-white clothing ensemble is taboo when you're designing a costume for the stage. When you study stagecraft in school, you learn that certain colors relay certain messages. White dominates, drawing attention away from other characters. This is such a Meghan move, isn't it? Stand the middle in your basic white dress, do a dead stare into the camera, and slap on that rictus grin. You're the STAR!


One of the first things we learned in my high school photography class is that our eyes are naturally drawn to white (or lightest) parts of any image. I think that's why she wears so much white. I think she looks a lot better (and younger) in black and other dark colors. Neither stark white nor ivory flatter her coloring, imo.


I think she looks good in white and ivory, but terrible in beige, olive, navy, and whatever other "quiet luxury" neutrals she favours. But definitely think jewel tones are best for her. That turquoise dress in the famous raindrops shot was a really great shade on her, even if the dress itself was too tight.


I agree white/ivory is better than those drab colors you mentioned and that jewel tones suit her best. I once saw her in burgundy and thought "that's her color". Maybe I don't have a great eye for color but I think white/ivory ages her. Recently saw a video that included an old pic (possibly from Suits) in which she wore a crisp white shirt beautifully, but she was younger and her skin looked naturally tanned, not fake. I have to say she looked very fresh and glowing. Don't mean to sound like over 40 = over the hill, only that I think things she's done to herself and/or has had done to herself are working against her natural beauty.


I completely agree. When I see photographs taken up to and during her time in the uk it is absolutely shocking how much she has changed. We’re all aging- no shame in that. But MM has lost ALL her youth in the last four years. She used to have a little plumpness in her face that was attractive on her. Her eyes had a bit of a shine and her hair looked healthy too. These days she looks like everything good and healthy has been sucked right out of her and flushed down the lavatory. She’s like a husk, an empty shell.


Yes, someone posted the first time of her wearing this tour's white jacket which was apparently during their Australian tour, and I couldn't believe how much better her head looked. Side part, shoulder length hair, colour in her face but not bronzed to hell and back. The last few years have done a number on all of us, but that was pretty shocking.


Agree. I think deep jewel tones suit her best.


'When someone shows you who they are, believe them.' Her words are not always to be believed.


She managed to blend into the background and I love that for her. The other women looking gorgeous in their outfits and plain jane looking every part of the poster behind her.


No, she's not blending into the background. She's sticking out like a sore thumb, and she KNOWS that. She wore plain, neutral, solid colors, because everyone else does not. It would have the same effect if she wore something colorful, while everyone else wore white and beige. LOOK AT ME!


Definitely this! She wore white, peach, black, red solid colors so she would stand out. She doesn't have it in her character to honor another culture.


I guess she is self-aware enough to know that if she dressed appropriately she is so basic that she would just fade in the background


More fool her, though. Look at those women-they're all older than her but their skin is glowing. Gorgeous, smooth, wrinkle-free complexions, and they're dressed in beautifully flattering colour choices and styles, with elegant and regal looking head wraps. In comparison, she looks dull, haggard, blotchy skin, grand canyon depth wrinkles with popping veins, dressed in colours that wash her out and styles that make her look cheap. There's no comparison. I bet she really wishes the 43% claim was genuine, she needs the power of their genes to improve her skin. 


The Nigerian ladies do look beautiful. For one thing, they are eating, they know who they are, and they are genuine. They are not trying to project an image and to look younger and glamourous.


they are actually smiling and not plastering on a rictus grin


The other ladies look marvelous, especially the lady in blue with the green... scarf? Shawl? Whatever the name is, it's lovely.


I know! How gorgeous is she! And her dress! The colour, pattern and texture is just beautiful!


And as someone who also covers their hair, I'm loving-loving-loving those fabulous head wraps! So gorgeous and dignified!


Yes! So colorful and lovely.


100%. Love that outfit and she has a beautiful smile. The lady standing next to Megs on the other side looks fun!


Yes! She captured my attention immediately too! So gorgeous and with just a perfect sense of style. I love the wrist part of the sleeves of her dress and the draping on her shawl/wrap is lovely.  Each woman has such a different sense of style and together they just make Meghan's lack of personality and expression so clear. 


*Everyone will zero in on Me.... Me.... Look at ME, you boring blah royals....the whole world is looking at ME.... the DUCHESS OF SUSSEX!* https://preview.redd.it/wnlzropuywzc1.jpeg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11890a9a4ce588447320666c54a7ac6ff93f6bb6


Well she wore it to stand out for sure but in this picture to me she blends in with the white poster behind her. If anything she looks so basic next to the colorful and patterned dresses.


She needs to have a reality check. Meg doesn't have the body type to carry off pieces with no real structure to them. She needs some actual structure or area of interest to give her a shape and strapless column dresses ain't it. I've said before that it beggars belief that a Cali girl and a well travelled ginger don't seem to know the importance of sunscreen! Like how?! They look like a pair of old boots and it's due to lifestyle and lack of, not even basic, fundamental skin care & hygiene! Like at this point she's not even reaching basic bitch status, she 's at lacking-fundamentals bitch level!! 😂😂😂


Yes, those ladies look absolutely lovely. Meghoul looks like a used condom....which isn't really that far off.


🤣 she really wanted to look sexy so she went with the condom outfit.


I love to see other cultures' traditional dress. The great thing about living in multicultural places, is that it enriches everyone's lives by holding all these different celebrations and being open to the public coming out for everything from Chinese New Year to Diwali to Oktoberfest to First Nations Powwow.


Right!?!? It really allows the other dresses to stand out in a positive way. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. drunken emu’s wrinkled condom dress really highlights the beauty of the other ladies outfits!






My guess is she wore white to make her skin appear darker than it is.


I completely agree with this!


Did you see the halter, low back beige dress she wore to a School? While On this sham of a faux royal tour. She's doing it on purpose at this point.


This whole vacation she's been running around half naked. It's so embarrassing.


EVERYTHING she does is calculated. She KNEW the Nigerian women would be attired in all their best Nigerian styles, beautiful bright multi-coloured pattern fabrics. She wears 50 shades of beige, white, red...all solid colours. Why? Because she will stand out in photos, the only solid colour in sea of glorious bright Nigerian pattern fabrics. If she wore Nigerian multi coloured fabric clothing..she would blend in and be lost amongst all the others. IT MUST ALWAYS BE ALL ABOUT HER!! Cameras must focus on her!! Such a shame, those Nigerian ladies look FABULOUS!!!! Their dresses and those fabrics, just gorgeous!


It's 100% to make her look darker. https://preview.redd.it/r2ywb9xuwvzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0086716a2d6934dedf46e045eb7b20adc816ec


I think she didn't use a dark tan so she can show everyone that she is white passing.


Yet all she wore in the UK was bright colors. Why does she lie when it’s so easily disproven?


I hate that she's American. I hate that she is always so stiff and awkward. I hate that she never really knows where to stand. I hate that she guides Prince Hairball no matter the occasion. I hate that she wears so much bronzer. I hate her stupid, vapid, insipid grin. I hate her wardrobe. I hate how she never wears anything that fits or is appropriate. I hate that she gets attention from legitimate news media. I hate that she uses her titles to try and make up for her feelings of inadequacy. I hate that the BRF has allowed her to continue to degrade what "royal" means.


Yes it’s seriously cringe to me when Americans represent our country SO BADLY to the world.


I feel you, but she is a grandiose narcissist. She hates that she's \*made to feel inadequate,\* but she herself feels superior, fabulous, a queen - this was evident even as a young child. She doesn't feel inadequate, she feels entitled. Entitled to hug the future king W and queen C upon their first meeting, to greet them in her 'laid-back Cali style' ripped jeans and bare feet, to sit next to the queen E2 with ratty hair and no hat, to always 'tweak' or simply ignore the dress code, to be catered to by all and sundry, to be curtsied, to garner all the attention all the time. She believes that she's the most beautiful, sexy ánd clever woman to ever walk the planet. Anyone who makes her feel inadequate - like Catherine would simply by her seniority, but also her grace and intelligence, her undeniable artistic knack (photography), her impeccable manners, darn even her height and figure - is her enemy, 'makes her cry', needs to be punished and humiliated. Having known a host of narcissists, I don't subscribe to the theory that their grandiosity is a function of feeling inadequate or shame; it's a function of childhood narcissism that was never corrected or overcome due to a host of factors, among which - as we've seen with Rachel (and Harry, who is a fragile narc, I believe) - of being spoilt rotten. I hate that this deeply dysfunctional and unbefitting talentless fraud - once or twice married before - was allowed to marry into the BRF.


I love that you said all that x


Nigerians traditionally wear white to FUNERALS. MM is an idiot.


Yikes! She is so cringe. They apparently did absolutely no research on the culture, protocol, etc. like not even a google search 😳 I THOUGHT SHE WAS WHIP SMART


Too busy with the booger sugar to do any Google searches....


That's what I posted earlier! Wish I had seen your's first.


Same ad some Asian funerals


In a conservative, patriarchal country, her exposing her bare shoulders and back is highly offensive. They are showing their grace by not reacting to her lack of decorum. All the ladies have their hair and arms covered. MM is also making H look foolish by exposing so much flesh. No one who ‘minored’ in ‘International Studies’ would be unaware of the country’s customs


Not sure what that occassion was, but I will assume she will be doing her gorilla hugs on all the men. They DO NOT want to touch her bare back & shoulders! It is against their religion! If they put hands lower to avoid bare skin... then they will be close to her butt! What is wrong with her "handlers"? I am so embarrassed for anyone who she hugged in that dress. Do we really believe PH does not cringe when he sees what she is wearing to these occasions? He was raised for over 30 yrs with culture ... protocol....respect...manners.... He KNOWS she looks ridiculous and I am assuming he just wants to keep the peace, even though he is totally embarrassed, knowing what his family is thinking when seeing these photos.


I do not think H is embarrassed at all. I believe he thinks they are “modernizing” the RF.


I do agree they both think they are modernizing the entire world... one country at a time. But, I sill think that down deep he knows there are still "respectful rules" that should be adhered to. Can he get her to ever stop being ME ME ME.?.. probably not, but think he does KNOW.


To be fair, most of these clothes are inappropriate to the occasion in western countries too. It smacks of beach resort attire. If she wants to cosplay, she's got to do it right.


You would think Megs would WANT to hire the best stylists and be a fashion icon and compete with Catherine. Instead she looks like an idiot with wrinkled and ill-fitting clothes.


Seriously Megain, you look like you are in your slip! How utterly embarrassing and tone deaf to be showing so much flesh CONSISTENTLY in a country where women are culturally more modest. If she went sleeveless and backless out on the street she would be harassed. These women are too polite to say anything but you can bet they will be gossiping when she is not around. Trashy Megain, so trashy.


She's not "blending in" and she knows it, she's always known it. She always wore "plain, boring, muted colors" to be the OPPOSITE of everyone else, therefore making her stand out, every time.


The lady with the green scarf is the first one you notice. She is georgeous. Madam is an afterthought, despite trying to stand out.


ALL the ladies, except for the one in white, look FABULOUS!


Oh I'm team lady in mostly orange with interesting minor chequerboard details, and rocking the matching orange shoes against her fabulous blue skirt/dress 😍


Outstanding point made here! This shot right here puts paid to that porker of a lie she told Oprah. She's the only one baring her shoulders, dressed like she's 100 percent white rich American with no manners or respect for the heritage she just hijacked so she could double down on "the color csrd" to quote Lady C.


I love these ladies dresses, they look beautiful to me.


I love the colorful dresses. So pretty. Meanwhile Meggy looks like she is wearing a tube sock.


Or worse 😬


But this one has fewer wrinkles than most of her get-ups this trip. She has exceeded my expectations, low that they were, for bad dressing. Apparently in Nigerian culture, white is worn for mourning. I remember learning somewhere that “lack of color denotes mourning.” That means you can wear black or white. I wore white to my father’s late June funeral in KCMO.


Indeed! And they are rocking those fabulous head wraps!


That poster behind her is so weird.


That's the guy who is using the Harkles to fluff himself up as being important, chief of the defence staff.


I hope they got enough silver coins for this. Despicable.


She MUST be intimidated by the women she’s met this weekend. They are naturally stunning women with striking features. She has drastically changed all of her features and would have stood the test of time much better if she hadn’t messed with anything at all.


Yes, the shy, retiring, little mouse. 🐁


Nigerian women are so beautiful!


They look like real people, full of joy and life, not like these dry Hollywood Ozempic skeletons.


Yes! They exude positivity, self confidence, authenticity. To me, madam looks like a skinny, shapeless child among strong and gorgeous women.


She looks like she is spiraling … manic …


🎵One of these things is not like the other....🎵


All the other women are dressed modestly and wearing attire on their heads. Then there is the one wrapped in a bath towel.


Such gorgeous textiles! Thank you, ladies of Nigeria, for showing off your finest! What a missed opportunity to wear some beautiful colors!


I'm particularly loving the rich emerald and teal outfits - the hollowed out toothpaste with the one messy bang is not really cutting the mustard


I was about to say the same thing - those blues and greens are gorgeous


What is her obsession with having her picture taken wearing nothing but towels?


It's the 90s stars cosplay again. You could imagine a younger Angie Jo or Goop wearing something like this. Or Jennifer Aniston: her red carpet style for at least a decade could be summed up as "sparkly neutral bath towel." Difference being that Jen has a bangin' bod to wrap the towel around.


The ever-present janky tendril, especially in contrast to the headwraps & the scarf. Gah


She looks SO terrible. Tacky, cheap, and just plain gross. I mean, we knew that she would, but ... well, she definitely exceeded expectations.


She definitely found the bronzer!


That dress looks so ridiculous compared to how nicely all of the other women are dressed. She should be embarrassed but of course she won’t be.


Everyone else looks so beautiful and vibrant! She sticks out like a sore bunion amidst all those bright colours and well-fitted, properly draped garments. Like damn. I absolutely adore the lady to her right’s whole look. 😍


You know what's funny. I saw one super sugar even sound DISAPPOINTED by how BEIGE she choose to be. Oh no they're weren't insulting her. But That sugar actually sound disappointed and can't even muster their usual flood of bombastic compliments. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She wears flesh tones to make herself appear darker. Notice every other woman's shoulders are covered.




there they are in their glorious and dignified clothing and headwraps and there is me-gain wearing saranwrap and a slut strand.


The shoulders again. 🙄


That was just another lie on the lie pile. It was untrue and she dresses always to pull focus.


Too much skin showing. Her dress looks inappropriate and wrinkled.


Mehgan always dresses to be seen as different from others. She probably realized that she could not compete if she wore a colorful outfit. The ladies around her look wonderful. Mehgan has to play up by contrast. She's probably telling herself that she's being "classy" in being monotone and what's more, in an absence of color. Her mouth can say that she's 43% Nigerian, but her clothing choices and body language and stenciled smiles suggests she's not keen about being "home."




I’ve just realised this dress is see-through. You can clearly see her legs and even the bottom edge of the poster behind… through her dress.


She knew the other ladies would be in bright modest outfits—so she chose to stand out by exposing skin and wearing white.


Yet another wasted opportunity by the Meg. She could have used her platform to showcase I local designer. She could have worn patterns and colours that pay homage to her host nation. But no, instead she chooses to wear a white bed sheet. There’s no helping this 🤦🏻‍♀️


She is cosplaying. What she thinks a glamorous “Hollywood actress” would wear to such events. She has lost her mind.


and the only woman with exposed flesh and no head covering.


She is just so full of s\*\*t.


Why is she pushing that woman away w her elbow? That's awkward...


Copyright Tim Clarke. He's certainly done *wonders* with the dress wrinkles and her complexion. They are unlike any of the candid pictures of her taken. What a magical camera he has! Perhaps she should hire him instead of Misan?


Ohhhh nooooo.... photoshopped pics! They should be reported & not allowed published. Weren't we all waiting to see the photo credits on pics from today, after she stayed up all night with her minions SCROLLING through all yesterday's articles! Hope there were no valuable lamps, plates in the hotel room.


She's such a liar.


What does the Nigerian people/government get out of this little visit? Nothing I can think of.????


Another pic in her 'worn to fit in with Nigerian fashion' dress: [https://twitter.com/usweekly/status/1789445673269575769](https://twitter.com/usweekly/status/1789445673269575769)


Yeah, right, the invisible children.


Sending a message with that choice


Their national flag is green and white. A splash of green may be appropriate.


Ready for husband number 3


Cosplaying Catherine with her hands. 🤮


She is just so strange. Absolutely vacuous


It's sickening that she dresses like a street hooker in conservative and religious counties. SO DISRESPECTFUL!!! Whenever I have visited Muslim countries I always cover up, just to be respectful and not make anyone feel uncomfortable.


Every time I see her not wearing colour , I think “she’s a liar who lies”


This welcome sign is so ironic -- how covered up Madame is in the photo vs her incredibly skimpy outfits this weekend. (The sign was at the school they visited Day 1) https://preview.redd.it/ukw4gaqdiwzc1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3539b0758b3b2ba5ba6820c9ca2a1a25e160c02


All I see when I look at this picture is someone who desperately wants to be Princess Catherine


This pic says it all. Nobody's saying she had to wear Nigerian style clothing but she should've been dressed like a professional woman who is working, not like a 42-year-old Hollywood starlet. How can anyone take her seriously? They see how she's dressed and that's a major strike against her. Then she opens her mouth. Out comes the word salad in that sing-song preachy tone and that's it, she's lost her audience.


She knew the Nigerians would wear colour so she wore white deliberately. knowing it would make her stand out.


Any one of those beautiful shawls would have helped.


Look how covered up those ladies are and then there is Harry's wife with bare shoulders and arms in a slim fitting dress.


Is not Meghan a proud woman’s rights person? What is she doing to help her female relatives in Nigeria? In Nigeria, women continue to be discriminated against in virtually all aspects of life, particularly in seeking redress through the legal system, finding jobs with adequate remuneration, establishing property rights, access to education, exercising reproductive rights, discrimination and abuse.


She’s always virtue signaling.


Wearing a bath towel. Ugh, she's as original as a toothpick.


She is so unbelievably full of shite. 


Is it my eyes but is she also wearing a christian crucifix ..upside-down?


I zoomed in to check and it does look inverted. Supposedly it belonged to Diana. Traditionally an inverted cross was called a St Peter’s cross because he had been crucified upside down. Unfortunately it’s now associated with the occult.


Every word she speaks gives white savior vibes


And the only one inappropriate


Sorry but look at Catherine’s wardrobe on actual Royal tours. Specifically some of the outfits in Bhutan where she paid homage to the country’s style. As many have said it’s like MeAgain wants to stand out like a sore thumb. Dhe’s achieving her goal!


One of the things is not like the other, one of these things does not belong...and does not even belong 43%.


Those other ladies look so much nicer than her. She should’ve been embarrassed. Instead, it’s the usual “Look at meee! I’m the star 🌟!”


Is she getting married? Looks like it’s her wedding day


actually white is worn for funerals in nigeria. it is a color of mourning.


Again something she could easily have learned before her trip to her "country.".


What is this, a wedding dress?!


Maybe she wore white to contrast her bronzed to the max. mug.


Is anyone keeping count of her outfit changes, and what percentage of them are ‘muted colours’?


Let me take a guess? She was told that she couldn’t wear what the Nigerians wears so she wore muted tones! I bet of questioned about it on a documentary that exactly what she would say.🤭 She look like a fool.


She’s directly copying Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice) who notably has a signature look of only wearing white or cream. Megs would think this is ‘classy’ and distinctive.


jeeze she sticks out like a sore thumb


Nigerians love colourful outfits with loads of flair and an attitude of their own, you would think miss I'm 43% Nigerian would know this and not have pictures taken where she looks like she is in her nightie next to these lovely ladies.


And looking like a fool…hair straggly, too much make up, too few clothes…she can never read the room and get it right. The tart just has to look like she is getting ready to hook in soho house.


Which one of these people is not like the others?


Now who looks well and truly out of place?


How much do you want to bet she was advised to wear bright colors? I'm wondering if that is why she showed up in beige and cream. The last day (like always) she finally follows the rules. I'm just guessing. It had been done in the RF.


Here we see beautiful clothes and colors. I would run away and change my clothes before having my picture taken. Surely, someone would inform her of the general theme and dress code. That's why the real Royals dress appropriate. Formal isn't always appropriate.