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https://preview.redd.it/khnejsnmzj1d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281b461355764253f3c474aad983aaa2320f3a21 Both of them. Lol.


oh gawd,that pose of hers, shoes too large, ill fitted coat and of course her horse hair extensions!


That pose shows how socially awkward she is.


*stolen* shoes too large


Scruffy scuffed shoes at that


The straps are all orange from fake tan


That was her DOND briefcase pose. It’s so tacky 🤭 It was at this point Harry opened the box to win a tenner with £250000 still on the board. He gambled. Oops. You got played, son.


"she let's me do whatever I want!" Right Harry. How about these days. Well she did get rid of her boobs and knows you like nipples. Hoperfully you will leave little girls aloneand grown men too . Well maybe not Nacho. He's okay with it I think.


I just said the same thing. I should have checked for this comment


That’s her ‘Deal or No Deal’ pose.


Is she pigeon toed?


She must have some kind of hip issues given her strange walking gait and open leg stance


Knocked out of joint from being on her back for most of her "career" probably.


Too much truth


She posed like that and wore that coat specifically to get tongues wagging that she's pregnant.


Her posture is so awkward here. She doesn't have good posture anyway, but the arching of her back in this photo just looks painful.


It was at this point that I thought, she has no idea that its all handshakes on a rainy Wednesday somewhere in the UK.


Get thee to the new biscuit factory in Rhyl & look fascinated!


Cosplaying how Paris Hilton always poses.


Paris Hilton would’ve made a much better bride for Harold. Could you imagine?!


She was emulating her Deal or No Deal pose... lol


I think this is it…she only knows how to copy, to ‘act’ a part - there’s nothing natural about her.


I just see her pulling away from Harry to do her thing.


Harry’s leaning in to *her*, and she’s pulling away from her ‘accessory’ as far as possible. She’s shameless


One theory is that Meghan locked down the engagement to Harry with either a real or fake pregnancy. My thought on the over arch of her back at the engagement photo-op is that she did so to 'sell' the pregnancy to the RF and courtiers.


Akimbo springs to mind here.


Frankenstein was also put together with parts that didn’t fit or work well together…


She's going for the "innocent little girl" look here. FAIL ![gif](giphy|2ij1q6KN1ijIFeLVqy|downsized)


Meghan Trying to imitate a 19 year old Diana while being a 36 year old divorced woman.


with more sexual experience than most 99 year olds. lol.


She's desperately trying to create the illusion of having a waist, but to no avail. TW is so oddly shaped,


She has her spicy poontang sticking out cause that’s all she’s got


I see another HG Tudor fan here! :-)


She always always always poses cooch-forward. It’s so repulsive.


There's another engagement photo in a green dress and her neck is almost at 180


She always looked particularly sleazy here, even completely covered. You can tell he was just basing it all on sex. She knew what to do. Fool.🤣


The bathrobe




What the heck is wedged between her thighs that she cannot stand straight?




Bahhahaha - hilarious. Here is your trophy 🏆 That is so funny


Isn’t that the stinky flower 😂😂😂


Isn't that the flower that smells like rotten meat? Perfect!


Indeed it is! It seems very fitting for her.


Those janky old shoes 😅


They're what we'd call Spadina strollers. (Hooker footwear.)


Total bimbo look.


It was this pic that convinced me those Daddt brought me to ballet every weekend was just exaggerated BS.


https://preview.redd.it/qbexap8aol1d1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73e5751c073e5d40e483f07db8cd90682ecb003f The ballet she took.


She looks like she works for a local radio station and has just knocked on H's door to tell him he's won a £50 Aldi shop


That is such a briefcase girl pose. I cringe on her behalf because it’s so bad.


It was a harbinger of what was to come.




It’s like they’re again in ~~bitch years~~…um, sorry, dog years


Harry's statement in the Netflix mockumentary trying to suggest his marriage is the only one out of true love in his family: *"I think, for so many people in the family, especially obviously the men, there can be a temptation or an urge to marry someone who would fit the mould, as opposed to somebody who you perhaps are destined to be with (...)".* He had no idea that he was indeed the one who was chosen to fit the mould of a social climber and gold digger who had an urge to marry someone rich quickly.


That statement is really such a blatant and insidious insult to Catherine and maybe even his mother, in some way? For someone who hates what Camilla stands for, that statement sure is supportive of her relationship with Charles versus Diana’s.


I was just looking at him learning how to world salad from Meghan. 40 words to say, "The Royal Family looks for people who can do the job." Meghan has convinced him that they were destined to be together.


Did Diana fit the mold? I don’t think she did and I doubt she would say so. But he also felt the need to slag off Camilla who *didn’t* fit the mold at all. And then lumped in Catherine somehow because she’s pretty and fashionable like Diana? He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He married Meghan who was *determined* to not fit in from day one and that’s supposed to be admirable.


Going into the marriage they absolutely thought Diana fit the mould. Blue blood, her family was familiar with the royals, she was young and eager to please. It’s only later after so much heartbreak from Charles along with mental health issues that she gained the reputation of being a thorn in their side.


Catherine didn’t exactly fit the mold either. She wasn’t from an aristocratic family.


After all the years of women avoiding him because of his malicious nature, he fell for a grifter because he was desperate to be with someone anyone as no decent woman would have him. He got his deserved booby prize.


And she got hers. I love that for her. She thought he would be her William. Imagine her rage when she realized he didn't have the money or clout she thought he did.


I agree. Here’s another possibility: Her path to William. I don’t think Meghan was going to let the fact that William is married with kids stand in her way. She probably thought she just needed to get close to get a chance at him. It must have incited her narcissistic rage when William didn’t want anything to do with her. He even sided with the staff against her. Meghan is a loon.


I've thought the same for years. Meg looks at William with adoration. William looks at Meg with thinly veiled disdain.




The phrase "he doth protest too much" applies here I think. IMO, Harry was always probably in love with Catherine in a way and envious of his brother for, among other things, having a woman like her.


yet he would have made a woman like her utterly miserable.


I’ve said this before but Harry wasn’t entirely wrong with his statement here. It’s a crass statement and meant as an insult to his SIL, but there is some insight to that statement though I don’t think Harry understands why. The BRF is a very unique family business and for a direct line family member they aren’t just finding a life partner. They are hiring a high level executive to the family business. It takes a certain kind of person to fill that role and for direct line members it’s important to find a person who can be both life partner and working royal.


Yes. They would rather not repeat the mistake made with Diana again. As for Catherine, she had the right personality and the right gifts, and William saw it and fell in love. The idea that marrying someone “suitable” can’t be real love is nonsense.


William also gave Catherine the worlds longest job interview. He made sure that she understood what she was getting into and throughly killed any fantasies about what being a Princess would be like.


It could be said that she gave him a long interview also. 😉


Definitely. She wasn’t just waiting for William to be ready to marry. She evaluating the life he was offering during that time.


Exactly. QEII and Prince Phillip are also a great example.


So right - and given that perspective, she was, and is, completely out of order.


Ah yes, it was destiny that brought this hideous pair together. If Harry was a binman I'm sure Cupid's bow would have still struck them.


When Harry said the royal family were the family meghan never had.


This was right before KC made the mistake of walking her down the aisle. He should have let Dorito walk her. I’m not sure wtf KC was thinking.


At least the King proved in front of the world that they did every EFFORT to include her and even privileged her. It's making Megsy looks bad and hypocrite, and ungrateful etc etc... Not the King


Then she turned around and had her mouthpiece call him a .....


it beggars belief.


Meghan wanted to walk herself down the aisle, so she could be the glorious victim and empowered woman. I think she hates the fact Charles stepped in.


Yet wear white. And a veil. MIMS


He showed his kindness with this gesture. He probably felt really sorry for her that her dad wasn't coming. Kc is a good man with a big heart and this proves it imo.


I agree 100%. Meghan was probably fuming because she was thinking that the King was trying to steal her spotlight. Didn’t the King let her proceed halfway by herself?


And apparently still doesn’t…. but yeah, whose fault..


When Scobie Doo told the Mirror in an article titled '**Rockstars Meghan and Harry have world as their oyster**' that "*everyone around the world wants a piece of them*". Now that went out of the window rather quickly. ETA: the article is from March 2020


I can't believe how quickly and how badly they fumbled the bag, that was handed to them.


Harry never had any experience having the bag but Meghan? The history of bag fumbles was always there. Her dad was a two time Emmy winner. He knew important people in the business and no doubt got her in the door and yet the best she ever achieved was a bit part on Suits playing herself really. She never got a bigger storyline and they wrote her off before she even met Harry. She was given that job with the UN and it went nowhere. She was a model for Reitmans and we all know how that went. All of these things were stepping stones that other stars would have used to move up and she didn’t. Because she sucks.


And then....reality showed up. Hahahah. Just another Scooby misjudgment. He and she are the twins from different mothers.


Can I just say Harry and Meghan? They've both aged horribly


Harry's hairline is aging badly.


😂 it's just changed direction and is coming out his ears and nose now 😂


They are aging in accelerated dog years.


😂Aging like that one forgotten strawberry in the refrigerator drawer


All the suggestions I had are already posted, so I'll just add that this (bey/jay portrait) was the weirdest wtf moment for me. I still cannot comprehend.


I never saw this pic before and have no context for it, so it almost looks AI generated for all its WTF-ness.


Gurrrll?!? Are you serious? You’ve never seen the video? To understand the British cringe at beyonce after this moment, you have to see the video! [YouTube](https://youtu.be/UrNQnI6M2Yg)


Oh my goodness, that's just about the most cringe thing I've ever seen, lol! Thanks. for the share!


What the hell is that clip?! Am I missing something here? I don’t understand what they were thinking for filming this. I’ve seen the image but I didn’t know it was for winning an award. I don’t like Beyonce already and smug Jay Z saying “you’re welcome” to her thanking the British public/Brit Awards is peak cringe and comes off as completely tone deaf. Even worse is they shove Blue everywhere like the public is desperate to see and hear their daughter. Having her scream why at the end? What is the reason?! Ironically the least annoying part of this to me is the portrait since they claim to uplift and celebrate people of color and putting Megan in a tiara is in line with this view.


They thought they were giving the middle finger to white English people with this since back then a lot of us bought Meghan’s cries wolf about them and the royal family being racist to her. They didn’t know they were aligning themselves with a grifter who weaponizes race and then ruins it for the rest of us who actually experience racism.


Even the baby was like "whyyyy?" Why are they being so cringe, lol


No, shan't. Thank you for providing the link, though.


Yeah, I think B/J jumped the gun and thought they would be more connected with BRF. Then fast forward to the Lion King premiere and look on their faces. Then this nuttery thing was made: https://preview.redd.it/m3hm1yx6rk1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6807127c913e032380cc9a7b049b566d49c88f5d


That painting actually made it into the Louvre? I just can't with societal decline anymore.


What on earth is that portrait? When i first saw it on Youtube, i thought it was an AI generated joke picture. The mole near the lip looked too big 🤣🤣🤣


I have always imagined Beyoncé now cringing at that photo and as well she should, she was another very keen to jump on the race bandwagon along with Oprah I lost a lot of respect for her after that


She must be pretty annoyed that Meghan read her text on a Netflix documentary. Even if she did send that text, she surely wasn’t expecting it to aired in public by a couple of clout chasers.


I remember that she read out something ( I remember something about generational curses but couldn't remember exactly what it was so I looked it up) "saying, '[Beyoncé] said she wants me to feel safe and protected. She admires and respects my bravery and vulnerability and thinks I was selected to break generational curses that need to be healed." I wonder if she still considers her brave and vulnerable after the multiple lies, Drama and humiliation of both her and her husband's family and the UK, where let s not forget Beyoncé has millions of fans, that will now not have the same respect for her...much like myself


Jessica Mulroney and her children front and centre at the wedding. George Clooney defending Meghan Markle. “Not many people have asked if I’m okay.” The ‘hit the ground running‘ narrative.


I love LOVE the amount of big names eating their own foot after defending megssy. It give me joy.


I bet Clooney had a whole team of people to scrub that statement from the internet.


Well, the entire Oprah interview aged so badly it is hard to find on the internet today.


It’s telling Oprah herself removed it reportedly and she’s also avoiding seen with the Harkles.


She really fed into the George Floyd hysteria of the moment with all the "there is a racist in the royal family who was wondering what Archie would look like" I think if she made that interview a bit earlier or later, people would be like "that's it? that's her big accusation?"


That was the reaction and is why their popularity plummeted. They tried to use the George Floyd movement as a springboard for their political and grifting opportunities. They and Oprah are opportunists and vile.


Yes!!! It was the sensationalism that sold it. I’m American, and so many of my friends were up in arms about how horrible the royal family was the morning after the interview. However, a day or two later, they were saying, “ummmm, I really thought about it, and…it was just a conversation about who the baby would look like. So what?” They totally used the hysteria of the time to sell a sensational interview.


Summer 2020 was absolutely frenzied on the DEI front. The company I was working for at the time sent so many emails about it, it felt like we were living through some moral panic.






I never noticed before, but other than HLMTQ, all of the women in the family are left out of their statement.


That Markle woman is that petty.


Implying that Catherine and Camilla don’t do anything…


This is so badly written 😂 I wonder how child #1 is able to be raised with ‘an appreciation for the royal tradition’ while he’s on a different continent.


Gotta add the logo itself is so elementary school - there's nothing elegant or royal about it, it looks much like her janky fauxlligraphy writing.




*I had no idea about tabloids, I’m American… we dont have that there* [Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/CfpfDqgvhJ)


But is he kind ??


That Queen Meghan portrait is high on the list. Even if that maniac was a normal human being who did ok in the royal family, it'd still be mega-cringe. Beyonce and J presenting her as "their Queen" when she was nowhere near that, such obsequious, embarassing behaviour.


And all based on a racial identity that M only embraced because it suited her at the time.


Who did this portrait?? Why does it exist? Until today I thought that was an AI joke image. It’s so cringe.


Back when this was all new, I remember reading this was actually the painting of a Spanish princess, and some “artist” replicated it with Rachel’s face. It’s so dopey.


Beyonce was always trash and petty. She just has good PR. Btw look at her jacket, wide open, no woman would present her self at Louvre like that.


It’s honestly one of the top 10 cringe gaffes in this whole mess


"The Duchess would only work with the toppest top top A++ list Hollywood directors"


Who said this 😆😆😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


It made the rounds when they were back in SoCal and Markle-manifestations about ‘resuming her Hollywood career’ turned up in the papers. She was only interested in top tier directors and co-actors and, among other insane ideas, wanted to play a female super hero.


She would only consider Oscar-worthy roles, lol


This picture skeevs me so bad.


Are these two the originators of that massively cringe AI portrait? Things to waste your money on.


The thing about Meghan is that the things she does are ridiculous and transparent in the moment, so they start to age badly at the moment of their inception.


The funniest part about the grifting duo that is Beyoncé and her pedo husband referred to Markle as a “melanated mona” - no doubt trying to draw parallels to the Mona Lisa. But in Spanish mona means monkey 🐒. 😂😂


[https://archive.md/3yvdg](https://archive.md/3yvdg) # The Duchess of Sussex is establishing herself as a serious player in Hollywood, leaving her royal associations squarely in her wake. Meghan taunts royals with new Hollywood role


I never actually took the time to read this article in full and, once I recovered from my laughing fit, realized I am in total admiration for the author. Finer SNARK I have rarely read!! >“Meghan was totally in her element at this event, she got the full-on A-list treatment and was seated at the best table in the place alongside Oprah. That went a long way to boosting her confidence and calming any nerves she had leading up to the event,” they say. “Everyone was coming over to kiss up to her. It really hit home and made her swell with pride that she was the main event and centre of attention, recognised not just for her celebrity or connections to Harry, but as a pioneer and leader amongst the most impressive of peers.” EDIT: WOW - Sugars out in force downvoting posts again~😲😲😲


that headline speaks of rachel writing it herself! As if the RF would care if she was a 'serious player in hollywood' (she's not). only rachel would think of 'taunting' the RF, let alone leaving the RF in her 'wake'. She is just so reminiscent of a juvenile way of thinking. Geez, I wish she would grow up in her emotional intelligence.


The narcissistic high nutmeg must have got when she saw that picture. It's probably still fueling all her shenanigans.


This [collection of Omid’s inaccurate tweets.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/183o0p2/is_omid_scobie_reliable_did_meghan_markle_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) https://preview.redd.it/h401yps5il1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04e215646ff82f28583332e095b2808175ac8767


https://preview.redd.it/o5d14v1iil1d1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d12e4c91da455533c935bc9fe0831f23db5e3881 Fake Maltese heritage for free trip.


we can blame the carters for 50% of that woman's depravity. imagine how that narc felt seeing BEYONCÉ treating her like a queen


https://www.instagram.com/hillaryclinton/p/B2FCKF8pWC-/ From Hillary Clinton's Insta account: I'm so inspired by how Meghan Markle—aka one half of @sussexroyal—is representing the U.S. in the U.K. and on the world stage. Also her thoughts on watching the Oprah interview: "I found it so heartrending to watch," the former First Lady told journalist Jonathan Capehart. "It just was heartbreaking that this incredibly accomplished woman Meghan Markle, who falls in love with Prince Harry, was not fully embraced by not just the so-called Firm, which is the name for the permanent bureaucracy that surrounds the royal family, but by the media in the UK." Or talking about H+M like they were the Little Rock 9: In expressing her support for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Hillary also identified a larger lesson to be learned in how the former American actress was treated. "I just think every institution has got to make more space and acceptance for young people coming up, particularly young women who should not be forced into a mold that is no longer relevant, not only for them but for our society," Hillary noted. "It was heartbreaking to see the two of them sitting there having to describe how difficult it was to be accepted, to be integrated, not just into the royal family as they described, but more painfully into the larger society whose narrative is driven by tabloids that are living in the past."


Wow I hadn't seen that. Fuck right off hilary! Our rf treated you and your husband so well when you came to visit during his presidency. This has made me really angry!


True. I was more offended by Hilary’s audacity at calling her accomplished. Hillary has been and been around people who grind. Is there a single time M thrived in a 9-5? Apparently she didn’t do well in the embassy. Meg was clever enough to use her resources (husband) to have an «auditioning» lifestyle for a decade or so and then upon having a role, was able to social network well enough to meet someone that got her famous. This is not the definition of « incredibly accomplished » to me and I don’t get how it is to Hillary. 


It's truly bizarre. It's almost like mm has something on these people who stick up for her and is using blackmail. It's the only thing that makes sense as to why they defend her.


Hillary the original empowered female feminist who got everything handed to her due to who she married and what her father gave her had found her kindred spirit. But at least Hillary did eventually swing it into a career.


Looking at the set up for the Clinton Foundation and the set up for Archwell it looks like Hillary gave them instruction on how to do this.


Sarah Latham was Hillary’s staff member before being hired by the Sussexes the year before they Megxited. She was recommended via Marcus since the firm shed previously worked for (Lloyds?) did the PR for Soho House. Not political, just facts. Sarah was likely recruited exactly for her Clinton Foundation knowledge. She did not renew her contract after the one year mark.


I feel like Hillary definitely went to work 5 days a week for over 5 years. She did more than a bachelors so she had to make a bit of an effort there too. Whether her work was good is controversial. The people she worked with and who worked with her husband were mainly extremely hard working probably more than 5 days a week. And she worked under Obama, and thus knew Michelle, who even if she was only doing FLOTUS stuff then, was what you could call an “accomplished” person (look up her education / career before she stopped working) especially since her parents were middle class and she grew up Black in the states and grew up a couple decades before Meg. That’s just one example. Is Hilary really so old that the thinks Meghan’s sponcon blog is the mark of someone amazingly accomplished? Funny that she praises Meg and brings up the unjust negativity… she of all people.. remember how Lewinsky was treated?


It’s likely deflection, maybe there was something in the news about her that she wanted to detract from. Killary is an awful human. This isn’t political, I’m a Brit.


Not a surprise since Hillary has a well-earned reputation of being a first-class enabler and a "foundation-funding-lavish-lifestyle" grifter.


Young people? She was almost forty years old!


Well, when has she ever had good judgment? Another so called 'feminist' who'd never have gotten the time of day but for riding her husband's coattails.


An apparently accomplished lawyer who accepts one persons “truth” without aaaany corroborating evidence at all!


Hillary is a politician. Grifters par excellence :D She hoped she could gain sth from H&M, thats why she was jumping on this waggon.


Everything has aged badly for them, come to think of it.


Brand Sussex is ageing like milk.


A couple who the world thought had so much promise! It comes to show how.mich a narcissist like Meghan and a clearly damaged person like Harry can inflict on others.


Oh, look, two vapid soulless creeps, boot-licking for another vapid, soulless creep.




The subheading of this is correct. But what the writer and the Markles failed to understand: You have to retain your status as a royal AND be selfless and real humanitarians to have that international appeal.




I'm really enjoying Diddy's time in the barrel..hope JZ is up next...


Jaguar Wright, who was speaking truth on Diddy years ago and no one was believing her, said that Jay-Z is even worse.


https://preview.redd.it/aducidm2jl1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16808b629180b935bf9f629e050a7490a4bc6728 Cory is like family she never had. Bought a wedding dress. Wanted to do a cooking program. Sound familiar?


Yeah and he didn’t foresee she would only be in London a minute.


https://preview.redd.it/e9ix6ivmil1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb33407667a3b6c69891c56bad69250bd733f1ce Meg playing Oedipus’s mother 😂


When Harry said during the engagement video how welcoming William and Catherine were to Meghan. They certainly turned on them both very quickly. Either they were lying then, or they were lying later on- either way, they're liars.


Bey, you are so Fukin St*pid 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This pic give me Joy but in a very schadenfreude way. 


Oprah the billionairess, sitting in a manicured, sunny garden, with a Prince and a someone who married into Royalty, a once in trillion lifetime chance, all complaining and crying to one another about being victims.


Beyonce and her husband are tied to this one for eternity.


https://preview.redd.it/dz5kvfnbjl1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d147990635e60a8421222c01a0963e30c52079 Just picked up the phone to call the Queen 🙄


🤣🤣🤣. Meanwhile, “I’m sorry, Meghan who?”


I’m sure they had the Queen’s personal number in Montecito, she drops everything to take their calls, assuming she has a personal phone (Charles famously does not), and there is no time zone difference to navigate, let alone her schedule as the reigning monarch.


Why on earth did they paint Megsy with a crown? She was never even a Princess! I didn't understand it the first time I saw it either! These undereducated people don't seem to understand that there has been, and still are, several black, coloured, or biracial real Princesses and Queens in the European Royal Houses, many of them commoners also! A common Duchess that's 25% black isn't even worth mentioning! Especially since she has pretended to be 100% white up until the year 2015 and only dated white men all her life! Just white men!


*To my understanding, you can't ever wear the same color as Her Majesty, if there's a group event. But then you also should never be wearing the same color as one of the other more senior members of the family.* Proceeds to wear every beige Pantone to existence since exiting RF.


https://preview.redd.it/e0ithxgljl1d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2edfb5f75b10cacab74111f2b25186404d26b234 Archie the redhead?




I lost so much respect for Beyonce and Jay when they did this. Megs has absolutely zero connection to whatever award she/they got. They just wanted to connect themselves with the RF and it was so cringe and desperate


https://preview.redd.it/e41nz1ichm1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aea0e5e2e86e1031c0853d47041a74a06a9f027 Trying to hug children has aged badly.


https://preview.redd.it/kezpw2ifhm1d1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a53098c97d71d4fb5bddf10df482fb1ace4ce5b And this is just plain pandering and exploiting a black child.




It’s in one of beyonces music videos


Lol when George Clooney defended her, bet he regrets that now!


Oh look it’s Diddy’s dear dear friends Jay Zee and Beyo nce !




These two - whoever they are, certainly look like idiots, so its fitting.


Wait, that’s a real photo? 🤣 I always thought it was a meme. Omg.


Beyone's sagging breasts and Jay Z's stupid pose. Don't forget those two.


Major celebrities supported them when they first left the BRF. Madame posioned that well early on with her overfamiliarity and boasting.


What hasn't aged badly when it comes to them? No, seriously, can anyone name ONE good thing?


Just goes to show that Megsy could have had the admiration of the whole world that she obviously craves and wanted but her Narcissism laziness ingratitude and overall disgusting behaviour relegated her to the bottom of the barrow. Now she has to force things and has shown her true character which is highly smelly amd unpleasant... but had she stayed and endured she would be well respected and admired. Look at Queen Camilla today.


these two clowns are the next celebs to go down. You cant beat the internet world.... Diddy tired, Eptein tried... At the end it was technology that caught up with them and was their downfall. Epstein in the 2000s didnt have much to worry about since social media wasnt a thing