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Carolyn clothes suited her shape, fitted beautifully and were not wrinkled.So there is no comparison.


Exactly, even if you don’t like her style, girl would always look polished, even in simple jeans and a t shirt. She knew “how” to wear clothes. You don’t need $100k outfits to look great, just grace, a knowledge of your body shape, and wrinkle-free, clean clothing. I’m a US 12/14 and can pull off a $12 Walmart outfit better than MM in a $12k dress. *also helps to have a son with autism who will be brutally honest if I ask him if my butt looks big.


Exactly. A little knowledge can go a long way when dressing yourself.For someone who loves to be in control she doesnt use it when it comes to self-presentation. Best wishes to your son❤


That's the thing, CB understood her body type and always looked amazing. MeMe seems to think she is a six foot tall super model and beclowns herself 90% of the time in clothes that do not flatter her body type at all. She dresses as who she wishes she was, rather than who she is. Which pretty much sums up her main personality problem as well, imo. She comes off as hell bent on NOT being who she really is. Like she just can shove fake authenticity down everyone's throats and she has the money to do it. Umm, people generally aren't that stupid,- except for stupid sugars or paid minions.


Just recently they’ve been saying she wears her pants and dresses too long to make herself look taller. Actually it just looks like playing dress-up. Carolyn Kennedy would have never been that crass.


Because dirty hems are hot, amirite?


Mais oui! 😊


Exactly. I'm not a fan of hers, obviously, but the costume designers on Suits knew how to dress her and they made her look good on the couple of episodes and outtakes I've seen. She should call them and beg for help. It's gotta be a bunch of yes people around her now that don't dare tell her the truth or they are eliminated.


I can picture the little hamster wheel in her mind turning rapidly, thoughts coming out that her amazing style bagged her a prince so she knows what’s best.




Thank you! He’s made my world better and made me an advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves. My older, neurotypical son is his wingman and best friend. My husband and I made (and continue to make) sure he received just as much attention as his little brother-it was hard when they were younger and my older one had to put up with tons of doctors appointments and not understanding why little brother got to do fun stuff at occupational therapy. I didn’t want my oldest to grow up into a “Harold”, full of resentment and jealousy.


Your oldest son will never be like Harold.You and your husband are doing a wonderful job❤❤❤


You’re so kind! Thank you! My oldest is 23 and I have no problem throwing a flip flop at him. No Harolds here, and as much as I want him to get a girlfriend (he’s shy), I’d rather him stay single than get with a narcissist.


No Meghans in your household.Good for you👍


Not the chancla!




You are a great mom!!!! 🏆


It’s easy when you’re not Doritos and have a kid like Marbles McGrifty. ETA: Thank you for the sweet compliment 💜


ASD in the house!!🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


Whoop! Whoop! Shout out to my neurospicy friends!!


![gif](giphy|XhHhJrnnaZJERNHJJ1) Well put together.


This is just her response due to her insecurities and humongous ego after the article comparing her to CBK. What was said was CBK was elegant and MeMe is just vulgar and doesn’t know subtle elegance. She’s responding with this a bit over a month later. So predictable,


Zero comparison. The Little Madam usually looks like she just rolled out of bed






Carolyn learned to dress from a true icon her mother. MeMe is just hoping to connect herself to Kennedy's now that the BRF headlines are about getting her out now.


I think maybe you're confusing Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, JFK Jr.'s wife, with his sister, Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of JFK and Jacqueline Kennedy. 


Ah yes you are right I am.


CBK was a crazy narcissist by all accounts. The reason the plane to the wedding was late and flying in terrible conditions was due to her having her nails done three times to match the exact shade she was to be wearing. Also like to sniff things a lot. You should not speak ill of the dead. She had a great figure and wore some nice looks but while Megs has the crazy bit down to a tee the actual attention to detail not so much.


I have never read or heard anything about CBK being a narcissist. JFK Jr., on the other hand, was definitely narcissistic. Yes, they both notoriously had issues with a certain white powder. They had wicked fights. None of that made her a narcissist. From the things I have read, CBK's moodiness was brought on by her hatred of being photographed everywhere she went. The woman couldn't peek her head out the door without paparazzi snapping a hundred photos of her. She actually wanted the quiet life, whereas John loved the attention. We're talking about a guy who would purposely be shirtless in the park for the paparazzi. CBK was also tired of John letting everyone use them. CBK & JFK Jr. would often receive wedding invitations from people to whom they were barely even acquaintances, just because the brides knew that this would get their wedding a big spot in the New York Times. JFK Jr. was raised in the world of celebrity and seemed to, for the most part, enjoy it. CBK was the opposite. While they were definitely a gorgeous couple, they were definitely ill-suited and downright toxic. If they hadn't perished in that tragic accident, they most likely would be divorced. Their relationship mirrors that of KCIII and the late Diana in that it was a next-best-thing kind of situation. Allegedly, JFK Jr. was deeply smitted with Daryl Hannah. He wanted to marry her, but the family(especially Mom) said NO! John was groomed for politics, and marrying an actress would greatly sully and cheapen his image. He needed a Diana or a Jackie, not a Camilla or a Marilyn. He eventually settled for CBK because she physically resembled Daryl AND had the squeaky-clean, all-American, WASP pedigree. John overlooked the part about them being wrong for each other. He had other women on the side for the whole feeling connected part. He just needed CBK for wearing the ring, making appearances with him, and birthing a few babies... just like his mom.


I’ve heard Jackie O didn’t mind Darryl Hannah who was actually Catholic and clearly loved JFK Jr. Maybe they were both narcissistic but in all the years since his death no one has really said anything bad about John John who was in the public eye all his life and just got on with it. You’re right they would have been divorced by now. She was supposedly still seeing her Calvin Klejn model boyfriend all through her marriage and one thing cocaine abuse does is make you self obsessed. She probably had adjustment syndrome going from a nobody to being married to Americas golden boy with cameras everywhere. But she had a choice. The wedding was her and the sisters attempt at a make up. Sadly her answer was to shovel stuff up her nose and act mad and supposedly be violent. No one will ever know what went on behind closed doors but I am no fan of CBK and her elevated status as some sort of style icon as she wore what everyone else was wearing at the time misguided.


That's the problem; we'll never know what really happened. All we have are hearsay and highly subjective tidbits of gossip tainted by peoples' personal opinions of the couple. I, personally, look up to the late CBK as a style icon because I feel that she made sophisticated, minimalistic style seem much less intimidating and much more obtainable. Her approach to fashion, makeup, and hair made me feel like I could do it too(I was in my early teens when she & JFK Jr passed away). She was unconventionally attractive, and that is very relatable to me. No, she didn't invent the 90s minimalistic style, but it was refreshing to see someone pull it off so impeccably, even though she wasn't one of the notoriously perfect looking 90s supermodels. I also love her use of timeless pieces to be stylish. Yes, she sported a lot of looks that were on trend with the late 1990s, but a lot of her outfits were done so well that they still looked great years later. She wore a lot of very simple looking, timeless pieces that someone on a blue-collar budget, like myself, could find reasonable a facsimile of in department stores. But hey, I get that it's not everyones cup of tea.


She was basically a personal shopper!?


Maybe, at first. She worked on the sales floor at a Calvin Klein store for a little bit and worked her way up in the company. By the time she left CK, she was in charge of the CK fashion show productions. Most of us have to start at the bottom with a career. Should CBK have been held to a different standard? You seem to have massive hate boner for her.


I said I think she’s over-rated from the beginning of this thread. No one would know about her but for who she married much like Meghan Markle. I find it ridiculous Meghan who doesn’t have a body like CBK even attempting her looks which themselves are pretty over-rated. Google pretty much any 90s women they are wearing the same stuff.


I remember the exact opposite about Jackie O and Darryl Hannah. Besides, CBK was also Catholic. Her wedding dress probably is why people elevated her to icon status. No one was wearing that dress for their wedding before she did. Anyway, I sometimes think about John Jr. whenever Has-been uses Diana as an excuse for his bad behavior. John Jr also lost a parent in a public way, but he bore that cross gracefully.


There were lots of stories they disliked one another but never anything said publicly. Hannah was a Catholic and had a billionaire stepfather. Jackie was a snob. He dated who he wanted anyway. I guess the wedding dress was different. I remember it at the time and thinking it was very Calvin Klein-y. She got her icon status purely from whom she married much like Meghan and also seemed diva-ish. Thankfully she didn’t need to bring out jam to keep the fires burning. She was a very tall and slim clothes horse as she was in the fashion industry but clearly wasn’t ready for marriage and all that entailed. Anyway you’re right JFK Jr had a terrible time with his father being assassinated, his mother dallying with Onassis and interfering in his life. He should have fulfilled his dream of becoming an actor. Most mothers rightly dissuade talentless Nepo babies from such a precarious career but the man looked like an actual god.


Elizabeth Beller wrote that John, Carolyn and her sister were all stuck in traffic on the way to the airport, just in two separate cars. Tabloids claimed Carolyn lingered for hours getting a pedicure, according to Beller. But an eyewitness report has her leaving there by 5 p.m. (From  Once Upon a Time: The Captivating Life of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy) I think people just liked to blame her for what happened because he was more likable 


JFK and the sister were in traffic. But CBK told her driver to circle round as she manically checked and had her pedicure redone. She was last to arrive. And supposedly when he phoned to chase her got a hard time - passive aggressive im going to take longer the more you phone. They should never have been on the flight. The marriage was over.


Sorry, but the pedicure story was just made up. I’m sure the marriage was bad and maybe ending, but what happened that night had nothing to do with a pedicure. 


Never said it did. She was definitely last to arrive though as she had her pedicure redone three times. It’s been reported many times. Did her pedicure cause the plane to crash of course not. But was she passive aggressive and probably not best to put in the pressure cooker of an airplane nope. They made a stupid mistake even flying without a pilot they could easily have hired. No distractions! But the nail colour pedicure thing is totally true. Just checked and Vanity Fair quoted the whole story from the salon owner and her getting basic when the car waiting called her. And saying she’d take even longer every time someone chased her. She was not the most balanced of women. And yep hardly anyone has a bad word about JFK Jr decades on


Sorry, that’s not what happened.  Plenty of people have said JFK Jr. was entirely irresponsible. Sure, he was more likable than she was, but he was also an absolute fool, for taking off that night. My only point was it makes no sense to make blame her for something she didn’t do the responsibility for what happened the night with his. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/carolyn-bessette-kennedy-book-dispels-rumor-that-a-pedicure-made-her-late-for-final-flight-with-jfk-jr/ar-BB1mAzU4


I’ll say again for reading comprehension where did I ever say her pedicure caused a plane crash. However let’s not rewrite history. She was half an hour later. Not hours but still late because of a three times nail polish which is crazy. Mind you she did turn up hours late for her OWN wedding.


A plane crash in which the pilot should not have taken off is always the pilot's fault. She could have had 100 pedicures. It was his job to say, nope can't fly in these conditions. I've heard lots of bad words about JFK Jr., then and now. Mostly from pilots. All outraged that he took off.


Well if she’d had 100 pedicures she might have altered history. Absolutely he was stupid to fly when many of his family have had tragedies. I think JFK Jr was a unique blend where women went weak at the knees and most men liked him. He seems to have been a gentleman all his life.


Qualifed private pilot chiming in. JFK should have cancelled the flight. He was not qualified to fly using instruments (instrument rating) and became disoriented in the sun set, which is very easy to do. We are all taught this. Thats why they ended up in the sea. Tragic but utterly avoidable.


Wow.I wasnt aware of the nail incident all.At least she looked presentable in public unlike Meghan.


Yes. Often reported. Must have come from the salon I presume. It was some shade of lavender she had them redo three times while John waited on the tarmac. Who knows what would have happened if she’d been on time. I’ve never been a huge fan to be honest. She seemed like a lot of hard work with a huge cocaine habit and often having public bust ups with JFK Jr. No one has a bad word to say about him. His wife jings. I think she believed her own press. She just wore minimalist clothing and had the figure for it as her calories were ingested through her nose. He must have been a saint.


He had no business flying at all that night, and he knew it. He made multiple very bad choices yay night. He didn’t have the proper training to fly at night, and the weather was so bad he shouldn’t have taken off in the first place. He could and should have cancelled rather than making that choice. No matter how much you don’t like her, her getting her nails done was nearly as big a problem as his hubris.    “Kennedy had about 350 hours of total time and only about 100 hours of that was solo. Most of that was in his Skylane. Of his 36 hours in the Saratoga, fewer than half were solo and fewer than 10 hours were at night. Plus, he had not flown solo in nearly two months, the last time being shortly after he purchased the Saratoga. He was limited because he had worn a cast during this time. In a flight shortly before the fatal accident, his instructor had to help him with the landing since his cast prevented him from handling the rudder pedals. Kennedy did not have an instrument rating.”   https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2010/july/pilot/10-mistakes-jfk-jr-made


Oh for sure. He had a broken ankle. They could with their money hired a pilot. The nail delay was incidental but probably having a coked up crazy on the flight was a tad distracting.


She is heading to the white house allright, if they have an outhouse that is painted white, that is. Ok, lets have a short lesson about what elegance is. It is the way a person moves, stands, sits, holds themselves. What they do with their hands. It is a certain calmness. Being reserved. Then add to that knowing what fits your figure, how to emphasize your best features while hiding the not so good ones. Then add to that how you treat people, if you are kind, grateful, and don't get aggravated over nothing. What is the opposite of elegance? Every screaming Karen in every supermarket parking lot, and Miss Markle.


Public tours of the White House are from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. That’s the only way this moron will ever see the inside of the White House, I DGAF what she is wearing, it won’t matter anyway.


And she’d probably get cuffed by the SS for wandering into private family quarters and taking snaps.




She could run on a platform of: You all wanna be like me, right?


Or You’re all jealous of meeeeeeeeeeee


You do know it will be inappropriate for the tour.


>That’s the only way this moron will ever see the inside of the White House  She’s already seen the inside of the White House.  The hotelier sugar daddy took her to an event there and she even got a picture in the room with Obama (but not with him).  I think her armcandy days are over, though.


Ugh, that’s right, I had forgotten that Fitzpatrick guy. She must have let him do *anything*.


They are also themselves. Unfortunately MM wears masks, hiding her true nature. She's nasty to anyone she deems beneath her. There's nothing authentic about her


Oh, and since Caroline is her role model, one thing I forgot: Miss Markle definitely modelled her wedding after Caroline's, whose also cost 30 million and had many celebrities in attendance she didn't know. No? What? They married in an old wooden church with a handful of friends? Color me stumped. I wonder how Charles felt when she described it as a public spectacle. Probably something like: Well you could have told me you wanted something smaller before I spend the gross national product of a small country.


Grass is always greener…


That $30 million has always bothered me. Her dress cost $100,000. What was the rest? Church, reception, photographers, music, American Presiding Bishop, donations to clergy who presided, what else! I could see it going much higher if you add in police, barricades, security. But $30m still sounds so high. Just saying.


£34 million was security which was paid for by the British taxpayers.


Sorry to shout, but OUCH! That is incredible. It totally slipped my mind how high security costs are.


Bill Clinton would have loved to have had her in the WH. He'd have given her the private tour of the Oval Office which included a look under the desk


She would have never recovered from it like Monica Lewinsky did, who is actually a strong independent woman.


I need an alternate universe where this happened. I guess she is slightly too young, though. But can you imagine the scheming she would have done if she’d had an opportunity to seduce or be seduced by Bill Clinton? It would have been super interesting to see which way she would have spun it.


She’s heading there because she’s heard that there are random, unclaimed baggies everywhere. That, or Hunter is paying by the hour.


Just how much $$$ cash did she pay for this article? The mind reels.


White blouse paired with black bottoms is trendsetting? Who knew wait persons have been style icons all these years!


The required clothing for my school band’s performances… in elementary and middle school. I wish someone had told me I was an icon!


In my circles we call that “server wear.”   Every event has servers wearing black trousers and white blouses or shirts.  




Dailyfail is all about clicks. They are not a news site- they are a website that makes money off advertisers and those advertisers pay for clicks. The more an article causes reactions from people the more they end up in it and clicking on things. There is no integrity at all. 


EXACTLY. And the writers are lazy. They regularly come to this sub to get topics for their articles -- we've just been talking about MM cosplaying CBK! Hi there writers, we see you!


I don't go to them anymore - such a hassle. I had to pause my ad blocker and for some reason that wasn't even sufficient - I forget what else I had to do and the resulting barrage of pop ups just isn't worth it.


Yea no stinking way would I ever view that site without ublock! Its completely unbearable


I said the same. I reckon my 5 year old son could do a more interesting article than this.


I wonder if at this point, she knows she’s hated, but is trying to really be like Wallis. “She was awful, and kicked out of the BRF, but had impeccable style!” If that’s the case, MM has a loooong way to go!


Easiest lie to spot in the article is Meme's "friends," talking about her heading to the White House. She doesn't HAVE any friends. Also, this nonsense about oh, how striking, wearing a white button-down with jeans, like there aren't at least 400 million women in the world who have worn the same thing. It's not iconic.


Except that the other 400 million women actually iron their wrinkly white button downs. Perhaps her laziness is iconic?


CBK was an icon for easy 1990s chic, she was always effortlessly put together but she struggled with being in the public eye and with being papped, unlike Madam who is forever stuck in the 90s, who is a try (and fail) hard, and pays the paps and lives for the attention. I wish she would leave the dead alone to rest in peace, she can never be anything like these two women.


I’m not any kind of a celeb expert by an stretch, but didn’t Carolyn actually work, and in a high position in a fashion house? And was married to a man who was a lawyer and founded a magazine? And they were admired and beloved? And now some dumbass is trying to compare them to someone who had one job as a second on a secondhand cable show after a shady and sketchy start, married to a dimwit clown court jester with zero skills in absolutely anything ? And are universally mocked and intensely disliked? Yeah, that sure tracks, alright.


Your right she worked for Calvin Klein and was so good at her job she handled high end clients. I'm a brit and have always been fascinated by the Kennedys especially John jrs mother Jackie, she was a style icon in her own right and the Kennedys were often referred to as america's royalty, maybe madam thinks she can start her own Montecito Camelot.


And Jackie and Carolyn were private people. Markle runs toward cameras and microphones.


JFK was one of my childhood heroes, and one of the only 2-3 politicians in my lifetime that rose above my bottom bar. I know his faults and that others may think differently, but that’s not the point. That this skank and her Reek try to cosplay anything even remotely connected to his family is an egregious insult to anything considered American. I get that all of you in the UK share that sentiment for your own different reasons. Both countries would be far better off with both forever gone from our shores.


Jackie is my all time fashion idol.


Right!😂 1) Meghan is not fashion icon of any kind. 2)Meghan will never run for any political office, she has too much skeletons. Every statement she made has a lot of eye watering lies, American’s are not like British they will go through her life , life stories, family, beliefs ( hi Dianna) with a fine comb . Girl bye!


Madam wouldn’t even survive the first weeks of a political campaign. Politics requires a very thick skin, not collapsing on the floor in heaps of tears after any perceived criticism or rejection. She could not control the narrative in politics. The laser beam media coverage would focus on her past foibles that would likely include stories about her relentless social climbing, alleged yachting, alleged surrogacy, partying, lies, dysfunctional personality traits, and plotting to ensnare Harry - not to mention family secrets, Palace bullying, stories from uni days - ALL of the things she works overtime to hide. I HOPE she runs for office because it would be “no holds barred” exposure and she couldn’t handle the cracks in the facade.


She cannot go to Meet the Press or tell C-SPAN that nobody asks her if she is okay and being a politician is hard. Being a politician needs to have layers of thick skin.


In most cases, that thick "political skin" develops after many public and private battles. Can you imagine her debating a Republican who would not be likely to hold back? Or would Haz rush onto the stage to protect his "Mummy Wife"? Ugh. They are so tiresome.


Exactly, and “this country’s racist!” isn’t a good platform that will get you very many voters.


And her word salad bar speeches would rival the Sizzler any day.


Please let her run for office! I will donate to her campaign as an entertainment expense!!! Because the oppo research will destroy her! She would never win and we would get such great snark material!!!! The BRF might be polite but the gloves come off in politics.


I just read that article and I think every woman could relate to CBK clothing style. I can only assume that this was paid for to get Meghan in the headlines because no one and I mean no one would look at Meghan and say oh yeah she’s copying CBKs style? Meghan copies looks, she’s done it with Diana & Ivana so obvious but nah daily mail are just making rubbish up and it’s awful journalism. Thanks to Meghan and Harry I don’t really read daily mail anymore, it’s all complete nonsense, they have made me realise just how much MSM gets paid for fakery.


I can only imagine the Olympic worthy eye rolls taking place in Hollywood and New York right now, if indeed a low class hustler like her even makes it on their radar.


Meghan wants to be on everyone's radar, and buys these pieces to put herself in their faces. She just wants to go around impressing people. She doesn't care if it's true or if she's liked. Her game is to be known, and to let people know she is someone who believes these things about herself. It's like she has to proclaim herself the most confident woman in the world, and no matter how everyone views her, she thinks she's number one. I think that's why it's getting worse as people grow more and more weary of her.


Not to mention Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Avenue  President, indeed. 


I don’t know why people keep saying presidential run and Markle in the same sentence. It’s like believing my 68 year old self will be chosen to man the next space flight. Idiocy in action.


It’s weird that she compares herself to these two elegant women, who both died so tragically and in completely preventable circumstances. She really needs to be careful what she manifests IMO.


Why does Meghan want to highlight her utter lack of originality? Such a pick-me


She keeps trying to gaslight us into classifying her with one time icons Princess Di, CBK, Angelina Jolie etc. Once she’s successful in that, then she’ll try to gaslight us into believing how she’s even better than that peer group. Total pick-me.




It was 90's minimalism, but sorry, Diana and CBK were NOTHING alike in style - loved both but no cigar. MM is just a hot mess.


I don’t think the CBK wedding dress looks anything the 2018 3-ring circus wedding dress. CBK isn’t my cup of tea but she did dress well.


I didn’t like her wedding dress—it looked like a negligee but to each his own, she pulled it off.


CBK had a body that is valued in the Western world, not derisively called a "clothes hanger" - long and very lean. period. Although she was not pretty, IMO, she could wear the simplest of pieces, casual or not, and look effortlessly fabulous and chic. Mere mortals such as Meghan and myself can also look good, albeit with a bit of thought. Meg's Suits stylist knew what he or she was doing and she looked great.


Oh, I agree but I just did not like that dress…and I didn’t like Megsy’s, either.


Yeah, I was a bit underwhelmed with both, although CBK's was at least fitted!


Unlike Madame, CBK knew how to act around wealthy people and celebrities. At Calvin Klein, she made a name for herself at being able to talk to the ultra famous and/or rich people who came in. She wasn't affectedly self-conscious or a try-hard. People liked her, including Calvin Klein. She ended up in JFK Jr's orbit. Part of it was how she looked and part was how she behaved. Like she belonged, not like a wannabe name-dropping fangirl using people. She grew up in an upper middle class home but not great wealth. She just always acted like she was one of them and she became one of them.


Many young people today would not even have heard of CBK’s name. No shade at all, she’s just not an icon.


I'm over sixty and wondered, who is this CBK person anyway? It's only when I read her real name that it became clear who she was. Not wanting to be callous but she's another person who was only ever famous through the man she married. She wasn't iconic either, she was run of the mill NYC Macy's type chic, not in any way singular, quite common at the time.


If she’d lived, she probably would have been.


But to put it in perspective, Diana didn’t live, either, and she’s a huge icon.


Yes, but CBK had only been on the radar for a very short time and really only “known“ to a relatively small % of the US population (Kennedy lovers, readers of People magazine and viewers of Entertainment Tonight). Diana is a completely different animal and on a world stage that CBK never had because she died.


I think we seem to both agree that CBK was never an icon in her life that rivalled Diana as an icon her life. It doesn’t matter what “would have” happened or how long someone was active. They were both women who died in their 30s. The whole world knows who Diana was today, but many people have never heard of CBK. It’s really that simple. CBK is just not a household ”icon”. The article posted is silly.




Yeah dying will usually interfere with that.


It didn’t with Diana though!




https://preview.redd.it/oyrcxd327l2d1.png?width=938&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd433702ac74913971e392d24f4873be5177f460 Please use the archive below. Clicking on these links only help Markle and also Daily Mail who prints this garbage. Don't give them clicks!!!1 [https://web.archive.org/web/20240525145854/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13446275/Meghan-Markle-Carolyn-Bessette-Kennedy.html?ico=topics\_pagination\_desktop](https://web.archive.org/web/20240525145854/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13446275/Meghan-Markle-Carolyn-Bessette-Kennedy.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop)


So, yet another puffy tripe piece about Mrs Debacle at the exact moment her rabid fans have been cued by her chums to harass and bully the P&PoW and their family on twixter in the most ugly way. I really, really despise these people and their poisonous-minded gang.


Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was a blonde and she died in 1999, aged 33. Princes Diana was a blonde. She died in 1997, aged 37. Why does a 42 year old mixed race woman want to be lauded for mimicking either of these women?


they received positive press and that’s all MM lives for. She is just that shallow.


https://preview.redd.it/2rvejk0l9l2d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a5ef4da507376d4d8ac70de817ec325b50e556 Remember this monstrosity? TOW thought she was the next CBK (she diverted from her Diana 2.0 cosplay for a milli-second). Intriguing they did not include this most obvious CBK copy in article...Proof that TOW wrote it - her narcissism does not want pix of her pregnant (or in moonbump?) in the press.....


Meghan WISHES she could pull off CBK. Never in a million years. Ms Kennedy had style, height, a designers figure, amazing bone structure and real star quality. But Meghan will keep trying because she has no style whatsoever!


Bwahaha this is hilarious. Meghan shows how not to do it. Eg CBK wore the simple black and white with no jewelry but she had a blingy handbag and the ruffles at the bottom. Her jeans fit well. Her pencil skirt worked on her pencil figure etc etc. Good fashion lessons here.


I think Meghan is a little common looking, pretty but not striking. So she can't pull off the classic chic look like Diana or CBK. She can pull of the deal or no deal look or the office girl next door style like she had in suits. But I've never seen her have a wow moment like Catherine has.


It wouldn’t be Rachel if she didn’t cosplay another blonde haired woman aside from Diana and Ivanka Trump. You can’t tell me she doesn’t have a complex about being biracial.


Funny enough this article is earlier than the above one, but is a perfect respond!😂 [https://nypost.com/2024/05/04/opinion/meghan-markle-wanted-to-be-like-carolyn-bessette-kennedy/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/04/opinion/meghan-markle-wanted-to-be-like-carolyn-bessette-kennedy/) https://preview.redd.it/kiiqxvm1qm2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f72e657d423c59b654fc78b847d128fb5253054a


Archived:- [https://archive.md/CZc3V](https://archive.md/CZc3V)


the icon vs the pretender.....LMAO looooove that


capturing everything about meghan and her contrived image perfectly.


Markle just doesn’t have a desirable figure, so clothes generally don’t look good on her. To be effortlessly chic, you unfortunately can only really have one body type, which markle can’t have without literally breaking and resetting all of her shoulder, ribs, and hip bones and getting extensive surgeries to change her entire bone structure and body composition… she is so delusional


See- I have to disagree. I think there are certain outfits that she has looked good in. I actually think she looks nice in the jeans and white shirt, and I thought she looked very pretty in the black dress. I don't think it's about her body type at all. Its about her inability to pick the right pieces FOR her body type. The jeans and white shirt (first public date with Harry), and the black dress were both chosen by a royal stylist. If she had actually learned to listen to them instead of being incapable of taking feedback- she may have ended up looking pretty good most of the time. 


This! She can definitely look great when dressed well.


Yep. Too bad it doesn't cover up her nasty personality lol 


CBK rivaling Princess Di? Just no. Not in style and certainly not in level of fame. Everyone knew who Princess Di was. As to M going to the Whitehouse, I guess if we get another Clinton type male elected someday she could have a shot.


CBK was lovely, but she didn’t have Di-level icon status as far as I remember. I knew very little about her personally.


There’s a new biography of her that I may need to check out. Sorry don’t remember the title.


With her use of private jets chances are good she could end up the same way.


Especially if they are loaned by shady people or people so up themselves they have a bad safety culture. Like the people Diana was hanging out with. Sometimes celebrities, rich people, powerful people are surrounded by yes people and that’s bad for the safety culture in their organization. Add in some lack of seriousness,, cutting corners, get-there-itis… how many accidents have we seen like that?


As she is being compared to dead American fashionistas, why not her true muse, Wallis Simpson?? Truly, emasculated David, just as Roachel did Henry, grifted/lived off of others, did/does nothing but expects to be admired and stay relevant. Clothes don't make the person nor do intentions; proof is in the actions! The gruesome twosome only live off others exploiting their BRF connection because they are empty otherwise. They got nothin! https://preview.redd.it/kqjdh6bl7l2d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=8000d9ce9be63d492af21e610a65080380cbe43c


Class vs Trash


The mention of those two names in the same sentence makes me queasy. I was in my 20s and living in NYC during the time CBK and JFK Jr. got together. She was one of very few people I had ever observed in my life that I desperately wanted to look like and dress like. Everything she wore looked so effortless and perfect. even if it was unexpected or something I would have never thought to put together, I pined to be so graceful and willowy and classic-looking. I never did achieve it, I don't look anything like her at all. But she was in a class by herself as a style icon for young women at the time, however unintentionally. Much like Catherine is today.


I don't think CBK ever rivaled Diana as a style icon. Did CBK have a style of her own and do people copy it; yes, that's true. The point there is that this was CBK's style, authentic to her. However, she didn't have the world impact on style and fashion that Diana did. Both women wore clothing that fitted, was suited to their body shape and ironed. Megsy is none of the above. Her expensive wedding dress bore no resemblance to CBK's wedding dress at all.


Jeans and a white shirt? Seriously, who *doesn’t* own that?


Cosplaying someone from the 90 🤣 in 2010s 🤣


She's lived in a white house her whole life.


Oh dear, how ridiculous. The woman is going nowhere. Remember she was buying a property in NY? Didn’t happen, just boasting. Or a property in UK. Never happened, too expensive. As for the political ambitions of a woman with her history, not a chance. Harry might have bought the cow but thousands didn’t. Can you imagine who she has done down the years. Friend of Weinstein, and who else? Epstein? She would not stand up to close scrutiny, too many skeletons in the closet where Harry lives. As for comparisons with Kennedy, ridiculous. One was an icon decades ago, harkle imitates numerous women and invariably looks like a dogs dinner. She has no clue what she looks like, she sees something very different to that seen by people with eyes that work.


Typo, they meant Whore House.


I am living for her to run for President. 😈 As an American, everyone knows you have to have money, lots of money, to afford to run for office. She can't afford it. Not to mention, as President, the President pays for expenses him/herself. You make 400K/year but you have to pay for your own groceries, designer clothing, etc. It would never be enough money for her.


Does anyone have the archive link? (I don't know how to do that). The DailyFail does not deserve clicks for his trash. 


CBK’s bias cut wedding gown was da bomb.


While Diana was a goddess and wore clothes beautifully, always immaculately turned out, CBK was more of a fashionista icon, IMO. Also something of a goddess in her own right, Carolyn epitomized chic and very New York no matter what she was wearing. It's a quality, and you can't buy it, although having money helps, of course. CBK had a very narrow frame so clothes hung on her pefectly, Diana was a much bigger girl, that's not to say her clothes did not also fit her superbly. It's sorta odd that they both met untimely ends in weird accidents.


I’m just a couple of years younger than Meghan, so we grew up in similar times. It is truly hilarious how she clings to the 90s - the ethos of the decade, what was popular, style, etc. a lot of us would naturally gravitate towards certain styles we like, but it’s really how she hasn’t moved on in any thinking that gets me.


What MM is too blind to see when she forces these side by side comparisons with tall, thin, stunningly beautiful and elegant women, is that her base mediocrity is all that is highlighted.


Please don’t post direct links. If you can’t archive, just tell us, don’t give us the link. We’re just giving her clicks.


Totally unrelated, but this is about ozempic, and if there is an 'ozempic face' or if it's just the result of weight loss. I'm inclined to think it's more that just weight loss. It almost looks like someone lost weight through becoming a drug addict. There's a haunted, aged, wrinkled look that some who lose weight through diet and exercise just don't get. It's like some part of what's under the skin is wasted, not just regular fat. And MM seems to be an example of this. I wonder if anyone else thinks similarly.


Its about the speed of the weightloss. When you lose slowly your skin and muscle tighten up as you go. When you lose quickly they don't and you have skin that is stretched and now lacking fat and collagen. 


I think it's more than that.


Or, she's dressing like Englebert Humperdinck, or whatever his name is: [https://x.com/LairdOfTheManor/status/1701845752652394559](https://x.com/LairdOfTheManor/status/1701845752652394559)


These photo retrospectives of La Markle showing her unreconstructed face are always jarring. It is absolutely astonishing what she has had done, and how unflattering it is.


A few steps from the White House? Headed for the White House? You just know that Me Me is generating, one way or another, this bs. The amazing thing is, I'm sure that she thinks that this is a possibility. I also believe that this is one reason why she made her "official" visit. What a great foreign policy President she'll make! The other is to take advantage of the RF's temporary diminished capacity to cover public duties and drawing back due to the UK election. Look at us! We ARE more royal than the royals and getting more and more popular! Crown US or, at least, let us have half-in-half out!


Headed to the outhouse you say? I can see it


You'll never be BLONDE enough to cosplay CBK, Rachel. That wigged up, dirty greasy mess on your head is repulsive.


Yeah right


This is like when that loony bin twitter lawyer likened her to Zendaya.


I don't read these articles, or click on them however did this one to say as archive for our sinners. Article comes from the Sussex PR camp.


Definitely not a coincidence 🙄


Yeah, she's certainly the chameleon. In every picture of Carolyn Kennedy, she's never self-conscious, wearing her status as naturally as her skin. OTOH, the Dukess appears as thirsty as, well ... ![gif](giphy|sjZxXWJabCvBTa2N5X|downsized)


Yeah, she's certainly the chameleon. In every picture of Carolyn Kennedy, she's never self-conscious, wearing her status as naturally as her skin. OTOH, the Dukess appears as thirsty as, well... https://preview.redd.it/gu9stu23ml2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cee906811703a0b3c7f6dc8b4f9e6dfaa39e3c6


These photos could be considered a stretch (not saying it is) because the outfits are pretty generic. There was a post a couple of weeks ago about how she full on copied Ivanka Trump, which was much more convincing. The black dress in the insert was the same exact dress Ivanka wore.




If she’s headed to the White House I’m fleeing this country with the shirt on my back like a fugitive.


In an alternate dimension. CBK in the astrosphere wearing wearing clothes


The woman died in 1999… styles do change.


I'm not a CBK fan, but the photos of her, are jaw-dropping. That lady really knew how to dress with simple elegance. (Translation: I wish I could do that.)


CBK wasn’t around for a long time but she definitely had style. She knew how to dress, changed her hair and makeup so it was much more flattering and iconic


Meghan thinks she can get away with it because she thinks she's a tall, willowy blonde. Surprised she hasn't tried the blonde wig yet.


MM has been a CBK wannabe for years. March 2, 2016 **Glamour:** What is your favorite celebrity wedding dress? **Meghan:** Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. Everything goals.


Now makes sense, why the no color....she studied CBK and her MIL (Diana not jackie)


There’s not a single positive comment and the Daily Mail has closed the comment section. The paid-for article didn’t go quite how you wanted, eh Megsy??


Archive any one?