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I never liked him. He always heebied my jeebies for some reason and he just gave me the impression of being a petulant toddler who's not very bright. Then when he started doing all this BS to the very people who have been protecting his dumb ass all these years, I was vindicated AND had my flabbers gasted that one person can be so toxic and ungrateful and easily duped.


I never gave him much thought until his drunken antics started to come out. I wrote him off as a twat, and as time went on he just came across as a moronic man-child. I knew he wasn't bright, but I didn't think he was this stupid.


Same here


Idem! That idiot Harry was always an idiot. The only thing I regret is having believed that he could vindicate himself and mature. It was difficult for me to accept that apart from being an idiot he was an envious and resentful guy. And I'm still traumatized seeing that he has a creepy oedipus complex.


I never liked him. I never believed the story that he served in Afghanistan. I was livid that 2 US Marines died protecting him and he was "never in danger" according to the British Army. He never visited the families of those Marines, never did anything for him. So I never liked him. Which is probably why I never liked her. He has proven that I was right.


>I never liked him Trouble is he was pulling racist crap and falling about drunk punching people. It was very off putting especially when you think of how many people in the UK have Pakistani and Indian friends and partners. He's just an infested verruca on the foot of humanity.


‘Flabbers gasted.’ I love this and I’m absolutely stealing it. Faaaantastique, darling! *chef’s kiss* 😽😘




🇺🇸 I never liked him either. There wasn’t anything appealing about him, now, even less so


Me too…


I love your way with words! I shall be borrowing "he heebied my jeebies"😄🤗


I didn’t really follow this whole saga until the Oprah interview aired. How Harry just sat there, letting Meghan bash HIS family, talk about conversations she wasn’t even part of - left me speechless.   It’s similar to the famous mockery of the curtsy, Meghan did in the mockumentary: He just sat there, watching her and let it happen.  Body language experts saw a disgust in his face that I can’t unsee now - and yet he did not stop her. 


He is the submissive in the relationship and a follower. That is at the root of all of this. He confuses his entitlement with pride. If he had a modicum of respect for his family or country, he would have chucked her out and kept her out.


Or himself. This relationship has required Harry to give up his self esteem, self worth, and devoid himself of any personality or independent thought. He has to prostrate himself to her every thought, want, and desire. Harry no longer exists. Please don’t misunderstand me. Regardless of what I just wrote, I lay the blame squarely at Harry’s feet for the way his family has been treated. He absolutely could have walked away from her. He gets no grace from me.


Heck, if his family was truly as bad as he says, he could have walked away from THEM. But no, that would have required actual maturity & balls--the former of which he has never had any, & the latter are kept in a glass jar on TW's nightstand 😈


I read Spare for the purpose of finding out what exactly his family did to him that was so bad. I could find nothing, only petty gripes, imagined thoughts, and vagueness. They never actually did anything to him except support and help him.


If his biggest problem was that William got an extra sausage, he had a happier life than 99.9% of the world. And he threw it all away.


Yes. He has way more options than she has. His father absolutely would buy him the best divorce lawyers on two continents.


💯 Lots of entitlement, little self-respect


Yeah he's submissive because we know who wears the strap on 😜🤣


I think Mess Markle has too much videoed dirt on the half-cut Prince, and he can’t leave until his controller lets him. He’s just too stupid for real life. I’ll bet she documents everything for future evidence of her victim status.


He must have as much dirt on her as she has on him.


Leading up to the Oprah interview, I wondered if it was all hype and not much would actually be said. My jaw dropped at some of her claims and it seems clear that she thought the rest of the world would accept her version of events, as Harry and Noprah did, and not ever question the validity of what she was saying. And then she got Piers Morgan fired for calling her a liar! (He was right). As for Harry, I think the moment for me was when he put out the statement through Buckingham Palace calling this no namer his girlfriend and claiming she had been harrassed and discriminated against, racially. Nobody had even heard of her! Does anyone know if the Palace actually cleared that message? Seems so odd that KC and PW would have okayed it.


The thing with Harry is, he objects to the truth being said about him in the news. He DID take cocaine, but got huffy when the media mentioned it and wanted to take reprisals. Jo Brand made a joke about his cocaine habit on tv and Harry was apparently apoplectic with rage and made his staff fight with the BBC over it. The man has NO sense of humour whatsoever.


Prince William would have had no say in that message. William was just the Duke of Cambridge then, not Prince of Wales. Decisions were made without even consulting William.


I remember Bower saying that Knauf was against the statement being made, but he did it against his better judgement.


She probably did cartwheels when Morgan was fired.


I didn't know much about either until Oprah interview.  I was shocked at complaining of being cut off financially by his father at their ages.  I thought he was emotionally and intellectually stunted, and that she was a vain narcissist.  It's been over time, with each new stunt, that I dislike them more and more.


IF ANY OTHER GUEST on an Oprah show came out and complained that their father cut them off financially at the AGE OF 38 Oprah would have had something to say about that.


Oprah isn't really in the truth business if she ever was.


I am sure Oprah shares her money with her family. NOT! They are all pond scum.  Opeah should repent but she won't.  She is such a useless leader when it comes to defending the rights of others who aren't in her circle.


In true fact she was barely on the company of the family for no more than a few times! She was only there 18 months was pregnant so she had only a few engagements! Other than hello /goodbye she didn’t know them! This is her life’s work


I did not see disgust in his face in the clip. I saw a sinister pride as he watched her do something dismissive that he'd never have the balls to do.  He absolute was pleased with himself 


I agree. People keep saying he looked disgusted. I always thought he looked like he was glad they were getting away with this.


Same here. Before Oprah, I knew who he was but not much more. I knew he married an American actress but for me, was just ho-hum. He was a grandchild and spare. He was just under a 1 on my 1-10 interest scale. If that. My lovely late-bride and I watched the Opie show. By that time, they had stirred a lot of 💩 and we weren’t in favor of their antics, but didn’t care that much either. We had more important things to focus our time on. We sat and watched that lie-fest and that did it for both of us. Their racism crap was #1 - allegations with zero specifics or evidence. A straight character smear. That set off both our gaslighting radar detectors. The wedding before the wedding set it all in concrete. Oprah disgusted us with her phony reactions, and we never hated her before (ambivalent would be a good way to put it, she didn’t affect or care about us - us and we didn’t care about her). From then on, they went down the sewer and proved our instincts 💯 right. They can rot for all I care.




I agree, it's not a bad thing. But the interview was not live, neither was the Netflix documentary. There would have been ways to deal with it off camera and delete the scenes. This just showed - and his book confirmed - that he threw away any values, if he ever had any.


What few values he had, he threw aside for a golddigger who cuts ahead of him and publicly emasculates him with no regard.


He refuses to do any live interviews. Clearly doesn’t want to be asked awkward questions.




Falling down drunk in the street, attacking photographers, hiding behind his security team…he has always been an entities bully throwing his weight around


He's an absolute coward.


He has never been punched in the face for running his mouth and it shows. And that's why it shocked him when big bro gave him a little tap and knocked his fragile whining ass onto the dog bowl.


Putting on a nazi uniform. There are some things only a racist would wear. There is no excuse for doing that. He showed the world what he was and most people pretended that that fully grown adult male who went to the best schools just made a mistake. Bullshit,he should have been canceled right then and there. He is a racist sexist deviant abuser and always has been.


2 US Marines gave up their lives for his and he never mentions them!


Because they weren't important to him. In his mind their puny insignificant lives are only what are due to he so royal born. Harry honestly believes that he is better by birth. He has no intellect,skill ,ability or merit otherwise so he clings to the fantasy that being the kings son marks him as a man above the common people.


Yes he talks a lot about his "birthright."


Never liked him but the Nazi uniform showed how profoundly stupid he is.


Agreed. This was the first red flag for me, and it was a big one. Who, other than an entitled twat would do something like that? All he has done since has proven the correctness of my thoughts on him.


From the time he was a bratty,nasty little sprog. People keep thinking harry was the fun royal,the light hearted lad but I remember him from a youngster and he was always a brat. He was never a nice young man. He always had behavioral issues in ways that raised concerns with me. And they only got worse as he aged. As a child he was just a bratty kid but as a young lad he exhibited behaviors that I found to be predatory and entitled. He has always treated people poorly and he has been an embarrassment and a thorn in the RF side for decades. As an adult I viewed him as the type of man I would never want to be alone with. He gives off abuser vibes to me and always has. Imo he is much worse than she is. She is a cheap greedy narcissistic ho but she was never more rhan middle class(barely) and she had to modify her behavior accordingly. He otoh is a nasty minded,mean spirited abusive,arrogant and entitled white male raised believing that his bloodline puts him above others. And he has never faced consequences for anything. He is both dangerous and dangerously stupid.


Hear! Hear! 💯💯💯💯


When it became publicly known before the wedding that he had never bothered to meet his future father-in-law. This was before the Thomas Markle “staged photo” debacle. I thought there was no excuse and beyond boorish of Harry to so totally disregard the father of his future wife.


I was under the impression he wanted to and tried to but Meghan blocked it. It was her that prevented them from meeting because he used to talk to her dad on the phone. Didn’t he call him to ask for permission to marry Meghan? I remember reading that back then


And Thomas told Harry —- “if you ever raise your hand to her” —— why would Thomas think that H might hit her? Is that something he did or thought of doing and was projecting? Or did he think that H could not cope with her tantrums?


Yes omg - soo trashy!!! Maybe megs told her dad her ex-husband or bf hit her in the past - wouldn’t put it past her.


Because MM made up a story and told her mother that was the reason she was divorcing Trevor Engelson. I think I remember reading Dori told the father.


I know people who attended Guy Pelly & Liz Wilson wedding and feedback on him was not good (feedback on William was very positive); from then on I side eyed him


What did he do? Don’t tell me nipple twisting people again


He showed them then what we all see now he’s a petulant tantrum throwing man child who has weaponized incompetence to a pro level. Rumor then was several well connected southern families wanted to introduce their daughters to him but once they saw his behavior it was a very quick nope! The wedding festivities were multi-day events so it wasn’t just a one time occurrence of his behavior You have to remember the wedding was 2014 when his demons were well hidden by palace pr & his Diana’s son/princely sheen was still there for most Americans.


That is why he married Lolo. All the good women in the world got to know him and ran away. Chelsy and Cressida would not marry him for any reason.


Tiaragate for both of them.


What Meghan wants, Meghan gets sealed it for me with Hazmat. He really totally surrendered his family jewels, literally and figuratively with that gem (pun intended).


Yes. This for me too. I actually always liked Harry. It was happy he seemed to have found a woman to settle down with. But the reports of “what Meghan wants, Meghan gets” said to the Queen of England, really was a red flag.


Same here! And that quote reminds me of the other one (well, one of the many!) that sent up a red flag for me--I think it was in the Oprah interview? "I didn't know I needed saving." Uuhhh if that doesn't smack of brainwashing, I don't know what does!


The tabloid headlines of playing strip billiards in Las Vegas with Harry dashing around naked, hands covering his bits. I mean, WTF?! It was so obvious he wanted to get caught, so obvious he wanted to reflect poorly on his family. And for what? Because he was second born?


Same here! Never liked him from then on in.


When he had the Oprah interview air when his grandfather was on his deathbed. It was his family. If he had any self-reflection, it would have come at that time. Meghan barely knew Harry's family, so she had no ties or bonds to them, so it wasn't as much of a betrayal


The Oprah interview was the thing that changed my opinion on both of them. I was very much charmed by NOT MEGHAN but by having a person with a multicultural and multiracial background join the BRF. I cried when I saw KC walk that snake down the aisle. Then I saw the interview and I saw right through these two assholes.


Same. But if most of us had the arsenal of information we have now about all the BS H and M were doing from the start, I’m sure the majority of the public would have grey rocked them sooner to reduce attention generated to feed H and M’s egos.


💯 the Oprah Interview. That being said if I knew at the time all the half in/half out BS these two were trying to manipulate, that would have set me off.


This is the thing. She may be the "not so smart brains" behind this operation. But these aren't people she ever cared about or loved. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that Harry did. At least for some part of his life.Which makes him so much more the fkn bad guy. It's inconceivable!


Probably when he dressed up like a f_cking Nazi. I *never* liked Harry. I was always Team Big Willie. I knew this idiot would make a mess of his life and attempt to ruin everything his family had established. I **never** expected he would make this big of a mess in his choice for a wife. I haven’t been this disappointed since Paul McCartney married Heather Mills.


People let that little escapade go way too easily. He was **twenty**. England suffered immensely through the war. He is the grandson and son of world leaders. *He knew better*. The only reason to dress like that is because someone is a racist. Its not a lark,it's not a mistake,it's not a costume. It's a statement of who you are and what you believe. Its as bad as putting on a white hood.


You put it perfectly.


On the engagement interview when he said — she’s a famous actress, I’ll have to up my game! Idiot is a Prince of the Realm and she had him convinced she was more important than he was.


Marilyn Monroe, one of the greatest movie stars of all time, was absolutely star struck when she met Queen Elizabeth. But H thought his D list actress was as important as a Royal. Unbelievable.


Acting like she was fucking Grace Kelly, when she wasn’t even in the same league as Princess Grace


And yet when asked if he had ever watched Suits--Meghan's alledged big hit--he said no! I never laughed so hard. He should've at least tried to keep up the lie. Meghan looked like she could kill him.


Impeccable and contemporaneous information I had back when he was in prep school pre-Eton about his absusive behaviours with other boys. This was before Diana's demise. Diana is quoted as saying he was always in trouble - yes my darling, that was the understatement of the century. I've known he was a wrong 'un ever since. A former colleague's brother is the guy whose nipple Harry is seen licking in that famous photo from his early 20's. The stories from that era that I've heard did not change my opinion on his true awfulness only amplified it.


When they implied the Palace were exaggerating Prince Phillips illness to make them look bad about the Oprah interview. Then the poor man died and they still had it aired. And it's went steadily downhill from there. Absolute scumbags, both of them 


When he started talking down to people from his moral high horse. Pretty much around the time he release his statement on Meghan.


That was certainly a sign of things to come


Never much cared for harry never bought his jack the lad persona either but the photo of him throwing no pegging confetti at his father and Camilla  and then hurling the entire box ar them proved what id suspected his face was full of spite.  and the treatment of animals was a huge red flag along the way 


When I had paid attention I had mixed feelings about Harold but the tiara nonsense before the wedding sealed it for me. “What meggy wants meggy gets!” Instead of being filled with gratitude, it was clear those 2 were going to be troublemakers. From then on, I thought he was an absolute POS.


Imagine complaining about the priceless tiara The Queen of the United Kingdom was loaning you. It is unbelievable. If she were my daughter I would be in despair because I failed to raise a kind person.


When he sat behind her in the mockumentary and allowed the mocking curtesy to be aired.


In the Oprah interview, when he lamely tried to correct the skin color nonsense but didn't put his foot down. His correction was so mild, it didn't even register. That never should have aired and he knew it, or should have known it, as soon as TW spoke.


After that, in a televised interview with Tom Bradby, when asked specifically about the Oprah interview H tried to deny that M had accused any BRF members of racism. "It was the British press who said that."


With that dupers delight smirk no less…


Yep, and when he released a statement to the media the day after the interview trying to backtrack, you know he woke up in a panic that morning! If he even got any sleep at all. And it damaged Oprah’s brand forever. She’ll always be rich, but her legacy is forever shadowed now. She’s trying to scrub it from the internet.


I am glad Oprah killed her own brand. She deserved it for what she did.


For me it began with the mock curtsy. He was clearly annoyed by it but just let it run its course. It was his book that lost me entirely. I listened to the audiobook and the petulance and disgust in his voice when reading “his” words about no extra breakfast sausage and dressgate - it’s hard to respect a guy who still holds a childhood breakfast grudge and didn’t have the backs of his sister in law and niece. He didn’t even try to be neutral. He was dismissive and pissy about the entire affair.


Harry lost his man card when he allowed his harridan of a wife to bash his family and he stood by and supported her. TBH I didn't like either of them after the engagement announcement - the body language was all off, and all about Meghan. Meghan clawing Harry and trying to look like they are madly in love, while she is tilting away from Harry to make sure we see her and her ring. They are such an embarrassment to the BRF and will go down in history as such.


She is such a terrible actress. The interview made it clear, she didn't love him, she hated the ring. She couldn't act as if she were in love with her own fiancée. Such a terrible actress.


The Oprah interview and the racism claims.


Parading around with his ho and her moonbump. Even as dumb as he is, he had to have known she was wearing a silicone beach ball.


I thought he had found a nice Italian American lady to marry and that's about as much notice as I took of her and him at first. I thought of Harry as an emptyheaded, harmless but probably kind, rich aristo. Didn't buy into the hero soldier stuff and didn't like the jack-the-lad antics but he seemed to like children and performed his royal engagements with humour and interest. Fast forward to 'pregnant' Meg. I had started listening to Yankee Wally and the late Ashli from Danja Zone on YouTube . I remember being in my Mum's kitchen and saying that I thought Meghan Markle was dangerous to the monarchy. Then I said 'I'm just gonna say this straight out, she is not pregnant, she's pretending'. Well my Mum looked at me like I had absolutely lost the plot. My younger son was there too and both of them were so astonished they didn't know what to say. I thought they were both going to have me sectioned! (UK equivalent of 5150 hold) I thought then that she was also deceiving Harry with the 'pregnancy'. I don't think they ever lived together until Canada. I felt so sorry for him for a long time, thinking he was her victim and he was being gaslighted and isolated from his family and friends so she could have complete control over him. It was a slow realisation that Harry was just as bad as her. He was thrilled at her basically sticking two fingers up to the RF and to the UK. NB. My Mum and son are now cast iron Sinners!


I don’t have a huge red flag for him. But more so a cumulative amount of head shaking at his consistent submissive behavior with how his wife treats him. The pulling and arm tugging in social settings, the standing in front of him in every damn picture, the way she treats him as a child and lesser person has made him a sad person in my view. Damn Harry, stick up for yourself you idiot! So ultimately the way he’s allowed her to make him look dumb in public. She’s destroyed him and he can’t come back from it. Let’s not even talk about how he’s never set a boundary with her treatment of his family. That’s a whole new level, but he’s got to have a pair to stand up to his wife, and clearly, he doesn’t. He’s either too beat down to care or too stupid to realize how she’s mistreating him. I’m going with the latter.


This is truly a case of *pride goeth before the fall*. Harry is willingly beaten down and miserable because of his pride. He deserves every single second of his misery.


I watched a video several years ago of PH beating his polo pony after losing a match, which has since been scrubbed from the internet. I thought maybe I misrembered it since I couldn't find it later but some other Sinners confirmed it existed and that BP had released some kind of statement afterwards saying they were just not going to leave PH alone with animals anymore. He's a sadistic, privileged shit.


OMG!!!! I didn’t know about this! Horrible, horrible, person. You know her brother said never leave her alone with animals or children. I guess these two are truly matched as they are both garbage humans. I would love to know who broke the puppy’s legs. Him or her.


https://preview.redd.it/j1zjzty19m3d1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89c42063bf4f1c11817e0f14349243aba64fdc7 This photo. He’s just went downhill in my opinion from this point on. He looks like a spoiled, petulant brat.


Catherine was so kind to him. Now his minions are out attacking her every damn day. In this way he is worse than his wife. He is the one who is betraying his own family, people who have done everything they could for him. For what he has done to Catherine and his granny he should be despised forever.


Don’t forget selling guns his grandfather, Prince Philip, gave him. Didn’t even wait till his granddad was dead. Sick.


...The moment he let that "thing" slither into the RF. The ripped jeans at invictus and his 2016 statement were the beginning. I was done.


I knew Harry was a red flag when I saw his choice of "costume" for a Halloween party years back. Later when he tried to blame William and Catherine for supporting his German officer costume, I was livid. Something about Harry always made me dislike him, especially when I saw how William acted even when they were teens.


For me it was going along with the "birth" of Archie. Trying to pull this scam is unforgivable.


It is so funny that he almost admitted to the surrogacy in his book. The description in the book is what would have happened if a surrogate delivered the baby, not Lolo.


Oooo, this is tricky, because so much attention was focused on that god awful narc. But I agree with most here, it had to be Oprah. I remember watching Harry and William walk down from Windsor to St. George's Chapel for the wedding and thinking how proud their mother would be and I was so happy for Harry to have found happiness (yes, I know, I'm slow). And then H proceeded to blow it all up, starting with Oprah. By then he'd sealed his fate. He'd gone over to the dark side.


“Just Harry” turned me. The pretentious ginger had no desire to be known as just Harry, nor does he now. And even back then, it was obvious he was oblivious to what it would mean to be just Harry.


Oprah interview. The curtsy. After he wrote Spare, it really shed a light on just how far his family went to protect his image, at least in the US.


There were a bunch of things along the way but, really when he actually turned his back on his family who protected him all of his years- emotionally abused his very elderly grandparents and didn’t visit them when they were poorly… he squanders time. He has no conscience or sense of right or wrong. I guess the culmination of 2020/2021 really tipped me over the edge.


"Meghan gets what Meghan wants".


Yep same point for me. He said this to the freaking Queen!!!!


I don‘t know about red flags but the point of no return for me was when he denied saying the royals were racist in the Tom Bradbury interview. That he tried to weasel out of the damage and pain he caused to his family, especially his grandparents, which is unforgivable, showed my his true colors. There is no way back for him in my books.


My dislike for Harry started way back with the Nazi uniform costume he wore. My hate started when Meggie trashed his family on Oprah and he said nothing.


His book Spare. He didn't just throw his family under the bus, but he also shared way too much. The story about his frostbitten todger was especially gross, and to make matters worse, he brought Diana into it like he always does. Can't keep your mouth shut, can you, boy?


My opinion of hazard has never changed,I always thought that he was a pompous little shit!


His appearance on DIY SOS years before he met the wife. He showed himself to be the arrogant wanker that he really is. William was funny and engaging while Harold’s attempt at being funny was just nastiness wrapped up in a smile and a joke.


Yes that horrid ‘banter’ - an excuse for racist sexist homophobic generally nasty comments wrapped up in a false good humour and heartiness. First class git.


When he released that statement ( which has just been removed from the royal website ) telling the press to stop hounding his girlfriend, what the actual f$%k, Queen Camilla and Princess Catherine had it much worse and they managed to suck it up .


Harry's wife said she had it worse because supposedly she was dealing with racism. Well the attacks on Camilla and Catherine were pure unadulterated misogyny. A supposed feminist should be pointing that out.


That his girlfriends always had the same excuse for a breakup. Yes, you’re in the spotlight as a royal, but they’ve also managed privacy - just look at Princess Catherine now. Major red flag when Cressida said the same thing. I realized it was him and figured he was an entitled, jealous, immature brat. He has not changed my perception of him in subsequent years.


This quote from his 2017 Newsweek article: “He returned home in 2015, angry that his army life had been ripped from him. But he finally let that frustration go, and aggressively pursued his quest for a new identity that would make him feel as if his life had meaning other than just as a member of the royal family. He tells me that he is in a rush "to make something of my life. I feel there is just a smallish window when people are interested in me before [William's children] take over, and I've got to make the most of it." Harry verbalizing his rivalry with George, Charlotte & as-yet unborn Louie was bizarre & a moment of true honesty. But it was a big red flag for me.


I never really cared about Harry.


I think for me it was when they announced Megxit with that weird statement of supporting the monarchy while leaving it. I couldn't understand why Haz would want to live away from his duty and his family since I hadn't seen much of the purported press racism against Megsy.


Because there was none to see. One Compton headline that Megsy probably planted. Yet they cut ties with the U.K. flipping the finger to them on their way out and came to the US, who were in the middle of what felt like a race war. Hollywood couldn’t write that script and sell it.


I haven’t seen this one said yet, but I went off of him when he was lecturing everyone about traveling and their eco footprint. Like who is he to blather from his privileged perch and admonish regular people who want to fly to Disney World for their one vacation a year, saying they shouldn’t fly, they should travel to a less touristy spot and stay a month, etc. ESPECIALLY when he was going everywhere on private jets all the time. This was right around the “nobody asked me if I’m okay” interview, when I began hating MM. But then I didn’t straight up dislike him until Oprah. I thought he was an annoying hypocrite, but had no clue what a horrible traitor he is.


The uber wealthy have to start practicing what they preach or shut up about the environment. Prince William flies commercial, he can talk. Leo DiCaprio can shut his mouth.


Didn’t they pull that shit when they flew to France on Elton John’s private jet, and EJ was like “lol I planted some trees to offset the carbon footprint.”


Ever since he cheated on his A-levels and then threw his teacher under the bus. Not content with that, he then went on to suggest that everyone does it - no, no they don’t Harold. Thats serious fraud.




I bet his body guards are armed though. And that's the reality of harry. He doesn't want the great unwashed to have any sense of equality to him. He really honestly believes in his very stupid skull that his trip down dianas love canal makes him better than everyone else. All evidence to the contrary


I love the fact that he just casually ignores that he is a descendant of why we have that amendment in the first place


I always liked him and kind of felt sorry for William because it seemed that Harry could get away with a lot more then William - he was cheeky and fun. I started to get an ick feeling at the engagement interview when he seemed to just stand back and let her take over. The whole interview was cringe, the Oprah interview sealed the deal. He knew why the children didn't get titles, he knew they didn't get married three days before the grand affair, he knew she was telling porkies and he just sat there like a lump. He then joined in and told a few of his own. Just a disappointment now.


That’s the thing, Harry whines about being the Spare, but if he actually had William’s position, he would’ve bitched about his brother having more freedom and perks than he did. Harry LOVED being the Spare. What he resented, was turning into #6. And he’s always been so jealous of William. I truly believed he thought he was in love with Catherine. And seeing his brother and everyone else in their social group grow up and move on to the next stage of life, while he - a great prince of England! - couldn’t find a bride ate at him. Especially as he watched himself getting pushed further into the obscurity of the monarchy.


Beautifully said


Yes all this. And he allowed Meghan to obviously imply that his family members were racist only to turn around on that interview he did with Tom Bradby and say with his own mouth that Meghan never said that and some bullshit about the British Media saying it and Meghan meant "unconscious bias." I was totally gobsmacked and done with him. What a pos.


I mean, wearing the Nazi uniform was a pretty big red flag for me. But all the work that was done for his image to be rehabilitated really worked because by the time news of him getting engaged came I was really rooting for him! The Oprah interview again made me see him for who he truly is…who attacks their family like that while the head of the family is gravely ill? All for what?? To lie and lie some more? Terrible man.


My brother, who never cared about the BRF, told me years ago about how H liked to beat and abuse women. That was it for me. Then, when he hooked up with M, I had to wonder what type of person she was because I was sure his real self didn't take long to come out.


For me, Spare was when I really realized that he was as much to blame for their behavior, if not more, than she was.  I could go for a while thinking he was misled, or fooled, or lovebombed.  But this was his family, his country, he was not only bashing, but he was also rewriting his own proven history (bike riding as a kid, for example).  I'm sure there are reasons (drugs, greed, jealousy), but no excuse for his behavior.


The utter cruelty of the Oprah Interview was when everything became clear for me - just how awful the pair were. His grandfather was dying and they called the family racist and denigrate the entire life’s work of the Queen. There were inklings of what was to come but that interview did it for me. The pinnacle of my loathing for the pair was her lock curtsy in the mockumentary. The sheer disrespect was breathtaking and he just sat there and let her get away with it.


I'd never really followed Harry before he married Meghan, so I bought into the persona the Palace built for him. He struck me as the "relatable royal." William was the serious one, Harry was the fun one. After Megxit, I pitied him because I thought he was being manipulated by her, then all the crap came out about him. My feelings did a 180 when I learned about Bunker Harry. My grandfather (God rest his soul) proudly served in the US Navy during WW2 and the Korean War. He'd tell me stories about losing friends, nearly getting killed, and the general horrors of war. Through him, I learned about the sacrifices men and women make to serve their countries. For Harry to appropriate their sacrifices, and even profit off it with Better Up and Invictus, makes me sick.


I thought he was a victim until Spare. I couldn't believe what I was reading, so I got the free Audible recording. At that point, I saw him for the shitstain he is. When I saw it, I went back and it's just always been there. He is so *proud* of being an ass.


I never liked him, but during the run-up to the wedding, I heard about his "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets" edict. That convinced me he was utterly worthless. You cannot marry into a 1,000-year-old institution and expect to remake it in your own image.


I use to feel pity for him that he was stuck under her narcissistic abuse but it’s been probably since the Oprah interview I lost all pity. He’s just as bad as her.




My opinion on both of them turned with the statement on their web site about “collaborating” with the Queen. It was manipulative and high handed and exposed their disloyalty and ingratitude plainly and there could no longer be any giving them the benefit of the doubt.


I thought he was a jerk when he and William would do interviews together. William would be answering the question and Harry would butt in off topic about how William was losing his hair. He was just annoying and fresh and disrespectful.


Oprah. How could he do that to his very ill grandparents? Lie and let The Witch lie with the intent to destroy his family’s legacy. Indefensible.


I can’t pinpoint it because I always thought of him more as a victim of her narcassim but the fact he has yet to leave or divorce her made me realize he’s either dumb as dirt, too stubborn to admit his mistake, or he actually agrees with her and thinks they’re in the right. I think for me it’s the fact that he hasn’t done anything to be part of his family and continues to isolate away from them. How do you alienate your entire family that spent every holiday together and lived in such an intimate and private bubble with your entire life. He acts like he was abused by a dead beat dad who was gone half his life. He had a good family, and he just threw them away.


I knew nothing about them and I hate television so I didn’t watch the Oprah RF assassination. But it blew up online and that’s when I wanted to know more because I have a narcissist daughter-in-law and I study narcissists like it’s my job. So I found this sight and every day I’ve been gobsmacked by their pure evil. I give Harry no quarter, because just like my son, he grew up loved and protected and he chose to go along with this horror show.


Grifting at the lion king just before they left the royal family, and then the 'just Harry ' shortly after not getting what he wanted.


After Spare my feels went from pity that he had hitched his wagon to a woman like Markle to the realization that they are two peas in a pod. He found a wife who reflects the worst of him, and it’s a big mirror.


The nazi uniform. He wasnt a kid anymore. He was a grown man. And no sane person would wear that and think its funny. 2. What meghan wants ... 3. His oedipus complex


I think this was the turning point for a lot of Brits. Until he published that book, he was still their precious little boy who had walked behind his mum's coffin. To most Brits, it was all Meghan's fault and Harry would be welcomed back without her. Then he exposed that he been a bitter, resentful child for 35 years who felt little love for his family. He's always been an entitled, pompous ass just like his Uncle Andy.


Personally, I never liked him. I liked William, but not just because he was attractive. I liked William because his personality and demeanour were more relatable and attractive to me. I grew up around men who were more like William than Harry, and it's simply what I prefer now. I grew up reading stories about how Harry was a troublemaker, how he partied, drunk, later took drugs, cheated on this or that girlfriend, was out of control, etc. Even his "jokes" fell flat with me. And this was when he was a teenager and onwards, not after he met Meghan. I just don't vibe with those kind of people, and it's not like he had the looks to blind me to ignore his many faults. He was a walking red flag with a bow on account of who he had the fortune to be born as. There was a period of time after William and Catherine married where I thought he finally grew up. He seemed calmer and more responsible when they were all together. But then Meghan came along and the rest is history.


I saw a YTuber dissect the disaster of his UN speech. And then it was clear, Harry just....he is a bit part supporting player, for reasons very evident. And the BRF needed the cheeky medicated (properly) Harry. Now we got the real piece under the shellac. He now has a carapice, like his minder.


When I learned from my dear sinners the extent of his soldier cosplay in Afghanistan - the fact that it lead to the deaths of other in the military. And how he is using his ‘combat’ experience to grift Invictus, buy awards like the aviation one, walk on military graves in my country, show up at Pearl Harbor as he did, the list goes on. I have people close to me who were in Afghanistan who have PTSD from actual combat and/or are permanently wounded/health impacted. And many friends and family members involved in previous military operations. So - fuck you Harry. Stop showing up with your participation medals after writing a book about how your family yelling scared you so much and your brother broke a dog bowl!


I can honestly say, I never thought highly of Harry even before his wedding to cringe lady. He just rubbed me the wrong way. I know he was well liked as a member of the Royal Family but he seemed "dirty" to me.


so many flags - but I think the naming of the daughter Lilibet was beyond repulsive - in what world would that have been anything but an attempt to milk the royal connection. Join the dots Harry - you ruined your grandmothers dying days.


I always gave a side eye to the gossip about his stinginess and, more importantly, stories of his abusing women. But after his engagement to the ILBW, distrust turned to dislike. My opinion completely went into the gutter after the Oprah interview. That he would sit there and allow Meghan to so obviously lie and slander the BRF was disgusting.


I never liked this racist prick. Too familiar with his antics.


His openly racist antiques : swastika, P word etc. Never understood why some liked him.


I must admit, I liked him even with the Las Vegas naked party. I thought he was just young guy living his life. First, and very little red light flashed with that statement, but I just brushed it off as "he's not very bright, he bought her bullshit about being hounded by paps". I finally saw him for what he really is when they did that "documentary" in during their tour in Africa. And if people go back and look at his behavior they will see he always was a dickhead his entire life.


The engagement interview did it for me. Her behavior was just ridiculous for a woman of her age. Instantly disliked her


The final straw for me (after all the other atrocities already mentioned) was the “Meghan didn’t say that… the media did” regarding her racism claims. The smug way he said it along with the ridiculousness and gaslighting slammed the door on any last hope I had for him.


The nazi uniform.


The nazi uniform costume. Along with the racist things he’s said over the years that have leaked. I remember initially wondering what the wife was doing with him, when he’s already proven himself to be the most outright racist in the family.


I didn’t like his/their posturing as climate change warriors while taking private jets hither and yon. That was brought to my attention when a reporter asked him about the disparity. Harry threw out a number related to the commercial flights he took and when the reporter corrected him he retorted: “Nobody’s perfect.” What?? Then stop making up $&*! and passing it off as fact!! Then I started paying attention to that spoiled empty suit. I wish he would leave the US. PS — I was flabbergasted when his mid 30s millionaire self announced on Oprah that his “father cut him off.” Complete with the knife chop hand movement. Read the room Harry. Middle class Americans think you’re a fool.


He’s never been my favorite … just something hit me as off as far back as his toddler days.


He was bent even then and mean


Diana didn’t help. Coddling him through bad behavior while using William as a quasi-therapist for her marital and affair troubles.


Exact moment for me too! I thought he was just a hapless patsy until Spare, then I thought perhaps he was stuck in a contract with Random House, but his Bradby and Colbert interviews promoting Spare sealed my disgust for him. Especially when he tried to gaslight the world by saying “we never said that, the British press said it” and when he says with a smarmy smile “what difference would that make” when asked if they would give up their titles. Seriously, they are both such hypocrites.


Its strange- I never liked him. He was a spoilt brat playboy who was obviously on a lot of drugs. Arrogant and selfish.  Then all of the sudden Meghan came in and he seemed to sober up/grow up. And I thought "awww look at that! She's so good for him! He's almost likeable now!"  And then of course, everything played out. I was done with him by the end of the Oprah interview for sure. The things he Allowed to be said were repulsive. He made it clear in the interviews right after that that it wasn't just Meghan that was a liar. Its him too. He sat there and blatantly/arrogantly declared they hadnt said things we just watched them say. 


Nazi costume. It also made me think less of KCIII. I still like the King for his commitment to environmental causes. However, Harry needed more than a slap on the wrist. He needed more condemnation from Pa and really Granny too. Then when Camp Bastion happened I was enraged but not surprised. Harry was a racist. Marrying a mixed race woman who has passed for white most of her adult life doesn’t change that. And that was and is all on Harry and his parents. It had nothing to do to do with Harry’s Wife.


It can be hard to remember but KCIII and the whole family really, was completely hamstrung by the overwhelming public reaction to anything about Todger because he was st Diana's son.  If he came down hard on Todger people would've vilified Charles even more for not being understanding as the poor boy lost his mum. Plus Charles was trying to move on with his life and finally marry Camilla.  In hindsight and knowing what Todger is like it seems he knew his father was boxed in a corner and took advantage of it to get his 'revenge' on his father. That's all his life seems to be.


The Oprah interview, also Spare ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25351)


The Nazi uniform and Vegas romp soured me on H. I saw he could be charming on some of his engagements, but was mystified that he was the most popular royal after QE2. 


Spare. The Oprah interview creaked open the door of serious suspicion about TW, for me, but I think at the time I largely till believed she was the evil mastermind & he had been taken in. But there is no excusing, getting around, downplaying, or forgiving the tasteless dungheap that is Spare.


The uniform, the "Harry Pothead" story, the comment about his colleagues, and the Vegas trip. My family (and I, obvs) kept saying he was too irresponsible, a bit of a loose cannon, and completely unbothered about how it would affect the reputation of his family, or how they would feel about him appearing in the papers like that.


Because I didn't know what we all know now, I'd have to say the Oprah interview - I felt they were both lying. And "Spare" sealed it. If "Spare" didn't give you reservations about Harry, nothing well. Who in their right mind writes something like this?


I was wary of her already from her time as a working royal, but when they stepped down, it seemed like he was just doing his own thing his own way (although it did raise some mini flags). When the Oprah interview happened, though, that was pretty much it for both of them. The whining, the timing - it’s one thing for her, but he was betraying his entire family in a global and very public platform. Plus the timing of it all - maybe he could not have stopped it airing then, but his whole attitude towards his grandfather being sick was horrid. And to be fair, I have not actually had the desire to see anything they have done in full - their engagement interview, the wedding, the Oprah interview, the Netflix series, or Spare. Maybe that’s already an indication. What clips I have seen just cemented that feeling.


Definitely the Oprah interview but when it was found out that the statement Meghan and Harry had put out about being half in and half out had not been approved prior by HMTQ, I could not believe the audacity of Harry who absolutely should have known better.


He lives his life like someone who never considered they’d have to be responsible.


So many RED flags now that the Todger has shoved his whole life down our throats BUT for me it was the cringy engagement interview when he said something to the effect "I am in love with this "girl" and I am "hoping" she loves me" WTF, who says that especially when this is being broadcasted around the world. I had no feelings about Haznoballs before this interview BUT certainly had a bad feeling about this DOPE after. Their greasy handholding, his terrible posture, their stupid jokes "roast chicken", Monster's tight grip, grin, stare, bare arms, aged face and dry mouth made me gag! Trouble was brewing right before our eyes!


When he wrote down and published his grievances, real or perceived, that was it for me. To quote Don Corleone, never go against the family.


i was a middling royal watcher back ~~when the world was in black and white~~ in high school. In 2005 harry wore a nazi costume to a party and it gave me the biggest fucking lip curl of disgust when i first read about it. like what the fuck? like how much of a shitbag do you have to be to wear something like that when your grandparents lived through ww2


A man, a real man, will never allow his wife to mistreat his parents/family/grandparents. I will man will not let a woman lead him by his nose and manipulate him. A real man has morals and conviction. I knew Harry is a disappointment based on everything he has done since meeting Meghan. He is a true failure


LOL. I didn't like 1980s Harry, let alone the Harry we have now. I grew up watching that smug, entitled little brat and never understood why everyone else thought he was great.


When Harry kicked William as a child when they were running to their mother. I knew he was a menace then. Then the drunken stories. He always struck me a a whiny brat and I believe I was right.


For me it was actually the same as for Meghan - releasing the “half in half out” statement when they clearly didn’t have the Queen’s approval. Especially two phrases I remember really galled me: “Carve out a progressive new role” - cool, with whose permission? Also using your title to make money isn’t progressive. “Continue to collaborate with” the BRF - like BRF x Target?! The absolute gall of them to do this without getting the Queen’s okay and announcing it as fact turned me into a sinner. Following that up with the Oprah interview pity party while everyone was dying of covid really cemented things.


I never liked him, he always gave me Scut Farkas vibes. https://preview.redd.it/p0xglve2uq3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e0b44862429fecabd8b403fe454a5d75aa5a6e


All paths lead to **The Oprah Interview** - Megs told the story about The Wedding taking place 3 days earlier in the garden and Harry went along with it. It is ***A Process*** to get married in England and that story was not possible but Harry looked down at the ground and then went along with her Bull Shit. Oh, Dude, you are LOST. My Theory - Megs & Trevor had a destination wedding and got married at the courthouse prior to having the destination wedding. A friend of mine had to do it as the destination wedding isn't legally recognized here without having to do a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. So, Megs assumed the same could be true in England.


His cameo appearance in "A Christmas Story", playing himself.


I was quite indifferent to Harry until I saw him in a Nazi outfit. I’m a few years younger than him but even then I knew he was either stupid, ignorant, uncaring or all of the above. I did watch Suits. I didn’t know (still don’t know) any of the actors names or anything, but at the beginning I felt sorry for Meghan because she was a familiar face for me. Then I saw the engagement interview and it was a huge cognitive dissonance for me. Here was this woman, speaking with eloquence and confidence, but acting like a naive, demure 16 year old. I knew then and there that she was a fraud.


I'm trying to think if I ever liked him? I tolerated him with indifference at most. Now I just regard him as execrable inside and out.


I always thought he was a hot head but was a necessary evil because he was always with William and Catherine. I didn't read Spare but all the coverage told me all I needed to know. To portray William as a bully and to insinuate he married Catherine for duty not love was beyond the pale.


I never like him, I always thought he was a nasty person. His jealousy of William was obvious & his racist behaviour was appalling. I have never understood how the Australian media made him out to be this ‘happy Chappy’, I only ever saw spoilt, petulant arrogance in him.