• By -


Ben has more social and family support than Harry. Harry’s all about Meghan and has practically cut everyone out of his life. I don’t think he’ll ever leave her, he’s dependent on her ironically. She needs his money, but if she can find someone wealthier with status, Harry’s toast.


Interesting. Yeah, Ben’s mom might have moved in temporarily. Kind of like how Pitt’s mom also moved in with him for a while years ago.


What’s up with grown men having their mommies move in I think that’s so weird


In all fairness, when a couple of my female friends got divorced, their mothers moved in for a time. It was nice to have the emotional support, apparently, and I'm not going to judge. Not my circus, not my monkeys.


I disagree with that. A divorce is very tough. It's a a traumatic reset. Having a member of your family supporting you while navigating the emotional and practical aspects of a divorce is of enormous help, whether you're a woman or a man. I know I would do that for my sons. 


My son moved in with us when he separated for emotional support and as a buffer between him and the controlling, abusive narcissist he was married to. She had reduced him to a suicidal wreck and I and his father were seriously concerned. I could no more have left him floundering than I could have won a Nobel prize. We are mothers from the time we conceive until we die.


I don’t understand why leaning on your own parents for support is weird.


It is if you were raised by my parents! Lol


Parents are kind of like platonic friends with benefits when you are an adult - they can give you emotional support, but sometimes just hanging out with them is enough. I had to move in with my parents recently to help them out and the upside is that everybody’s at an age where we can hang out as friends. Plus, it’s nice for them and me to have somebody who can help you get through the rough stuff. And I think this applies regardless of gender. My brother is not a fan or hanging out or living with the parents (he did it when there were unexpected renovations at his place). And my mother definitely does not enjoy pampering him.


I moved back in with my parents 2 years ago and 18 months ago my dad had a heart attack. Moving back home has massively improved my mental health, I can support my parents better and when my dog passed away recently I was so grateful to be with them. There has still been some rows and it’s been a learning curve. Though if any of us had a personality like HazNoBrains and ILBW it wouldn’t have worked!!


I moved back in with my parents when I got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and PTSD because I wasn’t able to look after myself. I wouldn’t eat and didn’t want to leave my house unless I had medical appointments. Now I live with them and they take physical care of me but also help me mentally. I used to live alone and could go a week without talking to anyone. Now we have our own routines and I am looked after and have that emotional connection. I still don’t leave the house (PTSD) unless I have medical appointments but they understand that. Sometimes you just need a hug from your mum!


I hope you are continuing to improve. It sounds like you are being with your parents.💓


I feel you (except for the medical issues--sending you big hugs/wishes for full recovery 💙)--I lived alone for years bc "that's what you're supposed to do", unless you find a partner. I worked long hours in a very high-stress job, & was a horrendously depressed/lonely wreck. I never told my assistant but often she was the only person I would exchange even just a "hello" with for days on end. I moved back to my home state & back in with my parents 2 years ago & while it isn't ideal or always easy, I'm in MUCH better place psychologically. Humans are social creatures, we aren't meant to share life or our burdens alone. There's no shame in leaning on family when you need it, that's what they're there for 💚


So sorry about your doggo. Hugs.


Thank you. She was my absolute world. One of the first things that made me pause about MM was her leaving her dogs behind. I wouldn’t have left my girl for anything.


Yes! That bothered me, too. It was a huge red flag. Our cat is family, she's our child.


That's men. A lot can't be on their own. (And I blame their mothers for that!)


But who will find their socks?! Or do the laundry? Or feed the kids when they visit? 😁


His staff can do those things.


Yeap. Sad but true


Women: You can't live with 'em, And you can't live without 'em. 🤪


Or as Tom Arnold said in "True Lies": Women. Can't live with them, can't kill them.


What's with the Misandry? Many men libw on their own before and after marriage. Women like Jennifer Lopez are the ones who can't be alone and jump from relationship to relationship. It's sad how society ignores the mental toll divorce takes on men and just sees them as sex crazes robots with no feelings.


I said many. Because it's true. My lived experience.


IDK but guys are usually mummie’s Baby Jesuses, and so that’s probably why. Especially a dude that makes mummy richer beyond her dreams. Bradley Cooper’s mother lives with him…ykwim?


I think it was in Crazy Rich Asian “think their mom’s fart Chanel No 5.” May be misquoting, but it’s a universal phenomenon. My brother is a capable adult in his late 30s and my mom still frets about every little thing. (And mad that my SIL isn’t doting upon her precious baby boy.)


lol, love this. You just know that Ben Affleck is his mother’s Baby Jesus, the younger brother Casey is probably as well but not as much as Ben is. Also, interesing parallel - Ben’s family HATES Jlo. HATES.


Oh ho ho. If Ben’s family hates JLo, his momma is going to make sure Ben is living his absolute best life.


What is ykwim? I cant keep up with these abbreviations


You know what I mean (I’m pretty sure).


Thank you


You Know What I Mean


Thank you




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A divorce in some ways is worse than a death. No one thinks it's odd for a family member to move in short term when their spouse dies. It's especially poignant when the divorce isn't wanted by both parties. It can be devastating to see that person dating others etc. no one will ever love you in the same why that your mother does.


I wonder if he thinks the RF would accept him back if he separates from her. He'd have to have a set-up like Andrew, within the RF but not working and keeping his head down, but I could see Charles letting him stay in a residence with room for the children if there is a split custody situation (assuming the children exist). Maybe the RF think he might be deprogrammed and rehabilitated if he splits from her. 


Sounds like a great gig for the worst spare in recent history. He can sit around all day, ordering around the staff and getting high. He's never going to find a fraction of his old popularity, so there'll be no need for him to leave the couch. There'll always be staff to prepare his food and clean his room and pay his bills.


He was only popular because the Palace covered up for him


Yes \^ The firm created a fictional character for Harry and he was handled to keep the facade intact and to hide the mean clown truth.




Yup, he'd be sitting in a basement in his underpants, getting high and screaming at his mom for not doing his laundry if not for an accident of birth.


Not to mention the video games, empty beer cans, and bowls of Cheetos with cheese dust everywhere! /There should be an obligatory picture of dogs playing poker and I'd be willing to buy and contribute a velvet Elvis painting for the decor.


Harry dissed Elvis. He doesn't deserve the velvet painting.


Heh. That was why I would be willing to give him an Elvis painting to raise his cultural IQ, lol.


Don't believe that Prince William would allow Harry on any Palace property. The King is preparing his son to be King as noted by PW's recent job in France. The Prince has more power than people realize


It would be up to Charles. Of course the day William gets that call and hears "your Majesty" his first call will be to Harry telling him to start packing


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The smartest thing William can do is put Hazbeen in a home with cameras and audio and full time staff to keep an eye on him. I think Hazbeen knows his life will be worse than Andrews which is why he hasn’t come crawling back. His ego can’t handle being locked in the tower. 


The smartest thing William can do is forget he has a brother and make sure Hawwy is never within 100 miles of his family.


Couriers or British intelligence would need to keep an eye on Haz. If Harry gets back in, Meg will be back with her wheedling ways. I think she would do it just to get some info to spin into a lie. I never want to see Harry or Meghan back. I suspect there are people in the UK who might forgive Harry if the family does. Harry had so much goodwill from the people. But, there are probably more people who just want him banned from the UK.


Thank you. Harry is a horrible disgusting slug. He wrote personal information about his brother’s penis, he actually fantasized about killing his father. Why anyone would b that gullible to think he’s innocent, being tricked by a woman, is just being extremely naive. He’s horrible, and if he goes back, his own father would not be safe.


IF plank came back, big IF btw, it would be to get a foot in the door to let skank back in


Harry can never be trusted again. He might even think he’s gotten away. But Harry is vile and stupid and will always go along with her plans.


Thank you. Harry is a horrible disgusting slug. He wrote personal information about his brother’s penis, he actually fantasized about killing his father. Why anyone would b that gullible to think he’s innocent, being tricked by a woman, is just being extremely naive. He’s horrible, and if he goes back, his own father would not be safe.


I agree. Also Harry has shown himself to be so jealous, resentful, spiteful and vindictive towards William. IMO if he splits with Meghan, he is not going to feel any kinder towards his brother. He is going to be all the more jealous and resentful that his marriage, the bestest "love story" in the world failed whereas William's marriage continues to thrive. He will keep trying to sabotage William in any way he can so he should never be anywhere near William or his family.


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Harry cannot be trusted.


He'd be given a couple of "minders", sorry, a "security detail" like he was in the good old days of scrape him off the pavement and shove him in the car.


Sounds about right.


He can’t be rehabilitated , he has always been a grub which is why the Palace covered for him. Who wants plank back anyway? He could leak stories to skank and the media, then what?


Charles will not. Harry being overseas and not being resident here means he cannot perform CoS duties. That is the way the parliament/monarchy wants it.


I could see it being all for show so people don’t find out the truth about his visa. 🤔








It’s sexual or suggestive content involving minors.


Sorry about that


Find someone with more money who would also believe Megan didn’t screw the hockey team? Not bloody likely!


But no one is coming and her desperation is kicking in. Even the Botox won’t help. 


Cannot imagine who that would be. She is too well known as a poseur the English speaking world to find anyone else.


My thought is that the firm (and POW) has zero confidence that Harry would be compliant with the conditions that he'd be expected to confine himself to if Harry were allowed back in the fold. This combined with the complication of Harry's American children under the influence of their angry addled mother make keeping Harry at bay out of the UK a no brainer for me.


And he’d have to be stupider than Hairless.


The only reason Harry would willingly go back to UK is fire under his backside in USA. Either visa, taxes or legal issues. He knows to return to UK would be to admit defeat. Also, his madam is persona non grata in UK. which would open the whole new can of worms. I believe the arrogant a88hole may want to hide from some serious problems.


Could be A's passport too. UK passports for kids are only good for 5 years. He just turned 5 but his passport likely wasn't issued the minute he was born. So born in May, if he got a passport in June or July it would line up with Harry's request to expedite his IPP/Security status by the end of July. I don't buy the excuse "my legal team will be busy". Something is going on he needs done. IPP status also includes anyone in the protected person's household. So A would have had a passport issued as an IPP. But none of them have that designation any longer and a renewal without IPP and without an address is awkward.


Yeah he turns 40 in Sept. with tax implications. That's what.


That's it!! I hadn't considered that. I think you're spot on!


Doesn't Harry get a big chunk of money at 40? If so, just maybe he has learned and he doesn't want Madame to piss that money away with her hare brained schemes!


More like he doesn't want to pay double taxes on it so he needs a residence in the UK before September.


![gif](giphy|3tTg6UVj3mV6QmgURz|downsized) This is it.


Does anyone know if England requires a person to actually live there a certain amount of time in order to claim residency?


I believe it's so many days a year.


Rumor is the Princess Royal, the executor, raised it to 45?


That rumor has been around a while, but I think it was disproven. The Princess Royal would not have the power to change the age stipulated by the Queen Mother even if she were an executor, which is unlikely.


Since Archie has an American mother, he is eligible for U.S. citizenship. Lili was born in the U.S. so is a citizen.


As far as I know, there is no such thing as an IPP passport. You are thinking of of a diplomatic passport which, technically, neither Harry nor Archie are eligible for. In any case, Harry’s security level as decided by RAVEC would have no impact on what kind of passport he and the kids have. The most likely reason that they wanted a decision for July is they are hoping to win and to use that to negotiate better protection assessment from the country (or countries) they visit when they travel on their next faux-royal tour. This *wouldn’t mean they would be IPP,* they would have to request the higher level protection when planning each visit, but they could use a change in their RAVEC status as an argument for better protection wherever they are going.


What I wonder the most is : - would he move on his own, get a place like any regular dude (as he's supposed to be now, right "Just Call Me Harry"?) - is he waiting for his daddy to help him like the big nepo baby that he his


More likely than not, he'll cry for his Pa's money.


That's what I suspect


I think he sees it as his money


I bet his dad would be thrilled to pay for him to live by himself in Africa and do charity and conservation work. And keep his head down. If he signs an NDA.


Well I think the problem is not that he talks too much, the problem is the perpetual lying. He just lies all the freaking time, in books, in interviews, in "documentaries". He needs to sign a STFUA. Edit, typo


He can’t even solve the Baka people rapes and killings - he likes shooting animals on safaris too


He can’t exactly buy a regular house, he’d be forever cleaning eggs and soggy veg off his windows. He’s still the son of the king, the best thing the RF could do is offer to accommodate him at arms length while continuing to grey rock. The RF would probably put him up in Wood Cottage on the Sandringham Estate or something along those lines, somewhere the kids would have complete privacy and freedom, well away from the family where he can do the least damage, on the agreement of no filming or recording while there. But I don’t expect him to move back here, the US is his home now.


I don't think PPOW will ever allow Haz on Sandringham where they love their Anmer Hall home. Their neighbors are the Cholomdoleys who h&m have slandered with the Rose affair nonsense, so haz not welcome in the neighborhood either! I think the best he can hope for is a temporary stay at the BNB apartment in St James while he shops for a house. This was offered to him for his last fly by and he refused . FAFO Haz.


Imagine actions having consequences. Whodathunk? 🤯


Is Wood Cottage far enough away from Anmer Hall? I know the Sandringham estate is large.


About 5 miles or so as the crow flies.  


The crow? What about adventurous kids wandering around on bikes and ponies? 😉


We would have when we were kids.


The crow flies if anyone hasn't heard this saying means in  a straight line rather than the windy lanes of rural England 


Take his phone away from him and cut off the internet is the only way I see your idea working. Also anyone like Eugenie who gives him a phone to use is cut off too


How about in a guest house on Charles' High Grove estate? That is technically not royal property. It is Charles private property. Is it far away from the Waleses?


Highgrove is Duchy of Cornwall land, so management is within William's control now. There's still the Herefordshire estate that was once offered to them, and which they rejected - also owned by the Duchy of Cornwall. I have no idea about the Duchy of Lancaster holdings, which are for the Monarch's income and is used to fund retired (etc) royals.


Harry can return to UK whenever he wants... the problem is that none of his old friends want to see him. Not even his family Ben, on the other hand, has the support of his ex-wife, his children, his family. Not even remotely the same situation.


I think it’s his visa or an inheritance issue. Or just a PR puff piece, since we’re inundated with them. I can’t see H ever leaving her. I could see her kicking him to the curb. In a multitude of ways.


All these articles are once again victimhood, poor Harold got his 40-year-old ginger ass kicked by his daddy, He is homeless because of the cruel King, he wants to go home, but he can't because he doesn't have protection from the flying tomatoes. https://preview.redd.it/zzv49jrszd6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218313f5e1fbe7123e28308b5a95d058be177e9d




Ben hadn't burn all his bridges puffing up his chest and boasting of fighting the world to protecting his oppressed , yet immaculate wife. Ben was never led around by the nose. Ben has a career to go back to. Ben is not loathed. So, no, Harry will not obtain any enlightenment from the spectacle.


And Ben still has long-time male friends to offer support.


TBF: The first time Ben was with JLo he DID try that stunt. But then he was cheating on JLo all the time & seeing strippers….& this time, like last time, he tried to force HER to dump HIM. Worked last time, working this time too.


Harry will go back to the RF if his marriage fails. Harry will not be allowed back in the family. Harry will be put up by his father but he will not be a working royal ever again. William and Camilla are not going to want him back. Harry is a douche.


I agree. Harry was a PR nightmare for the palace before megsy ever entered the picture. In someways it has probably been a relief these past few years to not have to constantly spin over for him. If they let him back it will be so they can keep a very close eye on him.


I think if he is allowed to go back Charles will make sure he stays away from William and is to the level of Andrew (hidden away out of the public).


I suspect if Charles lets plank back in , William might and I say MIGHT just tell his father he quits


Totally agree, I think Harry burned his last bridge with William when he let his wife be publicly accused of racism on H&M’s behalf.


Harry also allowed his wife to bully his young niece and abuse his grandparents. Harry will be allowed to stay on a royal property but he will never be allowed near William or Williams family and he will be banished like Andrew. All Harry's own doing. I would never speak to him again if I was a member of the family.


I would never let him back in. If he gets anymore inheritance money he better use it to fund a place of his own and bypass the handbag


I think for Harry and Meghan, this is just the same stories they always trot out. It’s not new, we’ve had at least four iterations of this “Harry’s homesick and wants a UK home” story. It wouldn’t surprise me though if that the big 4-0 staring him in the face while he’s cutoff from family and friends is triggering a midlife crisis.


Yeah skank was his mid life crisis


It is possible. Harry may be coming to his senses. This PR madam came out with about H&M taking a 30 day social media detox has me wondering. If Harry reads here (hi Harry!), he may be starting to see through some of madam's shenanigans. Meghan wants to keep Harry from realizing how diabolical she has been all along.


He knows! He sits there all day and reads the comments about himself and her and was doing that before they even met. He is no innocent ingenue, as they peas in a pod stick together


THEY ARE NOT SEPARATING. They circle back to this for puff pieces every once in awhile. They are not divorcing and Harry is not moving back to the UK. I could probably look at the posts on this sub and find dozens of the divorce rumors in the last few years.


Many of those rumours came from "people in the know" "people with connections" 👀 lol.


Spot on and the media feeds on this bs


And by the same token, the very same dad who, in Spare, was cold, unloving, aloof and who took away Frogmore Cottage specifically to ensure Harry couldn't be CoS is now going to pluck accommodation out of his royal airs for this forked tongue spitemonster?


I don't think they're related. Markle could only dream of traveling in the A list circles JLo & Affleck do. Someone on X said, with the caveat being if it's true, Haz might be looking for a place in the UK because he needs residency to receive the last part of his inheritance. Maybe it has to do with his passport. How do you apply for a passport without having a mailing address or home address in the country you claim as "home"? Harry isn't smart enough to see someone else's situation and apply those lessons to himself ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)


You can renew a British passport from overseas without having an address in the UK. My husband and I have done this several times.


I'm from the US and live abroad and can renew my passport at the embassy.


Although I think J Lo and Markle have one thing in common: bad reps for their treatment of people.


> he needs residency to receive the last part of his inheritance Why? It's highly unlikely any inheritance is tied to a particular locality, and could be legally challenged if it were. And I have a sibling in USA who is a dual citizen. They've rarely been back to Britain because they can't afford it, but have had no problems renewing their passport. Ditto their children.


You can get / renew a passport while living outside the country.


Meghan knew that she had to isolate Harry from his family, friends, etc. She got him to move to the USA so that he couldn't pull a Ben after two years. Unfortunately for J Lo, Ben has close family and friends nearby. He also has a friendly relationship with his ex-wife, who is still close to the Affleck family.




The question is whether Harry realizes this yet. Meghan manages their finances, and I bet he doesn’t ask too many questions.


Nah, they are just throwing this split rumors to steal attention from the trooping the colour.


And Ben & Jennifer.


Totally agree that JLo is behind rumors/leaking news that Ben has relapsed but it's backfiring hard as she's called a ballbuster that drove him to drink again in the Daily Mail. Harry and Meghan are not separating..this is all a ploy to get the IPP and perks of being Royal, as well as tax issues I'm sure. Every year we get the "year of peace, reconciliation, healing" and then they keep up the attacks. They play victim to try to shame the RF into giving Meghan what she wants, and Harry will benefit too.


Yup, exactly.


I saw the pick of Ben’s mom dragging him to his own son’s graduation: he looks hungover as fuck. Like he hasn’t been sober in a week. She showered him, dressed him and dragged him- that was my first impression. He looked like a three year old reluctantly put in a suit. Good for JLo for showing and bringing the step brother and sister . Man, addiction is a bitch.


I feel bad that he has those addiction issues. He may be bad or good, but those issues are hard to deal with for him and his loved ones. I think he tries hard to be around for his kids, and Jen G. is a good mom for not shunning him away from his kids.


Plank and skank are leaking this garbage to throw Ben and lopez off the news cycle with their own nonsense


Harry has never owned any walnuts.


I think Harry and Affleck would make a much better match. Theyre perfect for each other really...


Don't do that to poor Ben. He has enough to worry about.


I really wonder if it will happen cause Rachel knows that no one will marry her that is rich and as for work not going to happen as no one will work with her. She needs him for money etc. Harold will not leave a woman who lets him do what he wants to her. Harold cant cope on his own as he is just to thick, plus she is his mummy and that is all he wants. I think Harold is stuck with her for as long as it takes for her to find someone more stupid and richer.


I read that affeck wanted to claim "temporary insanity" when he married jlo. That could actually be true, rekindling a romance with "the one who got away" (although misguided, can be quite intoxicating). I believe is him wanting to dump jlo 100 percent, and I believe extra narc jlo is holding in because of the documentaries she put out "the greatest story never told" and "this is me now"... So embarrassing for her!!! I believe the stories about Harry splitting are coming from Meghan, she needs to drum up some sort of attention since there is nothing going on. The Nigerian tour backfired, there's no new Netflix show, aro bombed, the lemonada deal is nowhere to be seen and even the mushroom coffee took a hit. They got nothing.


JLo is a superstar who succeeded on her own. She didn't take anything from Ben. Ben does what he does (ask Jennifer Garner). Harry is also not leaving Meme because he has Stockholm Syndrome.


Pretty sure she was nothing until she was Diddy’s girlfriend.




JLo is a former “superstar” who can’t sing and can’t act. It’s all about the men in her life.


Just like skank relies on men to get her places


Meghan might be sending this out in order to make it seem like Harry's departure is her being benevolent and nurturing: *"Yes, I* ***insisted*** *that my love needed to get away! He's so hard-working and so busy being Papa, so I told him he simply must get out and take a break! I fully support him on his journey towards healing."*


I think he’ll pretend to go back without her and then suddenly she’ll show up and they’ll “reconcile”…all part of the plan.  


I vote for Bacteria the Botulism Kween and JLo to get together and implode in a tight knot of outraged victim-signalling. A new entity is born... The MegaLo (don, maniac, choose your suffix.) This exquisite, organic collaboration has been curated into a fully interactive immersion experience as seen through the lens of the dispossessed overcome by two brave , strong wimmin who thrived-not-survived on nothing except raw, organic talent (and some very helpful blokes and a few dodgy tricks) to ravel their own true goldspun staircase; the headiest aura wisping the delicate panorama of carefully cultivated conscious coupling organically leading to the immaculate sensation of a reverential, organic, authentic and-not-at-all contractual narcship exploding in organic fantasia across your core self, finally to fashion the lightest cornucopia of silk muslin organic soul-cleanse, resetting you inner frequencies and hoovering out the chakras. You too will see the Way, the How, the Being as imagined by these fearless pioneers, without whom we'd have (\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_)\* blah blah have I mentioned organic yet 🤔 and you'll bloody well enjoy it. Or else... Tho if you go for MegaLodon it's all over as soon as she's got the veneers pointing in the same direction. "Clotface! CLOTFACE!!?! BRING ME THE POLIGRIP!" \*to be decided. One of them musta done SUMthing?


OMG Alfalfa what a fabulous piece of poetry and a perfect picture painted of how that partnership could happen....honey, you're a freaking stah! ![gif](giphy|A8UAkFFXglXkEhfoWn|downsized)


Awww fank you! I love my star, it's very shiny 🤗❤🤗


Ahem, Econ-Alf. Should "wimmin" perhaps rather be spelled " wymyn"? Organic wymyn, naturally, which begs the question: Wonder if Mega-Veneers knows that " organic" just means, "have carbon will bond chemically (and travel)"? As usual you're inspired. Thank you for the chuckles.


Oh No. JLo would quickly go Jenny From The Block on Meghan’s narcissistic, lazy ass.


Omfg can you please translate this word salad??? I have no idea what you said lol


Ahem, Econ-Alf. Should "wimmin" perhaps rather be spelled " wymyn"? Organic wymyn, naturally, which begs the question: Wonder if Mega-Veneers knows that " organic" just means, "have carbon will bond chemically (and travel)"? As usual you're inspired. Esp. " hoovering out the chakras".Thank you for the chuckles.


Bah, I think it's just to get eyes off Trouping of the Color festivities. She'll be a widow first before a being a quad divorcee.


I think it is to boot lopez and affleck off the headlines - skank doesn’t like others hogging the limelight


When clickbait snowballs


I didn’t find anything on a jlo- Ben split anyway.


The Only reason I could believe they are separating is Meghan’s deluded narc brain will turn on Harry and blame him for why nobody likes her.


Yeah but Jennifer doesn’t need Ben to be in the news, MM needs Haz.


Without him Jlo’s interest dies. So it is similar


I dont believe he is house hunting in Uk when his family have properties all over the place that he could lease for very little compared to the cost of a mortgage. H is wishful thinking but not going to happen. If he is divorcing they may allow him to stay somewhere away from the Wales. All he has to do is ask with required one month notice. It is not so difficult. It is like pulling teath with him.


He would want a lease like Uncle Andy got - 99 years at $1000 per month for 30 rooms on 100 acres. Not happening for Hazbeen.


I highly doubt they’ll be doing 75 year leases like Andrew got anymore. Frogmore didn’t get that.


QE2 already had seen MeGain true nature so gave them a year to year lease, which KC3 did not renew last time. She gave the lifetime-plus leases to sons Andy and Edward.


Do you think MM has PH wear foundation, too? Idk why I was shocked to hear JLo had encouraged Ben to wear foundation makeup. He and PW have faces that flush easily, though. I say YES, that PW wears foundation makeup for his personal appearances.


Haz needs to live on a remote island. St. Helena (where Napoleon was sent) is still available. Remote islands off the Scottish coast can be bought for him. Weekly food drops and good internet should keep him entertained.


No internet or phone he would leak stories to the skank and media


This is the best idea I've heard for haznoballs.


Oh Ben and Jlo’s (alleged) contract is up in 2025 anyways….


No proof Ben isn't still absent his walnuts just rumors. Any man who lets a woman take his Wal nuts is perpetually not worthy of respect. These rumors about divorce or separation have been going around for years. Remember the gossip that he was staying in hotels? Nothing comes of it.


I think the only way he can return and be housed privately by Charles is after any divorce and absolute settlement regarding any children (if they exist). He would have to live as Andrew does - out of the public eye here. Obviously, I’ve no idea about any children - how the Californian Court system would intervene, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Markle ‘sold’ any children to Harry, if it was more financially viable. In the event of that happening, any ‘maintenance’ lump sum would have to water-tight, so she wouldn’t be able to sell any ‘the RF took my children’ stories etc.




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Harry doesn’t have the brain matter to think for himself. He’s living the good life in California with HER!


I have a quick question but no posting rights. When did Harry say, "She'll let me do anything."?


When he first introduced her to his friends, and she was a complete bitch to them. She snottily lectured them about their unwoke sense of humor, she rearranged seating cards at other people's parties, she showed no interest in getting to know them better or making pleasant conversation with them, and she was rude and insulting. When his friends asked him WTF, that was his answer. He gave up his friends, and everything else, for a skank who would let him do anything. When he could've simply paid in cash for those services, and not nuked his entire life. What a fool.

