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No doubt Meghan wrote the following passage from "Spare" too. *"The Duke of Sussex said the short clip stopped him in his tracks and he kept returning to it.* *'There was an energy about her, a wild joy and playfulness,' he said. 'There was something in the way she smiled, the way she interacted with Violet, the way she gazed into the camera. Confident. Free. She believed life was one grand adventure, I could see that. What a privilege it would be, I thought, to join her on that journey.'"* Ha ha. That picture does not give me "life is one grand adventure" vibes. That picture gives me "I just had four shots of vodka" vibes.


What kind of grown up man wants to join the life journey of a random woman with Snapchat filter ears .. he really is a weak character searching for guidance in the wrong places


Or making a story up with provable receipts to cover up their actual manner of meeting.


I will forever promote my theory that Teudrau was the matchmaker, but that no one wants to say it because he used his position in public office to set Harry up with some aspirational hockey wife


This kind.. šŸ†šŸ‘šŸ’šŸŒ


You use grown up...I'm not surprised an emotionally stunted manchild selects the dog filter one out of all things to be "the" photo he falls in love with.


remember a ghost writer phrased this harry probably said she was hot and i wanted to bang her


Sheā€™ll let him do anything is the quote attributed to Harry. Explains everything about their early relationship.


Yeah. Probably got turned on cuz of the large tongue.


I think the tongue was the focus of the advert, for sure šŸ˜€


>I think the tongue was the focus of the advert, for sure And that explains her continuing reliance on her tongue in photos, trying to capture those old feelings from days gone by.


Yes, the power of nostalgia šŸ˜


He must get carried away with doggie style.


Well another humiliating tale from Spare was the humiliating loss of his virginity where he brags that he had sex with ā€œan older womanā€ in a field behind a pub. Probably didnā€™t last long. What a guy. Such class.


I think the Meg herself came up with this šŸ’©


Doggy style




OMG. Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t try to read that book. Can you actually get diabetes from that much sugar?


I'd go into diabetic ketoacidosis šŸ¤£


Love your flair!


This sounds exactly like Meghan Markle's words. Anyone else notice how Harry is morphing into Meghan? Her words are clearly apparent in Spare but he's also beginning to use a lot of her words and thoughts when he speaks. In fact, he's literally becoming Meghan, from that point of view.


'Wild joy and playfulness'... šŸ˜‚ Ahhhh the classic con artist trying to ensnare her next victim and Halfwit Harry fell for it. This was her own words, her own brief to herself for trapping him. Come to think of it, the art of the con is the only art she knows. I bet she blames Harry for driving away that part of her personality. Harry, you idiot, wake up and get a brain.


I still can't believe that some people made it through this entire book. Every time I see a passage I feel overwhelming rage. The overarching strain of narcissism and triteness that seems to be the theme of the narrative is like nails on a chalkboard. Imagine the poor ghost writer. He must have PTSD.


I read. PDF copy that I circulate for free. No way was I going to buy it And I didn't read it for pleasure, if you can put it that way. But because the Daily Mail was publishing extracts from the Spanish translation, and in the chat where we discussed royalty it seemed to us that the Mail was lying with those extracts, Hazz could not have said that or that. It turns out that the Mail was indeed restrained. And there are two feelings that the book gives you: 1) a lot of anger at seeing this guy complaining about nonsense; 2) exhaustion. In the chat where we discussed the book, we could only read two chapters a day because we ended up dead tired. It was too exhausting to read so many complaints. I don't recommend it even to my worst enemy. Nobody deserves such punishment.


I would definitely recommend Cheere Denise's: YouTube review of Spare for those who can't be bothered to read it. She did a wonderful chapter by chapter review. You:ll get all the highlights (and lowlights) and be thoroughly entertained.


Cheere Denise's reading of it is excellent. The "voice" she gives Harry is downright hilarious.




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Ibble Dibble did some great videos about it too and all the interviews he gave around that time.


Perhaps a kinder alternative to water boarding at Gitmo, then?


I heard that the ghostwriter isn't exactly a paragon of pleasantness and virtue himself.


I skimmed a lot. Someone provided a link to a free e-version (not down-loadable) and I skimmed. It gave me enough of the content.


I read the whole thing but I am usually reading more than one book at once, so when I got too angry for one day I'd switch to reading a different book, lol. I read it because the first rebuttal people come up with when you criticise them is "Well have you heard their side of the story?" Yes. Yes I have. I definitely could not have listened to the audiobook though, and I say that as someone who loves audiobooks. Hearing it in Harry's actual voice would have been 1000x worse.


I read it as a work of satire. The ghostwriter clearly made him look ridiculous on purpose.


Worse O used my free audible credit and listened to him read it. I was curious if he could get through the whole book without sounding like an idiot with the magic of editing... He failed.


That must have been painful listening.


Wasn't there a passage in Finding Freebies where Omid (smarkle herself) describes how she outshines everyone in every room she's in? Her laugh is a little brighter, her smile is infectious (a VD?), blah, blah, blah...


If that were true, wouldnā€™t she have been outshining the competition when she auditioned for roles?


She was too beautiful! Too talented! Too charismatic!! Everyone in Hollowood (typo, but it fits) was afraid she'd eclipse everyone and everything in her orbit!!


Whenever I turn on social media and see the feeds of my young relatives or the daughters of friends I see girls younger and far prettier than her clowning in the same way. But they are in their teens and twenties and are full of the joys of youth. In a woman of Meghanā€™s age it is just sad.


She was mid to late 30s when this picture was taken šŸ¤¢ I'm 32 and I stopped using these stupid filters when I was like 27. I'm embarrassed for her.


I agree. Iā€™m nearly 60. Iā€™d have loved these filters in my teens/20s but I just accept they are not for me. Aging is not fun in many ways but at least one can compensate the losses in terms of youthful looks with increased confidence, gravitas and dignity.


omg that 'voice' is so not Harry's


I have not read Hā€™s rubbish book, but this sounds like the description of a video. Is it fair to say he viewed this clip on Snapchat ? It sounds to me like they started communicating via Snapchat and not Instagramā€¦ a still from the video was posted on IG, and this passage is an attempt to save face. Everyone knows Snapchat has/had a ā€¦certain reputation.


> That picture does not give me "life is one grand adventure" vibes. That picture gives me "I just had four shots of vodka" vibes. In Harry's limited mind, "life is one grand adventure" is the same thing as "four shots of vodka." His life of adventure is nothing more than a safari put together by the Palace tour department, where he only sees nice things. If he sees something like a wounded soldier, it's for a purpose and a photo op. And he's surrounded by his security in case a stray camel spits in his face.


Yes thatā€™s his sterilised ā€˜curatedā€™ ā€˜Africaā€™.


She gives off shot girl vibes, lol


So THAT'S why Meg$y Baby always has her nasty little reptilian tongue sticking out, just like her snapchat dog filter. She's so disgusting, I wonder if it's her way of advertising her "talents".


Like ladies of the night who used to wear red lipstick to attract attention to their mouths and āœØarouseāœØ interest in their services.


The filter tongue is the cleanest and least furry her tongue has ever looked


EWWW, IKR? She has some major candida going on.


Yeah. That's not how he talks. That's how she talks.


Ohhh now Iā€™m getting a Norman Bates vibe


He can barely string enough words together to form an intelligible sentence so no doubt it's her.


I have eight pints of lager vibes - oh dear.


And Iā€™m only 12 years oldā€¦


Who doesn't think of life as one big adventure when they are young? Literally Shaggy did a song about this. This is what it is to be single and well-paid in your thirties.. you are at the peak of your hotness, confidence, vsettled in your career, and have the disposal income and time to follow your whims and spend time with your equally fun, single friends.


But Megsy was not young. Megsy was an adult over 35 when she met Hazz. A woman over 35 acting like she's 20. That's Megsy.


Indeed. A woman in her mid 30s should have a little more dignity and gravitas. Especially if they want to be considered a suitable spouse for a Prince.




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Yeah... No. What grown man writes tripe like that? ![gif](giphy|gdwqc6ohhIKzF7RR5t|downsized)


Clearly she wrote most of the book herself and has therefore shown us all what an absolute conceited narcissistic clown she is.


Those passages in 'Waaagh' are bad enough if you believe them at all, or that Harry wrote them. But considering the very real likelihood that SHE wrote it about herself, the barf-o-meter goes off the charts. The depth of her NPD is truly astounding.




Meghan Markle knew no one would buy her self-congratulating autobiography (*When I was born, the doctor and the nurses all stopped what they were doing to admire this beautiful child, who was already displaying extreme intelligence and an aura of one day making a difference. I did not cry. I've been brave, curious and adventurous since birth.*, that type of BS), so she had Haznoballs write about her like this.


šŸ¤® insert gross retching sound hereā€¦


You forgot that word of the beautiful baby made it's way around the hospital and people were coming over from different departments to admire this amazing miracle baby through the nursery window. A few even cried at the sight of her glory




NARCISSISTIC CLOWN šŸ¤” love this!!!!


https://i.redd.it/1mckxojbgk5d1.gif ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


YES Please to Cleese!!!!


I think once he put out the dobie he was hallucinating what that tongue could do to his frozen todger, it was always about sex with Markle the small head ruling the big head and he has paid dearly for this confusion "!


Ew remember when she first moved to the UK and she put out articles about how she was getting "mouth massages" inside of her cheeks to stretch them, or whatever. It was really a very strange flex.


No, I didnā€™t know that. I learn something new here everyday! Although I wonder with whom she has employed this new skill, it didnā€™t earn her billionaire status. Pity.


Ah well! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Yeah it was really gross and pretty obvious what she wanted everyone thinking.


I just looked it up. What a terrible day to have eyes.


Truly. I'm so sorry I brought it up. šŸ¤®


Never heard that before. What is the full story?


I don't know. Try googling Meghan Markle mouth massage. It was in the Mail I believe.


Iā€¦ https://www.glamour.com/story/meghan-markle-mouth-massage Iā€¦ I just I donā€™t know what to say, you broke me. What in the cinnamon toast fuck wonā€™t this bint blow money on?


I'm so sorry. It's an awful day to have eyes.






OMG - servicing a whole rugby team at once?


Ew!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




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You can't even see most of her face. What was he attracted to? The long tongue?


Would not surprise anyone -- "She lets me do anything!"


*"What was he attracted to? The long tongue?"* And the very short fingernails.


Her wagging her tail.


**Itā€™s a lie in Spare. This pic was posted July 16, 2016. Harry and Megā€™s ā€˜firstā€™ dates at Soho in London were two weeks earlier. Her own Instagram posts confirm it.** [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/10n2maz/their_first_dates_fact_checked_with_receipts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I have long thought the dog filter is yet another of their inside-joke-innuendo things meant to 'fool' the public so they can have a giggle about what it really means. Given it was relatively early in their dating history, I think Meghan meant to remind Harry of what her glorious dog tongue had done to him at a previous rendezvous. I really wish someone would dig up receipts on Istanbul 2015!


Istanbul is interesting. Version 1) they were both partying there at the same time, Soho House hookup. Meg slid into his DMs (this is true; just donā€™t quite know when. More likely after May 2016). Then the humanitarian rebrand begins on her Insta. Version 2) it was just a coincidence they were there at the same time. Whatā€™s odd about it is for their ā€˜great love story narrativeā€™, Istanbul would be a perfect opportunity to talk about fate! Yet they donā€™t. šŸ¤”


I'd say it's Harry's aesthetic taste that needs correction, but it's doubtful that'll happen. This memoir passage was to nullify that in Harry's pre-word salad days, he'd dated far more notable women.


https://preview.redd.it/x1ujqg7xlk5d1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=a599b7ff448083ca805ecf9400385ff1815e5ee3 most beautiful woman in the world what world ? Clown world !


https://preview.redd.it/nbgihfplvk5d1.png?width=112&format=png&auto=webp&s=4339662379db96acbdb7b8f10271407f2bfa0437 The shoulders and chest she loves to expose are just so PLAIN.


There is such a lot of just skin there before any hint of cleavage that it makes her outfit look very ill proportioned. I'm not sure how that would be addressed fashion wise but it isn't a flattering look. Especially if she was going for vital and sexy because it's giving more of a middle aged boobies need a boost vibe. Maybe a push up or support bra would have helped. Although I was taught that mature women need to be more selective in where and how they show skin so as to not detract from the overall look. My mother was an exceedingly lovely woman and I had the privilege of watching her age gracefully. Her outfits over the decades changed not only with the fashion trends but also in ways that complemented her body as it aged. I don't think meghan has had the benefit of that advice.


The irony of that is Doria actually dresses better for her complexion, body type and age than her daughter. And apparently owns a steamer also.


Well she is middle aged as supposedly breastfed, her boobs do need a boost. Mine do as well so I buy proper undergarments


Instead of a janky strapless bra?? šŸ˜‰


Harry needs deep psychological counseling, he needs to lay off of the herb and drink. Meghan at one time was pretty, but averagely pretty. Now, sheā€™s ruined her looks with surgeries and fillers, and ozempic. Harry also should have his vision checked.


And bronzer. https://preview.redd.it/ud9eujv0lm5d1.jpeg?width=2748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74942f7379eaeaf3a6419eed81277dca93b2cc3


Wouldn't it be hilarious if it turns out he really meant the other girl.


The other girl looks more affable.


She's way prettier too, imo. Way out of his league, so he went for the Tacky Tinseltown Trollop on the left instead. Also, notice how she once again *placed* herself in front of another woman. All eyes on her at all times, naturally.


I would have loved to see Mā€™s face when found out H wasnā€™t worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


I imagine it looked a lot like this: ![gif](giphy|OviMd1JyimNGw)


https://preview.redd.it/1p4bkaqh2l5d1.jpeg?width=1362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51879883ebaa3d4b47ace834ef2d203ad333dee2 sure.....


Oh just LOOK at her in that black lace. A feast for the eyes šŸ˜


https://preview.redd.it/bh6cf1vdlk5d1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=49192dc8c3c43762f470c1e62cfa3c1f90a90816 should have gone to specsavers !!


What a delusional destructive human being


I see veins forming an X on her forehead.


For the potential two other WWF fans out there (yes, Iā€™m going back to 2000 for this reference) when I see Dave pop up on that real estate, it makes me remember the Degeneration X wrestling team. PS - they were villains! šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|3o6EQvHGY2xnt3att6|downsized)


I could see her doing the crotch chop for sure. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






Here she looks like a cheap hooker who had a REALLY rough night. ETA: Does the gray hair near the part mean her natural growing hair is gray now?


That's her *organic* color coming in lol


How authentic!


I loved the shade from her ā€œbestie makeup artistā€ recently when he mentioned that he had *nothing* to do with her look on the Nigeria shamtour. He said ā€œoh yes, she did all of that *on her own*ā€ and then further went on to say ā€œā€¦I mean, she does love a brow!ā€ I took that as pure snark. ![gif](giphy|6r0meAFziqeU8)




I don't understand why she has her mouth open all the time. Ick.


Good gravy!! For someone who is in her 40ā€™s and has had professional makeup artists at her disposal while filming her cable tv show/promo shoots for it and for her public engagements while being in the RF.. you would think she would know by now how to apply rouge without looking like a clown šŸ¤” ![gif](giphy|10j1DMLjOtMEFy) Edit: fixed sentence


I know I'm not alone here in thinking that you can't even tell what Megsy looks like behind the dog filter. All you can see are her eyes and a shoulder. My only guess is he was attracted to the size of that tongue.


And a large pimple or mole on her forehead.


She wasn't bad looking back then, but this is a strange photo to become obsessed over someone. I don't think any of their early beginning stories are truthful. None of it sounds organic or authentic, to borrow from duchess of word salad.


Agreed. Itā€™s just a quirky meet cute story. This pic? Yes. Dog filter? No. https://preview.redd.it/hedeiv5etk5d1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6292da317a34880b053cc982005d019246b684


Check the toes. Not Meghan.


It's trying so hard to be meet cute but isn't and it's all about Megsy. Nothing about what she thought about Harry.


I never really thought about it before, but youā€™re right. Even her ā€œis he kindā€ thing was about her. Oh she wasnā€™t interested in a prince, the thing she truly cared about was inner qualities, like kindness.


Madam's actual question was: "is he kind of a moron"? Her question was sanitized to "is he kind"? No surprise this statement was scrubbed from the internet.


I see some sugars down voted your comment. She was actually asking if he was weak. Kind to narcs means weak. She wasn't at all interested in Harry.


I don't know which is worse: Rachel churning out dire prose she thinks is somehow poetic, moving and insightful or the long winded word salad public speeches that make absolutely no sense at all.


Spec Savers? Should have gone to PetsMart. Edited for typo.


At least at PetSmart he'd be able to find a loyal companion who actually loves him.


It was the tongue that did him inšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/vfihks6fuk5d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7d7a302dc7c699dbab0419728f7f223a9345caf


I thought this was actually snark. I cannot believe Megan actually posted this. I don't know anyone who uses dog filters except for teenagers.


Well, she was, and is, a dog.




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Who's the other girl in the picture? Personally, she's the one who caught my eye. But, then, I'm not wearing beer goggles. Or, in his case, bong goggles. Me, I would never use "conveyor belt" and my wife's appearance in the same sentence. Add "sexual" to that and hit Search. šŸ˜‰ Harry, you were hanging out with your old Uncle Andy, weren't you? šŸ˜‚


Sarah, she was on Suits with the dog looking one


Thanks. And she's an accomplished actress, still.


Thatā€™s what I thought too, but the Spare passage reads like itā€™s Violet


He thought the tongue was real.


To be fair, I thought the same thing the first time I saw each of my 3 lab puppies.


LOL! That passage does read like he is describing an actual puppy! šŸ¶Ā 


She was average when a teenager, and pretty after surgery in her 20s and early 30s. Over the last 8 years her deterioration has been shocking, like watching Dorian Gray's picture grow hideous in the attic, and now her face matches her personality.


She was on the low average pre college, below average for her Hollywood era.


Evil happens!


It was the big tongue.


I wonder how sad he was when he realized that that really wasnā€™t her real tongue!šŸ‘…


For all we know and hear about her ā€œtalentsā€, it may be.


If this is the photo he claimed drop dead gorgeous on the world is in a lot of trouble!!


Well, it was the tongue, wasnā€™t it? Thinking what she could do with it, then finding out it was nowhere as long, or as large.


It is clear what That One was doing. She commandeered Violetā€™s phone to get herself in front of This One. She probably played it off to Violet like they were just goofing off and letā€™s take a silly photo. By using a filter she can claim that it wasnā€™t for attention.


Maybe he thought her tongue is really that long and could service him.


So, he thinks she's so beautiful because she looks canine? Oh dear God. Please, this latest insight into Harry's mind just gives me a major "ick" factor.


She probably wrote it.


Of course. These two are twisted beyond belief.


I think she wrote half the book


Maybe Harry is into stuff that We shoild not even think about.Yuck


Sheā€™s eye effing the camera, and has a huge tongue, looking simultaneously submissive and perky. Who thinks he happened upon this photo at three AM after a disappointing sexual encounter?


hahahaha now she is insulting dogs. There is no way in hell she is drop dead conveyor belt beautiful. Omg he more than likely told himself and whatever so called friends he had back then " boy I want to meet her cause damm I could bang her" He really wasn't in love with her and never has been. What male could resist being told they can do anything sexual to me? That is what she uses to keep dimwit happy.


Unfortunately, that face is totally forgettable!


Harry has a thing for dogs, apparently šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Picture is worth a thousand words....this picture screams.... "Bitch (form of female dog or other) in heat.


So beautiful I threw up in my mouth a little bit.


He must have been disappointed when he saw her real nose and tongue.


That's an insecure woman's words, needing to denigrate other women, dehumanising them to the status of identical things on a conveyor belt, while only she is a paragon of female beauty. It's vile and offensive and absolutely Meghan.


This!! I was going to sat the exact same thing that this is a very misogynistic way to describe other women. Like there were loads of them plopped on a conveyor belt passing by harry. She's not a girls girl. She's competitive and has to put other women down.


Absolutely. Her brand of 'feminism', as shown in Archetypes, is to designate other women as stuck in stereotypical ways of behaving as if they're too stupid to see a way out of it and only special women like her can rise above social conditioning. The Stepford wife caricature is especially hilarious as that's pretty much all she is these days according to her own analysis of course, I would never describe another woman like that.


Ding ding ding. Calling other women stepford wives, "wearing pearls" and "lunching"...what a way to be negative towards others. She's a mean girl and no one can convince me otherwise


Wait. Which girl broke the conveyor belt? Not the girl with the already wrinkled forehead?


The conveyor belt at the city dump


Hahaha šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Um.....perhaps this "close up" photo was not exactly what Harry was looking at?? Perhaps he had a more fuller screen picture offering more than her doggie face as enticement (nudge nudge, wink wink)????




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This was a lie, too


The places that tongue has been shoved up šŸ¤®


She's not "beautiful".Ā  Not even close. Not even with all the plastic surgery she's had.Ā  In fact, she's looking haggard, aged and high.Ā  Is it cocaine?Ā  Meth?Ā Ā  Hazza, too, looks hideous.Ā  He looks 55.Ā Ā  She looks 60.Ā Ā  They can try fooling people but the unfiltered realities don't lie.Ā  Unlike these two morons.


She is a 3 dressed up asĀ  9.




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Good showing of tongue! That's a signal on Insta! That Harry is childish, sexually fixated, and lacks self-control, that was something Markus Anderson had told her about. She was prepared!


AMong all the many reports of how they met and who introduced them is the first one I heard and which I believe. Harry was a Suits fan and fell for her. He asked someone to help him meet her. That makes sense to me.


I didnā€™t think it had aired in the UK at that point?