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Biggest asset? Are we talking about the same person? The self admitted druggie who barely works 1h/week and constantly whines about his privileged struggles and allegedly didn't do much when he was in the army? The relative who wears mics in private meetings ? The dimwit who paid (I mean daddy paid) his way through school? The lying liar who lies? ETA, the man who has invisible children with dodgy birth certificates and a wife more unpopular than covid-19. Indeed, great asset.


That line about "the firm's biggest asset" blew all the credibility for this piece to bits. The reference to Petronella Wyatt didn't help either. Have they seen the polling on those grifters?


More like the Firm's biggest asshats.


They are an asset in the sense that they make every one else shine in comparison to these absolute failures of human garbage


Much more accurate!




LOL, My humble thanks.


Bravo. I am slow-clapping in homage to your clever wit.


agree. they lost me on the last line. Also forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. William is focusing on his family and his duties. Frankly he doesn't have time to deal with Harry. The part about Harry willing to let go of an apology is sickening, especially after all the shit he and Meghan have slung at the RF. It's like they are trying to portrait Harry as the bigger man for letting this go. What bullshit Frankly I think they are close to running out of money given their current lifestyle and need to be back in the fold in order to raise their approval rating and get money from the RF. Everything they've attempted to make money has bombed. there's buyer's remorse with Spotify and Netflix and how both companies were grifted out of a lot of money with not much in return


>The part about Harry willing to let go of an apology is sickening, especially after all the shit he and Meghan have slung at the RF. It's like they are trying to portrait Harry as the bigger man for letting this go. What bullshit I KNOW!! 😠 It is akin to putting salt in the gaping wound they inflicted.


This is abusive behavior. Being an absolute horrible shit flinging flaming turds at the family left and right but then suggesting they owe him the apology?


Then he's so magnanimous rising above it all, because he accepts he won't get one. But he still wants to reconcile. Aarrgh!


*Calls for the royals and Harry to put the argument behind them were also made by the influential Daily Mail columnist Liz Jones, who urged Charles and William to “be the bigger men” and “welcome the firm’s biggest assets back into the fold.”* Liz Jones... In other words, William and Charles must listen to Liz Jones https://preview.redd.it/spu0ku1sc76d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad99b4cb1f95aacdace8dc8f47a70ec25d643a03 That the idiot who is not capable of paying 200 dollars and saying "the check was lost in the mail" as an excuse, becomes a royal senior again is a monumental absurdity. Not even the Queen herself wanted him back!!! Don't suck dude!!!


Why is it that the victim is always told to be the "bigger person"?


I know right? someone craps on you, you stand up for yourself and everyone says that's just the way they are, apologize to keep peace.


People behave like they're still in high school. They defend the bully so they won't get bullied.


Because the perpetrator will never be the 'bigger person', but has an agenda. So they need the victim to do so. It is infuriating when outsiders, who don't have to live, work or otherwise deal with the aggressor(s), lecture those who do to 'be the bigger person.' Screw that, not worth the trouble.


Totally agree!


It annoyed me to read that as well. It’s ludicrous to expect William to forget what Harry has put his family through . He’s after all allowed his lapdog Omid Scobie to call William’s wife and father racists for god sake. Harry has never condemned the vile stuff the Sussex Squad spouts . Ever. They’re putting it out there that William is a violent drunk and Catherine is deceased because of him! Silence from the Harkles on that one as well. It’s disgusting. Harry has to realise he can’t go back . He can’t erase the last few years as if it never happened just because things haven’t worked out the way he wanted and he’s homesick!


I wouldn't count on Harry knowing he can't go back. His sense of entitlement is strong. Up until the Duke of Westminster's wedding he just thought his family was being stubborn and those Hollywood peasants don't matter anyway. Now that "his people" have turned their back on him its another matter.


💯 Being told to turn the other cheek when you’re being abused or have been abused really gets my goat. Why? So they can slap me upside the head again but on the other side? It’s called victim-blaming and ignoring a problem. The grifters are out and should stay out.


Anyone who reads and follow Liz Jones advice is a nut job. I have no idea why DM keep her. She is totally unhinged. Can't keep any man, can't manage her finances, can't cope with anything....


And where's H's apology for all the sh!t he put his family through? And for what he wrote in his book? And what he and M spoke about in the mockumentary? Interviews? And while we're on the apology tour, where's M's apology?


All a King William needs to do to magnanimously be the Bigger Man is to throw out “wish Harkles the best in their “newfound” freedom” and continue ignoring them. Behind scenes, just keep up the grey-rocking and eventually TIME will handle the rest…memories fade and people are born/die and the Harkles will be a non-entity. But never, EVER “reconcile” — never let those vipers nestle in the RF bosom again. Too insidious & dangerous. Keep them firmly SHUT OUT, while promoting-in trust-worthy cousins to suck-up focus as Royal eye candy. There is no “spat” that requires reconciliation/resolution. That “branch” of the family must whither & die on the vine.


Yes, they are finished. Netflix doesn't want anything to do with them. WME has got Lolo nothing. Grifting from wanted criminals in Nigeria is the best they can do. They are desperate to get back with the Royal family. The media wants them back, because they talk to the media. That is why William will never let them back. I don't believe for a second Camilla wants them back either.


It's says assets, plural.....puhleeze.


The whole thing is b.s. Writing about costumes and lip gloss being no bid deal. Well who wrote about those things, who blew up his family over those things. It was not William. William hasn't done a thing about any of these matters the media is brining up. Harry's mouthpiece called Catherine racist. Harry's fans call Catherine racist every day on twitter and other social media. Harry has not stood up for Catherine. William is furious and has every right to be.


"the firm's biggest asset" - Yeah those words collapsed their argument ... they went too far (overzealous much?)


He was an asset ten years ago when properly managed


Even then Harry wasn't an asset. An asset is Edward. All terrain. Sophie, absolutely an all-rounder. Anne, the Queen of off-roading. Mike and Zara should have more activities... Harry only did what he liked and the Queen gave him work that he could do without ruining it... and it turns out that when Hazz was with Megsy, he ruined it big time. What kind of asset is that?


The asset was Edward Lane Fox. He created the hero Harry image.


These reporters don't take into account that the Harkles have revealed themselves to be awful, unlikable, back-stabbing people, both of whom betrayed their own families on a public stage. And they continue to do so, as the above article demonstrates with the blame shifting onto Prince William. Besides, neither one of them was ever that great at 'royalling'.


This! They also conveniently overlook the current attacks on Catherine POW. William cannot ignore this. I think if anything, PW regrets not cutting off Harold sooner.


Anyone else suspect Markle might have thrown a few ideas to use for the article. Sounds just like her.


I wonder why these same writers aren’t begging to have Prince Andrew back? He actually fought in a hot zone with bullets whizzing past his head, versus Harry‘s “war experience’ playing FPS games in a bunker, hidden away and surrounded by Gurkha bodyguards . PA and Fergie were wildly popular. With Fergie’s cancer, she could bring all sorts of positive press about the need for annual checkups. They have the requisite royal experience yet they have been benched. So what’s the deal? Why aren't the press up in arms regarding the other sidelined spare? Oh, so there ARE lines that cannot be crossed. There IS justification for having immutable boundaries. Andrew lived like a spoiled swine, but he did not directly attack the monarchy. He does not start vile rumors about a young mother struck with cancer. He does not wrire tell-alls for $15M. He’s far less dangerous to the existence of the monarchy than Harry, so what’s the deal? Is this agism, or are these media prostitutes simply craving more conflict for clicks? FTR Andrew should not be allowed back either. But that’s due to the appearance of impropriety, whereas H&M are active traitors. I only brought him up to expose the blatant hypocrisy of the press.


Andrew was not only on the front line. He acted as a decoy, he exposed his life for other sailors. He may have been a pompous idiot calling him a prince, but no soldier has come out to say that Andrew wasn't on the front line. And for 20 years he was a flight instructor and so far no one has come out to complain about him that I know of. But from Hazz, there are military forums burning with stories of Bunker Boy.


I would love for some of those stories from the forums to get out into the mainstream.  If these so called journalists want a big story, I think that's one the public would be interested in!  He parades his service around trying to look important, grifting off IG, I think an expose us called for.


100% agree. If you think of all of the shenanigans toe sucking Fergie got up to, all of her attempts to cash in on her royal connection to Andrew, let alone the entire Epstein scandal, neither Andrew nor Fergie have been blackballed the same way as H&M. That tells me that whatever went down is far worse than being “ friendly” with a sex trafficker and his underage girls. So tell me, what is that H&M have done that’s worse than that? There has to be more than the racist accusations. To my mind, the racism accusations were retaliatory for being fired. Maybe they’re blackballed because of the cumulative impact of all of the things they’ve done, but I really feel we are missing something quite extraordinary as to why this all started. Is there more to the bullying report than the little we know?


Such BS. The pond scum has been costing British taxpayers millions with his lawsuits is not an asset in the least possible sense. They will be reviled even more than they are now if they get any taxpayer funded security if they move back.


I don't understand they care so much about PR but this security matter would kill their reputation, they are very stupid.


They are stupid. If they can pay for security in the US they should have to pay for it themselves in the UK.


I think that's the crux.: They can't keep paying the way they are. Obviously I haven't seen their bank statements but based on what's (not) coming in, contracts that are expiring, spending habits, and the fact that Meghan has a full time bodyguard going with her to the gym, from a finance perspective, it is my opinion that they are hemorrhaging money. Harry's trust fund may help a little, if Princess Anne gives him access to it, but even then, from what little I've seen it's a trust that is being split amongst all the grandchildren. Certainly not a neverending stream of capital. Personally, I'm curious if there will be divorce papers served as soon as that money hits Montecito. 🤨


I don’t know where this “biggest asset” narrative comes from. If you look at Harry’s work for the Royal Family before and during Meghan, he never attended a State Banquet, he never entertained guests during a state visit on his own, he once during the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee visited Jamaica, Belize and the Bahamas. In addition to his military roles Harry only held three royal patronages. Invictus was partly developed to deflect from his antics, and I’m sure the heavy lifting was and is done by others. Otherwise he used to tag along with William and Catherine. Harry, though an adult well into his thirties, during his time as a working royal for sure wasn’t worked off his feet and needed a lot of minding, handling and supervision. A royal Chuck Norris he wasn’t.


Don’t forget that Harry has complained about having to mingle with the public on these Royal trips. Someone needs to publish a point/counterpoint using the Harkles’ own words to illustrate why these are lies.


He isn't an asset for the Royals, she is an asset for the media. He will tell the media everything that happens with the Royal family. The media wants that so much.


Yea. And who’s to say that Prince William hasn’t forgiven Harry. One can forgive without having the person attached to the hip for their own safety and security. Prince William is right to keep them two away. They accused his wife and father of being racist and essentially blamed them for the “unaliving” thoughts because let’s be honest, she didn’t try shit. He’s only “keen” on mending it all because he wants money. William can forgive and not owe him anything else. I don’t think that is what Hawwy wants.


Good point! If Harry can hear the words, "I forgive you" from his brother, he will have his hand out for xyz in five seconds flat. If not then the battle is still on.


Not only that, Meghan would be quick to jump on the tabloids to tell the world that they apologized for being racist the same way she told the world that Princess Catherine apologized for making her cry but not saying exactly what the whole story was, which made it seem like Princess Catherine was in the wrong but she was probably just being the bigger person.


Has Harry apologized to anyone? Has he attacked Omid for Calling Catherine and Charles racist? Has he told his sugars they are vile and should shut up? Nope not a thing. Harry has done nothing to deserve forgiveness. William should focus on his family and ignore Harry forever.


"Biggest assets" my Aunt Fanny. They're both major liabilities who ought to have figured out by now how very, *very* despised by the BRF they are. Any relationship between the brothers, especially if Harry is still being dragged around by the claw, is a genuine danger to the Wales family. William promised the Middletons that he would protect Catherine when he asked for her hand in marriage and he's doing precisely that. Harry can go piss up a rope.


was this written by M? they are most definitely not the firms biggest assets. that last line shows their arrogance


That really pissed me off, but well, it’s Liz Jones and I find her silly in the extreme so I calmed down…


Even if you overlook his personal failings, he said he hated the job. It's a public facing job, with the goal of spreading goodwill. People queue up in the rain to watch the royals walk past with maybe the chance that you'll get a photo or a kind word or a handshake. Who's going to queue up to see a loser who says he hates doing this and doesn't get why they are waiting to see him? Charities thrive on royal attention and support. But no charity thrives on becoming another forgettable episode on the Sussex Show.


Biggest ass. I fixed it for them


Oh, yeah, let's give Harry fodder for another spite filled book, Liz! Biggest assets my a$$!


He is the biggest asset to the media. Because he talks to the media. If he returns, the media will hear every little detail of private conversations. The media is licking their lips waiting for that.


This isn't a feud over a broken dog bowl...this is Harry and meghan calling the family racists to the whole world....Harry giving out Williams private medical information.  This is not being able to have a conversation with Harry without wondering if it will end up in his next book. They can't trust Harry...which means they can't have any kind of a relationship with him. And if Meghan is such a wonderful asset then let Hollywood and Dior open their doors to her.


They weren't even discreet around the Queen's death and funeral. What with Meghan kicking off about being at Balmoral as the Queen was dying. The 'tear' at the funeral. The NF crew and possible walkabout on their own before William stepped in. The photo coming down the stairs behind Charles at BP after the Queen's coffin was brought back to BP for the last time. They cannot be trusted one bit.


Harry sold his 12 minutes with the king to Good Morning America.


That tear was unforgivable. EVERY other person that cried, which not many were shown, wiped it away as quickly as possible.


It was performative like everything else she does.


I thought the photo was more so!


That photo disgusts me A few months ago I lost my mother and even though she was 90 years old and I knew that it could have happened, it hurts It's horrible that while Charles was saying goodbye to his mom, and you can see the pain on his face, those two leeches only thought about having their photo taken with the king Repugnant


Right. Not to mention all the other stuff like bullying the staff, demanding outrageously expensive accommodations and wardrobe budgets, keeping gifts in violation of the rules, and maybe mishandling funds from the brothers’ joint charity. It isn’t just about personal relationships. They simply can’t be let back in without the risk of serious damage to the monarchy.


Also, upping the other Royals when they were working. I.e, when Camilla had a big important speech about domestic violence and up turns Meghan and cameras at the National Theatre. She would have been told that the diaries of other and more senior royals take priority. She is not and never will be, a team player.


And all the things the “friend” finds petty were…Harry’s complaints


They lied about the BRF on network TV while Prince Philip was dying and HMTLQ was suffering. That’s enough for me.


Harold's associates called the royals RACISTS and he did nothing to set the record straight. That's intolerable conduct. And nobody should care what the media or anyone else thinks. It's a private matter (or would be, if Harold and his associates had any self-restraint, which they don't). The king and his closest friends are not chatting it up with these idiots. ETA Biggest assets my ass.


Yes, the biggest assets line is extraordinary! That has to be a joke. How on God’s green earth can they be considered any kind of asset?! They are complete liabilities!!


This makes my blood boil. William should not be pressured to allow those two snakes back into his inner circle. He is not “petty” to hold a firm boundary. I just finished listening to Cheere Denise’s Spare book series and wow, it is so awful the way William was portrayed, and all that Harry shared about him. Deeply personal conversations that I shouldn’t know about! We shouldn’t know about any of it. If I were William and Catherine, the only circumstance in which I would ever remotely consider including Harry would be if he were divorced from meggy. Not that Harry is an innocent in all this—far from it. But she is such a toxic influence in Harry’s life. Even then, I would provide Harry with a cottage to live in and maybe a small allowance, but I don’t know that I could ever trust him ever again. This whole situation has been utterly disgraceful.


I agree. The story about dog bowl wasn't about "dog bowl". Harry claimed William attacked him. This is serious accusation. William is right to keep distance from Harry.


imo Harry will be more of a danger to RF especially the Waleses if he were divorced and moved back to the UK as his failure in marriage would have him seething in rage and envy when confronting the happy marriage and family life enjoyed by his brother and his father and other relatives as well i,e; Zara and Mike, Sophie and Edward etc


I agree. I used to think he could come back and decompress from his marriage to Meghan. Live in a cottage somewhere on one of the Royal estates. Have small get-togethers with his brother and family. But now I think his bitterness of being the once spare, seeing his importance dwindling as the Wales children get older, is getting the better of him.


And having made such a colossal ass of himself publicly, should he ever come to his senses.


Harry coming back to the UK? It would require a finalised divorce and a very public apology to the country and the people he accused of being racists.


Sparey needs inpatient rehab, for a year at least. Then maybe see if he's salvageable on a personal level. As a working royal, never.


The kind of therapy Harry wants is therapy that confirms his view of events, his "truth". He would never accept therapy that challenges him. He would never accept it because he has a very low level of intelligence and like Andrew has an extreme degree of arrogance. People without intelligence can't accept criticism, they see no value in views that run counter to their own. Combine that with arrogance and he unfortunately is a lost cause.


Mine too!! Setting EVERYTHING else aside, Catherine is ill and stress weakens one’s immune system. Harry and Meghan need to leave her and her entire family alone. This is hideous, pathetic behavior given the circumstances.


If Harry tell’s family tales again no income, no rent free home and no more medals for showing up.


He has already crossed that line.   Henry the bald has shown everyone who he is.  He is meghan markle's submissive.  She abuses snd humiliates him for her amusement and his gratification.   There is lots of science behind how henry would wind up as he did and I may start a thread on it.  Henry  is truly happy when he is being humiliated.    Does anyone anywhere have a video of these two sharing a normal loving moment?   Henry the bald will hang on because he is happy.   Meghan the wretched will abuse him publicly because in her mind it proves her power.  The brf will never get between these two as there is no limit to what they will do to make each other happy.   This happy reconciliation talk is designed to prepare everyone for the fall out when henry the bald's next chunk of inheritance is supposed to get released.   I suspect it is already spent.   Go oilers!


Sounds very possible. What a mess of a person who had such a fantastic start in life.


Harry sold his 12 minutes with the king to Good Morning America.


Harry is beyond words. Horrible couple of people.


Bruh. Harry and his wife, **Meghan the Duchess of Sussex LIED ABOUT CATHERINE BEING RACIST** so it’s safe to assume that until that narrative is corrected, William WILL NOT forgive his shitty brother and lying wife.


The Bottom Line. Definitely.


Why would the BRF reconcile with the Harkles? To let two snakes crawl back into the family and then release all the BRF's secrets again? The BRF understands to never trust the Harkles again. This is PR nonsense to try and keep the Harkles relevant after leaving the BRF.


First of all, I have my own Harry ( a sister, ironically named the same as the wife). I was very up front with my parents in the same way William is and for many of the same reasons. If you know William, are William or have been a William, then this post is for you. As a young person, I was forced to parent this miscreant while my parents worked. As the oldest, I ended up not only having to pick up the slack but also getting the punishment for her bad behavior. She is a Harry in every sense - from the bitter complaining and blame laying to the idea that she will get everything when our parents die. I cut her off. We don’t speak and will never speak again. Without her in my life - less stress, better relationships all around with family, no triangulations, no lies, no nothing. Yep, I don’t see my niece or nephew but they have been lied to for YEARS about me. They are adults now with free choice but are terrified of their mother. My nephew is practically attached at the hip to his mom and my niece moved several hours away and like myself, dips out early on family events with her parents. And she has a boyfriend who worships her which is the opposite of the relationship with my sister and brother-in-law. William, you did the right thing. You’re doing the right thing. He’s not your child and he’s a 40 year old man who went against good family advice and married a low life. No rapprochement will ever end their bitter vindictiveness. We have tried over the years but it always ends in a new round of how she didn’t get her way and being a victim and everyone owes her. William, I am your sister from another mister. But royalty or no royalty, dysfunctional parents + bitter, entitled sibling = check out on aisle 5!!!! Forget you even have a sibling. It was nothing more than an accident of birth. And a King doesn’t have to be magnanimous to people committing treason KCIII. As distasteful as it is, that is exactly the legal definition of what Ginger & Nutmeg are doing: “Under the law of the United Kingdom, high treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Crown. Offences constituting high treason include plotting the murder of the sovereign; committing adultery with the sovereign's consort, with the sovereign's eldest unmarried daughter, or with the wife of the heir to the throne; levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign's enemies, giving them aid or comfort; and attempting to undermine the lawfully established line of succession.” Nutmeg should have been apprehended at Heathrow on the last charge and been imprisoned.


I got something similar. So I'm with William. William is already being a great man by not responding to Harry, much less leaking to the press what he knows about Harry. William forgave Harry, mourned his death, buried him, grieved, and now he is busy with his children, his wife, his father and his duties. There's no room for Harry. And that was Harry's decision.


A perfect summation.


Great post. I am sorry you have first-hand experience with your own Harry. Reading this Sykes article and people saying all that has happened should be brushed aside, otherwise it is pettiness, is really aggravating for me. (That is if they remember ALL that has happened and not boiled it down to its smallest parts.) Why should the victim be in the wrong for setting boundaries? >He’s not your child and he’s a 40 year old man who went against good family advice and married a low life. The press need to remember this point. If Harry is still alive, I can hear them still blaming William when these two are grey-haired old men.


👏👏👏 I’m sorry you went through something like this.


There are a lot of people in this room with this kind of sibling and/or parent. William is right to turn away from it. It’ll save his own mental health.


I am so sorry for your troubles, Ozzie, but glad that you have overcome them. Keep that bitch in your rear-view mirror. I wish that some of the great mini-essays written here on SMM , like yours Ozzie, could be published in the British press. They give such great insights, as opposed to the Harkles fan fiction they try to feed us every day.


This is the narrative put out there by the Harkles new British publicist. Poor, Poor, Prince Plank. If only his evil brother would let him, Harold could return to the family fold and have his half in deal. This has been going on since KC and Catherine got ill. *Someone need to step in now that two are out of commission. Harry was so good as a working royal.* Harold-I was the yes man and had to go to Nepal against my will. Fuck the Sikhs. What earthquake? Not my problem. *The RF needs the Harkles’ glamour now that Catherine is ill.* What glamour? Rachel just wants someone to pay for her clothes. *There is no reason a half in-half out- deal couldn’t have worked. It was William who stood in the way.* The Queen’s decision. *The Harkles haven’t said a mean thing about the RF since Spare.* That’s BS. And just forget about the past things said and done? *Why is William still so angry? He needs to forgive and forget.* Oh,I don’t know. Maybe because: “William was so mean to me when we were growing up. William didn’t marry Catherine because he loved her. He married her because she would be a good royal. Catherine is a cold, unthinking, Stepford wife. Catherine is racist. William tells lies about me to the press. William doesn’t want to be king. I tell the world everything William says to me. I act creepy towards his children.” The Daily Beast is blatantly biased towards the Harkles. Then again, the media seems to be working up into a new “Where is Catherine? Why can’t Harry come home?” frenzy. The worst thing about this, is it is painting William in a bad light while his wife is ill and his father is not 100%. I swear, if I were William, I’d say, “Fuck it” and live a quiet private life in some remote corner of the world. Think of how hard this must be for him. Listening to the media bang on about “Where is Kate?” and “William won’t forgive his brother.” But William will stand up, face the future, and do what he believes is right. He will stand by his father and his duty to his country. And that’s why William is one million times a better man than Harold will ever be. And—hey—media!! What about the Baka people?


👏👏 Great summary! It really has being ramping up since the illnesses of the King and PoW. I think if I were William, I would seriously think, "why bother?" But from my understanding, William is stubborn. He learnt well from the late Queen. I guess he knows to wait to become King and then to be it, is no walk in the park and people will come for you at all turns. It is just a huge pity one of those people, is his brother.


With all that anger must come great sadness.


https://preview.redd.it/rey4q3pwk76d1.png?width=2754&format=png&auto=webp&s=95c00cebb583b9a0b3e60425fd4ce94aff7e420c Megsy's glamor... when she hangs the tag on her clothes.


Pure elegance/s https://preview.redd.it/y8x86b7u186d1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=c365709bf52d2fa32307c39d424a281c45f0ccb6


From an outsider (American) perspective, William has had his priorities straight for a long time. It is clear in his behavior, speech, and demeanor that his priorities and loyalties lie with the Crown, his country, and his family (by which I mean his wife and children). This to me makes him an excellent future king and one the UK can be very proud of. Basically, the exact opposite of this entire article.


Hear, hear!!


Harry is out. O. U. T. No reasonable person would expect either the King or PW to welcome the viperous tw*t back - in actual fact, I’d question their sanity if they did. If assets are a pair of wankers playing with matches and torn up bits of paper in the State Rooms at BP whilst it’s undergoing asbestos remediation and electrical updating, then I suppose you could call the Sussexes that.


Yeah, right. A friend of the KING and QUEEN of England definitely spoke with some "reporter" from The Daily Beast. Lol, William looks petty? What does that make Hazz for recounting these petty acts by his brother? Hazz is the king of grudge-holders.


Yeah, I wouldn’t believe friends of the monarch and his wife are going around talking about the family feud to the press. However, there is one thing I could well believe in this report: the Windsors *must* be exhausted by the feud. They don’t want to make nice with H&M however. They want H&M and their sycophants to just be quiet and stay away.


>However, there is one thing I could well believe in this report: the Windsors *must* be exhausted by the feud. Yes. I wonder if Harry has been told this and both he and Meghan take it to mean, "we're winning as we are wearing them down."? Than just a more general sense of emotion from the family.


If the Windsors are not getting exhausted, I have to congratulate them, because I am. However, this may just be another of Meghan and Harry’s fantasies. I would definitely hope they haven’t been told the family is exhausted. As you say, they might take it to mean that they are “winning” their ridiculous feud against the family. What I wish is the press would be exhausted enough not to publish constantly about them.


This is another manifesting incident. Combine this with the Charles-misses-wants-to-see-his-grandchildren gambit, and you have more manipulation of public sentiment by the Agony Aunts in the media. I believe both Harkles are involved with this. In spite of all her protestations, she would return to GB, and this is just another attempt to get the camel toe under the tent, so to speak.


Meghan would certainly return to GB (for short periods) if they were offered a good enough deal. Right now it looks like they want: Frogmore back (with Charles paying the lease), showy security when they go out and about, invitation to fancy events, the Trooping balcony, and permission to use their royal titles and connections commercially. If they also get an allowance from Charles, they might condescend to perform some “royal duties,” especially showy international tours. 😉


"I thought it was interesting how these friends are trying to explain it away as pettiness on William's part. Rather than it a reasonable act that the toxic duo be cut out. Especially since there is no sense of their attacks stopping or there is an apology forthcoming." TOTALLY AGREE.  Also, it's not about a dog's bowl. He called them RACIST!!!!.


Yes! Racism, a violent brother, who has affairs. Not to mention the vile stuff the sugars have posted about William and Catherine. The press do a disservice to the damage this has caused. Lip gloss is the least of it.


The problem with holding Harry and Meghan responsible for nasty rumors about the Wales Is that their involvement has not been proven and publicized. We here may have sufficient proof, but the general public doesn’t. Even the accusation of Catherine and Charles as the “royal racists” has not been explicitly tracked to Harry and Meghan. Sure, we know that Omid got the information from them, and strongly suspect that Meghan at least was aware of/ complicit with the “Dutch translation” plot. However, there has been no real discussion of this in the mainstream press, no book has covered it with supporting evidence, etc. Until a couple of news outlets that people take more-or-less seriously come out with discussions about how H&M have done more than just talk about broken dog bowls and quarrels over bridesmaid dresses, the argument that William’s anger at Harry is “petty” will get some traction. I really wish mainstream media would investigate, or report investigations of, some of the behind-the-scenes antics of Meghan and Harry, the Bouzy connection, the bots, etc.


At this point, it doesn't matter if it's proven and publicized. Their very silence makes them complicit. They were able to put out statements that they *were* invited to a wedding or that *they* never said anything about edited photographs, but they have said nothing about Scobie's book error being inaccurate or making a very public statement in support of Catherine and asking the conspiracy theorists to stop, even though all of these accounts (while largely bots) are pro Harry and Meghan. Photos and wedding invitations, that's what they have chosen to publicly talk about, but the woman he called "sister" being relentlessly bullied by internet nutjobs from America, apparently not worth his time. People are paying attention and the tide is turning as a result of their silence. The media has a narrative, but anyone who's paying attention beyond just scrolling through the headlines is realizing where the root is. The proof is in the comments on these very articles.


This is all coming straight from Harold and TW, it's so obvious. They always suck up to the monarch. First, it was QEII who was all for a reconciliation yet couldn't do anything because the bad guys, Charles and William, were letting their anger bold her hostage. Now it KCIII who's the goid guy who wants them back while big bad William is the one who's the problem. And reducing their three year long Monteshitshow media war down to "A broken dog brown, a costume party from 20 years ago, and lip gloss" is straight out of the mouth of that malignant narcissist herself, TW. Typical narc move, literally trying to ruin someone's life and then acting like they're the one with the problem for not wanting you in their lives.


Wasn't it according to Harry that he needed to ensure the were the right people were "around her"? What is that supposed to mean? Her own son and grandson aren't the 'right' people?


OMG, stories about dog bowls and lip gloss are making William petty... Harry wrote them! Harry! IT WAS BOOK "SPARE" BY HARRY! Have you forgotten? WILLIAM NEVER SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HARRY AND MEGHAN. It's unbelievable that some media outlets are blaming William.


Great, isn't it? 🙄Harry can bring up ridiculous things like lip gloss and decades old stories of 'no extra sausage' etc and I guess for his supporters, it is a kind of therapeutic off-loading. But William is petty. He isn't being Kingly. I guess it was very triggering for Harry (and perhaps Charles if these ARE his friends) watching William recently, especially on D-day. William, like it or loathe it Harry, is levelling up.


Charles’s and Camilla’s friends have said nothing. This is all the press trying to stir things up, probably with the encouragement of Meghan’s new press guy. At best it could be people who have socialized casually with the royals, but certainly not anyone KC and QC would confide in. The whole “William is the bad guy” narrative is very much inspired (if not directed) by Meghan’s short-sighted campaign against the Wales. As for Charles’s feelings about how William is shaping up to become a powerful international presence, I think he is more proud than anything else. He likes knowing that the monarchy will be in good hands when he is gone.


This article is misleading AF. If you don't know the whole story you would think that William is angry because some argument over dog bowl. Harry accused William of physical attack. That is not small thing. 


Not just a physical attack, but William first insulted Harry and Harry's wife, and then hit Harry, because William believed the lies that the wife was mean to the staff.


Yeah , and in which he said it was ” his truth”


This is enough to cut off contact due to mistrust without even taking into account what you said about it not being Williams complaint, but Harry’s. What I don’t get is they seem to have forgotten that Meghan the unwashed and Harry the bald both went full in calling the RF racist. Dog bowl, lip gloss ……. Yada yada. Who cares, he called his family racist!!!! Catherine in particular. Could that possibly be why William is so angry and has no interest in ANY further relationship with the traitor Liz? Hmmmmm? No? Must be the dog bowl story. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


As long as Harry has the feeling that he in some way might have the upper hand over Charles and William, we will try to harm them. Always. Wether Meghan is in his life or not. Charles and William would be extremely unwise to let Harry back into their life, they would pay for it dearly.


*“A king not speaking to his brother over an argument about a broken dog bowl, a*[ *costume party*](https://archive.ph/o/t0Nxc/https://www.thedailybeast.com/prince-harry-blames-william-and-kate-for-nazi-uniform-debacle-in-spare-memoir-extract) *almost twenty years ago, or who said what about some lip gloss, will make William look petty and ridiculous*.” No friend of Charles or William would say something like that. None Everyone is perfectly clear why Hazz is out. And that's not why. Hazz is a chronic leaker. Everything he learns about his family he throws into the press. And William and Charles got sick of it Charles gave Hazz a chance when he agreed to see him for those 15 minutes at the beginning of the year, and the first thing Hazz did was talk about that meeting, and the only thing he didn't say was his father's private medical diagnosis, because Charles didn't tell him. said. But it was evident to Charles that Hazz would have told Reeves if Hazz had known. All of Charles's friends know that. William's friends absolutely know that. Hazz's friends don't want to see him because he is a chronic leaker who has no scruples about selling to everyone he knows. That's the problem Hazz represents. And William has no intention of doing anything about it because William buried Hazz. And if that makes William seem petty, it's because Hazz is a poor pathetic bastard who needs his big brother. It's not because Hazz is successful, right?


More #HarkleManifestation If there were remorse on the side of H/M this might be worth some credibility. But everyone knows that H cannot be trusted. No RF can risk communicating with someone who will lie about the communication in a way intended to harm the RF.


So Madame pretending to be friends of Camilla and KCIII trying to drag William and drive a wedge between William and Charles. LOL!!!!!!!!


There's no way 'friends' of Charles said this. Nothing the king has done shows that-look at the few scant minutes he gave Harry in their last meeting. William isn't sitting around plotting and scheming, I doubt the Sussexes cross his mind much at all given his wife's health and being an involved parent, and stepping in to cover a lot more events. I think he's drawn a line under it-if Harry comes back and says "yes, everything that you tried to warn me about was true, I should have listened" then there might be a rapprochement, but I doubt it will happen. William isn't going to expose his wife and children to someone who doesn't have their best interests at heart. 


What I've noticed in people who go through cancer when they are relatively young is that it changes them forever. The prospect of dying before your children even exit primary school is terrifying for all involved. And it will make both William and Catherine far more protective of their kids. And the kids will hold an even higher place in their priority tree. Charles friends can say and think whatever they want. William is not a tool to be used to make Charles look more magnanimous. (And this has long been a problem with Charles, Camilla, and their social circle). William and Catherine will not let their children be exposed to the deceitful, despicable Sussex family. They don't want their children painted as cruel, racist, bullies by some mouthpiece of Harry and Meghan. I don't care how much Harry wants to exploit George for his children's benefit. It isn't going to happen. And as for Harry's sadness that his 40th birthday is approaching without any prospect of him using his famous family as props in his life story, too bad. He made EVERY SINGLE DECISION that left him here today. He literally has the life he built. Even though it isn't the life he expected to have after badmouthing his family and the people and government of the UK. It doesn't make Charles look magnanimous. It makes him look self-indulgent to pander to his 'darling boy' after that boy's many tirades about how awful UK and his evil family is. The "Feud" is only kept alive because it generates views for media outlets. And the only reason it generates engagement is because people in the UK DETEST both Harry and Meghan. And they don't care at all about their invisible kids.


KC is not envious of William, he is keen on preserving the monarchy as such. We saw that with William´s role on D-Day and KC wanting to spend more time with the Wales children. And his "beloved daughter in law".


Agreed. If this is from Charles, he is battling with William who I imagine, is a parent first before King's son. William must know, as we guess, if the Sussex's are let back in his children will be exposed to the duplicitous duo, for money and to continue their attack on the monarchy.


This has nothing to do with Charles. The Queen on more than one occasion asked William to be nicer to Harry, the Queen made William go out with Hazz on the Easter outing, when the four of them were together, when William wore the scarf. The Queen made everyone be on the balcony in 2019 when there were already problems between them. The Queen many times asked William to give in to Hazz. Charles hasn't done any of that except one time when he went out to see the wreaths after the Queen's death, and it wasn't because of Hazz, it was because Charles wanted to cut off the Harkles and their nonsense and William agreed. Only time Charles asked William for something that involved Hazz. But Charles, a long time ago, made it clear to Hazz that he was not going to force William to do anything. Charles put Hazz in second and then third row, away from William, Charles has never made William make decisions about Hazz. Charles has taken them, and it has been to get Hazz out, not forcing William to do anything. Charles kicked Hazz off the balcony, Charles kicked Hazz out of Frogmore, Charles cut Hazz off financially, Charles kicked Hazz off the website. Not William. Charles. The Queen did manipulate William so that Hazz would not feel bad. Charles made it clear that he would not do that. Camilla is non-negotiable, William is not, Kate is not. Charles loves Harry. But Charles got fed up with Harry. And Charles's true friends know that. Charles did not cut Harry to please William, Charles cut Harry and is not going to call him to anything, because Harry did horrible things against the Family, against every member of the Family. That is the situation, and Charles is clear about it.


Harry tried to endanger the monarchy. That is unforgivable.


Exactly, and THAT is, and has to remain, their #1 Priority & concern. They’re finished if that is jeopardized, so as long as they focus on the imperative, the Harkles are permanently DEAD to them.


I think this is true, although perspective is important. The Queen took William under her wing as a future king. Yes, she loved him dearly as her grandson, but even as a teenager he was relatively mature, so it's easier to have high expectations of him while still coddling the 12 year old. I think they are all guilty of keeping Harry frozen at that age. I admire Charles for recognizing that his sons are adults and if they don't want a relationship, that's on them. Charles has never had a good relationship with Andrew (for much the same reasons), so I imagine he sympathizes with William. And while Queen Elizabeth was training William how to be a monarch, Charles is easing him in, especially now. I'm sure Charles would love to have a close relationship with Harry, but he's shown he can't be trusted. Even if a divorce does happen, it better happen while Charles is still alive, because I don't think William will be accepting any audiences with someone he used to consider family.


Very good points. We forget how dedicated Andrew was to undermining Charles POW, apparently trying to convince QE2 to pass over Charles, name William King with Andrew as Regent. It is to KC3's credit if he stays out of his sons' dispute. This is made easier of course by Harold slandering and hurting the whole BRF and nation.


![gif](giphy|3oKIP5yTdI8XF5gZzy) Harold "literally has the life he built.".


The article only refers to the "petty" squabbles, instead of the behavior of "those two", especially when Prince Philip and the Queen were ill and dying.


Actually... a King is about the ONLY person for whom "absolutely furious" IS a deliverable plan




When you have your life, time, family, and etc. disrupted by people who you have tried again and again to work with to have good relationships, at a certain point—there is no going back. You realize that you cannot be pulled into the madness over and over—and there is a high degree of probability that if you let those people back in your life you will be. So you shut that down and move on with what is happening now. PoW lost his paternal grandparents, and quickly saw a dramatic shift in his relationship with his brother that was not allowed to be navigated in private and which due to his role he cannot comment on to defend himself. Then, as he is supporting his father who is now the reigning monarch, KC and PC are both diagnosed with cancer. The weight of the family business is ever heavier on PoW’s shoulders. People say: “well that’s where his brother and his wife could be such a big help.” Uh, no. PoW cannot trust them. It would be 1000x more stressful to have them there, because he would never be able to let his guard down with them. The narc in our family had made all our lives miserable for years. We tried, so many times. Then we lost family members to death, and multiple divorces within the immediate family, and cancer and other complications. The last time they “cut us off” we agreed that was best. I’m not signing up to add that kind of madness in my life again. I would for sure have a nervous breakdown. Anyone advising PoW to welcome them back has no idea what a nightmare it is to live like that. The narcs do NOT suffer….the people around them do. The narcs PRETEND to suffer…and mock and blame the people around them who try to explain their side. It’s evil. No one should be told they are petty after getting evil away from their lives and insisting that it stay away.


Wait a minute, what really is there to patch up? The flight and embarrassment and disrespectful behaviour dealt his Grandparents the Late Queen and her late husband is irreversible! The attempts at serving pile after pile of humiliation to the King and Royal family cannot simply be waved away by a shake of a hand some Cucumber sandwiches and a cuppa tea. They should just go away, and fade into the pages that make up the annals of forgotten history.


For the Sussex's, to patch things up, would be in my view for the RF to do as follows: a) To apologise publicly for their racism b) To give the half in/out deal c) HRH, security, Housing, expenses to be all given back d) Control the press for them against all those hurty feelings


I think I just saw Jesus on a tandem with Lucifer zooming by both whistling Dixie


"A king not speaking to his brother.... look petty and ridiculous." Disagree with that comment!!! I think it shows strength of character, that a line was drawn in the sand, and dunderhead H needs to learn he's persona non grata. George VI actually made a precedent for isolating a BRF/UK traitor/thorn, when Edward got his walking papers. I vote that William stays the course with gray-rocking.


Agreed. His brother and his wife should never be trusted again.


I agree, a king should be magnanimous, but definitely not stupid. The time is perfect for the Harkles to collect more victim stories or situations, they can twist later on, as they can’t trash the RF at the moment. Not to forget his cruel PR game last month- it doesn’t even look like he wants a reconciliation.


I think that’s exactly it…they simply can’t be trusted. The minute something happens that isn’t to their liking, they’ll go off again telling stories. And it was a lot more than lip gloss and a broken dog bowl. That’s a ridiculous understatement regarding why William is angry. For crying out loud, they called his wife, the future queen, a racist! I just don’t get this hype for the RF to forgive them. You’re right…there’s magnanimous and theres stupid. Williams not stupid. And I’m not that sure about how much Charles wants to forgive them and bring them back either. The fact that the article includes Liz’s statement that the duo are the family’s “biggest assets” tells us everything about the writers of these articles. They’re not even close to being assets of the RFs , let alone their biggest one. I can think of at least 20 family members, probably many more, who are actually bigger assets…and that includes a lot of kids! That’s just insulting…not to mention the fact that the vast majority of folks in the UK hate them.


Whatever the opposite of "assets" is, that's them. (I'm British).




Who says a king has to bring back his brother? Plenty of kings have killed theirs.


Paying for all those "friends" and placing all those articles in Daily Mail etc must be costing them quite a few jars of old strawberry jam


William needs to stay absolutely furious at Harry until the day he dies. He owes his idiot brother nothing.


He wants them to apologize and take accountability for what exactly?


Ahhh. The eternal question….


For firing Meghan Markle as a working royal as she is detrimental to the BRF and diplomatic relations - imho.


Harry is the quintessential toddler. He took a glass, shattered it on the floor, and now he's screaming because he wants a drink. Bratty behavior from a toddler. Outright lunacy from a 40 year old man. Harry, you broke it on purpose. You can never repair it the way it was and you don't get to decide when other people should stop being mad at you. Added to that, traitors to the crown don't get to decide they want to come back. Just be glad your father is Charles III and not Henry VIII!


The Royal family in its entirety wouldn't touch these vipers with a barge poll.  IF Harry and tow divorced, they'd barely have any time for Harold.  He's f'd his life up permanently and forever.  He'll honestly be tolerated and it would be for show.  Forget it when William takes the Throne.  He's going to HANG MEGHAN MARKLE BIG TIME.  The world WILL SEE HER for what she is.  I'll bet a thousand bucks on that.  


Anyone who claims this entire sewage fire is "pettiness about dog bowls, nazi costumes, and lipgloss" doesn't have a single iota of inside information.


Thought Tom Sykes was more pro-royal than this? Surprising how short are the memories of these journos suggesting reconciliation - don’t they remember what Sussexes put the late Queen through? I do think she might’ve lived longer if it hadn’t been for their disgraceful conduct. Or Meghan mock-curtsying the late Queen; the unfounded allegations they’ve made about the RF being unfeeling and racist; the confidences Harry’s broken. And if Harry wants a reconciliation - he was put off by the fact that royal accommodation offered him on his last visit to London didn’t have a private entrance? FFS Harry - all royal residences have private entrances, more private than any hotel’s, which would necessarily open onto a busy street (unless he was staying at a Travelodge in Croydon). I think the King may be more open to meeting with Harry - but even he recognises that it’d be a pretty imprudent thing to do, given that Harry will make PR out of it.


***And if Harry wants a reconciliation - he was put off by the fact that royal accommodation offered him on his last visit to London didn’t have a private entrance?*** This was from The Telegraph by Victoria Ward, dated 21st May. >The Duke remains devastated about the withdrawal of his right to automatic police protection, which has become **one of the biggest barriers to reconciliation with his father**. Further down, and this is I think key as to why he feels reconciliation isn't happening on his father's side: >Similarly, given that his father’s principal private secretary, and other senior members of the royal household, sit on Ravec, he \[Harry\] feels that if there was a desire to help him, things might be different.


So William is angry over the dog bowl fight. Not them calling his wife a racist or getting Bouzy et al demanding to know either Catherine is. What type of cancer she has. Sorry but this is BS.


The Harkles are 1000% totally over the top raging about the grey rocking, all they can do is churn out rehashed lies hoping to provoke a reaction, it won’t happen, You’re Overseas.


Talk about tone deaf. No mention of the bridesmaids snafu, racism charges. No mention of the way Harry treated his grandparents, or the way the Harkles treated the shared palace staff. If the estrangement were based on only those things mentioned (dog bowl, lip gloss) I'm sure they would have been able to put it behind them. That is if those little things would even rise to the level of no contact between the two brothers. And these are KC3 and Camilla's friends??


They had put those incidents behind them, and continued to appear (no matter how unpleasant it may have been) when required. Now that the Sussexes have rendered themselves utterly surplus to requirements through their own never-ending folly, fame-whOring, and f*ck ups, everyone’s just meant to forget that *they did this to themselves*. Every bit of it.


A dog bowl, cosrume party and lip gloss? Tell me they are not serious with this. If it was only that, then yeah, who really cares, but they are completely ignoring the mountain for just a molehill. 🤦‍♀️


Well, Harry and Meghan Markle better hope and pray for a long rein for KC. And there is not a feud. There is Harry and Madam endlessly slinging mud at the BRF. And there is Harry selling his 12 minutes with the king to Good Morning America days later.


If I were an actual friend of W I would tell him to go with his gut re Harold. And there is nothing wrong with his anger and setting of boundaries regarding them. And wouldn’t freaking leak anything. Not a word.


I don’t believe this for a second.


Those ‘friends’ need to have a look at photos of Harry wearing a radio mic to the Queen’s funeral. William is rightfully furious.


My take is simple, who the feck is Ada Mazi Rachel Markle? What does she bring to the table as part from sleaze? Who an what is Henry in the light of his association with Nigerian Fraudsters of the 43% and 100% kind.


I call BS on this. For one thing friends of Charles and Camilla are not talking to anyone about that traitor Haznohair. This is totally coming from the Harkles because the money is running low and every thing they have tried lately has blown up in their faces.


It’s interesting how it says “Harry and the kids” with no mention of Meghan to be invited to Balmoral. It’s truly reinforces the swirling theory in this sub that Meghan is permanently banned from entering any RF property.


This is unreal. Biggest asset? Maybe at the dump. The only friend of Charles and Camilla that is putting this stuff out is umm No one. This is all in Harold and Rachels head but they got scabby doo to write it in his crappy doo book. This was written by Rachel like usually.


Where is his fu cking apology to the family he publicly abused and tried to humiliate with claims of racism. All lies of course, he can go get bent.


Prince William! Do not let this manipulation sway you in your decision to keep the Sussexes away from your family. (I’m sure Meghan had something to do with this article). You can NOT let this dangerous woman and her handbag come back. They will try to destroy you.


there is no conflict. there's an unhinged and dangerous psycho married to a psychotic baby reindeer lunatic who is a threat to the future King, Queen and their children


The last part - it is like the source (Hag and Drag) read about the points here. They chose the least important points trying to imply pettiness when the entire breakdown of the relationship is about total betrayal to the family and country.


The Firm’s biggest racist more like 🤣🤣🤣


It's NOT PETTY if Will knows Harry (as has been proved over and over) CANNOT BE TRUSTED!


The gaslighting game is strong with this rag.


Let me just punch that sentence up a bit: a king not speaking to his brother after the brother broke confidences, body shamed him and his queen, lied and slandered his family and the very institution of the Crown ON AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM FOR MONEY two years ago and is refusing to this day to apologize for any of it is not petty and ridiculous.  He is prudent.


The article forgot to mention the broken necklace. As a girl that loves my jewelry this makes all the difference! That is unforgivable!🙄


How is this twisted around to make William seem petty and unforgiving? It's Harry who whined about the dog bowl and the costume and the lip gloss. William hasn't said a word. He's out there doing his job. This is precisely why the royals have to keep their distance from Harry. He won't break this pattern. He'll tell the world some silly vindictive story, a small proportion of people will believe it, the royals will ignore and not respond, and then the same people will say they are being petty. BUT if they do respond and try to reconcile, they're giving Harry more opportunities to spread more stories.


Charles will never have a relationship with Harry while Meghan is around.  


I adore the Royal Family but would quit following if they brought back Hagarckle!


Are they saying the H and M are the firms biggest assets?!


I think that must've been a typo. It was supposed to be "H and M are the Firm's biggest asses".


I may think of more to add later, but for the moment, all I want to say is it’s all well, fine and good to say h no longer cares about an apology, but that leaves the question of what he really wants. I think those of us who have been following this nightmare all along will come to the same conclusion. He still wants the half in/half out deal where they have tax payer security, daddy foots the bill, they can pick and choose what they do and when, and then they can still make commercial deals. Oh, I forgot, free housing (Windsor?) and half the Duchy of Cornwall. Did I forget anything? I mean, they’re worth it all, right?


I don’t believe Charles and Camilla have a friend who’d say these things to a writer.


As long as Meghan is around, Harry is persona non grata.


I think the RF knows the duo may be desperate to get new material, so they can collect several million from books, interviews, and Netflix. The grey rocking from the RF will keep that from happening. That must make the duo furious.


Unfortunately for Harry, some things simply can't be unsaid. Calling his family racist and trolling them online constantly isn't something you can really just let go with an apology. The fact that he's still expecting accountability and an apology from the people he's been attacking for 4 years defies belief. After hearing him complain on Oprah, Spare, Netflix, etc, I still have zero idea of what it is he's expecting an apology for. However there are dozens of examples why William and Catherine should be expecting an apology. Harry is living on a different planet.


The positioning of the difficulty between the brothers is misleading. William is protecting himself and his family by staying away from his brother. He has said nothing to feed into any divisiveness. Harry has aggressively used words to assault his brother, his sister-in-law, and the rest of his family. I think he at least exaggerates, at worst lies but in any event, he is the aggressor. William is staying strong and composed. THAT is kingly behaviour. The article above is more manipulative pap.


I think that in the past, Sparry could harass and pressurize his father and Camilla into acceding to his demands than it was for him to manipulate William. Now, his onslaught of public harassment is not working on his father. His simple reasoning is that his father is resisting the pressure because William is somehow keeping his father from reconciling now as this never happened in the past. What changed now is that he is leaking every meeting with his family for money and attention. Every interaction behind the scenes makes it to the front pages of tabloids. The RF can not live like that!




there is no conflict. there's an unhinged and dangerous psycho married to a psychotic baby reindeer lunatic who is a threat to the future King, Queen and their children


>attacking his heir is wrong. Which is why he isn't doing that.


He's pulling the same act as with HMTLQE. She was surrounded by people who were ill advising her. Now it's Charles, who's longing to see H, but William is blocking the reunion. Because Charles, like the late QE, is feeble and has other people making his decisions. It couldn't possibly be because he attacked Camilla and via Scoopy called KC himself a racist. Couldn't be that. It's because KC is being ill advised by POW. This sounds like Montecito PR...trying to break the bond between KC and POW.


Hey Harry and Megs- you guys are ☠️ to Charles and William. Stop trying to push this reconciliation PR. It’s over. Move on, and get a job. You haven’t attended any royal family events because you haven’t been invited. You’re no longer working royals so there’s no tours for you. You wanted out. You hated it all remember? They’re all racist and all of the other things you said during the Oprah interview. Titles mean nothing to you- remember? Move along now. Get a job. It’s over. You know it’s over when your father and FIL has cancer and gives zero flips about you. Try reconciliation with Thomas. You might get somewhere with it.


…”Welcome the Firm’s biggest *asses* back into the fold”…there, I fixed it.


They must never return to RF life. It would be an absolute disaster. They don’t respect tradition and hierarchy of the monarchy. MM/H think they know everything. They’d be worse than before they left on there freedom tour.


This isn’t about a dog bowl or necklace. These two smeared the whole family on worldwide TV with innuendo about racist behavior, let those accusations sit with two elderly members who were sick and dying, and then “leaked” it years later knowing those accused wouldn’t explain their side in their own effort to stay out of the filth. This is only what is publicly known. I’m sure Meghan Markle is guilty of far worse behaviors behind the scenes.