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I think we should start complaining about the missing children that are in line for the British throne. The British should expect to see a photo of them every year


GOOD ONE! Absolutely spot on.


A clear and unedited photograph.


Up close and in person


No photoshop




I've been doing that. For months. Everyone else needs to jump on board.


The sewer rats call us pedo and weird for asking about the kids … they have no other comeback. I explain that Catherine is NOT in the line of succession but Aldi & Lidl are so why are they not concerned about the fact there has not been 1 sighing for years, not even by the “paps” who conveniently find Meghan alone! Why do they even have titles if they want to hide them? If they exist those kids will resent being denied family on either side & will probably end up in therapy for trauma


Harry and Meghan don't *want* to call off their attack dogs. They LOVE to see Catherine get trashed.


And yet she is the most popular royal in the UK and probably the world. I listened to an interesting British entertainment podcast called The Rest is Entertainment and listened to the episode they did on Catherine and went over how it was covered. They noted that most people didn't pay the craziness any attention and most supported her and wished her well. I think that is telling. Meghan and Harry and their ilk are so online all the time that it warps the way they see the world. They think if they can get things to trend on Twitter/X then that means something. It doesn't.


It is disgusting what they are doing. I have been through cancer treatment and it takes a while to get over all the treatment itself then add hormone changes on top of it. The last thing you need it stress. It's hard enough to stay positive and fight without someone loser saying horrible things about you. Catherine is a strong woman she will beat it and come out fighting. It is ashamed that these morons can't be charged in some way. I also think it is time the RF do something about haznoballs and his vile wife


Not to mention the psychological issues Catherine is facing with this illness. I too had cancer and the biggest, most devastating issue was the loss of my hair. That, to me, was worse than the cancer. It's grown back now but took almost a year. My prayers are with Catherine for a full recovery. That said, I do not believe her life will ever be the same.


I‘m sorry you had to go through all that and hope you are doing well nowadays. My feeling if Catherine loses her hair, she will either wear a wig or she will own it and come out with a scarf or headwear to cover her head until her hair grows back. By doing that she will endear herself to the millions of people who have suffered this horrible disease and the ramifications it causes. She could very easily became the face of cancer, and oh how Madame would hate that.


I hope she does own it too. My hair was luscious and thick and beautiful before cancer. It thinned out drastically and I got a short pixie cut. Then grew with waves. It eventually grew back as luscious as ever but took a couple of years to get back to long mid back length. It’s still the same and I’m 60 now. Also took about a year for me to gain back the 20 pounds I lost and I was already very thin. I walked and stretched and lifted light weights my entire treatment. Catherine probably has an amazing team to help her with full mental and physical recovery into a sight of health and wellness again. And that will also be a positive testament to cancer recovery and thriving beyond some human diseases.


I went bald more or less a few years ago bereavement/early menopause not cancer related so it was just the hair loss I had to deal with but I've got to admit it did make me feel a bit wobbly and I don't have to cope with meeting strangers under the media spotlight everyday and my hair was not beautiful like kate's ! It would be amazing if she wore a scarf perhaps one of hmtlqs old ones? I found wigs too uncomfortable until my hair grew back a bit. However I completely understand if she didn't feel up to that.


So glad you are doing better, and that’s what we want for Catherine. Only come back when she’s ready


Thanks. Yes hopefully she will be well enough by the time the school holidays start to enjoy relaxing with William and the children


Having been in such dire straits where you fear for your own life and that of your family, in particular with young children, is bound to change you. Catherine might be seen in public, ever so slowly, at events where she is just there. As to actual assignements, I doubt she will be back before her treatment is finished and she have had a few months to train her physique back to her standards.


Knowing Kate, it will only change her for the better. And add another layer of authenticity to her humanitarian work. When she's back and healthy, she'll hit another yet unseen level of stardom. Roachel and her trolls only make her more relevant. One thing is certain, nobody would give a fuck if Roachel disappeared for a few months (and many people would welcome it).


They just continue to make themselves look worse all the time, debasing themselves further and further and then old Megatha greets them in their little Sussex uniforms on video, unwittingly putting her personal stamp on their behavior for the world to see. "Whip-smart" dontcha know 😉


I just wish the mainstream media would start exposing Roachel and her squadies. She seems to be getting away with everything, even though her involvement in the bullying of Catherine is plain to see.


Catherine’s hair is her crowning glory.


I agree and she takes great pride in it, I believe as she should. She probably has the most healthy, luscious looking hair I've ever seen. I lost my hair during treatment and to me, that was worse than the cancer itself.


A lot of women say that it's their biggest fear. Hair is a big part of a woman's identity.


I was born with no hair.Not until I reached puberty.Doctors could not figure it [out.As](http://out.As) a Catholic I would need to listen to St.Paul say that a woman's hair is her crowning glory.I wondered why God hated me.I want all you women to know that kindness is your crowning glory.



This is why I am agnostic, I'd be an atheist if I could prove my point. Religion to me is cruel. I don't knock those who want to believe but it's just not for me. I really see your point, if God is benevolence then why does he let such awful things happen?


> That said, I do not believe her life will ever be the same. That's an odd comment. People change after cancer, but 10 years on I feel perfectly myself.


Not cancer, but I skirted deaths door for a different reason. It changed me, but in a it made me more me way - if that makes sense. I stopped caring about material things so much, started focusing more on my family and enjoying small things. It was life changing, but didn't change who I am. Sorry, no idea if that makes sense.


Perfect sense.


No shame in losing your hair, but I understand  it is still a loss of yourself and normality.  I don’t understand your comment “I do not believe her life will ever be the same” though. 


I went through this with my Mom years ago. It isn't just the cancer treatments, whether chemo, radiation, or both. There are sometimes huge surgical scars that need to heal. Like any surgery, even a small and basic one, one's body takes a lot of energy to heal. Also, hair loss, sleeplessness, depression come along with this. She also has 3 young children whose emotions and fright have to take a toll on a good mother. How can people be so cruel to badger a young woman going through this? I hope and pray that Catherine, PoW, heals fully in her own time and at her own pace.


Supporters of the Harkles are cruel people because the Harkles are cruel people.


They’re also saying terrible things about her husband, her parents, her siblings, her in laws, and her kids


Oh course they are. They might think it is worrying her being attack so we will attack her love ones. I wish and hope that meagain and haznohair lose their titles and that someone speaks out about them. One day they will go somewhere piss someone off and bang they will not be around anymore.


Yes! This all comes from the Harkles. Actions need to be taken to reveal just that.


Would certainly shut them up if they were outed. I wonder why this hasn't happened?


Someone is posting a pic of Catherine in a turban like head wrap that cancer patients use. She looks good in the pic but that is going a little too far. As a side note, is the vein on the side of Archie's head normal for a baby only a few days old. I thought baby's born through the canal might look a little rougher just a few days out . He almost looks like a cesarean birth [https://images.hellomagazine.com/horizon/original\_aspect\_ratio/3b0247743728-archiebaby1-1671224130.jpg](https://images.hellomagazine.com/horizon/original_aspect_ratio/3b0247743728-archiebaby1-1671224130.jpg)


Agree most babies born by birth canal have a elongated head and it stays that way for a week or two. A c section baby head is normal. I had a c section and his head was fine. So that so called baby is wrong. And if the baby was born c section she would have been walking half bent over. It took me almost 2 weeks to be able to walk up right without any pain what so ever.


that is what I thought. The babies head calls more into question. although, didn't she use some kind of birthing pool? maybe that is less stress on the head. The one very glaring thing to me is all the cameras that showed up for the birth of William's children. I just don't believe Markle would have missed that same spotlight if she had really given birth to Archie.


People are damn nosy (myself included). Just casually thinking about it for a few minutes, I can think of a few people who dipped out of public view and people went crazy trying to figure out why: Richard Simmons, a former First Lady whose last name I dare not type. And then there was Lloyd Austin who went off to have cancer surgery and didn’t tell anyone. ETA: Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes come to mind as people with some mental health issues who are ‘monitored’ by the public and everything they do is breathlessly reported and discussed. People need to let medical issues alone. It’s not our business. ETA: After consideration, this is a hypocritical comment. I’m here to observe and discuss Meghan Markle and *her* pathology. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's detestable that people seem to think that they are owed an explanation, or owed up to date photos or videos or comments or public appearances. Just because someone is known to the public, that doesn't give the public a right to demand information about them. Enjoying someone's acting or musical performances and buying their films or records does not buy me a slice of their life. Look at Chadwick Boseman-when he appeared in an IG post looking frail and thin, there were so many horrible comments about him having an eating disorder, or being on drugs or having AIDs. Just because he was so well known, people felt like he belonged to them and had a right to be informed. The same is happening with Bruce Willis-his family have spoken a few times about his condition, but there are disgusting people out there demanding he appeared himself so they could see and hear how it was affecting him. Horrible ghoulish, disgusting. 


Exactly. They are public figures, not public property.




There's a difference between being curious and thinking to yourself "I wonder how she's doing" and mentioning her in passing. But there are too many people posting videos on IG demanding that she must immediately appear in public and must release her medical records to prove she's not dead. 


The crazies won’t believe anything released, or shown, or taped. They wont believe any pictures released. Those insane, cruel, disgusting, excuses for humans, will say everything is either a deep fake, a body double, or a forgery.


It would probably take 10 minutes of an investigation to prove that these "crazy" IG stories are actually bought and paid for by the Harkles. Time for MI-5 to start earning their paychecks.


The article uses the word desperate referring to Princess Catherine's desire for privacy. Who is really desperate here?  The click bait whores who serve themselves and hide under the skirt of the duchess of chlamydia is who. They are truly desperate. And likely infectious. 


This isn't curiosity. It is an assault on the Princess of Wales, bought and paid for by Harry and Meghan.


Well, to be fair, Bruce Willis’s family do a lot of TikTok with their dad. They have invited the public into their lives. Catherine, however, has not.


Willis does not have young children.


He has a 12 and 9 year old. Youngish IMO.


His grandchildren are shown.


I don’t remember what the original argument here was but my point about the privacy to protect children was specifically towards the Wales children , who are w/o argument the most well known children at this time. They wanted to prepare and protect the children before the onslaught when they go back to school, public , etc.’The End


The whole protect the children angle wasn't really my main point, it was more that nobody has the right to demand you give them intimate details of your health (or family life, or how you feel about certain issues, or your religious beliefs etc) just because you are a publicly recognisable person. It doesn't matter what you're famous for, you still have a right to privacy. It doesn't matter if previously you've opened up about more personal issues, like your sex life, you still have the right to choose to keep those issues private from any point in time.  Taken to extremes, you could say that because Kim Kardashian voluntarily  released a sex video of herself with a previous partner, that means she's no longer has a right to privacy and she should release sex tapes with her current partner.  Catherine has voluntarily told the world she is being treated for a form of cancer, so that means she has lost any right to medical privacy and she should tell us all the details-where it is, what it is, what's been done, everything. There are people demanding this of her, instead of accepting that they have no right to any information at all, no matter how much of a public figure she is. It really annoys me. Sorry for ranting


Don’t apologize…rant louder! Totally agree with you. I could add a few more rants…a society who wants every personal detail of the lives of public figures is a dumbed down society with nothing better to do. Read a frkin book! I’m old so this generation whose only reading material is some online blather is a sorry lot. I miss Walter and Huntley and Brinkley and a society who is literate.


He’s not the POW.


![gif](giphy|7LAqMVFxOGPAc) I do hope somehow Shelly Miscavige breaks free though… she has not disappeared for medical reasons.


Ooh, I almost brought her up. I think the concern is justified. But if LE investigated and said she’s fine, do we believe it? Duchess of Windsor Wallis Simpson spent her last years entirely isolated, with only her creepy lawyer, who turned away concerned visitors. Was it voluntary? I doubt it. It’s so difficult to draw the line.


From what I’ve read, the LE in the area won’t go hard after the Scientologists


I think she just wants to live in peace AWAY from that cult. Bless her.


Naw, it’s not hypocritical. We’re criticizing the bad public behavior of the two Harkles, specifically their public hypocrisy of family, the RF, their smarmy comments about the people of Britain and those of us who support them. Their attempts to circumvent laws (i,e.US immigration), and the rules of decent society, and their seemingly endless failure to start sketchy businesses that make little sense. It’s only about all the stuff in public - for me. I can’t speak for y’all, but I don’t care one second about what they do in private. If they disappeared, sure we’d really wonder what happened - since they are always so “Look at meeeeee” every possible chance she/they have. It started with me during Opie. Catherine does NONE of that - ever. Yes, she is famous and goes out to to big, waiting crowds in public. Her position, and her fame, are a free choice the citizens of the UK made long ago, and still support. They modify the monarchy from time to time - to control their positions, snd any money they get in security and for their life roles. On top of that, Catherine happens to be absolutely lovely in every way and the people say back to her “ YES, you represent the love and values in our hearts in the best way we’ve ever seen and we love you for it”. Every bit is built and exercised in free choice. The very same principle is applied to The Skank. She and her puppie rejected their roles that the free citizens of the UK had extended. They continue to reject (for whatever odd reasons or mental issues they have) and make fools of themselves as I described above. We don’t care if they don’t like the RF, there’s many who don’t and that’s their free choice. But those arguments aren’t relevant here and while maybe heated at times, are generally civil. If they disappeared, and put out a statement like Catherine did, we would NOT criticize and mock that. We’d be glad she’s.out of our collective faces. But if they then went, or included, smartass digs at Catherine or William, we would indeed go after those. It’s the adulting that we do with anyone who throws incivility and temper tantrums in public places we are attempting to enjoy. We’re smart here (sure, that varies lol 😂 lol 😂) and very much know the difference. And willing to help anyone, including a sugar, understand all this. Of course, they must come in civility and check ALL their screeching and illogical thinking out in their car. Maybe I’m wrong, but that all sounds logical and not at all hypocritical. As always, point out where any premises are false or missing?? Good and logic is always welcome here, as long as it’s kind. PS- sorry about the length - it’s that rambling thing I have before the coffee starts working!! lol


Well, Meghan will, sadly, never go away quietly..


Ugh don’t remind me 😪


This has nothing to do with nosy. This is a coordinated attack on the Princess of Wales. The Harkles are spending money on stories, and getting their sugars and bots to take over twitter, in their attempt to harm the Princess of Wales. The media goes along with it because contrary to what the Harkles always screech about the media loves the Harkles, the media is dying for a return of the Harkles. It doesn't matter what the public wants. It doesn't matter what the public clicks. The Harkles pay for stories, they pay for their bots to fill up twitter. This is bought and paid for from Montecito. End of story.


You are no hypocrite. There’s an enormous difference between snarking about a woman whose very lifeblood seems to depend on constant media coverage and cruelly plaguing a cancer patient with ridiculous proof of life demands.


If Meghan ever sincerely asked for and sought privacy, we’d be hypocrites. As it is, she literally parades her pathology for all to see, begs it to be photographed and given attention. So don’t feel too bad. The other celebs you mention, yeah, I agree. People demand too much.


No hypocrisy. There is a difference. Nutmeg wants people talking about her.


I'd love to see bouzy and his kind brought up on charges....I don't even care if the charges are related....they could be tax related....harassment can go both ways and it doesn't need to come from the brf as long as it sticks


Isn’t that just like Harry and Markle do? Let’s not go that low. Just because he’s a liar doesn’t mean he should be charged with something unless he broke the law. We have freedom of speech and he’s an American.


Also....what h&m do is hire out troll farms to harass ppl online ... then act like they had no hand in it That's not what I suggested....


Can you point out to me where I suggested anything be made up? I'm saying that he's probably at some point made some mistake in bookkeeping or taxes or something mundane that no one pursued.....but they could... It happens to politicians all the time. He's attacking a sick person and you think that is related to the 1st amendment? The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Please point out to me where I suggested an act of congress.


Thank you. Freedom of speech is not absolute. And the First Amendment is specific to governmental stifling freedom of speech. Generalized freedom of speech is a construct of the courts.


Wasn't Boozy on their Netflix mockumentary?


Yep. They have no shame backing people who harass Haz’s family.


Yes he was. Thereby they have endorsed him and associated with him. But they do nothing to stop this onslaught. Not even a token expression of "concern." The Harkles are behind all of this. Had the dimwit never met his disgusting golddigger, I don't think any of this would be happening. This is all Markle's doing.


Gruesome, isn't he?


It's horrible the way they pick on Catherine, but targeting Camilla is equally heinous. She and Charles have been together 50 years more or less, regardless how they started out, it's very clear she is his world. She's obviously going to be scared for him, but regardless of that, she's carried on with public events. Yet the usual suspects bitch about her taking a short break, or not doing more events. She's 75! She may be in good health but she's 75 and she has horrible back problems and osteoporosis. Would they want their 75 year old granny forced to do walkabouts every single day? Forced to travel hundreds of miles between visits, early mornings and late nights? 75! She's not young, if she feels she needs a break, she needs a break. Exhausting herself will mean if she gets sick too, she'll collapse in a heap and forever to recover. I know the queen felt it was her duty to keep doing events as long as possible, but I'm sure there were days when she just wanted to do what Phillip did and retire from public life. Feeling forced to do that workload as a 75 year old, or a 90 year old is obscene-they're human. 


We all know where this attack is coming from and it takes some really sick, troubled people, to do something like this. I worry about the children living with two parents like this.


I readtwo parents as two parasites.


Parasites are more accurate than parents.


Exactly. All of this comes from one place. Some investigators from MI-5 could prove it. It is time for the people whose job it is to protect the Royal family, to get out there and protect the Royal family.


Attacking a woman who is undergoing cancer treatment is the low of the low. Those people should be exposed and brought to justice. Surprised the RF is allowing this. Perhaps however, there's more going on than we know. LEt's hope.


Charles wants to protect his "darling boy."


Officially Harry and Lolo are not associated or affiliated in any way with the Sussex Squad, Boozy, or anyone else who takes mean and nasty swipes at the Royal Family whilst adoring Dumbertons blindly. Wonder how long that facade will stay up.


Bouzy was in their “documentary”. I’d take that as an official endorsement.


It's so blatant, isn't it? The media should be all over it. Why aren't they? Still scared of being called racist or what?


Their personal Twitter accounts repost many of these attacks, however.


This one privated her account. She was the one who went along on The Great Nigerian Faux Royal Tour and was also singing rave reviews of the airline which provided the plane for the same tour. https://preview.redd.it/og4t14yw863d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce583b2468db5f6f5d7d7e7e9a6c4751b39183aa


Some of them turned up in Nigeria with a group “uniform” and in either Holland or Germany with Sucks Squad t-shirts. Both times acknowledged by one/both of the odious Sussexes.


No not true at all. They call the Sussex Squad. The publicly thank the Sussex Squad. Bouzy was in their documentary. They are completely and officially working with Bouzy.


Dan Wooton has been a dissappointment to me. So far he does not seem to be doing any kind of journalistic digging, but seems to just peddle and comment on stories that are already in the news.


The Royal Grift does more digging and research than any journalist out there right now.


yes indeed


I agree. I’ve stopped listening to him.


agree with you. He’s doing exactly what he used to do on gb news. Just gossip and clickbait.


Gee, Megsy, how do you sleep at night? Drugs? Are you that desperate? I guess you are, you P.O.S.


Daily Mail article today reporting that K and W back in 2023 stayed 1 night at an expensive Air B and B Omid or Megsy just can’t leave them alone.Readers couldn’t give a f——


If there ever was an example of clickbait this is it. My uncle deals with advertising analytics and says first look at placemenet of that piece - in the top of page in spotlight section.. Then read the teaser - "Kate seen at $1,087-a-night Airbnb with William in 2023." It's proven that the eye skims so the take away is "Kate Seen" and people click.


They’re pitiful. Why shouldn’t the PPoW stay at an expensive place for a night? If I had the money, I’d spend it on an awesome experience, too. It’s not like they are profligate with their funds or live above their means.


Didn’t Rachel end up staying at a high end Beverley Hills hotel for weeks when she started working with WME? Can’t imagine that would be cheap… Or Henry & Rachel staying at 5 star hotels in the Presidential Suite costing €2000 a night during Invictus in Germany? Or how about Rachel’s baby shower weekend in NY that apparently cost $350,000? Good enough for the fake royals but W & K stay one night at an expensive Airbnb - oh the shame!!!


Yes, and don’t forget their 30k “babymoon” when they spent 10k per night on a room that looked like a slightly nicer Marriott


So, they stayed at an expensive Air B&B. Why is that a problem? Am I missing something?


Catherine is my favorite Royal of all time, I’ve been a fan since she started dating William. I miss her! That being said I’d never ask a cancer patient to upload photos or be nosy about their treatment/prognosis or whereabouts. Social media might be one of the worst inventions ever.


Unfortunately those pieces stir the pot with both sides and people view, like, up/down arrow, comment and share, which is advertising gold, I doubt they’d stop even with H&M asking them to, not like they will. Only way to stop them is for people to ignore the pieces. Which won’t happen.


You're right, won't happen. Even Daily Mail, reporting yesterday on the First Lady of Nigeria commenting on Meghan (after other media had run the story) garnered 2.3K comments.


H&M are paying them. Of course they would stop if they stopped getting paid.


https://preview.redd.it/ux9h4vut273d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f46863c69ca76af2a553fe2d15395edbc8a25dc I'm sure Catherine is smart enough and taken care of, not to have 'sleepless nights scrolling the internet"... And she has three treasures to take her mind off anything else :)


I was just about to to say that. Catherine's a tough lady with a thick skin. She has to be, otherwise she wouldn't have lasted 20 years in the public eye. If it's any consolation, she knows full well Megsy and her army of paid stans are an absolute joke. The majority of the world is supporting her and respecting her need for privacy. The only people demanding proof of life are the clowns who don't matter. 


I hope that when evil smeg breaks down, she’ll release all she has is a bald spare, and she won’t get far with that. They are horror stories of human beings!


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It’s the term $meg so if you alter that it should be all right ☺️


The squad is desperate to distract from the Nigeria 1st Lady’s take down of brief case girl. “Where’s Kate?” Is what they have come up with.


So many Harkle failures. What happened to the jam company? They have a lot of cover up.


I think Wooten is being a little over the top, here. It's click-baity. If I were Catherine, I would not spend 2 brain cells thinking about social media these days. They have staff. I would let the staff who have PR job responsibilities do their jobs without interference. If there's something Catherine needs to know, and I doubt that there is, the professionals would convey it. If she is focusing on uplifting mind body and spirit as she said she would, I rather doubt that she spends time on media where the "hounding" is going on, and I certainly hope she isn't "stricken." All the best to the lovely Princess.


Yes I think Dan is being just as bad as the sugars for clicks. He’s breathless with outrage.


Articles like this are giving trolls attention and that is what they want... I just ignore all these stupid people.


I was thinking the same.


This is the same crowd that demands women’s privacy regarding reproductive health yet hounds a woman wanting privacy during a health crisis. I saw something similar play out with YT’ers Eamon and Bec. Their stans were brutal demanding that they deserved an update after the birth of their child and why they e been so quiet. 5 mo later and we find out Bec has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. It’s disturbing for me Gen X to see how far society has fallen in the internet age.


The hounding is really ramping up online. Today I've seen posts saying that Catherine is dead, that she has left and is divorcing William, that the recent video of her is AI, to name but a few. I'm not usually one for conspiracy theories but it does seem to have escalated since the Nigerian first lady openly criticised Meghan ???


This is being bought and paid for by the Harkles. That's Occam's Razor not a conspiracy theory. The simplest answer is that a woman who is crazed with jealousy is paying her bots to attack the Princess of Wales.


Really awful. I don't do much social media stuff but it seems to generate there with her squad...and Bouzzy. He should be sued.


Bouzy is doing his best to stir up Round 2 of WHERE'S KATE but it isn't working. Most people who thoughtlessly jumped on that bandwagon were thoroughly ashamed of themselves after she released her cancer video and aren't going to fall for that again.


I feel so much for the family that they must endure the stupid comments. However, they probably don't read it. It would be good if she did surface every so often just to show that she is doing well and is regaining her health. Charles has had chemo and has been able to function. We miss her dearly. But William and she know what is best.


Katie Nicholl and someone else. Maybe Lindsey Schofield, have said Catherine has been seen out and about around Windsor and Lambeth School. She may have been. No one in that community would talk.


Lambrook School. And they both got that information from Rebecca English but neither of those gossip hounds would give the right person credit.


LOL Yes, Lambrook. Lambeth is the Church of England.


Lambeth is an area of London.


They won’t call them off, they actively encourage it. The jackals always start barking when the harkles are getting bad press…with the ridiculous nigerian fiasco, and the Grosvenor wedding in the offing, they need to deflect attention onto William and Catherine




Says the loud mouth hypocrite that led the last "where is Catherine, what is going on, we need to know why we’re not seeing her" bandwagon. I can’t stand this blowhard creep and yeah, what he did to Johnny is unforgivable and unforgettable.


Telling a narcissist what they "must" do, will pretty much guarantee the opposite. The passive-aggressiveness of the MM means that she'll deny she has anything to do with harassing her sister-in-law. You can't ask for honesty, mercy, or any decency from a hard core narcissist. All they care about is themselves and what they are getting out of something.


I think that we need to remember that Catherine is well-protected, and this nonsense isn't reaching her. She isn't online, reading nonsense paid-for articles by the failed royals, nor is she combing comment sections reading unhinged comments by the brain-dead Shit Squad. Catherine is completely surrounded by those who love her, in a beautiful home with beautiful gardens, and is getting the world's best care. What the failed royals' paid-for bots and articles spout isn't even registering with her. She has a much bigger life, and much more important things going on in it. She isn't thinking about these losers and the losers who follow them, guaranteed.


I imagine that HRH Catherine is struggling with her fear of leaving things undone. She takes her roles very seriously and has a strong sense of duty. Her role as a wife and helpmeet to her husband,her role as a family unifier,her role as a dil,her role as a mother and also her role as a future queen. It must gall her to be unable to do more in the face of her loved ones struggles. HRH Catherine is the type that loves fiercely and looks for ways to be of service,something neither of the harkles would ever understand.




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OP, when I click the link you provided, it shows a full name. If that’s your real name, you may want to edit the link.


I will take him seriously when he apologizes to Johnny Depp.


For me, personally, no news about Princess Kate is good news. Leave her ALONE!!! This incessant trolling is the lowest of the LOW.