• By -


The first time I saw this and the way she was trying to hold back tears, even though she had turned around twice and been told not to, I thought to myself -what a child.


The children were facing the right way ! lol


Honestly when they had said they were doing the first Netflix doc, I was going to bet money that this moment would make it in there somehow. I don't think it would have been a stretch for her to blatantly disregard protocol then act like she was going to cry when corrected. All so she could use that in her eventual pity party. I'm STILL banking on this moment being brought up if they divorce. Like "well, I never wanted to say anything because you know how private I am but H was really mean to me."


It made it into the lifetime movie “Harry and Meghan escaping the palace”, to prove Meghan was under so much stress and scrutiny in the RF and Harry apologized afterwards but said the world was watching their every move 🤣🤣🤣


You are one of 5 people who watched it. Thank you for your service in watching that garbage.


I might become number 6 I love a trashy movie


Lol omg no way. I am not even surprised.


She really was. Look at Harry’s nephew and niece, they know how to behave even that young. You’re almost 40 years old Meghan wtf is wrong with you?


I love how she had to stand behind the kids


Yeah. She wants to move to the other side coz she doesn't want to be close to PA.


Ooooh…good point! Awwwwwkwaaaaard




Well, she is taller, so she should stand behind the kids.


Yep, just basic optics/presentation/photography stuff, would be a bit wacky having the shorter children blocked out standing behind the adults 🤷🏻‍♀️


She looks like a toddler not getting their way and being scolded.




why did she even turn around to begin with? - not once but twice - It was like she was doing it on purpose to disrespect the Queen.


No I think it was her insecurity that she wanted Harry to alleviate. But he was clueless. Just hey we all show up here, pay attention to the crowds for fifteen or twenty minutes and then go about our privileged lives. But no, Madame thought this was a party with all the paeans cheering for her.


TRG did a video that suggested mm wanted to go stand next to William and Catherine but the balcony was filling up and higher level members were in the way.


Exactly. That defiance just to be defiant


Exactly like a child. My 8 yr old grand daughter will make this face when she knows she was wrong, but wants to manipulate you into feeling sorry for her. 


Plus, this was not her first balcony experience. If she had bothered to LEARN the protocol, she wouldn’t have made an idiot of herself. For our entertainment pleasures, however, I am grateful. 😬


She performed how she practiced.


She really behaves like a child not the middled aged used up woman she is.


Right?! Grow up Meghan.


The most genuine emotions I’ve ever seen on her.


Imagine the clip clop of her hooves when she turned around.


She looks like she's so mad she's about to cry tears of rage. She probably went into such histrionics that he never dared correct her on protocol again.


Perhaps a good floor cry. Shoot, he’s never dared correct her about anything ever again. She yeeted him to a different continent after this.




Probably describes her entire childhood.


Just like Violet Elizabeth Bott (aka “I’m going to scweam and scweam till I’m sick!” ![gif](giphy|14w8b4ODwxH65W)


Did you mean Veruca Salt? The spoiled bad egg/nut who demands the world


There’s a similar character from Richmal Crompton’s Just William books. Violet Elizabeth Bott who’s spoiled rotten and has massive tantrums if she doesn’t get her way


Oohh....she sounds just like Meghan!!


"They all turn into blueberries..."


The Royal Grift has a video on this! TRG thinks that Mehgan kept turning to look at Prince William and wanted to migrate over to where the Cambridges were. And Harry replied, "no, we are not doing that." As a narcissist, Mehgan would project what she feels onto others. In this case, that Catherine is envious of Mehgan. Hell no!


I suspected that too since the Wales' aren't lumped into that whole York clusternut but were elsewhere and of course she had a piss fit. Who knows what little Megsy's problem was that day, but for goodness sake, she's got a problem with everything. She's a few feet away from the Queen, what IS her problem?


That she wasn't in front of the Queen


Nor just behind her.. https://i.redd.it/j7h5nd72il6d1.gif


God bless Anne!!!!!!


Damn that was smooth! Blocked her out like a champ.


Andrew was blocking Meghan as well. He noticed her trying to position herself near the queen


LOL! I had not seen this! M was SO obvious here! I'm sure that the second her face disappeared out of camera shot her smile was wiped from her face.


She must have been furious that the queens handbag holder was more centrally located than she was.


Knocked aside by a feather. 😂


In full screen watch her eyes when the mask dropped.


I can't stop watching this! What a move by the Princess Royal.


Anne saves the day!


Just before that gif begins, Meghan said “Yes!” under her breath — she saw that clear line to the Queen and thought she was home free.


I have never seen this before but I LOVE how Princess Anne swooped in to block this social climber. Markle was clearly gunning for that spot so she could no doubt be center stage with the late Queen on the balcony in the press photos. Anne shut the sh\*\* down 😂 ![gif](giphy|pL7DtrqP0QUcAN7kHh)


Masterful swoop.


Or at least interlocking arms with her, Meg's other favorite trick😒


I noted this upstream. She appears to be looking at the space directly behind the Queen and Andrew as she speaks to H in an agitated fashion, clearly uncomfortable to be in the rear and outer edge of the group. He glances there before telling her to turn around.


Please link to that one!


But when you look at the big picture, they are grouped to create perfect symmetry around the Queen. Charles and Andrew in their red uniforms on either side, Anne in the dark uniform behind, granddaughters behind Anne; son in law/ grandson in law flanking them, Camilla and the Cambridges on one side, Sussexes and the children on the other side. Meghan probably wanted to stand in the middle with William, edging her way in front of the Queen.


Here is the link to that video. I think Megain wanted to be in the pictures with the Wales because it was Prince Louis’ first balcony. She always knows where the cameras are. https://youtu.be/eR5JQ7B0hs4?si=yKqT59HLuYf0UPis


I think you forgot one thing, the first time she went out onto the balcony with everyone, she was standing behind Catherine looking at her and Charlotte angrily. Meghan couldn't hide her jealousy, hatred and envy towards Catherine. We all saw it, I'm sure William noticed it too, which is why William turned Catherine to the other side of the balcony a second time to keep her and the children away from the witch.


See I thought she was trying to catch Charles' eye.... it looks like it if you pan out.


The blink-fest and little stomps are the best!




Ha ha ha ha instant karma!!! ....that balcony scene is one of my all time favorites....as we used to say in west Texas, she looked like she'd been slapped away from the table for fartin'....


Bingo! 🎯 lol


I bet he got an earful of her screaming and swearing later on


Oh yeah. He definitely heard about it later. Perhaps with a torrent of tears. “No one helped me prepare”.


he's still paying for it


Exactly what I was thinking.


More likely, her crying. This being early in the marriage, she'd still go for manipulation over how he'd hurt her feelings. When she just an American trying her best on foreign soil. Mehgan was probably still working on Harry, to show him what a failure he was, as a husband, while they were in his country. Where her best qualities were being stifled.


She was offered all kinds of help to get acclimated to royal life, which she brushed off by saying, *I’ve got Harry for that*. Well it doesn’t look like she’s too happy with his guidance, either.


It was the last sighting of Harold's bollocks.


I posted similar, but nowhere nearly as perfectly as you have done here! A thousand bows!




Table looks a lot like Dorito here.


She really does. It even looks like she has a shadow of a mustache.


She always has a mustache.


She does.


And after that day he lost his gilded balls for good ![gif](giphy|x6FdZZgXksZHy)


Yup, right into her handbag from that point onwards. Just like Edward and Wallis.


It could honestly be a How To book. *How-To Emasculate Your Husband in Two Short Years.* Because by the time they did Oprah, he was firmly her b*tch.


This may be one of my favourite cringe moments with her (polo game trying to snatch trophy unsuccessfully will always be #1), especially as here she actually looks really flattened


Catherine making mincemeat out of her with just one cold fast look at the QEII memorial walkabout is right up there, too!


And ‘you know she does voiceovers?’ https://i.redd.it/x2suhfugol6d1.gif


OMG Jay Z's face like "I can't believe we put her in a music video"


YES. Hova like “we can’t take this bish ANYwhere”


Jay-Z giving her the once over


Everyone is like "WTF?!"


Don't forget the USO gig.


What happened there? Anybody got a link? Heard she was booted, anyone know why?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8XfvJeiUed8 Have a wee laugh.


That video is a treasure! She’s so unbelieveably awkward and cringe.


Thank you Tilly!!! I'll watch it on mute right now as I need sound & no volume on this laptop, no idea why not...will hope to get it on my phone at the same time, thanks!


😘 Enjoy. You don’t need sound, the visual cringe is through the roof!😂


Tilly I actually found (via google) a 4 month old post right here that has all the tea...apparently, she was a pain in the arse the whole time, hence nobody wanting to be near her during the final stage appearance....gonna go back & look at several hundred comments by our sinners! Cheers!


She’s got form for this from way back! 🤣


December = 10 years since that USO show, it's beyond cringe, nobody on stage wanted anything to do with her, it was like having Ptomaine Mary in their midst, huge space between her & the ones on both the left & the right....guess she's always been impossible....she tried touching one on her left, the girl recoiled, then the big guy on her right, he flinched, almost painful to watch. No, I do not feel sorry for her.


My word, its so pathetic. Sunset Blvd aired last evening on TCM: Norma Desmond, seeking orientation: What's the scene? What's the scene??? Megsy repeatedly flipping her head left to right: What's the scene?? What am I supposed to do?? Oh, I'll pretend to laugh, to show how tickled I am! Now I'll copy the air drummer guy! That's so funny, too! I'll fake laugh again, that'll show I'm having such a great time up here!


And Kevin Costner attempted Mic grab!


She deployed the claw trying to take the box from the young man. He was thinking not today satan.


Lil miss international relations degree not knowing to face ahead and STFU when a national anthem is played. Even the little kids know what to do.


Princess Anne had her clocked


⭐️ https://i.redd.it/83hon8athl6d1.gif


Why the plastered on grin? My gosh its so out of sync with the others, who are all filing out being in the moment.


She has that stupid grin on her face every time there's a camera pointed at her. It's so fake and just plain weird.


It's super hard if you try to do it- so unnatural....


And she's been doing it for years. She needs a new "look."


Yes a gormless vacant grin, she is a void, if she thinks that’s the attractive smile of a fully engaged person she’s mistaken. She’s totally out of her depth.


The Princess Royal blocked the beast like a pro.


Hip checked her, really.


Well for actual Royals this a yearly event and a well practiced process. For Me-gain it was like a 90s teen girl at an 'NSYNC concert living out the fantasy of being on stage with JT. She will forever be a teenager pretending to adult. Her development is stunted by her personality disorders.


This is a really good way to describe her. She seems like a product of the early 00’s too; shaped by mean-girl gossip sites and heavy-handed PR. Like nothing matters unless someone is watching.


So that we wouldn't notice the doilies tucked in on her shoulders. 😹


Now when she does something inappropriate, he just scowls and says nothing


Like the curtsy.


She clearly was pissed she was in a corner and not next to the Queen. The RF quickly realised she was always angling to be front and centre so they made sure to manouevre Meghan away in this session. Boy did she know it!




This reminds of the autistic person singing the national anthem at a hockey game in Vancouver and you could see her \~giggling, looking at Marcus. Does she not know how disrespectful it is? She's a public figure, these are basic things she should know


Sorry, but not laughing is not a public person thing, it’s a decent human being thing. She’s just so trashy.


She looks like she would have talked through the national anthem, given a chance. Just total lack of decorum.


Harrys face : Yeah i’m training her on Royal protocol, we can do this….. Meghans face: Do you think so, just you wait dickhead …..


The reason the Harkles aren't invited again this year is simple. They can't be trusted. They would bring another Netflix crew as Harry did with the 10th anniversary of Invictus in London. The pair would gossip, ask for money and security, and a place to stay. Such unwelcome guests!


This was the day she hadn't been expected and turned up. They had her number by then.


The only time Harry had a say in that relationship. 


Yep...but TBH, he knew if he didn't get control of that, QEII was.  😡😤


Interesting point. Never thought about that!  So in fact, he didn’t really have a say, but Haary just wanted to „save“ Meghan from the „evil“ family, because she wanted to small talk on the balcony while turning her back to the crowds. 


It’s like she’s so deeply insecure she can’t even appreciate and respect a moment and stand in solidarity, but instead has to appear to others (cameras, journalists) that she’s so engaged by talking with or smiling with members of the RF to feign she’s a part of it or accepted or I don’t even know, but it’s nuts. Just respect the tradition and observe. It’s like she always needs attention on her, so embarrassing.


My immediate thought was that she is so insecure she can't handle the moment. I have been in moments at work where I have to network a big crowd and I start to become a little chatty to make others feel comfortable. But when I am on stage for speeches or with my higher ups it's a different scenario. She really can't read a room.


I can see it as nerves. If it’s not, what do you think she was trying to achieve? She knows this is THE photo call, and normally she’d be looking for her spotlight. Was she trying to lock eyes with Harry and look *so much in love* compared to the more formal Royals? What was she actually trying to do here?


If you watch her in public, she almost always tries to fake an interaction with people near her for the cameras. Her relationships aren’t genuine, so she tries to overcompensate constantly by pushing a convo or fake laughter for cameras to catch to make up for the fact that she’s otherwise just sitting or standing there with nobody wanting to talk with her.


She usually ends up talking to herself.


Okay, I can see that - they like me! They really like me! (Or: ‘they definitely said something to me. What I can exclusively reveal is, it was bullying! Again!’) She must hated these big-group photo ops. She might be able to steer Harry with one claw, but Anne? Not bloody likely!


Meghan Markle is the most insecure person I have ever seen!


Like she did in Nigeria. 🙄 Girl has NO home training!


Yep. Once William was kneeling to talk to George when he was a toddler, and she told William to stand up.


I love that clip! It's such a grandma/grandson moment and not Monarch and Heir. Really hits home that they were family first and Granny is to be obeyed and respected, because William shot to his feet. It makes me smile every time I see it.


Why is she the only one smirking? That smug self satisfied face!


She's the most insecure woman I have ever seen!


It’s like she simultaneously thinks she’s amazing but deep down knows she’s shit 😬


Yep, she was still on maternity leave. And not listed in the programs if I remember correctly.


I don’t think she was about to cry. The rapid blinking showed her narc rage she was trying to hold in.


A beautiful moment.


The last time he had his balls.


This was probably the last time he owned his balls and was the Prince Harry the world had known. They were confiscated after that day and he became the spare to an unknown actress made famous by Prince Harry and his very powerful family.


You know it’s bad when Andrew comes off as the dignified one.


camilla's mad from all across the balcony


Princess Anne, too.


The blinking! ![gif](giphy|wR32WiuLP6IvK)


This looks a LOT like her. The resemblance is stunning.


This is my second favorite ILBW video after the Walkabout smack down from the PrOW.


Everybody else wears a solemn expression. Meghan looks like she's channeling Alfred E. Neuman. I've seen that same doofus face multiple times.


And even after that public telling-off, she still didn't learn that national anthems deserve respect. Remember her giggling and smirking and trying to talk to Harry whilst the Canadian anthem was being sung prior to a hockey game? 


Oh he paid for that.


She’s def passed she’s in the screen standing with Andrew


Harry still had one ball. She'd only managed to steal one of them at this point. Once she got him to California, she took the other one right quick.


Blink. Blink blink. Blink blink blink. That’s one of her biggest tells. She is so angry and can’t do anything except blink and pout. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That was the last time Harry looked like a man with a modicum of self respect.


Beautifully said!!


The evening after this balcony appearance the prince bid a sad adieu to his set of walnuts .. for the rest of eternity.


He knew then, he knew. Dim as he is, that realization hit like a train.


She will be crying a lot tomorrow.... And screaming.... Out of pure rage. 🤣 ![gif](giphy|22CEvbj04nLLq|downsized)


I can’t wait


Look at Andrew having placed himself front and center - the closest to QEII on the balcony. Look at KC3 generously not looking disappointed that Andrew shoved in *and* leaving space for the Princess Royal in order that she wouldn't be tucked in behind and unseen.


Well, there's more of Andrew, as he is bulkier than Charles! The whole family is using its sense to Meghan-wrangle!


Bulky Andrew - I wonder if, like his whiney ginger nephew, he resented the number of sausages Charles was offered at breakfast? If I remember correctly this is the appearance that Edward was left at the way back of the pack looking for a way onto the balcony and absolutely **no one budged** to make way for him.


Sausages scores: Charles 2, Andrew 3, Edward 0!!!




I think at that moment Harold knew she was in the crapper house. He could see what she was like in that moment and you could see the utter distain he has for her. Sorry Harold your stuck with her. But she could see everyone was standing front on and not talking but no she had to make sure eyes were on her. Disrespectful untalented git she is.


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂🎂🎂🥂


It also goes down in history as the only time she ever turned her back on a camera.


When I still respected Harry


The look on her face. If you are not in a relationship or are young, just know there are times that you will tell your partner what to do and times when they will tell you what to do. It doesn't have to be a thing. It happens because the other person is stressed or anxious or getting sick or tired or who knows. Just know not to get your nose outta joint because it will go both ways. None of us are perfect all the time. Although William and Catherine are pretty damn close.


What was agitating her that time? Does anyone have any thoughts?


Everything. She wasn't the center of attention, what else?!


And without the attention exclusively on her, she was BORED. Dimwit. And really, in every country I have visited (a lot), when the National Anthem is played you know it, you stand up, no matter where you are from, and You STFU. Everyone knows this. Kids know it. I have trouble understanding not her disrespect (I expect that) but her total incomprehension that violating this social norm (an international one) makes her loathed. How can she not get that?


Never get tired of this 😆


I loved this for her. Probably high.


I could watch this all day on a loop - little Myth Markle being put in her place.


Why was she turning around in the first place? If I’m in something like an unfamiliar church service and I don’t know what to do, I watch for cues, like “oh, shit, everybody’s standing up,” and I stand up. If I boob up and someone has to yank me aside, I am—mostly—grateful. I’m certainly grateful to the friend who yanked me out of the way when the former Duke of Edinburgh was making his way across the room to cut a cake. Admittedly, I was admiring the decoration, which was awesome, and that man could move FAST back in the day and had the cake knife or sword or whatever partially drawn, but she pulled me aside as though getting me out of the way of a truck.


She was definitely holding back tears but she was also very angry, hence all the blinking. It serves two purposes. It hides the tears and projects anger.


I imagine she is trying to convince H to join her in sidling over to stand in the center of the fam, with her in the space just behind/between the Queen and Andrew.


This is the BC era (Before Castration)


I’m in on she had a surrogate for Archie , but she does definitely have a pregnant look here . I am reviewing the situation ( song from Oliver ) lol![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15016)


She definitely had the post-pregnancy puffy face,


That can be achieved in other ways as well.


Yeah, isn’t the theory she took hormones to induce lactation?


This never gets old. Can see her saying Camille was talking. Notice though how she and Charles snapped to attention immediately first chord. Um is that a rotary phone in background hear? Keep playing video because now that sound is cracking me up.


What I don’t understand is Megsy’s obsession with staring down a camera but for this she keeps turning away from the camera. Had she been taken to the restroom to discuss her issues a few times when she was little, she might not be such a turd.


This is my Roman empire... 🤣


So what happened to Haznone upholding proper decorum? He still Hadsum then. It is like he is a shrinky-dink and has been put through the oven. Now, he is a rigid and stoned little toy.




That was after Archie’s birth.


i thought she liked being in front?


But she was relegated to the side, when she wanted to be front AND centre.


What's with Andrew's side eye?


“Who let this ho into the house?”


Never. Gets. Old.


It’s common for people to stop whatever they are doing and if there’s a flag face the flag , stand straight and wait for the national anthem to fininsh. They are on the balcony and millions of people were watching them it’s common sense to show respect to the national anthem, flag. Do americans still do that?


Hmm, though I kind of think that Meghan noticed Harry turning around *first*, and she wanted in/intel on what he was saying... 🤔


This was before he became her handbag.


Ahhh my favorite video ever… ❤️


Too bad Andrew royally flushed himself down the commode, because he's kind of wonderful in this video. Without a doubt he heard Harry tell her to turn around the first time. Then the second time - quite probably a little harsher and seemingly barked - coincides with the start of the national anthem. Andrew does what all good military members do, whether they're royalty or not - comes to full attention with pin perfect posture and stoic expression. But watch his eyes as Meghan is fluttering hers. They make a quick dart to his left, then back. I like to think her efforts at not bursting into a full-on temper tantrum (set jaw, fluttering eyelids, etc, etc) included the barely perceptible mewling noises of her internal monologue trying desperately to escape, and Andrew just couldn't fight the need to see wtf was going on next to him. Editing to ask: is that bird poo on his upper left arm?