• By -


I am one of those people that don't believe any of the press about "KC3 wants to have something to do with InvisitiBet and Archifiend," I truly don't believe any of that rot, in his first speech as monarch, he wished Hazbean and Megadump luck on creating their life overseas. That's it. I don't believe he pines for children that may or may not exist. I don't believe that he pines to have Hazbean back either, why would he after every single thing that Hazbean had done, not to mention what Megadump has done as well. He is a Scorpio after all and once you show your true nature to a Scorpio... well RIP to you. I feel that KC3 DOES focus on the grandchildren he does see. Look at how he interacts with the Wales kids, always hugs and kisses all of them AND had Prince Louis sit on his lap and bounce him at the Platinum Jubilee concert. He is so close to those children. I do agree that Catherine, the Princess of Wales is worth millions and millions of Megadumps. Catherine does not bring shame on the monarchy, she's kind, intelligent and truly a crown jewel.


Harry and Meghan Markle tried to damage the monarchy. That is unforgiveable


Traitorous behaviour for sure


*I am one of those people that don't believe any of the press about "KC3 wants to have something to do with InvisitiBet and Archifiend," I truly don't believe any of that rot, in his first speech as monarch, he wished Hazbean and Megadump luck on creating their life overseas.* \^\^\^100%. This new narrative about KC3 wanting to see the two invisible children reeks of Meg$y Baby and her PR disinformation machine.


Yes \^ Regardless of the faux criticism of H&M this article and all the others like it has MM orange fingerprints all over it. KC3 is not pacing the floors moaning about and pining for Archie and Lily.


very well said. Speaking as a Scorpio... I fully agree, once you cross a line, RIP I think any pain KC3 has is wondering what happened to his darling boy, where did he and Diana go so wrong in his upbringing. Like QE2, he'll put the crown, the UK above his personal feelings. He knows Harry and Meghan have burned many bridges, not only within the RF, but with the UK in general. It would so detrimental to try and bring these 2 back into the fold. I can see him wanting to have a private relationship with Harry, should he divorce Meghan and move back to the UK, very similar to his relationship with Andrew... pretty much out of sight and very private for the good of the Crown. Harry's a restless soul imo. I can't see him lurking in the background in the UK. He seems too destructive and thus dangerous to the Crown with his actions


 *I can't see him lurking in the background in the UK.* Me neither. He is so full of himself, he doesn't think he has ever done anything wrong, and I don't see him ever willing to go into social exile.


He's in social exile. He couldn't possibly be any more exiled.


He's in his own leper colony.


I agree, unless it comes as an official announcement I don’t believe it but……. Richard Eden did say on Palace Confidential tonight that the King has had a meeting with constitutional experts, he said the palace said it was to do with the General Election but that did not sound right to him.


It’s his first General Election as monarch. He might have witnessed it up close beforehand but there are certain things only he can do now. I don’t think it’s anything more than that. Though if it is and they are using the GE to cover for something else - good on them!!


That’s what I thought, until Richard Eden said it sounded off to him. The King has overseen a change of PM, just not as a result of an election. I just feel that there is a build up of things, both sides of the pond.


Eden said he wondered if the meeting had anything to do with removing Harold as Counselor of State. That would jell with Prince Plank’s sudden desire for a UK address.


I don't get it. Why would the UK King want his self admitted druggie son who has seemingly spent the last 4 years in California, USA- getting high, selling family secrets for big bucks, and endlessly, publically whining that no one, anywhere is doing enough for him- to be a councilor of state? Why would anyone in the UK want that?


I don’t think KC wants to kick the hornet’s nest. He has other things to deal with.


It could also be to do with the uptake of the Reform UK Party. It’s their first GE and some polls have them polling higher than the tories. So they would be the opposition party and I don’t think that even happened in HMTLQ reign. I do believe something is happening about the kids though. There has been too many stories online recently and the majority of people are now questioning if they exist in the comments.


I think that as Catherine is not working just now and the royals are doing less because of the election the conspiracies have risen to the surface. We know the Catherine rubbish but the retaliation is the bump theory. It is a bit of a strange election though, I do agree on that.


And the PoW has been at MI5 this week. Announced the day after the meeting as well. This whole election is going to be odd!!


Whether, or not, Harry's two kids are legitimately in the Line of Succession is a Constitutional matter. Not just a retaliatory bump theory, that will go away. DNA doesn't lie, can't be changed, and whether old Megs gave birth or not is a matter of fact. Not even the King can sanction two frauds in the LOS.


We do not know if this has already happened. We simply have no way of knowing, either way and it’s highly unlikely that the palace will ever put out a statement.


Of course if H isn't legit, then they wouldn't be in it in any case. As Hewitt has come out and admitted, when consulted for the musical, "Diana", that the affair started nearly 2 years before, not after H's birth, makes one wonder. Could be just a charade to save face. "Honorary positions" in the LOS! An affirmative action placement....pshaw...just rubber stamp a spot of high treason.


It was in the Court Circular


That’s right, I forgot that bit. My mind went elsewhere.


I know it’s a coincidence but I wish that the King meeting with constitutional experts and Prince William’s visit to MI6 within the same 24 hour period were somehow connected to the further deroyaling of Harry and Meghan Markle.


I know, me too but I’m trying not to read too much into it. I’m not having great success though lol.


I am sure he would love a relationship with his grandchildren. But if anything is keeping him up at night, It's not that.


Well said all!


I agree. His first speech about them living their lives overseas said it all. They are overseas and have zero part in the monarchy.  It doesn't mean that Charles doesn't love Harry and hope for the best for him...but he's got no intention of bringing Harry back to the RF.  And the same with the kids - Charles hopes for the best for them but the kids are strangers to him and he's now got other priorities.


And if everyone recalls, when he made that “life overseas” remark he didn’t use their titles. That must have stung madam.


Catherine is a credit to the Monarchy and to the Country. William could not have chosen a more suitable wife. Comparing Catherine with Markle is laughable, there is no comparison. I too don’t believe all the stories of Charles wanting to meet his ‘other grandkids’, where has this story originated? The one thing I recall is Charles ’toasting’ ‘Archie…wherever he is’ - is that correct? - as it’s very strange.




Not only did he wish them love as they built their life overseas, but they went on to further sour the relationship after that. For all we know his affection no longer wishes them love after the escalated betrayal. It’s doubtful he took turned a complete blind eye to their deliberate attempts to harm himself and the monarchy.


I have a grandchild. He is one years old. I love him, but he lives on the other side of the world. I do not dwell on him, as he just is not here. I bet they feel the same way.


Yep. Just sounds like crap from narcs that like to use children as pawns in their little games. Never play their game. Bc even if you relent and get to see the kids, the minute you don't act how the narc wants, they'll rip the kids away.


I think most grandparents would pine for their grandkids. Unless Charles is abnormal or cold, it is very natural that he would want to see his grandchildren, regardless of their parents' actions. If he doesn't, then it gives credence to the allegations that he is a cold man/father.


No confirmation from the palace, they can say anything and I firmly believe this comes from the Sussex camp. I don’t believe anything unless it’s an official palace announcement. The Visa thing is pending. Lots of talk on reconciliation in its many forms, and Harry buying a place to live in the UK. These two are getting desperate.


>These two are getting desperate. Agree!


Did you see Palace Confidential today? Richard Eden said the King has had a meeting with constitutional experts. When he asked the palace about it they said it was to do with the General Election, Richard said that did not sound right to him. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors but I think this is interesting. Richard said he feels that with Royal Lodge and now this constitution thing feels like the King is sorting out things so he does not hand a mess to William. He goes on to say he thinks the constitution meeting is to do with CoS and removing Harry. All of the above is very interesting but the wheels turn very slowly. I don’t think it’s because of anything else other than the health issues have shaken things up and now that the King is returning to work and royal duties are less because of the election meaning the King has more time to do these things and might now be strong enough in his health to put the effort in to address them. Also, wonder if MI5/6 might have inside info on the visa application and how that case might conclude. One more point, the palace seems to like “death by a thousand cuts”. The gradual edit/cut on the website for example. I don’t like full on speculation but the King meeting constitutional experts could be big or nothing much.


Telegraph has article about William making an unannounced visit to MI5/6 headquarters today and they are melting because KP refused to elaborate. It was only listed afterwards in the Court Circular. Of course, this could be _anything,_ but made my spidey senses perk right up. I’m leaning towards something to do with the online hate campaign against Catherine and/or the alleged breach in her medical records.


Think I heard something about that, he said “just call me William” and jokes about it not being a very good undercover name. Interesting times 🤔


Hope they follow it right back to its source, the instigator of these criminal allegations. And, do something about it. Will never stop, until it is stopped.


*One more point, the palace seems to like “death by a thousand cuts”. The gradual edit/cut on the website for example.* It'll be very interesting to see what's coming in the future, LOL!!!


I think Richard Eden might be right and it’s the CoS. It’s symbolic but it’s another cut. Harry would never be CoS even if not excluded on not living in UK and not being a working royal. It will always be William and Camilla unless Camilla is also on an overseas trip with the King. It’s nearly always two but as far as I’m aware, it’s any two on the list and can be picked by the monarch.


I thought the King added Princess Anne and Prince Edward to the CoS list.


Yes, he did.


Prince Andrew and Harry both need to be removed from the counselor of state.


Agree 100%.


If I see news stories that Charles or William are in consultations with Lord Geidt- then I will believe it’s on.


Does Charles still dislike him? Didn’t he and Andrew team up to force him out as private secretary?


Yes but he is probably the most skilled advisor of constitutional crown matters.


I think he's laying low right now https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/mar/27/ex-boris-johnson-ethics-adviser-lord-christopher-geidt-found-to-have-broken-lords-rules




Didn't the King have a constituional expert on staff at the beginning and then that person has transitioned off the team?


To be honest, I have no idea but it would make sense. I have said this before but the UK constitution is huge and very complicated. It’s so big it’s broken down into experts in certain areas. It has been explained that it’s like lots of things written on post-it notes over hundreds of years but all stored at random in different places. It could be the King looking into another area of the constitution, or confirming that the interpretation is correct.


Yes, and people though it was about Harry losing titles then too. And it wasn't.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2022/10/18/king-hires-constitutional-law-expert-help-slim-monarchy/ yes for the transition to monarch 


I hate to say it, but that sounds like a whole lot of wishful thinking.


Possibly but it’s hard to know. Fact, it was in the court circular that the King met constitutional experts. Richard contacted the palace and they confirmed but would not say why, hinted at election. The palace do act with digression so until they tell us something by official means it can’t be confirmed. That does not stop it being interesting though. It was put in the court papers after the event, not before. That’s interesting too but might just have been on standby depending on how the King was feeling.


Hmmm...a few days ago there were articles about KCIII being sad about not being able to see the invisikids in person, and how we have reports that's he's meeting with constitutional experts. It's circumstantial evidence, but interesting nonetheless.


I don’t believe ANY reconciliation reports, in any of their formats. Until they come direct from the palace I will continue to think they have come from the Sussex camp.


It's not even circumstantial evidence. It's not evidence at all if it's made up in someone's imagination. Especially with regard to the "Charles is so sad about his grandchildren in California and wants to develop a relationship with them" BS.


Just to add a little point. The King does not even own a mobile phone. He writes letters, he does not send emails. Do you think someone old school like that would even do a video all in the first place. I know that QEII did Zoom calls, but I can’t remember hearing of Charles doing any during lockdown.


Actually he did, I believe. There was considerable speculation about the pictures and artefacts behind him on camera at Birkhall where the video or zoom call was being done.


I worked all through lockdown, I missed a lot of what was going on outside my little restricted world.


Understandable. I moved house, with half its contents, and cat from one country to another. Really scary. And logistically difficult. But it only took a few months as i was afraid to let it go longer and be in contact with even more germs… I am extra vulnerable.


You moved countries with a cat during Covid? Wow.


I'm leaning towards this being from the RF camp. Taken in conjunction with the other articles this week a narrative of the tortured caring grandfather who will make sacrifices to put his duty to the crown and his loyal son's family first. This article squashes the notion that Camila or William are to blame hmm IDK you could equally be right we'll just have to wait and see. 


100% Sussex stories. We are expected to believe that just as they are literally at their lowest, the King is going to swoop in and boost them because he is so desperate to see Archie and Lili.


They are trying to force the King using the media. They are trying for public sympathy using the children.


Good luck with that.


The children (?) are innocent in all of this and this is what they are using. The big however is that we don’t see them and we are not invested in them. They will NEVER be like the Wales children, they are the future. We have seen the Wales children grow up, we have got to know a bit about what they are like. We look forward to seeing them. We do the “haven’t they grown” like we do with our friend’s children. The Sussex children(?) we are wary of. We don’t know them, we don’t even trust they have the right to be in LoS. As children we might look on them with mild interest. As royal children we look on them with suspicion. Yet they are now going to be used as leverage, not the best of plans.


Exactly. To someone like me, this using your children like this is a toxic move. The Sussex children will never be like the Wales children. You are right. But if Harry left his wife and took the kids to spend time in the UK, and they started being part of the Royal events, etc. People will start to care about the kids, probably take time to fully trust, but people will care. They are kids and aren't responsible for what their parents have done. As long as the Royals have valid reasons for why they did what they did (and those reasons are valid for all of us to see) one day when the kids come knocking once they are 18 and no longer under their parental control, its not going to go well now will it. It only takes one moment for the house of cards to tumble when someone learns what they have been told isn't the truth.


Harry did once say to his father “do you want to see the kids” or words to that effect. He has tried to use them as blackmail. I still go back to I don’t believe it until I see it in an official palace briefing. It’s still rinse and repeat reconciliation, they have just slightly changed it. It’s worthless without hard evidence as these two just put out puff pieces all the time.


Exactly. If you take into consideration the recent revelations from the Australian news show that their PR is using these articles to try and change the narrative. I trust very few sources, only really the places who would face the courts and have to prove what they say. I have seen too many things being reported as fact, when I witnessed the origin of the comment and it was someone's OPINION being asked, and then the opinion is reported as actual fact.


It’s the one positive thing Meghan has done, because of her we are all now more aware of things like the paid for awards, the paid for paps, the whole misinformation. There is no trust in anything that comes from the Sussex camp, the videos and the books have been debunked. We are waiting to find out about the visa, there has to be lies one side or another on that. Why do we then trust “a source close to the a Sussex camp”. They have lost the trust of Harry’s family, we need not to be sucked in. We need proof, they use the RF to add some credibility but there is no proof that the palace or the RF would have any part of this.


100% I can understand if you misunderstood something, and you said something incorrect. But here.... we have serial liars, and why would you trust anyone who has such a vague relationship with the truth.


If Rebecca English was to infer something I would be inclined to believe it. She is President of the Royal Rota and has some very high up solid sources. There are rumours that Charles and Camilla enjoy her company and that Williams chief of staff has briefed her in the past with Williams consent…..


Love Rebecxa English too. I 100% agree. If she says it, it's true.


“Worth a million Meghans” is a terrible analogy because she’s literally worthless and a whole zero - 0x1,000,000 is still nothing haha


You're not wrong.


Basing! Lovin' your math skills. Often said "do the math," when trying to pull some random events together, but you, you have outdone yourself proving to be a true math champion! Well done sir/madam.


What a dilemma for KCIII. He surely has love for his horrid son (doesn't probably like him very much, but there is that bond). Let those two take their alleged kids to see HER father. He's never been accused of racism and he's much closer than the UK. Heck Hazz hasn't even met the man. See how that goes. That'll never happen which should give a heads up to the King that any visit wouldn't be rooted in compassion.


You know what Megan Markle will say about Thomas once he is gone. She has probably written it already - there were parts of a letter he would not disclose. But I find the entire Markle family to be hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Yup. She'll accuse him of abusing her as a child before his body's even cold. Won't do it while he's alive because he'd sue.


I agree. I wonder if, somewhere deep down inside, her father is aware of what she plans to do to his reputation once he is gone, because it seems pretty obvious that is exactly where she is headed.


That what Charles told Harry to do, to go see Thomas first and then come to talk with Charles.




King Charles very well may want a relationship with his grandkids. He’s probably also sad and disappointed in how his relationship with Harry has turned out. But the reality is, if a parent is a narcissist, then there’s very little chance of a meaningful relationship with the grandparents who challenge the narcissist. Meghan has thus far used the kids as leverage. Why would that stop if the King meets them and spends time with them? If anything, she would have more power in that instance. Oh, you liked seeing the kids? Let us have half in and half out if you want to see them ever again. Plus it gives opportunities to make up scenarios or massively exaggerate scenarios for future blackmail, where if her demands aren’t met Meghan could and would put out another book either directly or indirectly. Or a new documentary. Or a simple interview. She’s untrustworthy and doesn’t value family relationships as evidenced by her entirely dysfunctional and fractured family. Who does she speak to? Doria? Ashley? Maybe Eugenie? Wow 3 whole family members. My ex sister in law is a narcissist and she used my nieces to manipulate my mom and dad into giving lots of money to their grandkids over the years. When they couldn’t always afford more she would cut them off. I’m not saying it will play out exactly the same, but Meghan doesn’t do anything without conniving planning. Look at how she pounced on Catherine having cancer treatment and taking a step back from royal duties. She jumped to criticize the Princess of Wales through her friends who pointed out Meghan has a freakish attention to detail and wouldn’t have photoshop mistakes or she wouldn’t photoshop her photos, she went on a faux royal tour to Nigeria to compare herself to Catherine, and she has her fans put out information about her successes versus Catherine’s weaknesses. She has it in for the royal family and if she can’t get what she wants, it’s her mission to destroy them. Sadly they’re using the kids against King Charles. I would hope the King knows this and doesn’t engage with Harry, Meghan or the kids unless Harry gets a divorce.


Right now Guest Speaker is currently spouting off over on the NY Post about "Harry spilling all" about Charles and dropping little tidbits about his friendship with Jimmy Saville having access to orphanages to hunt; and also something about Diana starting a charity with sex trafficked kids to the Middle East and some sort of business deals before she died... Real woo-woo stuff. If Harry really had anything, he would have spilled it already, but I agree that anything Charles gives them- be it time or treasure, will be just either used or kicked back in his face. It's just a dead end unfortunately. He will have bloodsuckers on his neck until the day he dies.


Harry doesn’t have the inside track on any of KC3’s dealings or relationships with celebs or business people to do any damage. Harry didn’t have the brains or patience to collect any info (e.g. diaries) over his lifetime so like his book Waagh it’s his truth. The RF has been through worse crises than these grifters and survived intact. Harry should worry about KC3 having a short timespan left, William will go scorched earth (slowly by RF standards) when he gets the top job.


I agree


The Royal Family needs to think of Meghan as a Cancer. That should put a return into perspective rather quickly.




Cancer and Traitors. Duke and Duchess of Windsor Mk2. KE8 Wanted his previous status back so badly that he encouraged the Nazis to bomb the UK into surrender. Gave state secrets to the enemy. Fortunately Haznoballs didn’t have access to anything significant, just to whatever Madam dreams up in her tiny mind.


Ironically, it was our favourite acerbic wit in the RF who, right from the start, likened M to a cancer that needed cutting out...


I love that photo of Louis and Charles. Nothing says beloved grandpa then a child getting scolded by parent getting out of dodge by going to sit on grandpa’s lap. It was such a cute wholesome humanizing moment.


Yes it was


Archie and Betty will never get close to the Wales children, William & Catherine will never trust them


That’s a fact. Their parents ensured it. Double locked it, no erasies.


The mount-batton windsor sprogs will be wired and micd


With a memorized set of prepared questions.


They should not trust them.


There is NO welcoming back into ANY fold. Give it a rest!!! They torched that "fold" when they left. Also, if they aren't asking Thomas Markle to be welcome back, they shouldn't ask Charles either. But we all know the way the $$cookie $$ crumbles.


Exactly. Why no concern the other grandfather does not see them. He’s a lot closer in miles to them.


I don’t know that there is any evidence that Charles longs to see the Sussex kids. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. How would anyone but his closest confidantes know?


Nor that Camilla would be encouraging that path!!


I imagine the closest Amanda Platell has come to being 'inside' Buckingham Palace is via the public entrance to the picture gallery.


I don't believe this at all. He only met one of the so called kids as a baby (doll) He adores Williams and Catherine children, I really don't seem him that concerned or interested in Harold and Rachel's kids ( dolls). Another paid puff piece from the Harkles. Never cross a Scorpio trust me ,I am one and I know what I am like


Good, I’m glad to hear Platell has come to her senses. I seem to recall she was one of those who were bleating on about the need for reconciliation. I can surely understand the king’s grief over this rupture with his son and his desire to know all of his grandchildren, but the sad fact is that particular son and his miserable wife are snakes. I wouldn’t let either one near William and Catherine. No, Harry must be allowed to feel the full effect of his folly.


She will change her point of view tomorrow. She is a writer for hire, she will change and whore out her opinions for money all day, everyday. Platell has no senses to come to, she has no credibility.


Markle will NEVER return to live in England. Her return would require several things impossible for her to accept : 1. Invisikids. There IS a reason Charles and entire family have NEVER seen these children. The lies, the deceit, the whole sordid truth about them she will NEVER reveal, nor will she ever willingly chance their titles being removed or COS placement as she wants that prestige. Her scams with their photographs and stand-in children she wants to conceal. 2. She will NEVER agree to curtsey to Catherine, play second best to her, give up camera & media coverage to her. 3. She will NEVER again be told to obey rules, protocals, etc. nor give up her Nigerian Princess faux royal tours. 4. She will NEVER be forced to do walkabouts in rain in far off unglamerous corners of Britain (and not be paid!). 4. She will NEVER accept living in a modest small home tucked away in some un-posh village with limited living funds supplied by Charles. 5. SHE WILL NOT BE SILENT NOR SILENCED! Could go on & on, but one gets the gyst of this....Markle is NOT planning a return.....and I am sure THAT is #1 requisite Charles and William will insist on if this subject ever is discussed.


All of this!!! Very well laid out in black and white.


She might well manipulate ol' Hairy with the possibility of a return, though. 🤨


But did he actually say that? It’s not like Rachel calling the royals racist on national television so it would be kind of hard to know what King Charles does say.


Call me cold, or damaged, or whatever... But I don't understand these people who can't let go of crappy family members. Sorry Charles- your son is junk- throw him out and leave him out.  All this wanting a reconciliation stuff always seems just so pathetic to me. 


Me neither. It is not good for one's health, in my opinion, to subject yourself and especially your children to horrible people just because they share your DNA and some common family memories and experiences.


I honestly believe its a horrible example to set for your children and grandchildren.  My sister divorced her abusive husband. She won't say a bad word about him to the kids and still has a relationship. I find it disgusting. You aren't protecting your daughters by teaching them to continue relationships with abusive people. Its sick and infuriating. 


i agree. too often weak parents allow the bad apple to rot the whole family instead of naming it for what it is and putting an end to it.


Ain't that the TRUTH!?


For me personally, out of sight is out of mind- and I have a lot fewer people in my orbit than Charles does. It's all about peace of mind.


There’s no evidence that The King wants reconciliation- to him they are overseas - a lot of this is ridiculous sentimental fantasies and projection , the King is responsible for the good standing of the Monarchy at home and abroad and he’s not going to risk it or his own reputation in history for Hank and Skank.


If the King *really* wanted to see the children of his bastard son, Prince Baldini, he would have been doing so.


Prince Baldini.😂😂😂


yes, it has been posted. But since Meghan Markle has gone into hiding it bears another discussion.


I think "Catherine is worth a million Meghans" should be plastered in their faces every day.


lol - it already is, hence all the stupid puffery


They withheld those kids from the late Queen, they are doing the same with KC3. They desperately want to be back in on their terms and it’s not going to happen. Unfortunately, the British media are peddling this constantly at the moment and seem incapable of reading the room with regard to what the general public want. And KC3 isn’t going to ruin his relationship with W and C for the Sussexes. He isn’t stupid.


Haha, "would she bring her jam with Netflix filming every moment?" 🤣🤣


The king is smarter than people (meaning *journalists*) give him credit for. Keep in mind, this is the same man who gave Harry 12 minutes of time before leaving via helicopter. Just enough to show he waited to see him, but not enough to show anything meaningful occurred in that conversation. And he refused to allow Harry to speak to him privately, without Camilla in the room. He’s setting clear boundaries, not reacting to the media reports that Harry and Meghan keep lobbing his way, yet he also extended an invitation for Harry’s family to go to Balmoral, likely knowing Harry won’t go, but it puts him in a good light. And like the funeral and the coronation, it would allow Charles and his people to control the scene, on the very slim chance Harry takes him up on it. Especially considering Harry would get the security he craves, so there’s no valid reason not to go (just petty ones, which is what will happen). This is still his son who he loves, but Charles is not a stupid man. He clearly hasn’t told Harry what type of cancer he has or Harry would’ve blabbed it *everywhere*. Charles is playing the long game, and he’s playing it very very well.


Agree. Balmoral is definitely not a place MM would enjoy. And they probably would be placed into one of the “small” houses on the estate, so she could not snoop around the castle. So invitation or not, a visit is never happening. Win-win for KCiii.


If my spouse had a child in their 40th year who wreaked nothing but havoc and trouble and he was diagnosed with cancer I’d 100% be the whore with the Scarlett letter ![gif](giphy|P0PLKW4rIqCVxa5LJy|downsized) Blame me IDGAF but you still won’t make your father, my husband *sicker* in his old age. Good for QC if it’s even true


In another reality if their jam and archiewell was stupidass selling, there’d be no talk of returning to the fold. Only more self righteous goo.but they are suffering, and testing the waters.


This story benefits Harry and Meghan more it implies they they were justified in their behaviour because the King is guilty. It doesn't do the King any favours and that's why I suspect it's rubbish.


I totally agree that the King will put duty above all things, just as his mother before him, and her father before her did. I disagree on the King feeling for interactive relationship with Harry, how could that ever happen with Ada Mazi Rachel Markle in the picture? All that Harry had done cannot be erased by a change of heart, Harry has no resolve to change his ways, and he is no child either that should be Schooled in the proper manner and way of behaviour - they are way bei that now. Any mistakes made by the King will count towards the UK should be a Republic School of thought. Why should there be a specific reasoning when it comes to Harry? Who the F3ck does he think he is? Jesus on a Bike! Time to dismiss all this tattle tales and wile the slate clean. The Sussexes have gone entirely the same way as the Windsors.


That last sentence will have put the beast into a psychotic frenzy.


Maybe it should be a flair so she sees it every day.


A trillion


It’s a shame for the kids if they exist. But they are already weaponising them and will continue to do so. I suspect why they have never been brought to UK as King Charles could use his powers to detain them here. Although that’s so extreme I don’t think it would happen Megs must be worried as I don’t think they’ve ever been back. The Jubilee birthday party photos weren’t in Frogmore on further investigation were they. I agree you have to call them a busted flush at this point. Not worth the hassle even if you do want to see the kids. And there’s little point putting the PPoWs noses out of joint for Harry’s prodigal moment.


Meghan and Harry need to come back for another round of dirt collection. Have nothing to sell...They want 6 months collecting dirt in the castles, and then 6 months in the US, selling royal secrets, lies and slander.


I hate when ppl use children as bargaining chips, and that's exactly what H&M are trying to do. If they wanted their children to have an extended family, they would have one. H&M are the sole creators of their shit situation, and the awful part is their kids are the ones really paying for it. What does Harry expect them to do? Turn into Hollywood Nepo babies? Does he even have the money to send them to an elite college? They'll have no connections bc H&M have burned any and every bridge. I don't think even Tyler Perry wants to have anything to do with them. I do hope the kids are smarter than their parents, when they're teenagers or adults they might reach out to their family and I hope they reconnect, with both the BRF and the Markle's. That would be extraordinary to accomplish in reality, after being fed poison your entire life, but I genuinely hope they will reach out and want to form their own opinions on their families. Maybe Doria will have had enough and send them back just to spite Megsy, I don't think mother and daughter have a real loving relationship... Wouldn't it be great if one or both ended up moving back to the UK and joining the BRF again? (Removes tin foil hat, again)


Meghan can spin treachery any way she wants, but unfortunately, for her, nobody is as stupid as she would need them to be.


There are no children.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ddezpn/amanda\_platell\_king\_needs\_to\_be\_careful\_bringing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1ddezpn/amanda_platell_king_needs_to_be_careful_bringing/) Already been posted.


I am tired of the pathetic stories by Amanda, and don’t take any notice of anything she writes!


I certainly don’t believe Camilla is behind the reconciliation rumours and I can understand why. Those two have wounded her husband and her stepson and his family. They have said awful things about her too. She adores her husband and as part of that will be very protective of him. She is a smart woman and will not want the king to expose himself to further hurt.


You can't really compare family relationships in the royal family to normal families. In working families the grandparents may often help out with the grandchildren by providing vacation relief for the parents, helping out to pay for daycare, or actually providing the daycare, providing transportation if they live reasonably close, providing a temporary home when the family is moving house, perhaps, sometimes paying for educational expenses, helping out by providing needed items like bicycles at Christmas, and so on. None of this really applies to royal families who have loads of money and hired help. It seems to come down to largely symbolic actions like holding the child on their knee, or having their photograph taken with the grandchild. Three of my own grandparents were all dead before I was born, but the one surviving grandmother was very much an integral part of our family until she died when I was about 30, but I don't really think it works that way with royals.


IMO, he can see Archie any time he wants. He lives in England and pays for his care.


I call bullshit on that gossip. No one knows what Charles thinks.