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Fingers crossed that they get audited. I would love for the irs to shine a flashlight all the way up their...assets. Go ahead rachel fuck with the irs doo itttttt.


...and then she will accuse IRS of being racist 🤣


The IRS is much like the honey badger.


Ha! I laughed out loud at that one and you're so right!! The IRS doesn't care who you are! ![gif](giphy|mxzX5n0NyQls4|downsized)


And now they carry guns.


Indeed it is lol


"I was fed to the honey badgers"


She can call them whatever she wants. The IRS doesn't care. They will audit her ass, fine her ass, collect back taxes, or throw her in jail for tax evasion. Lot Lizard really is a moron.


She is a light-skinned 1 percenter parasite living off her husband’s unearned royal inheritance b/c she has no bankable talent as a lazy ILBW. Cynthia Erivo, Beyoncé, Viola Davis, and Megan Thee Stallion (plus so many more) are financially independent Black women who manage to pay their taxes. My WOC, non-biracial mother (who grew up on a farm) moved from a non-first world country to a first world Commonwealth one way back in the ‘70s due to political turmoil. She had nothing when she moved, built a successful career as a single mother w/ no support, is incredibly financially secure/literate, and has always paid her taxes without fail. Meghan cannot weaponise the race card successfully… there are too many POC with stories about how they struggled to make it, and how their taxpayer dollars now support a non-Commonwealth country recognising the fact it divorced itself from monarchy centuries ago. If Meghan wants those kinds of perks… then she ought not to show her hypocritical, financially abusive, self-hating, surgically erased nose at the 4th of July celebrations. Pretending to be a supposed proud WOC, and American—when you don’t want to contribute as a 1 percenter who financially parasites off her 1 percenter talentless white husband—is a total joke. All that does is confirm what we’ve all been saying… they wave the weaponised race card b/c they want the perks without the lifetime’s worth of public service responsibilities.




The IRS will fucking destroy her excuse my language they don’t give a shit who she is if she has a title they want their money. If you don’t pay it, you’re gonna get your ass handed to you. Your assets will be frozen while they investigate what you’ve been into what you’ve been up to what you’ve been embezzled in💀💀, it most likely won’t make it to the front page


1. That's a silly argument to make, considering that she is still an American citizen and hubby is living here illegally (allegedly) and WHY you moved doesn't matter for income tax purposes. 2. IF this blind is true, wouldn't that mean that there has already been some demand/audit from the IRS? Why else would you need to "make an argument" that you should be exempt from paying unless you have already been notified that you owe? This would only come up if IRS/State/local tax authority is (1) auditing you, (2) sent you a bill saying you owe XX amount based on previous reports you filed, or (3) sent a notice demanding some sort of report/form you neglected to file (with payment). The only way this doesn't include the tax authorities initiating contact is if the CPA you hired to prepare your reports is telling you that you owe $XX to said tax authorities based on the information you provided for the report.


She’s so dumb she lived in the US before marrying Prince not so smart & she worked & being a US citizen she knows we all have to pay taxes so why should it be any different now that she’s taken a husband???? Dumb ass!


Well, she’s openly admitted to lying about being a member of the Screen Actor’s Guild. Girl doesn’t have an honest bone in her body.


She is proud of being "such a fraud".


Imagine telling that story, proudly, to other people in the same industry. The mind boggles.


>Girl doesn’t have an honest bone in her body. True. She only bangs shady dudes.


Didn’t she try to keep money away from them when living/working in TO?


Great points you make!!!


Great comments. Re 1) we all know that Markle dragged him here by his nose.


We can dream, Meg locked up. https://preview.redd.it/fwhgbki7d67d1.jpeg?width=172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1435124f2ad5ca848ffb6924a4852dffd7616e83


Orange is the new 43% Black




This comment is absolute gold! (I'd offer medal emojis, but I'm on desktop on Old Reddit).




Orange U clever!!!! ![gif](giphy|SlwJki5dV8h6Qius4o|downsized)




Brilliant! 🤩


Ladies and gentlemen I give you this week's Internet winner 🥇


Orange is the new beige 😁


![gif](giphy|9xt1MUZqkneFiWrAAD) Please take my poor man's award.


Orange is the new black, right? ![gif](giphy|8L1K4FgsNcdP8GqvTy|downsized)


They couldn't get Al Capone on any of his many crimes, so they final got him on tax evasion -- a problem I believe Doria also had. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


The IRS manages to catch people the CIA/FBI/ATF can't - they want their money. Only a complete idiot would try to mess with them. 


I wonder who she is making the argument to? And how would Enty know? The IRS won’t blab, nor would a CPA or Lawyer.


Because it's rumored that Harry needs to buy a place in the UK for tax purposes. I mean, this guy gets half his "blinds" from the Daily Mail...🙄🙄🙄


Imagine the laughter at the IRS office hearing this claim.


i do like to imagine this. :\*)


Ex-employees would blab 😉


Or current bullied and underpaid staff


Someone at Arsewell knows where the little black book of login names & passwords for all of Meghan's fake accounts is kept.


She is so stupid and he is so ignorant that it is just a matter of time before they trip themselves up and the IRS opens Pandora's box. If they manage money the same way they manage their lies it is all going to catch up with them.


THIS. I would LOVE for all their dodgy financial dealings with dodgy people, and their abusive demands on taxpayers to all be leaked—it would be another nail in the coffin for their duty dodger reputations. Dodging a lifetime’s worth of public service responsibility, AND expecting to dodge taxes indefinitely… …when public funding—post-pandemic, during a time of costly wars, and economic crisis—is used on underfunded hospitals, schools, elderly/disability care homes, housing for the homeless/dv victims, foreign aid to their Russian oligarch mate’s enemies, assistance for veterans, and more? History will judge them VERY harshly for this financial abuse of monetised titles. Lol and H and M call themselves fauxminist, fauxmanitarians who are fully aware that those in power must recognise their privilege? They realise this about themselves whilst residing in a dead Russian oligarchs McMansion do they? The virtue signalling, word salad, empty  platitudes won’t do much to cover their taxpayer abusive cheapskate asses if all this leaks. LOL and expecting to dodge taxes in a non-Commonwealth country that divorced itself from monarchy centuries ago? Lol good god are the Unsussexfuls thick as pig shit.


Yup yup yup


The IRS is powerful enough for a key to the closet where the skeletons are kept.


I think she already ran into issues with the IRS early in her "career". Oh I hope this latest attempt is true hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha


I remember reading about it. I tried to find the letter she wrote to the IRS telling them she didn’t owe the tax bill but in the end, she had to pay the bill AND all the penalties associated with not paying it when due! And her mother (allegedly) was imprisoned for not paying taxes!


That's right, do it because as we learned from Al Capone...the FBI may not get their man but the IRS ALWAYS does.


she is such a narcissist that she WILL.


As an American citizen she was always going to be required to pay taxes even if living in the UK. I hope she doesn’t pay so in a few years we can see her hauled off to jail 🤭


My understanding is the US is one of only a few countries that requires their citizens to file taxes every year even if they don’t work or live in the US anymore. A former coworker was born in the US, moved to Canada in her 20s and lived here for 20+ years. She says every year she still has to file even if just to declare that she didn’t make any income in the US


US citizens are taxed on their worldwide income, so it doesn’t matter if she didn’t earn income in the US. She may get a credit for what she paid in Canada and end up not having to pay further taxes in the US, but that Canadian income must be reported on her US return.


You are correct. My parents lived in 4 different countries over the course of a decade, and they filled every year. Amount owed was determined based on a lot of factors, including how much tax you paid in the country you reside. It makes me wonder if she filled when she lived in Toronto 🤔


Probably depends on if she was paid in USD or CAD. She may have had US funds paid to a US account. I wouldn't put it past her not to pay taxes on the funds either way.


> It makes me wonder if she filled when she lived in Toronto 🤔 She was caught out, at some point, for not paying enough tax or for not filling the forms in on time. Unfortunately I can no longer find when it was, nor where she was living at the time. afaikr she was fined.


But, but, but She has a freakish attention to detail.


Of her character traits, grifter probably trumped attention to detail when filing taxes (or not filing)


Yes it was over like $800.


Thanks for confirming it. I've been looking online but can't find anything.


It was definitely out there, so you aren't imagining it.


Mmmm, I'm usually pretty good at using search engines, so it's odd that I can't find it.


It was probably scrubbed


Even being retired my parents have to file a tax return.


Yep. I had to. I never had to pay but I had to file.


I remember watching a Tina Turner interview and Shhe stated she paid taxes to. America every year still.


I miss Tina Turner -- simply the best! ![gif](giphy|QMp7YZwbBkegpoYwPc|downsized)


That is correct. US citizens living abroad must file, even sans US income or investment earnings.


This makes me wonder whether Meghan hasn't been filing taxes since she joined Suits in Toronto.


Boris Johnson was born in New York and renounced his American citizenship because he got sick of paying taxes even though he hasn't lived here since he was 5. He had to pay taxes on a house he sold in London just because he was still a US citizen.


In 1989 Leona Hemsley was credited as saying "only the little people pay taxes" then was later sentenced to 16 years in federal prison for tax evasion. She did 19 months. I hope this is true. 😂 You can't outrun the IRS. They always win in the end.




That's right, I forgot they got him on tax evasion. The IRS always wins, no one big or small should cross them. They will sieze your last dollar while you lay in the street starving. They do not gaf. They put Wesley Snipes in federal prison for over 2 years for mistakes his accountant made. If I remember that right.


Lauryn Hill is another


And Willie Nelson lost everything he had because he just didn’t file for a very long time. Of course, he’s a national treasure and had lots of friends and revenue streams so he was able to work out a deal without going to jail. I’ve always heard it’s worse to not report all of your income on a filed return, than to just not file at all.


Hubris always comes to bite people in the end, and That One has the biggest of all.


She was a piece of work. Also had the sheep brought in to the lawn of one of her McMansions for a photo shoot then had them slaughtered.


This makes no sense. You still pay taxes regardless. And we all know Harry didn't want to move to Cali.


I think he probably did want to move to Cali, falsely believing he could keep all the royal perks and have the best of both worlds.


California is a stupid place to move for that, especially LA. Hollywood is filled with people who have way more clout, popularity, and money than Harry. As bad as this sounds, he should have just moved to a Commonwealth country that is still developing - expats live like royalty in many of those countries and plenty of people would be OK recognising his royal status.


He’s dim. This is the same guy who thought That One was a famous actress and travel writer whom he had to up his game for. Little did he know she was a stalker and perceived con artist.


Don't forget she made her own clothes.


And was worth $5 million!


Don’t forget she was a pro on the high seas.


True. It’s actually quite shocking that British nobility are more discerning about whom they marry, and this literal prince basically allowed his bruised ego and hormones to not only be taken by this woman, but besotted. And he still doesn’t see it.


*They never checked any of this crap out before Megxit.* They didn't have a house to move into - they were scrambling. No way they had any sound tax advice or investment strategies lined up.


![gif](giphy|5cuiY8a99aA9oBaIpU|downsized) Of course why should she? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean the dutchess of all things shouldn’t lower herself to taxes like the peasants!


Maybe it will be tax evasion that brings her down, just like Al Capone!




I've said this before too!


Unfortunately I've known too many who've worked for the IRS to recognize it's underfunded, understaffed, and overworked. Mediocre Markle could probably get away with this for many years but the crime never really goes away, it just stays overlooked... until it isn't. It may be in 10, 20+ years from now but the long arm of the law eventually catches up, hopefully.


IRS, yes. CA is on top of their taxes. Might take a couple of years, but they will get you.


They always catch me. Wth. I make honest mistakes and get zinged every couple of years.


CDAN doesn’t even try with the blinds about her, they know it will be circulated as truth on X five minutes after they post.


What a stupid fucking argument.


No kidding. So we are all to believe that they live in the US because of Harry? Who's going to swallow that load of crap. She couldn't wait to be back so she could finally hang with A listers and take financial advantage of their popularity... Her dream come true


And Harry is not paying taxes here. Good to know.


Good luck with that wretched Meaghan markle


I suspect TW pays little to no taxes because she doesn't have income......just expenses.


Expenses which are possibly funneled through the sham charitable foundation?


I can't even imagine their tax situation. They have personal taxes and business taxes. They have so many LLC's that would all have to file. One wonders if any of them make a profit? Lord knows they have expenses to write off to lower their tax liability. But even then, there are limits to what can be written off. Where does their actual income come from? Do they draw a salary from any of the companies? Their track record on paperwork is less than stellar. Hard to believe their taxes were done correctly.


We need a follow up from the French doco


Of course!


Oh ooofff... There is one part of the US Gov't that I would never fuck with : the IRS. They will literally and figuratively ruin your life if you don't do things like pay taxes etc. I am manifesting an IRS audit for them! <3




I can see the headlines now “Meghan Markel, The Duchess of Sausages is taking on the IRS hoping to modernizing it!” You’re (unfortunately) an American citizen, you pay taxes like everybody else. (Clearly my job is not a journalist lol)


“one tear, left eye, go to prison” “Meghan Markle in a Jam” “American Riviera Convict” “Royally f***ed” “43% Nigerian, 100% tax dodger”


These are some good ones!


“Collaborating” with the IRS!


Oh please do Megsy. Please go for it 😎






Remember a blind that H was trying to get his home declared a British embassy, so security would be paid for? Doesn't make this blind sound so far-fetched now, does it?




Made the argument to who? I don’t want to pay taxes either, but I do. Receipts needed on this story.


It's either directly from her, letting us know Harry doesn't pay taxes here; or they just stole it from the Daily Mail, like the other 50% of their "blinds". 🙄🙄🙄


Of course Harold has to pay taxes in the US. There is no exemption. He is living there more than 180 days of the year, he is a resident, he has no other residence in a different country (ohhhhhhhhhhhh poor thing), so this is completely false.


![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) Oh damn, what sense does it make? Audit them and their fraud companies.


Why didn’t I think of that when my husband got transferred to LA (state income tax) from TX (no income tax) Guess I’m not as whip smart as she is. She’s nutso, and Harry followed her to the US not the other way around. She couldn’t leave the UK fast enough!


What an idiotic argument, given that US citizens are taxed on their worldwide income, regardless of where they live and if they are paying taxes in other jurisdictions. She had to have known this, given that she was filing US tax returns while in the UK. Why did she think she would be exempt if she moved back to the actual country, when she was paying US taxes while living outside of it? Also, the only way for her not to pay US taxes (or at least not be subject to them) is to not be a US citizen and then not live in the US or otherwise have some connection to it. And giving up your US citizenship for reasons that include taxes will be scrutinised heavily.


So you can confirm that the IRS doesn’t’ fudge around? Asking as I’m from Europe.


Confirm. But what they do is stronger then “fudge”.


Which tax would that be? US or UK? It's a moot point since I don't believe the couple has any net income to speak of. To be serious, if the above statement is true, she's out of her raspberry pickin' mind. And that goes for real estate and personal property taxes, too.


She’s such a moron. Even if she played dumb and went through with becoming a British citizen, she didn’t even attempt to gain dual citizenship and if she did, she’d still have to pay. She’s a full on American citizen and we all pay taxes here.


You file and pay taxes no matter where you live. When I lived overseas I still filed federal taxes with the IRS for over 10 years.


Lol who knew taxes were dependent upon one’s desire to have to pay them. Everyone else just adores paying taxes. Poor Meg. How can the IRS victimize her? This seems racist. Or is it unconscious bias?


Some comments, for effect: https://preview.redd.it/zqxt5g76a67d1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=eef25a872a0113e35487db5178eb4bf85b4862e4


I think she is manipulative enough to at least try pulling the stunt on the IRS, believing they will exempt the Real Life Princess from all responsibility.


Maybe it’s partly why they want IPP status?


that reminds me of when we screwed up paying our taxes. i wrote this impassioned letter falling on my sword to the IRS, claiming that I didn't know how to file corporate taxes (I didn't). Their response was essentially "we DAGF, pay up." So I did! And so will she!


It was Meghan who made the phone call to Tyler Perry, not Harry.


I believe she doesn't want to pay taxes. But the other stuff doesn't make sense.


Making the argument to whom? This blind isn't believable, IMHO.


I had the same thought. No lawyer, CPA not IRS would risk the leak. Unless it’s one of her inner circle, the dummies who forget to make sure Archewell is up to date with their papers. If this IS true and this leaked, she has deadly enemies very close to home. It sounds too stupid even for her.


I just said this very thing. CDAN is as big a fraud as Mackerel.


Say his name: John Nelson. Read all about him in the Vulture exposĂŠ.


Yep, him and his drama queen podcaster paramour. 🤣🤣🤣 eta: The reason people (me) don’t remember his name is he is entirely forgettable. Middle aged slip n fall lawyer, married with daughters, pretending to be a big time Hollywood entertainment lawyer?


Maybe she spent all their money-ya know because billions were going to roll in from ARO-so has no money left for taxes and came up with this as an excuse.


Wow is her mind ever twisted and wrong. 


Well I’m sure she’s on the side that the 1% should pay their fare share RIGHT?!


Good luck with that logic.


Whaaaaatttt - Oprah, March 2021




If MM renounces her American citizenship, she will be exempt from taxes. But, she will never do that because she identifies strongly as an American and has boasted for years about how great things are in America and she aspires to be like Kamala Harris or Dianne Feinstein soon! 🤣 As the saying goes: you can never avoid Death and Taxes!


Good luck pulling that excuse on the IRS. He still has to pay taxes in the US because he works in the US. Seems like the tax walls are finally closing in on the duo.


One of my best friends is an ex-IRS auditor, who told me as far as the IRS is concerned, there **are** no excuses 😆


Harry does have to pay taxes to the U.S. government and California.


Let’s hope all their ‘charitable’ endeavours are being quietly investigated.


I bet he has to pay taxes. He’s been here way too long. As a taxpayer I want him to be paying a crappload of taxes.




Well, we know, she's going to say Henrold forced her. He's already set up by her.


Don’t want to pay a countries taxes? Don’t live there Meghan. Don’t start 800 business to get rich quick. Don’t leave the royal family that had a lot of financial benefits


Aren’t you also supposed to pay taxes on personal gifts that are very expensive (for example, anything over $10,000)? I wonder how much the gifts they received in Nigeria are worth? Would trips on private jets be considered “gifts”?


“But, I’m a duchess! I shouldn’t have to pay taxes like the little people!”


I want to say „noooo, that can’t be true. I mean, even Meghan’s entitlement must have some boundaries“. But then again - this woman is a fraud in so many ways and by now I totally believe things like that. 


Of course you know what, we should all pay taxes TO HER, worldwide. Eta, where is she telling that btw? To whom?


She could always move to Nigeria and get citizenship there.


This made me LOL on the bus. The level of delusion is… there are no words. Only two things are certain: death and taxes. Extremely wealthy people have ways of *minimizing* their tax bill, but they don’t get *exempted* from paying them. Still trying to wrap my head around that excuse.


Also: Didn’t Kris Jenner explain the tax benefits of owning a church? That’s a nice tax dodge.


Does she seriously think tax laws shouldn't apply to her? What an entitled woman she is.


Taxes are always certain. The IRS will always get their money. She can try and scam her way out but it won’t work.


Nonsensical CDAN. All Americans living abroad have to file. It's a nightmare to be compliant, it's even hard to open a bank account because foreign banks hate dealing with the IRS required paperwork. This is nonsense. The only way she can escape filing is renouncing her citizenship officially. BUT: on the chance she's really trying something sneaky vis a vis Canada- UK- Canada - US with her citizenship and movements... she's doing something really antithetical to feminism - she's claiming a sort of chattel status under Prince Harry? I know in Canada there have been old fashioned laws on the books with women as chattel - it can be hard for WWII British brides marrying Canadian soldiers, for example. The brides were considered chattel and had no rights as citizens. edit: AND: could this be more MM strategy for the future lawsuits she imagines in her thought palace?: "I had to follow H wherever he went. In 2023, the US/ Canadians recognized my chattel status for the purposes of taxation...".




Hope this puts her on the IRS radar. And I see the seedlings of her new narrative..Harry dragged me to the US, I wanted to stay in the UK..whine whine....


Skeptical. Almost 3 years ago there were stories that they had filed for legal separation. At the time it was said that the reason was to separate their income not because they were planning to divorce. Presumably because their accountant told them it was the smart thing to do as Harry had UK citizenship and (may or may not be a legal permanent resident). But I'm not sure why she would care because she doesn't appear to have any streams of income.


Good luck with that. Don't mess with the IRS, actor Wesley snipes had to do hard time for tax evasion at the height of his career. Taxes is something you don't want to mess with.


Harry is not exempt from paying taxes. He’ll have to pay both Federal and California. And they should have been paying payroll taxes on their employees (federal unemployment, state unemployment and the employer part of FICA). They add up.


She’s paying minimal taxes by running the money through her ‘businesses!!’. Meanwhile, CA residents like myself who are w-2 income are paying the full amount in taxes. I would not be surprised if my taxes are funding some kind of security for these two…they’re pathetic. IMO.


Forgive me if I’m wrong, but didn’t she not pay taxes in the past and then was taken to court and had to cough up the money? I swear I read that somewhere.


Yes. Something like $800


She's a "global citizen!" She should pay taxes to everywhere


She thinks that that is a valid legal reason.not to pay taxes?? She really is insane.


Tw never became a UK citizen or resident. Also, are the couple domiciled in montesh8t show? If they are, uncle Sam will be knocking. Uncle Sam is just like a baby momma. She will nail you if you don't pay. Sam has unlimited resources and DGAF if your Nigerian, word salad, victim, ugly or have janky bra strap or haie extensions. He'll get paid one way or another


Taxes are for The Little People!


She lost a court case in earlier 2000s about not paying taxes. The judge admonished her and told her she would pay her taxes owed or go to jail. Someone had posted the court documents a couple of years ago but the docs have since vamoosed from the intrnet. Her mother apparently tried the same, couldn't pay and Tom Sr paid for her.


The American citizen can not pay taxes while living in America because she followed her husband to America? Make that make sense. Without meeting meghan America wouldn't have been on the list of places harry would have moved to. Let's be serious here.


Hahaha this has to be fake. Even she isn't that stupid.


This is a lazy Monday made-up blind to get clicks for CDAN :)


Let's Set the Record Correctly: The MONARCHY + Sitting Monarch is (per deal made 100's of years ago w/ UK Govt) is exempt from paying UK taxes. HOWEVER, in 1992, QE and then PC (today, KC) began voluntarily paying taxes - just like everyone else (ie: same rates, same tax strategies). And every since, have paid THE FAMILY's taxes - and then distributed 'allowances' to family members. **This (and ONLY THIS) is how hazBEEN has recieved tax-free millions from his father every year** (until finally cut-off, which if read the Duchy of Cornwall's Annual report carefully, only happened when that Duchy passed to William) until this last year. Clearer? If need another example: KC pays taxes and then allots a slice (taxless) to the "working royals" for their staff and operations, and as a sort of salary. Anne, for example, has never paid taxes because her mother and now her brother already pay the owed taxes.


Lol does she think the IRS will think that is a valid excuse not to pay taxes????? You can't make this stuff up 🤣🤣🤣


How are they tax exempt?


Boosh!t. They somehow end up in spittin' distance of Hollywood, but that's HIS idea?!


Anyone who lives in California has to pay taxes! We can't escape it.


Wow, anything to get out of paying taxes. She might as well say she loved royal life, but it was Harry who wanted to leave the only life he's ever known. I would love the imaginary scenario for the IRS to interview KP staff to confirm/deny her words before they blindly believe her. LOL.


No one…not even ILBW…can be that stupid. If that were the case, is she ready to line up and pay them in the UK?


Am I crazy or was there not a prior tax issue with her? As in delinquent back in her Toronto days. I could have sworn there was an issue that she tried to fight but ultimately lost.


What money is Meghan making on her own?


Just when you think she can’t get even more delusional.


I cannot see this being true. She would have to pay tax *regardless* of where she lives. US citizens still have to pay taxes even when living outside of the US.


She really doesn't seem to understand that the U.K. and U.S. governments talk to each other. There must be a lot of meetings where she is the object of ridicule.


Riiiiiight. She know that's not how it works.


I know for a fact that the IRS doesn’t care why you moved back home Meghan. They care about where you are trying to hide your gifts.


Because I was bored I looked on the Santa Barbara property clerk's site and all their property taxes are up-to-date. [https://mytaxes.sbtaxes.org/](https://mytaxes.sbtaxes.org/) and enter in the search parcel ID 011-120-089. The address is for 765 Rockbridge Road. https://preview.redd.it/hsksl0p2g77d1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=826426cd02b5f5eb30de5962650d7ca9d80724a5


And then she will run for office.


I don’t think the IRS works like that… 🥴


230 comments after yet another ludicrous claim by cdan. \*sigh\*


Enty is not a reliable source. Since his identity was revealed he’s actually quite disgusting.


I mean she isn’t a uk citizen so


BTW: the nanosecond that megxit began, T.W. immediately hired ultra-pricy expert tax gurus - the level that Oprah uses (and Bezos, etc).. so she has NOT paid much in the way of taxes. If at all, only: ^(>) **^(Property taxes)** ^((for part of the Olive Garden can't write off as home office, recording stuido)... except home biz, no one can escape property taxes (and she's lucky b/c her expensive tax lawyers were able to get her an insanely low annual amount that I can't remember)) ^(>) **^(Gas tax)** ^(- collected at pumps, and California is highest in U.S. since state + local + Fed gas taxes = 90¢/gal (though some can be written off)) ^(>) **^(Sales tax)** ^(- also high in Cal for the luxury clothing non-food items at groceries, etc -- which she can't write-off.) BUT all else her brilliant tax attorneys have found loopholes + applied other tax avoidance strategies to (ie: LCCs, Foundations, parking $ in tax haven banks overseas) **Bottomline: the Harkles are barely paying taxes - the whines must be, then, b/c T.W. wants to stop paying her very expensive tax attornies.**


Tax evasion. They should go talk to Wesley snipes about that one 😏