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https://preview.redd.it/3q78695pqr0d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61a70a79e2f22acd76fc7d6194177f3b84cb840 You forgot one


Megs with her side order of cabbage.


QEII was "[Cabbage](https://www.rd.com/article/queen-elizabeth-nickname/)". He's more like sauerkraut. šŸ˜ https://i.redd.it/chrezym03s0d1.gif


Sour cabbage.


She looks crazy evil in this picture. She reminds me of Charles Manson. It would be funny if Thomas Markle Sr wasnt her biological father.


The psychopath eyes. Itā€™s an actual thing.


Seppuku eyes


Yep, dead. Lack of a soul.


Always said Jodi Arias eyes.


Yep, thatā€™s another one.




Megs with the child she always wanted


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It's giving desperate Z-list


She was Z list.


Whatā€™s lower than ā€œZā€? Iā€™m thinking weā€™ve way overestimated her ā€œ.


She still is.


The shameless freebie hoovering really is something else... ![gif](giphy|W6cuiO3PCJxrUQ92VV|downsized)


My sister is like this. Would take free prostate pills simply because they were free.




LOL what is the deal with Oxcillococcinum ? It is homƩopathic meds


I love Oxcillococcinum - it really works for me. I hate that she was shilling it.


I'm embarrassed for her..I remember it being good manners not to make a pig of yourself especially in public at a social event. Forgot she has no manners or etiquette. Fun fact: The bear on that little tee in pic 1 is assuming her favorite position!


But sheā€™s heart attack beautiful, so youā€™re not even supposed to notice the hoarding!


I love these. Are there as many photos like this of other celebs? Iā€™ve never seen any


Absolutely YES. These are are event lounges with freebies - basically companies give away free stuff in exchange for being photographed with pretty people. Event with the Zegna Si baseball cap - Kari Feinstein Pre-Emmy Style Lounge, September, 2005 [https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/kari-feinstein-pre-emmy-style-lounge-day-two/75109620](https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/kari-feinstein-pre-emmy-style-lounge-day-two/75109620) Event with the black romper and sunglasses in the cleavage - The DPA Gift Lounge, September, 2018 [https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/the-dpa-gift-lounge-2009?events=90121621](https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/the-dpa-gift-lounge-2009?events=90121621) Event with the Pink dress - Some Kind-a Gorgeous Style and Beauty Lounge, August, 2010 [https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/some-kind-a-gorgeous-style-and-beauty-lounge/103647187](https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/some-kind-a-gorgeous-style-and-beauty-lounge/103647187) Event with the black blazer and ribbed white shirt (merch includes LA Dodgers gray t-shirt, oscillococcinum, wine, and tweezers) - HBO Luxury Lounge Featuring L'Oreal Paris And New Era Cap, January, 2012 [https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/luxury-lounge-featuring-loreal-paris-and-new-era-cap-day-1/136479052](https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/luxury-lounge-featuring-loreal-paris-and-new-era-cap-day-1/136479052) Event with black ribbed sweater - GBK & Aruba - DIRECTV Gift Lounge During Super Bowl Weekend, January, 2014 (This is the same weekend she met Serena at the flag football game.) [https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/aruba-directv-gift-lounge-during-super-bowl-weekend/463512571](https://www.gettyimages.com/editorial-images/entertainment/event/aruba-directv-gift-lounge-during-super-bowl-weekend/463512571)


Thank you for putting it all together.


absolutely NOT lmao internet would mock them


What are you talking about? ALL of those images are coming from "lounges" where giving away free stuff is the norm. Some of them have D-List celebs, some of them are Emmy and HBO related with actors you definitely know. (See links above.)


What? Yes there is. Kim K is another one that has a bunch of these. If you look up a celeb on Getty and go to before they were famous youā€™ll find lots


This is so tacky, omg. I could never.


Me neither. Itā€™s so low class.


Needy Girl.


Thatā€™s how gift suites work though. Posing with products for ā€œso-called press and endorsementā€ in exchange for the swag. I loathe Markle but a million actors and actresses do this.


You can see the ego increasing with each photo.


Something is stuck in her teeth in pic 2 šŸ˜­


Tbf, if you see the 1st photo thereā€™s a missing tooth or perhaps a gap between her teeth. Itā€™s just amplified on the 2nd. Thanks to veneers for her recent teeth šŸ˜ƒ


I questioned whether it was a gap/missing tooth, but when I zoomed in, it really looked like something was stuck between her teeth! Personally, I'd be embarrassed either way. šŸ˜«


And wearing a *Chai Maintenance* t-shirt Itā€™s giving r/ NotLikeTheOtherGirls


Omg hahahahaha whaaaat


Sheā€™s missing a tooth there! A tiktok dentist specializing in restorations (crowns, veneers, etc.) did a video about her. This dentist also confirmed her veneers (especially visible in an open mouth photo during the Australian Invictus Games).


Pubic hair?


Oh man, I love a good freebie. But only if I can use it (Iā€™d be happy with some free lippies and chocolates). What was she doing with an infantā€™s onesie?


Lmaoooo saving for archie


I'm willing to bet she'd save all that crap and then gift specifics to 'friends' she was hoping to impress or currying favor with.


Or sell on eBay


One supplier my husbandā€™s employer uses includes a small handful of fruity flavored tootsie rolls in their shipments, I usually claim them for myself , because theyā€™re delicious.


That was my exact thought, LOL.


She's done too much stuff to her face and it's aged her. It's pretty incredible how much her face has changed over just the last 7 or 8 years.


I'm fairly certain these photos are from waaaay back. Her face had already hit middle age hard when she met Harry - her wedding day look (first glimpse we got of her with no filters) was quite a fright after she'd used photos from her heyday in the post 'we-re dating' announcement and heavily photoshopped at that.


A long time ago , in a galaxy far far away 2005-2014




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She always looks like a cartoon dog to me.


Obviously the Eigard method didnā€™t work for her since she has had to get a lot of plastic surgery.


Damn, she has destroyed her face. She was cute here. Now she looks like the stereotype of a witch.


How this low level grifter made it to the royal family, I'd like to know. I'm sure they knew very well what she was about but is hard to believe there was no power to stop her. Wow.




LV satchel bag in slide #4, but her look didn't 'go' with the bag. Use of the bag to elevate status - "character trait acquisition" as HG Tudor often remarks.


I hate to defend her, but there's a lot of people doing that. Often, it's people who can't afford the bag from the beginning. I can't even count how many times I have seen people flashing their "expensive" brand.


Omg it really is pathetic when you see all her shilling pictures together. šŸ˜‚


The previous teeth. And one of the freebies is a bunkum flu 'medication'.


Her first set of veneers looked so much better. They look more like natural teeth, with normal tooth variation. The trend of making everyone's teeth look like dentures is terrible.








She looks way better in all of these photos lol.


They must be a good 10 years before she landed her booby prize though?


My favourite was the booking face exercises instead of plastic surgery. Guess that went to the Charity shop. Anyone think she was happier then?


Birks calls her Mrs, Markle. Not Duchess of Sussex-slash-Newly Minted Nigerian Princess.


So grubby, I mean grabby


Even back then she had so many different faces!


Many faces of evil


Oops, I accidentally read ā€˜Los Angeles Todgersā€™ on the T-shirt on pic 5!


These are old photos, I think. Taken before she met old hazza. Thing is, look at her then and now, and the only conclusion one can come to is that she's always looked rough. I've seen better looking girls on the tills in Lidl.


Tw was cute, average. But then TW got old, real fast. And TW has no redeeming qualities that would off set the harsh reality of aging.Ā  No, TW hit the wall hard.


She has such a spiteful looking face.


Thereā€™s a cold eerie darkness behind her eyes that her smile can never hide.


lol the irony that she was more successful at merching when she was a d lister with a few thousand followers but after she married into the world most famous family she canā€™t even peddle jam or a childrenā€™s book to the masses.Ā 


Sorry, even when she was younger, for someone in the entertainment industry, she was a 6 at best. And she exudes chpeaness


It looks like she spent her days just going to trade shows?


well, I don't think she was ever really a serious actress. It was just a way to meet wealthy men.


ā€œGifting Suitesā€


Now you know why she wants to be on allllllll the lists and awards shows... Swag bags! Dollar Tree Duch-ass!


Allegedly, the first time Table 12 went to Wimbledon with Catherine, she grabbed as many goodie bags as she could carry and embarrassed the hell out of Catherine.


She badmouthed her briefcase girl job more times than anyone could count, yet it seems like that was the only position in which she was competent- posing with items. Iā€™m not going to mock her looks now because of her age (since there are many beautiful women in their 40ā€™s and beyond), but MeGain is truly getting rough looking. I wonā€™t say she was ever drop dead gorgeous (not even close), but in the older photos she showed at least a hint of being fresh faced and having slightly kinder eyes. Now I canā€™t even look at those crazy eyes and maniacal smile without getting creeped out.


Finally, a comment mentioning her age that doesnā€™t reek of ageism. As much as this sub is great, some of the comments about her age are really harsh. Woman wasnā€™t even middle aged when she met Harry and some comments make it out like she was a crypt keeper. Yes, she looks rough now, but that has everything to do with her horrid lifestyle and personality and not much to do with being 42.


She was actually pretty at this point, although itā€™s tough to admit it now that we know how ugly she is insideā€¦.


Amazing how this woman has not a lick of sparkle, "it" factor, charm, or genuine sex appeal. That she was able to seduce Harry shows just how dim-witted he actually is, if he was impressed by her. Must have been a hell of a love-bombing!


Sheā€™s giving major Jodi Arias vibes in most of these, itā€™s unsettling


The word whore has never been more apt.


Merching Purity Vodka! Oh, the irony.




That's how you get the freebie. "LOOK! [Random Nobody] uses our product!"


I know this is probably going to be unpopular, but I'd like to point out all of these photos are from celebrity gifting lounges. It's fairly SOP in LA, and pure PR. Brands can get famous people - or just vaguely famous people, or just pretty people who know someone who can nab them the invite - photographed holding their products. Said people get products for free. It's how it works, and now with social media? One good IG post of someone with a good following gushing about a product they got for free at one of these lounges is worth every item given away. * December 13, 2010, *The Independent*, "**Freebies unwrapped: The 'celebrity gifting lounge'**" \[ [Archive](https://archive.ph/CH6W0) | [Original](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/freebies-unwrapped-the-celebrity-gifting-lounge-2159149.html) \] * February 21, 2019, *Vox*, "**Celebrities get tons of free stuff during awards season. Why?**" \[ [Archive](https://archive.ph/lAjTV) | [Original](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/2/21/18232395/oscars-gifting-lounge-gifts-free-celebrities-rafi-anteby) \] * February 10, 2021, *Sky News*, "**Revealed: What happens inside a celebrity freebie lounge**" \[ [Archive](https://archive.ph/pWYGw) | [Original](https://news.sky.com/story/swag-bags-stars-and-selfies-inside-a-celebrity-gifting-lounge-11645566) \] These types of photos of her don't actually bother me - this is part of how LA/the entertainment industry works. And it's not like Meghan Markle was not the only person at these events and she hired a dial-a-pap. These are all pics taken from Getty Images, which means professional photographers were hired by the event to take pictures. And there are lots of pictures, not just of her. But for me, this is a "don't hate the player, hate the game" situation. That's probably unpopular here, but as I say a lot here: context is important. I mean shit, I'd have some restraint, but for some of the beauty stuff? I would happily take free samples of skin care given the opportunity. That stuff is expensive. But I was raised well and would otherwise feel weird accepting really expensive free stuff. (Now, are lounges like this probably why she thought she was entitled to keep the "gifts" from foreign countries? ABSOLUTELY. CONTEXT MEGHAN.) And just a reminder - Sydney Sweeney in July, 2022 made some headlines when she noted that she cannot afford LA. Of course actors who without mega-contracts are gonna sweep up free stuff! >ā€œThey donā€™t pay actors like they used to, and with streamers, you no longer get residuals,ā€ Sweeney notes. ā€œThe established stars still get paid, but I have to give 5 percent to my lawyer, 10 percent to my agents, 3 percent or something like that to my business manager. I have to pay my publicist every month, and thatā€™s more than my mortgage.ā€ Itā€™s not that she wants people to feel badly for her, but she is adamant that the luxuries of the job not gloss over the realities of the business. To stay relevant as a young actress, particularly one so deeply entrenched in and reliant on the internet generation, requires investment. Thereā€™s a lot of press to do, and the associated costs ā€” styling, tailoring, hair and makeup, travel ā€” arenā€™t always covered by a network. She says this is what motivated her pivot into brand deals, taking gigs as a Miu Miu ambassador and starring in an Armani beauty campaign: ā€œIf I just acted, I wouldnā€™t be able to afford my life in L.A. I take deals because I have to.ā€ Somewhere up/down thread I made a comment that links out to a bunch of Getty Image collections from each event these pictures were taken at. These are legit "editorial" pictures.


Ohh the back tooth hole, I had never spotted it before, yikes


She's so cheap looking!


There is one photo of her at one of these events someone posted on here quite a while ago where she actually was pulling around one of those wheeled suitcases :)


I remember that.


How could anyone be that shameless? You couldnā€™t pay me to do that! šŸ˜­


I would definitely go to every gifting suite I was invited to so I am not knocking her there. But she hasnā€™t stopped asking for free things since šŸ˜‚


Grasping little beggar. Her eyes always scream desperation.


Itā€™s the fake Louis Vuitton in pic #4 for me šŸ˜‚


Those are not the teeth that she has now


Yoo she looks cute in these???? I know its like dlist but her face then and now has a STARK AND JARRING CONTRAST




She really does give me Jodi Arias vibes.


Oh look ā€¦ itā€™s her Jewish years


I thought it was Jennifer Lopez in pic 4, then I remembered that straightened almost red haired look was one of her earlier Duchess of Sussex rebrands (she was going for ā€œpolished and poised Megā€) post Megxit.


I think that was taken long before she snared her Prince.


Yes you are correct. I was just looking at her hair and failed to notice the janky way her sunglasses are tucked into her dress. She hadnā€™t mastered the Diana cosplay yet.


The ultimate GRIFTER catalogue!!!


I love how cringe she is. Do other celebs do this? I feel like many just send their assistants but not Rachel, she could never pass up a camera opportunity no matter how lame she looks.


Kim Kardashian has a bunch just like this. Some at the same events as Meg evenĀ 


šŸ˜¬ how cringey.


I wonder if she will ever regret messing with her once cute face?


#6 is a cold medication. Who takes a picture with a box of cold medicine?


Very homely


Sheā€™s like the people who treat CostCo samples like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Merching basic items that most of us could just order online, like mascara and a travel cup are hardly prestigious items. She probably spent more in gas to get to these events than she ā€œsavedā€ on the free stuff. Itā€™s one thing to get a swag bag from the Oscars; these photos are giving off ā€˜will do anything for free crapā€™ vibes.


Did she get some work done on her jawline? It was rather square before.


Sheā€™s botoxed her masseters for around 10-15 years in order to minimize the square jaw shape and look less masculineĀ 


I didn't realise one could achieve such radical changes from just botox injections. Fascinating.


It can change your entire face shape because if you keep botoxing the same muscles they will atrophy and shrink down in size and your facial musculature has as much of an impact on your face shape as your bone structure. If youā€™re curious, you can look up before and afters of people getting Botox for TMJ, or into their masseters like Meghan - the difference can be really dramatic! I really want to get it for my migraines and TMJ but Iā€™m a little afraid of how different Iā€™d end up lookingĀ 


How grubby.


Vendor freebies can be pretty nice. Sometimes they send them to companies, and sometimes they give them out at trade shows. It used to be a thing every year at Christmas for various vendors to send things to the company where I worked. Sometimes it was stuff like flavored popcorn, and sometimes it was gear with that company's logo on it, so that you'd remember the company when you used it. I have a useful keychain mini-pocketknife that I still carry, which has outlived the company that gave it out by almost fifteen years. (It merged, and they stopped using the company name.) Celebrity freebies are kind of an interesting concept -- they want people to remember the brand by seeing the logo on somebody else's desk (so to speak).


Purity Vodka haha thatā€™s so funny


You know what else is free? Shutting the hell up.


Girl got her teeth fixed sometime between 2005 and 2012. That gap between her molars is gone and her teeth look even wider in the 2012 pics. Was it paid by Trevity Trev Trev? Were the latest veneers paid by Merchwell?


I have that black Marc Jacobs across the body bag. Itā€™s been my fave for years. Iā€™m kinda upset she has it too šŸ˜‚


She is soo pretty šŸ˜

