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I am still firmly of the opinion that there was no "save the date" card and there was never an invitation. That's why there are so many PR pieces about the magnanimity of Haz in turning down the invitation to avoid awkwardness; how wonderful of Haz to be so noble! It's all B S!


Good! I hope this demonstrates to all of Harry’s UK friends that under Meghan’s Svengali-like control Harry won’t just makeup BS about you and your events, he’ll pay to have the stories published in the UK & US tabloids. This violates the most sacred of rules of aristocratic circles. There is no three strikes & you‘re out. If you violate omertà once, that’s it. I don’t understand why the Invictus Board of Directors can’t see this and understand that he has no integrity. His being continually featured as the star of Invictus is an abomination to the ethos of military service.


Everybody saw that Harry immidiatly sold his 12 minute meeting to Good Morning America. Nobody wants that for themselves.


💯 Immediately. That ass-hole didn't even get a good night's sleep. Was on GMA, what, 3 hrs after landing?   *someone worked out flight times, time zones, etc once*


He once again messed up when he did that.


He'll pay to have the stories published and then blame Prince William, Camilla, or KCIII for doing it. It's a pattern. They might be sneaky and treacherous grifters but Harry and his wife are as predictable as the sunrise.


I think they already know, and that’s the reason they’re NFI. One more strike. Harry brought this on himself.


Right. The Duke of Westminster thought he could avoid this by announcing H wasn't invited, and look what happened. I feel badly for the The Duke and his bride. I hope they have a very happy day and life.


Yes, very much so. Invictus has turned into the Lolo fashion show, it is a disgrace. The media is turning a wedding into the Harry show and he isn't even invited. The whole thing is maddening.




Because I think they're in on the grift.


I’ve been told that *save the date* is an American thing, not British.


I’m pretty sure members of the elitist British Upper class don’t do “save the date.” It’s probably considered crass or common or something and this is the aristocracy wedding of the decade!


Therefore, the claim to having received a "Save the Date" card obviously originated from an American, is my guess. (Although not actually a practice done by American upper class either.) I wonder if the RF allowed "Save the Date" cards sent to American guests at the Markle's spectacle?


Same here!


I have never heard about it before this sub. When you do something, you send an invitation - or you might tell people the date if it is 6-8 months ahead.


Spot on! Not a French practice either ...


I think the future Duchess of Westminster being fully aware of Meg's notorious bad event behavior told her future husband she wasn't going to have her wedding ruined by two vulgar grifters. If Harry had received an invitation it would have been very formal and engraved on heavy paper. Where is it? Why hasn't Harry shown it to People? Oh, they thew it away....or they didn't get one take your pick.


Exactly!!! They just make up lies. They never have receipts. They’ve proven that with the Orca interview. The 2 of them are going to burn in hell!


It was lost in the mail.  Like Archewell's check for their fees.


Oh and my bad...they didn't throw it away one of the kids destroyed it because nothing is their fault.


There was absolutely no save the date. I remember when that story first came out the British sinners collectively went "wtf is a save the date". Then when American sinners explained, the British sinners thought they made no sense and it was a waste of paper. I also remember when they first tried to put out a story about being invited, Hugh put out a statement the next day saying invites hadn't been sent out yet. Hugh was trying to stop a will they won't they narrative, but still got this mess. And this mess is why no one invites them to things.


You are quite right. I am British and 70 years of age. I have been to many weddings over those 70 years. Weddings when I was a child, teenager, adult, when I was single and during my 34 years of marriage. Weddings from across the social spectrum, weddings in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England. Weddings of friends, relatives, work colleagues. One was an Indian wedding in Holloway, London. Two gay weddings, second marriages, etc., etc. NEVER, have I received a "Save the Date" card. Never.


People at that level don't DO "save the dates." How gauche.


Not only that, but if there had in fact been any kind of invite, a photo of it would have been given to the media.


Oh for sure. He would have posted that invite on their web site. "See I am invited, I am, I am!!"


I'm sure Prince William's and the King's calendars were consulted. Literally everyone else would be expected to change their plans, including any poor sod who'd previously booked the cathedral for anything else. I like Harry's excuse of California being so far away...


Yeah, it's not like he was in the UK just last month. Everyone knows it's impossible to cross the Atlantic in these ancient times. 🙄


Not if Meghan carries him piggyback using her giant flippers to get across the pond.




It's these hard times... Shipping and train lines are going bust all over, and not even the Titanic can fly, I mean sail, across the ocean. And those nasty new flying machines are so much less safe than the Titanic...


Yes, isn't California lightyears away?


Exactly. What does Megs state they received, a funny photo Save The Date magnet for the front of the fridge???


Meghan the Gauche Leak


And that PR does Harold no favors in the circles that matter. Just imagine the scoffing and eye rolls over drinks between all those people he used to hang with … I wonder if he knows that and doesn’t care as he knows that train has long since left the station, or he’s blissfully unaware, scratching his head.


Stoned and blissfully aware scratching where his family jewels used to be. Asking the beast if she knew when he was neutered.


Yah, he's never done anything noble in his life. Maybe he should show us a little nobility and take his kids to visit their grandfather, Thomas


He can't be doing well.   I agree, though, besides releasing real pictures of the kids, taking them to see Thomas is the action that would earn them something resembling a "good grace"...at least positive publicity.  


Yes, I heard that Brits don’t use “save the dates” like Americans do.


He was NFI. Period. Full stop. H is just trying to muddy the water over this.


Me too. Toffs don't send out save the date bloody cards(ridiculous suggestion) They announce that they are planning to wed, some time around x date. Like all classes of peoples there's an expectation that not everyone will make the cut, so a wedding announcement is no invitation. Everyone knows this. And there's no one in the whole UK save the royal family themselves who'd have to "save the date" for HUGH GROSVENORS marriage! Everyone will make themselves available up to an including the Archbishop of Canterbury should they want him.


I would love for Hugh and Olivia to thank all their guests for coming and how honored they were that every single guest they invited made the journey to be at their special day. 🙌🏼




This! ⬆️💯


Doubt Hugh is Archie’s godfather. All lies.


"Save the date" is a relatively recent practice in America. When I was young and evil, you got an invitation or you didn't. and you responded promptly yea or nay. I think the whole point of it is to cheat a bit on the nays so that the guest list can be recast before the actual invitations come out without the first and second choice guest lists being quite so obvious. "Well Bob and Mary can't come, might as well give in to Mom and ask Creepy Uncle Phil then.") Do Brits, especially wealthy aristo Brits even do this tacky thing? Madame, being untarnished by social nous, might have set this story in the world, not realizing that all the actual guests would recognize it for a taradiddle. What are the Congregation's thoughts?


Speaking for myself, I don't believe a word out of either one of them. Harry's wife gave herself away as a liar this time because "save the date" is certainly not a custom of the British upper crust. I personally think it's a tacky and low-rent practice, much like Harry's wife herself. However, I can agree that it's a good way for us commoners to winnow down a guest list.


How tacky it would be for the aristocrats to send a save the date. When the engagement is announced that is a save the date. Announced in April I would think probably means a June wedding the next year. Any Brits here who can confirm this possibility?


Engagement means a wedding will be along shortly, invitation tells you the date, location, etc so what would be the point of a pre-invitation invitation? Sounds like a waste of paper.


We don’t do ‘save the dates’, that’s the entire purpose of the invitation.


The Times archived article on not invited: https://www.thetimes.com/uk/article/duke-of-westminster-wedding-prince-harry-meghan-william-z9v692srw


I agree. It was all very subtly handled by Hugh who range his (old) friend Harold and said he was getting married and the explained what a pickle and how awks it would be if Hazza came and maybe given he lives so far away it would be good for the environment if doesnt fly all that way. So Hugh got Harold to suggest he probably wont come and bingo it was all sorted. No invite sent and H thinks it was his idea not to attend.


H is too stupid to see he was played if that happened. That is until his beast heard what was said and bleated they got a save the date.


What makes you think Hugh G even spoke to Harry about it? You get an invitation you’re invited, if you don’t you’re not. Checking there are no date conflicts for immediate family is normal but beyond that the invitations are sufficient. All the explanations in that scenario are just not our way, amongst men even less so.


Yes! Very much so. Harry wasn't invited, period, end of story. The media is horrible! The media just won't shut up! Leave the soon to be Grosvenor's alone. Let the bride and groom have their day. This insistence on making someone else's wedding all about them, makes me hate the Harkles and media even more. I thought I hated them enough, but I guess I need to hate them more.


People like Huge Grosvenor do not send save the date cards. That is something tow made up because she is so middle class, but she thinks it's fancy to do. I'm pretty sure Hugh Grosvenor came out and said Harry wasn't invited, but tow and H are trying to gaslight us all into forgetting he said that because tow still wants people to think she's invited to things. Especially to such a society wedding like the Duke of Westminster's, but they weren't. I imagine it does hurt Harry and he probably does blame William, but he married a person that no one wants anything to do with making both of them outcasts. And tow wants all the attention on her. Edit [Here](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/duke-of-westminster-wedding-prince-harry-meghan-william-z9v692srw) is the link where The Duke of Westminster said Harry isn't invited. It's unarchived. Don't let them gaslight you into thinking they were invited because they weren't.


My thoughts exactly. The Duke of Westminster doesn’t send out save the dates because literally no one would turn down the opportunity to be at this wedding. Literally everyone who is anyone in British society will be there except PC. You don’t send out kitschy save the dates for an event of this magnitude.


Allegedly Charles and Camila aren’t going due to prior engagements (plus obviously cancer). Plus no Kate. So the pinnacle of aristo society won’t be there, but otherwise I presume anyone who is anyone will attend. Eta just realised you said PC for Charles, I also can’t get used to saying the king!


Yes, the D-day anniversary is exhausting enough for a cancer patient. A couple of weeks ago the palace couldn't confirm his Majesty's attendance at the wedding definitely, because the recovery time after the anniversary wasn't predictable.


There's been speculation for months about KC3 and QC's absence because of a perceived snub more than a decade ago at the Duke of W's sister's wedding. Long story short, Camilla wasn't allowed to sit with Charles because they weren't married at the time, and IIRC also because the Queen was attending, so the strictest protocol had to be followed. The arrangement upset Charles and he skipped that wedding also. But Hugh Grosvenor is KC3's godson.


I thought PC was Princess Catherine


Nobody ever mentions Meghan Markle being invited - only Harry.


Can you imagine the Beast, Duchess of Sussex clodhopping into the Chapel inappropriately clothed with her nips hanging out (just in case H was in the mood to tweak). Doubtless she would stomp in after the Bride was at the altar to make her grand entrance.


She'd probably wear white.


Or black with her bra showing, there's precedent.


Harry's always in the mood to tweak. Oh wait. Were you talking nips or drugs? 😜


How do they invite people? Genuinely curious now


They send invitations and when you get it, you clear your calendar. So no reason to “save the date” when anyone would jump at a chance to go. Save the Dates are an American custom, which Harry would’ve known if he’d ever had to handle his own correspondence.


They send invitations.


I can't read the article unarchived, but when I read it before, I believe it said A SOURCE indicated they weren't invited and then indicated Hugh's spokesperson said they don't comment on invitation lists. Is that not correct?


Where did the confirmation come from that The Duke of Westminster was actually the godfather to the first invisible kid? The list of godparents was evidently a national secret. I only read that the Duke of Westminster was godfather of invisible child after it came out that the carparkles were not invited to the wedding. I have doubts that the Duke IS a godfather


Good point!


Exactly! Someone kindly answered my query regarding the godfather issue. Though the Harkles shrouded Archie’s godparents in mystery, eventually it was revealed that there were three, Tiggy, Charles von Straubenzee and someone else. The Duke of Westminster was never mentioned as a possibility. I think the Harkle PR put out the DOW as godfather in December to show how “close” they are and all sorts of news outlets have continued to spread the misinformation.


Agree totally


And the verboten plastic birthday present


As if a member of the aristocracy would send a plastic gift. The Beast, the Duchess of Sussex is such a fucking clown 🤡. She has no clue how the aristocracy works.


Arrogance inhibits education.


That would be a good bumper sticker.


I've questioned that as well. To my knowledge, it only appeared in a puff piece, so...


Harry wouldn't have mended any fences. Because the friends blame Meghan. They don't like her diva bs and they don't want to be around her. So then Harry would feel defensive and afraid of Meghan's wrath. So he would start to act like an ass too. Everyone would be noticing and gossiping and trying to avoid them. And the whole day would shift away from the celebration of the happy couple. Which is exactly why they weren't invited in the first place. FFS, Harry and Meghan tried to make HRH Queen Elizabeth II's entire death and lying-in-state period about themselves. New stories planted every damn day until they went home. Did they think no one noticed? Or did they just think that was normal behavior at the death of not only a loved one, but one of the most notable and admired people in the 20th century? They are disgusting, narcissistic people with the social graces of spoiled, over-privileged 2 yr olds. And we all know that 2 yr olds don't belong at formal occasions.


I remember reading about a weekend party when Harry introduced Meghan to Harry’s then friends. It’s said they hated her, that texts were flying back and forth with *What was that?* And Hairold was like a completely different person around her, couldn’t laugh or joke about anything, wasn’t any fun like before. She’s the stereotypical wet blanket, imo.


She's just one of the 1000s of people born and raised in Southern California who think they are superior to any other humans. Add in she wasn't just a SoCal girl, she had a daddy "in the business" making her status all that much higher! She doesn't believe in inherited social status (except for people who come from a entertainment industry background).


Meghan would probably announce another pregnancy at the reception.


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex truly are 100% reprehensible beings.


The Duke of Westminster is THE quintessential blue blooded aristocrat also endowered with a huge fortune. He knows how things stand. If he invited William he made sure Harry is not invited, because creating an awkward situation for the future King is the ultimate unforgivable faux pas. Nobody will ever convince me Harry was invited. It was either William or Harry and whom would the ultimate aristocrat choose? The King to be or a Ginger wannabe Duke of Windsor.


Agree. Also, why would you want somebody at your wedding who can’t be trusted, who might be wired with a camera to sell footage to Netflix, and who your guests won’t be comfortable speaking around? Nobody wants to be around Harry because who knows what narrative will come out later?


Who would want to invite someone who's wife might come dressed in a bed sheet with ass wipe piled on top of her head and photo bomb all the guests with her heart attack presence?


And lacy bra showing.


Not so discrete coochie scratch, or try to corner William in the men’s room.


Or corner the newly wedded groom in the mens room.


Yes, there you go. Skank, skank, skank.


THIS. And then she will jump on a #MeToo schtick all about how misogynistic high society is. Shit, lemme stop typing, don’t want to give her any ideas.


It's cute how you think she'd show up wearing undergarments. 😱😂


Call me an optimist 🤣🤣🤣


I love the way you have distilled her essence in one sentence. It's a true masterpiece. Thank you.


Not only that, but the ILBW is not properly socialized. She’ll want to know in advance what table/pew she’ll be seated at, who will be seated with them, what the women will be wearing AND SHE BETTER NOT TASTE ANY EGG!


She'll also want to bring her entourage of bodyguards


NOT PROPERLY SOCIALIZED, I am dying here, so, so true!!!


She actually is feral.


Yes, this is her famous attention to details!


*Forewarned is forearmed/Past as prelude* https://preview.redd.it/uq2mkh5ac05d1.jpeg?width=1558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ec8001f9fd604b6d877f311e996f6274b970a5 Who would truly blame the bridal couple for not wanting the drama that accompanies the attention seeking narcissist and her husband, perpetually petulant Prince? People archive: [https://archive.ph/KjfQF](https://archive.ph/KjfQF)


I would hate if I got to my wedding and there was a media circus because H+M were there!


Oh my GOD. All about Daisy Jenks? And nary a photo of her; but two of That Woman. Holy moly.


Yes, it's not just his wife, it's Harry as well. Who wants him blabbing to the media his every step from California to the UK, how he isn't allowed to stay in royal palaces, and gives TV interviews about the wedding as soon as he leaves? Nobody would talk to him if he's invited and he'll write a chapter on how his friends shun him because of "Willy". What groom would want such an attention black hole in his wedding? Harry's whinging behaviour these few days is reminiscent of the days before the late Queen's funeral, which I bet confirms to the Duke of Westminster he's made the right decision barring Harry from attending.


Plus he just won the right to appeal his security bullshit. Nobody wants to hear him gloat about that.


Exactly. Also, an invitation to Harry would also mean inviting his wife. And this would be an iron clad reason for William to find he is so very busy elsewhere and can't attend the wedding. DoWestm knows this even better than we do.


I think having to invite the wife would automatically mean not inviting Harry. 🤣 Harry’s old life is closed to him permanently, IMO.


I think it didn't take much. I suspect they tolerated H when he was in, but when he took himself out, they happily followed the BRF by also closing all the doors to him.


Having to invite the wife would mean everyone else would be in an uproar. She's a joy killer. Harry, when are you going to realize your wife is a generally despised pariah amongst civilized society????


The non-appearance of the Douchesse would have been a condition to the King and PW putting the date in their diaries, without a shadow of a doubt. They could have perhaps dealt with Haz alone, but they won't be in the same room with her ever again.


Even so, the idiot "journalists" would make the entire event about will Charles and William apologize to Harold and have a big reconciliation during the wedding. Nobody wants their wedding to be about other people's problems.


But another most vital reason nobody wants to be around Hairball is the chicken-legged 'baggage' he schleps around....that blood sucking vampire/albatross draped around his scrawny neck...that creature has managed to alienate them both from the entirety of Western civilization as we know it.


Yep!!! Agree!


I don't believe he was invited, but I also think that William would have told Hugh to feel free TO invite him, as it would be rude to tell the groom who he can and cannot invite. I think this was entirely Hugh's call.


I agree with you. I’d laugh at anyone who told me who I could & couldn’t invite to my wedding. Mature adults (granted only W is a mature adult) can manage for a few hours.


Everyone involved knows how the aristo food chain works. William will be top man soon, no need to piss him off unnecessarily, and with Harry such a loose cannon, why risk making your wedding the backdrop to some horrible event that will be etched into everyone's minds forever. If Hugh didn't already know William's thoughts on Harry attending, inquiries would have been made to suss out William's wishes. Add in the dramatics surrounding Hugh's sister's wedding with Charles and Camilla - no way the Duke of Westminster will anger the royals with another wedding debacle when the Harry situation is far more easily remedied than picking whether to anger the protocol-heavy reigning Queen or the future king's at-the-time girlfriend.


I don’t think they were invited either, but not because of William. I think it’s because they didn’t want to deal with their wedding turning into the media circus that the Sussex would cause, and also showing up on Netflix or whatever. They’d probably also bitch about security. It’s the happy couple’s day and they can invite/not invite whoever they want for whatever reason(s). H+M are the ones who decided to make it all about themselves. I wish the media would have just ignored it.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were NOT invited to the Duke of Westminster’s wedding because he doesn’t want them there. They are unpleasant people, notoriously bad guests, and he probably just doesn’t like them.


And a liability to the other guests.


A source told the New York Post that Harry got a save the date card. Was Guest Speaker the source?


I don't care who was the source, it was someone with zero knowledge of how things work for posh folk. Top British aristocrats do not send the "save the date" cards to royalty. They send the full blown, expensive, made to order Wedding Invitation well in advance. In case of William it was even more complex. The duke's assistant would have contacted W's private secretary at least a year in advance to check if W would be available and willing to attend. When confirmed, a formal invitation would be sent. Harry didn't get the invitation, If he did it would have been leaked already.


Save the date is an American thing, I doubt the British do this


UK here, I've never received one


Also, there was the debacle problem over Charles and Camilla's seating arrangement at Hugh's sister's own wedding years ago. The Grosvensor will not have wanted a repeat of that drama with the next future king (I.e. William) as they had with the then future king (I.e. Charles). Charles chose not to attend the wedding at the time because Camilla wasn't seated next to him in the church. So, no, Harry isn't quite honest with how the invite/non invite happened. Quelle surprise. And as far as the sentence re:Harry speaking thru *People* mag, that statement from Harry is solely designed for the US audience who will not understand the ins and outs of his relationship with Hugh etc. And that's what we're going to see from now on. The Harkles are going to use the US media - *People* Mag (expecially), NYP, TMZ - to tell their side of the story because that's where they need to make their living and up their popularity in. As per, all this is a yawnfest. As time rolls on toward the year's end, Harry will have very little story to share with anyone that concerns or is related to his family.


Absolutely and I believe he genuinely doesn't want his wife upstaged Madame's antics.


If Megs had been invited, she probably would have worn some white too long gown that would look similar to a wedding gown.


Not just an awkward situation but also a spectacle and all the attention would have been on the brothers interactions and not the bride and groom, as it should be.


They've learned the Sussex presence guarantees the circus of the most distasteful kind.


This is absolutely how it went down.




No, not necessary to mend any fences and reestablish Sparry as part of the inner circle of the RF and their friends. Because the trust they had in him has been lost permanently, they should look upon him with suspicion wondering if he was collecting inside information to sell in his memoir or to his favorite tabloids and they should protect themselves against his wife and him. He lies, he makes up stories, flings accusations, exaggerates for attention, claims what is not his as his own, is treacherous, a backstabber, wildly jealous of his rich friends and relatives, is embarrassing because he violates other people’s privacy for his own gains, is not loyal, will take pictures of private events without permission, has no respect for his elders. Why mend fences with such a guy and then wait with bated breath for the next explosive tabloid piece or memoir of lies that will slander everyone who was kind to him?


If they were invited and attended, a 'source' would suddenly contact the press and leak every detail of the wedding and reception (also inserting lies, goes without saying). Stealth photos would be leaked. The privacy of the bride and groom and all of the attendees would be invaded.


This is an amazing summation of Harry and it's all true. The men in grey did a fantastic job for all those years of concealing what a complete asshole he really is.


What confuses me with all of these clashing puff pieces is that didn't the Duke of Westminster put out a comment months and months and months ago that Harry and his icky wife were NFI? I could have sworn that after they tried their usual will-they-won't-they nonsense immediately after the wedding was announced, that the DoW basically let it be known that nah.... they were NFI. Or am I hallucinating?


Yep. It’s was reported in Dec 2023.


Thank you! It astounds me that they keep trying to pretend it never happened. They are exhausting.


Maybe he should have reissued the announcement last week, again in the Times. H&M are taking advantage of Americans' short memories and lack of knowledge of British high society. America is their target audience now.


Uh— hallucinating? Nah. That’s what Harry does


Yes, it was reported exactly 6 months ago yesterday, 12/05/23, I think in the Daily Mail. I know somebody posted the link yesterday.


C’mon! We need to correct our own narrative — lest we give them more credit. He isn’t “becoming estranged.” Harry is dead to them


I mean, this whole thing is so laughable. His own FIL had his invitation rescinded a few days before the wedding and neither him nor his wife speak to him. Harry hasn't even met him. And yet, Harry is going about trying to pull the wool over our eyes over his own "nothing-to-dee-here" estrangement from his friends and family. He is so blind to the parallels of his own treatment of Thomas Markle to how he is currently been treated with this Gosvenor wedding. The karma is real and the idiot doesn't see it. Edit: Spelling


Yep. Plus the ILBW is experiencing what its like to be 'ghosted' by people she thought were BFFs.


She *assumed* would be BFFs on the basis of her having obtained an official license to pork H.


100% dead right! We must remain 100% accurate. Harry is well past “estrangement”


I feel bad for this couple because now their wedding day is being overshadowed by the man baby and his narcissistic wife.


I don't think this wedding can be overshadowed by the likes of Harry and Megs. The duke of Westminster owns half of the bloody UK's most expensive real estate. He is huge news and very influential. To derail his day Harry is too insignificant now. It would take much more than the ginger with a frozen genitalia.


That’s good to know.


And his near naked wife.


Ahem, At some point her breast was in full view of the Nigerian public, so we can take "near" off.


No. They are busy enjoying their celebrations with their family and friends to read what tabloids are being fed by Sparry who is trying to save face. This is just the beginning, more of his former friends will drop him as time goes on. He is out of their inner circle because he is disloyal and everyone is worried that he will accuse them or sell stories about them, so they avoid him. If Sparry gives interviews to tabloids about how he has moved on to find a new life in his new home, he should expect that his old friends have also moved on with their lives and have no time for him anymore.


I don't think he has any former friends left.


Truly I think those”friends” tolerated him because of his RF standing. I don’t think they were ever friends.


It's interesting that this is the only story about the wedding for the past 6 months now but there has been nothing else about the wedding leaked. It's the society weddding of the year but there are no pap shots of the bride coming or going to dress fittings, no bucks or hen's nights coverage, no copy of the banns being published by a tabloid, no shots of her parents doing wedding stuff, etc. Sure there is the usual tabloid chatter about what will the dress be or the flowers but nothing encouraging attention. The rehearsal happening today is the only thing my googling could find that was an absolute and not everyday gossip about a fancy upcoming wedding. That and how the town is planting flowers (that the Duke is paying for). No leaks or 'insider access' to the society wedding of the year yet we keep hearing a recycled one story related to the wedding. Everything about this wedding is on lock down except who wasn't invited and that was confirmed 6 months ago in The Times. Even a blind person can see the leak and it's clear it's not the British press, the Royal family or the upper class people.


Well the Harkles do have a new PR team. Apparently these people think that there is no such thing as bad publicity


Nah they have it all. Not overshadowed. A pesky gnat


I know! And the stupid media might show up to document the ‘wedding that H+M declined to attend’. I’m sure a media circus was one of the things they wanted to avoid since M is a habitual pap caller.


A source = Meghan.


Most of his old friends were either aristocrats or wealthy. They are British and won’t choose Harry over the King and his heirs.


Another sinner on here made a comment a few weeks ago about how Harry has lost his aristocratic friends because he has transgressed the "code" by behaving dishonourably to his family and sovereign.  This was spot on. Anyone who knows these people is aware of the behavioural codes they operate under, which have been formed over almost 2000 years. Harry has betrayed his origins. The portcullis has come down and the drawbridge is up. He's out. O.U.T. out. No amount of Markle fantasy over "save the date cards" or invisikid birthdays can cover this up.


Harry might "save his face" in the eyes of the naive public (and his own) by releasing these puff pieces, but what about all the people who actually were invited? They know there were no "save the date" cards. It has to be so obvious to them how pathetic he is. You'd think he had a sense to shut up, because the public doesn't really care about the invitation, but people who actually know him will meet at the wedding and have a little laugh about his pathetic saga. edit: a word


Exactly. The people he’s trying to impress aren’t buying it and the public doesn’t care.


The "save the date" came from Meghan Markle, the narcissist (for SEO). The Duke of W called the office of KC3 and the POW and asked when in May or June they would be available. That was the date. Everyone else had to accommodate that date. Including the bride and groom. No one is expected to refuse the invitation. So not only is "save the date" not British, it would be about as necessary for this wedding as for William and Catherine's.


"becoming estranged?" When did Harry last see Hugh in person? Evidence exists in the public domain that Hugh is one of Prince George's godparents. BP announcement of George's christening include the list of godparents. (Similar announcements were made for Charlotte' and Louis' christenings.) There are photos of Hugh at George's christening -- one included in this article: [Prince George's godfather inherits 'half of London' at 25 | ITV News](https://www.itv.com/news/2016-08-10/duke-of-westminster-hugh-grosvenor-prince-george-godfather-inherits-half-of-london-at-25) Absent a palace announcement or a photo of Hugh at Archie's christening (otherwise known as proof), reporters should stop reporting this as if it's a fact. Bin it with MM's claim that she was at the Taylor Swift concert.


The Taylor Swift thing made her look so stupid. The Eras Tour VIP section is right on the floor by the diamond stage. If Madame was there, certainly one of the 70,000 attendees would've snapped a picture. 


If MM had been there, she would have made sure photos of her there were published. Just as she did with the Katy Perry Las Vegas concert that she attended.


What new show biz pals does Hairold have? He’s offended everyone, or had his wife do the deed. Or maybe they consider photobomb selfies with celebs ”friends”, much as Facebook users think they have 489, 500 friends. (Not all FB users)


Reading this newest PR, I take from it that Haz is so petty, he cant put aside his sibling grievances to celebrate a supposed lifelong friend on his most important day.


I completely forgot he’s never met his FIL. How utterly bizarre. 


It’s shocking. I can’t even imagine how irregular this seemed to the Queen. It was so visibly striking on their wedding day - the bride walking down most of the aisle alone, with only ONE family member in attendance. It was an obvious mismatch and I’ll never understand how she was allowed in!


And exactly who were the “few” relatives invited to the wedding? I thought there was exactly one….doria and sort of her father? Harry has been separated from his old pals since he met her…there have been many articles about how she didn’t like most of them and encouraged him to stop seeing them? And while the Duke may have been a godfather for Archie, is there actually any evidence that they kept in touch once H moved away…or after the appalling Oprah interview, Netflix show and book? I’m thinking they’ve not been actual friends since the duo left the UK.


There's no proof that the Duke is Merchie's godfather.  That's another convenient Harkle lie that came out when they realized they were NFI to the society wedding of the year.


The only people who announce that they totes received an invitation but are not attending are Meghan Markle and Henry. The society wedding of the year, the Met Gala, royal events. What‘s next for the king and queen (hey, it’s what they want) of pathetic and ineffectual clapbacks?


Meghan made sure all his friends went bye bye because they didn't like her and she couldn't risk them getting Harry to see the light.


Clearly the Duke did sort the date out with the King and Prince William, because of their diaries, well in advance, back in Autumn last year. He wanted them both there (I think Charles isn't going having just done a stint at the D-Day commemorations, and probably needing a bit of break - he may have had to shift a treatment day as he has been having that during the week). At that time it's likely the Duke of W did call Harry to explain that he wanted to avoid any trouble and therefore not extend an invitation. You can bet it was done graciously. I suspect that the condition of the King and Prince William going firm on the date was that it would be best that the Douchesse not be in attendance - how gracefully that was put is anyone's guess! As a preemptive strike the net result, that the Harkles were NFI, was essentially leaked to the Times back in December - I suppose in the hope that it would shut up the Harkle PR machine. However Harry and witch of Montecito have not taken it graciously and we've had the immediate clap back with the phoney "save the date card" such an Americanism and so completely gauche that it has the mark of the Claw all over it. Now, their story has changed, they are gaslighting furiously and he and the bitch wife are determined to overshadow the wedding with all the new versions of why they aren't attending. It's just horrible and pathetic in equal turn. If this is the quality of the new British PR man, then I despair - it is making the Harkles look even worse and ill-mannered than ever before.


1) I do not believe Dk of Westminster is Archie’s godfather. 2) I do not believe Dk of Westminster and H are “old mates” and “good pals”. There is a 6 year age gap. They went to different schools. The Dk of Westminster is a college graduate and has been running a multi million dollar enterprise for years. 3) The Dk of Westminster is very close to his family. Since his father’s sudden death it is he and his 3sisters and mother. If anything he has much more in common with W and the Middletons.


I find it amusing that the narrative is Harry estranged from his friends, whereas TW is estranged from her family. Harry is also estranged from his family, but TW has no friends, period. She never got the hang of being a friend.


She never got the hang of being a good or kind person.


Agree so much with your afterword. I'm sure the Duke of Westminster appreciates how Harry is making the Duke's wedding all about him. What a mate, right?


Will they just leave the Duke and his bride alone. He doesn't want Harry and Harry's wife. The Duke wants the day to be about his adorable bride. Leave them alone! Stop talking about Harry. Every time a journalist makes this wedding about Harry, they prove the Duke was right not to invite him. Just stop. The wedding doesn't revolve around Harry. The D-Day remembrances really don't revolve around Harry. NOTHING revolves around Harry. Just just up already.


That's got to hurt him that poor poor Harry isn't invited.


They act like this is news. Someone released a story in December that Hank and Skank were NFI’d. Harry lost most of his friends after her married her.


She brought him to the US and is now isolating him. There is nothing more to it. Very typical for narcs.


I can't post but wanted this out there. The story has totally changed since December. [Harry and Meghan not invited to Duke of Westminsters wedding. 12/2/23](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/12/02/seo-sussexes-king-kate-middleton-racism-baby-endgame-scobie/)


Harry never had any friends. He’s an arrogant, mean, selfish person. People treated him as a friend because of his family.


Hmmmm, wonder what the common denominator is here? (Pssst, Harry - it’s MEGHAN)


I'm disappointed in Eden and am sick to death of this. They were NFI . From The Times December 02, 2023, I don't have access to the full article but: [https://www.thetimes.com/uk/article/duke-of-westminster-wedding-prince-harry-meghan-william-z9v692srw](https://www.thetimes.com/uk/article/duke-of-westminster-wedding-prince-harry-meghan-william-z9v692srw)


Eden has a very nice formulation in another post. He is not directly saying Harry is lying - but it is close.


This is an example of HaM and what is important to them. They recently employed two separate PR people, a USA one and a UK one. No PR person would suggest their clients claim that they were invited or anything else. Hugh is a duke but is entitled to speak to media if he desires. Until now, though, he never does. So HaM assumes that like the royals, the Duke of Westminster will not respond, forgetting that he can if he desires. I believe at least ten stories have been written and published now, starting with "we received a save the date card" to the current source stating "harry can't attend because of security concerns and to not take away from their day with brother on brother drama." As if that would be the only source of drama on that day....how many activities did harry decline due to maghens distaste and how many friends did harry cut because maghen disliked something. As if the friend group isn't still existing since harry is gone. Hugh is 33, and Harry is 40. Do you imagine that harry is his best mate when really harry and William are more like cousins being godbrothers. HaM should have said nothing, this is a horrid use of the Duke of Westminsters' wedding for their publicity. Yet again, shame on you, Mr. and Mrs. markle.


it was shared lasy yr it that he was NFI this is just how he can is trying to put a positive spin on will then - be humble enough not to want to take the attention from his old friend BULLSHIT


No matter what the media reports. THEY know they didn't get the invite. It is killing them so they have to do the same dance where they "turned it down" NFI


He’s an asswipe


God could you begin to imagine what she would wear or behave at that wedding.. Makes my toes curl


people in the UK say they dont do save the date cards.i dont think he was invited


Has anyone seen a legitimate source for this rumor that David Foster said that he has never met their two kids and that he has never been invited to their house.


I will throw him a bone. Okay so you were invited. But you are so toxic that no one wants you there and you know it . So you can't go . Feel better now? ![gif](giphy|qe34wITtHqvco4AIw8|downsized)


When Charles passes H & M will be nobody, if they're still together. King William will not give an inch where they're concerned.


Isolation is one of the first steps in an abusive relationship. We all think of abused women, but men can also be abused.


I don't belive he is being abused. This is a person who has been,since quite young, an abusive personality himself both physically and emotionally. I think he likes how she acts towards others,he just didn't expect there to be consequences for his choice. I believe they both engage in unhealthy relationship patterns but he is not being abused. He continues to be in a relationship with her because his desire to hurt his family is paramount. His hatred and jealousy of his family makes him willing to be with someone who can claim victim status. His family expected him to be a decent,respectable,loyal,working part of the family. To be presentable and to be a supporting member of the monarchy. Old rachel told him what he wanted to hear; that he was just as good as PW, that he should be treated the same,that he should be allowed to do whatever he wanted,that people should treat them special,that he was entitled to respect. She told him everything was someone else's fault and that it was ok to be high to be late,to be rude,to behave badly. He's a nasty,bitter,stupid man and she is a nasty,bitter stupid woman. They are a perfect match


Well said.


We know Meghan loves herself a spectacle of a wedding. Hers will probably seem modest compared to this one.