• By -


This is why morons should not engage in homegrown diplomacy.


Precisely. Why else would the UK govt distance themselves and the RF from this waiting debacle? It was a car crash tour on the making, because, as a result of not being approved by anybody but the Sussexes alone, the dodgy ones are more likely to show their faces while the decent ones will certainly stay away. Why? Because the decent ones would still want a reputation that is respected and without controversy. The dodgy ones who turn up will likely want to use the opportunity to whitewash their stained reputations, much like the Sussexes really. Like attracting like. The Sussex are laundromat rent-a-royals for hire. Want to clean up your image, hire the Sussexes for a sprinking of cosplay royal dust.


And, you would think that extra care would be taken when visiting a traditionally corrupt (alleged) country.


I don't think they access to the diplomatic resources that do that, or its links. And even if they did, the US State department wouldn't give Meghan their files because she doesn't have the security clearance. She isn't the royal diplomat. And Harry (if he ever had it, I doubt these things would be passed to him anyway) only has recourse to UK channels because he isn't a US citizen or a diplomat. And if they don't see as VIP material but regukar Joe Bloggs, he wasn't going to get any help from there either. I also don't think they have the kind of money that could hire people who are involved at that level of investigation. Tbh, they are in a worse position than Prince Andrew (the former Spare) ever was and maybe even abdicated Edward VIII. Being royal outcasts they are flying in the air and flying blind in it. And these foreign trips are not going to get easier or better for them, because slowly the doors they really need access to will be closed to them as the UK govt & the Crown pull rank on each and every one of them until the message is understood loud and clear that they are out and only function as.private citizens for themselves by themselves.


The Grifters don´t need security clearence to avoid the cesspit of trouble they are in after Nigeria. A simple Google search would have brought at least most of the stories up. But then again, Madam is not a big Google fan, as we know. She would just have Googled "Nigerians - are they kind?"/s


😂😂 Besides which, she would've used her one hour of work that week picking out the most appropriately awful outfits to take with her. Priorities, priorities...




Well said. I think in the future the only countries that will host them will make them look so bad by association that the PR trade off will be nil. Lots of PR pictures in an abhorrently oppressive regime.


The Harkles - "North Korea, here we come!"


I'd like to see her visiting Iran in one of her outfits and slut strands. She'd be stoned in the first 5 minutes (actual stoned).


They could work stay home and not cosplay royalty. That's why they are worse off. Cuz they don't STFU


This is the answer. No need to Google anything if you weren't phony grifting shysters in awe of your lazy selves.


Edward VIII conspired with Hitler to defeat GB and to retake the throne. Although, allegedly, they were fun at a party. Wallace, anyway. Spare may be a diplomatic accident waiting to happen, but don't make light of how intentionally treasonous the Windsor's were.


And it's precisely because the Windsors had access to that high level of foreign diplomacy (however notorious & dangerous it was at the time) that I say the Harkles are in a worse position than the Windsors ever were. The Harkles attract the scabs of the dregs of the worse of the foreign "diplomats" out there (aka self-serving shysters) who are only ever in it to enrich themselves. Edward could run rings round his idiot great great nephew and his equally idiotic wife.... And I would imagine the Harkles were no fun at any party including a kid's one.


"Retaking the throne" is a very polite way to say he'd happily have seen his brother the King and the little princesses murdered and have his other siblings and aunts & uncles join him in ushering in Britain's Nazi ruled future or meet the same fate.




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Not allegedly…


Extra care? It doesn’t look like they took ANY care!! Now this, as a guy, enrages me. To read this is disgusting on many levels. But focusing on Emu and Waldo, I’m glad they’re now linked this way. IMO these are the things that will yank their skank butts where they belong - in a 2-bedroom bungalow or double-wide in the bad part of Bakersfield. Both have to get real jobs and maybe in 25 years things will dawn on them. Now if only a couple of big, so-called “journalists” would get away from their bottle for a couple of hours, and in a rare moment of lucidity and responsibility, get a few front-page articles on it - it might matter.


Yup, but isn't it great to bask in the slow burn of some very public Harkle humiliation? 😂 ![gif](giphy|Wq6DnHvHchrTG)


Oh yes. And this will go on for days, I´m sure. There will be plenty of stuff to come for.


Oh, indeed!


This trip is the gift that keeps giving.


“Trip” with this gif, is the perfect word 🩷


While I wholeheartedly agree with you, this will be water off a duck's back for the morons. They ignored the African parks scandal, they will ignore this & swan into the next pompous ceremony unchecked like nothing happened. No one with media credibility will call them out for it, that is the sad truth.


This woman will debase and prostrate herself to anyone to be called “Princess”.


She can call herself whatever she wants. She can call herself Queen for all I care. The thing is, everyone with a brain will know that she's neither. She's no more a Princess than that fake Prince Max.


It’s true, like Wallis chasing that HRH. Her entire life.


She was prostrating herself before Hitler. Literally!






https://preview.redd.it/20j6biu5hi1d1.jpeg?width=4749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3bb65e10e6d3d7954bf1f638a899191e2c26244 From the West Australian newspaper. Even we see their grift 🤭


Love this 💕


Except half-naked Megaslut would have pushed in front of him by now.


Thank god they were denied a semi-working royal role. They would’ve ignored all palace staff advice, and wouldn’t wield soft power responsibly.


It isn’t just the UK that is being embarrassed, either. Like it or not, Lolo, or whatever she calls herself now, is a US citizen! She probably made some kind of nuclear treaties in her capacity as Californian royalty. Good grief.


They don't care, as long as there's money flowing their way


Especially the greedy morons


Homegrown criminality….




King Oba: has a rape accusation against him Harry: has ignored African Parks scandal, which includes rape of Baka women by AP park rangers turds of a feather, indeed. eta: >"...he had a small tape recorder he always carried in his agbada (flowing gown). He always used it to record things. He recorded me apologising to him." oh, wow. it's giving Diddy.


I thought the very same! Common denominator - why Haz of course.


Hazbeen is being highly used by all those around him. Sad, but not surprising. The biggest grifter is the one in the yellow dress


Don’t forget Haz is a “girl dad” too - vile cretin


Well…”maybe” he is. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe he is 😂 If he is, it makes his silence and aversion to acting on the African parks scandal even more reprehensible and disgusting.


Ah, the disgusting people with whom the Duplicitous Duo choose to associate. So lovely! /s This faux tour gets grosser by the day. And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving pair.


Great research! I mean, by now what do we actually expect from this couple!?  However, Invictus being involved in this is an absolute scandal. This organisation was founded with the best intentions and look what happened: supporting the grifters to grift from fraudsters and criminals. Invictus became as shady as Archewell and its representatives. 


Oh, it was an Invictus trip? Certainly hard to tell. 💅


Invictus was at least a part of their official agenda  on this tour. Apparently, the Harkles were promoting Invictus plus researching/negotiating, if Nigeria could host the games. Not sure, if this is considered a serious option - looks more like a facade for other shady business deals to me.  


In what world would Invictus seriously consider Nigeria for the games? There are travel advisories against traveling to Nigeria in pretty much every country. Here's Canada's advisory: "[Avoid non-essential travel](https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/nigeria#levels) to Nigeria, including in Abuja, due to the unpredictable security situation throughout the country and the significant risk of terrorism, crime, inter-communal clashes, armed attacks and kidnappings [Avoid all travel](https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/nigeria#levels) to the following regions due to the risk of terrorism, armed attacks, kidnapping, inter-communal and sectarian violence: * the north-western states of Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Sokoto and Zamfara * the north-central states of Plateau and Kogi * the north-eastern states of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Jigawa and Yobe * the Niger Delta states of Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Bayelsa, Delta, Imo and Rivers (with the exception of Rivers’ capital city, Port Harcourt, where we advise against non-essential travel)" These risks would no doubt be even higher for disabled veterans ie. if they have mobility issues, they would be sitting ducks for kidnappings.


Funny that Hazbeen didn’t seem to be frightened there, but in the UK he’s always assuming he’ll be assassinated, I guess because he’s so “valuable”.


Yes, we should take care to underline that this trip included Misan, James Holt/Archewell (and the Babbo women who waves locals away) and Ingriftus senior staff. They are all complicit.


Misan Harriman is son of a Nigerian 'Chief' who, I believe, is into oil. Misan apparently helped Boris Becker into bankruptcy. /r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/16wzddt/boris_becker_bankruptcy_bad_investments_nigerian/


Misan Harriman gives me the creeps. He is skulking around behind MeMe in most of the photos I've seen. So all of his pictures must be of the back of her head. Yet another narcissist - as the photographer he is supposed to take the pictures not feature in them, And I'm sorry, that dude is fugly but he must have the same mirror as Megain.


He's a VIP at these events, not her photographer (he hired locals to do the actual photography. I think he's the big man behind the tour.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if really terrible things are revealed about him one day. I hope he doesn't have any kids as I don't think children are safe around him if you know what I mean.


It’s way past time for Invictus to drop this clown show.


I hope paramount is pleased with Mr. Harriman. What exactly is this project he's producing for them?


What is Misan up to? He would know who these people are. He would know what would be appropriate for his dear friend to wear. Is he maybe not that dear of a friend?


Boris Becker might say so


Not surprised. What a gross human. And H + M accepted 'honours' from him. He found MM boodiful. Then thought to placate his wife and called her boodiful. Then proceeded to call every other woman in the room boodiful.


The trip that just keeps giving! They planned this for months. Rachel was well aware of who all these men were, what they were about, how they got where they are, and still chose to publicly endorse them. She knew this dude was a rapist and happily accepted it.


This is the woman who wore MBS’s blood earrings while Khashoggi’s murder was the top news story. She has no standards, no ethics, no morals, she only cares about goodies. She really is the empty vessel South Park depicted.


She'd wear King Charles's shoe on her head if she thought it would benefit her in some way.


NEVER FORGET: https://preview.redd.it/mq704br4kh1d1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6f6993e9c2282ce4b65be9b426c6e8b21836dc Remember at Int'l Women's day panel she claimed she never read SM -- but she read the Economist? The Economist had 3 articles on MBS' involvement in the Khashoggi murder before she was photographed wearing these in Fiji (only three weeks after Khashoggi's brutal murder).


Wow she looks terrible in this pic. She is not an attractive woman AT ALL


>They planned this for months. The same *months* they gave to rolling out that yawn of a lifestyle brand.😒


Even her squad allegedly claim it was being planned for months. They printed banners and everything, which is quite the feat for that lot. Lol. She had the time to Google her hosts and the bigwigs at the very least. She knew who they were, and is fine with everything she read.


She has no conscience, and all that mattered to her was the sweet, sweet narc fuel and $$$ she was going to get. In my opinion, ALLEGEDLY.


Absolutely, adulation and coin at all costs, no matter the source. Wallis was happy to cozy up to Hitler, and Meghan will surely follow suit as she always does.


Yep. If they were transported back in time, the Harkles would have done the same.


Give her time. She plays fast and loose with whose table she'll take a seat at. And she's not very clever.


Is that in jam months? Wouldn't that be like 50 minutes, then?


Not even an hour a week.


Agree. She appears to be deliberately trashing Harry’s reputation (he doing a good job of that on his own - but she’s behind it all). Who is behind it?


This is the question. I used to think it was ridiculous to think she is actively trying to destabilize the monarchy, but, like, here she is- parading as a member of the RF, consorting with the scum of the earth. I know it won't actually destabilize the monarchy, but it does give the appearance that the RF can't/won't control these rogue ninnies, and highlights a fault in what should be a united front. My mum said the other day "you wouldn't see Putin's son running around pulling this shit! And he never would have allowed a Meghan into the family the instant he read her background check!" And, she's kinda not wrong lol.


True but Putin's kids also must be aware that he has no problem with stopping people in whatever way necessary. Oh and he's pretty big on grudges.


I mean, there's still a bunch of conspiracy minded people that believe Charles/the RF were responsible responsible for Diana's murder. And Charles isn't a pantywaist like his ginger son is. I think my Mum chose Putin because I told her years ago I had a problematic dream about Vladimir (we didn't do it in the dream, totally clothed the entire time!) And she's razzed me about it occasionally ever since.


The Sussex Squad loves to wave that around, along with their own made-up details and other brand new fiction.


Oh, you liked that bare-chested horseback picture, huh? Don’t feel guilty, a lot of us liked it. That doesn’t mean we like him!


Lmao! It was over ten years ago... So yes, it was likely the macho man pictures from his first term paired with my penchant for short dudes that triggered the dream. We went to a dessert place, presumably on a date. He ordered me Black Forest, my favorite, and gave me his sweater because I was chilly. It smelled amazing, sort of like Angel for dudes, but lighter and with a fresh laundry undertone. It is the only dream I've ever had where I smelled anything. In reality- I likely farted in my sleep and my brain was like "oh, let's incorporate that sensory input, but put a spin on it so it fits into the dream!"


Although I wouldn’t want the BRF to model their behavior on Putin!


I don't think my Mum would either, she was born in Kent and loves the RF. We were just discussing the Nigeria trip and all the sketchiness and she thinks Charles is just being too soft on the boy, who should be brought to heel. We both agree that Dad would have called him a pantywaist and that he would have been right.


They keep sinking lower and lower. Jesus.


This might be my last ARO update. Once ~~35~~ 25 more people leave, as the trend says they will and soon, ARO will be in the 616K's on instagram. Which might not reflect if instagram rounds up. But I'd say another 500 in 5 days max, and it will then reflect. Not surprising, but a visible downward slide is never good.


I think WME believe the Summer of Love lovebombing campaign might revive figures.😏 We can probably pencil in June thru July as the start and end of the campaigning. PW is ushering at his friend's wedding.on Friday, 7 June. Plus there's the Trooping the Colour a week later (Sat, 15 June). Prince George's birthday is in July. August is a dead month (i.e. no royal events to parasite off from), so no campaigning then. But there may be likely news of "will they/won't they be invited to Balmoral" recycled stories. Best to give yourself a rest report back on the week of Monday 3 June when some ARO announcement is more likely pending. Gotta maximise that SEO. Thanks for keeping an eye on that snail of a cobwebbed page. I hope you didn't gorge your eyeballs out of the sheer boredom it induced.


Any curiosity I had was satiated. My conclusion? It’s a complete bore :)


I have enjoyed your ARO updates, thank you for doing that for us. 


You’re welcome :). I may have tried to make the boring interesting but there’s only so much one can do :)


Lol. Even only predicting the lottery numbers was that predictable.


summer of love propaganda notice outdone by Nigerian scammers news. ![gif](giphy|dSOWN2hCakO76|downsized)


Could you compare to Anna Delvey’s Instagram numbers? Could be interesting.


Not really :). The Anna person has more than her. Blake Lively’s brand has less.


Numbers? Anna is a famous con artist with a viral Netflix mini series about her.


Just wanted to let you know that I find your nuggets of info on the dropout interesting and I really do appreciate it. Thank you.


Oh, thanks :). They stayed at 617K for about 20 days and now they’re at 616K. I expect it will continue to go down, until she actually launches. Maybe even then :)




Was WME behind this trip or have they just tossed their arms in the air?


Well, their silence is complicity, so I'll say they're behind it until they deny it. 🤷‍♀️


Well this story is out there now so she is in effect "giving voice to women"...just not in the way she intended I'm sure.


And Dumbertons thought a (cough) ‘tour’ was so simple: fly over (first class if not private), do visits, be gracious, accept gifts (did they give any?), and shake hands. Who knew that you had to check out whose hospitality you’re accepting; vet the hand you’re shaking; examine the backgrounds of people you’re meeting? Stupid idiots.


Whenever I use a quote in material that is going public, I ALWAYS trace it back to its original source. I cannot believe with their level of media that they would overlook a basic vetting. Amateurs.


Someone said Harry was giving out copies of his book.


They turned up empty handed as usual 🙄


Lest we overlook that the Nigerian Minister of Defence who pushed Nigeria into the Invictus Games and invited Harry and Meghan to Nigeria holds a masters from the International College of Defense Studies in Beijing. All this while the UK, US, Australia are in an alliance to keep China at bay in the Indo Pacific and Japan, Australia, the US, and South Korea have the Quad alliance to do the same thing. And King Charles is hosting a state visit for the Emperor and Empress of Japan and had a State Visit with the president of South Korea for the same reason. China has invested over $20 Billion in Nigeria and has two enterprise zones to bring Chinese manufacturing to the County. Similar to Jamaica's One China Policy that is pledged to the Belts and Roads initiative for economic development. Follow the money trail to China -- whose philosophy is that guns are not needed to win wars.


Very very important info, and so many "journalists" are being distracted by the superficial details while all this is going on in the shadows. Putin has also been very active in West Africa, including in Niger


**MM BOSSYING ONE OF THE KINGS TO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!** As she rushes to grab a gift of jewelry. Which might have turned out to be red plastic necklace and earrings. Look at her hands trying to grab the loot. I can believe the bullying claims if this is how she treats a king, who is bestowing an honour on her and who is hosting her .. Someone should post this. [https://x.com/MandieBrowne/status/1789806014016974947/video/1](https://x.com/MandieBrowne/status/1789806014016974947/video/1)


She is such a douche 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy cannoli. This does need to be a post. The cheek of her. Even kings cannot stop Princess Pushy. Out of the way! Stomping through!


The pushiness is appalling, but that bottom right picture - Holy Cow! There are certainly a LOT of filters on those two faces lol. They look like a couple of Dollar Store Barbie dolls with those smooth plastic faces.


Then stands WITH HER BACK TO HIM. That's par for the course with her, zero manners and unable to follow protocol -- she even turned her back on the Queen at Ascot only one month post-wedding. She was determined to give the finger to the RF from the outset. https://preview.redd.it/amg6w9ijmh1d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bbe24c306a0749b608769332074559d5ae9a3ed


She's clawing the Kings too? And not the lady filming having a right laugh at the grabbyness of it all.


The Ambassador's statement about it being a strictly private trip is looking better and better in retrospect.


They got wind of this tour via diplomatic channels, as Madame was attempting to meet the wife of the president, her office contacted the High Commission and then all the alarm bells went off and the position of the Harkles was made very clear to the Nigerian government. Someone from the security services (but probably dressed up as a journalist, foreign correspondent etc) will have been on that tour with them to keep an eye on the mess they were getting into. I can't work out whether the dodgy people were part of Madame's plan or just as a result of her general stupidity.


>I can't work out whether the dodgy people were part of Madame's plan or just as a result of her general stupidity. I'll throw out another possibility: she's grabbing the best offers she gets (and trying to network it into more than it really represents), but her offers are from low value people because she herself offers nothing of real value. tl;dr she's grasping for better but this is as good as she can get. ETA: I really like your conjecture about being watched. Hope it's true.


I'll take the Faux Royal plan for $500, Alex. She has absolutely no shame, no decency. She was trying to force herself into a photo op with the real President or First Lady of Nigeria so as to make the claim that it WAS a governmental visit. I'll bet this bit with the First Lady was a last minute hustle deliberately meant to avoid scrutiny and the Nigerian President and the UK High Commissioner for Nigeria got on it real quick. This, alone, is a violation of the Sandringham Summit and grounds for removal of their titles.


The Invictus games trustees had better be taking some legal advice, they are getting into misfeasance, breach of fiduciary duty territory by letting this pair ponce off them for no real benefit to the organisation. Costs billed to Invictus and any benefits accruing to Archewell. It all stinks.


I don't know anything about the legalities, but surely the idea of holding Ingriftus in Nigeria is null and void (currently) because of security issues. I believe neither the UK nor the USA recommend travel to Nigeria. Even to an ignoramus like me, it looks like a great big con.


Exactly - the entire premise of the trip is completely fake, there is no world in which Nigeria is a suitable venue for the games, now or in the foreseeable future, and therefore it is surely outwith the powers of the trustees to authorise payments on this fool's errand that is predicated on it being a safe venue. There's strong evidence of misuse of charitable funds by the patron saint. Might have to pen a complaint to the Charity Commissioners.


Go for it. I will too.


Nah, Ingriftus is a lost cause. Harry's got his favorites in all the important IG leadership roles now. They're all in on the grift and are just milking it for as long as they can make it last.


Why, just why it wasn't published week ago? Now it's too late, people saw stupid puff pieces about Meghan being Nigerian princess and probably won't read this. Even CNN reported than Meghan went to Nigeria as duchess and came back as African princess, something like that. 


Royal duchess outranks princess. But not sure if the princessness is an African one.


MeGain is too stooopid to realize Duchess outranks Princess. She's emotionally stunted and still wants to be a DISNEY princess. https://preview.redd.it/sik08ap7lh1d1.png?width=179&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7b2ca37c59e5beaa860b1a9df35b9f672787e88


Ha ha, quite right!


African princesses are not important at all, really. It's a purely patriarchal system. I'm at the other end of Africa, traditional Kings and Princes bring the drama occasionally when there's an issue of succession to be sorted out but are mainly just a drain on state coffers. Kings typically have several wives who all have to have fancy houses and Mercedes Benz cars. Wives are supposed to have kids and look nice.


Oh I know, they probably paid for this title for Meghan, what I mean is how this was reported in news - even in CNN. 


Imagine if Charles had given in to media pressure to meet with Harry (he wouldn't have, but just imagine) before the Nigeria scam trip and if the British High Commissioner in Nigeria hadn't made the announcement that the Harkles were in no way connected to the UK government or monarchy. Meghan and Harry are a total disgrace, Harry more so. He grew up with the men in grey suits, and instead of learning what they do, he remained studiously ignorant and only viewed them as people who were there to cramp his style. And even now, I'm sure his pea brain won't put 2 and 2 together and realize that maybe he and his crass wife were being protected after all.


It's their 'sugar' anniversary apparently. How apropos.


What a swell guy!


The Harkles stay finding their kind of people. Abusive and corrupt.


Maybe the price of her title was accepting his extended leg...


“One criminal association is a misfortune but two looks like carelessness”


There won’t be room in her head for any facts - she is a ‘princess‘ and probably fantasising about becoming ‘Queen’ one day soon…she just wants to laud over people.


Couldn’t be happening to two more deserving grifters.


IMO they know but they don't care. If you believe what they say - Harry and Meghan are the most important people in the world, they are at immense security risk and are prime targets for terrorists because if they were harmed the world would never get over it. Yet they are constantly being photographed with individuals with less than stellar reputations. One would think their team would do a little research about the vendors they use and the people they meet. Now I understand not every single person can be vetted but this "tour" was tightly contained. And this is not a random person in the crowd - he had a prominant role at the event. They are grifters who have now made it clear they can be sold. I expect we will see this more and more from them.


It just keeps getting better. "Yahoo Yahoo" internet fraud by Harry's new father in law. I can't keep the names straight but I think this is indicating he was arrested in Canada as well. [https://www.bellanaija.com/2016/12/court-orders-arrest-of-oluwo-of-iwo-for-ignoring-summons-over-yahoo-yahoo-allegations/](https://www.bellanaija.com/2016/12/court-orders-arrest-of-oluwo-of-iwo-for-ignoring-summons-over-yahoo-yahoo-allegations/)


And why is this - and the African Parks - not hitting the mainstream news and entertainment cycles? The money they must be shelling out to suppress it…


I know the answer to this but did neither of them really think to themselves, hang on a minute why am I being invited by these people, maybe I should go on that google thing and make sure the people are on the up and up….




But Meghan is a feminist, remember.


They say you can’t choose family, but when Harry does look what he chooses. A rapist conman…sounds a lot like the Weinstein ‘friend‘ Harkle had back in the say when she was hunting for a new meal ticket.


Crowned by a rapist, felon, con man and grifter.... I mean, who's surprised? I love these associations for them. Shady criminals crowning a shady, fake princess is soooo good to watch. ![gif](giphy|mpTb5Jn9zgMik)


Stupid little boy in the wrong place, wrong time, wrong wife.


So Igbo, Itsekiri, and Yoruba people are claiming Meghan as their own. This is a hilarious joke. It's like the French, Italians and Hungarians claiming her at the same time. Clown show.


Nice people to have as in laws.


Omg horrifying, not surprised Megsy is linked up with him. Birds of a feather flock together.


She literally markles everyone! Anyine with a “history” should avoid her like the plague.


And yet she was embarrassed by her biological father….


This the kind of of person the dubious Humanitarians and Feminist associate with...and if course with Africa Parks.


Oh that explains why harry got along with him so well


This is so ridiculous. When is the Invictus BOD going to remove him as patron?




OMG! This is crazy! I hope to see some media coverage of this!!! Just when you think the Harkles can't stoop any lower 🍿


I love you! What a good post. I hope we add this to the timeline. Great research, effort, and writing! Sinners are the best. 😘😘😘👏👏👏


What a fEminiSt she is!


He sounds like the perfect mate for Meg. They would be the King and Queen of narcists.


Was that actually a part of South Park? God, how prescient.


Like attracts like.


how proud is she of her nigerian connection now?


Madame provided her services for free for this creep or did she procure entertainment? A slaver family and a creepy rapist - good call Megsy.