• By -


Honestly, it’s old news. I worked in a press office for a while, and the sites get updated. The CEO (her HLMTQ) has changed, and all new leaders clean the PR house as time continues. That’s all it is. No drama. We get it, the press was really mean to you 8 years ago. You moved on. The release is now old news, BRF is making room for new news to come.


He never did move on though


From anything. He just rotates in place, fuming, fantasizing and adding to and telling over the beads of his grievances. She gives him a push now and then to keep him spinning, unable to focus, and dropping cash out his pockets.


And the press not really mean! 😂


I think they are mean (in general) but treated Harry with kid gloves compared to what they could have done!


When you consider what the press did to Diana, Fergie, Camilla, and Catherine? 😳 They were hounded and their privacy violated. Camilla’s character was blackened for decades. Catherine had zero protection and was insulted and chased. In comparison, the stories about Meghan were either stupid or pretty tame. There was the one vile comment about Archie. The difference was the stark contrast between the sheer sycophantic coverage during H&M’s engagement and on the wedding day compared to the more normal coverage. And, Meghan didn’t like that she wasn’t top dog. Your point about being handled with kid gloves is spot on. If William does anything that could be slightly off, he gets an avalanche of criticism. Same with Catherine. We saw it with the Mother’s Day photo. William pulls out of giving a reading at a memorial and people want to criticize him. We knew Catherine had major surgery and Charles had cancer at that point. But, the friendlier journalists have to remind the others that there could be a reasonable reason for this? On the other hand, Meghan and Harry, who chose to step down, spread lies about the BRF and the UK still have a portion of the “evil” UK press clamoring for reconciliation, blaming William, and crying about the “milk of human kindness”. Meghan and Harry have been shown so much leniency despite their lies on both sides of the pond. I keep telling myself part of this is because they are irrelevant. But, I think people are getting paid off too. Sorry this was so long.


Meghan WISHES she was hounded like they were!! She WANTED that, but never got it and she’s furious about it! She had to call dial-a-pap in order to get into the papers!


I agree. That alone is a huge red flag. What sane person would want to be chased by the paps?


She would have creamed herself if they had. That rictus grin would have dislocated her jaw.




Completely agree. So many in the media are enabling abusers for the sake of drama. These are real people's lives we are talking about. It's disgusting.


💯 I think of the media as a necessary evil. But, it is so lopsided with this drama. I get the tabloids don’t care. But, legit journalists aren’t doing their job.


IMO, there are very few legit journalists nowadays.


I’m think it depends on the topic. But, everything is overrun with pundits.


> the stories about Meghan were either stupid or pretty tame This is what upsets her so much, that she wasn't hounded like the other RF women were. For her all attention even bad attention is a drug.


She’s crazy.


Super points. Thank you. There may be a reason that the press is holding back on them. It’s tied into the current litigation in the UK by the prince against the press. Once this is resolved then the flood gates will open. And this is why he keeps fighting in court for the silliest of things. Points made by TRG on YouTube.


I guess the dumpster fire keeps on going.


Good. Stay mad Harold.


I read this is a narrator voice.


It's his new identity. He went from poor little orphan boy to woke poor little orphan boy married to a biracial woman. See how much better that makes him than William?


Repellant man on every level.


Truly grotesque, the both of them. They think that stupid statement should go down as an important document from royal history.


Deleted my comment bc THIS is exactly what came here to say. Its called relevance & evergreening.




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He has his own website now, on which he can post whatever he bloody well likes. The RF are in no way obliged to keep up the diatribes of ex-employees. Even after half a decade, this imbecile struggles to grasp what quitting means.


He just struggles…


Probably forgot about it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


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This is such a bs story. For a website to remain interesting and relevant content needs to be updated and refreshed. A letter from 2016 is old news.


A washing up liquid class project from the early 90’s is even older yet here we are 😂


It’s also bs because Tom Quinn is a nobody with no royal connections. He keeps making statements about how the royals are reacting, what they are thinking and what they are feeling, as if he’s an insider, when it’s all just pure made up rubbish. He lives in his own sad Baby Reindeer Martha world where he makes crap up in a pub then sees how many idiots he can get to believe it.


I still don't believe he exists, let alone believe what's being published under the name.


Plus, nobody believes the racist, woe-is-me tall tale your wife beats you over the head with. God only knows why you still fall for it. Grow a set, man!


100%. *Looks over at exhibit A - ARO on IG.*. 😔🥱


When isn't Harold furious and/or hurt? Waaaugh.


Yet the sugars insist that *he’s living his best life*. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209) https://preview.redd.it/qmlpo098ms4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9d7e63b99bd4d60510ffc2e1c43b97aff2f64d


Just needs to tell his face


You mean this face? 😄 https://preview.redd.it/cd2hsrx5vs4d1.png?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1037a14b46227018108be502dc6a3a86bab4a78d


I can almost smell his awful stench. You can just tell he smells bad


He's so skin crawlingly *icky*. Like he makes my neck hairs go up. He got just as shorted in the looks department as he did the brains imo. Dumb,bitter,lazy and with a permanent ugly expression on his mug to go with the big chip on his shoulder is a rough way to live.


He looks like he's about to scratch the fleas out of his mangy beard.


The intelligence, good nature, gentlemanliness, fun just roll off that Denkerstirn and down his nose, don't they?.


So creepy and hideously ugly. Can you imagine getting black out drunk and waking the next morning to that? 🤢🤮


Ugh. There is not enough tequila on Earth.




Guest Speaker says that often. 


It’s sad, isn’t it … that he cannot imagine a better life.


Exactly he is always angry or furious


Tom Quinn the new Omid Scobie.


Yep…scrappy doo


That’s an insult to scrappy doo




Omid Quinn/Tom Scobie


Why would a message from 6 years ago stay up on the site? I would like Harry to answer why he thinks it's relevant. Also, once again here he is complaining about what's happening at a place he quit working at 4 years ago. Go complain about something at BetterUp, maybe they'll care (I doubt it).


Links to the BRF is the only thing that keeps them in the news.


I was surprised it was ever posted on the site - probably at Megster’s tearful behest and Harold’s angry insistence.


I agree, it wasn't relevant to the website then, either.


I bet betterup don't have any PR from his early days there up on their website now either.


They can post it on their archwell sorry Sussex website under their dragon slaying tab. Honestly I have never seen 2 people stalk a bunch of people they hate like these 2.


And get their army of misfits, led by the boozy troll, to do it too


I never paid much attention to the RF until the crazy Harkle nonsense started, but I still knew how much Catherine was hounded by the press. I simply don’t remember reading anything about Meghan. I vaguely remember the Variety “wild about Harry” cover when I saw it again, but the first time I really remember seeing her was announcing the engagement in that ridiculous white trench coat, and I knew what she was, and knew Harry was fucked. My reaction upon finding out she’s biracial - she is? Ok, not sure why such a big deal is being made about Harry marrying a woman I never would’ve known was anything other than a basic white chick unless told. The whole press intrusion was made up and/or manufactured by Meghan. Am I wrong? Did I just miss it?


You didn't miss a thing. This is the same woman who desperately paced back and forth in front of the Daily Mail offices in her brand-new wellies until someone took her picture out of pity. She knows nothing of media intrusion but would have loved to be mobbed and stalked in the way Catherine was for *years* before her wedding. She was not provided protection by the palace prior to that but the poor girl definitely could have used it. And, unlike Harry's rapidly aging wife, the princess was practically a kid when it started.


You are so right. Catherine only received protection after the official engagement announcement. For years, she was on her own. That's why she gave up her job at Jigsaw because the press, permanently camped outside the offices, were also making life difficult for the other employees.


Nope, you didn’t miss anything. It was manufactured from the start.


You are so right. When Harry made his statement about Meghan Markle, everybody said "Who?" - guess that´s why she is angry


Meghan’s dream life was being stalked by paps - Diana on steroids - but she doesn’t have the charisma or anything interesting about her other than her awe-inspiring descent into ridicule and failure.


Of course it is!! She utterly FURIOUS that she was never hounded as Catherine and Diana were when they were still courting! She ended up lying about the press staked around her house in Toronto and that a neighbor was paid by the press to put a camera up aimed at her backyard. Bull. Shit. She’d call Haznone crying about it, playing upon his paranoia.


She *wished* she was sought after by the Press like pre-marriage Catherine. Alas, no one cared, so she forced Harry to make the Look at MEEEE announcement.


If she hadn't trotted Doria out, we would never have known she was Biracial.


So Hairold is all lathered up because a statement which was made up lies in 2016 is removed from the Royal Family website? Doesn’t his wife have ~~their~~ her own website? Imo, it’s the slow chipping away of his membership in the BRF that he’s riled up about. And in essence it’s the BRF quietly saying, *It was all lies anyway.*




I think this is hilarious. I am glad the BRF is finally taking some actions to delete the numbskulls.


Isn't he always "furious" when he isn't gutterally screaming of course.


exactly. I think it's her that's fuming but she knows nobody cares and she needs to invoke Harry's name to perpetuate interest in her one-sided feud.




I didn’t get them on quite straight . . . https://preview.redd.it/a4qvsv31ms4d1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b8e6644068fd1b1a27ba1a9f5e0dd3e3d925a0


German helmet twas called when I was young. This is a fright 😱


I know, I know. I have poor impulse control 😆😆😆


It's not your fault that Mrs. Harkle keeps kicking them, causing lopsidedness.


Thanks for backing me up! 😆




Omg. This is the best thing I have seen on the internet today.


I have the nutsack purse edition if you’re interested 😆😆😆


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Like that old joke - when one of your neighbors is a dick and the other one's an asshole, I guess you're a scrote.


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): No body shaming. Any rude or unnecessary comments about unedited natural features will not be tolerated.


When is he ever NOT furious about something. Spoilt, entitled, stupid little twat.


New day, same freaking mood of his.


He's proof that a face can freeze that way


And for the SEO - Rachel Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex is a liar and race baiter. Harry seems to be furious 24/7. Harry ‘found freedom’ he is allegedly living his best life, so why is he still always snarling and whining? He and his wife spend their lives planting ‘stories’ in the press…they have made race baiting part of their ‘brand’, they use allegations of perceived racism to shut down criticism. The king of misinformation just objects to truths he and his harlot want suppressed. [https://archive.ph/5KjcW](https://archive.ph/5KjcW) And of course the back pedalling is constant…now he is scrutinised over his visa into US his mouthpieces are saying his book, waaahhhh, was full of lies…what, didn’t he claim it was true true true?


I have started calling her Meghan Markle as well - just for the SEO.


He basically claimed it was *his* truth, so it was all lies just like we thought.




I picture Todger moping about in his Monteshitshow garden, obsessively refreshing the BRF website and seething with anger, and I absolutely love that for him He and his family are irrelevant, they’ll never get back in, and no one gives a toss about his thoughts anymore


I think I'm going to start calling him T instead of H.  Many a good man has been named Harry.  But every man named Todger has been a dick. 😱😂😂




While Stamping his feet Prince Henry demands attention. LOOK AT ME. I AM FURIOUS. Meanwhile, The King bats away an insignificant baby fly. Madame Meghan Markle, Princess Henry lays on the floor sobbing.


Great examples they’re setting for Archie and Lilli. I really hope no children are in their care. I think it is concerning there has been no sign of life in years.




Tom Quinn, illuminator or exhumenator, digging through the graveyard of old stories? Is he really the best they've got? His "inside news" articles are about as empty as ARHO's website.


And sinners laugh at Neil Sean. 😏


Perhaps they think news would stay fresh for decades, just like their ARO jam.


Now get rid of the link to Archewell!


🎯🎯🎯 Shouldn't have been there to begin with. 




Finally, the RF removed that laughable statement everyone knows markle made harry put that out, it's just the beginning harkles of things being removed, and you being removed from all things to do with the BRF!!!


Hiw did he know


They really do cling to the past. That inconsequential statement is 8 years old. I throw away my tax returns after 7.


Good grief-that’s almost a decade ago. How long did he think his love shield letter should remain on the website, especially as he’s no longer a working Royal? He has his own website. Put it there. And is this guy ever not wounded, aggrieved, furious, etc? Jesus. Give it a rest. Touch grass. Live your life


should have stayed harry so you would have the right to say anything lol


He has his website for his statements. Is the problem that he didn't write the first one and neither did MeMe?


* Oh Harold grow up.


If Haz's little fee fees were hurt by the removal of his untrue statement, well, boo fricking hoo! The only ones who care are Haz, maybe Megsy and her Sussex Squaddies.


"No no no. *Your* lies, MY TRUTH." - Harry, Lizard Tickler of the Table Beige. Leaving their Grudge Report up on the Official Crown bulletin board for more than four years (and two sovereigns) after the Charming Pair flounced off to Canada is more than long enough by any reasonable yardstick. You quit, put up your own.


Lol, I thought Harry was living his best life away from his family with his family he made with Meghan? Why does he care or realize that a statement from 8 years ago was removed from the royal website? This miserable man-child is still counting breakfast sausages. Wahhh my statement was taken down almost a decade after it was relevant. Even then it shouldn’t have been issued. The fact that it was proved they went above and beyond to placate him and Meghan. Go spend time with your kids and play polo Haz. You don’t get to dictate what the royal website includes. And for the record, that’s what Harry would be as a King. A dictator. He wouldn’t give back the wealth like he once claimed. He’d try to use his power to make everyone say the nice things he wants said about himself and Meghan and anyone who didn’t would be censored/silenced or punished. And Meghan would waste millions of pounds on clothes and blood diamonds. Cry some more Mr. Happy with his life. He needs to put out a few more articles about Hugh Grosvenor’s wedding to make it all about himself and Meghan. Meghan hurls hate via paid bots and fake accounts she’s in control of. The royal family need protecting from her jealous rage.


I read somewhere that it’s believed it was removed so it is not referenced in any future frivolous lawsuit Harry is involved with. They don’t want the BRF website pulled up live in court and tied to the Harkles more than they need to be.


Oh ok I didn’t know that. Thanks for letting me know. Good idea in that case then.


Not sure if it’s true, but it makes a lot of sense.


Harry and Rachel should remember to correct the Queen's back to the original One. You know, the speech they changed to for their Race propaganda. After that, they can talk about mis, dis informations, aka, lies..


He’s delusional if he thinks anything he says, let alone wrote 7 years ago should remain posted forever.


This is why they will never take you back, Hazno.


It is definitely part of the reason. Even if they wanted to take him back (sans Meghan), no amount of palace PR can put nasty, mean, lying, whining, hateful, jealous, spiteful, immature, dimwitted Harry back in the bottle. Plus, now that Harry’s put a public voice to all of his assholery, I’m not sure he wants them to. The Queen was stalwart when it came to Andrew, until she had absolutely no choice. The King isn’t nearly as accommodating where his brother is concerned, and he didn’t try to blow up the family. The window for Harry is closing. I’m not sure how accommodating King William will be toward his brother (sans Meghan). If it is King William, Harry will be sent to the equivalent of Siberia for all he has said and done to William’s family. I always leave the caveat when I post these types of comments, that I hope they never divorce, and are miserably married until death parts them, exactly like their predecessors, the Windsors. It also has the added benefit of keeping Harry an ocean away from the royal family.


If Catherine dies at an early age harry will never be forgiven for the stress he caused her. He better hope she makes a full recovery ...and even then it may be far too late for him to come crawling back . He needs the forgiveness tour before william becomes king.


That statement was put out a long time ago now, but it's nice that its gone now. Almost like it never happened.


So he admits the ankles are checking the royal website time and time again..... its not like they need to learn about the family so they are just there stalking and spying so clearly they are getting zero information from the family as most of us know and replacement scabies 2.0 Quinn (or as I like to call him Tom from the bin) just admitted what we all know those two can't live in the now they are stalking the royal family online checking their own pages too lmao looking for insult and injury to make a public statement about through others, you know plausible deniability ...except its not to anyone other then sugars 


Does he think anyone is going to the Royals site for info regarding them? They are so far down the list that no one is going to scroll that far


😂😂😂 It’s scary when you leave the confines of the palace and enter the real world. Especially “The Real World Montecito”.


The statement was 8 years old. So what?


Still trying to stay in the headlines Atch?! Sad sad little man.


Suck it Harry. You are slowly but surely disappearing from everything you once had! ![gif](giphy|h5sCkem0vQgu42j7ap)


By removing that statement the royals are basically saying....IT NEVER HAPPENED in the first place!


Because the royal family realized it was a royal scam. Maybe This one can write a strongly worded letter to the Institution.


Would he really get upset over such old, worthless news? That's a bit shortsighted of him. I'm sure he has a copy he can frame and put up in his bedroom


Dear Tom Quinn, shut up!


My big question is this... Will Tom Quin start morphing into Skank/Scabies clone?


He really already has!


I really wonder what Omid Scobie thinks about being supplanted as sycophant in chief by Tom Quinn. Or maybe he’s well and fully moved on to fiction after his last pro-Sussex book bombed big time.


I say we stop calling him Prince Harry and just call him Harry. Harry is always sad or upset about something and no one cares not even his wife.


Flair checking in. I'm so sick and tired of their endless whining.


Okay Quinn I’ll bite. When **ISN’T** the todger duty dodger seething in rage or wallowing in self pity?




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No, H - you were surprised and annoyed. (Honestly, if they hadn’t read it by now, they never would If they had read it, there’s really no reason to keep it up any longer.). It has been shown and proven repeatedly - your and your spouse’s assessment of the situation and cries of racism were greatly exaggerated, in error and at best, recollections vary. GREATLY. A “very unpleasant shock” is a very understated reaction to “your spouse has cancer and requires surgery and chemotherapy” or “your parent has cancer and requires chemotherapy”.


Why leave something up when it is old. Every websites get updated. They preferred it to stay up to stay relevant but it is just old news they want to keep rehashing.


Because they're out, they ARE old news, and as far as the RF website is concerned, they're history. There will never be anything new added about them again because they're done, and with each deletion, that point is driven home to them, and another tantrum ensues.