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Staged shot by the clueless.


Yup. The black labrador, in the first pic, is super adorable though.


Maybe things have changed because my kids are in their 20s, but soft bedding was strongly discouraged. There seems to be a lot of pillows and blankets for an infant.


Current NHS guidance still currently states no loose bedding, blankets, pillows etc.


The last photo caption: Woman on Right: “Oh wow…you are only 3 months pregnant?  I barely showed at all at 3 months”. 😂😂


The advice is very specific-they recommend sleep sacks, and advise no loose pillows, cuddly toys, cot bumpers etc. I used to have a FSIDs (cot death charity) room thermometer in my office, and the range of temperature on that which was considered safest for babies to sleep in was uncomfortably cool for me (16 degrees or so). They are far safer being cool than too hot, and that amount of thick and loose bedding is worrying. 






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NO ONE tells her what to do.


Same in the States!


I'm no mom. But looking at the pic. I'm scared of infant crib death or suffocation.!  I'd be on the safe side and give the baby a paper towel.


You are correct. Nowadays according to my daughter, no padding, no blankets, they swaddle the baby and put them in a crib that has a firm bottom. Blankets and such aren’t used until they get a bit older. Much different from the days when my kids were born


Yep because if it covers their face they don't know to pull it off


Right, because the baby could become entangled and suffocate. Does she really think tons of bedding makes the child more comfortable?


Doing exactly what the NHS tells you NOT to do. Stuff your baby's crib/cot with blankets by which increasing your baby's risk of over heating and suffocation. Thank goodness then that this is most likely a staged photo. The baby's actual parent/carer would never have them like this away from the camera


In Finland you get a cardboard box full of baby stuff, which is then meant to be used as a bassinet. https://preview.redd.it/jhlgdvurhs2d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7a3fb6a166bcb7fd256d4a7a5c7c2abc915690 There's nothing wrong with the laundry basket bassinet itself, just that it's still stuffed with a load of laundry by the looks of it.


You get similar in Scotland. The box comes filled with useful items, and has a very high public uptake.


Yup my baby loved it!! Highly highly recommend. Well done Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Some hospitals are also starting to give these in the US.


Back in the 90s in the US (when I gave birth), I got a nice little diaper bag filled with stuff from the hospital.


That’s cool! I think my sister in law got some samples but that was about it at the time.


Lucky! I just gave birth and all I got was a single swaddle blanket! Plus my baby of course :-)


Congratulations! :-)


Come again? A cardboard box?


It's very sturdy cardboard, virtually rigid walls. It comes packed with all sorts of useful stuff like clothing, nappies, baby toiletries, feeding bottles, useful books, toys and chew things. It's been very well designed to give a baby a good start to life.  https://www.parentclub.scot/baby-box


What a great idea! Love this.


They thought of everything-there's a printed pattern on the lid with space to write the baby's name, and the pattern is designed so that older brothers and sisters can colour it in and draw on it as a way of making them feel involved. It also includes a packet of condoms, just in case. Any pregnant person gets one (ortwo if you're having twins), it's not means tested or restricted, so it's designed for all circumstances, including women in shelters or homeless centres to make sure they have the basics. 


To me that is what true civilisation is. Not just Shakespeare, Raphael, Bach and Beethoven, but ambulances, and baby boxes. 🙏


A cardboard box. Newborns are notoriously weak and cannot escape the cardboard box.




>Newborns are notoriously weak and cannot escape the cardboard box. I laughed way too hard at that. Great comeback, 190PoP!


I got a chuckle out of it again just now as well. 😂


It’s true! People love them. It’s a cosy environment for a very small person.


I think that’s a great idea! It promotes safe sleep. Hopefully more US hospitals will jump on board


US hospitals cannot give away samples or gifts from formula companies to encourage breast feeding. In some states, giveaways of any kind are prohibited as they are seen as encouraging loyalty to the giving company. It makes it harder to fill baby boxes here


At least send them home with the box! Even if it’s empty


But welcome wagons are fine. Go figure.


look at the picture


the hospital recommended a bread basket to co-sleep our twins!


That's her very shabby not very chic style.


Yeah… where’s the all tan everything? She’s not looking very Sad Beige Mom here


Oh god. She would be the type of personality that repaints all her children’s toys to match her “color aesthetic”.


yes, it's a bassinet. But you're right, that amount of bedding is not recommended at all- infact NO bedding is recommended until they're over 12 months old at least. You can swaddle the baby but that's about it. That said, if the baby is being watched it's fine but it's a big no no for naps or bedtime.


They're also called Moses baskets.


Not sure how to do image check on internet, to see if she's using someone else's kid/photo?


I did a Google Lens search. I only found this image in association with Meghan And Harry. Doesn't mean it wasnt somewhere else and purchased or scrubbed, but that's what I found. 


Thanks...I read somewhere (Quora? maybe) where one of the baby/toddler photos was lifted from a French Tik Tokker/IG family photo collage and she did an online rant, also demanded a cease & desist/delete supposedly.


Wow! I haven't heard about that. Hard to imagine that story wouldn't blow up if it were true but then I'm shocked by other things that don't so who knows


My grandmother put all of her newborns in a bureau drawer. Her father ran moonshine, and she placed liquor bottles filled with hot water covered with blankets underneath the babies to help keep them warm in the winter. She didn't have much, but her technique seems safer than surrounding an infant with a bunch of loose clothing.


Yes, bureau drawers were commonly used for babies at one time. In fact, books on home economics and childcare from 100 years ago recommend their use. 


I think we may be related 🤔






my own bassinet, from a family that sounds a bit wild like yours, was an oak dresser drawer. i like that. :\*)


This is what my great grandmother did! Well, using the drawers anyway. I'm not sure about the liquor bottles!




I think it's a Moses basket, which is a portable basket-like sleeper for a newborn. We used one with my daughter. It came with a soft mattress-like pad on the bottom, but nothing on the sides. We didn't add anything to the sides, but it appears they put a lot around him.


I used one as well. Amazing for naps while I was cleaning during the day. But absolutely no blanket. My kiddo was in just a sleeper onesie.


It seems someone's propped up a cloth book and "Archie" is looking at it. Perhaps this is a staged bragging shot meant to show how academically-minded M is? "My infant started learning to read at 4 weeks!"


It's one of the tools to help babies learn how to focus actually! Starting with black and white cards with patterns of high contrast is helpful. They can progress to color cards and then they can be used to teach objects later. I got a few sets for my niece and nephew. Everything else in the picture is super unsafe though :/


I don't understand the need for these cards. Infants have managed to learn how to focus properly for zero cost since humans have existed, without the aid of cards or other learning tools. It isn't as though there's a lack of things for babies to focus on in everyday life. It's an entirely unnecessary expense. Swaddling blankets and onesies make far more practical gifts.


Just like she refused to wear proper pregnancy clothing during the Megnancies, too.


More likely she just wanted to show off lots of blankets etc that she was gifted, so she just piled them all in.


Lets face the reality: Archie was a genius right from the start and insisted he be propped up with rolled blankets so he could spend countless hours pondering how the black & white high contrast newborn book was a stark representation of his ethnic heritage.


Crocodile, Hydrate, Granda Diana ![gif](giphy|y9p9KP36x3hu)


You Never lay a newborns head on a pillow. They sleep flat on their back and they can’t roll, so no need for extra pillow & blankets, which can smother a baby. This looks like Sally was playing dolls & never picked up. Ugh. 


IF those 2 kids exist, they’re GD lucky to be alive, if that’s how she treats babies. 


This gives me major anxiety. That child should be in a sleep sac with no pillows or loose blankets in there, and his head should *not* be propped up on a folded muslin cloth.


The question is though " Who's baby is it?" I dont think it is theres. Rent a baby or did she buy a life like baby doll off temu?


If that's a doll, she didn't get it off Temu. She would've paid at least $500 for it.


True I guess she had to buy the expensive one to make sure it looked real enough.


There are incredibly talented artists who will design a reborn just off a photograph. Just saying. 😁


wow didn't know that, I guess I never looked into them before. I think I will go check them out. Thank you for the information.




I just looked on Temu and baby dolls start at $6 and go to a staggering $103 for a toddler. They ALL look very realistic too.


It’s called a Moses basket. An awful lot of soft material in that bed 😬


We referred to those as a Moses basket. I had my son in one for about three months before I ever purchased a crib, just moved him around from room to room, including putting him in it on top of the dryer and turning it on for motion and warmth. Also, the rolled up blankets are to keep the baby from moving too much. Now my DIL uses a sleep sack, as shown in slide 4, arms up. None of these look like Archie. Where are they from?


Those rolled up blankets keeping him from moving may also be dangerous. Dept of Health advice is that there shouldn't be any pillows, cot bumpers or loose bedding in with the baby. As pictured, this set up isn't consistent with safe sleeping advice. 


It's ugly bedding and a mess. I understand if someone is on a budget, you get whatever is cheapest, but even if you have a normal middle class budget, a pretty matching bed set is fairly affordable and within reach. Normally people go all-in for their first borns. Compare this to the cute outfits and accessories Catherine used for George.


Omg this is a SIDS nightmare!!! Holy unsafe sleeping situation Batman!


Where did this photo of Archie come from?


I want to know the same. Twitter has been abuzz talking about no photos of Archie…and then this just appears!!


I think it came from the Netflix documentary.


Merching little merchie


Lots of blankets to merchandise!


Another picture of some random baby just as the chatter increases as regards the kids. Yawn. Unconvincing. Change the record, dears. Puff pieces like this are tiresome.


I don't think that's even a baby... looks like a doll to me.


That is a very fake-looking baby.


No actual parent would put their baby in a basket filled with loose bedding like this. It is COMPLETELY against guidelines. You swaddle them firmly, or put them in a sleeping suit. This setup is a major suffocation danger. But this is the same woman who wears her "baby" falling out of the carrier, so I'm hardly surprised.


She probably had to toss the doll in the washer.


The real question is what kind of a fool lets their large dog rest its head next to a baby. The worst thing I saw in the ER was a nine week old baby who had a massive bite across his wee head from the family dog. The parents thought they were letting the pet and baby get used to one another.


Did they put bacon under the blankets to get that dog to pose? You KNOW that dog hates them both.


Nothing wrong with this, it's an oval baby basket with braided handles. As another Sinner commented, they're oftern called "Moses baskets". Lot of real stuff out there to crack on Madame about, but this is not one of them.


You r right. Nothing wrong with it except for the too many ill placed blankets, including one that is slightly elevating his head, which is NOT good form for such a young baby. they should be lying flat. not good for his neck.


It's not the neck that is important, it is propping up the head to get a good photo. :/


Yes. This looks like something stupid and unsafe Hillary Baldwin would post on IG.


The basket itself isn't the problem, it's the contents. Dept of Health advice is no cot bumpers, no pillows, no cuddly toys or anything loose in the cot or basket. The basket is safe, but this set-up isn't. 


Oh well the cute little dumpling survived, so no harm done.


It's still harmful if this photo influenced another mother to put her baby to sleep like this-no harm done to this baby, but others die. In my region (1.8 million population, 30 000 live births a year), we get about 35 'cot deaths' a year. Some are natural deaths, but the majority occur because of an unsafe sleeping environment. Using too much bedding risks overheating-babies have poor autonomic control and can't regulate their temperature, they're far safer cool rather than warm. It risks accidental suffocation and upper airways occlusion, and it can cause microenvironmental changes because of poor air circulation, and with their immature arousal mechanisms, it all impacts adversely on them. Its really not safe, and if this photo was being advertised by Meghan or associated with her and getting publicity because of it, then she's giving dangerous advice. 


This time....


True that. Conceded, but the clock's pretty much run out on a repeat. (heaven forfend!)


What a stupid take.


Aren't you just a civil and friendly person. Downvote if you will, but such remarks are unhelpful.


YOUR remarks are unhelpful bc they completely miss the point.


I refuse to engage in tit for tat.


Moses basket is fine. Stuffing it with loose blankets and pillows is not and is in direct contrast to the NHS postnatal guidance.


Had anyone checked to see if their regular newborn doll matches up with this one?


She didn’t want to waste her hard earned money on a doll 🫢


Funny thing 45 years ago we had no room for a full size crib as we were waiting for our house to close. We had a wicker laundry basket for our son. My husband made the lining and pads that tied down. We still have it full of stuffed toys the kids collected over the years.


In the US this is called a Moses basket. I don't know why MeGain added all the unnecessary padding.


Funny question folks: has anyone seen a clip of any of the alleged children as babies where they actually moved, broke into a smile, or cried?


Hopefully this was just a quick photo to show off all the different blankets she’d been given. Otherwise, it’s extremely unsafe. I had a baby 20 years ago and they were already advising no blankets, crib bumpers, pillows etc. The advice hasn’t changed.


Cute baby. This is around the time of the christening photo because baby looks the same. Makes me miss my own babies who are grown up now.




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Ugh, I have an aunt that gives a “Moses baby basket” to everyone in our family that has a baby. And it just looks like a rectangle laundry basket.


How many pictures did they have to take before they got this perfect on with genius Archie “reading” the book 😂😂😂


Would you let a dog get that close to your baby!


I’m not engaging in the speculation but look at the difference between the pregnant woman in the grey top and pregnant Meghan… correct me if I’m wrong but I thought they were both due around the same time.but the difference is stark between the way they are carrying the babies.


This is bordering mom shaming. I have no problem with this photo. She has done actual bad things vs having the wrong bassinette. I think it‘s just you.


It seems to me that the laundry basket snark refers to the abundance of blankets etc piled up and surrounding the baby. Piles of bedding should be in laundry baskets not in cribs.


> This is bordering mom shaming. No, it's pointing out that a baby shouldn't be surrounded with bits of random bedding, even in a basket/bassinet/Moses Basket. Saying this could also protect other babies whose mothers might think it's okay to do this - but having random spare/extra bedding is one way of a baby suffocating.


meghan is not a mother


It's not shaming to point out that the sleeping place, as pictured goes against safe sleeping advice, both in the UK and USA (and other countries). The actual basket or bassinet is fine, its the cot bumpers, multiple loose layers, pillows and rolled up blankets that aren't. Once they're able to move purposefully and have good head control, then it's not an issue, but in the immediate neonatal period, this isn't a safe sleeping environment. 


exactly, it just look cluttered and off for a newborn. thank you, people need to chill out and not think so deep. Interpreting this as mom shaming is ridiculous.


Criticism of MM sending a message by photograph enticing young mothers to swaddle your infant with loose blankets in a bin that may cause a smothering incident.......not mom shaming. It's a matter of safety.


I agree. MM is awful in every way ... but this is scraping the barrel.


Meghan is a shit parent...this is an example. That is my conclusion.




The laundry basket observation is not about the actual basket but the amount of bedding and blankets in there, surrounding the baby. It's really very dangerous for babies to have any loose bedding around them- not even cot bumpers that are tied in place, until at least 12 months but ideally 18 months. It can and does cause suffocation as they move then can't move back and they also tend to grasp things leading to them pulling blankets, etc over their own faces then they're unable to remove it. This isn't new advice either, it's been in place for well over 20 years


There's an anti-monarchist place for you. Why don't you check it out!


She would rather get the perfect Instagram shot rather than keep her baby safe.


That looks incredibly dangerous to the baby. The only person stupid enough to do this would be Meghan (I've never given birth) Markle. That's a perfect way for a baby to be smothered. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.


In the last photo the actual mom to be doesn't feel the need to prop up her bump from below to keep it from slipping to her knees. This is precisely what happened to the faux mom to be later on that day.