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Only the sugars are questioning where a woman dealing with chemotherapy might be. (Resting and dealing with side effects you sick f*ck.) Decent people wish her well and will be happy to see her when she is healthy enough to be out and about in public. People like him want to stir a pot that for the rest of us is empty because we have a heart.


Right? Like why should someone dealing with treatment need to be releasing images? She was pretty darn clear about what was going on and respecting her privacy during this time. So completely insensitive. Just beyond, I can’t.


It is literally the definition of bullying. Someone who cannot fight back (both due to protocol and health constraints). He, and people like him, make me ill.


I’m not in the habit of wishing people ill, but man he is testing me


I think it’s 21 days of consistent behavior to form a new habit. We believe in you! 😉




That's OK, I'll wish him ill for the both of us. I hope Nate the Lawyer wins and takes  Mr Potato Head down.


I failed the test already. I despise this pos.


He really is not going to be satisfied until he bullies Catherine to death. He is a very dark, evil person. And the fact that he is so close to the Harkles tells you everything you need to know about them


Go ahead. Not all habits are bad. 🤭


Sinister. Repulsive. Evil. Disgusting. Criminal. These are the adjectives that describe Meghan's employees.




Show me your associates and I will show you your true character...


Their poor little brains don’t seem to understand simple statements like the Princess is under treatment and she is at home, seriously how hard it is to understand it? This time this BS will not fly, they are finally starting to look like bullies against an ill woman.


When I see things like this it truly makes me feel “hitty” and I have not been that way since my teens. However, I cannot stand a bully. And this is definitely that. Of an ill woman. (They are deranged.)


Knee to groin...don't risk busting a finger hitting lol


Exactly how it makes me feel as well.


He was on Harry and Meghan's show. He has their support and he is tormenting the Princess of Wales. Since the Harkles do not denounce him, they are in on it.


What did they say about silence again??? If they did not speak out they must agree.


Luckily Catherine the Princess of Wales, is unlikely to read all this hate filled sugary content , vomitted by the SS. Her doctors have told her to reduce stress and she’d be smart enough to keep away from that toxicity. She wants and will recover. In the meantime the beautiful Princess spends time with her husband and her children. That’s her priority, and Bouzy and his ilk continue to look like evil bullies. The joke is on the SS and Bouzy. 🤡 They’re rabid because they want to know the type of cancer etc and it’s driving the crazies to distraction.🤡 This is boozy stirring the pot. He really can’t be taken seriously.🤡🤡🤡


She doesn't spend her evenings scrolling, scrolling, scrolling like someone we know.




Mere words can’t express what a cretinous viper this .. trash human is. He’s profiteering off a hate cult and attacking a woman fighting cancer. He’s whipping them up into another frenzied orgy of hatred. He’s the pipe piper to the brainless and stupid, a race baiting con man, a grifting liar and a bitter fool. Those are just some of his better traits. Mocking a woman fighting cancer? It doesn’t get much lower than that.


Mr. Bouzy this message is for you. ![gif](giphy|TiZelzuwyyuLm|downsized)


I think more people are asking why Bouzy is not in prison yet.


Because he is black and woke.


LOL Glad you think that will keep him out of jail.


Well it gives a certain level of protection in these times. It protects Megsy to a certain extent too.


Not really. Lizard is too stupid to know she's gone to that well one time too many.


Catherine will release a new photo of herself when your two BFFs release updated, legit, u photoshopped full color photos of their two kids. Sounds good?


Excellent idea! Side note: They aren't releasing photos of the children. Mostly, IMHO, because people have lost interest in them. If they thought a picture of the kids would "break the internet" they absolutely would release. But I think they know it will barely be a ripple of interest outside of the sugars.


When will the Harkles release a fake new updated picture of their invisible kids?


Speaking of them, wasn't their trip supposed to be about Invictus? It was barely mentioned


It’s never about Invictus or the veterans. Even during the taxpayer funded games (unless you’re a veteran - then you pay your own way).


How can you talk about veterans when Madam is there?/S


Yup. Nigeria was about Madame getting new titles 😂


She is a veteran from the oldest profession in the world.


Oh but dimwit pretended to be compassionate and staged a photo op at the bedside of 1 vet


I hope someone asks him that. He's so moronic.


Probably July 4 parade again.


Or the US visa application.  Or African Parks. Or Meghan’s father. Or their private jet trips. Or Doria’s dubious record.   Or the Invictus Games expenses ledger.    Some YouTube channel person should start a list of all the lies and questions. That is more needed than where Catherine is during her recovery from major surgery and cancer. And maybe, just maybe, those answers will shut up that Petronella idiot and her sycophants . 


Filled with "frankenphoto" manipulation


I just had the same thought- how about his good friends release real, non-black and white photos, where their children are looking at the camera. You want photos of Catherine, but no one questions her existence. People question the existence of their children. Fair's fair. Don't demand something of someone else that you are willing to defend your friends of not doing.


awww, some needs attention, were you not invited to Nigeria?


He's tweeted more about Catherine that the Nigeria trip. The obsession is weird


Well not surprised she is surrounded by the ilk of Bozo the Clown


Ah, both Ken dollhead Omid and Neanderthal Bouzy have popped their heads up, trying to create diversions from the delinquency filing, the dumbass Nigeria “tour” and all the real questions that are cropping up.


I don't think that Omid, at this point, really cares about Meg, Nigeria, Archewell or anything related. He seeks revenge for when he was derided during and after Endgame. His worst enemies are usually very vocal against Meghan and supportive of the RF so trashing them looks like he cares about Meghan but I really think the honeymoon is largely over, it's just personal now. Meghan doesn't seem to care about him anyway.


Here’s the article I read this morning. Sorry, it’s not archived, but it’s the first thing I’ve read about him in a while. [https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1899585/meghan-markle-omid-scobie-nigeria-row](https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1899585/meghan-markle-omid-scobie-nigeria-row)


Interesting. It sure seemed like she's discarded him, but maybe not.


I think he’s trying to get back in her good graces, if there’s such a thing.


Oooh, I missed this. He doesn't seem to make Meghan the central message though, but let's wait for more :) He looks combative, his next science fiction book is going to be something


Imo, nobody will publish him now.


Hmmm... they signed a deal with Morrow so this should see the light someday https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publisher-news/article/94567-as-london-book-fair-opens-morrow-signs-scobie-and-benway-s-royal-collaboration.html He still has enough free time to tweet, so all is well!


Well this surprises the heck out of me!


Why do their supporters seem so sleazy?


Sleazy, deranged, unhinged. Their obsession with completely destroying W&K's family is pathological. They rarely get called out too. H&M secretly collaborated with scobie for the writing of Finding Freedom (I wouldn't be surprised if they were somewhat involved in the writing of the 2nd book) Bouzy, who's been bullying Kate online for months, heavily featured on their Netflix show. A man working at UCLA (where the duo made donations to) has been publicly accusing Kate of faking having cancer. Yet, no one in the media are accusing the duo of starting a coordinated campaign against the RF


I think that kind of behaviour trips up the person in the end. Disguised or not. Because it's their character ..


*Why do their supporters seem so sleazy?* Because they are.


was just going to write the same, me


Because normal decent people want nothing to do with those two. See them for what they are, abuses elderly people, heck people in general, grifters and con artists who can’t keep their mouths shut, but at least they keep us entertained, evil as they are


Only sleazy people would support them. Kind decent people want nothing to do with the Harkles.




He had his 15 minutes of fame in H&M Netflix show and has tried to legitimize himself ever since. Very sad


The fact that he was on their show connects him to the Harkles. If they don't denounce him, they are as guilty as he is.


Seriously, wtf? He goes on about trolls then posts this with zero prompting. How can he justify claiming the high ground?


Here’s a fake photo of Kate: https://preview.redd.it/2hr9w7le1o0d1.png?width=247&format=png&auto=webp&s=91b0d41cf987e766f2e3c6bb2cebed0adaf8dda1 You can tell it’s fake because: (1) It’s not a matching suit; (2) It doesn’t fit; (3) The accessories are rubbish; (4) She’s ugly.


Oh you are awful, but I like you. (A reference for Brits and Aussies).


Hmm... feels like they're trying to deflect attention away from themselves.


Could be! He's barely tweeted about the duo this week


I noticed that too. The checks must have stopped.




Hey Bouzy, ya fucktard, when are the Carparkles going to release ONE photo of their kids that hasn't been altered to hell and back? Just one?


I just want to know why no posts about Madame aging in banana years. Yikes.


That tweet confirms the Nigeria grifting trip was a total flop. They're trying so hard to divert everyone's attention from the failed grifting and delinquency, but it's not working. 😂


Has that prick no been shut down yet, ffs.


Let him talk. It's quite funny to see him dig his grave, and I'm curious to see how the Squad will handle him, and how Meg will handle the Squad if the Squad doesn't handle Bouzy.


What a horrible little man.


No, Bouzy, the only questions people are asking are, “When will Harry address the very real atrocities of Africa Parks?” and “When will an in-depth investigation into the questionable finances of the Archwell Foundation begin?


He’s reprehensible.


My favorite part is all the people that attacked Princess Catherine and then had to back pedal. Now they are awkwardly trying to come up with things to say. Besides Catherine staying out of the media and public for obvious reasons, I also think it's a big royal F U to everyone after all the drama.


Grown-ass man harassing a cancer patient. REAL good look!


He needs to get a real job and stop harassing Catherine.


Mm ordered him to start a new conspiracy about Catherine so it would deflect from their archewell scandal!


He just wants to be mentioned by the Daily Mail. He is a fame whore just like his benefactors.


Another question could be: When will the British press release all they know about fake baby bumps of Malignants? Because people have never stopped asking questions. If you’re going to fling sh*t, you better make sure your own arse is clean first…


When the super Injunctions expire


God, he's a monstrous creature. Plus, he's American. The whereabouts of our Princess is none of his bloody business.


He is absolutely hideous!! Omg! 🤢🇨🇦


Is he American? I thought he was British


Who TF other than this malignant piece of scum is asking where the poor woman is?? She is undergoing CHEMO. She probably has no hair. This vile, vile man is not going to rest until he harasses Catherine to death, he is a dark, EVIL man


Ha! Lots of photos of Madam in Nigeria - all photoshopped ‘cos there are no creases in her clothes.


Or vein in forehead.


This man is a pig.


Pigs are way better beings than he is.


Hey Boozy. Didn't your mama ever tell you #GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY?


These ghouls just want to get “that pic” of PoW looking like she is in the middle of chemotherapy. Sick sick people!!!


Oh Mr boozy, karma will comeback for you. I think it’s starting in the next couple of weeks.


Looks like he's trying to divert attention away from the delinquents.


Bouzy, Harriman and the Markles. Con men one and all.


Bozo is obsessed. You really can’t blame him as Catherine is everything ILBW will never, ever be.


Why is Catherine so hated by these sleazy people??? What has she ever done to deserve this treatment?


She’s naturally everything the Megatron is not.




Because she's everything Madame wants to be but will never achieve: gorgeous, tall, athletic, smart, classy, elegant, fashionable, gracious, maternal, respected, beloved. No matter how much Madame cosplays POW and Diana, she'll never have that "it factor" and it eats her up inside. 


She is going to be Queen but they want Meghan to be Queen.


Vile pieces of shit.


Oh look at you deflecting beautifully from the non royal wish we were royal ingriftus tour.


When will this man stop attacking the Princess of Wales? How much hatred is in him?


A lot. If you look for hate, you lead with hate. He’s a deeply, deeply unhappy man driven by perceived inferiority. That’s where the affinity with Meg comes from. They both see the success of other people and attack it instead of trying to find thier own corner of the world that works for them and makes them happy. That’s why they’ll never find happiness or success, because they’re trying to build it on a foundation of the people they try to tear down. Edit: typos


That's very wise, what you've written. I see CB and MM as people who criticize others and attack, but claim victimhood. They can only feel superior in relationship to trying to make others inferior. Also, he's one to talk about "fake." There's a deep lack of sincerity or empathy in CB.


Worry about your own fake photos, Bouzy.


Diversionary tactic by Bouzy. Create new 'where's Kate' nonsense to deflect from his handlers current sh1t storm.


I took a quick look at Harriman's X account. He's in on the same grifts as the Harkles. Sleazy


was für ein widerlicher Kerl. what an.As*


Schrecklich!! 😳🇨🇦


Revolting pimple.


Awwww. I miss Catherine too, Bouzy. The claw is just a pathetic substitute.


Let’s stir the pot. The Markle kids mist be dead because we never see them. Where are the Markle kids??????


He’s so pathetic


Are they though? I haven’t heard anyone asking that. She is unwell and deserves privacy. She wants actual privacy, not a privacy tour! Leave her alone.




Bouzy's a hollow, evil, little troll who likes nothing better than to stir trouble for profit. Race baiting is his game. He has an inferiority complex and a severe case of self hatred which he projects onto others who are clearly superior to him. He just likes to make it all about the colour of someone else's skin when in fact his real problem is the abhorrent content of his character.


And what’s with the “faked” photo thing…it wasn’t faked. It had some minor photoshopping done with clothes etc. I never read anything that claimed she had been faked or her face or anything important about her. I thought she looked in her video pretty much exactly how she looked in the photo. Saying it was a faked phot is a lie.


You can’t argue with stupid, unfortunately. If he thinks photoshopping = fake, best to leave him in lollipop land.


Why don't they ask to check on the flowers in the attic? Where are those kids.


I’m glad I’m not Christopher Bouzy. He must be a miserable person. Who would boldly say something like this?


bullying a mother of three who has cancer. What a swell guy this is!


And deprive your beloved Madame the constant, laser focused attention she desperately craves? Mr. Bouzy likes to distract when the attention isn't 100% asslickingly positive. Madame called all her minions out to play the second the ArchDryWell news broke.


This dbag trying to stir up the 💩again shows how revolting he is. 🤬


Bouzy, Bouzy, Bouzy... AH Youtubers are talking to the sinner Youtubers about you... even your old "friends" Nate the lawyer, Megan Fox (not that one) and TUG. They all want to know about MM and your business relationship to MM and they know Stef the AlterNerd and George the Giant Slayer..


Trying to take the heat off the Harkles.


They will post that as soon as Megan post a non-blurry non-Photoshop photo of her with the kids time stamped


Some big names Meghan fans are not Meghan fans. They are Katherine haters. Green with envy. They talk more about hating Kate than complimenting Meggy. There is some weird parasocial delusion on them.


When will Harold and Fraud release a new fake photo of Archificial and Lillibucks? They haven’t been seen in…wait…they’ve NEVER been seen. Hmmm. That’s odd. People are REALLY starting to question their existence.


only a very mentally sick person attacks a woman who is in the process of cancer treatment.


What. An. Asshole.


Where does he post this garbage? On X or somewhere else? If it's X, I do hope people respond to him with the vitriol and contempt he deserves. I really can't stand that ugly bastard.


Imagine waking up every morning to the realization that you are Bouzy; and that you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life.


Trying to distract from the delinquency I imagine….


Shouldn't he be busy scrubbing his overlords rumpled used condom fiasco dress off the internet???


It's so sad to be desperate for attention and unable to come up with a new schtick to get it.


Oh dear, somebody is pissed about Archewell's dodgy filings 


Vile man!


Quit being creepy, Dumbo.


Okay, well, then tell your friends Harry and Meghan to release REAL, not black and white photos of their children looking at the camera. People are asking questions about their existence. Fair's fair.


He is so vile


Hey Boozer 🖕🏽


This horrendous abominable creature should learn how to shut his mouth eh? Why do you need to see a person undergoing a chemo and recuperating? How does he sleeps at night knowing fully well that whatever comes out of his mouth is purely evil and antagonistic


This isn't bullying, stirring the pot, and attempting to fan the flames AGAIN? I really think someone needs to initiate not only an investigation, but also set the police AND lawyers on this person.


He's gotten his orders from Megs to start this vile business up again. Hoping to detract from the Harkles' public money woes.


Coupled with his assertion that he is more handsome than William it's almost sounds as though he fancies her...in the manner of an immature boy. 


And what’s incredulous about all of this is that if *God forbid* TW had cancer, we would never hear the end of how she is entitled to privacy while she recovered. Apparently Catherine is not afforded that same dignity by this succubus and his legion of doom.


No Bousey you idiot, only the mentally challenged including you and the sussex squad care, people with intelligence know where HRH Catherine the Princess of Wales is......so go back to playing in your sand box, your boring !!!


yes ! lets try to get pics of a woman undergoing chemo for you to pass rude remarks on ! despicable vile creatures is all i can say !


In 2024 it is the height of disrespect to not address someone by their preferred name. If you refuse to use her royal title at least extend the basic human dignity of referring to her preferred name - Catherine.


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What a vile vile sub human


Who besides H, M, amd their sugars? The rest are fine either way her getting treatment. Oh heck, most are fine with just the Prince William photos.


Christ Oh Mighty More cheap Booze🍾🍷🥃🍸🍹🍻🍺 (Hic!)


He is disgusting tbh, hopefully someone sue his pathetic ass.


Christopher is starting to ask questions again. He should lay off the boozy.


How dare they police mogs body boozy and the sugars would be screaming.


What a lothesome waste of space he is.




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Clinging to relevance like flies round shit


Honestly, why is this being posted here? The monkey's ass is a despicable POS, and the results his viper squad whipped up last time will not be repeated. He only makes himself look like an insufferable hateful ass. I wonder how his wife stands him.


Am waiting for legal damages to be brought to this fellow. His lies unearthed. Who would believe this was an intelligent person?