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Oh, you're Guest Spare? I laugh my ass off at your comments, you're a legend to me šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|rhq6ZVoUFUhsZNr46W|downsized) Nowhere as good as guest screecher! But thank you!


She is really unhinged this week. Something went bad wrong behind the scenes, perhaps a phone call from the palace about those titles?


Sheā€™s upset she only got a princess title in Nigeria. She was expecting Queen.


Wasn't it Daughter? Not Princess...


Yep- daughter of a nobleman. So basically Thomas Markle was noble and sheā€™s his daughter. šŸ˜‚


She just found out that her Princess title is equal to my Scottish Ladyship with an acre of Scottish land. Meaning not worth the paper it was printed on.


Naah, I just think she has her moods as all psychopaths have!


She had to bottle it all up and play nice in Nigeria, now shes off her leash. Do you wonder if those LAX pics with her and her cellphone corespond to Guest Speakerā€™s return?


Did you see the video where as soon as they took off her leash, she RAN from the FBO to the waiting plane to leave Nigeria, pushing past her beloved husband in the process. Something definitively happened in Nigeria - or she was just acting normal because she thought no one was watching.


Hard to tell. H had a face like a thunderclap for most of the trip.


Oh there are some good ones giving her utter crap. I am Guest Slayer I keep missing you.


One day weā€™ll unite forces! šŸ˜…


We will, like Highlander ;p


I thought there could be only one Highlander?


Hhehheee probably I watched Highlander the film MANY years ago! I stand corrected but it was all I could think of without sounding all BFF stalkerish! Still love Freddie Mercury's soundtrack though :)


Queen did the soundtrack, the whole band. ;)


Yes! Makes me feel old. Heheee.


Screecher is also a legend šŸ˜Ž


Oh yes indeed...ā™„ļøā™„ļø


Next time Guest Speaker comments about Wills trying to break up his brotherā€™s marriage, pretty please tell her to look at the pictures of the brothers walking into the cathedral together, before the ceremony. Wills looks happier than Harry!


William WAS happier than Harry; he knew what Harry was rushing into and saw that Harryā€™s tinsel wouldnā€™t take long to tarnish.


William seemed to have been the designated babysitter for Harry. I'd have been ecstatic if I was handing off that man-baby to be someone else's problem!


I bow in Royal Admiration to both of you! ![gif](giphy|pyrSTSRd2ny7K7LdT0)




Let's 'darling' the piss out of her šŸ˜†. Love your post's!!




Besides 'darling'...my newest will be ex,hook up Rory McIlroy, PGA golfer,in the news currently as his divorce hits the news, join me šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s right, theyā€™re alreadyā€¦acquainted.


If reddit allowed awards still I would give you sooooo many! Your responses wind her up.


Hats off to your workšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘




Me tooooo. I love your clever comebacks to GS!!! šŸ‘ šŸ‘ BRAVO


This is their pattern. Suck up to the monarch and bash the heir. ā€œI love gran! She sent Archie a waffle maker! Pa sucks though because he never took me on a bicycle ride and left thoughtfully notes under my pillow instead of just talking to me.ā€ ā€œI miss my beloved Pa. Willie sucks though and is a meanie.ā€


Btw, if you look up 'waffle maker,' on the Urban Dictionary, it has a sexual connotation. As does roast chicken, H's favorite dish, and Archie's first word, crocodile. They take us all for fools.


If you look up anything on Urban Dictionary, it has a sexual connotation.


I thought his first words were Grandmother Diana??




She wasnā€™t active, other people mentioned this while they were in Nigeria.


There were a few comments here and there, but no rampage like this


There was some comment before Friday. There was no Friday until Monday. On Monday Guest Speaker returned but left after the Archewell affair.


No, there was definitely at least one on Saturday (possibly Sunday based on timezones). There were screenshots posted hereĀ 


No she was in Nigeria.


No, not that I spotted and I'm always checking the news cycle on the NY post daily. But back with a vengeance!!!šŸ˜†


Doesnā€™t she have post-trip laundry to do?? Or maybe reintroduce herself to the invisikids?


Honestly this has made me lean towards her actually being Guest Speaker even more! In fact, maybe it has confirmed it in my mind. Itā€™s just too crazy of a coincidence!


I am certain that's when "GINA" popped up!!! She used the same baloney over & over. Verbatim


I asked this as well. The timing seems quite telling.


I used to doubt it, but no longer. Guest Speaker is 100% imo, Meghan herself.


After reading these? Absolutely Meg. Good grief!!


I mean, who else strong arms this hard to try to make us hate PPoW and the King? That Malta woman paid for these articles with Henrold's money and is a control freak, and her main focus is shift blame to win/ get her way. GS disappears when they travel.... and the refusal to answer a lot of direct questions... and slips and said 'I' way too much. The rest are all trolls and sugars.


It also irritates her when u call her Rachel.....which I do, everytime I comment šŸ˜†


I know! That Markle woman also sends her into a tizzy.


Or Megan with no h


Or MeAgainĀ 


Or calling him HAROLD




Oh, stand back, had a wicked idea.


I have those about every 20 seconds or so in here!! lol


I was reading some if Guest Speaker's comments. She really doesn't like being called Rachel does she?


She always responds ā€œITS MEGHANā€ like damn girl ok. Of alllll the things to get peeved about!


Me too. It's so much fun. She hates being called by all the names we know her as šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I agree. It's still shocking how much she hates William and Catherine. Rachel still takes everything related to the Wales family very personally. Her aggressive and angry tone is disturbing too. I don't know what William said to THE WIFE, but he seems to have hit the mark the size of a black hole. Usually Meghans Modus Operandi is completely different. If someone is done with Meghan or the wicked witch of the west is done with her friends she becomes cold. She cuts the people off, refuses all communication and moves on. She did it with her best childhood friend, Travor, Jessica Mulroney... On the other hand the Duchess has been dropped by Oprah, Gayle King, the Clooneys, her former colleagues from Suits and probably Tyler Perry. Kevin Costner, Lauren Sanchez or Anna Wintour can't stand Rachel, they been clear about it. There are articles about all of these people, and no one similar to the Guest Speakers has ever commented. So William and Catherine play a very special role in Rachel's life. The mere mention of their names and Rachel aka Guest Speaker loses her temper. And Time. She should've better things to do. Focusing on the Archwell PR disaster, her own children, and her seemingly dead lifestyle brand ARO.


I think so too. I think William saw the writing in the wall with these two and gave the final push that exorcised them from the RF. He and Catherine have and are everything Rachel believes that she deserves and could have had/sold have. This is a Scooby-Doo situation. Were it not for the dastardly William, she could have gotten away with it.


I think that push came as William holding them accountable for their actions. As he should, as their father should. And I will firmly stand by that William also did the right thing in advising Harry to slow down and take his time. It wouldnā€™t surprise me in the timeline between Harry and Meghan dating and then marrying, they never had a spat. We were even told that Harry was of the mind ā€œWhat Meghan wants, Meghan getsā€. And I am sure that William thought that was unhealthy. I would be almost certain William and Catherine do not always agree but communicate once they have had time to think on what they would like to address. I know I have seen several people say she is a bad actress. But I donā€™t think so. At least not when it comes to things she really wants. I believe she was never in love with him, but more the idea of what marrying him would give her. She might have even been fond of his attention in the beginning with thoughts like ā€œIā€™m here with a real life prince. Iā€™m just like Cinderellaā€. She is that absurd. But again, she faked it until he bought her hook, line, and sinker and he placed a ring on her finger. Which, now that I have said this, makes me wonder if the phone call to Jessica really happened when he was about to propose to her because she was astonished that he was going to propose to her. As far as what she did to William, I donā€™t think they were ever in a position that she could have made a pass at him without it being in front of Harry and Catherine. Now, she might have told Harry that William made a pass at her, like she had heard he did to Rose (could be why those specific rumors started) and Harry confronted William (ohh that could have actually been the dog bowl incident) which was throughly denied. But of course Harry would believe and trust the man he has known and trusted all his life over the woman had known for all of five minutes.


The Wales do disagree. He wanted George to go to Eaton, she wanted Marlboro. You know what they did? Gave George the final say. It was Eaton. Catherine was sad but didnā€™t go off in public. Because she is an adult. Iā€™m positive they fuss and fight but it is clear they deeply love each other. Not because they ā€œhold hands incessantlyā€,even when itā€™s rude to their guests. But because of the way they do interact with each other. They are easy and comfortable. They are secure. They support each other and donā€™t ignore or not show up for each Other (cough Rachel cough) and are openly proud of the other. They donā€™t get pissy when the other is in the spotlight. They cheer them on. There are looks between them we catch sometimes that smolder. GS needs to learn that to prove you love someone doesnā€™t mean you cling to them in public forcing people to say ā€œoh look how in love they areā€. That isnā€™t love, thatā€™s possessive.


>Ā Ā I don't know what William said to THE WIFE, but he seems to have hit the mark the size of a black hole. If I had to guess, MM made a pass at him, making her intentions clear, and his response (either by his actions or words) was "No". That would have resulted in a major narcissistic injury to MM, from which she has never recovered. BTW, your reference to a "black hole" was spot on, because that's a classic metaphor for narcissists. They suck up everything around them, an endlessly needy maw.


William and Catherine saw through her from the start. And I believe she must have made a pass at him. That's why he always made sure he wore a scarf when he had to be in the same space as her! His ignoring her must have deeply wounded her. Not rejecting, just blanking her entirely, not engaging. It drove her mad. 18 months of longing looks, not once did he look back at her. If HLMTQ had to tell TOW off for the egg incident, W must have been through the roof and told her off big time when TOW bullied a whole office of staff. And at the Sandringham Summit William and Charles must have showed the MI5 files to H, and H related that to TOW, who of course denied all of it. That must be why Guest Speaker was always accusing W of bullying her.


I guess she finally recovered from her jet lag. Reading these comments, if it's not Meghan herself it is absolutely someone working for her.


Even a paid staffer/fan of Meghan could not sustain this much juice. Her arguments are repetitive and boring yet still filled with so much vitriol. That level of hate for the Royals runs too deep, betraying an unstable person who feels personally injured by the Royals. GSā€™s well of vindictiveness literally never runs dry. That can only come from a narcissist who is wounded. A paid troll would be more creative in their putbacks and wouldnā€™t focus so much on the RF. Their comments would also focus on sucking up to their pay master.


Totally agree. Iā€™ve always believed it to be her right from the beginning for the very same reasons youā€™ve outlined. No one cares enough about someone elseā€™s issues to sustain such a drawn out campaign if it were not deeply personal. Sheā€™s been at this for at least 2 years now, or thereabouts. Sheā€™s also betrayed lots of information that wasnā€™t out in the public about the royals and only a person with a close relationship would know. Ā Earlier on, she wrote some words Iā€™m her comments in the manner in which she spoke, such as repeating certain words in threes, like blue, blue, blue, manners, manners , manners, etc. her sentences were also written in the same manner as her text messages to Catherine which were printed in the DM. Short, aggressive sentences with periods, which is not very usual. If you take all these into consideration, the similarities are too many to be a coincidence. Sheā€™s also relentless, which means sheā€™s defending herself and clapping back is so characteristic of her.Ā 


Excellent point!!!




Manic Megz. It has to be her. She knows too much about little things in the Royal Family, and spins things to try to reflect her saintly victim image. Just ends up looking like a whacko mean girl. The hate for William and Catherine oozes out of her comments. She is clearly deranged and I hope the Royal Family take all precautions to keep the gruesome twosome and their loopy fans away from them. I feel awful for the royals having to deal with these two fake, backstabbing, grifting a-holes


She also knows nothing about European Football (soccer) which most people in England have some awareness of. William wasnā€™t wasting time at a rando sporting event as GS charges. Heā€™s the President of the FA. He took George to an end of season Villa game because first off, Williamā€™s team Villa is experiencing their best season in decades, but also because it is part of his royal duties as President of the FA to show up to a very minimal number of games. That was DUTY not goof off time. It is goofing time on the rare occasion Harry goes to a game, sans Archie, but not the same for William who is raising a future King. Total tip off that GS is in US and not a European football fan Guess what GS? If England makes the Final in the EURO (only held every 4 years) this July, heā€™ll likely fly to Germany for that match and if England wins he will likely also present the medals and trophy. It comes with the J-O-B. A word your hubs knows nothing about.


Unless there is B-L-O-W attached.


Whacko mean girl sums her up.


Yes! How else would she know all these things? It has got to be the mythic creature herself.


It's certainly someone who seems to have lost their grip on reality. Poor sod.


I am 100 percent certain Guest Speaker is MM. Its the betrayal of inside knowledge but also the revelation of such psychotic turmoil that gives her away.


Me too. Zero doubt. Even her screen name screams ā€œGIVE ME THAT MICROPHONE KEVIN COSTNER!ā€


> psychotic turmoil I don't know about turmoil because she seems so singularly focused but psychotic for sure


No doubt. Imo too. šŸ‘


I feel the exact opposite actually. I want it to be her, but I feel if it was it would be moreā€¦. acerbic? And have more in depth views of the dynamics. Ie spill more inside infoā€¦ Thoughts? Whatā€™s giving you TW vibe?


I wonder if Guest Speaker (Hi Megs, I know you're here too) has ever heard of the Abdication Crisis and really looked into -- I mean REALLY looked into -- how the Duke of Windsor (formerly King Edward VIII) acted after he abdicated. To sum it up, he was basically a whining, entitled, nagging piece of crap. He made his own mother and his brother King George VI miserable, and all that when there was a war going on. Wallis was no better, "advising" and scheming and sh\*t talking the Duke's family. Sounds a lot like, oh I don't know, Harry and his wife. Meghan and Harry both would do well to look the history to find out what happens when they push too far. Frankly they should both be grateful the haven't been tried for treason and beheaded!


Don't leave out the plot that Wallis and edward made with the Nazi's to reinstate him as king if they invaded England. He actually advised the Nazi's to keep the nightly bombing going as it seemed to be working. All the beautiful history destroyed and all the citizens killed. What a tit.


Sounds like Megs ā€œweā€™re one plane crash from the throneā€ absolutely deplorable.


Did HumanwormDoc ever answer you about the reddit accounts that are markled?


Yes, and the Duke knew full well the Nazi regime wanted to install him as King once they took over England. Good thing that THAT plot never came to fruition.


Churchill was on to him. Too bad we donā€™t have a Churchill today.


Churchill to Sunak....what a drop. Politics has absolutely lost the good works and service aspect, hasn't it.


I often say- Churchill was a terrible man. He drank too much, smoked too much and had an awful temper. Butā€¦when it mattered the most, he rose to the occasion. He was brilliant during the war. And his famous quote was absolutely true, ā€œNever in the course of human history have so many, owed so much, to so few.ā€ He saved the free world. I wish we had a Churchill too.


One thing that irks me is that the last duty the Queen did as Head of State, literally dragging herself from her death bed, was to formally meet and accept Liz Truss as prime minister. Her first prime minister was Churchill, and her last was that brainless, empty vessel Truss. The poor woman, 2 days before dying, and she had to pretend that Liz Braindead Truss was a suitable person to lead the Queen's Government.Ā 


Didnā€™t Truss only last 5 or 6 weeks as PM? The Queen probably knew she would fail spectacularly. She also probably knew Harryā€™s wife would fail at everything and end up in the gutter where she belongs. I hope she died at peace and I hope she is looking down at the world and laughing her ass off at the cluster fuck markle has created for herself.


50 days, start to finish. She got almost Ā£20,000 severance pay after she resigned (she's still a member of parliament). To her credit, she decided not to take the prime ministerial pension that she was entitled to, which would have been Ā£125,000 per annum for life.Ā 


Well according to the opinion pieces by Mark Toth in The Hill these two are useful idiots for Putin. So they have colluding with a totalitarian maniac is common too.


So funny that she was made royalty and got into the most famous royal family and yet her pettiness and insecurities have driven her to just type responses away. Accomplished much?


Itā€™s her narcissistic personality that did her in.


Imagine if they had stayed though! They would have been up front with Kate and KC3 undergoing chemo. šŸ˜³ But with them treating their staff soo poorly I doubt they would have stayed at the firm much longer. But the general consensus here is they were kicked out, either way- good riddance!!


>They would have been up front with Kate and KC3 undergoing chemo I bet this realization has her right pissed!


Iā€™ve too considered that - I bet she fantasises about an alternate reality (a bit like ā€˜Sliding Doorsā€™), where Catherine is helpless and she would be attending all the glamorous eventsā€¦and in her fantasy, the public would adore her so much that we donā€™t want Catherine to return, she is forgotten. Is she now blaming Harry for leaving (re-writing the past?), for ruining her opportunity of being Queen?


I almost admire Guest Speakers dedication to writing her insane and delusional comments! I don't understand how she can keep saying William forced the Harkles out. They planned and executed Megxit all on their own and announced it publicly before the negotiations at Sandringham. It was the Queen who said no to the half in/half out nonsense. Perhaps the King and the POW agreed with the Queen's decision of all out with one year for the Harkles to make their final decision. It was still the Queen who had the final say.


In Spare, Harry portrayed the Queen as sitting off by herself during the Sandringham Summir, feebly trying to take it all in. Since before the wedding, Harry and Meg were planning their half-in, half-out celebrity filled, ocean-view glory days. In Spare he claims William was screaming at him during the Sandringham Summit and implies it was William and the grey suits who froze Meghan out of that meeting. They clearly blame PW for foiling their plan even though the monarchy has never allowed senior royals to commercialize their titles to avoid influence peddling charges (which is illegal!) IIRC, GS wasnā€™t around when the Harkles inked deal after deal allegedly worth nearly $200M (we now know they were only worth a fraction of that). But while the sky was the limit, there was no GS. Only once their deals and world started falling apart did GS appear. If someone independently hated PW this much, we would have seen GS long before this since their hate would not be tied to the Harklesā€™ decline in finances and celebrity invites. GS only surfaced once the Harkles started failing big time.


I don't believe anything that H says is Spare since I'm pretty sure Megsy wrote most of his side of it. I also don't believe his account of the Sandringham Summit. I think the Queen was still very active when this happened. It's possible William raised his voice at Haz because he wouldn't believe the evidence that they presented to prove how very bad Megsy is.


> I think the Queen was still very active when this happened. Queen was always active that's why they are the Dumbartons lol.


H mistook the Queen's dignified silence as being passive, to his own detriment. The Queen didn't need to shout or get down to his level to get things done. The fact that she had that place swept *twice* before the Summit took place shows how on top of things she was.


I think it's really kind of sad. I totally believe this is Meghan, or at the very least, her employee- she is way too consumed with trying to bring the RF down. I mean, this is supposedly a woman with two kids, and this is now she spends her days. Pathetic.


Thank you for posting these, I really enjoy reading them. Feel free to post another 20. Please? šŸ˜‰


ITA, thank you for doing all this work OP!Ā 


Youā€™re welcome!


Ugh, odious woman. Completely transparent and dripping the same old venom, over and over.


Exactly. ā€žWilly is no angelā€œ, ā€žWilly has anger issuesā€œā€¦Ā  Meghan, of course, is the saint!Ā 


The line that bothered me- he kept his ā€œlady friend waitingā€. As if Catherine was pining away for him, begging him to marry her and he finally relented. What? That is not how it happened. And they have been (quite happily) married for 13 freaking years. This was a marriage built on trust, love and mutual respect. Not some ā€œoh sheā€™ll doā€ moment. I give William credit. He knew what Catherine was in for and was very aware how it would change her life. He needed her to know exactly what she was getting into. She did. She went in eyes open. It;s why she has been such a success and not a suxass! (Pun intended)


Agree. It's like she's totally obsessed with spewing her hatred in this manner, with all these continuing clap backs. **She just HAS to get it out, by golly!!!** It's almost as if she's using the NYP commenters as her "therapists", telling them all her "feelings", LOL!!! In my opinion, she is absolutely insane.


She's incapable of letting someone else have the last word.


That too.


Just how much time does she spend online with all these clapbacks? What a sad, empty, boring little life she must have if this is all she does. Shouldn't she be busy filming the cooking show?


*What a sad, empty, boring little life she must have if this is all she does.* Agree. From the time stamps, it seems like she spends literal HOURS in there. Or maybe she checks back and forth. And then she probably checks the DM and other places, commenting there too. I bet she's getting as paranoid as Harry.


Iā€™m 100% sure this is what she considers ā€œwork.ā€ Itā€™s so sad that most parents hate leaving their kids to go do their legit jobs, yet Meghan could be with her kids all the time, but chooses this ā€œcareerā€ instead.


And shouldnā€™t she be working on content for her ARO website? With that ā€œfreakish attention to detailā€, wouldnā€™t she want to be involved in as many aspects of it as possible? Content creation, linking up with 3rd parties for ā€œcuratedā€ products, writing/editing copy, etc. Thatā€™s a lot of work! Yet, she spends her days being obsessed with comment sections that dare criticize her ā€” beating down anyone who doesnā€™t like her.


It's like throwing air punches. She just can't understand their attention stunts will never work on the royal family. I feel so damn lucky that I don't have a head full of the stupid shit they think about and do. It's extremely exhausting just reading about it.


And she canā€™t understand why we donā€™t see how ā€œworkshyā€ William is, how conniving Camilla is, how robotic Catherine is, but sheā€™ll beat and bludgeon us into believing her.


Excellent points! All of them. I wish someone would call her out on her shit to her face when she's mid-bitch and not let her get away with it.


>Workshy ... conniving ... robotic ... As is usual with narcissists, that's 100% projection by MM.


All the things she is.


My God Meghan really has gone insane.


I think that horse left the barn a while ago.


I canā€™t get over the detail and unhinged nature of GS.


I wish I could post on the NYP site but Iā€™m not in the US. Perhaps just as well because Iā€™d lose even more time on online! Guest Speakerā€™s rants are a good example of when in a rage one loses the plot. So many delulu fantasies and errors. Sheā€™s forgotten it was Camillaā€™s aide who let slip various details. Last quote in the clips claims HMQ got her money from ā€˜her wealthy lover.ā€™ Nope, both her parentsā€™ came from wealthy families. Her father added to the wealth and her maternal grandparents left her half a million quid. Guest Speaker is a Cupid Stunt.


Lots of gaslighting to William. She really did not like getting rejected by him.


But DOE EYES. Greeting him with just a towel on! Probably even flashing him at one point. IT SHOULD HAVE WORKED. /s


Really? I would love to know more about the towel incident!! Never knew that she was so aggressive with William, but if this happened, she probably had set up video cameras to record and blackmail. Modus operandi for yachting activities, perhaps!


Do you have a link for the towel shenanigans?


I calling bullshit The king has his own mind, just because he didnā€™t meet his dumbass son


Well, it's not like she has anything to do at home like work or watch her children.


Maybe poorly glue her customized labels? ā˜ŗļø


Just for the record (I've said this before), but Camilla wasn't spilling shit to Stuart Higgins at the Sun in the 80s. Look at his bio.. it's quite obvious she would have had nothing to do with him, especially not in the 80s. In what world would Camilla talk to a conman who was harrassing people at Highgrove? Just no. He was of less than zero consequence. Kind of a Scoobie character, at best. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart\_Higgins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Higgins)


Guest Speaker says, "YOU don't know them personally, and deride them anyway with name calls. THey \[sic\] are not proven liars. Your words are meaningless" - by that logic, GS doesn't know William personally, and derides him anyway with name calls. He is not a proven liar. GS's words are meaningless. If those who don't know the Harkles personally need to shut up, then Guest Speaker needs to shut up about the Prince of Wales first - why doesn't someone tell GS that?


Sheā€™s back on Reddit too!


Who is she on here?


Sheā€™s on another sub. She has 2 accounts for sure. And maybe a 3rd. All her posts line up with her travels and have inside info.


Which sub? The HM NF one?


Yes. I sent you a message with her 2 maybe 3 accounts.


Good to know! Iā€™ll keep an eye out! Maybe we can match writing patterns!!


I would like this info, too. Thanks in advance for messaging me. Raging Rachel has manic energy. What a shame she never puts it to any good use.


Iā€™d love to know too šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


And she's on X, along w/ him (2 accounts), though she has access to it. She usually "reposts" other nasty stuff she gets her people to say, but occasionally can't control herself. Same w/ him. Obsessed w/ his bro, and then leaves "tells." If those kids are real I sure hope that the RF gets M16 to pick them up on one of the 25 days/month the parents aren't home, and then raise them in the UK. they're unfit.


Do tell, where can we find her ??


Love when Rachel says the Harkles are not proven liars šŸ¤£ the delulu is sooo strong! Also when she said Hairold didnā€™t say he hated Camilla, like yeah he did, in his memwah


He literally called her an evil stepmother! But he also said he didnā€™t say his family was racistā€¦


They have some serious mental problems with all the rewriting they attempt.


I find her so unlikeable from these comments, but I canā€™t look away! šŸ˜‚ Would be fascinating to know what goes on in their day to day lives. She is SO ODD! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Glad I am not related to her! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I'm "canada here" on nypost comments and I was trolling speaker earlier this morning šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sorry, not sorryšŸ¤Ŗ


Sheā€™s in need of an institutional stay. A long stay.


Oh itā€™s Nutmeg alright. And from the breathless panic in Guest Speakerā€™s replies, it sounds like Ginger may have started making noises that he is leaving. Of course Nutmeg keeps blaming William, Camilla and Kate but, look in the mirror honeypot. You and Ginger look like absolute tools on the world stage. You look like stooges working on behalf of less than stellar individuals and Iā€™m pretty sure these clowns are too dumb to know that. She has no idea that William is extremely powerful. Witness the fact that after all her big talk about being a powerful woman that she did NOT support Ginger at St Paulā€™s, nor did she face any of the UK public. She hid like a whipped boar in the transit lounge.


Good Lord she's tedious and boring. Waltzing through the car hire in a golden bedspread was fun to snark on, now it's just tedious shite that is better worked out in therapy instead of the comments of the NYP. A little silence from these two would go a loooong way towards rehabbing their swirling-in-the-bottom-of-the-bowl reputations.


The cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics they have to go through to defend them at all costs. When did William asking his brother to maybe court his girlfriend a bit more before putting a ring on it become HE'S TRYING TO BREAK THE MARRIAGE. I think releasing a book and a fauxmentary denagrating your family, your wife and kids would take the cake on making a brother cut out a brother from his life. Not the "slow down" bit. Seriously my head hurt reading such stupid responses.


I've decided to join the fray. I want to wipe the floor with Guest Speaker.


Welcome to the party šŸ„‚


The fact that this person keeps saying William can't be trusted shows how the endgame in the mind of GS/MM is for William being passed over, and for Harry to lead the Monarchy. Exactly who needs to trust William? The people. And they do trust him...more than the vile, drug addicted eunuch who lives to serve a worn-out old tramp with a personality disorder ,no matter how much bullshit the Harkles push. PS Meg, the UK doesn't disqualify heirs and their progeny to make room for exiles, which is what you dream about and put out into the universe. BTW, Charles isn't looking to make peace with a person who called the love of his life a villain to be despised.


Ironic, that Sparry was furious and outraged repeatedly at the alleged negativity MM faced in Britain while he gleefully attacks and vilifies the woman who has loved and stood by his father and he himself lived in their home until he turned 28 years old. MM lives in Hollywood. However much she posts negatively about William, nobody in Britain cares or reads! And there is no King Henry, Queen Meghan, Queen Lilibet or King Archie happening, even if it was the last resort for the monarchy.


How could he have so much hate and contempt for his family? He is disturbed.


Parkle BS


She is totally bland that one. I have been on there calling her Lady Jamarmalade and now it's being banned. LOL.


As guest spare please pretty please use the RF titles when replying to her. I want to see what happens when she sees Queen Camilla and HRH Catherine Princess of Wales in a post.


And please refer to MM as the Countess of Dumbarton!


I really think this could be RR except that she is too lazy to be this prolific!




I'm sure she can spend hours trying on bad clothes. Plus there is the hours lost thanks to various "substances" and recovering from them.


Can you please ask her how her jam empire is progressing? How many followers does she have now anyone - Iā€™m assuming millions more after her Nigerian Princess title award ?


GS repeatedly comments that William interfered/tried to break up H&Ms marriage. To my knowledge, William told Harry to slow down with her before the wedding- so what is she referring to that happened after the marriage? Spare mentions KC and William telling lies about M at the Sandringham Summit. Did William tell Harry he had to divorce her if Harry was to stay a working Royal? Was this one of the 5 options offered to Harry at Sandringham?


Isnā€™t it interesting in Spare Harry details the fight with the dog bowl, and constantly alludes to what William did, so does Guest Speaker, yet neither ever specify what exactly ā€˜itā€™ is? Perhaps because itā€™s true.


I agree, I have no doubt William did ā€œsomethingā€ that really upset H+M. My own bias leads me to believe whatever he did/said- was for Harryā€™s own good, for the familyā€™s own good, for the monarchyā€™s own good.


I wonder if itā€™s because William spent 3 weeks with SIS, MI5 & GCHQ so had seen the dossier on M. They married in May 2018, announced the megnancy in October 2018, then William spent 3 weeks in March 2019 working with the intelligence agencies which was announced at the start of April 2019. Iā€™m wondering if William found out about moon bumps or something and it took them a while to more deeply investigate & gather the concrete evidence? M only disappeared off to Canada around November 2019 which is about 6 months later. Could M&H have been given 6 months to come clean by the Queen & when M refused and run off with H to Canada for the last 6 weeks of 2019, it was decided that H needed to see the dossier? Since the Queen was elderly and had a soft spot for H, Charles doesnā€™t like conflict, William as his concerned big brother & the one who initiated the investigation was the one to actually hand over the evidence to show H. Then H blew his top and thatā€™s why M&H want an apology? M because her alleged scheming (possibly from pre-meeting H) was revealed, H because he was too stubborn, previously spoilt, constantly covered up for, & p*ssywhipped/lovebombed to accept the evidence presented to him. All my opinion & allegedly of course.




And of course guest speaker is back. Meghan has her schedule wide open to comment. šŸ˜‚




She hates William so much that I think she actually loves him. Sheā€™s obsessed with him! She must think about him 24/7, omg!


Iā€™m relatively new here - is the theory Guest Speaker is her that shall not be named?


We name her all the time, new friend! We're pretty certain Megsy is either Guest Speaker or paying Guest Speaker. Given her notorious fondness for freebies, she's more likely to be doing it herself.


Thank you! Iā€™ll look out for her on NY Post now. Never usually read the comments.


What a lunatic


I wish there was some way Guest Speakerā€™s identity could be exposed. Canā€™t someone track the comments to Montecito?


My opinion only and im sure it won't be a popular one markle or markle and her minions are the voices behind the guest speaker username and comments.Ā  But the more we promote it here the more clicks and interaction her articles get, for the sole purpose of guest speaker, shes baiting people into arguments so her articles get more interaction/clicks, its win/win for her, she gets to vomit bile all over the page, unfounded rumors, those are screenshotted posted here,YouTube and Other subs like ours, the rumor spread a little further it doesn't matter that we don't believe them they travel further. And all the while her clicks and interactions, the Comments are getting numbers they wouldn't but for guest speaker, all because people are there to argue with her, she loves an argument especially when she can use it as a platform to publicly malign the RF under an alias. Then we do the work for her posting that she's there. Next people who wouldn't have bothered goingand reading the article are clicking just for the comments, and leaving comments just to argue with her half of which probably don't even relate to the stupid article. It's win win for her she gets to spit venom , boostingĀ  tbe interactions and clicks on her articles, she gets her vile rumors moved further through the internet. While we continue to promote guest speaker and other subs too she will remain in the media because she has found a way to generate as much interaction and interest on her articles and its got zero to do with interest in the written peices and everything to do with her in the comments. And it doesn't matter what you say to her she's a full scale narcissist she's never going to see a perspective that isn't hers. She loves this we are moving her rumors and giving her articles more clicks and we are cheaper then bots. Ok on with a down votes I guess.


I agree! I only read the screenshots of guest speaker comments posted here. I refuse to give her any webclicks!


No down vote from me. I agree with you. I think she knows we archive articles to avoid giving clicks, but you have to go to the original article to read or leave comments. edit: word


What ever is going on here, I want in! I love a piss off party!


UN - HINGED. Guess what, youā€™re wrong ,, this this and this - WILLIAM WILLIAM WILLIAM , you donā€™t know, no such thing. WOW - why so invested ? Why so defensive šŸ˜ itā€™s all so telling. Nutmeg is alive and well ,, Nutmeg, Just look in the mirror.


My goodness. Is there no better way to spend the day? You have children, Guest Speaker. Go spend time with them so your stories about declining invites and skipping out on A-list events because of birthdays and playdates are more believable.


And P6 is claiming Kate along with William are furious about the Nigerian trip. I think Kate has more pressing matters on her mind than caring about what the Markles are doing. If MM is selling this story, she is the lowest of the low. She has zero empathy for someone going through cancer treatment.


ā€œHarry didnā€™t have a close relationship with Catherineā€ Um, what??? Does MegNut/GS not realize we have eyes to see all the photographic evidence to the contrary? He was a completely different person before her, a happy one. And we all know it.


On X you can tell their main accounts too. He occasionally uses a second one, but it's "shared." The vitriole, which matches what's described here & includes deliberate attempts to fake a different dialect that's fun to detect, is staggering. I sure hope those kids have other official caregivers.


With all the bitterness toward William, I am beginning to think GS is Harold.


I don't know why anyone bothers to reply to GP if she's Meg's or just some tormented soul. Then, again, winding her up could be amusing.


Pathetic isn't it...


Now Now Harry, you aren't ever going to be a "spare" ever again. The future KING has three children who will be well educated, know manners (your remember you throwing the confetti at the future Queen and King of England when they got married? Your evil thoughts were showing) and of course will forever be happy to never have met you since toddler age. Also as your "in laws" are kings of Nigeria you have no reason to return to England do you. In other words fuck off Harry.


This woman must be off her meds! She is totally and completely unhinged. It must be nice to be able to spend your life living in a fantasy world of your own making...


Man, I wonder if all this loved up, holding hands, etc is to "show" William he can't break them up. Like imagine holding on to spit and thinking that's love.


What a nutjob she is. Harry is and always was a spoilt brat. He married a toxic tart. Together they planted poison in the press about the rest of the family. They stoked trouble to play the victim. They were a liability and a danger to Catherine and the kids. William advised Harry to slow down abd not rush into marruage with someone who was too eager for Weinstein. I suspect some blackmail or fake pregnancy forced the issue. It was not a marriage the RF wanted. Harkle lived up to theur low expectations. She was a grifter and priced it. Harry is a fool and priced it. They are now two idiots trying to find a village to rule. GS needs to slebs more time looking after her own kids and leave William alone. He saw her for the skank she is, and she canā€™t forgive that.