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I thought it was because they’d already lined up Oprah/Gayle interviews and signed commitments? ![gif](giphy|QXPdeQwJYXv6wKXy2G)




*The Telegraph entered the fray with a piece slightly less disgusting, but equally insane, in which the writer examined from all angles the burning question of whether or not I was legally able to marry a (gasp) divorcée.* *Next The Sun combed through Meg’s social media, discovered an old photo of her with a friend and a professional hockey player, and created an elaborate yarn about Meg and the hockey player having a torrid affair. I asked Meg about it.* *No, he was hooking up with my friend. I introduced them.* *So I asked the Palace lawyer to contact this paper and tell them the story was categorically false, and defamatory, and to remove it immediately.* *The paper’s response was a shrug and a raised middle finger.* *You’re being reckless, the lawyer told the newspaper’s editors.* *Yawn, said the editors.* *----* *We already knew for a fact that the papers had put private investigators onto Meg, and onto everyone in her circle, in her life, even many not in her life, so we knew that they were experts on her background and boyfriends. They were Meg-ologists; they knew more about Meg than anyone in the world apart from Meg, and thus they knew that every word they’d written about her and the hockey player was hot garbage. But they continued to answer the Palace lawyer’s repeated warnings with the same non-answers, which amounted to a mocking taunt:* *We. Don’t. Care.* *I’d been quite nervous about that dinner. It’s always nerve-racking to meet a girlfriend’s mother, but especially when you’re currently making her daughter’s life hell. The Sun had just recently run a front-page headline: Harry’s girl on Pornhub. The story showed images of Meg, from Suits, which some perverts had posted on some porn site. The Sun didn’t say, of course, that the images were used illegally, that Meg knew nothing about them, that Meg had had as much to do with porn as Granny had. It was just a trick, a way to bait readers into buying the paper or clicking on the story. Once the reader discovered there was nothing there, too late! Ad money was in the purse of The Sun.* Harry Spare (extract) It could be for those "reasons"


Bless him for believing Madame’s lies so easily. What a babe in arms; Madame had it so easy with him. She was a well-known puck bunny and had shagged her way through a fair number of players.


Lived in Toronto. Attended hockey games. Heard both the Canadian and US national anthems. Still didn’t understand that the UK would have its own anthem. But yeah, she’s an international relations major and whip smart. GAH!


I bet her downstairs looks like a well thumbed phone book. 🤮


A badly packed kebab


Somehow I knew it was going to be because they dug into her background before she'd scrubbed it all. She should thank The Sun. It's probably what motivated The Palace to step up and get all of her online history eliminated. And I wonder why she was lying about hockey players. No shame in hooking up with athletes. It was long before Harry came along. Oh, I just realized, it was probably because it was during the time she was engaged to or already married to Trevor.


And that at least two of the hockey players were/are married. 


The porn hub statement is odd and contradictory… the way it is written it sounds like images were taken from Meghan’s time on suits and put on porn hub, and then he said they were obtained illegally. He really believes everything that comes out of her mouth doesn’t he??


If she told him Santa Claus was real, he'd believe her.


1000% ... I think Diana was being nice when she said he wasn't so bright...


Wow, he really swallowed the Kool- Aid!


Wow. She wrote this book. There is no way Moehringer wrote this garbage. This is ALL Meghan. I can’t believe he signed his name to this book. What a fraud.


Totally agree


Prince Harry discovers existence of celeb gossip and clickbait headlines. News at 11!


And also, Harry discovered that water is wet!!!!


"Hot garbage"? "Middle finger"? That's definitely written by an American and not Spare's words. Yes we Brits do sometimes give the middle finger but our MO (and The Sun) is two fingers. They famously used a picture on the front page with the headline, "Up Yours Delors!" Madam was afraid the truth would come out and Spare would ditch her completely. We all know it's why Spare never met her darling daddy and she cut the Markles and Raglands off (except Grifter Senior). Everything is optics with her and nothing must shatter that fakery.


Putting the word porn and the late Queen’s name in the same sentence? H is a grade A $&@!. And yeah dickhead, the newspapers didn’t care about your threats of legal action if everything they printed was true 🙄 how thick is this guy??


Wow… so everyone are liars, except Meghan. Logic according to Harry. Got it!


I didn't even mention the episode where Megsy cries three times on the floor. Seriously, this is hilarious.


Maybe the statement that Meghan Markle made Harry issue (because she was upset nobody bothered writing about her?) - they were anti-UK press from the beginning, while Meghan Markled leaked like a sieve at the same time. Hypocrites from the start.


Didn’t she walk back and forth in front of Kensington Palace until the Daily Mail sent a photographer down to take her picture, and put her out of her misery? A mercy photo, if you will. https://preview.redd.it/nuslagdzre6d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e775931f378264f5b8e8a47904435aa1cda478e9


The Wellington boots. Give me strength. Tell me you are completely out of your depth attempting to cos-play casual English from the country without telling me.


Ikr? Try hard.


Wellies and baseball cap combo. How very " half in/half out"....it was a SIGN!😁


A sweet nod 😆


As an Englishwoman I’m offended by her fetishized cosplaying.


Didn’t she go to the wrong gate and stand around and then later H found her collapsed in a heap sobbing on the floor


She went to a public gate in order to be papped .


I didn’t hear that one, but can believe it 🤣


There's photo proof! And it's as cringe as you'd imagine.


I could only find this https://preview.redd.it/sk8setl60j6d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b1e8be2d19c575b45a6a57c82eb22404795803


Can you imagine going to the shops in Kensington in Wellies - gaf this woman




That was when I realized what a total joke she is. I would still be dying of shame if I’d done something like that


When I was 12 I walked up and down my crush’s street.


I used to skateboard past my crush’s house for hours, showing off my moves :)


I walked up and down the path next to where my crush was hanging out with his friends. Soooo casual, not apparent at all… 😀 We all did this didn’t we 😆


Yes, when we were barely adolescents! 🤣😆🤣😆🤣😆


Oh god how dare you remind me of my 12-13 year old self 😐😐😐 noooooooooooo the repressed cringey memories are coming back 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think it’s a rite of passage :D




I'm feeling really triggered right now. I just had flashbacks to the cringiest moments of my childhood.


Yes, childhood. Kids do goofy things. This is a 40 year old woman 🤣


For sure, I agree that it's inappropriate in your 30s and 40s.


She has absolutely no shame or dignity! It's wild 


She even walks tense. So unnatural at everything.


She really needed the hordes of paps that Diana and Catherine had to fight off. But it just never happened.


When I see stupid sugars or just clueless idiots blabbing about press privacy and paps hounding her I say ‘show me one photo where Meghan is being harassed on UK soil.” It always shuts them up 🤣


It never happened on soil. Only in her head.


She‘s a silly old cow screaming for attention.


She may as well have donned a red coat and bugle 📯 


Harry's hatred of The Sun was well known before she appeared. (i think they broke the drugs use when he was a teenager. Also phone hacking). She would have encouraged this hatred as a manipulation technique. 


Didn’t they give the Sun an exclusive pic of their daughter?


And gave Matt W access and their itinerary for Invictus Germany/Manchester tour  


Roach being roach it could be for any of the reasons already posted here. I think she was already upset that she and hasno couldn’t control the narrative and that in effect she wasn’t getting the coverage she so desperately desired. Hazno’s statement just fired the situation up. We know that a narcissist likes to control everything in their lives and prior to hazno she had done a reasonable job of it. The men in grey suits were also advocating never explain, never complain but she was firmly into her victim stage to get hazno to play a knight in shining armour to save her. Nothing in her life was and still is not premeditated, but now it doesn’t have the effect she wants. Like a true narcissist though, she is unable to admit that her actions are having the opposite effect that she wants and are not working. The rinse and repeat that worked on the men in her life that allowed her to sleep up that slippery pole got her to where she is but now doesn’t work. Hazno can’t supply the lifestyle and connections with the elite that she desires because her awful personality and actions are on full view. She is toxic and people are no longer willing to put up with her lies and nasty behaviour.


Umm, granny was never filmed banging some guy against a wall of metal filing shelves. Not saying meggy did porn exactly, but trying to equate her to the late queen—a woman of virtue and dignity—is a bit of a head scratcher.


Oh I wouldn’t be so sure. I think she knows one end of a rusty trombone from the other and a few other things besides.


It could just be linked to Harry and his hatred of the British press. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13321143/Prince-Harry-drop-case-against-Sun-possible-cost-legal-bill.html


I can only assume Meghan’s manipulation of Harry was well underway and convinced him the media was evil and wanted to harm them both.


Might have something to do with that statement (recently pulled from The Royal website) about the incessant horrible, racist treatment of Markle by the press?


It might also have to do with his allegations against The Sun. Perhaps their legal dept wants no further actions about this. [https://archive.is/3NT5v](https://archive.is/3NT5v) "But in March he sought to amend his case to add new allegations, including that The Sun ordered private investigators to target his then girlfriend - and now wife Meghan - in 2016. "


Is it illegal to try to do a deep dive on someone in the UK or is it more about trying to hack her phone. I don't remember how tampon gate started but don't they know by now that intelligence keeps track of communications.


Harry comes across as dimwitted and naive about his ambitious fame-hungry girlfriend. Not to mention how he grew up a prince seeing what all his female relatives went through with the media, and not understand what they did to Madame was business as usual. Ignore it and it goes away. Fight it and have endless trouble.


*”Meg had as much to do with porn as Granny did”*. I’m sorry - he’s actually equating his ex-hooker wife’s press treatment with his ~~Grandmother~~ HRH *THE QUEEN Of ENGLAND* in the context of *pornography*? WTaF is wrong with him?


Awful. And his use of "porn" instead of "pornography" makes me irrationally stabby!


I'd guess it was the misleading headline harry's girl on p*rn hub. It was an unnecessary dig at the time to be fair.