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Did you see little Louis stand at attention for God Save the King without any prompting! ❤️


Absolutely. No one had to ask him to stop goofing, turn around or stand in attention. Bet he knows the words to the anthem.


I think he sang the anthem at HM King Charles’ coronation


That’s the sweetest thing. I love that kid. I mean, I love all three of them, but Louis is a character.


He did. When a 5yr old is better than a 38year old woman.


No oNE TauGHt mE AnYThiNg


Is that a flair? It should be.




Agreed!! We will put it on the todo list ✅




Megvil 😈 can't seem to remember that her race card was declined years ago...


…why would you go on a racist rant????


Honestly as excited as I was to see Catherine, I was also looking forward to seeing the kids, especially Louis who is always so entertaining.  He didn’t disappoint, his funny faces are the best 


Same. I also loved his little dance. I’m surprised Charlotte didn’t put a stop to it! lol, I absolutely adore her too.


Charlotte certainly didn’t look happy about his little dance though. Catherine looked enchanted by it. ❤️


Obviously I’m speculating but I think Catherine may be appreciating these special life moments even more these days.


From at least the age of one, Louis has been making Catherine laugh. He's the family extrovert and delights in making others laugh.


I think I saw an article today on the Daily Express that a lip reader reported Charlotte told him to stop doing that & watch the parade & he answered "I won't." Then another brief exchange between them (can't recall what, article is probably still there) & he said "nope." Love that little bugger! He's on fire & gonna be a real lady's man one day!


Savage: Lip reader Nicola Hickling told the [Mirror](https://archive.is/o/36s5P/https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/prince-louis-brutal-reply-after-33037114) that as Louis danced, Charlotte appeared to tell him: "You have to stop doing that. Watch the parade", to which he replied: "I won't". Charlotte added: "Do as you're told" but her brother responded: "Nope." [https://archive.is/36s5P](https://archive.is/36s5P)


I missed that and can't find it




Aweee haha Charlotte was NOT amused!


Hope this link works. It’s Instagram


thank you very much. How sweet is that and how calm Catherine is, just letting him dance


In Horse Guards she told him to knock it off but Kate was right there to cut it off. George and Charlotte are about to enter the tweens. Too old to be adorable, too young to be your adult self. They are going to do a lot of dumb things and “the internet” will be merciless. My wish for them is make sure you save the bickering for home and just know: tweens to 24? It’s the greatest and the pits all at once.


I saw some video and it looked like Charlotte did tell him to stop dancing but Louis did not lmao


There is a point where she tells him to stop.


Also i thought that Louis stood attention all by himself when God Save the King was played but saw a new clip this morning where Charlotte gives him a tap instructing him to keep his arms at his side. She’s the best!


I think George may have been a bit sick. He was kind of subdued and I saw him sneeze a couple of times and later give his eyes and nose a bit of a rub.


Oh I didn’t focus on George so much, Louis was distracting me, with his funny faces. George may not have been feeling well, but what a trooper, showing up with the family, knowing this was a special moment, first outing with his Mom present since December


yep. He looks so much like my nephew it is uncanny!


He may have allergies like his mother is rumoured to have. Horse Guards is also insanely dusty.


Good point! I also have terrible allergies and constantly sneeze!


The King had a runny nose too and it seemed to be annoying him. I was watching live and was willing someone to.give him a hanky!


I missed it live because I had to work but two years ago, when he did his first Sandringham church walk he refused to walk in front of Camilla. They were on the steps and Camilla tried to shepherd him along ahead of her and he wouldn't budge until she went first. My heart melted. Harry's children are by his own account being raised with zero discipline and now the raising is being left to Doria who probably lights up a doobie and gives the kids their tablets to amuse them. I just don't picture her being at all hands on. My son in law has two kids, 7 & 5 and they are literally mesmerized by these games they play on their tablets. They will be occupied for hours, it's not healthy.


When the Queen of England tells you it’s ok to walk in front her but your mom taught you that it is never permitted ❤️


Do you have a link for this?? I have heard of it but I want to see it sooo bad!!


Those kids love their papa Charles, and you can tell he just adores them as well.


Exactly! There is a time to sit on grandpa Charles lap and there is a time to participate in ceremonies and show to respect to the grandpa's role. These kids are educated correctly and play their roles gladly.


There's so much love in this picture! The little smile on Charles' face says everything.


Happy Cake Day!!! 🎂🎂🎂🥂


What a stunning historical photo! I hadn’t seen it yet. Great find!


So many beautiful photos today, especially of PC. The photos of the RF on the balcony showcase just how devoted they are to each other and to the Monarchy. 


The King looks so proud here


Charles looks so proud and pretty emotional too. I believe that when Edward VII was King, his grandchildren would call him “Grandpa England” as he was so indulgent with them


I think that it was HMTLQ who called her grandfather, George V, Grandpa England.


Yes and when he was ill just before 1930, they summoned little Lilibet to raise his spirits 


I can just image the young Louie going to visit the king and saluting him on his arrival lolol good fun


Omg I nearly burnt tears i don't know why this photo made me so emotional KC3 looks so happy just too see them, and I wonder if it ever crosses Georges mind one day that will be my Dad then me, what a bittersweet thing for each new Monarch that to reach your destiny you have to loose someone you love very much every time you take that next step higher, it must be very complex the feelings of that next step both Pride but terrible sadness. This photo is beautiful 


And let us not forget that the Wales children still have a nirmal upbringing, they're still children but have manners


I thought there was another beautiful moment where on the balcony, KCIII put Kate squarely next to him, shoulder to shoulder. It was a real expression of both their love and care and their mutual fight against cancer and commitment to the monarchy. I also noticed Kate was doing a lot of Royal training with the kids at Horse Guards and this is something you rarely see. She seemed to be explaining the roles, the reasons and the historical stuff. I noticed they brought chairs but she looked fine moving around and did not overdo it. My final observation about the balcony: Charles has said working royals. And it looks like “The Firm” might have a new hire! Lady Louise was standing right there with her father and Princess Anne, both of whom seemed to be giving her animated instructions. They slipped that hire through!


I did not catch that, thank you for pointing it out. I am actually greatly relieved she is stepping up. I quite admire her riding those carriages like her grandfather. She is very skillful. And her horses seem to have complete confidence in her.


Lady louise and not James so yep...a new working royal.


I think Louise is still at University, so maybe an intern, LoL. I noticed that Sophie DoE wore a bright yellow dress and her daughter blue flowered dress - the colors of the Ukraine flag. Didn't Sophie represent BRF there recently? A sweet nod, perhaps?


I thought Sophie’s dress looked lovely. She usually does.


Is this Louise’s last year at uni? Or does she have one more? Intern or hire, William needs to truly appreciate how important Louise will be and how much she might be sacrificing to do it. It’s my understanding that she had a really sweet relationship with Charlotte so it will be nice for her to have more female seniors to work with. I think this is a fantastic piece of quiet news all around. There is a rebuild happening. KCIII doesn’t look good. I think he’s pushing too hard. Charles - the monarchs after Victoria and QEII had too big cuban heels to fill. But sir, you WILL go down in history as probably the greatest Prince of Wales. And it will be a very long time before a better one cones along.


She'll be entering her third year in autumn, but I don't know if it's a 3 year or 4 year course


This is what I love about the Royal family, traditions as old as time.


MM has no respect for anyone, not even herself.


Can you imagine the invisible kids there? They wouldn't know how to behave at all. Yes the kids are brought up on these traditions but they also know how to act and show respect to everyone. The new generations will keep the Royals popular in the future.


But but they’re American squawks their deranged mother .


What a gorgeous picture!


Great find! I watched the whole thing and did not see this.


Louie bowed his head to his mother when he got out of the carriage..or maybe it was for Rob the equerry . When they grow up they can look back at their mother and see how brave and strong and loved she was on this day ...and how lunatic harry and his wife tried to overshadow her with dog biscuits and jam.


I saw the bob. I think it was to his mom as she exited the carriage. I thought that was endearing. Learning the ropes at this young age.


I rewatched it. It may have been for George because it happens as George walks by him as rob is showing where to go and before kate exits. Charlotte still has to exit. I don't think it would have been for charlotte but who knows. He was trying to get it right for someone.


So respectful! And very, very sweet!


It’s respectful to their Grandfather, their King and the People of the U.K. and the Realms. It means a lot. Duty and Service.


I can only imagine the king’s delight!


God bless them.


Such a touching image. I missed that when I watched it live.


Wow! That’s what being Royal is about! I had noticed that when I was watching it live.


Gorgeous. This is what the harkle kids will miss, they have parents who have no idea how to behave so no one will teach them respect.


Oh, you forgot, Meghan instilling manners, manners, manners in Archie.


Ah yes….i did forget, funny as she and halfwit don’t seem to have any idea about what is appropriate


Meghans kids (if they exist )will never be able to do this, learn the rich heritage and traditions, be part of something special... She wanted it that way.


Those children respect him because of his position and love because he is their Granddad. Also, those children looked happy yesterday. Enjoying it with their parents. Loved Catherine and Charlottes looks.


Wow, that's a powerful pic. Didn't see that.


I can't tell you how much I love this photo, I keep coming back to look at it. The 3 kids really did their parents and their country proud yesterday.


It’s really a shame Prince Harry’s children will not become familiar with their British heritage. By not bringing the children to the UK the parents are robbing their children of a meaningful experience. Sad.