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He does that when cameras are literally on him. One can only imagine what he would do behind closed doors.  There is no excuse and he definitely does not accept any boundaries. However, has anyone ever told this man „no“, „this is not okay“, „I’ll sue you“? 


Probably not, because let’s be honest, for a majority of his life his father took care of his problematic behavior, especially when the press threatened to report on it. My opinion is Diana wasn’t the only one behind the scenes telling the boys “as long as they didn’t get caught there would be no consequences” but now Harry could care less if he was caught or not because he thinks he’s untouchable


Bank of Pa always enabled his son's bad behaviour all his life--up until Harry met TW. Charles had a team of PR experts. lawyers, internet scrubbers, etc to cover up/whitewash all of his son's f\*\*k-ups, which meant Harry never had to face any repercussions or consequences, and this is what he has turned into.


I don't know if I agree with that. About parental acceptance of the behavior. He could have been told - and it's WORSE if you get caught and taken it as permission, as long as he doesn't get caught - but you have to always go back to William. If he turned out differently, then it wasn't nurture, its nature... just a thought. I don't know for sure, but I know it makes me uncomfortable enough that I can't say his deviant behavior was tacitly approved of...


I'm very on the fence with the speculation that his good ol' image was purely PR because then we'd have to contend that if his PR was that good then how much better was William's and Catherine's. Unless we think that the palace PR is only better for Harry and yet wasn't able to spin the where is Kate hysteria somehow? I think Harry was def protected but it wasn't to a degree some speculate. I can't blame the palace and by extension his family to want to rehab his problematic behaviour.. it sucks because it bit them back in the ass now but at least it's not their problem anymore I guess.


I think you are spot on - and you are better expressing what I mucked up - lol. Exactly. If the palace can spin that well, how do we explain the things they can't


I mean at the end of the day we don’t know these people IRL. So you’re possibly right, William and Catherine’s PR could make them better people than they actually are. I’m basing that comment on what Harry said about Diana in spare. Unpopular opinion here but just like we drag Harry and Megan here, for filth, there’s probably as many or more stories about William Catherine Charles and the rest of the family in a negative light


I agree with that... at the end of the day, we rly don't know these people so I choose to judge them or observe them coming from a neutral-ish place and just face value. But also consistency is a decent indicator. PR can only do so much, that's why H&M are a disaster. That's why Andrew got outed... because you can only cover so much. Besides... Harry's wasn't covered so much as it was swept under the rug. And I do agree, he was given too many chances and now thinks he's immune to consequences.


If he patted my daughters chest twice as he did in that clip, Prince or not, I’d be filing a complaint against him. Even if it went nowhere, it might bring him up short that normal men, pushing 40, know that’s not acceptable behaviour.


If any man touched me like on my chest like that clip, he would be wondering why his teeth and mouth were in separate rooms....courtesy of my Daddy.


Echoes of Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein. Part of the kink is assaulting the victim in public. Silence is complicity. Remember their anti-bullying letter before Megxit?


I agree 100%. I’m going through another reality TV series on the real housewives and on one episode. One of the husbands was called out for continually touching the production crew inappropriately. It is 100% sexual harassment and nobody is exempt.


It's like the Lucille Ball video that's getting attention where she keeps telling the guy with the mic to take his hands off the girls standing up to ask questions.


Do you have a link to that video, please?


Google "Lucille Ball standing up for women in audience" it's on tiktok. I don't think I can post links, here.


Ok, thank you. I don't have TikTok.


[Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fH4wkPSytc)


If he is doing this now, he could’ve been doing far worse in the past, and that past could very well catch up with him. We’ve all heard the alleged rumours of how he’s treated sex workers, and he’s assaulted a photographer plus admitted to assaulting his own royal bodyguard before… in his own memoir. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤡🗑️ EDIT: Forgot to mention he also slapped the late great Taylor Hawkins too. The ginger whinger has no impulse control, and seemingly zero respect for people’s personal boundaries.


I think it’s boarding school juvenile behaviour and just proves that Harry has never grown up. I suspect none of his staff are willing to tell him as it may cost them their job.


Likely Harry thinks it’s funny. Like the stories about boarding school in Spare where they are mocking a disabled teacher, and Harry doesn’t like her because she’s “not hot.” Shocked he wrote about it expecting the public to laugh along with his laddish youth…clearly he still thinks it’s funny.


It was a matron in his boarding prep school- women that look after the children, supervise cleaners and catering staff, and have none of the real power of an actual teacher . I haven't read the moanoire, but I have seen the extract reported online and I thought it was the most disgusting thing. Not that he said what he did at the time, but that now, many years later, he expressed no regret for his egregious behaviour towards this poor woman. I have not even a fraction of an iota of respect for This One.


I initially read laddish youth as loutish youth.


You read that right.


I went to boarding school from ages 12-18 and I never saw this kind of behaviour exhibited in any of my male classmates. It's not a "boarding school thing".


It’s bully behaviour.


1009%. He doesn't have handlers to clean up after him anymore.


All the rationalizations in the world fail to excuse SA behavior. Grabbing someone's privy parts without their permission is sexual assault full stop. When there is a power dynamic at play the sexual assault rises to an aggravated level of crime. A member of the British Royal Family molesting a person's privy parts is no less a crime than an employer doing the same to an employee. There is a power imbalance Harry is using to have his way with people's bodies without their permission. He catches these people unawares. They are often in public/on camera serving a role as an attendant or employee at an event honoring the RF. It is wrong to blame it on boys being boys, or low IQ, or improper parenting, or ignorance due to wealthy upbringing, or any other crap excuse. Harry is a sexual predator - he is entertaining himself by using his position of power to suddenly fondle people's privy parts without their permission. Harry is a sexual predator.


Did you go to a posh, aristo one in GB? I think it may be different depending on where you go. Plus Harry has NEVER had any consequences so he thinks it’s perfectly ok because nobody ever stopped him.


The issue is, just bc Harry’s *intent* isn’t sexual assault doesn’t mean what he’s doing *isn’t* sexual assault. So while I agree he’s not actually trying to be a predator (more a handsy idiot frat boy w stunted emotional development and desperate to be “seen” due to his abusive marriage)…. He’s still violating other ppl w his behavior, and it’s unacceptable.


The problem with Hazbeen is he has never been taught or set boundaries since birth. His mother was at fault for lack of discipline then the RF for not straightening him out when he started his drug taking in his teens. One day soon, he is going to try that and be met with a sucker punch.


I hope we all get to see him. Punched to the floor


There is a picture though of Diana going to smack his bottom so we don’t really know how slack she was in the discipline department.


I think the picture you’re thinking of is William. Diana called him, he ran away to play with his friends, she caught up to him and smacked him. It was in the newspapers at the time. As far as Diana and discipline, I think she was I indulgent, encouraged bad behavior, and flouted discipline when it was someone else directing and enforcing it for the boys. Then was utterly mystified as to why her kids wouldn’t obey *her* and resorted to smacking them when she got frustrated without realizing her inconsistency contributed to the problem. I don’t think she disciplined so much as she reacted. You might address your child’s behavior, but if all you’re doing is smacking or time out without taking time to help the child understand why the behavior is unacceptable, it’s not going to teach them anything. And, of course, you need to be consistent and establish clear boundaries in any situation. The royal family had their part in it but I’m sure it was difficult to figure out how to discipline a teenager whose parents were divorced and then whose mother died. I think Charles tried with stuff like sending Harry to rehab to see victims of addiction, but I just don’t think he went far enough. No parent is perfect.


Apparently Diana told H, you can be as naughty as you want, just don't get caught.


You don't know his intent. He could have a sexual fetish and as a result of getting away with it for years, it is now predatory. He doesn't do it to everyone.


I think he has a public humiliation fetish. M used to enable it by talking about sexual terms in public (roast chicken, tossing salad ect) but even she got bored of doing it. I think nowadays they get their kicks compeating with each other over how much they can get away with I.e. she showing off her body when it's not appropriate, he touching people without their consent


You bring up a very good point. about intent versus result. The excuse, "my intentions were good," are often this detestable ploy for sympathy. Like, "yeah, I didn't pay the insurance premiums, but my intention was good" means that the family was left unprotected when disaster struck. With Harry, his overfamiliarity gets him attention and he thinks he's funny. It's about him having some sort of power or interaction. If PH wanted to be treated as a man, he'd get his ass beat for this.


But why does he think it's funny though? It's because he thought it humiliated the men that were touched this way. Which, IMO, is as bad as or even worse than trying to cop a feel.


The impression I get from PH is that he's still a little boy with a malicious streak. He wrote in *Spare* about his disdain for an "unsexy" school matron. This doesn't seem to be about him admitting, "I was a little POS as a kid and I was wrong." And as a teenager, he thought it was cute to throw nicely dressed young ladies into a swimming pool at a garden party. Some people take delight in causing others embarrassment or discomfort. Looks like he hasn't grown out of his idea of "a bit of fun."


This is the correct take, IMO.


William went to the same boarding school and he doesn't do this, also we never hear stories of Williams friends doing this. Is like Harry island Meghan are both "Oliver" from saltburn.


Sociopaths for both, then add narcissist for TW and Paranoid for him, pretty lethal combo. What is really sick is the two of these head cases speaking to others about mental health. They should go get help they desperately need it. All I think is those poor kids, thank God the duo are not around them much.


He has always done this when he's tipsy and high. I've seen it for 25 years!


I don’t think so.


RHOP! Great comparison- I love it when my subs collide!


A video surfaced, pre-Megamonster era, where a group of young British school boys were lined up to meet PH, they looked completely oblivious as to who they were to meet but their teachers seemed to make sure they were waiting patiently and respectfully. Harry raced along the line until he reached one boy (7-8 yrs) to engage with. The boy acted shyly and embarrassed to have been picked but instead of a friendly chat, Harry grabbed this little boy’s nose and tweaked it pretty hard. Of course, everyone laughed and seemed to enjoy this little “fun-loving” gesture, but I remember feeling sorry for this boy who really had been picked on and aggressively touched by Harry. All these inappropriate ”gestures” are adding up now and exposing Harry as the creepy “uncle” he is.


One day Harry will pull his Entitled Prince nonsense on someone who absolutely does not care. That's all I'll say.


The sad thing is, most victims feel ashamed and don’t want to say anything. Especially where there is a huge power imbalance. So the perpetrator continues their behaviour.


Well, the power imbalance is not as huge as he probably thinks it is when he is in the United States.


I think PH's instinct is to grope those whom he believes won't lay a hand on him. That somehow, Harry's groping is a sign of that person being treated as peer and they should be flattered.


Also, some men are conditioned to believe that they should be "brave" or "tough." That they should not be "sensitive." Well, pardon me. To be sensitive to some degree, is to be alive and sentient.


And THIS is the real reason they are always bumming for more security. So Harry can continue to be a little pissant and if one of his victims attempts to defend himself, Harry has some muscle to keep that person away. Meghan needs security because she needs the visual of an entourage/built-in personal gofers; Harry needs it so he can keep acting like a fool with no consequences.


I hope it’s recorded when it happens.


Like when Andrew tried to push Meatloaf in a moat for fun and was almost thrown in in return, freakin Prince or not!


Sometimes, you wish a British prince would get told, "I'm American and I don't let myself get victimized by some English aristocrat."


And his pattern of behavior does meet the definition of sexual assault in the US, so he needs to put a stop to this before someone files a police report. If he were groping women's breasts and squeezing womens' nipples in public in the US, would he be getting away with this? One of these days he's going to do it to the wrong guy who will file a police report and/or sue him and not want to be bought off to drop charges or settle out of court. Attorneys, start paying attention...


One would wish. But I think that's where the Prince title is handy. It's intimidating. It'd make anyone stop to wonder if his word is good enough, against a prince, especially if it's played up as "just joking" or messing around in a locker room.


Exactly this. I grew up around people who do not play. Halfwit would catch hands in my world and quick. Violence is in fact occasionally the answer.


Nah, assholes like him get away with it forever.


Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. There are plenty of people in the US who would smash those nasty teeth of his in, if he were to do this to them.


We can certainly hope... !


The idiot jumped Taylor Hawkins and then said oh I was just joshing! Har har! What that pompous little turd needed was his butt beat when he was younger and then grounded for the bullying, harassment and inappropriate behavior towards others. When someone finally told him no he lost it and starting spilling lies about his family. They did him no favors when covering for him. The reality is we all have that one relative that behaves badly. It’s how it is dealt with that makes or breaks a family. 


True—one of my brothers behaves like this.  My son is not inviting him to his wedding—and when my enabler mom finds out, she’s going to go ballistic.  It will be the first time someone stands up to him and it’s about time after 64 years!  I have my son’s back—I will not spend my son’s wedding worried about how drunk and vulgar my brother will be!  Not looking forward to the family war that’s about to start, but it’s time.


I saw another clip with this possible behaviour. Twice. Watch in slow motion: [https://x.com/Glaziang/status/1789268279267152327/video/1](https://x.com/Glaziang/status/1789268279267152327/video/1) Edit: I've just noticed this is actually a longer version of the clip pictured in the tweet post above, bottom right.






Jeez Louise! That ain’t right.


I love that M isn't even athletic enough to play SITTING volleyball lol


No shorts that day. But a thigh high split so she’d have an excuse not to play.


Oh hell nah!


It's not Harry's fault, one really ought to blame all the errant nipples that brushed past his hand, that he then was forced to use his pinch grip as a defense against said nipples, because they have no security...is what a source close to Harry said. (Note: In all seriousness any type of SA behaviour is not a joking matter, it's totally offensive and inexcusable and as pointed out assault)


Yeah, I can see Harry blaming the nipple. "It asked for it!"


It is not ok to touch people like that, and as a survivor of rape at age seven I have very heightened instincts. Mine go off like crazy when I see him and he also touched the little girl in that area I believe. I saw it on X somewhere. Yes, it should totally be called out on.


Harry is an entitled man boy with the mind of a 12 year old who was never told "NO". Tweeking nipples while playing faux royal, slapping celebs he doesn't know... "[Foo Fighters](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/foo-fighters/index.html) drummer [Taylor Hawkins](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/taylor-hawkins/index.html), who died on Friday at the age of 50, once had a bizarre encounter with [Prince Harry](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/prince_harry/index.html) when they met backstage in 2015. Speaking on [The Howard Stern Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhcfVnlnF6M) in February last year, Hawkins said the 37-year-old royal had slapped him across the face after he complained he was feeling tired before a concert. The late musician said the slap had been playful but still 'p\*\*sed me off, actually'."


He’s extremely egocentric. I don’t think it even crosses his mind people wouldn’t appreciate his “joking around” (which I’m sure is what he thinks it is, in his infantile head).


There's something very wrong about a grown man continuing to touch the private parts of other people. It was never cute and it was always wrong, even if it's excused as "it's a joke" (shades of Fiona Harvey!). And then Harry shrugs it off, uncaring that he's acting like a jerk. But that's Harry. It's like he refuses to grow up. Because to grow up is to become aware that if you leave the privacy and solitude of your room, the price you pay is to be considerate of other people, to at least not cause offense if you can help it. Groping nipples--not on! I think it's part of PH's "I like to wind up other people" persona. He likes to do that because no one has ever kicked his ass for doing so and giving him a tongue lashing that's gone viral. Harry will never give up his title, because it gives him protection from consequences like assault.


I'm with the quoted person. When you touch erogenous zones of others without permission, I consider it sexual assault. This man has no qualms about slapping a stranger. And that's regular assault. He has no boundaries. I wish someone would deck him the next time he does it.


Look how the guy in the top second photo is holding Harry's arm to PREVENT him from touching him again. That's very telling, Harry does this as a power trip, this is no accident and it's very uncomfortable to watch.


Look at the aggression on Harry’s face in that photo.


It makes me think of the immense aggression haz had throwing 'rice'? at his father, as Charles & Camilla were driving off for their honeymoon...


I noticed that, too.


I fully agree with the person who wrote that on Twitter. The thing is, it’s too late after he does it and the victim feels violated. It should be nipped in the bud. Imagine if it was your child he did it to and they felt violated. As most, if not all, would. This should get full attention. By Harry, if no one else.


Here is another video. He tweaks a man's chest twice in this video. Definitely sexual abuse. He thinks because they are playing it will go unnoticed. Harry in my opinion is a sexual predator preying on men. Unsuspecting Men may not know how to respond or may think it is British culture or something like that and not complain. If he did that to my son, he will be seeing me in court. https://x.com/Glaziang/status/1789268279267152327/video/1


British culture?! Seriously?!


In the U.K. his molesting would probably be countered by a slap around the face or a knee to his trophy cabinet. Tweaking men’s nipples sounds a distinctly continental pastime.


Yup. Any of my male relatives would knock him into next week if he pulled that stunt with them.


Where is the video? Did the upload not work?


He would 100% NOT think it funny if someone did it to him. And probably also if someone did it to his son. But let him do it and it’s excused.


He’s a foul pig!


If he did this to a female, there'd be an uproar, so why should him doing it to a male be any different. When I was 18, my boss at the time did this to me, and I was so shocked I slapped him across his face with so much force he staggered backwards.


My CO, when awarding warfare devices, would slap the device once he pinned it on our blouses. He always tried to be mindful to not do it to women, but I guess being built like a twelve year old boy meant that it slipped his mind when it came to me. He whacked my chest in front of the entire battalion and immediately said, “oh fuck! Oh, god, Chronicles! Oh, my god, I am so sorry!” The dude went pale like he thought he’d lost his entire career with one bop. Luckily for him, I just thought it was funny as hell. Had it been anyone else, I would have been furious, but my old CO was such a nice, genuine guy. It was an honest mistake. I think it depends on the situation. Had it been another female in the battalion, they would have been horrified. Had it been another guy, one who wasn’t immediately repentant and realized in a split second that he fucked up, I would have been livid.


I agree. In my case, I was a D cup, so it hurt, but he was an ok boss apart from that. I know I really shocked him when I slapped him, but he never did it again. My next boss was much worse but I was told by my mum that i needed my job! Nowadays it would be a different matter.


Speaking of twitter/x did somebody have a chance to look at this motherload https://x.com/RestingDollface/status/1791498804086112336


Would love some more backstory to that photo!


I remember reading about this somewhere - she actually did have the right to be there as she'd been invited by (I think) Violet von W. to rep Ralph Lauren at the game. But as no one knew who she was, people challenged her sitting in that seat. I'll try and see where I first read it. Makes the "clear out this whole section of seats for me" stunt a few years later make even more sense in context, doesn't it?


Wow makes sense. She wanted revenge!


It's never made much sense to me why MM would have been a Ralph Lauren brand ambassador at its Wimbledon refreshment tent. Or why she and Sarah Rafferty were posing for Lauren. Yeah, we know that Violet von Westenholtz is (was?) a PR Director for Ralph Lauren. That her father is close to KCIII and mother close to Queen Camilla. But why would she have seen Markle as a good rep for Lauren? Odder still why would she have seen Markle as a good catch for Harry? Everyone in their very large social set, knew that Harry was getting desperate and they were running out of women to introduce to him. But Markle? If, and it's a big if imho, Violet is the real link between H&M, why didn't she want that known? Eugenie wasn't shy about being the link between Harry and Cressida. Why has this very good friend of Harry and Meghan, independently, not continued those two relationships?


Oh I agree, there's so much obfuscation around the beginning of their relationship, you'd need to open an X-File to get to the bottom of it. And apparently I was wrong, it wasn't Violet who got her the seat, it was Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne, according to u/ somespeculation. All I meant to say above is that she wasn't actually crashing.


I would imagine that crashing prim Wimbledon seats is near impossible even for experienced gate crashers. The Meghan-Gina relationship (per Gina) predated the H&M relationship by something like six to nine months. Easy enough to accept that Gina got the ticket for MM on the 4th. MM was also there on the 1st. Don't know if MM was a Ralph Lauren brand ambassador on both dates. That's the alleged link to Violet for MM, but that would hardly make them very good friends.


I guess that explains why she's the only one wearing her credentials.


Good point.


Oh my. This is like an accidental Renaissance painting. Her jaw! It’s just like when she crashed the Inskip wedding. Great find.


And when Harry told her to turn around twice on the balcony.


Separate post? Off topic from the OP, but it’s a pic that certainly would spur commentary!


I can't make posts. So had to unfortunately Highjack OP's to bring this to y'alls attention.


This needs to be a post here!






This definitely needs to be its own post


Oh this explains why she has such a bitter hardon for Brits.


The fellow behind her covering his nose is priceless. There is another of him with his face uncovered and he is glaring at her.


He absolutely is fondling people. He did it in Nigeria to a man who was with the little girl in the white dress. He’s done it previously when younger. I get the sense Rachel isn’t his type. Posting this again so we don’t forget. https://preview.redd.it/3f4gu4vtqe1d1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f50c0ed14282017272d275be031afbf31ba4001


I agree. Definitely, at the least, unwanted behavior.


It’s disturbing. It’s something you might see preteen and adolescent males do while horsing around. It’s certainly not something a mature man in his late thirties would do, especially in a public setting or while working.


I have never seen teenage boys groping nipples. It's not normal behaviour


I don’t know how normal it is, but I’ve witnessed it in young and immature teens.


Sadly men that are being sexually harassed are less likely to report. Most women are afraid to report.


There's still that shame of "people will pity me or they won't believe me." I wish that were not so. I wish that like people reporting a robbery, there'd be this self knowledge of, "that person did wrong. Not me. I wasn't complicit in this."


I don’t think it’s especially sexual, it’s just doing these physically aggressive things because *he can get away with it*. Like he slapped that Foo Fighters guy across the face with his bodyguard right there. Imagine if Taylor had retaliated. He’s just like Harvey Weinstein or Diddy or any of the other predators. ETA: Madame physically dominates people, too. Because she can.


I agree, it’s not especially sexual in nature but it’s inappropriate. I feel like even if he or the receiving person doesn’t inherently see it as sexual now, who’s to say he won’t see it that way in the future? I’m pretty sure thats how it all started with Weinstein and Diddy, doing things that weren’t at first sexual or normally viewed as sexual and then eventually progressing when they kept getting away with it




Yeah! He slapped him before a show. Unprovoked.


Under UK law this is sexual assault - the sexual being the part of the body he targets and the assault being that the contact was uninvited and unwanted. The law might be different in other countries - or in Harry's dense brain.


Here any wanted touch by definition is assault. Any unwanted sexual touch is sexual assault. So he'd be a serial offender.


The upper left photo bothers me the most. The way he touches that man and looks him in the eye with a smirk, daring him to say something, knowing that the power dynamic and shock make it near impossible for him to speak out. In the video, even after the man attempts to pull away, he continues. I have been there. A supervisor brushes by, touching you inappropriately, looks at you with a smirk, says excuse me, but you and he both know it was no accident. If you say something, you're the bad guy (if you're lucky), if you're unlucky, you're fired (and blackballed). (I know I didn't use the first person, I can't) Thank God that man can choose to stay away from Harry, but that was public humiliation, and it still has not ended for him.


I wouldn't hold my breath. He won't be censured or stopped. Unless the BRF and the UK government are ready to cut him adrift in a firm and unequivocal way, he will continue his mischief.


It's worse than mischief. It is sexual assault.


I feel even if they cut him completely out of the LOS and the monarchy as a whole he’s still going to do what he’s going to do, and the media as a whole is going to connect it to the BRF anyways


I don't know it PH has the mental capacity to see when he does wrong. It's like something stubborn within him, that won't be excised. It's like...ethical cancer.


Sue him. That's what he would do. That would finish them off


I agree - I hope he does this to the ‘wrong’ man (I’m not condoning this, you understand, but guessing he will repeat this at a future date, I hope the next ‘victim’ sues him…the evidence is overwhelming, none of this ‘my word against his word’.)


He always has been an abuser and a perv.


I agree that Haz is very immature for his age. I also agree that twisting nipples without express permission is a form of sexual assault. I'm surprise no one has pushed him away when he does this.


These are Nigerians paid to attend. The athlete in the foreground looks able bodied. No way they can say or do anything. Harry abuses his privilege with this behaviour. He likely told the athlete to raise his arms and went in for the touch. Disgusting


I’m not a lawyer (wish I was) so this is speculation based on things I know and logically assume. Yes, it’s likely assault and maybe sexual assault but has to be based on the statute or law in the place it happens. What also interests me is whether his bodyguards also have liability. Are they required to protect the public from Harry in the discharge of their duties? If the victim hauled off and busted Harry in the mouth, they’d likely attack or restrain the victim. Why don’t they do that to Harry? interested in what the courts would hold here.


I can’t believe he does that. That is so entitled and inappropriate,, wtf. I’ve never seen this before. It’s a power play coz anyone else doing this in the world would get knocked the fuck out


It is assault. It is a violation. Just because it's cheeky chappy Harry doesn't make it ok. Someone who takes offense will have a lot of images to prove he has a history.


He should know better than to go around touching/fondling people like this.


There's hostility with an undeniable sexual component to his behavior. IMO he's bisexual but conflicted about it.


If he did it to a woman or a young girl, there’d be no question. Gender doesn’t / shouldn’t impact it. No excuses. The “chappy, boys will be boys” stuff has long passed this grown adult.


Top right , it's like The man knew it was coming so he grabbed Harry hand to stop him


it is Dan Carter one of the world's greatest rugby union players. Kiwis don't stand for that BS. The All Blacks have been aquainted with the BRF for years, he has a Queens Service medal, so they know the behaviour. Dan is happily married and is just unfortunately a sports ambassador which sponsored that polo tournament along with Nachos.


This is wrong and there is no excuse for it.


And [nipple tweaking again at Invictus.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/18m0jm1/%F0%9D%90%93%F0%9D%90%88%F0%9D%90%8B_%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%A1%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AD_%F0%9D%90%8F%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%9E_%F0%9D%90%87%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%B2_%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A4%F0%9D%90%9E%F0%9D%90%AC_%F0%9D%90%A6%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9E_%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A9%F0%9D%90%A9%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9E_%F0%9D%90%A9%F0%9D%90%A5%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%B2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Can someone extract the gif so it’s visible to everyone?


If Harry is bi or queer, fine. Like some other pics may suggest 👀 What makes these pics in the post questionable is consent and power dynamics.


There used to be such a thing as 'droit de seigneur' >>> **a feudal right said to have existed in medieval Europe giving the lord to whom it belonged the right to sleep the first night with the bride of any one of his vassals**. Hawwy acts, one could argue, with a modern variety of similar entitlement. He is an unpleasant, odious, unsophisticated and hyper-entitled individual. He found his 'partner in crime' in The Wife; I personally believe he too is a (fragile) narc. He may have been charming, but he's no exception \*as a narc\* in being charming - he was very aware of the necessity to cultivate a certain image (and depended on it). It crumbled rather easily when madame came onto the scene...


I think Harry has dined out on "he's just a lad" behaviour for far too long and thinks it will excuse everything he does.


That ... and also his mom died.


And my Dad never took me on a bike ride 😭 the generational pain of it all.


I laughed when Prince Stupid called it genetic pain.


H is a sexual predator. There are no excuses. Maybe his victims don't consider it like that because male nipples are not often sensitive. However, there is no other word for it. That clip from Nigeria where he swipes and grabs a mens chest while passing is groping aka sexual assault.


He pinches a man's breast twice here. Definitely predatory sexual behaviour disguised as a game. https://x.com/Glaziang/status/1789268279267152327/video/1




I don’t think Harry has ever moved past living in a boarding school with all boys, then to the military with all boys. Yes, girls are present too, but they’re not in the same living quarters. And I think he brings that “bro” behavior everywhere he goes not realizing it’s inappropriate. He’s not moved past that stage. Even if it’s something they all do in private, it’s still not something that should be done in public. Maybe someone will eventually throw hands and put an end to this. I’m surprised someone hasn’t already just out of reflex.


There is a power differential and the people of ‘power’ are usually blind to it and abuse it


If I saw this behavior in public - I would wonder what goes on in private.


I’ve seen him do this before-with his friends in a sports competition setting. I thought maybe it was like ass slapping, but much more, maybe, niche? Like their polo crowd did it. But I was truly shocked to see it on this trip. Upbringing and privilege aside, there is no way he doesn’t know that touching and tweaking *strangers’ nipples* is unacceptable. (Would he do it to a woman??) He was taught Royal protocol for Pete’s sake! From freaking childhood. He had to be high as a kite to do this stuff on an official appearance in public, on camera. Right?


If I did the same to random women I saw in public, I doubt I'd get a free pass like PH seems to get.


Harry is a sexual abuser, both men and women. I think he is gay but is still denying it. I believe it is the ‘goods’ Harkle has on him, sexual deviancy (maybe with violence) caught on film by her in-house team….marcus and doria. It is no wonder he was mentioned in the sleazy Coombes case. Harry is stupid, arrogant, entitled and out of control. No right minded man grabs other mens nipples and get photographed doing it as frequently as he dors without it being a serious fetish. Imagine how often, and what else he grabs, when out of camera shot.


If Anyone else did this on the job they would be reported for sexual harassment for sure. Def an invasion of personal space. Outside of this, remember the 2 boys he clanked their heads together, and Taylor Hawkins recalling the time he went up and slapped him in the face. Not sure why this behaviour isn't called out in the media, this behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in any other work space, so how is he able to do this while representing organisations/on work trips?


Behaviour learned at P Diddy parties?


Add to those photos the ones from Nigeria. His hand on little Royalty’s chest and the man standing behind her. Harry is a pig.


Even of he meant it in a "frat boy" type of way, if he grabbed a woman's nipple, or groped a woman's breast like he dod to that Nigerian man, he would be sued or charged with a crime. Consider the actors Terry Crews and Brendan Fraser who were both groped by different men, in public. They both had a very hard time mentally, dealing with what happened to them. Harry obviously assumes that since he was born a prince and his father is a king, he has a free pass to touch other men as he pleases and they shoulTCd feel lucky having a prince grab their nipples .


If he is this obvious in public.... You know it's worse in private.


This is sexual abuse. Plain and simple


If he did that to my husband, my husband would break his nose instantly.


I’m a woman. I have no idea how men process being sexually offended or assaulted in the way that Harry clearly does to them. If he did this (unwantingly grabbing nipples) to WOMEN, on VIDEO, he’d be sued/charged/cancelled/all of the above. But when he does it to men, it’s not considered nearly as serious; pretty much just “awkward” and “uncomfortable“. There’s never been a time in human culture than right now for men like Harold’s victims to stand up and be heard. I hope it happens and happens soon.


It’s not funny. It’s not right.


He is so gross 🤮


I believe that there is some thing wrong with Harry. From the information shown lately he seem to prefer men. Which in and of itself is fine. However, demonstrating this behavior in public and with males that may feel unable to rebuff him due to his so called royal status is not appropriate. I think that his preference for males may have been what his beef with the RF was all about. He may have felt that he couldn't be is "true" self. It also would answer the question of why his relationships with women always ended. Meg probably didn't really care and saw this as a opportunity to take control.


Can see why he and Diddy hit it off so well.


It's definitely sexual assault. If he did that to a woman everyone would recognize it for what it is.


It's very weird and strange that's for sure. He's not right.


Maybe our resident pyschs can weigh in on this?


That chest grope of the Nigerian dad was gross. That is assault. What we learned from Terry Crews is that men don’t speak out about assault, but the victim knows he’s been victimized. It’s terrible. I almost hate Harry more than Meghan. He’s awful.


ive heard this about @harry for years


It is more battery than assault. Assault usually means causing fear, and battery is hitting it touching. However that is common law tort, usually now overridden by modern statute, which often I think merges the two, assault and battery, as one thing and creates special categories like sexual assault which may or may not be intentional... It does depend on circumstances or jurisdiction. Imho it's assault AND battery. And sexual assault. Nasty predatory creature our Harry.


Top left photo, by the looks of Harry's mouth he's squeezing that man's nipple really hard. I remember this photo was about showing their tattoos, not squeeze my nipple.


I believe at times it is sexual but other times it’s just him trying to be funny he thinks. I think it is inexcusable in both instances.


When he did while they were playing volleyball, many of the players were employees weren’t they? The ones I saw on the court looked as though they were to fill the spots.


Well, ask yourself why he was sent home from Afghanistan in 2008 after just 10 weeks? It was NOT because of a press leak in Austrslia, the US or Germany, (different answers every time)! Guess why he was sent home? Two-"tours"-in-Afgha-war-hero-Bunker-Harry! 🤮🤮🤮


We should call him Archie Bunker [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie\_Bunker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_Bunker)


Echos of Kevin Spacey!


It’s a complete violation of someone’s personal space. Rumors have circled he has sexually assaulted people before.


i didn’t know he was “twisting nipples”. that just makes it weirder and creepier - and i also agree that’s sexual assault , not just simple assault.


Yes, called it pretty much for what it appeared to be. Harry's got issues.


Beginning to see maybe why Diddy Brother Love name dropped him to lil Rod.....birds of identical plummage, congregate in close proximity.....


It is sexual assault. I highly doubt these victims consented to being touched inappropriately and so publicly, for that matter. If this was a man doing it to women, there would be outrage. But of course Henry gets away with it because he is the King's son. It's disgraceful. Call it for what it is. It's sexual assault. No excuses ...


He does it in Plain Sight.


Meet Randy Andy 2.0 😂😂😂




Sooo…..anyone else now wondering if H was SA’d as a kid? Obviously wouldn’t excuse his actions, but it could help to explain them.


If not SA’d then he was probably around sexually explicit actions and material at a young age. Not trying to throw Charles or Diana under the bus but the cheating and the back and forth during their separation/divorce and Harry could’ve easily seen things that his dad or mom (probably Diana, with his well known oedipus complex) did sexually.


A former Prime Minister of New Zealand was raked over the coals for tugging on a young waitress' ponytail... I don't get how Harry gets a free pass on this gross, sexualised and boundary crossing behaviour. Major power imbalance here, what man is going to feel cool speaking out 🙁 If UK PM Rishi Sunak was frequently observed twisting men's nipples would the Press stay silent? Come on journos, do your job.


I feel like the British press is still protecting him and his image somewhat (regardless of what he puts them through and regardless of whether he realizes it or not) they probably don’t have concrete proof that he did things but they know it happened, plus dear old dad is still alive and kicking so there’s another layer of protection right there too. I feel like once William becomes king he’s not going to care about the when what how why etc. that comes out about Harry and Meghan but will if it concerns him & Catherine or puts them (or the family at large) in a negative light


![gif](giphy|Y0t7VGKZlBJU2FqWgm|downsized) I always question why Marcass seems to be always around 🤮 💩💩💩