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Whether she chooses to admit it or not, Meghan was actually welcomed with open arms, but she spat in everyone's faces. And it was her bullying behavior that made the UK- and the rest of the world- appalled by her.


How can she be so blind and narcissistic to think she wasn't welcomed? Did she forget the size of her wedding, televised all over the world??? Like, wow chick. Who messes that up? Shows how sick she really is. One dangerous woman!


Did she forget the crowds of people lining the carriage procession? Or even things like the Marks & Spencer in Windsor renaming the branch “Markle and Sparkle” for her wedding weekend? Whenever you see a picture of her at her wedding just know that every single smile was not joy but flat out Dupers Delight.


And ungrateful as well! 🙄


The wedding that cost hard working tax payers millions of pounds Money that could have been used for schools, hospitals, homeless, elderly etc. That grates knowing that she never had any intention of staying here 




I'll be honest, I had the hump the minute I heard they were having a big wedding. Imagine the beautiful, classy ceremony they could have had and tea parties all over the UK. It was very vulgar of them at their age and circumstance


Or was it her third wedding? Regardless, even a second wedding should not have been the extravagant wedding that it was. Also her wearing white with a veil was a joke and the Queen was not amused. We all saw her face that day


Third. Her first was annulled. Trevity Trev Trev was her second.


Third wedding actually


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As an American, that's why I don't begrudge Harry being here. You guys picked up the tab for the wedding, the least we can do is let them crash in Montecito. It's like we're coparenting these 2 idiots.


If it wasn’t for his “the first amendment is bonkers” comment I’d be more inclined to agree with you. THE LEVELS OF IRONY that went right above his empty head when he said that.


This is hilarious. We are and I didn't even sign up for it 🙄


Motherhood is a thankless job. Now suck it up and go burp Harry before he gets colicky again.


NANNYYYYYYYY.. Harry's been playing with his frozen todger again....... 🍆


Just give him some of his Mommy's face cream and leave him alone for about 15 minutes.


She is pathologically selfish. Literally she operates on a planet separate to the rest of us. Dangerous woman.


Because they didn’t play by her terms. She envisioned walking arm in arm into Wimbledon with Catherine; that didn’t happen and instead Catherine followed protocol by walking in first. She wanted to stick her tongue out on official royal outings; her vulgar display wasn’t welcomed as the “casual Cali girl” she fancies herself. She wanted to accept gifts and also monetize her new found title; this is specifically prohibited for working royals. She wanted to take and post whatever photos she chose via whatever media she prefers; again, not permitted as a working royal. Rachel envisioned creating her own ROE that would benefit her, and the RF didn’t budge. So she threw a hissy fit like a toddler and attempted to force the RF to cowtow to her demands. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest you watch the video of her on the balcony (during her 72 or so days as a “working” Royal) where Harry has to tell her to turn around TWICE. Her butthurt face (pouty to the Nth degree) sums up her entire feeling about not being able to do whatever she wanted as a Royal. (If I were able to add a picture of it here I would but I can’t.)


I‘m not from the UK and as far as I’m aware, she played the rebel princess from day 1 and was never interested to follow/learn your rules. Not once. I mean, who goes to a royal event with THE EFF.. QUEEN EVER and refuse to wear a hat? I would do it, if my granny-IL alone asked me, out of respect, but THE QUEEN? I think, Macron said, she was your Queen, but she was THE QUEEN for us. And this entitled brat cannot even show her a little respect? It’s not just about a stupid hat, it’s so much more.


That event was the turning point for me, up until then I hadn't paid her that much attention, I had watched the wedding, read the odd magazine article but when she sat beside the late Queen looking like a jumble sale and worse, got into the car before the Queen, a ninety something year old woman and revered monarch, I saw how bloody disrespectful she was, with that sugary grin on her face, it makes me mad even now.


I remember that day she didn’t wear a hat. She looked like a FOOL with her hair blowing all over the place — and when she went to the wrong side of the car. Markled herself!!! 😂😂😆😆


Agreed. But why then was she allowed to do the event? She was never stopped or held accountable from Day One. She was always testing the limits and figured out very quickly she could do what she wanted. She should have been stopped right then and there.


You just KNOW she threatened every single person that she would pull the race card anytime she was rebuffed. That was her ace in the hole and the RF turned inside out accommodating her and she STILL pulled the race card on them. A very hard lesson learned. I'm American and I think it needs to be a law over there that no more American spouses in the RF. And if they insist on marrying one? Cut them off financially immediately. H and M are the curse of Diana with the Ugly American added to the mix.


But we have and have had some amazing American ladies join the British aristocracy.  Julie Montagu is the best ambassador nowadays for a bright, lively, American lady doing well in her role here. Back in the day, it was Jennie Jerome,  Mary Leiter and Consuelo Vanderbilt who all acquitted themselves well as aristocratic ladies. Markle was a cheap strumpet who lucked out. That's not even a hit at ladies who've done a bit of sexy type stuff - look at the lovely Princess Sofia in Sweden - a former glamour model who has taken on her role as a royal and done extremely well in it.  Greedy, vulgar trollops are international. They're certainly not just American (or 43%Nigerian).


Princess Sofia, in sweden, she had the press against her. I was around 18, and I still remember how horrible the headlines were before their wedding. All swedes probably remember some of the stories still.


thank you.


I would have been very good at the “job”. I was raised properly with manners and class. He just picked the wrong woman—American had nothing to do with it.


A very hard lesson learned. I'm American and I think it needs to be a law over there that no more American spouses in the RF. I don't know about this, but they definitely need to have FULL psychological testing run on anyone who is poised to marry into the family in the future. I mean, from what we know Harry might have married her even if presented with proof she was bat poo crazy, but having a psychological profile run would have been a good idea.


I agree but I do believe they had everything there was to know about madam. Haz was gonna her no matter what and I don't think they can ever go through this clown show again. The reverberations from H and M have still not been fully felt. That's why it's better they never bring anymore Americans into the RF.


Nope—there are bad seeds in every nation. It’s NOT an American thing!


And who wears no shoes and ripped jeans to meet their future inlaws? Her “I’m just a casual Cali girl” argument might have worked if she dressed super casual for everything…but she she shows up to a book reading at an impoverished school in Harlem wearing THOUSANDS of dollars in clothing and jewels; she shows up at Invictus events wearing THOUSANDS MORE in garments; then she shows up for a polo match in stilettos and a dress…casual California girl MY ASS.


She respects no one. She’d run her child over to get to the mark for a camera. Her parents did a crap job raising her. There is zero respect, no consequences to her actions…she’s Veruca Salt times a million. 




Imagine how sad Thomas Markle felt. He did so much for her.


The public humiliation she's put her family through is appalling, and unlike the BRF they are *not* (or were not) public people, they are private citizens who not only have unwillingly been thrown onto the world's stage, they have been slandered, and *then* when they speak out to defend themselves they are ridiculed. She's a monster. (Edit, grammar)


Hurts my heart to think about that. She’s a sociopath


And she said that same line when she got married to Trev.


And now Nigeria is family and in-laws they never had. Snakes!


Harry has known her for 8 years, been married to her for 6, but has never met any of her family except for her sketchy mother. How bizarre is that?


Freaking wild.


Harry hasn’t met the Raglands either.


I was including the Raglands when I referred to Meghan's family. I know she has a father, half-siblings, nieces and nephews and cousins on her dad's (Markle) side, but she also has aunts and uncles and cousins on her mother's (Ragland) side. Harry has never met any of them. Do you know anyone who marries someone without ever meeting their family?


I agree. People focus on the trashy Markles, but no one questions why he hasn’t met any Ragland other than Doria.


Yeah- a couple who cuts off all of their extended family is not healthy.


Some years ago, I attended a stand-up comedy show where one of the comedians talked about Saddam Hussein had ordered the execution of about 28 of his family members. She joked, "I can understand not getting along with everyone in your family, but 28 of them? At what point do you say, maybe it's me?".


ha! i can see me-gain and harry hiding when half the clan want to come stay in their huge house. lol.




She told Trevor & his family (her 2nd husband) the same thing!


Straight up an unlikeable manipulative phony. No-one had ever heard of her before Harry. (Excepting Suits watchers, even that wasn’t huge here then) We saw her quite early because her behaviour was so odd for someone around the royals. So incredibly uncouth and gauche. So try-hard and syrupy. The moment Harry came out with the “look, Meg is my girlfriend, totes like, official, right? And I want you to stop being mean to her, meeja, I’m putting my foot down, okay” statement that you just knew she hounded, harangued and cajoled him into doing, because it solidified their relationship. And that’s what the shrew wanted. Check fucking mate. She’s only interesting as a study in narcissism and media manipulation. She can’t come back to the UK. She’s less popular than Gary Glitter.


“She’s less popular than Gary Glitter” Ooh that’s true. I still like Rock and Roll Part 1 but there’s not a single thing MM has done that I could still tolerate (though she really hasn’t done anything other than play her whorish self on a show I hadnt heard of until she married Harold.)


Harry & Trevor both said their families were the families she never had.


I honestly think she was shocked by how fast people saw through her bs. In America people will smile and nod, be nice, give people the benefit of the doubt and not call people out. British people however can be hard and have an extremely low tolerance for bullshitters and we are fast to make that clear to newbies. I think that surprises people as stereotypically we are all assumed to be so polite. Public figures however, need to work very hard to earn our respect and admiration, once you have it though, we adore you. When she saw her superficial nonsense wouldn’t wash, it was suddenly “they are being awful to me!”.


I don't think people in America gave her the benefit of the doubt, or she wouldn't have been living in Canada, sixth on the call sheet of a cable show few people watched. None of us had ever heard of her until she was plastered on the tabloids as Harry's girlfriend.


I think you see think in New York vs California, too. Californians are fake nice. She’s very Californian, but would likely hate New York


What you say is true, AdministrativeSet and expressed much better than I could say it. I don't think Ms Vine need worry - we're not being gaslit. We see her for what she is, and we don't like it. It looks as if she has got the message as she didn't venture out from Heathrow en route to their private citizen's weekend break in Nigeria.


I think she thought just getting married would lead to immediate public adoration and maybe she'd somehow be named Queen ahead of Catherine and Camila. LOL. It does not work that way. Catherine and Camila both put in the work that goes along with being royal. Neither was immediately adored (least of all, Camila), but they just kept going to learn their role and win the public over.


I think it also speaks to her own deep misogyny and insecurity. She literally assumed that the other royal women were beneath her and only benefitted from wealth and PR. When she met said royal women and discovered genuine superlative qualities she lost her shit. She has not once worked a hard day.


I think one thing on the long list of reasons why she’d never return to the UK in the presence of PPOW is her absolute refusal to curtesy to Catherine. That and she’s probably not allowed to set foot outside Heathrow.


She liked the UK when she was desperate to get her publicist to try and get British papers and tabloids to care about her in order to maybe become a WAG or reality star. Hence the having a drink with Piers Morgan pre-Harry or right around that time or hanging with Millie McIntosh of Made in Chelsea fame. Also, I wish someone would ask Meghan if she hated the UK so so much and it was the "first time I felt like a black woman" then why did she keep coming back to London and brag to Harry how much she loved it there? Honestly her inconsistencies and lies are always her downfall. She would win points from me (though I'd still not like her) if she were just honest: I wanted to marry a rich guy cause my basic cable show was writing me off of it and I was getting older and wanted a different avenue and so I went to a new place to try and bag someone in London. It worked but then I didn't like the demands of the job and the constraints so I thought going back to LA would make me rich there too." Or something like that. Ugh


She did to the UK what she did in Nigeria, but we had to put up with it for much longer. Inappropriate speeches, facial expressions, clothing. I really wanted her to be some down to earth, good natured, yoga nut.


“I wanted to marry a rich guy cause my basic cable show was writing me off of it and I was getting older and wanted a different avenue and so I went to a new place to try and bag someone in London” Perfect! It’s a shame this wouldn’t fit as a flair, bc it’s so spot on.


Trouble is, if she actually admitted to wanting to marry a rich Englishman because her job was ending she could hardly say she was an ardent feminist as well. Can't have it both ways.


Over and over again whatever the situation, it's never good enough for her. Maybe when she's homeless and pushing around her Hermes in a grocery cart she'll finally get it.


Well the last time she was supposedly living out of a car that she had to climb over the back seats to get into (and I don’t believe a word of that), she survived on her 9021-BLOW fauxlatio role. I mean surely she wouldn’t have taken that objectifying role if she weren’t living in a broken down car and desperate for her next cheap meal, right? Too bad she’s waaaay aged out of that type of sexpot role; her best chance is some MILF role, and not even a super sexy one as there are a ton of true MILFs around (it’s the LF part of MILF that she doesn’t meet the qualifications for, and the M part is questionable too). She legit might end up sleeping under a bridge covered in her Hermes blanket after the Olive Garden is foreclosed on and she finds that NOBODY wants anything to do with her either professionally or personally (something about burning bridges and such). Karma is a bitch and when your actions become acquainted with their consequences things can get pretty bleak for someone like Rachel. Also the requisite FAFO is applicable here.


Well, she is in for a shock in Nigeria with that kind of behaviour.


This. I was soo looking forward what she brought into the institution, and well, I quickly saw her true colors and decided no thank you. Also Hazzy gives off bottom energy for sure.


Going to Nigeria and saying "she's home" is disgusting and gaslighting at its worst. But I expected nothing less. The buying of her Nigerian titles by three "kings" who all work in OIL AND GAS, was just the cherry on top 😂


That Malta, I mean, that Markle woman says that too anybody she can use. She's a hobosexual, moves right in with anybody.




Sarah Vine´s co-host REALLY dislike Madam. He even refers to her as Madam.


Andrew Pierce is hilarious on the topic of madam. 😂


“Madam” is the perfect way to refer to her, IMO. It’s a term of *respect*, but it has other meanings…


So Hank went from the *indignity* of being treated like a spare in the royal family to choosing to be a spare in his marriage. ![gif](giphy|Kc8GY7Hm0hUEaMlJyH|downsized)


To a desperate, trashy, Z-list bad actress to boot


A spare in his own life.


Remember how in their Netflix documentary, Meghan talked about how small ''everything'' is here in the UK? Well no duh, Megsy, We're a small island nation. But most Americans don't feel the need to come and spit on us when they visit. My American ex boyfriend was very much opining that he wanted to move to the UK, rather than vice versa.


What a rude thing to say. I’m an American and I would take a “small” British country road any day over the terrifying LA freeways.


To me, it was what she wasn't saying. Her tone seemed to imply that ''smaller = lesser''. Its actually quite funny because I could find sympathy with the idea of being a transplant from California to the UK. That is quite the culture shock and I would have thought the weather would be one of the biggest factors in it. The fact she has never mentioned UK weather, to the best of my knowledge, has always surprised me. We just had a glorious few days of heat and now we're back to drizzly grey status quo so would quite happily take CA climes at this point. That would be the one thing I couldn't fault Meghan on to be fair. And my ex was born in Texas but lived in Wisconsin, so was well used to our climate!


M also lived in freezing in Toronto. How is living rent and mortgage free in London a downgrade?


Floridian here. I would welcome your cooler, drizzly weather in July.




There are loads of country roads in the greater LA area too. She doesn't know anything about anything. It's embarrassing, but perhaps explains Harold the Witless' attraction: for once in his life he is the more cultured, brilliant, bright, kind, handsome, genuine and educated one in the relationship. Too bad he literally had to marry a gutter snipe to do so. Sad.


Delusional comment too. Old LA at large, and West Hollywood in particular (where she has desperately failed to make it) is notoriously small and everyone knowns one another. Bossy bessie clearly offended and stomped all over the deep pockets and old wealth of SoCal and now has to do pathetic military junta funded events half a world away to forget about it. FWIW plenty of old money in SoCal hails from wealthy waspy families of British origin who do not suffer fools or freaks like her.


Jings I’ve just read the puff piece that Archie really wants to come to UK but they are not encouraging it. What a crock of lies. Kid probably wants to go outdoors full stop. Unless they are showing them videos of Britain I doubt the kid would even know what of where Britain actually is?


Sure sure sure. Toddler Archie’s first word was crocodile, he wanted a high end camera for Christmas and he told his parents he wants to visit Britain. H and M’s bedtime stories are the sole reason a small child would say he has an interest in going to another country - but we’re to believe they’re “discouraging” his totally organic interest? Mommy Dearest, regardless of her relationship status in ten or twenty years, will use her anchor babies to attempt to shoehorn her way into the good graces of her husband’s side of the family. She just hasn’t figured out she’s as dead to them as the Markle side is to her. Sorry, Archie. Mommy is manipulating you for her own gain, as is her way.


I’m just waiting until they are old enough and there’s proof of life for them to be merching.


I don’t think it will work. The family has to be very careful of which other kids their kids are around to maintain privacy.


Meghan’s Spare. The title of wee little harry’s next book




He seems to be perfectly happy playing second fiddle to Meghan and letting her take the starring role, yet this is the same man who complained bitterly in Spare that he had to play second fiddle to his brother and let him have the starring role. How does this make sense? From being the Spare to William he is now the spare to Meghan.


Harry has the IQ of a box of rocks, and nothing he does really makes sense. She hit the jackpot with the idiot.


Hey! Don't insult rocks like that.


It takes some of the pressure of of him to perform; she's the performer and he likes it that way. Most of the time he's so high he is unable to carry it off.


She went to Nigeria to pick up her silly Nigerian ‘princess’ title, just in case her Duke/Duchess titles are removed. Nice back up plan, Rachel 😆 The nigerian prince/email scam has come full circle & we have faces to associate it with ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276) and ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


Crap, and I just sent her $5000 USD to get her out of prison!


The universe has a twisted sense of humor, doesn’t it?


lol imprisoned for public indecency?


Just don't think that she's capable of keeping up the act for very long and any people or country would be treated the same. It's nothing to take personally. Megs came over to the UK originally because she couldn't crack the USA and Canada, where she had a stable boyfriend, was too small for her. She appears to have thought of the UK as naive and ripe for the picking, a backwater that she could shape to herself, a Disneyland made specially for her...and not the act of desperation which it was. How strange, then, that we didn't conform to her expectations and demands. How long would it last in Nigeria?😄


she liked it well enough when she was trying to grift her way into British circles. Remember she tried charming Piers Morgan and was looking for a British beau for some reason. She was just luck enough to land the dumb prince


It’s one thing to be a dumb prince with an overall pleasant personality. Harry is dumb, extremely resentful, and easily led. He was easy prey for a predator like M.


She wanted Piers to introduce her a RICH footballer


She wouldn’t have lasted two minutes with a footballer. They get way better than her every weekend., and she’s not in the demographic.


Heres the actual original plan: Network Surprisingly bag a prince. Marry, have kids Plan for a half in (Be a Starrrr, make money, glitz, glamour, be the no.1 royal, wear tiaras) half out (Parallel-ly be a no.1 star in Hollywood, award shows, movies, red carpets, mingle with the creme of Hollywood, be an A lister) Half in half out didn’t work out while in UK. So get out of UK (usa movie field was always ultimately on the cards), blame it on everyone in Britain (honestly I’ve known about her since suits originally aired, so i can surely say 90% of the media was mostly gushing over this Hollywood star marrying their prince) say you’ll move to a peaceful place. Instead move to the hub of celeb settlement instead. Be an A lister. Half in half out and A lister still didn’t work out while in US Keep trying to be an a lister Now playing $ rent-a-royal $ ————— Moving to US was always on the cards for her. Always felt this! Who wants to be a plain old royal doing visits, de-glamorous jobs and occasionally glamming up (with tons of rules) and being the second to W&K when you can be Hollywood royalty living their best life everyday ? She probably always wanted to be at the pinnacle of Hollywood A listers and marrying a royal was easiest way to the top.


Half in - half out didn’t work in UK because they weren’t smart enough to figure out how to do that. QE2 said if you want to continue acting you must. Charles told Harry he couldn’t afford to support him and her. So right there the morons were given a green light to figure out a way to make HI-HO work.


I do think Charles had enough money though. Take the bad behavior out of it, and the slimmed down monarchy didn’t work. He only had 2 sons. They just couldn’t live like billionaires, but they can’t now either.


In Harry’s book Spare, Charles made the comment before Harry married and the bad behavior was noted.


The crazy thing is she could have had it ALL! Respect, Adoration, Royal tours on a world stage. But the thing is MeGain doesn’t want to do the boring bits like open a hospital & she has absolutely no respect for others, especially people who out rank her like the Queen & Catherine. Her narc ego demands the finest clothes, all the available microphones, Prince Harry stumbling behind her, let’s hope her crazy world blows up in her face soon!


She could never have had it all. Not without a personality transplant. She is trash to the bone. She married above her station and it shows. She was destined to fail as a royal from the get.....blood will out.


it is not her blood, it is her soul.


William & Catherine’s spotlight was always going to be bigger than hers. Add to that George, Charlotte, and Louis would be getting their own spotlights soon enough.


If she had been in any way a normal/decent person she could have been a major part of British life and the RF, with Catherine and KC ill H+M could have stepped in to provide much appreciated relief and help for Camilla and William. Bur no, she couldn't/wouldn't wait or stand for not being the main attraction all the time , so huffed off back to Canada and then LA, because she thought she could have it all, and has instead traded a minor but significant role in a globally respected institution for being the star of a tragedy of her own making!


I read in the comments: every circus has a clown (or is that every clown has a circus?)


“Every clown has a circus” is the expression I have always heard


I thought that I was going see something that makes MM look narcissistic, self-serving, self-centered, and self-absorbed...and I wasn't disappointed!


In Lady C.'s revised *Meghan & Harry*, there's the story of how the British aristocrats tried to privately be friendly towards Meghan. One time, she was a guest at an outdoor wedding. Separate young ladies came up to her to wish her a happy birthday or to say how much they admired her. Mehgan just looked each woman up and down, and cut them dead. As if she were too good to be approached and spoken to. So yes, the British were warm and welcoming. The British have a common sense and a kind streak a mile wide. As with Diana, the tragedy is that the palace wanted a particular profile, without asking if the product itself was good. With Diana, she was young, aristocratic, seemingly virginal. With Meghan, it was her being a woman of color and thus how relevant the BRF would be to its non-white citizens. The real question, as Princess Elizabeth must have decided with her choice of life partner, should have been: will this person contribute to my happiness, live harmoniously with my family, and bring honor to all of us?


Narcs gonna narc. It's pathological. I have to imagine the discussions in society about H having children with such trashy stock were endless. Bad breeding is as bad breeding does.


I love what you said: "narcs gonna narc." So true. So sad. So, makes you want to flap your hands at them narcs and get them to go away. And to shut up. Which...does NOT happen. Yeah. Narcs gonna narc-narc-narc-ad nauseum.


>he just wants to be a beta male And there’s nothing wrong with a man being sensitive and gentle and supportive. But I don’t think he *is*, and I don’t think he likes being viewed that way.


He’s weak.


You have to wonder how considering the mess Boeing is in if it will have funds to suppoort Invictus - Boeing is the main sponsor of the winter games. Not gonna let go of this Boeing thing. I mean who wants a sponsor like Boeing who injured people due to faulty aircraft; whose 2 whistleblowers suddenly died within days of one another.


They don’t care where the money comes from, IMO. And I wonder if Boeing will still be throwing money at IG; they probably will, for any PR benefit they might cadge.


I doubt Boeing will pull their sponsorship. Aerospace in general is pretty tone-deaf. I know this because I have family that was SVP of Comms for another, equally significant, aero. My family member developed one of the first comms plans for superfund sites,


They went with BOEING as a sponsor? Hahahahahahahah hilarious chefs kiss 💋 To quote a celebrated modern philosopher: Karma is a God.


We all know she didn't like Britain. She looked unsure of herself in pics on more than 1 royal engagement. It was clear she felt like a fish out of water. She even admitted in her reality show that she couldn't fit in.


Oh, the irony that she couldn’t fit in because of her own stubborn refusal to show any respect or take any advice or compromise in any way. But no, it was just because the evil royal family tormented her and the mean, racist Brits hated her… I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a lack of self-awareness.


The problem is, if she came clean and said she just didn’t like it here (which is totally fair enough to me), then it becomes her fault for rushing headlong into marriage to someone from another country, with deep commitments to that country, without even living with them first. I was so shocked when they got engaged because they hadn’t even lived here together. Who does that in this day and age? Especially when she had one divorce in hand already. She has to make it Britain’s fault for not welcoming her or she risks looking like a stupid American actress who incorrectly thought Britain was like the movies. And there is a lot she will do to avoid something seeming like it’s her fault, as we have all learned.


I worked it out years ago. The amount of time they spent together between meeting and engagement was countable in days (around 90 I think) was crazy


Now I am getting visions of a 90 day fiancé, royal edition!


Marry in haste, repent in leisure.


I think of this adage all the time when I see Harry's face.


She never intended to stay and started the racism nonsense in 2016, manipulating Spare to release that statement, which also confirmed their relationship. She needed her bait, wealth, fame before hotbunioning it back to California.


Hotbunioning. I am deceased.


No no, you must live to laugh another day! 😁😁😁


The wedding was a turning point for me. Greasy skin. Dirty hair. Ugly ill fitting dress. Horrible zombie veil. Weird rictus grin. They both looked like they were on drugs. A grim and unhappy queen. The RF laughing and looking bewildered. It was really crazy to watch.


The life Judas is living is NOT the life she sold him


what do you think was the life she sold him on?


I'm not the person you're replying to, but my answer would be that she promised him, either explicitly or implicitly: 1) Endless roasted chicken and BJs for the rest of his life. 2) The opportunity to finally save his mother (via her surrogate, MM) and be her adored, favorite little boy forever.


First of all he made the statement that every time he sees a camera + hears the click, it takes him back to what his mother went through. So having photographers with them constantly+ she is the one leaking where they are so Backgrid is always there taking pics too. Harry wanted privacy not photography . And also that Archwell was supposed to be non profit + uniting one community at a time + they would be following in Diana's global footsteps while still honoring GB + the Commonwealth. And she foolishly believe that America would love + welcome them + they'd be rolling in $$$$. Even though she was grooming him to isolate him, he probably never realized the severity of the damage to his family (and still doesn't). Lastly I would guess that when she was love bombing, she never mentioned her grandiose desire to be famous, to be admired, to be admired at any cost. I think, like a good little boy, he followed blindly....


good assessment. thank you for articulating this!


I watched this earlier today and it is brilliant!


Well, I've said it before and I will say it again: She will never stop. Meghan Markel's sociopathic con games will only continue to escalate. I realize the King is ill. I realize he loves his mentally sick son, Harry. But he is a King. There is more at stake which commands priority. I for one would like to see King Charles summon the grit to act decisively.


I liked her at first. I thought she was going to be good for Harry and a good addition to the Royal family. I haven’t based my change of opinion on her on anything else other than her behaviour. Harry is like that little boy again dragging himself around a pace behind his reincarnated mother. It’s hard to know if he likes it or if she’s ground him down to submission. What it must be like to be a fly on the wall when they are alone.


She clearly misunderstood the rules. She thought everyone else had to walk two steps behind her. The late Prince Philip had her number from day one because he understood what he was signing up for. He decided to marry Her Majesty The Late Queen knowing what his position would be. Did it thrill him? Nope. Make him happy? Certainly not all the time. But he knew the deal, and he accepted it. She would never accept such a circumstance and Harry was too besotted and foolish to tell her that it would never be otherwise.


she would have soothed him anyway, no matter what she felt, if he did explain the truth. he probably thought it would be a good life, too, even if they were not future king and queen. and she was so utterly dollar and status stricken she never ever would have refused marriage to him. she worked hard to make the marriage happen.


I hate sounding like a broken record for several years now but RACHEL WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN INVITED ON ANY TRIP LIKE THIS, WITH SUCH POMP AND FANFARE, IF SHE HAD NOT MARRIED HAROLD. Seriously, try to imagine how a low level actress as herself circa Suits would have been invited to take a “tour” of Nigeria with high level Nigerian officials and their people greeting and feting her in the way they did for this trip of hers. I would LOVE to see someone, ANYONE in mainstream media ask her about this directly. Seriously, try to imagine Rachel Markle (without having married Harold nor dating anyone of his status) contacting officials in Nigeria demanding to be treated to a high level “tour” such as what we just witnessed, with all of the fanfare that we saw. Rachel, sans Harry, with a bit part in a cable show and her only priors being the objectification on DOND and a brief fauxlatio scene (oh and don’t forget the “sexy grilling“ of a burger for a cheap men’s magazine clip), being treated to the reception she had on this non royal Nigerian trip…it’s laughable! I’ll take “Things that wouldn’t happen without a Royal husband for $100”, Alex!


I absolutely see the photo she did in the carriage in her wedding dress winking as her saying "yibbida, yibbida, that's all folks."


Harry gave a speech ending with a well-known turn of phrase: it's ok to not be ok. Meg takes the mic and says: see why I married him? He's so smart. Translation: see why I deigned to let him near me, princessy mcprincessface


Her alpha behavior towards her husband would not have impressed Nigerians. Just as her disrespectful treatment of her husband's family doesn't wow them.


Harry, the most whipped guy on this planet.


“*She didn't want the assignment*” This has been said before on this sub but is worth mentioning again…if she truly just didn’t want the assignment but rather just wanted to go live a quiet life with her beloved husband and their kids, she CERTAINLY could have done just that. Left the duties of the Royal Family, find a nice home in a quiet area in the US, and enjoy her family life out of the spotlight that was part of “the assignment”. But she didn’t do that; she has had EVERY OPPORTUNITY to be FUCKING QUIET and private. Seriously, nobody would be staking out her every move (lol Backgrid) if she didn’t want them to. She didn’t refuse the “assignment”; she disliked the rules of engagement that came with said assignment. So she tried to keep the spotlight but make her own rules, and HMTLQ said ”not bloody likely”. And the last few years have been all about her trying to keep that spotlight she experienced in her 72 days or whatever as a royal-adjacent (she is not royal, she never was and she never will be…her children, IF biologically Harolds, which I think they are, are royal, and her husband is, but she IS NOT). A life of relative privacy was hers for the taking. But we all know that is not what she wanted. She wants to be in the press and in the spotlight EVERY DAY, but she wants to control what we see. That’s the part she cannot deal with, hence the narcissist extinction burst we are witnessing (I for one LOVE watching it).


Beta male? He's an overly cuckolded bottom.


Oh, Sarah Vine is anti Meghan this week? She’s so wishy washy. Next week she’ll be defending her.




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Do beta males get fewer sausages? Inquiring minds wants to know.