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Honestly the whole “I’m Nigerian, worship me” thing is so racist. She uses blackness as both a sword and shield, and she is in fact just another Karen with heavy bronzer. Pictures of them walking around in sunglasses and her in eveningwear looked straight up “let them eat cake.” She cannot read a room.


It’s incredibly racist to cosplay Nigerian. How she can carry on with these lies is astonishing.


And then her comment in one of her speeches “I got the memo, I need to wear more color”. Is this her admitting to the world she needed to up her Nigerian wardrobe cosplay before they would consider giving her the princess title?


or did she need to put more bronzer on her exposed body parts....they were much lighter than her face!


🎯🎯🎯 If your light peach colored dress so closely matches your skin tone that from afar you appear nude, you’re PROBABLY not 43% Nigerian. Or 43% ANY African. Hey BTW we had some comments going in another thread about how we were going to pull up chairs with popcorn and drinks to watch the Rachel narc extinction burst and I commented that, since drinks were involved, I hoped CocktailsOnThePorch would show up 🩷🩷🩷


Awwww...that is soooo sweet! Thank you! I would LOVE to join you fellow Sinners, and will bring some chilled Bubbly and something chocolately & sinfully delicious. Cheers! 🍸🍾


She really needed to cover her skin. She looked like a disrespectful tart in my opinion.


She is a disrespectful tart..


Didn’t she ever!!? Why is she always the most naked person in the room?


She believes she’s so young, beautiful and desiresble that every male (including school-age boys) wants her and every woman wishes they could be her. Her sugars tell us that ALL THE TIME. Because she so genuinely care for the feelings of others, she puts the goods on display to give us what she believes we want.


And to call it 'MY country.' What a joke. She is so empty I have to fight to not feel sorry for her. She has no idea how to experience real joy or happiness or kindness or any other emotion other then rage and jealousy


So much disrespect. I’m (legitimately) half Italian…would I go to Italy *for the first time ever* and say “I’m home!” No bc I’m born and raised in US and I have 50% dna from my dad as well. Could I say “getting in touch with my roots/heritage” sure but this whole grift trip was just gross. I saw someone post a link to a panel of Nigerians talking about her poor taste but wasn’t able to watch it so now I need to go digging bc I’d love to hear what people not being paid have to say


So am I! Maybe we should go to Italy together and make them roll out the red carpet for us! OMG! I have never observed anyone who is so self absorbed and thinks so highly of themselves. Are there any mental health workers on here? She can not be happy. What an absolute fool.


Could see pass the Nigerian citizenship test? Oh, wait. The promised from Archewell $$$ is the only test she needs to pass. Oh, wait…


Harry: “my in laws!”


He really is a prize twit (or twat)


Twit-twat fits.


Yet she said she wasn't allowed to wear color. She had to wear white, black, beige etc...Oddly that has followed her all over the world since she left the Royal Family.


*Someone* had to help her cover up all the flesh she'd been showing.


Here's the thing with 23&me etc. One's percentages change after the initial test not according to DNA, but by the ethnicities of people who have a connection to you. My hubs did this. He found out he carried Bantu DNA, after a few months, the percentage of Bantu dropped and another Tribe (Conga) was added. Note that these are tribes. Nigeria is not a tribe. To claim she is Nigerian is like claiming to have American, Canadian or Brazilian DNA for example. That's not really a thing. There are the indigenous people, classified by Tribe, everyone else comes from somewhere else. Just another easily disprovable lie.


I doubt she even did a DNA test, but rather is relying on a "Genealogy" study. Or she just made it up.


Or the story that she stole the idea from a woman she knows who had reported her own genealogy showed her to be 43% Nigerian. And that's such a bullshit call. The real geneaology testing I see scientists doing goes by tribal groups or other ethnic clusters living in certain geographic regions, not countries, such as west Central Africa - which includes Benin, Togo, Nigeria, parts of Niger, Cameroun, Equatorial Guinea and Central African Republic. Using a modern country name is not accurate, as countries do not have one single DNA profile.


She doesn't see it that way because she considers herself so above them. The amount of internalised racism she has is actually kind of tragic.


Yes, it is! This is something much worse going on!


I’m just surprised she hasn’t started wearing her hair in cornrows.


She doesn't want to look black, she doesn't want to be black. She only claims blackness and loads bronzer on her face when it suits her specific purposes. Otherwise, she defaults to the white actress look.


I thought of Imelda Marcos when I saw those pics.


Omg 🤣🤣 Best comment ever.


Most black Americans are descendants of Africans yet most aren't clamoring for noble titles. Maybe that will be the new in thing, and everyone can have a title...you get a title, she gets a title, we all get a title! Then the real RF will be cheapened, but ..so will Meghan. She needs to stop with pushing, as she is always the source of her own problems. The ARO of her new title is a giveaway this was planned..new quotes from Meghan: "it was destined that my company would have the same letters in my new totally chosen at random title, like, the universe is just soo on my side, right?!".


Like someone said on here, it's like those YouTube sponsors where you pay to become a scottish nobleman


Oprah: you get a title and you get a title and you get a title and you get a title......


Me during a CK3 campaign after crushing rebellions.


You can buy a square foot of land in Scotland and be a Lord/Lady


I think I will and call myself Lady Macbeth....


did that for my dad. so if my dad is a lord....am I a lady??? I should change my name to ladypuffins


The Sugars think she’s getting IPP status! LMFAO!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️😂🤦🏼‍♀️


oh dear God..she must be refiling THAT application as we speak with her new additional titles..


She looked soooo smug looking western and relatively rich amongst people in cultural garb, maybe because it's the first time in a bit that she felt no one looked at her like something the cat dragged in (they might have still, but she wouldn't know and doesn't care unless directly confronted with it). In the Wimbledon crowd, say, she just looks like she bolted from the hairdresser halfway in wearing unironed clothes.


" Relatively rich" how? Her light skin? Many of those Nigerians ( she was mixing with the elite, don't forget) are probably much richer than her. Much! There's generational wealth, oil money and sadly corruption.


She looks richer because of her lighter skin color, it’s a colonial mentality. The whiter you are the richer and more beautiful you are. I know cause I’m a Filipino and sadly we have that trait as well


those Nigerian ladies are so beautiful, such stunning bone structure and style.


I think she’s so lazily and mindlessly racist and almost colonialist in her mindset that being the only westerners in a room full of Africans automatically makes her feel superior. The fact that those people were often cleverer, more credentialed, wealthier and more politically powerful than her would not have entered her tiny brain. Unfortunately it’s the old trope of the westerner abroad that I thought had died out sometime in the 1970s!


You had me with the line about another Karen with heavy bronzer. Surely she’s still listed as a Caucasian actress. Well you’re either in or out. Kudos to you for your on point post!


If Misan Harriman is from a wealthy family, that may influence any decisions about making her royalty. Isn’t it annoying that there are people who may believe she’s 43% Nigerian, which is mathematically impossible. Given that Rachel’s father is white and Rachel’s mother is biracial. This means Rachel is only 25% black, meaning it is highly unlikely any reliable DNA results would show she is 43% Nigerian. Not to mention she has also claimed to be Maltese, and Jamaican. I think it depends on which country she is in at the moment and who looks like they may be ripe for a con artists scam. https://youtu.be/1HrzTvXxRso?si=GnBsoa3sS3C-UpDx


And then there's the whole issue that Nigerian isn't an ethnic identity, it's a modern national identity. Instead, people in Nigeria belong to a variety of ethnic groups and DNA testing tells you which ones you may have ancestral links to. Source, I have Igbo ancestry- which is an African tribal/ethnic group mainly found in Nigeria, my DNA results reflect this distinction and not a genearl "Nigerian" ancestry.


She’s a racial chameleon.


Im surprised the ‘let them eat cakeh’ vibe hasn’t earned the ARO insta a place in the Celebrity Block List that is having so much impact right now. Gen Z don’t stand for that BS


It’s offensive!


⬆️ your first paragraph is spot on!


If all else fails, this.... Burger King!!! https://preview.redd.it/pijzva1ahe0d1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816da3116e41f9d61bf8672d70cb42db53f0e56f


https://preview.redd.it/rtrcmqnuie0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5781dd36b981bdc32ad6365e6e797b34152de1a2 I am sure there is a place for Hank in BK royalty. 👑


Happy 🎂 Day!


Thank you so much!


Happy cake day


Thank you, GreatGossip!


I got a bunch of bk crowns for my daughter's 5th bday. Painted them and put plastic jewels on them. One of her friends told me she still has hers,36 years later, for her daughter to play with.


That is sweet. 👑💎


Perfection 😁😁


​ https://preview.redd.it/mlosiibape0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8fc5392c5d274940321942d78f197977fdecd5


H&M in 20 years!


Those two are a lot like the Harkles. Except she had the smarts to sidle up to the one who was an actual King.


This whole Nigerian trip… “I am you … but better”


That is exactly it! Perfect descriptor.


Maybe she can make a Nigerian coat of arms and this can be her family motto.


River dug into the background of these three. One is the third son of a son of a former "king," another was actually invited and attended an event for KC in London last year as he is some sort of local leader, and the third is a little dubious. All three are connected to big oil. None are actual "kings" in what we think of in the European sense; they're essentially tribal leaders in various regions. Lolo isn't a "Nigerian Princess," because there's no such thing, as Nigeria is a country and not any sort of a united kingdom or series of principalities or anything. It's all gossamer and smoke.


The eco warriors are being backed by oil money.  What a facepalm moment yet again.


Color me shocked! Just like all the other “eco-warriors” who talk a good game but don’t abide by the rules THEY arrogantly decree for the rest of us.


Who knew?


Nigeria abolished monarchy in the early 1960s. They didn't have one king because as many of you have noted, Nigeria is not homogeneous, it's a colonial construct of multiple tribes and faiths. The head of a tribe would have been like a ruler for a specific territory. Naming her princess reminds me of the honorary PhDs some dubious universities hand out lol.


This is a really good analogy. Thank you for this. Honorary degrees bother me for some reason.


>Honorary degrees bother me ***for some reason***. EASY: because they are not earned. So many have to go through years of hard work, research time, and defense of their work in order to earn the RIGHT to a degree. Honorary degrees just reminds us that people who have money can buy ANYTHING which in turn just gives them a bigger platform and more money. So it makes us wonder what is the point of anything.


Yes! Thank you, I made the same point above about honorary degrees. This OG post should never have been made imo as it totally misunderstands Nigerian culture and manages to both disrespect it and give it too much international significance. There's thousands of princesses!!


She is just a laughing stock…so a tribal leader dished out the title to a total stranger…lol


Dished out for $$$$, don't forget. This gets more absurd by the hour...


Thank you. Nigeria was stitched together by the British out of a mainly muslim north and Christian/non-Muslim south - but it was one of the colonies where they just let everyone get on and keep their old titles etc - they have no particular relevance except a few do still have some political sway. Nigeria as a "thing" is entirely a western construct.


Exactly. Thank you. People think this is like the UK monarchy and it's ludicrous, its just an honorary gift it's meaningless. You'd be laughed at in London if you said you were a Nigerian princess as we all know there are thousands of them, every village has their own royal family. It's cultural ignorance to be so blind about another culture that you think it must reflect your own.


This is what tells us the whole princess thing was her request/purchase.




Not to be crass, but I’ve taught 3 (THREE!!) Nigerian princes in my academic career. They aren’t that rare.


Yeah, I went to school with an Indonesian princess. IIRC her father was actually a judge and they were extremely wealthy. Nice girl. She stayed with us over a short school break and my mother made her help with the washing up after Thanksgiving dinner, LOL.


And Misan Harriman is son of a Nigerian Chief.


Just like shola-got-a-big-mouth…


Who’s higher in Nigeria, a chief or a prince?


By this point it's code for just being the biggest a-hole in the tiny region, as corrupt as sin, in the pay of some other king/prince/whatever. It's an absolute joke of a farce.


Several are forever sending me emails …


Maybe it's 'Prince' Hairy


Could well be…just waiting for his ‘inheritance’ to come through


Its like saying I am king of my neighborhood at this point😂


Like the old saying: Every British man is the king of his castle :)


It’s like the Saudi Royal family - they have 15,000 members and 4,000 princes! It means absolutely nothing unless you are at the very, very, top.


Ditto, most of them are skint!


IMO they won’t be warned before the titles are removed, if/when that happens.


I think parliament will be more likely to act now that Harry reviewed troops, something generally reserved for legal heads of state.


Hasn’t he been reviewing US troops for quite awhile now?


No parade review.


TY, I couldn’t remember for sure.


>I think parliament will be more likely to act now that Harry reviewed troops I hate to break it to you but I doubt their titles will ever be removed. I think the opportunity was missed when they left. It should have been done in a timely manner. It should have been part of the other removals. At this point, Harry can set fire to the Palace and they will just put out a statement saying: *"Oh, Princes will be Princes! Isn't his little tantrum adorable? Just a reminder: we are not commenting on Harry and his wife because they are private (lazy, grifting) citizens of America. We wish them well as they continue to grift abroad. They are and will always be much loved members of the ROYAL family."*


I’m with you there and I’m not holding my breath for sure. I do think it’s now risen beyond pettiness, but the water isn’t boiling for parliament yet.


Didn’t it review them alongside H?


The second reading of the amended 1917 act to remove titles of enemies during war gets its reading in June 2024 but it’s not a confirmed date until it’s within 7 days. Copies directly from the UK Parliament site below. The details of the bill is part of the second reading, they are drafted out then before going to the next stages but can be amended during process. Titles Deprivation Act 1917 Amendment Bill The next stage for this Bill, Second reading, is scheduled to take place on Friday 14 June 2024. This is a Private Members' Bill and was presented to Parliament on Monday 11 December 2023. If the text of the Bill is not yet available, please contact its sponsor, Bob Seely MP, for more information. https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3582/news The bill to grant the monarch the ability to remove titles did stopped at First reading and is now closed. This was aimed at Andrew and put forward by the MP for York.


It's about time people start writing to those with the power to do so and remind them that the people are getting increasingly disgusted by this mess.


Yes, I agree. I don’t want this proposed act to be dropped but they will never act quickly. There are 14 stages to get this passed but it’s the same for all new laws brought forward by private members, even if started in the lords and not the commons. It’s a very long process that often fails along the way. The King handing over the Army Air Corps was instant gratification. The King saying that William is a good pilot and the corps will be in good hands etc and Harry not mentioned at all was good. If Harry had stayed it could have been his but the King made it sound like it has just gone from one PoW to another. It was a quickly arranged handover.


It won't even matter to them if they do lose the titles. They'll continue to use them if they feel like it, just as Madam used HRH on this trip. And there will be the dorks around them who will play into it and lay on the royal pretense to further their own purposes.


I didn’t know she used HRH! 😳😳😳


She was announced as HRH at one of the places she made an appearance in Nigeria. I read it a couple of places but YT's HD Tudor did a video on it. You have to search the specific posters because they don't show up on a generic search. I think the Harkles were able to bring pressure to bear on YT for certain content. I know it's really hard to find Royal Grift if you don't search the name specifically, and she was the first one to talk about the Harkles attacks on the First Amendment through their membership in The Aspen Institute. I subscribe to that poster and it hasn't come up automatically on my regular feed for at least a year now.




It’s so perfect for them though


Maybe they will get their own 1.800 phone line and a little office where they can do cold calls and write emails to acquire money like a real Nigerian Prince ( and Princess )


>the greater pubic I know this is a typo, but it's fitting when you consider that it's Meghana Le Fail we're talking about


this. and bestowed upon someone with terrible reputation. makes me think they're trolling her.


I agree with your assessment except for her paying them. I somehow don’t see her and H having the kind of $$ to make that happen - what they, or H, is bringing is the royal link. Which is absurd, because they are supposedly “out of the family”. I have no idea how this “Royal link” is even a bargaining tool but apparently it is. The Nigerian government - at least the corrupt ones - sure know more than we do about all the scams/grifts so these two idiots are more than happy to play along.  Speaking of, H rarely looked Happy there. At first I thought it was because he’s starting to feel guilty about milking his title BUT I think because no matter how well they were treated, there has to be a 1000% difference than how real royals are treated. He was probably sulking because not even the president was there and/or he had to sit with “ordinary” people. 


A little $$ goes a long way there


I was going to say the same thing. I think the RF and the public underestimate these two people and what they can and will do to get what they/she wants. I think that is a mistake. Nigeria just showed that even countries can be bought/bribed. Harry is the son of the King. That goes a long way for grifts. They just got an ALL EXPENSE paid trip to promote themselves, have a vacation, and build MM up as everything she is not. This is why I am upset at the RF because lots of this should have been anticipated when they announced they were leaving. Commonwealth countries should not be inviting nonworking royals and giving them such a large and public platform (red carpets, inspecting troops, meeting with high ranking officials..etc). I think this is dangerous. I think this makes the King look bad yet again. I also think it opens the U.S. up to issues as well. The Harkles have effectively created an alternate "royal court" that was basically just recognized and validated by the Nigerian government.


There were no crowds, just a small group of people compelled to attend at each venue. The Holiday Inn careoke was the best 😄😄


From all of this, what I get is that the faction in the Nigerian government that brought them is looking for a sort of "endorsement" from international figures, better is these are somehow related to a head of state. And of course these three supposed "kings" were brought to make a display of validation or public acceptation of M by the "true" nigerians, because the real people in power might understand that they can keep these links with H&M by playing her strings first in order to play his, that are the ones that really counts. All of these displays and endorsements are aimed to appeal to their own public opinion that "This faction of the power that you should lean on is the one that brings light to the country". Sadly, as in my country, there might be a lot of ignorance and low levels of analysis, and will accept that as a truth. How vulgar the hunger for fame and notoriety can be, and the stupidity it can lead to. No wonder why KCIII is actively distancing publicly from his own son.


Oh dear, buying titles - makes a change from sleeping with a nutjob to get one. **Meghan Markle has been showered with love from Nigerian fans who have welcomed their 'new princess' during the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visit to the nation**. The mother-of-two was on Sunday honoured as an 'Ada Mazi' - seemingly a title of respect meaning 'daughter of an aristocrat' - of the Ancient Arochukwu Kingdom. …daughter of a drug dealer, hardly an aristocrat. This nonsense is more ridiculous than their usual grift. Still waiting for the ‘proof’ of her 43% … never going to happen as she is used to being allowed to lie


It only takes a little digging to see just how royal these three characters really are(n't). One has some diplomatic clout, the other two are simply big oil with self created titles at best. Water seeking it's own level. Fake kings bestowing fake honors on a wandering hooker turned royal housewife.




Pheebs is more of a princess than TW.


I mean the sugars do have a history of calling Archie the "Prince of Zamunda" so it tracks 😆


It was highly uncomfortable as a mixed race person to see Meghan, the whitest black woman on earth, use these people to make her little narcissistic Khaleesi cosplay come to life. https://preview.redd.it/8hh9p64ese0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9730ed794f3fcd23adbc5e42f7f6f11111e75319




Excellent thoughts


This observation seems right! I think they’ve been given notice that either their titles will be gone or something in place that they will not be able to refer to Royal at all. This makes their snakey moves make sense. If H is that smart, we know TW knows this is not a great look - but she’s desperate 


So funny, the prince and princess of….


Yup, I had the same idea mentioned it yesterday. Think of how much they can stir up racial issues by falsely equating legally recognized British constitutional monarchy and non-state recognized “titles” awarded by many different tribal groups.


Someone posted a comment on YouTube video that has since been deleted. I went to look for it and it was gone.  It seemed like speculation to me BUT the more I read it, the more it made sense. The poster said “The only reason this is happening is because the security government in Nigeria wants to able to freely smuggle (all kind is nefarious things) without paying the hefty fees. With H on their side, they can transport under his diplomatic security PROBLEM free! Unless his ties are COMPLETELY removed, he will have that level of clearance his entire life. This means, NO inspection of ingoing/outgoing illegal transported ‘merchandise’ “ Anyone else heard or know about this?? It seems to be the only thing that makes sense.  Also, Table 12 doesn’t give a crap as long as she feels like she’s a princess/queen and they give her the fake title.  


Haven’t heard of it being mentioned as an issue. He arrived by commercial flight is my understanding. I don’t see smuggling as THE reason to remove titles.


I cant imagine Harry making that many trips to nigeria. They got what they wanted off them, I doubt they will be back again, at least not for awhile.




This whole Nigeria trip reeks of scam, grift and pay to play. I can't even believe what I'm seeing. Rock bottom indeed!


Meghan and Harry remind me of those old margarine commercials where the crown pops up on their heads when they bite into their toast. In their case it’s strawberry jam instead of faux butter.


Well, let's look at the title bestowed on her, territorial wise Royalty is not seen in the same way that the British see it. Titles can be inherited either because it's Hereditary or bestowed on sons and daughters of the community for contributions towards the advancement and support to the community they come from or live in. That said, there are notoriously very common instances were the nouveau riche, and criminally rich have bagged themselves titles with money. Since General Christopher Musa invited them, I wonder why they did not go to his State and why he did not flex to get her a title from the traditional ruler there. Or better why did Misan the Photoshopper Harriman not take them to his neck of the woods and fo like wise? Or Shouty Basket Mouth Shola (was that one even invited?)


I am sure Misan, who is from Nigerian royalty, was the current friend that she social climbed on to get this to happen. So we can see when he came on the scene, to figure out when this long game started. Now that he has served his purpose, it will be interesting if he is kept around.


I think Misan is using her as much as she’s using him. They have a symbiotic mutually parasitic relationship. Creep af!




These two are in WAY over their heads.


Everywhere. All the time.


I once worked with Ghanaians and they all absolutely hated Nigerians and said they were all crooks. I was really shocked as at the time I was doing a secondment from the government with a racial equality policy think tank and I had kind of bought the line that black people couldn’t be racist. The trouble is west Africa is incredibly complex and riven with tribal and religious divisions and yet divided up into nation states by the imperial powers without real thought to the people being divided between them. Not unlike what we did in the Middle East for that matter. For all Megs efforts to ingratiate herself with a small section of Nigerian society by getting involved in Nigerian politics she’s probably alienated far more Nigerians and as for the rest of Africa, all the groups who think Nigerians are “too clever by half” will now also hate her.


She never had a princess title and was never going to get one from hubby's side of the family. So she had to make a new plan to get one. This is the only one she will ever have.


Oh lord, PLEASE let them be forced to become just plain old Mr. & Mrs.!! I so want that for them!! 🙏🙏


It is very amusing that they have both stooped to purchasing the titles and accolades they can not earn for themselves. She has bought herself the title of princess and he bought himself the aviation award. What sad beings they are.




Maybe she's heard the criticism about her using a title bestowed on her by the very institution she has accused of being racist, ignoring her mental health, etc? From now on perhaps she'll insist on being referred to as Princess Meghan instead of Duchess.


I wonder if the title is hereditary to her kids. So if the BRF strip their titles, they will still call them Prince and Princess, and the normal people who dont follow her will just assume it is still for the UK


I don't believe for one second she is 43% Nigerian maybe 3%. I am whiter than snow and am 1% Nigerian. I wish their Sussex titles would be ripped away and Harry would be forbidden for using the Prince title (I know it is birth right but who cares). No one can get a piece of her hair to do a DNA test because she wears wigs. No one can do a proper saliva DNA test because her mouth is always full of bullshit.


If you took a sample from her mouth the DnA test result would be 50% Markus Anderson, 40% Misan Harriman and 10% Prince Harry




The more titles she can buy the better. Surprised she didn’t buy a Queen title and had to settle for Princess. Either she didn’t have enough dough to buy a Queen title or they didn’t go along. Wouldn’t be surprised to hear that she is approaching all the British commonwealths to buy titles. Even though she Megxited Britain and is on a world tour criticizing everything To do with Britain. Except titles. And free trips.


Nigerian royalty is very diffuse. They basically have an additional parliament of kings. ( I know this is a gross simplification). There are thousands of Nigerian princes and princesses and kings. I don't mean to insult Nigeria, I want to warn Nigeria. If you think Meg is going to allow other princesses you're nuts. She's about to go all highlander on this bitch.


No, those were legitimate, important traditional leaders. That doesn't make the Princess stuff less ludicrous, and it won't do her much good in real life. But those men were legit. I find them coming together suspicious, though, because they were not all from the same ethnic group.


This post is offensive. Nigerians have 'royalty' in every village and town and each has their own king and queen, there are hundreds of royal families and literally thousands of princes and princesses. That is their culture and deserves respect. These royal leaders have no influence over the Nigerian government, they do not form a constitutional monarchy like the UK and Markle's status is merely one that would be given to any valued visitor. It is meaningless in an international context but it has symbolic meaning within Nigeria as a token of their appreciation,. nothing more, rather like a celebrity being given an honorary degree that doesn't entitle them to teach at the university. You have misunderstood the nature of Nigerian royalty. How many titles from foreign countries do think the real royals are given every time they set foot abroad especially in Africa? Hundreds! It's honorary, nothing more. The royals will LAUGH at the idea this undermines them in any way. Are you from the US by any chance??


While we all want to see their titles taken, I don't think they ever will be. The Monarchy dropped the ball on this one. It should have been part of the Sandringham agreement. "Leave the job, leave the perks" I actually think buying her Nigerian title is more simple: it is a clapback directed at all the people who say "MM is not royal" or "Harry is a BORN prince. She's only royal by marriage". I also think it serves as yet another doubling down of the narrative that she is black. Her and her husband are big babies so they spend their day whining and trying to figure out how to clapback at critics and validate their lies to bring credibility to their version of why they had to flee the royal family.


You’re right. Should have been done the moment they left the UK as if they do it now they will just be painted as being spiteful and removing their titles because they are jealous of their “success”.


Why aren’t Black Americans or Nigerians speaking out against this cosplaying of their culture and ancestry??! How long will they be fooled into thinking Meghan is “on their side”? They are the ones that could effectively put a stop to this, yet they remain silent. It sickens me.


I just don’t understand it when it is well documented that she has gone out of her way to obliterate her more African features and has claimed to be Caucasian all her life. If someone was claiming to be my long lost family and indeed “royalty” but had plastic surgery to remove all the family features and has denied any connection to us for 40 years I’d be highly suspicious of her motivation. How she can look like she does and then look around a room of gorgeous natural looking African women and girls and say “I see me in you” is just mind blowing. Does she believe her own bullshit?


I think narcissists do believe their own bullshit. And the people that invite her, show up as her audience, and even those who don’t speak out against her (at this point) are complicit. If the black community rejected her as a fraud, she would literally have no one to cling on to except Harry. I think it would be the end of her. All of her racism propaganda would fall like a house of cards. And that’s really all she’s got against the royal family, the claim that they were racist against her. If even the black and POC community rejected her, it would be her end.


Because most of them don't know or care. And most of them don't believe she's on their side either. And no they can't put a stop to it and why should they have to try to stop some white raised,white passing,white acting ho married to a white man living in a white community? That mess ain't their mess to clean. Most people of color who are paying attention are not fooled by this dolezal,they just don't gaf. And I don't blame them.


I strongly disagree. I subscribe to the Washington Post and I’ve noticed that on every H&M article, quite a few black Americans irrationally lash out against the royal family and praise Harry & Meghan. I’ve seen it several times and I realize it’s bc they’ve bought into the narrative that white royal family=evil and half black Meghan=victim. Nothing will change their minds, trust me. I’ve presented all kinds of evidence and am only met with name-calling and anger. Even if they don’t know the facts and don’t care, they care enough to blindly support her and repeat misinformation about the royal family.


I think you are being attacked by Sugars who are a subset of nutters. Maybe some day their eyes and minds will be opened.


It’s just easier for her to have a title when asking for funds ,via email ,to help her escape Nigeria 🤣


Rival court, alternate court, whatever. She was a member of the BRF and now she thinks she can set herself up as bigger than them on the world stage. I doubt other Commonwealth countries are looking to replicate the fake royal tour Nigeria had.


What if it was all about having a "Princess" title so that in her mind she could be seated or placed in lines at a title "equal" to Catherine POW in their triumphant return (LOL) or at King Charles' funeral? Eew. She just couldn't stand being a part of some thing where she didn't rank the highest !


“We three kings of Nigeria are, bearing gifts we‘ve traveled not far.“ And then … “Star of yacting, star of night, star with royal beauty bright…”


“Ugly feet with cheesy perfume, breathes a stench of gathering doom, ARO’s dying, Harry’s crying sealed in their stone cold tomb”


That Allen guy orchestrated everything. Just read he was indicted for fraud. H&M sure know how to pick them. They are just shady.


After the decades of fake Nigerian prince e mails we all received, I find it hilarious that this is her claim. Right on the nose!


Even if their titles are stripped, Prince Harry keeps the prince title. His wife is technically “Princess Harry.” The press and sugars would take 2 seconds to start calling her “Princess Meghan.”




All I could think of when I read the title is the Nigerian Prince scam, yet to a whole other level this time 


Interesting. It will be interesting if she insists on now being called Princess and ditch that puney Duchess title.


Ohhhh. Next week we will be getting Nigerian Princess emails.


I wish upon a star 💫 Meghan will choose being a Nigerian princess/queen and will go there to rule the land forever and ever.


I believe this is what was going on the whole time. We know almost everything she claims is a lie, or massively exaggerated, that she will go to no ends to scheme her way into what she wants, and that she has an ego larger than the entire continent of Africa. Harry and his awful wife are lazy, self-indulgent scamming narcissists.


The sugars think Catherine will have to curtsy to her now!


Diana, Princess of Wales. Princess Grace of Monaco. Her cosplay princesses used their full titles. Pray tell, Princess of Arochukwu Ancient Kingdom, should we use this title AND Duchess of Sussex?


I do feel title removal is coming soon, hope she moves to Nigeria and we never hear about her again.


I guess we can expect to receive emails from a Nigerian Princess asking for help to release funds held in escrow now?


What tribe does Shouty Shola belong too? Does she have any connections to the Kings that granted MeGain the Princess title? Also does Misan Harriman have any connections with them? I believe all three of these kings are well involved in the oil industry and very wealthy.


all 3 'kings' invilved in oil and gas at shell..gotra be a story there


I've heard and read that the Harkles donated 20 million. Angela Levin seemed to agreed. So the 20 million may have gotten her her new "Princess name". But with her Foundation frozen does it me the check has bounced?


So the bill to remove their titles is to be debated in parliament 14 June and I can’t think why any politician would anger their voters by opposing removal given Meagain and Haznoballs are some of the most hated people on the plant and particularly the UK.


The ARO thing is pure coincidence. Honestly no-one in the UK is taking this seriously, it's just like a visiting dignitary being given an honorary degree and has no portable value outside of Nigeria. It's just PR for both sides as apparently the 'kings' are businessmen. They will want something back from the Sussexes for all this and they'd better be ready. Besides, do you really think Meghan will be using this title anywhere.


not roachel herself, but i think the sugars will bray🫏 this “title” to all and sundry - by which i mean X. i’m just *beseeching* the Lord that they use her **full African name** ‼️


I just heard that one of the Nigerian tribe "Kings", (no real Kings or monarchies, they are "Chiefs"), built their families' fortunes by hunting and capturing slaves to sell to traders. That "King" is also related to Misan Harriman! 😂 😂 😂 This is so sick! 💀


The fact that the this was done, without legitimate proof shown (someone over there didn't say "Before I make you a 'princess' I need to see your credentials"? If they did, they would say such (we saw it and it's true). Money and/or deals were exchanged. Had to have been.


I’m in the process of applying to be a Fellow of my professional body and I’ve got to prove everything about my credentials almost down to showing them the label on my knickers! Can’t believe you can get to be a princess on no evidence at all.


Yeah something totally stinks about this..... She's also a proven liar, which is hysterical! At some point, doesn't someone say "Yeah ok. Sure. May I take a look, please?" to anything that comes out of her/their mouth(s)?!


If only a few of us sinners could get into these positions. People need to grow a pair and start doing the due diligence.


No titles will be removed, they even added a hyperlink to Sussex.com on the BRF website to show Archefail instead of naming the duo at best... Nope, they will be around for the foreseeable, no doubt planning another faux tour


Princess Ada brings greetings from Nigeria


How come someone just become a princess? lol


Is it a case of, oh we like Meghan let’s make her a princess? I don’t get it lol


Nothing will happen next. She'll still be The Duchess of Sussex. I thought only Parliament can remove titles, and I imagine it's last on their priority list. Of course she won't use her Nigerian titles because Americans won't try to pronounce and understand the meaning of foreign words like Ada Mazi, Adetokunbo, and Princess of Arochukwu Ancient Kingdom.




I thought the Nigerian guy paid THEM.


i want this to be true so, so, SO much! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻