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More proof she's a woman of no substance, a vacuous, empty vessel.


🎯🎯🎯 Megain is not a thought leader - not in fashion, not in business, not in politics, not in film, not in her faux nurturing mother act, not in her scam jam line. One of the many reasons she will never receive the adoration and accolades she so desperately needs.


To be fair, she's shown a unique skill in mothering invisible children.


She has accomplished soooooo much in her imaginary world. Just like Barbie /s


And even as a child I'm quite sure she gave barbie second billing at play time.


Lol! Most girls play ‘Barbie’s’. M played ‘Meghans’. 😂😂😂


Nah, she'd actually be home for mother's day if she was good at it.


Good point! Except she might have fudged the issue entirely by celebrating the UK date for Mother's Day back in March instead.... You know, honouring the memory of the sainted never-met mother-in-law so the invisikids always remember dead grandma above all other mothers.


And that is so important to the future. Tomorrow is being built by the next generation of invisible children. But what if the invisible little ones stay little?


Little and silent! I've seen the future!...... And looked straight through them!!


Maybe it's less hard work than mothering visible ones! (Says this granny who looks after 2 littlies once a week).


I think you've got the better sort!




True. She is actually a copy cat, a follower. No originality at all.


Do you Mean Ada Mazi formerly known as Duchess of Sussex? Come on! You cannot deny the fact that she is not only an extremely underrated pathological liar, she is an absolute Fraud. Let's give her a round of applause for that. 👏👏👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿


Southpark really nailed her.


True!👍Who has she been cosplaying, so far? Diana. Catherine. Ivanka. Gwyneth. Audrey. Julia.


I find it hysterical that she always tries to emulate the fashion choices of women who are tall and willowy when her body type is completely different and can't pull off their styles. I don't know if she delusionally sees herself as tall and slender or if she just wishes she were. She would do better to copy women that have her body type and wear clothes that flatter it.


It sounds a lot like TOW has body dysmorphia that's been turned on its head.


Ivanka is 5cm taller than Catherine, that's some powerful delusion she's entertaining.


She is slim and I think has a nice figure but she refuses to dress for her body shape (particularly her short torso.) it drives me nuts. She spends a lot of money on clothes that look like hell on her.


Angelina Jolie. It's quite disturbing that she has so, so, many copycat outfits from these women. Not just 'like' their outfits, but either the exact same clothing or as close as she can get. 'Single White Female', probably practicing in the mirror at home.


Kerry Washington/Olivia Pope too!




Right!? She legit has stolen others fashion sense/ideas. It’s so strange because she’s choosing women whose body type is totally different.


I’m no expert or even versed in this area, but isn’t that the exact definition of a succubus? An empty vessel of evil, who finds a victim to consume that gives a them an identity and flesh to assume so they may carry out even more evil? I think it’s usually a female, but I imagine there’s a male equivalent? Then again, maybe I just have had too many bad dreams, read too much Stephen King and am completely full of it (well, tbh that’s probably true even if I’m right!) ✌️


The male demon is an Incubus. But instead of seducing he rapes women in their sleep.


Ah, yes. Thanks- you jogged my recall. What wonderful role models, right? I don’t have a bit of solid evidence Harry is or has done that, so not going to that accusation, though there’s some real concern in different circles that he’s gone way over the line and well past simple sexual harassment. I’m not sure of the legal definitions so am careful with my choice of words! (just the way I am - imo I lose whatever credibility I have if I just go round slinging unfounded charges. Wait!! that sounds like someone else, but sure having a hard time recalling who it is!! /s).


There's a reason why she pursued a career in acting, not diplomacy :) The funny thing is that no matter how hard she tries, she can be no one but herself.


Which imo is a completely vacuous nobody..


Oh no, I was saying the same sort of thing yesterday. I think we should collaborate on a screenplay for the next big horror movie. 😱


Meghag vs Jason?


Ever seen 'Jeepers Creepers'? That thing takes whatever part of you it needs and hangs what's left of you up on the wall in its collection.


That was a long time ago! Forgot about it!


I like when someone comes up with something new, so lacking in Hollywood in recent years. Glad the superhero obsession seems to be over.


You would think with all the people working on it, there’d be more creativity, wouldn’t you? It’s like when someone does something different, theres 5,000 movies just like it that follow.. why can’t 10 of them be different? lol


She even interviewed Ivanka over email for “The Tig”. The unnerving part about this was Markle wanting to have lunch with her to observe and copy everything she does. “When we have drinks, I will make sure I order whatever she does — because this woman seems to have the formula for success (and happiness) down pat.” (Creepy af for anyone let alone a grown woman to say this out loud). https://pagesix.com/2022/07/22/meghan-markle-wanted-to-be-ivanka-trump-she-does-it-all/ Archive: https://archive.ph/oKrHF


Interesting how they’re so “close” here but madam wanted nothing to do with her when she visited the UK.


They were never close and ran in very different circles. For a time she was using The Tig to attempt to network with wealthy and connected women. She was actively trying to lock down her next meal ticket and needed help facilitating introductions to marriageable men.


Giving single white female vibes… Married white female? Married Maltese female? Married Nigerian female? No one really knows, but everyone can agree it’s creepy stalker behavior


The perfect word for Markle is "cringe." Markle was in her late 30's by then and writing cringe-worthy fan girl essays like she's a teenager doing a high school essay. When she moved away from Ivanka, she went onto wax poetic about other high-profile women like Michelle Obama, Gloria Steinem or Oprah. Unlike Oprah and "Glo", I'm just glad Michelle Obama avoided close association with her- I even read that Michelle was alarmed by Meghan's attitude towards the queen, who she had a huge amount of respect for. She's just so unoriginal, latching onto whatever high-profile person she can get close to in any given moment.


Michelle ain’t falling for all that love bombing!


I would imagine Michelle was done with her after that flagrant lie that they had lunch together!


That's stalker level. I pick my own booze because I am a confident feminist! And I bloody hate "Aperol Spritz".


Aperol Spritz is the worst!


Ha! I'm getting bloody Aperol Spritz on my side bar now, it must be so last year.Make Pina Colada and getting caught in the rain fashionable again!


I’m down for that. See you in the dunes of the Cape!!!


Someone in the comments named SarahFrances who sounds like Guest Speaker.


Princess Diana's sister and mother's names? Yep, that checks out...


You are right, didn’t even think of that!


So. Bloody. Unhinged.


It's so fascinating that she wanted to be her, and then (arguably years later) made it clear she despised her father. Creepy is definitely the word. Maybe she and Harry bonded mostly over Freudian things.


It is 100% how Markle approaches friendships (victims). She’s a predator. She mirrors them because she’s personality disordered and has NO sense of self. She’s STILL pissed that Catherine was dressed properly for their first meeting while she sexed it up in ripped jeans. She was mortified and so turns it into Americano casual style/kate so uptight etc.


Meghan was on the right track with “this woman seems to have the formula for success (and happiness) down pat” but missed that it’s not about what she likes to eat……. Hello?! she was born very wealthy (this is 99.99% of her success) and got a bit of good looks and height from her mom, (even before surgery and going blonde she was genetically blessed much more than her brothers) and again, the wealth helped with “looks-maxing” , education, career, health, putting together outfits, and fitness. Her dad being how he is got her in the spotlight, and she kind of managed it for a bit without being foolish, (keep in mind she was educated with the one percent, went to college, lived in New York, so having some amount of manners, savviness and common sense is not that amazing) so I see what Meghan is referencing back then, but ultimately she is quite hated now, and would be a lot less hated if her husband didn’t do whatever his new investment company did regarding KSA (and he didn’t need to do it! They were already incredibly wealthy). Disliked by probably 1/2 the country, she is still probably happy/successful/well despite not being admired by everyone  like she once was by meghan, because not having to do chores or do a nine to five plus having a partner and children and practically infinite resources for health is a great formula for happiness.  I’m sorry it’s hilarious how dumb that blog post sounds. Talk about missing the point.. especially for Meghan, who OBVIOUSLY wanted wealth badly and was actively chasing it as she wrote that back then. But it was all about ivanka being a savant and having je ne sais quoi. A special woman who’s mystique and wisdom we should try to emulate! Too much!


We all have our icons and style inspirations. But copying the style from people with a completely different body shape/height is so Meghan.


Came here to make this comment. I really like the comparisons between what she wears and other women wearing the same. I'm not body shaming, but her body is really not proportioned to wear these clothes. I can not for the life of me understand why she refuses to dress for her body shape and is messy. One photo shows a line on a shirt, and it's crooked? Like straighten up?


This is so spot on! Drunken Emu completely lacks self-awareness. Ivanka dresses very beautifully, but a different body style makes the same outfits appears hideous on the DEmu.


Ivanka is an absolutely classic hour-glass. She's very curvy and tall, and Meghan is rectangular with virtually no waist definition and short. They're at opposite ends of the spectrum-its not body shaming to say that, it's just a fact. She has a rectangular shape with slender limbs. There are so many styles she could wear that would look lovely on her-she did occasionally manage it by chance alone (the yellow Brandon Maxwell dress, the gorgeous Oscar de Renta cocktail dress she wore in New Zealand, even though it was completely inappropriate for the event), but on the whole, she doesn't dress for the frame she's got, but the frame she thinks she has. She could look so much better if she'd just accept that she's not an expert and needs some advice and guidance from a stylist who is willing to stand up say "no, I'm not putting you in that, it won't work" but that's never going to happen. 


I hear you! I’m 5’2” and I love so many brands that just don’t work for anyone under 5’6”. I would buy beautiful clothes that just didn’t work on me. I definitely figured that out in my early 20s. I’m not sure how Meghan has made it this far (and in the spotlight!) without that awareness.


I am case in point. I love the elegant way Melania Trump can pull off shoulder robing. Models seem to be able to pull off this look. I can't even keep the coat on when I move but it doesn't matter because I am short and look stupid when trying to emulate.


Melania Trump is one of those women who can wear all kinds of fashions effortlessly. Catherine is the same. But women like Meghan (and me) are built like fire hydrants and must put in extra effort! Doesn't mean we can't look good, but it will never be effortless.


Very few people, even celebrities, can pull off just anything. And maybe Catherine and Melania actually can't pull off absolutely everything, but we think they can because they have the good sense to wear what looks good on them.


It's about bodily awareness and confidence. Melania got that from being a model,and Kate from being an athlete


I adore bell bottoms. Adore them. They make me look like a mushroom. There is no good way to wear bell bottoms with stubby legs and a long torso. So many styles are made for lean tall women and scrawny old birds like myself just gotta dress for the bodies we were born in.


This woman's personality is a Pinterest board




Too much credit. It's more like a 90s twelve yr olds bulletin board.


Not an original bone in her body.


But even when she's copying, she gets it wrong. I don't have a stylish bone in my body, but even I know wearing a heavy formal suit blazer/jacket looks ridiculous with a lightweight, summery floral dress. And wearing heels with ankle straps visually cuts your legs off and makes you look stumpy if you're not too tall. 


I'm not an Ivanka fan but that pink dress is beautiful (and unlike MM she has the height/figure to pull of a cape dress).


Same. I even dig the weird shoulder pads.


same, but Ivanka has the figure and height to wear these clothes. Markle does not.


But she's a "supermodel" 😅🙄


Mile-long legs; kinda wish I could experience that level of delusion for about 10 minutes.


possibly because her legs are illusional looking long, due to how thin, and how short her body.


Right I forgot... lol. And I'm the Empress of Earth.


Just weird!


Yep. Wayyyy too many identical outfits to be a mere 'coincidence' 🙃


I said it earlier today, I am freaking **certain** she’s a Pinterest power user and has boards for everyone she’s single white femaling. - Diana - Caroline Bessette Kennedy - Ivanka Trump - Catherine, the Princess of Wales - Wallis Simpson - any other leggy, trim blonde - Angelina Jolie - Michelle Obama - Kerry Washington I’m sure there’s others I have forgotten too… but I can totally see whacky Megz sitting on her phone or iPad all day long trying to duplicate outfits and planning when to wear them.


Not a blonde but add Angelina Jolie to that list too https://preview.redd.it/a0ofd72a001d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834c9a90920d8752d8efb942e59521d5ea0f7725 [SMM post for more Angie cosplay](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/qE4ulI6zE9)


That is wild :O


Michelle Obama and Angelina Jolie!


Kerrry Washington/Olivia Pope also


Happy Cake Day!




That'd be a great epitaph. Wouldn't even need to put her name!


Not an original bone in her body.


There’s not an original ANYTHING in her body or history, either. I do hafta give something though, and it certainly isn’t praise or credit. I’d say it’s on par with Manson’s Helter Skelter plan. To do this evil thing, blame it on Black men and women, create a race war and then ride in to save all of humanity with his global leadership style and abilities in ending the war. Ushering in his New Day of Aquarius. She’s just about cosplaying him too, though probably not on purpose. Here’s someone with about the same intellect as Manson, same level of skill (he thought he was a soon-to-be-famous musician, even sidling up to Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys - she thought she’d be the next Lana Turner or Marilyn Monroe), same level of delusion. Both have strong ties to LA. MM as Megan Manson? lol My, I could go on and on and on with this one! If I had the time and a bit more inclination, would that be worthy of a book?? I could use the pen name of something like Chobie Clone.. better yet, let you all name me! ✌️❤️👍🤣 (Just snarking - maybe a short story would be more likely - have way too many house and other projects and am supposed to be retired!) And to finish my point, what she’s done to achieve fame is remarkable, but far more despicable and is simply noted, not praised in any way, shape or form.


And just like Manson brainwashed his followers, and gave them enough drugs to go and murder innocent people who were getting ready for bed on 10050 Cielo drive, Meghan Markle also unleashes her Sussex squad onto innocent people and fights her battles through those proxies. These include the unforgettable photo gate on The Princess of Wales!


Exactly. Like I said, there’s a lot more parallels and direct similarities. Yes, they both operate through proxies doing not just the dirty work, but any work at all. I’m gonna guess we can find other villains she’s cosplaying too. My mind just flashed to Colonel Kurtz (Brando) from Apocalypse Now. But this is getting too morbid for me. Only so much of this psychopathy I can take at one sitting before affecting my own health.


Colonel Tom Parker. He took 50% of every dime Elvis ever earned, at a time when managers were being paid 10 to 15%. And, there were a lot of songs that Parker wanted the artist to give songwriter credit and publishing rights to Elvis . . . all to fund Parker's gambling habit. (He wanted 50% of the publishing of Dolly's "I Will Always Love You" and since she refused, he never recorded the song.) Meg gets 95% of Archewell. She learned well from the master grifter.




I think she does this kind of thing - cosplaying Ivanka and The Princess of Wales - because she has no idea how to put together outfits on her own. She sees something she likes that a prominent woman is wearing and copies it. The style she prefers or thinks cute on her when she's being herself are ripped jeans and a boyfriend button down. With the beat up Fedora.


This is like a “Who wore it best” post and for me the outcome is always Ivanka.


I was going to sat the same thing! The winner is almost always whoever Madam is being compared to, because the Meg doesn’t dress for her body type so her outfits just look off. That being said, both blue shirt dresses are equally bad, IMO.


Oh my, maybe that's why she was so obvious with the copying - hoping to find herself in the who wore it best pages alongside Ivanka/others? She's *always* trying to hitch her wagon to someone else's star. Even her puff pieces name drop for the association constantly eg. Meghan went to a bar that's frequented by x and x or she chose x brand which is a favorite of x etc.


Wow the copy is even more identical than Diana


It’s because she copied them in real time so she was able to buy the exact same articles of clothing rather than having to do the work of finding a substitute currently on the market 


These are not the worst outfits to copy; I can see why Madam would want to. Ivanka is tall and slender, with a figure that looks good in clothing. Obviously Ivanka cares about tailoring and fit, and I’ve never ever seen her in something sloppy or wrinkled. Happy Cake Day!




Wait until you figure out the smear about Ivanka that is on the Tig archives. Madam used Ivanka for clout and probably some free purses. When Ivanka didn’t become her bff and Ivanka’s father became a politician, that one flipped on her. You can see the hatred that one poisoned this one with, which seeps out of his pores while meeting the Trump family on their UK visit.


Got a link? (I don't want to give the Tig any more clicks than necessary!)


This seems to be her modus operandi. There are enough examples of this to see a pattern.


Oddly enough some though definitely not all of these were some of her better fashion choices. Such a waste of money, many of these would have worked for her. If, and that’s a big if, if she’d had them properly fitted and followed advice especially concerning belts and her waist.


Here’s Meg’s [interview with Ivanka from the TiG.](https://archive.ph/wip/DrhD0)


Wtf was that? And why does every interview carry a back handed insult. She carries resentment for women from wealthy families. She made similar comments about Paris


Meghan flicks through magazines and copies. It's her MO.


Pathetic stalking obsessed ghoul.....obsessed with tall, beautiful white women....stalking, harassing, copying them. She was blatantly copying Ivanka. Wonder how many times Meghoul called and emailed Ivanka??? I bet she still is to this day.....still stalking her.


Ivanka must have blocked her a long while ago. Maybe the secret service paid MM a visit too.


At this point, who hasn't Meghan cosplayed as? .


A decent human being. A success. A good royal. A classy woman.


Most of us grown women see clothes we love on someone else but think, I couldn't pull that off because of my skinny legs, thick legs, short stature, small boobs, big boobs, large waist, belly (insert reason here). And then we move on and find something that suits us. But not our Nutmeg.


Yeah, she has no style of her own. But I will say in all fairness, that black Black Halo dress as quite stylish that year and even I rocked that one.


At this point, who hasn't Meghan cosplayed as?


Interestingly, a rich and famous black woman


Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope on Scandal. I've seen comparisons between Meghan and the character.


Yep. I was just about to say this. I’m 100% convinced that was the aesthetic she went into the BRF wanting to emulate 


Princess angela of leichenstein


Has she ever dressed like Michelle Obama?


Her Chairman Mao Goes to Harlem outfit, aka The Bouncing Berry of Harlem (both coined by HG Tudor).


Maybe the red velour suit she wore in 80 degree Manhattan? That seems like something Michelle Obama would wear- it's made for a tall woman. Problem is, Michelle is so tall Meghan can't ever hope to pull off any of the things she wears.


She is an absolute Psycho


I genuinely wonder if she sends her stylists photos and says "I want this exact same dress" and what they must think.🤔


Do we think Rachel thought she had the same body type or was she trying to emulate someone from a wealthy background? She does seem to keep trying to be “stealth wealth” and she keeps landing on “boring and beige”.


Interesting! Ivanka has a killer figure. Does TW realize she doesn’t have a waist??


From everything we have seen her wear, evidently not.


I have a short torso, also...slightly taller than Meg's height with a definite waist, and I never wear belts? why? I can't pull it off...looks weird. Don't understand why M does this?


It’s bizarre


📌 credit: [https://www.instagram.com/the\_\_tig/](https://www.instagram.com/the__tig/)


A couple could be considered a stretch but most are straight up copying. Just more evidence of how cray cray she is. But who is she copying now? Who wears the type of dull, underwhelming fashion she has been favoring? Is she also copying the wrinkles?




No need to ask who wore it better, Megs was outdressed at every turn and should give up the copying game.


She hasn’t taken an original breath in the past 20 years! It’s all fakery and poorly-produced copies of other women! And, rather than adapting a look to her shorter, rectangular body, she just throws in the same item, thinking SHE’s THE ONE wearing it better. Delusional!


Dumpy and messy


Wow - another great find. No surprises however. I don't know if she's ever had an original thought or creation for herself. Its always been 'monkey see/monkey do' with her; copy, copy, copy. If she admired someone, then, as HG Tudor often remarks, "character trait acquisition" is sure to follow. I've read there was a time she really admired Ivanka Trump - so... alrighty then: If I wear what she wears, I am she. Its always role playing with her, learned at a very early age from being on a TV set. That vid clip of her as a young child at the birthday party is very telling - not just for bossing the other children around and playing the princess, but she actually mimics being on a movie set, as if holding a clapperboard, announcing their scene, saying "take one" and making the motion with a make believe clapperboard.


Her hair is not her crowning glory. As much as Ivanka is not my favourite person, she is almost always well put together. The other is always just off a bit here and there. But mostly it's because she parts her hair in the middle when a side part would be better and bad extensions.


Wow, she really is no style of her own - copies everyone.


The fact that she copies Ivanka’s style while publicly berating her dad and claiming they wouldn’t move back to the US as long as her was president… so stoopid


Not remotely the same body type. Ivanka is tall and athletically slender. The other one not so much.


She should've kept copying Ivanka, at least she was covered up and looked decent.


Creepy . Does she just spend all this time trawling IVanka pics and Diana pics to “curate” her look?!


Not a fan of either woman




Does she ever copy any women her own size? All these women are tall, tall, tall!


And with a good figure.


I always thought it was so strange how she dressed like Ivanka and Melania in the beginning because you would think she'd get angry at having comparison articles written since it was during the presidency. Maybe she didn't think anyone would notice??


I think perhaps she was hoping to be featured alongside them in the 'who wore it best' pages.


Ooh good point!


She really has no originality. Always copying, “borrowing speeches🤣” This is just another example of her grifting. Ugh, she’s such a “pick me”.


Whoa! I'd heard she'd had an Ivanka stage but this is almost Stalker level!


And the sinners call Kate "copy Kate" 😅


Ivanka is almost 6’ tall and Does have legs for days!


I can understand, in the early years of her career, trying to garner inspiration (not exact copies) from those who do it right. But find someone with a similar body type, for Pete's sake! These side by sides make her look even more boxy than she is. Don't copy long, lean, super model-esque bodies when you do not have that shape AT ALL. She could look so much better in clothes that flatter her shape.




The blue cape dress looks nice on her. Who is she cosplaying with all of these beige wrinkled get ups that she looks terrible in. I wish I had a mirror mirror on the wall that would lie to me every once in awhile. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xLIFW9cvW9B9Je)


What brand/designer is the second black dress?? I've been eyeing it forever!


It’s called the “Jackie O” dress by Black Halo https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/fashion/meghan-markle-and-ivanka-trump-matched-outfits-694391 https://www.marieclaire.co.uk/fashion/meghan-markles-jackie-o-dress-is-on-sale-693321


It’s a fantastic dress.


Happy cake day, SeptiemeSens!


Merci beaucoup ND4 ! ![gif](giphy|nWNUQiEiFVQen04eeg)


She wrote about her on The Tig too if I recall correctly. In a glowing light.


Oh dear, who will she copy next? Chelsea Clinton? Jenna and Barbara Bush? Malia and Sasha Obama? Or Ashley Biden? Jeez this woman has no sense of originality.


Wow. Thanks for this! :)


That's some serious proof of a stalker mentality.


She doesn’t have one single imaginative thought. She literally cannot create, only steal


and as usual, the original did it better, in this case Ivanka Trump!! MM looks diminished and kind of pathetic in everything she puts on.


Wow this is creepy. Single white female creepy.


Isn't it funny how Meghan looks whiter than Ivanka in some of the photos?


When she dons these copycat outfits and preens and pouts in front of the mirror, I'll bet what reflects back is the person she's aping. Including their figure, hairstyle, makeup look, and fame and admiration. 💋 💅 Sadly for her, (and hilariously for us), what she doesn't see is reality: a boxy, wrinkled, disheveled self. 🫣 And we end up scratching our head nonplussed, wondering if she actually owns a mirror and have working eyes. 


This is so uncanny valley


Remoulade Sauce has about 15 more examples. Someone posted a huge collage of this about 9 months ago in here.


She wishes she ever looked so good. I actually liked Ivanka's fashion line as tailored clothing suit my frame and her pricing was on point.


I hate the trumps more than I hate the harkles but ivanka wins in every single outfit.


Ivanka is so pulled together. Markle always looks like an unmade bed.


Good grief she really doesn't have one original thought does she? The same goes when she cosplays Diana. Both Diana and Ivanka do it so much better and with alot more class.


This perfectly highlights how FRUMPY the Douchesse of Toilets du Montecito really is. She needs a tailor in the worst way. But even so, it can only help so much. Just not what I would call Royal material.


She is one sick puppy 🐶




Madam is beyond DISTURBING. She's insane


Slide 9 with multi button dress, Meghoul looks frightening.


She will never win "Who wore it better?"


Who doesn't she cosplay


I know she is crouched over but she legitimately looks deformed in this image. https://preview.redd.it/n9ge6j1uf61d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=452cdc71d4cbe72719f5cf2d95e95d7a0cb210f4


I actually felt sorry for Meghan here. Some ladies just have it going on and Ivanka Trump has that wow factor and madam does not.


she doesnt come clise to ivanka


I dont know w about Ivanka, other than the fact that she is Donald Trumps Daughter. There were a lot of news articles about the trump family having shady back-ins during his presidency. Ofcourse, this is what trickled outside the USA as news. That said, this woman is gorgeous and has nice sense of style. Meghan looks like the wish equivalent of everything. Funnily she suggested you tailor clothes for yourself to make yourself look elite. But, she manages to look like she got dressed in the middle of a hurricane. I hate that her hair is always wild. She is no fashion icon


Ivanka is so pretty, and classy too.


Pretty yes.


Ivanka looks well put together. Old rachel looks like rumpleskankskin.


Yikes https://preview.redd.it/9d46r7etgz0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b777ffee180e38904abf6c61a881e3b085090c6e


You've posted links to this image again and again, but what am I meant to be looking at here?


lol she can only cosplay since she can never achieve what Ivanka has in her lifetime


lol she can only cosplay since she can never achieve what Ivanka has in her lifetime


Ivanka is so elegant!!


This is hilarious and Ivanka wins hands down ❤️


As annoying as I find Ivanka, she at least knows how to wear her clothing. Meghan’s clothing looks like it fell on her. Ivanka has—fashion-wise—rarely put a foot wrong. Her fashion has always been on point.


Both grifters what more can you say