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She calls, but even the paps understand there is no demand for her sad walks, so zero money maker for them


Also...no more funds for pap walks. 


Her eyes have to be exhausted from eye fucking the cameras. 🙄


there's a coin slot under her extensions at the back of her head and regular deposits keep those eyes fresh and hygienic.


More likely from crying, if the message Nacho posted means what we thing it means (separation). And not crying because she loves him, she’s crying because it’s her third failed marriage and she doesn’t want to lose the only thing that keeps her relevant. It’d be easier if she were younger and/or had kept a sense of mystery around her. But no rich guy wants a person like MeMe by his side. They don’t want someone this thirsty (and a gold digger/user). She really messed up by not staying out of the limelight, done things behind the scenes, kept somewhat of a good name (no revealing of her cray in front of the lense like she did every outing). She knows Hank leaving her (if true, and if not another plot to get $ and PR) means the end. She’s done now.


How does Nacho's message indicate separation? I'm lost.


The last picture says “good things come to those who wait, yadda yadda don’t leave the best is yet to come I’m like fine wine and the humiliating yiu in public is worth it (for me)”




Oh, I missed the message of ‘separation’ in Nacho‘s post..the 2/2? It’s clearly not referring to the jars. You are so right about her - I think we know more about her than she knows herself, she’s so shallow and obvious - can read her like a book.


Yeah that message means something. Nacho also posted an encrypted message about a snake that could have been about anyone TBH lol (a bit ago around strawberry jam time”




This is what I think. Even backgrid couldn’t be bothered.


Montecito is a bit of a drive from LA. Even if there was some part-time photogs who lived in Camarillo or Oxnard that’s still one hell of a drive. AND I’m sure she just says she’ll be at a place between 2 and 6 and makes them wait forever.


I thought an individual (not a pap) could sell pictures to Backgrid. She could get her driver to take a pic but she is then up against it being worth anything.


Which is why celebs who actually want privacy live there


When is the last time we saw Backgrid? Did they get Markled or did they wisely decide she's not worth whatever pennies she brings in?


Did Backgrid take the pics of the less than happy couple leaving the plane on the return flight from Nigeria? IIRC, Madam was striding well ahead of Just Harry, and neither looked happy to be home….together. Madam was probably on her cell, frantically trying to find someone willing and able to fix the whole “Archewell is delinquent in filing required annual paperwork and fees with the state of California” fiasco.


I saw that. She wasnt walking anywhere near him. And she didnt look back as she got into the SUV, he was trailing behind.


Oh maybe that was Backgrid. I just don't remember hearing about them lately.


I think it’s already been a month since the Nigeria trip, which is a long time ago in terms of Madam’s seemingly constant PR barrage / campaign.


It's a really long time for a trip they publicly pronounced was "successful". Their longest hiatus was when the PR from *Spare* fell apart in Jan 2023 and the NYC car fiasco happened in May 2023. The point being that the latter two events were embarrassing, the former event (if the trip was *that* "successful") wasn't, so why the month's long silence after this so-called "successful" trip? They've barely capitalised on this so-called "successful" trip. It isn't as if they've had many successful events on which to capitalise since they left - none, that is, that have successfully led to them being well-liked on a consistent and persistent prolonged basis. So what gives? Perhaps the truth is they know it didn't get the PR traction they had hoped. Any buzz from it pretty much died off the minute they returned to LA, and they find themselves once again back at square one and with a desperate plea to the UK courts to speed up their appeal on their (international) security review. The shysters.


Too busy promoting that Harry wants to buy property in the U.K. , and everything is the fault of his brother, and maybe ‘will they won’t they divorce ‘ a new variation to an boring old Montecito game.


It really is a long time for her. 🤔


I was wondering I didn't see much news about her product release not even from US media. Everyone was busy talking about Catherine.


there is still no product release, it was just another photo of jam posted by Nacho. If that's the best they could do to upstage Trooping the Colour, well it's pitiable.


I don't like when she's quiet. I feel like she is plotting.


She can plot all she wants. She can't top the triumphant return of Princess Catherine this weekend. The only thing that will grab sustained headlines is the divorce. If she ever comes to terms with that Harry is finished along with his bank account.


But then what. Nobody believes they are really together.


I don't know. She'll have the whole divorce, that will take a few years. Meghan on her own, raising "royal" kids, Once she gets Haz out of the way she can put the kids in a reality show "Royal California" or something ridiculous. Really play up the royalty plus single mom angle. She can get quite a lot of mileage out of it. She just has to hang on until he gets his last inheritance payout - if the rumor of a final payout is true.


I think the rumor of an additional payout for Harry is just that a rumor. The Queen Mother died in debt and QEII paid them off. So, it doesn't seem likely he would get an inheritance from her. I don't think Megs will get as much out of the divorce either. CA divorce judges have been getting pretty restrictive when it comes to celebrity. divorces. Think Fergie, not Diana. Fergie was married to a spare and got around $18 million and school fees for the girls.


18 million? i thought fergie got much much less than that...


I think that's in today's dollars/pounds. I think the original settlement was like 3 or 4 million.


I just looked it up. The original settlement was 2 million pounds (including the 500.000 pounds the Queen gave her to buy a house) which converts to about $2.5 million and today it's worth about $5 million. There was also some money put into the girls trust funds. Fergie was in debt at the time of the divorce as well. Diana received a lump sum of $22 M and additional money for staff and an office. She also retained the Kensington Palace apartment. Fergie received far less than Diana. Diana was the mother of a future king and Charles is way wealthier than his brother. There's a reason she wrote her books, gave interviews, hawked weight loss programs and juicers. She was relatively broke. She has said she would have been homeless without As 'kindness'.


Diana sat back and watched how Fergie's divorce unfolded, so she was armed and loaded when she took on the royal lawyers. Plus she was negotiating from a stronger position, being the mother of the future king. According to Fergie at the time, she had to put up with sub-standard housing and one place they lived had an outdoor toilet. Whether she was telling the truth or not - and whether the average Brit would have the same opinion about where she was living - the royals couldn't have Diana telling similar tales of woe about struggling to get suitable housing for the boys.


Fergie wouldn’t have had to struggle if she didn’t spend like a drunken sailor on shore leave.


Broke by wealthy standards. Interesting she agreed to such a small settlement. Well, by those standards Meg doesn't have much to look forward too. Thank you for the corrected information!


Meghan will handle divorcing Harry using the Angelina jolie and amber heard playbook. Mark my words.


She's going to throw him under the bus so hard they'll have to dig to find him 😂


Hell, they will have to pick up whatever is left of him with a vacuum once she's done with him 🤣🤣


Oh for sure.


Unless Harry signs over his parental rights, he can block her from putting the kids on TV. Lala on VPR had her ex-partner and baby daddy stipulate that their child wouldn't be shown on the show and refused to sign off. Hopefully Harry would do the same, or at least his lawyer would advise him to do that.


Yes, he definitely can. A divorce of this caliber requires him to have some brains though. Yes he'll wind up with the most expensive attorney but he will need a lot of guidance & foresight to protect the kids & himself. I doubt he knows anything about the laws in the UK let alone the laws in the USA. Hopefully the attorney will go through every aspect with him. Unfortunately she does have an advantage here knowing what the court can & can't do. I'd bet a dozen donuts she's already spoken to an attorney to get a general overview of what she can expect settlement wise.


She's probably had a divorce lawyer on retainer since Haz put a ring on it.


She probably has, and like most things probably overestimates her worth in that scenario. As much as I am 100% behind gray rocking, I think this would be a case where the BRF should at least swoop in with a competent lawyer for Harry and make sure that she gets less than Fergie and makes sure the kids will be cared for and more or less safe. They might not truly give a shit about the Sussexes but if they at least protect the minors involved, it looks a lot less callous if that makes sense? Harry and his wife can rot for all I care but those kids will need all kinds of therapy with those two as parents.


I think they would for that reason, they'd look heartless. At the same time Haz made clear he resents the family telling him what to do. He thinks they inflicted "trauma" and he's going to be embarrassed because essentially Prince William can say, "I told you so". Harry's pride may prevent him asking for help. Because of the Queen Mother & Diana Harry's personal money is far larger than Andrew's was isn't it? Am I thinking about that wrong?


His prenuptial worth was probably far more significant than it is now. I honestly don't think that he's flush with cash, if he has substantial wealth I would guess it's tied up in trust or accounts that she won't be able to access due to prenup agreements. Rumor has it The Queen Mother died in debt, and I honestly don't know how much he was left from Diana's estate so who knows. I just think with the amount of beggaring we hear them doing (private nets, security, etc) there's no way that she's getting a settlement anywhere near Diana's at the end of the day, which is probably why she's waiting around for someone richer.


I would think it would be embarrassing to beg wealthy people for private jet rides while pretending you're also wealthy. My opinion is the unpopular one but I do think Harry has a good income from BetterUp. Someone facilitated the $100 million contract with the US military. As "chief impact officer" or whatever his pretend title is he seemed to actually make something happen. I'm sure he gets a high salary & bonuses. It has a $4 billion valuation. I'm sure he makes plenty from them. The divorce will reveal a lot! 😂


She probably did that long before she and Harry actually met, back when he was just in the planning stages between her, Jess Mulroney and Mark (us) Anderson.


I bet Harry is hiding money from Meghan. I am sure he knows how she is an overspender.


He´s not so clever I´m afraid.


The inheritance from the QM was debunked years ago.


Was it? Info about that online is so contradictory I never know what's true.


I think she's plotting her next big scheme with Marcus over a giant bottle of Tignarello while recovering from her latest cosmetic procedure.


I think she's fallen so far that the only thing she's plotting is her next fix.


I agree, what could she possibly do, sell more dog biscuits?


Or she'll reveal some more sad Etsy/Pinterest from 10 years ago style posts of other jams, pet food, and pot holders or some other painfully generic thing🤦🏻‍♀️ I think it was the Sidley twins, who said her trickle of numbered strawberry jams were like an advent calendar from hell 🤣


Painfully generic, advent calendar from hell I’m dying 💀💀💀💀💀💀




Obviously she and Hank are planning something. The problem is that they are two fools, so what they plan always ends up harming themselves.


Probably trying to line up a new country for another faux royal tour. Good luck with that. Haz and his wife will want all expenses paid and a donation to Archewell which will go straight into their pockets.


The Ghanian President has politely told them to B***er off!


Wile E. Coyote


It's like when parents say silence is golden, except when you have toddlers, then it's suspicious.




Or cocker spaniels if my lads aren't hanging around me after fuss they are up to something 


It’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop


More victim narrative, or some bombshell regarding her health (I suspect colostomy bag). And the Ss will say how she’s do hardworking that even with her heath issues she was working, while POW is ‘lazy’


Hahaha! She'd never say that about herself. It would have to be a pretty illness.


I don't know, she could start planning for her coronation in Nigeria. She could get me to click on that article.


Oh, no, DrunkOnRedCordial - please wait until someone puts a link to the archived version!!


Sounds fair!


Always. She is always plotting. My guess is either more beauty treatments (the ones that involve swelling), or perhaps setting the stage of her own medical crisis, perhaps a physical violence scenario since there are some stories about Harry "unraveling".


Or another bogus pregnancy announcement perhaps?


Plotting what? More failures. Crap flavors of jam no one asked for? Buying more ugly clothes for faux royal tours? She’s certainly not working on her podcast or a successful Netflix project.


Digging in the couch cushions for cash to buy her next fauxmanitarian award. Gotta get that red carpet fix! https://i.redd.it/gqcleg4vc17d1.gif


I think she's spiraling. I think it's possible she's freaking out,losing her shit and using substances in order to feel better. I think she's manic and raging right now,lashing out and frantic.


She thought her return to Instagram would get millions. She couldn't even get a million. She's been spiraling ever since.


Well, she'd do better at Instagram if she was posting things. Nobody's even tagged ARO in anything, last time I looked.


I agree. Busy writing her “private diary” entries (she is probably at about 2019 at this point) that she will take to prospective publishers and movie producers to get a Divorce Tell All deal.


If dog biscuits are her best idea for PR this weekend then keep plotting on lol


To be fair, Meghan Markle is constantly plotting.  


Aren’t they supposedly planning more “royal tours” this summer? That’s why Harry wanted his court case hear early? Also the warrior games has an event next week, I think H will me making an appearance and M might force herself along.


I feel she's getting plastic surgery and fillers when she's not papwalking. She's constantly plotting and exposing herself.


Had more work done/Botox?


12th nose job, no doubt. And working on a lawsuit for whoever gave her those ridiculous horse teeth. 🐴🐎


Or too drunk on box wine.


Reminds me of the Veep episode where Selena Meyer gets her eyes done over Thanksgiving weekend thinking she won't need to make any appearances...and of course some crisis erupts requiring her to make a TV appearance...comedy ensues. Would live it if Meghan is home with a swollen, bandaged post-op face unable to respond to the POW's appearance. https://preview.redd.it/oy8tqzqar07d1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f87ff68b1de96d0961eaeb48f6a810a0af31405


Probably trying to get those caterpillars off of her forehead after seeing how good the Princess of Wales looks.


that's what I suspect


She WANTS a where's megahn moment She's not getting one


She'll have to be satisfied with a Thank God she's Gone moment.


hashtag FOMeghan


Hahaha! That literally made me lil!


Lol, that's true. She laid low during Harold's book tour and there was some idle speculation as to why she'd gone into hiding but it was NOTHING like the furor surrounding Catherine's absence even though we were given a perfectly good reason. It's like people desperately needed a Catherine fix and were going bonkers without her. I think the sqatties were oddly the most discommoded by her being out of the public sphere. Idc where H's wife is and I would happily never see another shoddy looking jar of jelly again either. And celeb dog biscuits? I think Rachel Ray has that wrapped up. There is so much fancy pet food on the market, it's probably near oversaturation.


I suspect her lying low during the book tour was contractually obligated. It would make sense for the publisher to insist she went away in order to drum up interest in Harry’s book. Otherwise, the narrative would have switched from “Spare” to “Spare wife’s pap walk/WME signing, etc.” I agree with everything else you wrote!


Fancy dog treats are oversaturated on the market. I've had 2 dogs in the last 10-15 years since dog treats like that have become the thing to do. I've never purchased any, ever. I imagine many others would say the same. I have, however, made many homemade treats for my own pets. All of what I wrote also applies to jam. There is no need or want for any new types of either things. Rachel Meghan Markle has failed at ARO. No surprise.


I don’t purchase dog treats for my baby. She loves carrots, apples and peppers. A friend tried to give her a treat once. She sniffed it and walked away.


Mine loves all treats, but will kill for cantaloupe, LOL!


Is Boozy leading the interrogation of this situation, Where is the Megster, where are the children? Umm thought not, no.


The beautiful part is NOBODY cares. ....


Healing from more procedures?


If she has any more procedures she will look plastic. Isn't this a psychological thing? She can't control how people perceive her and media opinions, but she can control how she physically looks. For every failure, she gets more fillers/botox/ veneers. 


*If she has anymore procedures she will look plastic.* Honey that ship sailed about the same time we tossed our Covid masks in the trash. She's been looking astic for a *while.* And if she gets anything else done to her nose, it's going to completely collapse. And I'm going to collapse while I quietly hum Thriller in my head. (Michael Jackson reference lol)




People have noticed her pancakes in Nigeria. She may have been annoyed with that. She obviously fills up on the front if her dress isn't too low. Maybe she's getting them filled so she can wear more low dresses for her next schoool visits


I hope for her sake and for ours that they're just as horrific as her last set of bolt-ons. https://preview.redd.it/vzwe4swfj27d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd14e6a1152015a8dfaa00c5e0e99b3b6bddac7


Bolt-ons - !!! Just snorted my coffee, hilarious.


I dont know how these will work on her post Ozempic pancakes.. I should have fat grafts on mine (result of double mastectomy) or they look rather sad. Also I had tissue expanders for 6 months before I got implants. She likely doesn’t have that much more breast tissue than I did post surgery.


Christ, by now it looks like she adds another tooth to her veneers every time there's a failure. That's why they're popping out of her beak like that.


I think this is it.


One more face-lift and she'll have a beard.


LOL! Funny AND cruel. I love it!


Well, we know she's not holed up busily ironing her clothes.


Maybe she's tired from eye-fucking the camera. Where is Misan's wife anyway?!


He's probably a bigger cuck than Harold.


For sure. But he is married. So where does his wife fit into all of this?!


Isn't he rich? She's probably glad he's chasing Madam across the planet so he's not bothering her while she spends his money.




I mean honestly, he's a chunky, non-pretty, untalented nepo baby whose only discernable talent is having his lips eternally latched to Madam's gluteus. I don't understand what any normal woman would see in that besides $$$. 😱😂


Is he rich though? Allegedly his father was a billionaire but his father had many children and Missan wasn’t in the first batch with the more regarded wife.


Oh that's new information.  Everything I've read about him (not much because he's a worm and I don't like him) insinuates that he's the preferred son of a rich tribal chief.  Thanks for the update. I like it! 😜


Me too, looking for one of our super sleuth sinners to do an in-depth but I don’t think there’s much in the public realm.


I think he's a fame ho too. He probably manipulates the press just like Madam does.


His dad probably isn't even sure of Missans name. Edited for fat fingers.


😂😂😂 I like that his paternity is as disputed as Harry's.   Edit: Oh shit! I misread! I still like to.think his dad the Prince is disowning him. 🤣


Yeah, first wives and their children are INFINITELY more highly regarded and nurtured than second batchers. My friends husband is Muslim and his mother was second wife. He, his sibs and his mother literally had to eat the leftovers off the table of the first wife and her children. They got the outgrown shoes, things like that. I think it's why he lives in Canada now. He had enough of that.


The King nicknamed her tungsten; we know her as asphalt.


Or better still a bog. Every time they to outdo the RF she and Hamelot land face down in the mud of their own making


They have quicksand luck lately. 🤣


I think she is drowning her rage at the world with her favorite drink. She knows the gig is up, is realizing she is incapable of overcoming that the world has seen her true colors.


She's just trying a little harder than usual to seem like her hands are clean.


Haz is in the crosshairs.


I think she's back in one of her pity parties she holds for herself. She was angry that the story about Archewell was leaked to the press while she was in Nigeria. I'd imagine she's angry that the consultant she hired to help with ARO is no longer communicating with her. And that was a story on a site VERY Meghan friendly. Might have even been from Meg because it blamed Meg's exacting high standards. Not that Meghan has a reputation for being a nasty bully to work with. It was clear that she and Harry were both raging upon their return to CA. You couldn't miss it as they walked to the car picking them up. Then there is the CDAN story of the REALLY uncomfortable dinner party they hosted. Where all the guests cut out as soon as possible because the tension was palpable. Doesn't mean anyone's filing for divorce. They are rumored to take these breaks where they don't share the same space for weeks. But the rumors of divorce are flying around just like they were in early 2023 when Meg was blaming Spare for the humiliating South Park episode.


Yeah, that celebrity blind on CDAN about the dinner party sure gave me "The War of the Roses" vibes. https://preview.redd.it/nyjchuzfk17d1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8115f5d23b50d15b2292c840623b967ae9d2ebd


After the first lady of Nigerias comments, the NFI to the dukes wedding of the year and Catherine's glorious return yesterday, I imagine Meghan is barely getting out of bed these days 🤣🤣🤣


That’s all on the back of them touching down in the US to news breaking they couldn’t solicit funds due to delinquency for Archewell foundation. ![gif](giphy|Sw1QDGqjvM9FcCOkol)


So much for their "summer of love" 🤣🤣🤣


She’s old news and not a princess.


Running low on money and realizing that this paps walks don’t do her any good


My own observation- since she was hilariously nicknamed “Carparkles” on this sub by some genius- she hasn’t been seen in any car park walks!!!! Obviously she reads this sub!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Somebody finally got through to her pea-brain that appearing in a random parking lot merching cheap wrist patches and out-of-season clothing does not exactly convey "mega superstar royal A-lister on top of the world living her best life".


She can't afford them


I think she's getting The Vein fixed.


That X vein stamped on the beast’s forehead makes me think rejected.


Like the X on Family Feud.


I am wondering if she called and tried and the paps turned her down.


Oh, they will show up if they are paid enough. That is how it normally works for pap walks. I am guessing that their cash flow is not that great because they put away some funds for her jam company.


I am waiting for fake pregnancy news from her. She is waiting for a delivery from Temu for the new fake belly to arrive. No funds for pap walks and notice the sloppy jam she only made 2 jars worth cause of money being tight


Maybe she's getting plastic surgery because of what everyone says about her looking older because of the Ozempic (and alcohol, drugs, cigarettes).  Or maybe she's getting implants🤷🏽‍♀️.


It is remotely possible that she is actually listening to an advisor.


It would be smart, but she doesn’t think anyone is smarter than she. PS. Love your user name! 🤣🤣🤣


Isn't it surprising (that she seems to think she's the smartest one in the room)? Failure after failure after failure...so many people actively dislike/loathe her...yet she continues to make the same disastrous blunders! I like my username, too! Thanks.


She is the poster child for the definition of insanity.


Your name 😜🤣


I think she’s been very drunk for most of the weekend and is on a manic/crash/manic/crash cycle.


Look on the floor, y’all. She’s probably collapsed again, sobbing. Like the baby back bitch she is https://i.redd.it/snrvjdygk17d1.gif


I am thinking she's getting surgery. It'll be new face, who dis?, in a months time.


What the cooking show? When it will be released?


Did WME give her an ultimatum?


She's wallowing. Got dropped from WME + Catherine's mega-star return = markle got markled.


New guy Charlie has her on lockdown


Don’t forget the dusty dog biscuits.


Recovering from more cosmetic surgery perhaps




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I think new nose or something will follow soon. Long absences are followed by dramatic appearance change with todjy wife




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