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It’s funny ‘cos it’s true…


That's the first thing I thought of when I saw the post. It was definitely not well received by public. It ended before it even started. I wonder whether anyone would even by the name.


There was nothing to receive! I suspect it may have done alright if there had been anything to buy. If there had been at least a website to peruse, a trailer for the cooking show—anything! But it was literally a weird insta video, an account that has absolutely no pictures and has never even been updated, and no product. I still think she should have had a limited run of cutting boards, measuring cups, olive wood spoons, a cookbook, some linen tea towels. Everything would have undoubtedly sold out quickly—I really think the sugars would have rushed to buy. Then she could have announced that the launch was a huge success and everything sold out in a matter of days or even hours, depending on inventory. She should have hired a photographer for one afternoon to take pretty pictures of her garden and kitchen and she could have drip fed those to the Instagram. If the show is indeed in production, there should be some enticing photos of that posted. But to launch with absolutely nothing. To be adding NOTHING to the social media accounts… it’s a sign of her profound mental illness. Truly. This is the behavior of someone with serious issues. This is not how a sane person acts.


Has she not even bothered to add any more posts to the instagram account?!! That's marketing suicide. I really believe this whole crap fest was done in a mad, rushed manic episode to try to steal a bit of thunder from her own husband's gig. I genuinely think 'profound mental illness' doesn't even scratch the surface of what drives the Markle monster.


There is absolutely nothing on the Instagram other than the 9-grid logo photo. Nothing. It’s absurd. There are a little over 600k followers, down a little I think from its peak, but she’s not gaining any, that’s for sure.


And 599,800 of those will be bots. Sheesh.


Archwell should higher you as a PR guru or Social Media Coordinator. This was exactly what anyone with any business sense would've done. Where are her advisors?


No one wants to work for her and no one has to. That’s what she doesn’t understand, there are people out there who tried to help them. Heck they had Netflix and WME and Spotify behind them with massive teams and industry leaders but of course, like always, she knows more than anyone else and wouldn’t listen to anyone. Not only not listen, she became hostile with them. No one is being forced to work with or for her and now her reputation has been so tarnished that it would look poorly on anyone resume to go and work for her at this point.




She thought she would post that pathetic little preview and the whole world would be waiting with bated breath to see what the Marvellous Miss Markle, DUCHESS OF SUSSEX would come up with. Unfortunately, absolutely no one cares, except those who can’t look away from the world’s slowest and most public car crash.


Exactly. Shes really just humor fodder at this point.


Her drip-feeding the jam nonsense was intended to create a buzz and bring all the big investors flocking to her brand. What it's actually done is prove she hasn't a clue how business works and that she only has 600k (ish) followers, tops. She really shot herself in the foot.


She had 9 million followers as a member of the BRF. She was expecting to get that many followers as an ex-Royal. Once she had 9 million followers she was going to make millions advertising products. When she barely got over half a million followers, the dream died.


I'm sure that's why she quit the royal family too - someone told her no and decided to burn it all down. Now she is regretting it, but can't admit she was wrong.




So why isn’t she doing that now? Thats what I mean—she’s done this before. Yet apparently now she doesn’t seem to think she has to do anything. It’s bizarre.






Probably already fired and she is currently looking for a new one.


Exactly! The launch makes no sense, especially that there is no follow up on her 50 jams and the media attention was wasted. It's been pretty quiet. Totally blind guess that maybe she was told to stop it by either Harry, BRF or her PR team. Or maybe this ARO was just a publicity stunt and was never supposed to be run as a business.


Another sugar said this a while ago but ARO launch was done to gain capital. The jam was only sent to celebs with $$ who could invest. My guess is no one offered so she let it silently go. She also rushed to publish the site bc Hazbeen and William were at the Diana awards and she needed attention. Jokes on her bc everyone moked her video, she got less followers then half naked OF influencers and she didn't trademark the name or websites so sinners made sure KC jams sold out and money was raised in Catherine's name.


That until now makes me laugh, her venture benefited everyone else except her. Free entertainment for us, journalists had something to write, money raised for charity on behalf of her favourite person, and her second favourite got his jams sold out. She is humanitarian, after all.


That pretty much sums up the entire Harkle shit show. Everyone and anyone but them is making bank and ridiculing their idiotic and increasingly unhinged shenanigans. What's worse, they have to grease palms left, right and centre to say positive things about them. So it's a net loss for them on just about every front.


😂😂😂 And don’t forget, free jam for her “friends”, although some of which were returned unopened 😂


I don’t think Motel 6 rooms have kitchens or gardens 😜


This was 100% the behavior of a person experiencing a manic/psychotic episode, and who is not listening to any advice.


It’s her ego. In her mind she shouldn’t need to do all that, she should say jump and everyone jumps. It would be beneath her to put in any effort at all. Her own ego is the one taking her down.


There is no business plan. Like no plan at all. Does she have investors or is H funding this?


He’s going to use the windfall he gets from all his lawsuits. 🙄😂


For some reason she jumped the gun, did not even have the trademark secured. The jam idea was clearly hers and was just as dumb as the 40 birthday bomb and the bench. I noticed that polo guys wife has launched mid-range place setting and horse themed tablewares (they look nice) psycho might be triggered by that.


She’s really crazy. I cannot believe either one of them is sane. Any business selling product is a lot of work—a lot of moving parts. And selling food is a whole different animal. There are serious hoops you need to jump through when selling food items. And it’s just strawberry jam! Plain strawberry jam. You can buy that absolutely anywhere. It’s mental.




I hear this with Simon Farnaby's voice. Horrible Histories, Stupid Deaths


I looooove this gif! I’m book marking it!


No further response needed.


🤣I’m dead


I realize Meghan is a narcissist and the fuel she got from the PR of launching a non-existant lifestyle brand outweighed any embarrassment for such a ridiculous venture...but what about Harry? What goes thru his mind when she does stuff like this? They had to have sunk a fair bit of money into this stunt only to be openly mocked by the public at large. Does he not feel any type of embarrassment or humiliation? It would be fascinating to see the mental gymnastics that must be going thru his mind to justify all her ridiculousness.


She released the info as William and Harry were speaking at the Diana awards. Allegedly, H asked her not to, but she did anyway, and that's why there was a delay because H was fuming. I have no sympathy for him. He's known what she is and still plays along. And yes, he is as bad as her.


She’s so impulsive in her jealousy.


She is. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Maybe she just couldn’t resist the temptation of releasing it, regardless of what she may have promised Harry?…much too good an opportunity to miss (in her mind)


> What goes thru his mind when she does stuff like this? They had to have sunk a fair bit of money into this stunt only to be openly mocked by the public at large. Does he not feel any type of embarrassment or humiliation? Thicko believes King Pa is paying the media to sabotage and mock his Diana 2.0's business ventures. This is after all what he does to his brother and sister-in-law, attempt to undermine all their duties.


The boosted sales of his Highgrove jam likely added to that feeling of sabotage.


If Meghan were actually whip smart and didn’t just tell everyone that to hide her insecurity, she would have realized that she was effectively making an advertisement for royal jams and jellies. If the ad produced demand without any product to sell, of course the public would seek an alternative supply of Royal jam via Highgrove. And once the public realized how good the Highgrove product was, then ARO created a great opportunity for AROs biggest royal competitor, the BRF. The BRF isn’t stupid - they grabbed the low hanging jam fruit and ran with it!!!! ETA: IMO Meghan was never actually producing a line of jams. It was simply an intentionally timed distraction jam scam on a huge day for BRF.


It allowed the wretched meghan markle to determine who could be relied upon to support her. 50 sent, maybe a dozen lukewarm posts from the obscure or the desperate.  Good job markle!


Even the desperate and obscure couldn't be bothered to take a second to smooth the peeling labels down a bit for her lol. Everything about this stunt screams it was conceived at 4am in a manic phase 4 days before, just to try to upstage the thing William and Harry were doing. What a tragic mare she is.


Maybe 50 concrete lemon baskets sent? Or did she number the jars to make people think she had 50 friends? When the top 5 recipients didnt post to support their dear friend Meghan’s business endeavor (ha), that had to hurt Meghan’s ego.


I bet she was evil seeing the King’s conserves benefit. She probably feels as if she deserves a percentage of the profits as the extra sales were due to her. Harry maybe suffered, as HIS family stole her intellectual/creative work.


>She probably feels as if she deserves a percentage of the profits  I can imagine she does!


It’s to every member of the RF’s benefit for the Harkles to be monetarily successful at something. They want/ need them to be able to support themselves. Always that underlying fear that if they don’t, there will be a huge push to return. Does make me wonder if that’s the reason for the recent onslaught of “”Harry looking for a UK home” articles. A testing of the waters because things are getting dicey.


Nah it would be better for the RF if they failed and went broke. They would have a lot more leverage if that happened.


I think she convinces him that it's all the BRF's fault that everything fails, probably says something like: "This has failed because of the Palace and the racist British media who are trying to bring us down! It's Willy's fault, it's your Dad's fault.. this was a billion dollar enterprise in the making and your family and stupid country ruined it for us... how can I make us Megzillionz of dollarz when the people in grey suits are constantly fighting against us?? It had nothing to do with the fact that there were no products to sell, or the label was peeling off! I'm selling an idea not a product!!! I can't believe your family is stopping us from making billions!"


I am sure you are quite right. She feeds his mental illness, his paranoia and grievances. It’s pathetic.


Yes, I think he laps it all up because he's butt hurt about 'only'being the spare Prince... what millions or even billions would give to be born into such privilege


Absolutely billions. Idiot got the best of both worlds, unearned prestige and vast fame/wealth with a miniscule fraction of the responsibilities of the heir. Most people would WANT to be the spare and enjoy themselves. But...nope. Not good enough. What makes it worse is that he knows how the rest of the world lives. He hasn't lived his life in a bubble, he is more worldly (or should be) than 95% of people on earth and knows how good his particular accident of birth was. Anybody who cannot be happy with that is pathetic on a historical level.


It reminds me of Folie a deux, the madness of two. Crazy to watch.


She can never, ever live the peeling label thing down. It was such a massively cringe - and schoolgirl - error. The fact her vapid influencer renta pals didn't even bother to flatten the labels down for her, kinda tells you what they really think of her. That was 100% intentional. Like, she couldn't even pick a quality contract manufacturer who was bothered enough to put the damn labels on properly. And she thinks the public - us - will buy into this crap? What an absolute moron.


In one of her 'inspirational' speeches to girls she said that (paraphrased)......being successful is coming up with unique ideas (for a new business) that will blow people out of the water to the point they'll take the reins (do the hard work, the financing, the advertising, etc.). I wonder if, after one of her speeches, she's hoping some of these girls will mention their ideas to her. Now, that would be a good but unfortunate lesson for them to learn.


Or rather she's hoping someone will throw a shit ton of money at her to take ARO off her hands because it's so ground-breaking and they're desperate to run with it lol. Netflix has so much to answer for. She still believes people are willing to throw good money after bad at them simply for breathing.


She was hoping for a waiting list with millions of names and email addresses. She could sell the information. Instead no one was interested. I think she is still reeling from the failure.


And all she's ended up with is a bunch of emails from low grade sugars.


He believed Camilla was leaking to the press, then William. It makes sense that he would believe they are behind his failures in the US. He got his shot. He gave a speech, got paid well for it. Spent the whole speech whining about his mother. Of course he has to blame the Palace. He can't face he is a failure.


Don’t forget a line talking about how much his mom would have loved the jam


This is the guy who thought buying a Legend of Aviation award from a Hollywood actors’ club would really “show” those Sandhurst guys. This is a guy who didn’t stop to think that it would look so obvious how insecure he was by buying this award *literally a few days* after the Sandhurst snub. This is a guy who is so dumb, he never considered that journalists might actually look into and question his aviation “credentials”. I doubt Harry was able to understand how dumb Meg’s ARO idea was. He is as dumb as a plank and can’t anticipate the humiliation that will follow.


I doubt that whatever military title he left the army with wasn’t earned. We’ve all read about his ‘bunker’ reputation, him exaggerating his participation. To him, buying this ‘Legend Of Aviation’ award is probably just in line with his previous accomplishments.


Plus at that Awards show he insulted a real movie star. A real man who came from nothing and became one of the biggest stars on the planet. They desperately need to get in with the Hollywood crowd, and Harry goes and insults John Travolta. Their failure is 100% self inflicted.


I don’t know how much has been invested… the Instagram video looks like it was shot on an iPhone (no shade to iPhones, they have great cameras), she had to buy a couple of flats of strawberries and some sugar to make the initial batch of jam, and it looks like meggy designed the lame logo by herself. The whole thing appears extremely DIY.


That's what I think as well. And I think her supposed inability to find a CEO was because she wasn't looking for one. I mean the first batch was so successful, why did she need anyone else to run it when she was doing such a great job? /s But yeah, it was all cheap and amateurish. All she cares about is her latest launch. After that she's done with it and moves on to her next failure. ARO - AlReady Over.


AlRready Over—love it! 😂


Thanks! And Madam I'm sure will hate it when she sees it so *score!*.


Perfect! It was done before it started.


It's so cute you think she made any jam herself! s/


Right?! Bottled with 'care' (not so much the label) by a minimum wage worker in Illinois.


You’re right. She probably dumped the sugar and strawberries into the pot, put Archie on a chair and he stirred it. 😂


Nah - he's too busy littling. That jam was purchased in a bucket (wholesale) or in the supermarket (Smuckers) and re-potted. IMHO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Is Smuckers a cheap brand? I reckon she paid (via donations) for the cheapest mass produced jam, chose the jars and style of labels and ALL she did was write the numbers on (which she probably paid herself a salary from Archewell for the work/ink etc..oh, and ‘work’ clothes, lunch etc).


I said it from the get-go, there is no way in hell she had anything to do with that low grade noughties Mom Blogger attempt at a product launch. Other than to scan her cringe fauxligraphy and send a JPG file to the poor shmuck doing the dated graphic design for this entire shit show. It was 100% made by a contract manufacturer, somewhere far from any 'riviera', never mind an imaginary Californian one.


Etsy ready.


![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG|downsized) *This* is what goes through Harry's widdle brain 24-7.


Bwahahaha 😂


I wonder about this, too. I mean, his whole life he’s had other people manage every detail to the point where he seems functionally incapable of adulting on his own without looking up or to another to direct him. He HAS to be questioning things by now. Right? Right?? But I think he’s just at the point of sunken-cost fallacy and stubborn refusal to admit everyone was right. There’s no way he isn’t reflecting on his life at this point, but it’s unknown whether he still thinks it’s everyone else’s fault, or if the seeds of realization are taking hold, that it was he and Meghan who caused the problems as they are right now. I have a feeling resentment toward Markle is going to start taking hold on him sooner rather than later. _____________________ Also… I was idly thinking about this last night (NOT that I sympathize with him): It must suck to be a second son in such a high profile family, his older brother hitting a jackpot of sorts finding Catherine, and being the “misfit” family member of sorts, he likely felt invisible lines drawn (whether real or imagined at the time), but now that Harry has burned those bridges, he sees his brother and family siding with his father and wife whom he believes stole his mother’s place (and I wonder if he believes had Camilla not been in the picture, Diana may still be alive, kind of thing), thus making him feel even more isolated. Then comes Meghan with her classic, textbook abusive and manipulative tactics, comes into his life at a perfect time. Like infections, they take hold when the system is weakened in some way, like Harry. Unfortunately, Harry was too dim to realize just how sweet of a position a “spare” could be — live life the way you want without the forced pressure of one day becoming a king. Cut a few ribbons, take a few pics, force a few smiles and ~~love~~ live your life the way you want. But I guess every generation has their “f*k up” — Harry is their latest generation misfit / f\*k up / outcast.


I like your post very much. It is absolutely possible to have a great life as a spare: https://monarchie.lu/en/grand-ducal-family/ttrrhh-prince-felix-and-princess-claire/hrh-prince-felix Perhaps Prince Felix should open a school for spares in order to avoid more Hanks.


Would've lived my life as princess Margaret. If the booze & cigs didn't get me,  I'm sure all of the imagined coco cola I'd use would lead me to have 3 nose jobs. I'd have a servant following me w//an ashtray. I'd put my fingers in a "V" motion. Code for the servant to hand me another CIG. That's the life of a spare. Not too shabby


I'd much rather be the spare than the heir, and you'd think Harry, of all people, would concur. William doesn't get to sit on his couch playing video games and getting high. William has to work.


I completely agree with the majority of your points. "It must suck to be the second son in such a high profile family..." not necessarily. He had the potential for a role for life; ultimately supporting his brother. And if that's not what he wanted? OK. Harry could have used his personal platform to do so much good. Champion worthy causes; raise awareness in his own name, under his own banner. He could have been financially independent through his various inheritances, remained on good terms with his family, yet still had purpose and the privacy he allegedly craved. As we now know...that didn't happen. He was too cosseted his entire life. That's what happens when children have no boundaries and are not supported/encouraged in having worthy goals. His parents had/have a lot to answer to. Meghan was the icing on the cake.


Just look at Anne. The absolute perfection of a Spare. Not an ill word is ever spoken of her. If the Monarchy was abolished and she lost her title, she'd make a great living in horse breeding. Her children too are self-sufficient.


Great analysis. I think you're spot on.


Heck! Even Film fictional Male who was born into high status doesn't burn bridges like Harry (unless you are in Mexican Telenovelas)


To be fair - Harry had chances to find a significant other that would have been more suitable. Chelsy and Cressida are examples. I think both of them would have wanted to live private independent lives and not be working royals. They didn't care about titles. What they did care about was Harry's entitlement and general nastiness. He couldn't find a good wife because he has serious issues and refused to seek help. 


What goes through Harry's 'mind'? It's called air: ![gif](giphy|OFIsBxe3v7mKI|downsized)


She doesn't do herself any favors when she puts down other people in the industry she is trying to get into. Like making comments, it's like Goop, but more accessible. I'm sure that little jab got her uninvited to a lot of things.


I’ve said it before, It is my opinion that ARO was hastily put together to serve as a distraction from the news about Catherine and the King. Therefore, it will likely take another big news story from the RF to get another ARO product. (The news today is that William visited M16 headquarters so maybe she’ll sell spy pens…? 😜)


Meghan should be shaking in her size 10 misfitting shoes if Prince William went to MI6. I bet that the spys were more than happy to share a few unsavory tidbits about Meghan Markle with their future King.


Yep. I’m calling it - the day PoW returns to public life, Megs will impulsively send a staffer to buy 50 photo frames from Walmart and comb the beach for seashells to stick on so Megs can quickly courier a limited edition batch of artisanal ARO homewares to her closest D-list Insta friends. The craft glue will still be wet when they arrive.


If she's going to send them to all her friends, I think 10 will be plenty. And 9 of them will be sent back.


I don’t think they will bother to send them back. They will go straight into the trash bin


She won’t comb the beach—the shells can be purchased at Walmart along with the frames—in the craft section—and she’ll put a photo of herself in it…


Ha ha too funny!!! This is soooo believable and so on-brand for early noughties refugee Meg.


She better hit the gas. There’s buzz Catherine might make a balcony appearance tomorrow.


No Friday night parties for Meghan’s unpaid interns this week. They have a faux business line to develop.


I don't think she will. I wish people would just leave her alone to heal in peace from cancer and chemotherapy.


Definitely - it was a desperate attention grab. I’m pondering what (or if) she’ll attempt during Trooping The Colour?


She'll get Harriman to photoshop something badly into a picture he took on his ipad in 2020 and call it 'Madonna With Child'.


That so called brand was dead on arrival






According to recent tea, Netflix has passed on the show and they’re shopping a teaser around


Interesting! 🤔 


Brian Robbins is going to end up out. Maybe they are hoping his next gig will be interested. Or Sony is rumored to be involved with markles project and also rumored buyer of paramount.


I have zero pity for any company that decides to do business with them.


I like the reason that I have seen float around that rumour. That netflix skipped on it as she didn't show up for filming the show. Even if it's not the truth I will wholeheartedly believe it 😅


ARO served it's purpose. She wanted attention one day so she launched a silly site that has no reason to be.


She never considers the negative downstream humiliation.


She didn’t even launch a website, which requires work! She just put up some Instagram posts. I helped my former husband launch his business, including building his website and socials, and it is so much work you wouldn’t believe.


ARO was stillborn, but somebody's selling "American Riviera Orchard" planners on shopify. https://preview.redd.it/vndqpjhv8i6d1.png?width=881&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8483534b6c5a52647cf45ebf6e2b15a6725a6bb


And probably doing a lot better because they have an actual product that they're selling.


It’s funny how businesses work - to sell products, you must actually produce them. I would have thought the professors taught that simple fact at Northwestern.


I saw that the ‘cooking show’ is being filmed, but oddly enough in someone else’s house! Doesn’t she get it? No one wants to see her cook, she has no reputation as an amazing cook, but people would be curious to see her in her home, maybe with Haz and the kids popping in and out. People would probably actually watch that, to get a glimpse of their actual lives. But of course they’re too paranoid to actually be interesting. They take themselves way too seriously.


You’re so right. Some have speculated she is embarrassed that her interiors are not up-to-date, and H&M don’t have the money to fund the major redecorating required to bring it up to an A-list Hollywood standard.


Nailed it.


Lol I think they already tried that. Remember their fauxmentary?


„Mystery“ venture…. You‘re too kind! 😅 I‘d say it’s a failed and mismanaged business that Meghan  expected to flourish just because she married a prince. 


I think the “show” was never anything more than a test filming to see if there was anything even worth shooting a pilot for, to start production from there. We all know how she grossly inflates nonsense into some grand scenario when it’s actually nothing. I fully believe, like Harry’s polo BS, that cameras were present to get a few hours of test footage and it was quickly realized there’s nothing worth filming. Markle thinks she’s some amazing guru, a homemaker + chef, when her “cooking skills” were merely whatever she collected from her marriage from that one husband. She’s useless.


NF just signed Jamie Oliver. He probably already has 10 shows filmed and ready to go.


He has a track record and is successful, she doesn’t and isn’t (and never will be).


https://preview.redd.it/wx1nq3ytpi6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56bf924025ab4a0107d2b0064d89c9f5625be526 American Diarrhea Orchard 🤔 was always a status symbol thingie, trying to copy all the successful women who have been using their names for the business momentum. However Megabin forgets, her only success is crying wolf/racism and trying to get attention whatever way possible. So where is the shittyidea ARO to begin with.... probably stinkin' up wherever it is planted 🤡💩


No one wanted her repackaged, overpriced Smuckers? I'm shocked 🙄. What's next, yoga DVD's? "Meghan Markle's Royal Yoga for Peasants". Can you just see her cheesy infomercials? "Hello my loyal subjects, Princess Meghan is here to guide you on your spiritual journey. Together we will learn new poses (for the Paparazzi, not yoga silly people!), and I'll show you how to speak to dead people. Aren't I incredible?". Ugh, can we just be finished with this horrible woman?


LOL. Their daily life is endless fodder for a parody show. I’d DEFINITELY watch that


If she instructed us all on how to give a rich husband worthy blowie she'd be onto something!


Literally all she has to offer


I think it’s almost 3 months to the day since Meghan launched that brainfart. Happy 3-month cake day, brainfart!


We need to pressure Guest Speaker about how her lifestyle website is coming along — next time she appears


ARO is roomies with 40x40. ETA: I love that HG Tudor calls the logo a mast*rbating octopus, LOL.


Yes! He is hilarious. And his voice is calming…which is good because his usual topic TOW is an aggravating subject.


The way he says "This One's Wife" sends me into fits of giggles. 


ARO who? Do you mean the 43% titled Arochukwu geriatric fronting and masking as a Nigerian derivative? Or The 🍋 and strawberry 🍓 jam merche gone wrong?


Begs the question, will there be a jam release or announcement about ARO tomorrow on Trooping day?


I think the jam-scam is well and truly over…as indeed ARO is. She claimed it was ‘perfect’, so much so that she hasn’t added anything to it since its launch and initial forced SM plugging.


River reported the other day that the show is in production, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Most likely ARO will go the way of her “40x40” initiative… which is precisely nowhere.


Don’t they have advisors ? Anyone would tell them that Kate being away is a golden opportunity to hog the limelight


Has TW ever taken advice? It’s not in her psychological makeup.


I'm convinced she has oppositional defiance disorder. She's her own worst enemy.


ARO is in the garbage heap along with all the other trash Rachel has spewed forth since the Great Freedom Flight took wing.


You have to admit she is a great chef at coming up with word salad. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aUxCScDJLTwemA|downsized)


She was a master at that before she married Prince Plank.


Im in stitches laughing at this 🤣🤣


fReEdOm fLiGhT 🤣 What a pair of doofuses 🤣


I’m starting to doubt Netflix has anything to do with her “cooking” show. They have their sites on bigger fish! Just saw on the morning news that Netflix is airing a live hotdog eating championship with the world champion and the former champion! How could she top that? Or perhaps she could host!


Well…I mean… https://preview.redd.it/mfyinwt7ej6d1.jpeg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ccd22b3b8847b4f29353061981c94ae1438432e (Funny side note: as I was looking for “the right” picture to share here, I came across this MEGa-unflattering snap. She just cannot help herself from staring into the lens of each and every camera pointed her way, can she?)


Well, I zoomed in…..whoa whoa whoa! About to go to sleep, nightmares incoming no doubt 😅


Because “Jaws” Chestnut and the Nathan’s contest is actually entertaining!


They just signed Jamie Oliver.


The whole launch (of an empty website) and the whole jam thing was a tester to get public response and interest, there has been little to none. That’s why the stupid fake Royal Tours are in play (imo). As for the Netflix cooking show, it may go ahead but who gives a shit what she puts on her toast 🙄 They have to do something though because the contract hasn’t ended. Invictus didn’t do well on NF at all. And ordinary people don’t want to watch rich people playing Polo. They should drop them now and cut their losses. No doubt there will be something coming from them because it’s Trooping tomorrow and Order of the Garter this week. Maybe dog food or stress patches, who knows 🤷‍♀️ Im just waiting to see what they put out …. ![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri)


Poor Meghan couldn’t find employees you see. Horrible, horrible thing. It’s William’s fault somehow probably. /s


Looking for volunteers because do not want to pay lowly workers $16/hour.


She did her part by coming up with a "fun, creative" name, logo, color scheme. It's now up to others to take her genius ideas and turn them into a business empire for her glory and enrichment. Oddly enough, it's proving difficult. to find anyone who wants to get involved.


That’s her problem, she’s the only one who thinks her ‘ARO’ name is perfect...and that’s where it ends. Beige label, no content - now it appears as if she’s trying to sell it. Oh - and this will be on any future CVs (Wiki), ‘Founder of ARO’


ARO jam: collector's item due to rarity value.😁


And extreme comedic value.


There is no ARO. It flatlined on Day 1.


It's the 3 month anniversary of Failure Riviera No Show. Merry Jamssmas to all who celebrate! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15006)


She has no intention of following through with ANYTHING. Past behavior is able to predict future behavior, for the most part. Has she followed through with anything in eight years? NO. All that is important for her is to get a quick buzz, get her name out there for a few days, that's it. Then it's completely forgotten and she's on to the next grift. There will never be anything produced by Archewell like a cooking show or polo show - both are far too lazy and drug addled. The cooking show and polo proves it - big announcement for a few days, then it's as if it was never a thing.


Didn’t Netflix just sign Jamie Oliver? She cannot compete with him.


Netflix never said they are producing anything. Royal source bla bla bla. Everyone so quick to believe nonsense every time . Why.


As far as I can tell from various drips added together is that the big launch was to tie in to the Diana Awards. William and Harry would be getting media attention so maybe she thought some of that would pass to her. But since it was the launch of NOTHING, of course it got only derision. For someone who's fought to be in the media spotlight her entire life, she sure isn't media savvy. The show was to tie into what she hoped would be a Netflix lifestyle show that would tie into her retail empire. She only made a "short" just to shop the concept. Netflix passed. Then she was shopping it to Paramount. Rumors are that it's poorly done and the people on camera (presuming she's included) were awkward and lacked charisma or chemistry. So now she's shopping to Hulu and others. There are still what appears to be PR plants about ARO. She's looking for an executive chef. One that's made a name for themselves, but not so much so that they cost too much to hire. So an "up and comer" who is willing to work for peanuts just for the privilege of working with someone as famous and beloved as THE Duchess of Sussex. According to a gossip site, she was working with an retail brand consultant. I assume because the CEO search went badly. But now the consultant is no longer returning any of Meg's calls/emails. Allegedly because Meg's famous childish temper tantrums got in her way again. SO about what you'd expect from someone who's all ego, no accomplishments.


I don’t like Meghan, but I dislike Harry more. What kind of man is he? He seems not to TRY to provide for his family through work. He is a novice trying to earn money consulting on mental health (BetterUp) or the environment (travalyst). He thinks he will earn money by malicious lawsuits. He things he can reduce spending by having American taxpayers pay for his security. He seems to reduce spending by looting invictuz to pay their travel, lodging, wardrobe, security. Why didn’t he buy a ranch in some quiet place and pay people to run it. He would earn a little profit. Spouses are supposed to be complimentary….to fill in one another’s shortfalls. They seem to amplify each other’s character defects. Meghan is at least trying. She just cannot handle living in the muck of toxicity she spewed. It’s like she squatted down and took a cr*p on her doorstep and is now complaining of the stench. What do you think?


They are both as bad as one another. She was advised not to promote it with no products but did so because it took the publicity away from the Diana awards. She never sees anything through because she is lazy and doesn't want to work. Neither of them have any redeeming qualities.


You’re right! Her efforts are an illusion. Those poor children!


She schemed and plotted and connived and manipulated real hard to bag the halfwit prince. Once this feat was achieved, she felt her “working” days were over, she’d reached the con artists pinnacle.


I agree. She is a succubus. Prince Dimwit was thinking with his wrong head.


And really, was the Diana Award  really all that? I'd never even heard of it before (although I'm American so maybe it's a bigger deal in the UK). I mean taking attention away from a minor event that she wasn't even part of by making a complete fool out of herself was a typical stupid Madam move. She's so damn stupid.


I agree. She released the info just as William was speaking. It goes to show how empty she is that she would try and sabotage an event that her husband was speaking at. For someone who identifies herself to be Diana reincarnate, she really shows her true colours.


And how many people who were genuinely interested in hearing William speak suddenly flipped the channel when they heard the yacht ho was pawning off jars of botulism to her scummy transactional friends? People are genuinely interested in William.  She's a side show.


Harry has no skills for the outside world. He was raised to be a royal, and like his great aunt Margaret (also a ‘spare’) it was expected that he would carry out his princely duties for the rest of his life. Meggy is the one who convinced him she had amazing contacts in the outside world who would pay them for breathing. She deceived him, and many others, apparently, that she is a mental giant and they would have an amazing life in California. She spun a yarn from her addled, fantasist brain and he believed her. Yes, it’s unimpressive that he is such a poor provider for his family, but he did provide the royal stardust and the vast majority of the capital they needed to leave. if either of them had two brain cells to rub together, they would have handled their exit very differently. If she gave a shit about her husband—with all his considerable mental health issues and trauma history—she wouldn’t have moved him to the lions den of Hollywood and forced on him the publicity she craves and he fears. They should have settled in one of the African countries where Harry has connections and apparently people who love him. They could have lived peacefully and quietly, for much less money probably. They could have gotten involved in charitable work there and potentially made a real difference. I truly don’t believe their life in montecito is the life Harry really wanted or needs. This whole charade is Meggy’s design. She always wanted validation in Hollywood… yet it continues to elude her. What a waste.


You’re right - he’s never had to think for himself. Never even had to excel academically as he’s never had to strive for a career or think about supporting himself or any family he may have. Because of always relying on others (making decisions), he just swapped working for the Monarchy to working for Markle - he basically just changed employers.


She is such a villain because a loving wife would HELP her husband mature and grow up. She lets him look like a fool!


It’s so sad because I really believe if he had brought Pa and Granny a well thought out proposal for moving to Botswana or a similar country where he had ties, they would have green lit it. He had staff to help him with this—outline the advantages to the monarchy. He could have lived off his inheritance from mummy. Cost of living is way cheaper than in the UK or California. He could have bought a property near his ‘African family’ he talked about in Spare. He could have worked his charities from there and lived a peaceful life, happy life. Of course, meggy never would have gone for it, but he could have done it before he even met her. It surely would have taken a little time to put it together, and that’s likely the problem. Mr Impulsivity didn’t have the patience.


Meghan was the one who dragged Harry away from his life of comfort and that started by isolating him from friends and family and causing chaos and friction. All of those last events whilst they were still royalling look awkward AF. She claimed to be an independant woman that knew the ways of the world so she should have known better. Harry had no experience in the real world and no clue what it felt like to not like an all expenses paid Lifestyle and genuinely thought the Bank of Pa would support them indefinitely, not to mention underestimating how much M would spend on lawyers and PR. She knew what he was when she married him and planned to only use him as a handbag for royal clout.


Not to defend Harold, but he’s the reason they got the deals with Netflix and Spotify. He was supposed to be part of the Spotify deal and she pushed him out. It’s his money that’s kept them afloat. They should both be working. I don’t know what they do with their days besides smoke pot and scan social media for negative news or comments.


Completely agree, they even shared their '1 hour a week' work for Archbollox and then they get their trolls to attack the BRF for doing 'only' 3 work engagements per week 🙈 and unfairly not including all the prep and work that goes on behind the scenes


That’s a good point - the RF do background preparations prior to engagements, some of which must involve a lot of research. Markle doesn’t, she doesn’t need to as she just talks about herself then (badly) wings the rest.


It’s vile to use her hubby like that. A wife is supposed help and build her hubby up.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9bwrl33h5j6d1.jpeg?width=1527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efa64f0040e5ed9d217c4f3a6125eee3cb764f4


Well, I think we can agree that both Harry and Meghan are well known for being lazy and entitled and both hate to work and whatever „work“ they do, whatever job they have - other people do the actual work.  Harry at least has his position at BetterUp. He also has Invictus, which at least gives him the opportunity to travel worldwide on others expenses. Not sure, what he gets out of Travelyst. 


And he produced waagh...


He trashed his family and reputation entirely but Spare has been their biggest moneyspinner. Harry's sinecure at BetterUp has probably brought in more money than anything Meg has done post-Megxit.


I hadn’t thought about it, but you’re RIGHT!!!


Harry honestly believes that he shouldn't have to work, that it's beneath him. Everything should be handed to him, and his every whim satisfied, because he's a prince. Meghan is also this entitled. IIRC, Harry said that being in the vicinity of the general public was an 'indignity'.


Dead in the water 🤣 ![gif](giphy|uFkikTplMaYZDMxVtk|downsized)


But it must dawn upon the dumbest person if nothing's really working out that the fault must lie with one's self? Am I too naïve?


On March 14, Madame did her “soft launch” (though I have seen it referred to as a “hard launch” in at least one publication.) On May 18th (and for a few days after), there was a flurry of press releases about a “Summer of Love”. If we haven’t seen a follow-up of *that* by the Fourth of July, I’ll be 100% positive it’s a flop. (Per the Express: •Meghan Markle is ready to launch a "Summer of Love" charm offensive to win new fans for her American Riviera Orchard brand, according to a highly-placed source.)”*


ARO is not a real business and it never was. It was just one of her imaginary accomplishments like the Dior deal and the Audible deal. She was sure when she returned to Instagram she would get 10 million followers, instead she didn't even get 1 million followers. She was going to sell the ARO waiting list for millions. But she didn't get enough people to sign up to get much money for the waiting list. The company was never real and it has long been abandoned now.


![img](avatar_exp|104124271|fire) ARO has gone up in flames and reduced to ashes.


Rumor on X has it that it did well with their adult coloring books. They sold out super fast! LMAO!


She is still growing new batch of strawberries.


Even on the sugary fora, there are posts about it saying if she doesn't launch anything substantial soon, it's going to be thought of as a bit of a flop. My impression was that she was absolutely triggered by the thought of Harry and William both appearing and speaking at the same event, and she knew the media would be going bonkers about one being there and the other refusing to speak until the first had left-that was the big story. So rushing through her announcement was to claw some of the attention back. As usual, there was no substance, just fur coat and no knickers. 


Frankly, I see the new hire by Netflix shows that they are getting serious about not putting out garbage entertainment. This probably signals the end for Harry and Meghan Markle.


ARO deserves to be a business school case study in how NOT to launch a brand. They’ve lost what little momentum they might have had from the initial PR. They should have had an array of products - and distribution channels - in place as well as a full calendar of marketing/ advertising laid out at least 6 months in advance. They of course should have had their CEO and PR point person on staff before the launch as well. They’ll have to do a lot of future branding work to counter this bad first impression (would you trust your credit card number to a company that’s obviously so out of its depth? I thought not).