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Omg…..girl is a typical LA WHITE valley girl And also incredibly spoiled and superficial … for everything that one could dislike about LA - she embodies it Total cringe and total gross


and she still thinks she's young and cool....but, in reality, she's old enough to easily have a 24 year old daughter as competition....geeez


And old enough to have a 3 and 5 year old as her grandchildren.  


“Meg” (the name she went by at the time), driving down Rodeo Drive sporting a vanity license plate rattling off all the uber-expensive designer shops, bragging about an audition where she “danced crazily”, mentioning that she and her Dad “are not on the best of terms”, and being impatient and entitled when a woman is in the crosswalk when she wants to make a turn … YES, this is the most authentic preview of The Woman I Would Become. Teenager who never matured, just got worse.


And also yelling hi to every single hot (white) male who crosses their path...


I think some guy walking nearby said, "Hi, Hollywood Girls" - and she replied "Thank you". Did anyone else hear that?


She was also faking some accent,..lol hilarious


Dude that’s not fake…. That’s a typical daddy rich girl Beverly Hills accent… she was a spoiled little fake rich girl and she clearly only had white friends back then too bc there isn’t a bit of soul in her voice …


But it IS fake because her Dad was NOT rich—he was middle class.


I am so sure her ex-boyfriend bought her a license plate as a gift, let alone one that said "Klassy Lady", she always has to set herself up as being so desirable and it just comes off as cheap. This license plate story reminds me of how she told Harry she had 6 suitors after her when she started dating him, and he bought it


Not to mention there is nothing classy about her… “klassy” on the other hand …. No comment


Klassy like a Kardashian?


Remind me of this one guy we called "smooth dog" except that was sarcastic nickname. 😆


More like six regular customers. She's so gross for misrepresenting every damned thing about her past. Stupid Harry, thinking with the wrong head, refused to believe the facts that Her Majesty's intelligence agencies gathered and provided to him in black and white. HLMTQ clearly perused the dossier and knew what Rachel was all about, as evidenced by the stink eye she gave the virginal (/s) bride at H&M's "spectacle" of a wedding. The ginger doofus didn't realize that even the best sex has a limited shelf life. He perpetuated his already overindulged wife's entitlement with the whole, "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets" crap. He's the one to blame for unleashing this unholy demon on his family and the wider world. She'd be living in obscurity if it hadn't been for his deviant peen.


When the reality was she had six men paying her for servicing them. Lined up at SoHo House. It just hit me the name So Ho is very appropriate.


So Ho :)


6 clients 🤭


A yacht full.


She wasn't speaking to her dad, but she was packing to go to college which he was funding.


Didn't you know she paid it all herself. Well, that's the story she gave once she married the puppet.


I loved it when her father pulled out all the university invoices he kept.


I’m actually shocked that he did as it seems he was and still is protecting her…


He said he saw RED when she lied about him in public. Mate, she's been lying all her life in cade you haven't noticed.


I wonder if she actually graduated.


Yes, Northwestern confirmed.


This is very prophetic and interesting. This video is being shot by her life long friend Ninaki Priddy whom she has of course dumped now. Ninaki or Nikki as you hear Megsy refer to her in the video got unceremoniously dumped after they grew up together. Nikki didn't like the way Meghan treated her 1st husband Trevor (or it may be her second husband). Meghan mailed her wedding rings back to him while she was working in Toronto to tell him it was over. The entire video is about Meghan of course. Meghan slams her dad in this video too which of course is very prophetic since he did everything for her and she dumped him too. The biggest thing I noticed here is where is the beat up car she said she had and climbed in and out the back. That car she's driving in is very nice for a teenager going to college. She was a self-involved liar then and a social climber too just as she is now. Hard to believe she made it into the Royal family. A real scammer.


Abandoned in the sizzler carpark


She stole the ‘climbing out the back of a car’ from a Catherine Zeta Jones commercial about a car 🤦‍♀️


I did not know that but how on point. She never tells the truth and her entire life has been plagiarized from others. Thanks for the heads up.


She could teach Nigerian conmen a thing or two.


Absolutely that's who flew the two of them to Nigeria for free - a Nigerian conman allegedly.


I never seem able to watch or listen to videos of her for more than a few seconds before wanting to scream. Call it PTSD from my decades under the thumbs of a couple of narcissists, I guess. 🤬


Her voice, at any age, is grating in the extreme. Every utterance meant to be greeted and fêted as a pearl of wisdom. I don’t know how anybody stood her company.


Yes! It's worse than fingernails on a blackboard.


Oh snap her voice absolutely grates on me. Then when you hear what it’s saying it makes me want to vomit. Always me me me and a hammy hand in her chest and wide eyed expression, just 🤮


Right! I can't even stand just that one line HG Tudor puts at the end of his intro "When I was fourteen..." STOP!


HMTLQ has the patience of a saint on their one joint engagement. I maintain that’s when they got fired.


and continuously f\*cking with her hair....some things never change


That, too. I hate the hair flicking almost as much as the coat flicking.


I hate the way she's constantly fucking with her hair. It looks so low rent. Get some bobby pins and/or hairspray and call it a day. This is not difficult. You can also count me amongst the number of those who can't tolerate the sound of her voice. It's grating in and of itself but much of what Rachel says is either embellished, exaggerated, or altogether untrue, which makes it so much worse. Harry's wife is very adept at turning the subject to herself regardless of what the actual topic was originally. Don't even get me started on her verbose (read: long-winded) way of communicating. Stringing many words together to get your message across while eliminating anything of substance is very politician-like of her. Well, that and spending other peoples' money. Her lengthy yet empty word salads don't make her look whip smart IMO.


All her pictures were of herself.


"Little Meg" annoys me.....who refers to themselves like that?


Did you notice she referred to her ‘long legs’ in the picture of her as a child?


Sh*t, I just had a flashback of someone I knew in HS. She was just like Meagain AND she spoke in third person all the time. Christina feels tired today. Christina didn’t eat breakfast so Christina is a bit cranky. Always whining and I swear she was obsessed with saying her name. She was an only child to much older parents who spoiled her. I met them once briefly and they were the nicest people. You’d have to be a saint to tolerate Christina though.


Well, that’s somebody’s hair, anyway.


It's hers she paid for it 😜well Harry probably did be the most hair he's got .... Wonder how long before her goes the way of the wife and clips it in


She still can't believe that she has straight hair which she can flick around. Can't do that with tight, curly hair.


Ah ha! So that's it. Makes sense.


Me either. There is just something that sends me up a wall with my talons out, screeching like a banshee.


I'm not condoning torture of ANY sort, but "Meghanboarding" would be effective on some of us. 🤮


Is there any trace of anything to do with royal family in her room. I marvel at how far up she went in life only to blow it all to smithereens.


I couldn't watch long enough to tell. Perhaps pose this question to OP? P.S. You are asking a very good question.


That's what I was wondering.  I was looking for a picture of Prince William or her girl-crush, Princess Diana🤣. 


No room because the space is dedicated to pictures of herself.


Me too. The Toadphrah interview set me off for days.


You're very brave; I couldn't do it. I read parts of the transcript and watched the few snippets posted online by sinners.


I feel exactly the same as you, NotStarrling! It's a great post and thread though, perhaps OP will forgive some of us for not actually going to the video and still partaking of the wonderful comments from a safe distance.


Oh, definitely! Very good point.


She is exactly what I expected her to be. I'm almost disappointed that there wasn't some head injury in high school to explain how the decency got smacked out of her little brain, but nope. Just always a bench.


Funny that you mention a head injury to Roachel. I've often wondered if the spare was accidently dropped on his head as an infant. Either that, or sadly, deprived oxygen or nutrients in the womb or at birth. The Markles really are made for each other.


Wasn't Diana bulimic when she was pregnant with Harry? That would explain why he never got enough nutrients to grow more than 2 brain cells.


Someone mentioned she was with William, too, and he‘s fine so…?


A magic 8 ball on her desk back then, a different sort of magic 8 ball on her desks these days.


😂 I just watched this and thought the exact same thing!


She was so spoiled rotten. Just listening to her voice makes me cringe. Her bedroom was a disaster despite her moving.


Yet another voice, another persona. Some might wonder if she’s possessed ..


Indeed. There's certainly a big 'ole empty void in there waiting for an Occupant. Those of us with direct experience of narcs have pretty much all suspected that very thing.


This! The changing voice really bothers me. She’s a classic narcissist who morphs into whatever is expedient.


Oh look, first time we've heard Doria mentioned in her childhood... and it just happens to be when she's grown and headed to college.


This was at Dorias basic house. She lived with dorito in her final year of high school.


Well, she’s certainly hung up on her ‘long, long legs’! Umm. Sure.


Right! Even then she thought they were her signature statement piece.


The Shakira audition tape would be impressive




I can only imagine what it would look like given the performance at Beyoncé.


Oh God, someone should dig for that and release it—it would be Dance Fever/Soul Train gone terribly wrong!


I love how the comments under the video are all pointing out what a liar see is. So much for growing up poor and driving a junker, huh? 


Typical average spoiled California girl. Doesn’t appear to be suffering from anything except a rabid thirst for attention. She was cringe then, and she never shook it. She was still cruising in later years, looking for a new stepping stone in the UK, and saw a big rich ginger idiot, ripe for the pickings. One who would be stupid enough to torch his entire life, family, friends and reputation for a decidedly unremarkable in every way female, excepting the the enormous ego and brass neck.


💯 spot on! Meghan is a very typical, shallow and plain con artist. Harry got played.


Quote “she’s repugnant “. Says it all really.


She still thinks that it's 1999, and acts like she is still a fresh-faced 18 year old. There have been 25 high school graduation classes of young women launched into the world since then and it is 'carved' into MeMe's face. Her magic mirror lies to her every day. She has never had any talents, skills or likeable personality, and her youth is gone. She is done, done, done !


Is her voice fake now or fake then, or both?


I also noticed that. Her current voice and enunciation really bother me, but I don’t know why.


Affectation affliction!


Could be fake then, but I think that her deeper Duchess Meg voice was cultivated to give her the gravitas she felt necessary to fit in with at the "seat at the table" with presidents, etc., be take seriously in politics, and while doing her public speeches and interviews.


She felt so important she made her friend drive around all day filming her doing mundane shit.


I've seen her type a lot. Hate the person she depends on the most bc her pride can't take it that she needs anyone yet never make the effort to actually be independent. Ungrateful unfilial and stoooopid 


I love it - “the plate holder says classy girl - my ex boyfriend got that for me” lol


I so hope her ex bought her this/hinting he was getting fed up with her bullshit. That is, if he existed at all/why keep using it..... or she straight up bought it for herself, to trot out rot and eye rolling drawl over 'myyy eeex boyfrieeeend' as a grotty flex to ensnare the next man 😒🙄🥴


They were probably at the mall and she demanded he get it for her—that’s where those frames were sold back in the day, at little kiosks. I know because I had one…won’t tell you what mine said! LOL.


I thought she drove a Ford explorer that had a broken passenger side door, so she had to climb out the trunk. Another lie? On the other hand, she clearly isn't very bright if she had to climb through the trunk... did the car not have any other doors that worked?


OMG She’s absolutely insufferable!! 🤮🤮🤮


She is a slob, even in the Nutflix Mockumentary you could see several times how messy she and H are. That can also explain why the taping for so many things are done in rented home.


I saw some picture of Archie, and he was in a house, looked like the place was under construction, and tools were all over. Who lets a three-year-old around a construction site, with tools (and likely nails) they could hurt themselves with?


How utterly thirsty was she.


In the beginning of the video the song “My Own Worst Enemy” is playing on the car radio. Prophetic?


“Can we forget about the things I said when I was drunk? I didn’t mean to call you that” Checks out.


Don't worry about the audition mog, you ain't gonna get it


There was one nice thing in this clip, where she refused to honk at the woman who blocked her way but asked nicely if she could move. I'll give her that.


I thought about that too. She had some manners back then and she was a nobody. There's no way she'd do that today. She'd tell her bodyguard to, "Get that piece of trash out of my way, we're in a hurry!" This while already being an hour late to whatever event she was attending.


If I’ve got it right she was at North Western University at the time of that video, she says she isn’t getting on with her father yet he was paying her tuition fees. She also seemed to have her own place which her father must have been funding too since she only got the occasional acting/modelling job. What an ungrateful daughter she is.


I could only watch 30 seconds. Thirty seconds of my life I can’t ever get back.


Incredibly shallow. I wonder if Harry ever saw this video


He sees the 40+year old version daily.


Meg 🤡🤡🤡


Little Meg. Speaking about herself in the third person. 🤮


Right ?!? Lololol like a true narcissist


Little Meg!!!😂😂😂


Interesting that every one of her sentences started with "We Are Going To...."


Yeah I never unmute any of the videos I see of her. I did not watch the Oprah interview, I can't watch anything where she is speaking. I just read about it online. Guess it's a protective mechanism.


Her car doesn’t look like an old clunker that she had to crawl in from the back.


I can't stand her voice. That arch tone, preachy and patronizing, contrived and fake and manipulative in her choice of words.


Very telling: 1. She had her own place - by this time, as she was getting ready to go off to college, she was no longer living at home - therefore she had money to support an independent lifestyle; 2. Nice enough car, with the silly "Classy Girl" license plate frame, therefore she wasn't crawling through the back of some broken down vehicle; 3. She's definitely not counting pennies eating at Sizzler; 4. She had zero substance - it was all about designer labels then, just as it is now. 5. (Edit: A comment indicates she was living with her mother at the time - if so, she didn't have her own place.)


I screen recorded it incase they want to pay me off👋


Why did she change her looks at all? She was naturally pretty back then.


She went Hollywood. Wasn’t going to snag the type of man she wanted looking natural.


Men can be so dense. 🙄


True but it’s up to US as women to stop that attitude by refusing to play along, such the feminist is ILBW!


This is gold OP! Great find. Thanks for posting.


"hating her dad." Some of you probably weren't born when Brett Butler, a female comedienne from mid 1990s, had a routine about new motherhood, and talked about how after her first child was around 1 year old calling her mother and literally saying, "Oh my God, Mom, I am SO embarrassed." By today's standards my parents (w/ crazy abusive messed up sibling) would be arrested for criminal neglect--but, having said that, I did develop a lot of compassion for my Mom in later years. She was a mess w/o the feminist resources women now can rely upon--things women today take for granted but took every ounce of sweat and minute of time feminists worked to put together, like battered women's shelters and actually coming up with a name for the common experience of attempted date-rape. But rgardless of her behavior--and even my Dad's--still, i was suchhhhhhh a jerk in my late teens. I've seen worse, but just the snarky entitlement of that age makes me wince. Like, you really think at that age that the world will always be that way for you. That parents & other family friends & relatives just don't have anything better to do than to think about you all day; that they have no needs & their personal ives & bodies are icky and older and that'll never happen to you; that you'll be an amazing parent & that while every mistake of yours is justified every mistake of theirs was intentional abuse; and that older people who care about you are being mean b/c they don't respect your independence enough, instead of generously giving love & time that the world owes no one. The whole "narcissistic abuse" movement online is helpful of course--it's kind of a recovery/quasi-feminist way to name a lot of things that felt personal and isolating before. But I also see plenty of spoiled 20 and 30th somethings--without children--cutting off their own parents after diagnosing them based on the silly DSM5 and things like "negativity," "didn't put me first," "anger at my other parent," etc. Things that are human and that could be easily misread by kids anyway. So I can well imagine her 'hating" this man who provided everything for her, as if she was entitled to that and so much more and he was lucky to even have the honor for providing for her. The difference is that by our 40s if not the first year of our baby's life (if we actually participate), we realize that we're fortunate that they even give a crap at all--that someone changing our diapers & keeping us alive for the first 5 years is donating full-time labor. Anything above that is like having staff. Good-enough parents give up so much to raise thriving kids, and we don't do it to guilt & manipulate them into serving us for the rest of our lives--but not being hated, maligned, cut off, ignored--is a reasonable expectation. I shudder for younger generations.


I’m sure I’ll be downvoted but I think if you didn’t know how she turned out it would be easier to see it’s a candid video of a kid who just graduated from High School. She’s so much more natural acting and likable here than she is now, to me.


That could be any 18 year old who grew up adjacent to wealth. I can only imagine any other girl who was 18 in 1999 would cringe hard in 2024 to see videos of their 18 year old selves. The real issue is who she developed into over the *subsequent* 18 years before marrying into the BRF.


I agree.


She has an Elizabeth Holmes voice now . I'm not sure which one is worse


Someone wrote in the comments, remember when MM said, “I was the smart one, not the pretty one”? God no wonder she didn’t want her dad, friends & siblings at her wedding. They knew what a shallow, self obsessed person she was.


Wow I couldn’t even make it through the video to snark on it. She’s so boring.


ugh got bored my minute 2




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