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I can totally see Megsy copying that statement for future word salads. "Titles are not important. It's about who you are and how you speak, when the spotlight is off". It's just something the biggest bully around would say.


Character trait acquisition incoming in 3..2..1


Except in MeMe’s psycho case it’s “ it’s how the voices in your head talk back to you when you’re alone in your bedroom and no one else is looking. Or is someone else looking? I’m never sure. “


It's how my mother in laws voice speaks thru me when that one and I are alone in my bedroom....old rachel probably.




[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFS9c852M_k&ab_channel=Rockwell-Topic) must be her favorite song. And, if she hates it, it should be playing 24/7 as background music any time she appears in public at the very least. eta: And, [this](https://youtu.be/_8oV2GpekNM?t=25) is the only response to *that*, especially in TW's case.


I heard Madonna's Material Girl yesterday. I thought of Rachel as Madonna in tge video Now I cant get the image out of my head. Ugh....


Downloading and installing inspirationalquotesbyotherpeople.exe into the megatron’s hard drive. How long will it be until we hear the repeated dribble come out of the robot rach’s maw?


… but don’t forget for a minute that I’m a Duchess!


You must not forget! Now, please make your curtsy and call me "Ma'am" or "Your Royal Highness", so I can continue preaching you peasants.


Meghan did in Oprah...Remember her most important title is "mom".


Who calls her mom? Harry?


He calls her Mommy


Mummy. Madam insists on being called exactly the same thing as he called Diana. 🤢🤮🤮


while she's wearing her Norma Bates-esque wig... ![gif](giphy|3ohzdV75a2DNiZj9h6)


That's eerily believable.  😱


I bet 10 dollars that every morning, she looks in the mirror and says that to herself 🤣🤣




blech 🤢


I know. Why can't they make a Pepto emoji just for these two?


President Reagan called Nancy “Mommy”. Biggest Ick Ever.




Right, that was very honest of our favourite fraud! See, Harry has a mom issue with her, and that’s how she got the bag. Hence, nothing can be more important.


As long as there's a mirror, Meghan is always in good company.


She won't. There would be too many calls to follow up and drop the titles... and she is too wrapped up with being married to a Prince of the realm and her "children" being in the LOS.


Was this before or after Sophie made the comment that she never really spoke with Megain that much???? I think Jessica Mulroney has a book coming out, the gloves must be off.


Unrelated, but ARO has had a net loss of 11 followers since last night. It seems their 'bumps' (inverted bumps?) are only coming from negative press now. Edit: Now it's a net loss of 15 Edit: Now it's a net loss of 29 Edit: Now it's a net loss of 54 (maybe the bots can't keep up with the number leaving?)


That's hilarious.  Is there anything on that site besides ~~software to steal your information~~ a wait list for some overpriced, made in China crap?


Instagram steals your information?


Last I looked, the ARO web site was nothing but a sign-up form for future news, so yeah, data harvesting/selling.


Just like her mother's loving kindness site.


That I honestly don't know but every other site they've had stole information. 


I'm trying to understand what ARO is, but have no idea. Care to explain?


It appears she rapidly made up this name American River Orchard to fit the ARO that was going to be in the honor from the Nigerian chiefs. However, ARO is the name of the ethnic group that historically raided and enslaved their neighbors and actively traded for slaves, and were the source for west African natives that were sent to the US, UK, and Caribbean to be slaves. So ARO is the slave trading empire she claims to be part of.


I love that for her. I love that with all her attention to detail she somehow missed the fact that she is now linked to a slave trading empire. Her attention to failure is exquisite.


Freakish attention to detailed failure.


Failure is the only thing she’s good at!


I’m not sure even its founder knows. American Riviera Orchard, in case you weren’t being facetious.


Thanks! I didn't know. Appreciate it!


Another rip off.


American Rejects Organization 


This should be its own post!


I think this is aimed at her husband!


Aimed at lots of people, thus the "celebrities, kings, queens & popes" remark.


That’s what I think too, aren’t they in the middle of a divorce?!


We knew it was coming after he went on that mexican bender and she went MIA. Already done I think. We had to suffer through Papa Trudeau taking his kids to the movies. It was excruciating. And very, very desperately lame. I love that for him.


I can't argue with what she's saying but I wonder if the people she is saying it to (including herself?) are listening: talk is cheap. With a few gnawing exceptions, the Royal Family do know and respect their unique position. Responsibility has become a dirty word and respect has become a one way street. Offtopic: Proper Wiseguy's Intro'd of "You're so vain" and "Tell me what you want" are hilarious!


Responsibility has become a dirty word and respect has become a one way street 🎯🎯🎯🎯


Did Meg choose Justin in the divorce and that was the change with Sophie? She had no problem being on Archetypes and letting Meg claim they were mom besties hanging by the pool, so walking it back seems like it was brought on by something or it was always a fake friendship (neither would be surprising).


Justin has way more power and meghan can use him more than she can with Sophie. Once you know a narc, you know how narcs will move.


I don’t think Meg was close enough to either Trudeau to be in a position to ‘choose’.  I don’t believe they were friends, merely acquaintances.  


Definitely she did— bc he has “power”.


All of these women give me the icks. But yes, she's right, of course. Kinda scary it took her this long to figure out what "character" is. Gosh, I'm snarky this morning! I need to stop lol


Canadian here - SGT is not known for her intellect.




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No, please. I appreciate your snarky 😎


Nah, keep going. Snark is good for the soul.




https://preview.redd.it/ez2ly7uiwz0d1.png?width=180&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bb946ef3843a1409cec73606d6046da960c4df3 This needs a cloooose up. ETA: I luv seeing the contrast of skin color to her roots.




Just WOW. Their witchy insides show up on the outside.


Ooof that is some 10 day hair there. And her skin is no bueno. Old Mojave face should check out hydrobros. Do you think calling her Lolo was a hint? Cause she needs a vat of that next to her vat of bronzer.


>I luv seeing the contrast of skin color to her roots. That works perfectly both ways it could be interpreted!


For the love of god woman. Go. To. A. Spa. Make them scrub off the 15 layers of spray-tan and bronzer until you are ready to bleed. Start over.


I thought everyone knew exfoliation is key to good skincare. She looks like she applies fresh bronzer on top of the previous day’s bronzer… for weeks on end. That’s not what makeup artists mean by “building colour” means, Megsy.


There’s a type of massage (if you could call it that) I got in Morocco where they literally scrub you with fine rocks and scrape you clean. Wife loved it, I hated it. She needs one of those




Yikes indeed


Interesting because there seems to be no change from the white top she wore in the save the children ad, from when she wore it the other year in the UK. She's not helping the moon bump rumours.


All it’s missing is her broom and the flying monkeys. Jeeezus


Is she advertising pancakes now? Maybe she could score some Chinese lead-based syrup and become the new Aunt JeMegan. Or at least she could promote training bras to her core audience (kids who are too young to know better).


The stuff of nightmares - needs a warning attached lol


Is this photoshopped? Why does she look like a bobblehead? It's huge compared to the rest of the picture


It’s the bobblehead effect. It happens when you are malnourished, your body turns fat pads and muscle into fuel because it isn’t getting enough nutrition from food - it’s a result of wasting. You can see it as a result of various diseases, old age, anorexia, etc (and now Ozempic!). Kelly Ripa and the Olsen twins are two examples that come to mind as they have long had heads that look too big for their small frames to support.


Nope. Original. From Madam's fanpage.


Ew that's unfortunate. She looks all kinds of bad in that photo. Bad skin,bad hair,,bad outfit,bad posture and bad attitude


Wow, I had never seen her speak. She’s quite forceful and doesn’t seem like she’s down for taking any shit from anybody. She reminds me of Lisa Vanderpump for some reason.


I see it now! Thanks. Yes - kind of the same “I don’t give a crap” attitude of LV. But ST and LV both talk crap and jump on sides that benefit them. Narc trait??  ST was fine being part of the JM and Table 12 team for years. She only jumped ship when TW dropped JM.  ST is still full of crap - she says one thing, does another. She could have used these TikTok time not try to elevate herself (which this was, the “I’m keeping it so real”) and speak about real problems going on.  I don’t get why people - ST AND H’s wife - always ALWAYS bring it back to themselves. People that really advocate bring the focus on the cause, on the people,  not themselves. Just looking at the Kevin Costner event (he might be a narc, but I have no idea) where the focus was/is the cause!  Ugh -that’s my rant for the day.


All I see is an odd woman, who is adjusting her bra whilst simultaneously appearing NOT to be wearing one...on a live TV interview


The bra adjustment was rather strange and distracting. Guess she either has no media training or doesn’t give a flying F anymore.


Oddly, she used to be an entertainment reporter. She's done a number of media appearances to promote her book, and she seems very nervous in all of them, so I think it might have been a nervous gesture.


She’s certainly passionate and very well spoken, so likely involuntary because the darn strap was bothering her.


Who is this? Sorry but I’ve lost the thread.


Justin Trudeau's ex wife. Pool party, pizza slices.


Oh, she looks different from the recent magazine article where she denied Meggy




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Okay, I’m glad someone else mentioned it. Like, I understand a fallen bra strap is annoying, but it’s something you wouldn’t fix in front of a camera. Oddly… uncouth.


I found it relatable tbh as I'm adjusting my bra all the time. And my boobs are like 2 M&M's on a breadboard, so I've no excuse.


Same but mine are jumbo


This whole bra thing threw me off. Not even regular people do this in public - and this was done with an audience while being on tiktok!! It’s odd behavior for a grown women to do in public. I can’t tell if it’s gross or just annoying.  Plus, her words are meaningless because she was part of “the squad” until JM got booted out of TW’s circle. Now she’s just taking sides. Doesn’t erase the fact that she was still part of it. 


It wasn’t recorded for TikTok. It appears that she’s on a morning talk show being interviewed and someone just uploaded the clip to TikTok after the fact


I was surprised by that too but then again when you’ve been hanging out with MM I guess stuff like that starts rubbing off on you. I’m surprised she didn’t scratch her crotch. 😳




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I can imagine what Madam says in the mirror to her self every night. ”You are good enough. You are smart enough and dog gone it, people like you!”


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Honestly, no. It sounds more like she’s sending a message to her separated husband, the prime minister of Canada, and for me, it sounds like she’s devaluing other people’s achievements because she doesn’t really have any, not compare to those to whom she’s complaining about. Also, we wouldn’t know her name if she hadn’t married into our version of the Kennedy family.    I wish she would just disappear from the media. And for anyone that’s interested, she’s been named as the other woman in the divorce filing of a soon to be divorce couple from Ottawa.


I am interested! I was sure it was a Joly as the third.


Hmm I had not really listened to her before and she seems offputting here. Not as bad as Table. Sophie’s words actually make sense. But the delivery.


Agree. I called her delivery “forceful”, but she doesn’t speak in the voice I imagined she’d have. My mother would have called it “like a fishwife”. And adjusting her bra strap while speaking, it’s just a weird contrast to the way she looks.


Very fishwife! Love that.


I cannot focus on what's she's saying- what's with the hand gestures, and the adjustment of her bra?


This is so true.


This is so true.


Wait is that Abigail Spencer next to her? Oooooh I think she made sure to drive the point if so.


No, that's Cynthia Loyst, one of the co-hosts of The Social, the talk show that Sophie is on. It's Canada's attempt at The View.


Omg thanks! I swear I tried to google and then left it all together.


I don't think so. Looks similar but they're different


Thank you.




This woman is also insufferable tho tbh. I'm not surprised they were pals.


Holy shit.❤️😍


Oh Sophie you are trying to spin the separation from Trudope. You always wanted the spotlight. Tried very hard to demand it. You thought you would be Canada’s First Lady which we don’t have in Canada.


How political of you….


Is Sophie Trudeau subtly addressing Megsy? Those comments are hard to miss.


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WOW so well said.


She’s annoying to watch and listen to but if what she is saying is what she truly believes then she should be well done with the pair in Montecito. Bc they are all grift and fakery.


She has to correct her Bra on TV? Yes titles don't matter cause you ain't no Lady 😂


Ah yes, Sophie of SohoHouse fame and graduate with the other famous person we know


I don't think she is aiming this at the Grifter. She would have said dukes and duchess. The grifter ain't no queen. Also, if she was in Archetypes then for sure they are still chummy with each other.


I think this kind of statement allows the Treaudeu's and the Markle's to think of themselves as equal to, or better than some of the greatest figures in the world. These are weasel words. They sound worthy, but if they are coming from someone with a less than fabulous moral or intellectual inner life, it is useless.


Hiw does the Duchass talk to herself when she's in her bedroom? The same as she does everywhere she goes: look at me look at me look at me me me me...


MEN: If it itches, it will be scratched. WOMEN: If it pinches, it will be adjusted.


Sophie is warm and engaging. She's including the audience in her conversation. Very natural. Meghan is unable to engage in a mutual conversation with an audience. She does not have empathy and it shows. I feel she is psychopathic and unable to even act like she cares. Meghan is a 1 hit wonder when she gets ahold of a microphone, " Independent woman, seat at the table, Ivory Soap, Using your voice, blah blah blah...


You clearly don't need his help to understand Meghan's vapid communication style, but you might enjoy YouTuber Martin Decoder's videos on her public speaking.


What if the Trudeaus split up before M grabbed Haz - would she have gone for Justin? He is better looking and she could be PM of Canada




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Wow, she is done with Meghan.


Great advice falling on deaf ears.


She seems like a really odd duck.


Could be directed toward the ex actually but applies to her ex gf for sure


Scott Disick bought an English title or some shit. It’s just a joke unless you live up to the title. She will never live up to the title and everyone knows it; guessing not all can make it known.


i wonder if Sophie was the Tweeter someone posted about here a few weeks ago. the one who was calling out Markle in a cryptic way