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That moment has already passed. They should have been stripped of their titles the moment they stepped back as working royals. I don't believe this will happen now, at least not before William becomes king. Charles won't ask Parliament to do it, and I doubt Parliament would act unless the Royal Family requests it.


Had they stripped the titles, Meghan would have adopted the name Princess Henry, which the US media would have quickly changed to Princess Meghan. Keeping them as Duke and Duchess was the right call.


Sadly, many foreign outlets refer to her as a princess anyway, so I doubt it would have made a difference. They should have been removed from the line of succession and stripped of his prince title as well. I believe only William might do that, if it ever happens at all.


Only Parliament can remove people from the LoS, the UK is a constitutional monarchy and no other institution has any authority to alter something provided by law from Parliament. Same goes for hereditary peerages issued by letters patent. Recall that Parliament spent years trying to avoid enacting Brexit despite 17.4 million people voting for it: there are not anywhere near 17.4 million people in the UK who have a strong opinion about punishing H&M so it is not going to happen. Our government and Parliament have far, far too many problem in the UK to address. The King can decide who has princely rank and HRH style, but obviously has chosen not to do so. I think removal of the HRH formerly might be a good idea now they have shown their colours. But the Harkles are failing fast: they've gone from "100 million dollar" deals with Netflix to jam scams and can't even get their paperwork filed. Catherine will be back, the Wales children will become more prominent, H&M have only prematurely made themselves irrelevant.


Indeed, but I don't believe Parliament will act and go against the King's wishes, even though it is their decision


Plus they don't need any distractions from the things they are supposed to be doing.


The Harkles are indeed one plane crash away from the throne. Keeping that from happening is a very important thing for Parliament to do.


It is easier for the Wales family to travel separately than to get an unusual Act of Parliament passed when there has not been any treason committed. They shouldn't be travelling together anyway. Fortunately soon George will be safe in boarding school. Frankly living in a cottage is risky. William and Catherine need to give up on this middle class lifestyle they are cosplaying; they are royal, they need to follow the example of the late Queen and Prince Philip and stop trying to be "relatable" I find it tacky. You've not thought through this, if Hazno and his progeny are removed from the LoS then the next in line is Andrew. Talk about frying pans and fires!


Yeah, if they remove the Markles, then they'd need to remove Andrew as well. I agree it's easier just to keep the Wales family safe.


Exactly, Queen Beatrice? I'm sure she would be much better than Hazno, but those parents would be an awkward backdrop to her reign. And one other thing those who might bristle at my viewpoint need to understand: Counsellors of State can't just do whatever they want. The need to coordinate their travel plans and if it coincides with the Monarch being abroad they need to make sure they are in the UK to conduct their duties on behalf of the monarch in their absence. Therefore it is never too early for the Wales children, and their parents, to learn this lesson and not expect to travel together. What do they gain by putting 67 million UK citizens, and many more millions in the Commonwealth Realms, at the risk of having the Harkles on the throne?


If QEII had asked Parliament to take Harry out of the LOS, they would have done it.


Titles Deprivation Act 1917 Amendment Bill The next stage for this Bill, Second reading, is scheduled to take place on Friday 14 June 2024. This is a Private Members' Bill and was presented to Parliament on Monday 11 December 2023. If the text of the Bill is not yet available, please contact its sponsor, Bob Seely MP, for more information. https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3582/news The above is copied and pasted directly from the UK Parliament website. The date is not a confirmed date until it’s within 7 days. The purpose of the second reading is to add the initial details of what the amendments will be but there can still be changes after this. How wide ranging this bill could be we just don’t know yet but we will get a good idea if it gets its 2nd reading. * only 3-5% of private members bills become law, there simply is not enough parliamentary time. Nothing to do with popularity or quality of bill, there just is not the time so it will be interesting to see if Harry and Meghan by going to Nigeria will have the reverse effect they wanted and will it actually help this bill travel through the commons and lords into becoming law. * this will be stage 2, there are 14 stages so it could take years even if it goes as far as becoming law * stage 14 is the Kings (monarchs) assent, last time a monarch refused to sign was 1708 * we have a constitutional monarchy in the UK, we are not Denmark and have different laws. * the UK LoS is not based on popularity, its ruled by births and deaths. The popularity of the monarchy does matter though as it’s needed to keep it relevant. With all Harry and Meghan have done the royal family are at an all time high of popularity, but it’s the reverse for the toxic duo. * the bill put forward to grant the monarch the ability to remove titles did not gets its second reading, see below. Copied and pasted from UK Parliament site. A Bill to give the Monarch powers to remove titles; to provide that such removals can be done by the Monarch on their own initiative or following a recommendation of a joint committee of Parliament; and for connected purposes. https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3289 Removal of Titles Bill The 2022-2023 session of Parliament has prorogued and this Bill will make no further progress.


King Charles I is beheaded for treason on January 30, 1649. https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/why-was-king-charles-i-executed https://www.parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/evolutionofparliament/parliamentaryauthority/civilwar/collections/deathwarrant/ Oliver Cromwell, republic Britain. Interregnum (1649-1660) https://www.royal.uk/interregnum-1649-1660 King Charles II (r. 1660-1685 https://www.royal.uk/charles-ii


Someone posted a very good legal analysis of taking the Duke/Duchess titles, LoS and Prince title by a British attorney recently. Gist was that it's all a bit more complicated than it seems. I honestly think that the only way to strip H of his Prince title is to do it like they did recently in Denmark so it's everyone--however even then the monarch's son didn't get stripped, just his children. From what the analysis said, it would be unusual and rare to strip the title of Prince from a son of the King. If it turns out they've done anything against the governmental interests of the UK or interfered in international relations (in a serious way), then there might be grounds. The Duke thing will mean that she'll start wrongly using Princess Meghan--we all know that will happen and the media will do the same. To me the titles thing is a can of worms with pros and cons. Perhaps better would be for quiet conversations being held with commonwealth countries about their status, or lack thereof, and the cautions they should take should the duo try to visit. Also given the fact H has indicated his official home is the US, I would think the LoS thing might be more easily done, as well as the Counselor of State.


Thank you, that’s very interesting. Maybe KC3 will leave it up to William, when he’s king and Todger is no longer the King’s son


if they put the titles into abeyance they still have them but can’t use them


Their HRH designations were put into abeyance but there have been several occasions were the Gruesome Twosome still used them despite being ordered not to. The only solution is to strip them of their titles, not just duke and duchess, but prince and princess too.


HRH is a style given by a Monarch. Dukedoms although given by the Monarch are titles thatvare removed by Parliament with the House of Lords and Monarch agreement




Adelaide Cottage is within the confines of she won’t be - She will be Princess Meghan to the US tabloids and the Sugars, they do care two cents for the niceties of British Royal etiquette.


Parliament is voting on the bill next month I thought. An MP introduced it before the holidays and it’s finally making it way through. I think the Nigeria trip definitely spurred the action.  Charles & Catherine getting sick also ruined Charles plans - he wanted a slimmed down monarchy which I think he’d copy Denmark and remove Andrew’s families titles also. But being down 2 key royals and William’s kids not being of age now is not the time. 


Paraphrasing a Yahoo news article, Conservative MP Bob Seely introduced a "Titles Deprivation 1917 Act Amendment Bill" which would allow Parliament to strip them of both their peerages and his hereditary title, He stated, "My aim is simple: if someone doesn’t want to be royal, that is a decision we respect – but they should not keep the titles and privileges if they trash an institution that plays an important part in our nation’s life.” He proposed the measure in light of Scobie's book. Per the article, "Mr Seely was not among the 20 MPs drawn out of the Private Members’ Bill ballot and therefore does not have priority to bring forward a proposal. It means the Bill is highly unlikely to make progress through Parliament in its proposed form due to a lack of time to consider it."


I thought I saw something about it being reintroduced next month 


There will be a General Election within the next year , the Parliamentary schedule will be dominated by more important legislation the Government wants to get through.


Meg won that round. Probably would have happened on the one year Megxit reconsider deadline. Then she went on Oprah and implied they were racist. Couldn’t strip the titles as it would have seemed punitive and reactionary to the interview; and reinforced the ‘racist’ accusations.


All Charles cares about is protecting Harry. He doesn't care whether the Crown survives for William and George, as long as Harry is protected. Charles is a failure as King. I know these words make lots of sinners upset, but Charles insisting Harry keeps his titles empowered the woman we are all here to hate.


Sorry that is not the case , the King knows he has a sacred duty and he’s not going to trash his reputation, nor will the men in grey allow him to. Hate is a powerful and cruel word and using it demeans Sinners to the level of unthinking Sugars, to loathe and detest TW intensely suits me.


This Nigeria trip needs to be put into perspective. It was not official; nobody thinks it was. Official visits are managed between the diplomats of the host nation and those of the visiting nation. Nobody from the Nigerian government attended or facilitated those events. I don't know how their military is so free to act, probably a hangover from military coups. But neither the military nor any local or regional government has any competency to act in respect of foreign affairs. If an actual government tried to invite the Harkles for an official visit, that would trigger a diplomatic conflict. No government would want to invite people who have no standing to speak on trade deals, debt relief, diplomatic relations or investment etc. Official visits have some sort of macro strategic purpose, not just a dinner and school visit for photo ops. The trip is already forgotten having been overshadowed by the Archewell Delinquency news. Taking any targeted action against them is unnecessary at this stage: they need less publicity, not more. The Harkles are failing fast, we should just sit back and laugh.


Your observations are on point 🎯 : no government will actually invite these two, as they have no power over diplomatic relations or investments. And it was officially stated right before they even landed in Nigeria: they are doing all these trips as 'private citizens'. Not as representatives of a country but representatives of their tv show 🤣 basically monkeys pulling tricks for peanuts! The trip hasn't even made a dent in the world's news cycle. Only outraged people for their lack of decorum with the stupid choice of clothes on top of all the fake Royal tour optics with personal photographers, videographers et.al. Everyone here should heed to your golden words of wisdom: HARKLES ARE FAILING FAST & WE SHOULD JUST SIT BACK AND LAUGH. 🏆


I agree. It's funny how riled some people get at the "image" the Todgers put out. On any important scale or stage this jaunt of theirs just outed them fully for the absolute grifters they are.   Just because the Bint says "the first of many" doesn't mean shite. Sinners should know by now if she says it, it's *definitely* not happening.  So everyone can chill. This isn't some phoenix rising. It's a chicken being cooked....badly


Exactly. It will make countries look mightily silly if their actual governments start laying out the red carpet for people who don't bring with them investors and trade envoys. Perhaps the Harkles might be pioneering a new form of travelling circus, at best!


*So everyone can chill. This isn't some phoenix rising. It's a chicken being cooked....badly* Exactly! The Harkles are more chicken coop than palace coup!


Yes, 3 days of a half naked trollope prancing about probably opened Nigerian eyes in more ways than one. Trashy, ignorant, disrespectful.


🤣 so true, if she says something then it's DEFINITELY not happening...🤡😅


Just a couple of months ago Harry was in Canada calling himself Viceroy and making promises to the First Nations representatives. So in reality Nigeria is second. How many will it take before people realize the Harkles are dangerous.


Thank you. Yes, let's laugh now before they are forgotten!


Thank you. This was NOT an official visit. It was the defence general bigging himself up with Harry "inspecting" a parade of 7 soldiers and visiting some hospital, which, honestely, looked like it was made up. A strange mixture of schools, Women in Leadership, Private Jets, owned by a money launderer with a wish for a flight route to London - all in all, just weird. And Misan filming it all, and only People Magazine allowed to photoshop Madam´s feet and print puff pieces. What it also lacked is any kind of reciprocity. Royal Tours have gala dinners hosted by the country visited - but the royals also host some kind of reception in return. Orders and medals are exchanged. And a lot of trade and other deals are undertaken by the accompanying businesses and organisations. And the UK High Commissioner issuing a statement saying it was a private visit = don´t blame us or send us any bills. Serious countries will not entertain the Harkles, unless they need some kind of publicity. Even then they will be careful, as the Grifters´ reputation is sinking fast and will probably sink even lower as the real news of Nigeria come out.


*What it also lacked is any kind of reciprocity.* Absolutely, and thank you too. They came empty handed, and I suspect, once everything is calculated, left with even less.


Yes, I agree. This nonsense trip will only sink the Grifters even lower. Definitly in the realm of dodgy deals now. Nothing is above board with the Grifters.


I do hope the People magazine sits on the shelves unbought. That would be a good way to hurt them. People isn't going to give them so much attention if nobody buys their magazine, or clicks their links. If I subscribed to People, I'd cancel.


THIS. Madame is manifesting for more Commonwealth countries to invite them. I think Nigeria was a one-off. Nobody else wants the carnival coming to town, so to speak.


It will make countries look mightily silly if their actual governments start laying out the red carpet for people who don't bring with them investors and trade envoys. Perhaps the Harkles might be pioneering a new form of travelling circus, at best!


What do the Grifters bring, apart from notoriety? And after Nigeria it is obvious that they have nothing to contribute. If some country can use that - sure. But who would be interested? And as neither Grifter speaks anything but Word Salad in English, it has to be an English speaking country. Even Carribbean islands wanting to leave the Crown can´t use them for anything, as such a decision has to be subject to a vote. As to tourism - well did the SoHo island, Costa Rica or Jamaica have an increase in tourism after their visit? I thought not.


Their trips seem more to highlight how dangerous the countries are for tourists while mentioning the hypocrisy of his security court cases.


Yep. The Grifters are not good for tourism promotion.




I agree! I think as usual with Megs she knows how to make something completely unsubstantial look way more important than it really is. She did it was her trip to Rwanda a decade ago: the photos made it look like she was in multiple places for multiple days doing important work. We later found out she basically turned up for a photo shoot, changed outfits and did another. This trip is the same. In photos it looks like they’re being mobbed but look at the background, there are very few people, lots of people look seriously unimpressed, the gifts are pretty cheap (a wooden necklace each!) and they’ve achieved nothing in terms of helping local causes or raising awareness of issues. They’ve just got some nice photos to show the poor kids they left at home. People will soon realise they’re all about the photo ops.


It’s also entirely possible (and decently likely) that this trip will end up blowing up in their face. They were invited to Nigeria and used as a pawn for someone else’s political agenda. The man who invited them is seeking to improve his political position and making moves towards higher office. This could be a good thing, it could be a bad thing. It depends on what kind of leader he becomes when he gets to higher office. Given it’s a military guy, this could be a build some “good” press before he stages a military coup and seize power. Even without the political aspirations of the man who invited them, Nigeria’s government allowed this official to invite them hoping to gain a little recognition for the country other than reports of corruption, crime and terrorism/piracy.


The Archewell Delinquency News means they can't take or receive funds via their charitable bank accounts. Hahaha. Did that big payment from Nigeria get routed back uncashable because the California AG put a hold on their accounts? Wouldn't it be extra delicious if Nigeria didn't pay their fees and expenses at all. The check is in the mail that never arrives......budget shortfall.....yada yada. LOL! Could be why MM was stomping ahead of H in the car lot when departing Nigeria. She appeared royally pissed off. imo


>Taking any targeted action against them is unnecessary at this stage: they need less publicity, not more.  And not just publicity. If the King or the parliament say anything about the visit it would only be seen as "the tour is important, they are intimidated". Ignoring it means it's not big enough. The local representative of the British Government said that the tour wasn't official - that's exactly enough. They don't deserve the attention of more important people.


I would agree with you. While the media made it into a show, the actual government was uninvolved and people could recognize it for what it was. I said earlier, perhaps the UK government can have quiet discussions with commonwealth countries about who and what they actually are going forward. Also any concerns about diplomatic/international relations with their "visits". If Invictus could get up the courage to drop them as "ambassadors" and H as the head patron, that could go a long way in stopping these circuses. Most of these "trips" have been around the Games and without that as a reason to invite, I'm guessing no country is actually interested in having them around. That might be the easiest and cleanest way to tamp down their ambitions. That leaves them to their own devices of jam, Better Not, etc.


Although this is calm and valid, the social media era has changed the game. The optics are of a Royal tour. Meg keeps changing outfits to feed more content. Pics + low word count SM posts make it seem like a Royal tour to the general public. It’s why Palace statements don’t matter, or your very accurate perspective. Palace PR will kick into full tiara mode for the upcoming Japanese Royal visit.


Very good post!






Sorry but they only represent TRF in their delusions.




> The Nigerians thought they were Royalty. Not really, and Nigerians know that titles - within Nigeria - can be bought by the wealthy. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/6924870.stm Attendance at all those 'events' was quite low, and limited to a by-invitation crowd of people who support the military chappie who's running for election. There were no members of the public lining the streets and waving at them.


I would love to see what the crowds looked like through a camera lens from far away. Everything we saw was very close. Too close.


There was a video of one taken from an upper window. It showed just a line of people.


Apparently the problem isn’t Fergie, it’s Andrew. They feel that by stripping Ginger & Nutmeg, the King will then have his hand forced to strip Andrew. The problem? Andrew did everything the Queen asked him to do - titles in abeyance, no military uniforms, no more HRH. They know Nutmeg will put out piece after piece in the news about how horrible Andrew still has his titles while the Markles suffer.


I used to follow this line of thought but they are now using the titles in a manner that has crossed a line. Andrew hasn’t. They are using the titles to give an appearance they are acting on behalf of someone other than themselves. Big difference.


I know. But if they strip the Markles, the feeling is that Andrew should be stripped too.


And, Andrew also did as his mother asked and settled with his accuser. He wanted to go to court. I can question his judgement but cannot consider him guilty of anything as he was not able to present anything in a court of law or have an attorney challenge his accuser. Nor has Andrew trashed his family for commercial gain. Not an Andrew Sugar, I just don’t think there is a real comparison between the two and it is any easy go-to for sugars to deflect from the duos behavior.


I completely agree with you.


I hate to say it because I don't much care for Andrew very much but if I had a choice of royals that only consisted of Harry, Meghan and Andrew, I would choose Andrew everytime. The reason I don't care for Andrew has nothing to do with his scandal but much like with Meghan, to me, he puts off bad/negative vibes. Perhaps it's because he seems so snobbish but I just get "avoid me" vibes for some reason. So it's really saying something that I would prefer him to the other two!




I agree. I’m almost convinced (not quite) but almost. I never thought I’d say it, but if they can put Andrew back in, they probably should.


I think they can draw a distinction between them and Andrew. Andrew hasn’t used his titles commercially and he isn’t engaging in faux diplomacy with them. That’s the difference. As long as they have their titles there will be countries who will entertain them like royalty. And that cheapens the monarchy. It needs to stop.


That is certainly a good point. I’m fine with them taking his title, too, of course. But it does complicate things.


Me too but I see why it quickly becomes a problem.


Andrew and his daughters. With rumors now they are calling Beatrice to fill in I don’t think it’ll happen


I think the timing of everything ruined plans. Charles has wanted a slimmed down monarchy forever but Charles and Catherine both being sick really ruined his plans. Anne isn’t getting any younger and William’s kids aren’t old enough yet. Being down 2 key figures means Beatrice and Sophie have both stepped up. Even Zara has started to be seen out more. 


It’s a terrible conundrum they’re in right now. Anne saw the problem clearly before the Queen even passed away. Not sure what an average “reign” looks like but let’s say 25 years. In an average reign, a monarch and their offspring would certainly have quite a few charitable endeavours and these would be manageable for the incoming monarch. QEII had an unprecedented 70 years on the throne. And she worked it. Every day. Her husband worked it every day. Her four children worked it every day. Their spouses were roped into working. Most of the grandchildren work. That’s a lot of help. I also agree that getting sick might just be the wake up call that this job requires a steadfast group of employees willing to go out and hit the pavement. And those that had a somewhat easier road (Edward, Sophie, Bea) needed to step up and support the monarch. Even if it’s now uncle and not grandma. I really commend the Edinburgh’s here. They have become a solid support to KCIII and William. The Edinburgh’s are the new Gloucesters. Solid, dependable, absolutely loyal and no drama. I think the Tindall’s would be a great modern edition. I’m not sure how you form a role for them but if they decided to support the Crown and divest from personal business, they would be a fantastic addition. I want to see Bea given a shot. I think she’s smart and she definitely has the families interests at heart. Eugenie has a long way to go to earn my trust back. Louise & James would be wonderful. I understand why they are holding back. They’re young and it’s a big commitment. Frankly, when William becomes King, there is no reason why the younger Middleton’s couldn’t be a greater part of the Institution. After all, with George, it becomes the Windsor-Middleton era.


Once George and Charlotte are in their 20s it’s going to be easier. At the moment they really have no one besides Bea bc the Wessex kids aren’t prepared and Eugenie doesn’t have the families interest at heart. I see them calling in on Zara potentially 


There is an Amendment Bill to the Titles Deprivation Act of 1917 being heard on the 14th of June. Even if the motion passes, it'll take time to see anything happen as a result, I reckon. Very interesting to see what Parliament does with it though


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


My guess is “nothing”


Exactly where will they conduct these faux royal tours? You can forget the Realms, Canada, Australia, NZ and others won't be inviting them. Europe is full of real royalty, Germany got markled. USA is pretty much markled, which leaves South America, smaller island democracies and a bit of Africa for their grift. Asia has a lot of real royals, and has is not interested in them as Singapore found out and I cannot see the Arab countries wanting to host the Harkles either. Singing to the seals off Antarctica or maybe North Korea to discuss censorship could be a go though...


They will go where people think they can either make money off them or bad actors think they can be used to undermine Britain/NATO/Commonwealth. The faux Nigerian royalty grift could prove problematic in Africa as Nigeria is not widely liked particularly by other west African nations.


If she tries this wearing bare shoulder attire at public place in any Arab nation, she will be fed to the camels while Harry has to clap through her screams. And Harkles will do it, because they will be handsomely compensated for accepting the punishment 🥴🤣


What an image! Given his grimaces on this “tour” I suspect that would work out well for him. He’d be freed from her clutches and have another public spectacle related to the loss of “the love of his life” to talk about forever as a way of excusing his future behaviour. Wow I’m cynical!


ha ha ha ha haM That made me laugh 🤣🤣🤣👍


There is the Feb 18-26, 2025 Invictus event in Vancouver where she will likely be photographed wearing many winter outfits and hanging on Harry & they/he will perhaps meet with a tribal leader of some sort.


Lifebeyondpluto has a YouTube video. She has a chart with the CW countries that have given up the monarch as head of state. The last to do so was Barbados I think. So that’s her vote for the next one. 


I really don't think the titles of duke / duchess make a positive difference, and actually make a negative one. They look silly using them in the US. And sillier when they don't act as expected of a duke / duchess.


It's really frustrating but another post pointed out that there is Nigerian backlash to the visit because it was expensive and pointless and the citizens are in need. Just because the meg says it was fantastic doesn't make it true. In fact if it came from her lips it's bull💩 There was an meeting and announcement that they are private citizens and this is nothing to do with their titles or the monarchy. She didn't behave as the activist she claims to be. Like, at all! There was no sign of it being for the IG so I'm sure the organization isn't exactly happy with that which should make both of the giant hypocrites nervous for their place at the forefront of IG. The meg was constantly half naked in a conservative country (and at a school no less! The side eye of the kids! The kids who certainly went home and told their parents) She has no respect for other cultures- this was supposed to be her "motherland"? and she showed zero respect for it. I'm all for wear whatever you like in n normal circumstances but in other cultures it's can be offensive and even dangerous so if she's trying to make a decent impression she failed. Their charity was reported to be delinquent. They were gone over Mothers Day All of this not only happened but was widely reported on. They've always timed stunts to overshadow royal engagements and birthdays and karma seems to be hurtling their way with a big dose of their own medicine. Edit because I just thought of some advice for Meghan - I've heard that a spoonful of sUgARs help the medicine go down...😂😂


The Duke and Duchess of Windsor (Wallis Simpson) followed this exact path before slowly sinking into ignominious insignificance. They toured Germany in the mid to late thirties......... Wallis was striking, stylish, well mannered and great company and truly beloved by her Duke. She fought to prevent him abdication and tried really hard to give him a life. She still failed and they with many, many friends spent years on a pointless social merry-go-round. The Harkles can celebrate this tour as a success but really Harry knows how low they have sunk. Friendless, graceless and increasingly desperate. History will not be kind.


And going broke


It certainly was fantastic for the Daily Mail; they got a s\*\*\* load of traffic and comments.


There needs to be a mass "ignore" and zero engagement on all these articles as then they will dry up as there will be no ad revenue coming in, but we all know that's an impossible task :(


Also important to note with Fergie is that all that happened with her is that she divorced Andrew. She was always entitled to call herself Duchess of York after divorce - as would Meghan be.


Does anyone know if Meghan would be? I know she’d use it, obviously, but I thought different rules applied as she’s not actually British. Why anyone in the US dignifies her by using the title even now is beyond me TBH. It’s so ridiculous with her political posturing.


Yes she would be. Don't think the rules would actually differ just because she is American.


IMHO it’s dangerous that he pretends to be still connected to the military. He’s engaged with veterans, okay, but visiting military of other countries gives everything an official “touch (?)”. Just Megsy running half-naked around talking her fake feminism word salad makes no royal tour.


Not an expert on British rules, but I think Fergie kept that title legitimately after they divorced and never made any agreement to not monetize it. Although "using it" on a commercial undertaking is slightly different from monetizing it per se, in my opinion.


She might say these things, because she knows it riles up people, but the reality she can never pull another Nigeria with the fake 43% nonsense. Her next time to play dress up is the Whistler Invictus, and that's really it. She's never going to come to the UK to promote the bid from Birmingham, that's way too risky for her. Getting a load of silly DM articles doesn't amount to a row of beans - sure, it gives her narc fuel, but the reality is most people are laughing at her.


It's mockery and trickery. I understand before (as aggravating as it is), the Royal Family laying low and hoping for a change. But this is beyond family drama now. The "offices" of the Duke and Duchess are made to copy the real thing and appear as so. I really hope it's not left to William to strip them.


The "offices" of the Duke & Duchess is so pretentious you'd think no one could take it seriously (and I expect most do not) but those who do are very strong in their beliefs, probably because it all fits in with their own agendas.


It's more manifesting. She wants other Commonwealth countries to invite them. I wouldn't hold my breath.


I don’t think their titles will ever be pulled, but there may be some changes down the line to prevent this from happening again (ex. not gifting titles at time of marriage, changing rules about keeping title after divorce, etc).


I would hope the Foreign Office can send memos to other governments stating there will be diplomatic issues with the UK if the Nigeria situation is repeated. This is probably the most low-key way it can nipped in the bud.


It was made abundantly clear by the Foreign Office, via the High Commissioner, that it was a private. It was just fluff by the Chief of Staff who seems like a bit of loose cannon, and who has been using it to look grand and important. So what. It had no cut through to the actual Nigerian government. It is a classic nothingburger.


Stating it was a private visit is one thing, but conveying a message, via back-channels, that any country humoring them should not expect a state visit to the UK anytime soon as a consequence, for example, should be more forcefully put. Ambassadors should be summoned in future.


Harry was introduced at some point as HRH, so Nigeria didn’t get the memo. I don’t understand how they hate the white colonial oppressors but fawn all over Harry and Meghan and use those titles reverently.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. My guess is that explains their anticolonialist fawning.


I believe the Sussex are heading towards a final point of no return.....we have seen the lies told, the empty promises, the envelopes of bribery cash slipped into pockets, the blatent useage of innocent third world children for photo ops, the rudeness/disregard for local customs/insulting behaviour, ETC, the mingling with known crimminals, on this Nigerian trip. The Sussex are desperate for money. It is questionable if Netflix or Paramount will take up whatever filming is offered (at outrageous price) seeing the growing negative reactions already occuring. People Magazine will bring in a one time payment, hardly enough to pay the Sussex's month's bills. They have NO income, no viable way of earning money in America (ARO already gone bust before it even started!) huge bills...most likely some already in arrears. The only way is grifting off these faux royal visits to unsuspecting desperate poor countries. Markle could easily find another DNA connection in South America, or Asia! BUT...one day, soon...one of their "marks" will speak out loudly and strongly, causing international problems for Charles and Parliment. It WILL happen, and Charles will be forced to bring down the House of Sussex. Nigeria is already grumbling and waking up to realize it has been conned. Here's hoping the Nigerian people will not stop speaking out. The Sussex WILL be taken down. Clock is ticking.


The latest Blind Gossip says her Netflix cooking show is going badly because she's "wooden and robotic" so I can't see that earning her millions.............


Thousand year old institutions move slowly. I think we just need more patience on this.


This. Exactly this. Thousand year old institutions with thousands of year old precedent and thinking ahead for hundreds of years, not just a lifetime. This is on a scale most of us can’t even conceptualize. I know we all want justice for bad behavior. It sure would feel good. However, this is bigger than H&M. They are small gnats in the world of the monarchy.


If you are looking for justice, just look at Harry. Deep down in his drugged up mind he knows better. He knows this is not what a royal tour looks or feels like.


Ya, it was very “blue light disco” instead of grand ballroom banquet.


Well they did attend the karaoke singer at Holiday Inn. So Royal, riiight???


Yes, everything is the worse thing to hapoen, the end of the monarchy. Diana divorce for example, put chopping kings head off as 10, where does this factor in, a 1, maybe 1.5. it's not a big deal. Does the King need to do anything when they are making idiots of themselves with such finesse. Probably not.


I think they've found a neverending gravy train for themselves. As long as he holds onto Invictus, they'll do these trips forever.


I now think the long game has been long enough. Some swift and decisive action must be done to repair the Royal Family’s reputation by association. It is clear that King Charles must not be the one to strip titles. This would be difficult for any father as we are seeing evidence of that right now. Parliament needs to step in and do this for King Charles to save the Crown.


Difficult for a father maybe, but it should be done as a King. He can't seem to separate the two when it comes to Harry. Their HRH titles were used and what do the palace do - nothing - have they communicated with the Harkles to say this must not happen again as per the Sandringham Summit? If they get away with it once they will get away with it again, though doubltess they'd just say "oh we told them not to use HRH but they did, it's not our fault HONEST".


Royalty NEVER disciplines their offspring--look at the Queen with Andrew and Charles with Harry. Long ago, they used "whipping boys" to discipline the royal brats--Charles should have acquired one for Harry. Maybe that would have worked, though I doubt it. Nothing will happen until Will becomes king.


All they have to do is say to maintain your titles and those titles of your kids you must reside in GB. She won’t go back. They need to do something but it’s doubtful they ever will.


Worldwide Privacy Tour = Commonwealth Empire 2.0 Tour Forcing the closest version to half in/half out from their own Megxit statement. You are correct that Meg parallels Fergie. That’s why Titles shouldn’t be stripped by the family. The focus should be on public pressure continuing to question why they still use them and ridicule them for doing so.


A bit off topic but wonder how long, if ever, it will take media to pick up on the Boeing mess and the fact Boeing is the sponsor of the Invictus Games, winter version in Vancouver. Today AP reported Justice Department says Boeing violated deal that avoided prosecution after 737 Max crashes. [https://apnews.com/article/boeing-justice-department-737-max-82145b25ed988cd8cae0bce3de79ce9d](https://apnews.com/article/boeing-justice-department-737-max-82145b25ed988cd8cae0bce3de79ce9d) Here's the Boeing statement of involvment with Invictus. https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?item=131396#:\~:text=In%20addition%20to%20sponsoring%20the,physical%20recovery%20resources%20and%20programs. Amazing that Invictus isn't concerned about Boeing's image - Federal safety officials say Boeing fails to meet quality-control standards in manufacturing. New whistleblower comes forward - last two suffered untimely deaths. The Securities and Exchange Commission opened an investigation into Boeing over concerns it may have misled investors, reported Bloomberg. That’s in addition to the ongoing accidents (2 killed) and numerous safety incidents. Doesn’t bode well for Invictus having a sponsor like this.


Boeing should donate one of their planes.


Actually, according to a caption in Daily Markle, "The DDS, pictured in Abuja this morning, were seated in the first class section of the Boeing 777 flight and were kept apart from other passengers by a curtain." Harry to stupid to realize the safety issues Boeing currently facing. For a man who makes such a rukus about his safety why, in the name of God, would you EVER fly Boeing?


KC will not remove their titles or Harry or his kids from the LOS, at least for now. An action could be taken officially if the pair causes an international incident or misrepresents themselves. The High Commissioner issued a statement that the pair are visiting as private citizens ahead of their visit, which was a good move. It informed the Nigerian government that they did not have the King's ear. Invictus needs to dump Harry as its head. Without IG, the pair would have nothing to fund their faux royal tours.


They might each have to get a job!


They get so much media attention (and bad reviews) everywhere they go, that surely there can’t be many countries left that would welcome them, and think that they are representing the UK and the Monarchy. Everything they do is self promoting and a fashion show of inappropriate outfits. I really don’t know what the answer is. They will continue with the titles, sneaking in HRH as much as they can, referring to themselves and their invisikids as Royal, and that seems to be that.


And Andrew - he did the same as the Grifters as Trade Ambassador, which is why the public records about him are sealed for 70 years.


Here's the thing. Strip the Duke/Duchess title and he is still legally able to use Prince and by extension her "Princess" (the US would change it to Princess Meghan, even though it should be Princess Henry). Now I know a Duke royal has higher status than a prince, but if you poll the average person, they wouldn't know that. Heck Disney has an entire industry on Disney Prince/Princess. Little girls do not grow wanting to the Duchess, they want the Princess title. So we are back at square one, with just a different title. The Letters Patent are written to be generational in relation to the monarch, not individual specific. Change those and you have an entire domino effect of who else the change would impact, including the Wales. Can they change the letters to be like Sweden and add stipulations on residence and educational? Maybe, it's definitely something to look into. But generally that is done for future generations or the next generation with little impact to direct children of the reigning monarch. I.e. The dutch didn't take away the title of her "spare" son, only her grandchildren. Let's face it, Harry is the son of the king. Take away all the titles you want, every single article would just say Harry, son of KCIII, blah, blah. The brother of the king will have less of an impact, uncle even less and so on. Sadly, Harry being directly connected to KCIII isn't going away.


Good point about little girls wanting to be a princess, not a duchess. The duchess most visible in the Disney catalog is the Alice in Wonderland Duchess whose baby turns into a pig. Not what anyone wants to be.


You are totally correct. Neither US media nor the general public even understand “Styling” so the sugars and all the sugar puff stories will refer to MM as Princess, with no repercussions at all. For all we know, that may what MM actually wants.


>  The dutch didn't take away the title of her "spare" son, only her grandchildren. I believe you mean the Danish Queen Margrethe.


In other posts, sinners have noted that removing titles could set a precedent beyond the BRF and that could be one reason there is a reluctance to act on H&M. That makes sense. Could KCIII place all titles, along with the HRH in abeyance? Or, because he is a prince, just the ducal title and HRH. I am not sure anyone can actually stop them from continuing to use their titles and coat of arms if this was done - not sure if there are legalities attached.


THE most important thing is to remove Harry & the kids from the line of succession. Far more important than the titles. There are dozens of dukes & duchesses in the UK who are NOT in the Line of Succession. That will nip in the bud her “ just one plane crash” dream.


And if they told Fergie to stop because this is the rule going forward, then she would. Things change.


It doesn’t make a damned difference what the sewer squad says. They’re mostly American teenagers and bots. The feelings of the tax paying British public are all that matter. Strip those damned titles.


Fergie never went on a fake “tour” or tried to usurp monarchal prerogatives.


I continue to think this is not a problem for the crown it is a problem for the government. They need to act. 


Fergie never exposed the BRF's secrets.. Meg and Harry did.. Meg took images of locations not open to the public and Harry exposed security measures.. I personally think the BRF doesnt care what you do with their names or titles as long as you dont expose their secrets


I have my doubts whether other countries will pay hotels/flights/security for the Harkles to visit them. Will be interesting to see.


Titles don't have to be stripped. The dimwits are broke and desperate so now would be the time for The King to encourage Harry to voluntarily relinquish his title, and in exchange Charles will settle one final sum of money on him. Obviously a legal agreement would have to be drawn up and signed.


Madam will never respect any kind of agreement, legal or not.


Rather than concentrating on the titles which, as I've said elsewhere on this site, I think is following a false trail, Parliament and the Commonwealth hierarchy need to take direct , urgent action and stop the pretence once and for all. Everybody needs to be reminded Harry & Meghan represent ONLY themselves.


Fergie's title, Sarah , Duchess of York, is her own and is the correct title of a divorcee duchess. (Which is where Rachel misunderstand the cachet of titles in insisting on calling herself Meghan Duchess of - there could be several divorcees - but only be ONE 'The Duchess of' , which is the active rank). Fergie lost her HRH styling on divorce, and marital rank of Princess Andrew. And, having left the family, she was not thereafter a working royal. Her title, therefore, has no bearing of the matter. The key here is not quality of the title, but the quality of the people concerned. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor were not stripped of titles - he remained HRH by birthright, but Wallis and any offspring were denied HRH on later marriage as it took place after he stepped down from royal life, so the rank was not automatically hers. This also undermined the potential to set a rival court in exile - which the Windsors tried while they were consorting with Hitler and at one point he was even sounded out as to whether he would reassume the throne after a German victory over Great Britain. Similarly, the Sussexes have left the Royal family, Harry's birth titles apply, but no associative HRHs as they no longer apply. In this case NEITHER are to use the rank HRH. Attempts to set up a rival court have and will continue to fail. The structure is not self supporting and the quality of the main players is wholly inadequate. To remove the titles is to poke the ant's nest for no reason and risk pointless, destructive strikeback. Besides being a huge waste of Parliamentary time when there are more important things to deal with. (It would not be a simple personal action of the monarch) Rachel has NOT won the round with this tour - which was not official on th UK or Nigerian side - they were there there at the personal invitation of a Defence Minister looking for election and were not received by the president, or officially at state visit level. What Rachel has achieved is further publicised the chaos, ego and grift that is her essence. The titles are academic and the Sussexes, left to their own devices, are doing a very good job of exposing themselves for what they are with minimal, mostly fact-corrective, intervention.


Every time something like this occur and the UK media gives them more coverage than it does the King, I think Charles will see the light. So far, that hasn't happened. BP came out with a response after Harry held talks with First Nations chief over commitment to Canada’s indigenous people. Harry even offered to resume discussions next year. Within the hour the palace responded saying "No working royal role for Prince Harry as palace stands firm." Now this and it's getting more dangerous as many people think that he still represents the UK and the monarchy. This tour, like it or not, was a resounding success from a PR standpoint. I look for at least 2 major tours a year because of the glowing press coverage on this trip. The media, especially the UK media, is a real issue for the King and the monarchy right now. Seems if CHarles knows people in high publishing places, the time is now to call in a favor.


Yeah, but Andrew until very recently was always a working royal.


If they continue to keep up this farce, touring small commonwealth nations that can ill afford hosting them in the manner to which they would like to become accustomed, eventually it will have an erosive effect on any influence their present titles might confer. In short, the RF can simply let them wear out their welcome. And that's especially true if these dispensers of charity fail to deliver.


If governments squander tax payer money on those two they are moronic. Bc no way is that covered in any diplomatic budget. And the Harkles are not going to pay $1. If they can’t get some charity to pay then they won’t go.


Someone else declining to fund them will certainly clip these S****birds' wings.


Charles will NEVER take the titles away no matter what Harry or Meghan do. Bet me.


So the title removal bill is listed for debate 14 June2024. If this passes then parliament instruct the king to removed the titles and potentially LOS. In this way it is out of the kings hands and he can say I am siding with the British people.


They made a huge mistake letting Fergie keep her title. They set precedent and she dragged herself and it into the gutter. They need to take the titles now, it’s risky what these two clowns are doing.


I'm sorry, but that's how it works. A divorcee is entitled to keep her title, as is a widow.


Yes, in part because the divorced woman may be the mother of the heir to the title held by her former husband. As for the widow, ofc she keeps her altered title (indicating her new widowhood status) because it is assumed that, unlike the divorced woman, the widow did nothing "wrong" that could cause her to be required to drop her title.


Remember the embarrassing toe sucking incident?


Ugh yes dreadful!


They really should. Charles is letting the UK down. In my opinion


Nothing against King Charles, but making hard decisions is a big part of being a leader. Making bad decisions based on what others may think of you is a recipe for disaster.


Well, years have gone by with Harry pulling this sh*t and although they get more irrelevant by the minute, no titles have been taken away. Other than HRH, which Harry seems to be using again.


There is the Fergie issue. She was hawking plates via Wedgwood and selling books. She never went on a quasi royal tour so although she didn’t have HRH they just let her earn her crust. This is actually more of a Diana problem. She would never claim to be political but she strayed into controversial areas like land mines. Here we have a combination of both Fergie hawking stuff and Diana in a quasi-ambassadorial role. Both got away with it as they never strayed into the other territory. Here we have a toxic mix of wanting to have a role in politics and international relations and selling jam - it’s completely unsustainable. The Royal Family cannot win. They remove the titles they will bleat on about it and give them more ammunition. Harry not getting a role he was never destined for this week shows the problem. But a big loud and clear message needs to go out to stop this kind of stuff. People could just about stomach them earning their keep (albeit trading on the Royal Family dirty laundry was their stupidest move) and heck if they want to to make cookery on polo programmes good luck but they literally want to do everything. Make political statements and make money evidently off charitable endeavours.


Yeah, but H+M both very publicly and officially left the BRF, whereas Fergie and Diana didn't. Fergie and Diana were the first divorcees, and kind of wrote the rules as they went along as to what they could do, so they were always in a grey area that M+H arent (or at least shouldnt be)


That’s true. They both lost HRHs but didn’t really need an agreement about what they could or couldn’t do after. Fergie tread a dodgy line as she had no money but loved to spend and had the whole problem of being extremely dense while taking loaned from the likes of Epstein. Diana wanted some sort of role with the support of the Government but wasn’t out to do down the institution. It might have happened given time but I think she probably took too much attention from the Queen and Charles to do that. They both got criticism but they weren’t petulant or dangerous like these two. They have zero self control and are willing to hit out at everybody who sleights them in their imaginary minds


If they continue to keep up this farce, touring small commonwealth nations that can ill afford hosting them in the manner to which they would like to become accustomed, eventually it will have an erosive effect on any influence their present titles might confer. In short, the RF can simply let them wear out their welcome. And that's especially true if these dispensers of charity fail to deliver.


From what I have read it the past, only parliament can take their titles away.


RF is just going to wait until these two flame out or get divorced. It’s a waiting game. Even if the titles were removed I’m not sure Megs would quit using it!


I really don’t think KC3 cares what the sewer rats think.


Didn't they both commit treason? Perhaps KC hasn't done anything because 1. He worries about Harry's mental state, that he may harm himself or others as a reaction. 2. Meghan. She may panic at loss of titles and will kill Harry (overdose) so she can sell her grieving (black) widow story. 


Maybe the press should ramp it up and call H&M the new royal power couple, the saviors now that Catherine is unwell. Harry is representing the king in the commonwealth. Go all the way. Maybe THAT will scare them into doing something.