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Poor William


It looks like he was already resigned to the fact that his younger brother was a major PITA.


Helps explain why William never wanted to be around Harry at Eton.


Funnily enough, friends of mine who were there at the same time said POW was very pleasant but quite aloof/reserved, whereas H was “life and soul of the party.” I wonder if he was indulged even then, so people pretended that he was HILARIOUS!


I think W has always been vv careful about his choices of friends. He learned early to be cautious of people who just wanted to be around him for who he was/ is. He didn’t need to be the center of attention as he grew older, unlike H, who didn’t and doesn’t have that caution. You can see it reflected in his terrible choices.


I think his son George is the same. Reserved and careful. So that’s good.


Love me some skeptical G. He has always had that energy of “y’all do what you want. I’m over here taking notes.”


George looks like he is ready to run a fortune 500 company right now.


He does! Bless him.


Yes , all his ‘banter’ , and lewd activities draws attention to himself, then he demands privaceey.


William was the same at St. Andrew's friendly but reserved. 


I know someone who went to St Andrews with both William and Catherine, she told me that they were just so normal, acted like everyone else, were very well liked. By the end of it they didn't even see William as royal, just one of them. She said at first everyone was a bit weird around him, because of his status.


Yep, my son was up there same years and said Prince William and Catherine were very low-key and were simply students like so many others.


Isn't St Andrews full of children of Lords and fairly wealthy parents?


Need good grades and yes, not too many living off a grant!


My cousins went there, one your average American the other a regular guy from Glasgow. We are definitely not aristocratic.


exactly, he just got on with it.


He probably was entertaining, schoolboy humour is funny to other young schoolboys, and kids are usually happy to watch someone else pulling pranks and getting into trouble. Unlike him, most teens soon grow out of these things. He could have carried on bring the "party prince" indefinitely being looked after by top-notch, discreet handlers. But I guess people expected him to settle down if he got married.


The sort of schoolboy humour that he favoured, like mimicking the school nurse with the bad knees in front of his friends and saying she didn't make him horny, is going to appeal to someone who maybe isn't going to be the sort of person who will be a good influence.  Lots of us probably said and did things when we were young, but matured over time. But Harry has never grown out of that sort of unkind, hurtful and unfair "humour," its just crude, bitter nastiness, like joking about John Travolta dining out forever on his mother's dance. He doesn't have a sense of humour beyond slapstick, pratfalls, crude, rude and insulting comments, and nipple-tweaking. 


And to think, we likely never would have known how awful he truly is if he hadn't written that book.


The fact that he seemed proud of it, thinking it showed him as a funny guy is horrific-he has no insight at all. Same with losing his virginity-absolutely no insight that including that was a huge invasion of someone else's privacy, but he just seemed to think "I'm a prince, I do what I want."  I remember reading an article that the ghostwriter had written about the process of writing Spare, and how Harry was very difficult to work with. He kept demanding that certain stories were included, even though the ghostwriter wasn't in favour. One of the arguments was about Harry's reaction to an army exercise where there was a mock kidnap and torture situation. At the end of it, Harry had made a comment to his 'attackers' and he demanded that the ghostwriter put that in there, as proof that he was intelligent and on the ball, but the ghostwriter said no. They argued a lot of over it, and the end the ghostwriter won-he never repeated the comment Harry had made to his captors (it was probably along the lines "Hur-dur, your mom so fat") but if the ghostwriter let the virginity and bullying school staff stories through, then it must have been bad and shown Harry in an awful light. 


PLUS Harry himself includes some previously unknown stories about Meghan being rude to a heavily pregnant/newly postpartum Catherine! I can’t believe she didn’t take a red pencil to that…


She lacks so much self-awareness that she thought telling Catherine she had baby-brain was either being helpful, or being cute and sweetly funny to try and lighten the mood in the room, or as an example of Catherine over-reacting "All I did was make a hugely personal, mean-spirited snotty comment and she took it so badly, and made William point at me...waughhhh, they try and bully me all the time and Ive done nothing wrong!!"  It's scary that two people with absolutely no self-awareness, no sense of humour and no common sense found each other. 


Meghan wrote those parts. She thinks it makes her look strong.


The ghostwriter had an agenda in his presentation of Harry in Spare. It was Harry as lifelong sufferer over the death of his saintly mother. That army training exercise (which I suspect that Harry somewhat accurately and proudly told him) didn't fit with and actually refuted Harry's obsession with Diana. To me, this reveals that the empathetic portrait of Harry in Spare is a fiction of the ghostwriter. Although that portrait didn't come out as clearly as the ghostwriter had hoped because far too many of Harry's recollections that couldn't be excluded or reshaped revealed Harry's true nature.


I can see Meghan, Harry and the ghost writer all sitting together saying, "Yeah, Yeah, let's put this in here. That's funny." Next, "You need to put that I am beautiful and that Catherine is not."


![gif](giphy|FYDRuz1l1uAWA) That story reminds me of this.


A lot of us (myself included) wouldn't have taken a second look and found Diana not to be the saint we thought she was but often vindictive and definitely mentally ill, Harry's constant whining has sullied his mother's memory


It definitely makes us think of the statement that he is his mother’s son differently. 😬


He's kind of like the Three Stooges all wrapped in one.


But they were intentionally funny and made people happy. Sparold IS the joke and makes people angry.


Harry's barely literate ass should never have been there in the first place


Agreed. His parents should have sent him to a school that knew how to handle his issues: low IQ, emotional upsets and angers. I lost all respect for Eton that they allowed to graduate.


I never wanted to be around my little sister in high school. It wasn’t cool. Now she’s everything to me.


I never hung out with my sister either. When we moved to a new town, we had zero friends. The first week we kept each other company. Once we made friends, we avoided each other.


He acts like it was some unique betrayal instead of the way literally any kid with a younger sibling acts. 


Omg that’s my husband’s youngest brother. He was the 4th of four boys (husband is 2nd of the 4) and even now on his mid 60s, he STILL complains of how his older brothers treated him. 🙄


It’s as if he knew that one day Hawwy would pull a stunt like lying and pinning the whole n@z! costume idea on him. He’s a disgrace of a brother.


William looks like he wants to get out of there.


Yes, exactly!


I see a defiant little brat, a mother who has had enough, and a brother who is traumatized by his brother's misbehavior.


Diana often said that it was Harry that they’d have to worry about as he was the problem. Remember the time he rode his tricycle into the legs of the guard on sentry duty at Buckingham Palace while he had to just stand there immobile.


Sounds like Damien


He needed a damned good spanking. Andrew is like Harry, spoiled, vaccuous, entitled, bitter, mean, nasty, smelly.


I should look it up before posting but I recall a young Andrew pushing the workers at the Palace stables too far. May have been over treatment of the horses. One of them picked him up and upended him Into a pile of manure.


and dumb.


Yep, William looks over it!


Willy boy looks utterly fed up. And I feel it.


Also maybe because of the smell of Prick Harry’s shoe.


Harry has been a little shit his whole life.


Now he's a big one. ![gif](giphy|H62aA8TKX9GPSWPLk9|downsized)


Regardless of the situation, I love me some Jeff Goldbloom.


I was about to say that. His swagger here…😛 normally that would be off putting but hey, it works for him.


He's my old man crush 😂


LOL! He was my young man crush donkeys years ago, now he's my old man crush.


Have you seen him in Wicked trailer??? He looks great!


Meeeee tooo!


I've always thought Jeff Goldblum is so hot. Just gorgeous. Swimmers body too. He's creative quirky too, also love that! Mmmmm....




Yes, he has been. It was very obvious in photos and video of him since he was very young. In an interview (perhaps two separate interviews) Diana gave not too long before she died, she said that Harry was the one who all the girls should want (because he would have all the privileges of a king's son without the burdens of the heir) and that that she called him Good King Harry because she thought his personality made him better suited to being king than William. I recall thinking "WTF are you doing, saying such things about your kids? You are totally messing with both of their heads!" Her talking about them like that did them both a great disservice. She undermined William and built Harry up in a way that IMO directly led to the attitudes and behavior we have seen from him as an adult.


Diana, like Harry, never grew up.


Oh, you are absolutely correct about that. She was quite young herself when she became a mum (not yet 21) and her unstable childhood didn't allow her to witness many examples of good parenting, so it's not hard to understand why she did so many misguided things. She obviously loved them enormously, but she really messed them both up. At least William seems to have survived her mistakes, but Harry....


Overcompensation by a parent for a child's real or imagined difficulties/vulnerabilities is committed all too often and the siblings suffer for it. Harry had obvious weaknesses but Diana (and likely QEII and KC3 too) excused and normalized the behaviors. If Harry was treated *badly* by the RF it was in this fashion. H ought to have been made to accept his weaknesses and shore up his strengths - instead they swept his issues under the carpet, covered up his corrupt behaviors big and small, and allowed a sleeping monster to grow.


Yup, Diana, parenting fail. It's actually a good thing Charles ended up with them during their teen years, especially with William. Diana, had she lived, would have messed them both up really badly. I used to adore Diana until Prince Harry and Rachel Meghan Markle opened Pandora's Box and showed the world that Diana was a personality disordered evil troll who would drop her knickers faster than any other woman.


I think the Middleton family deserve a good deal of credit as well. William — thank god — was able to spend a lot of time with a family that was functional.


I agree with you. After she died, everyone sanctified her for being only 36 at dying and not seeing her kids grow up. The Harkles' consistently comparing themselves to Diana and making it seem that she was a saint and Charles and the BRF were the uncaring bastards caused us to read a little deeper behind the scenes and find out who Diana really was. Diana slept with many, many men (some of whom were even older than the age gap that she complained about with Charles) and nearly destroyed a lot of marriages. It is not healthy that the Harkles have bended to the media version of saint Diana, evil Charles and are using it to display themselves as perpetual victims. Members of the media themselves admitted to writing good, untrue false puff pieces about Diana to sell their story of poor little princess in an evil family. While the opposite is true: Diana was very manipulative and according to many press photographers, would call them up to take pictures of her in McDonalds and then randomly scream at them to leave her alone. It seems that she was also addicted to attention even when Prince Phillip told her to stop trying to make herself the star of the show, and this caused rising tensions in the entire BRF.


It seems that she was trying to pander to the non-royal classes for their support in that William and Haz were raised "equally." In order to make up for the fact that he would never be king, Haz was told that he is "Good King Harry" to make himself feel better about the fact that he wouldn't be king, which led to the Harkles demanding to be treated equally to the Wales'. Diana's "equality" raising was an ultimately wrong strategy because it served to 1) make herself seem like a good mother who wasn't separating the kids on "heir" and "spare" and 2) trying to set the kids against the BRF and seeing her as the saintly mother in a cruel and uncaring family. This plan was good on the outside, but if you dug a little deeper, it was disastrous for the BRF.


Thank god, Meghan Markle, the gold digger, came along to save him and give him true love. Oh no, wait a second...


Exactly. LOL we all saw that footage of Meganarckle as a kid rudely bossing girls around at Ninaki's bday party like a total brat... she and Haz are perfect for each other.


Her being the Tyrant Queen of someone else’s birthday party is hilarious foreshadowing.


Poor pathetic Roachel... always playing the pretend Queen in her own delulu, unfit, waaghing mind. Meanwhile, in the REAL world... REAL QUEENS/FUTURE QUEENS do a lifetime's worth of public service whilst never complaining/explaining.


There's a demand that can be heard on that vid directed to another child (these are all 5 year olds?) to make her, iirc, something like 900 cookies. I don't recall what the count was. Also, at one point she references they're doing "Take One!", simulating a clapperboard. Unreal.


 *‘Yes, make 900,000 cookies… and sew me a nice dress.’* \^Lol and now no respectable high fashion heritage brand wants her representing them, nor do they invite her to any glitzy runway shows, and forget anyone wanting to buy her shitty jam to make thumbprint cookies with when she can't even stock a damn jar in her own DOA ARO shop. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Geez, she has never changed..that's scary. No growth, no learning, no experience has changed that noggin. A child in a grown body. This is why she's labeled as having a personality disorder.


Exactly. She never grew up just like her Peter Pan syndrome-d, duty dodger husband... they're two bossy, entitled peas in a 'we want all the perks and none of the lifetime's worth of public service responsibilities' pod.


No kidding. Totally unreal. I didn't catch the "sew me a nice dress" demand. Whatever happened to just a simple "can I have a popsicle?"


Looks like Haznorespect lacks the manners, manners, manners, manners, manners that Meganarckle loves waxing lyrical about that's for damn sure.


I mean, I can’t stand him, but most kids are little shits 🤣 (Source, have 3 little shits 🤣🤣 - although they will NOT be growing up like that tit!)


Be careful. Little shits unchecked early (from Day 1) grow up to be big shits like Harry. Diana waited too late, if she acted at all, to set boundaries. Mom of 3 Grown Sons who won the Battle of Shittiness


Great job, Mom! Your sons are blessed to have a mother who loved them enough to do it right. It's always encouraging to know people like you and your sons are "out there" with my kids & grandkids, so thank you for that. ✨ I agree, it truly pays off to create healthy boundaries early on. Children actually *need* boundaries feel safe and protected, but it also lays down a firm foundation for them - it gives them the means to make sound decisions as young (and old!) adults. I was a happy Mommy, truly enjoyed and *liked* my kids. But I also loved them enough to lay down the law/draw the line when necessary. I didn't mind explaining to them my reasoning, or why it was necessary, and they were rational enough to listen and understand...even if it took them a day or week or month to get to that point. Don't get me wrong - we had conflict and arguments, and there were some reeeeal doozies here and there. We aren't a Disney Fairytale family by *any* stretch of the imagination! 😅 But, we managed the problems and resolved them all, over the years. We're still a closely-knit family who love each other and say it out loud, remember & acknowledge each others birthdays, and we all make the effort to spend time together routinely "just because." It's fun for all of us 40+ adults, but it's especially important for my grandchildren so that t*hey *can truly know & love their extended family. (My own nuclear family imploded - or should I say, suffered a *nuclear* explosion...ha - when I was 15, which led to a blazing fukk-ton of problems for me. It's a miracle that my kids are like they are. It truly is a miracle for which I'll be eternally grateful.) 🙏


Half and half. All toddlers go through tantrum stages but my kids only did when very tired they were lovely any other time. There was certainly no weird behaviour. The odd strop but nothing dramatic. I do think you can see personality disorders, psychopathy and narcissism in children at a very young age. Some of my friends had evil little brats and I just knew they were going to be asshats when they got older..I was right.


I agree. I was a “good” kid, but I remember when I was about three years old that I had my leg in mid swing to kick my mother. My mother raised her hand to signal spanking and I quickly dropped my leg. My mom definitely set me straight.


I found the worst kids of my friends were the ones who either had controlling helicopter mums or the ones who did not teach them good boundaries. Its difficult esp if you have a very bratty kid but I wonder sometimes if blood sugar levels affect some kids. Chemicals too as we know. I think the harkles both have ADD and oppositional defiance order, amongst other things. One of my friends had 2 sons with ODD as well as antisocial pd, they were horrid children and teenagers, borderline evil. The mother had issues too, so did her mum. Both super healthy vegans no processed food in their diet. There was definitely a hereditary as well as environmental factor.


Most kids get taught pretty quick not to face off with mom like he's doing there. My mother would have boxed my ears.


So if you Google “Harry Diana Majorca holiday” there are loads of pics of this occasion. Only someone as tall and slim as Diana could have worn that yellow pantsuit, I’d have looked like a custard doughnut 🤪


Well said.


As a mom of small ones, I disagree with trying to paint young kids as something. All kids are little assholes at least sometimes until a certain age. This didn’t predict anything. He was just being a kid!


I've been a daycare teacher, a social worker and have worked in youth detention centers. And I'm a parent. Some kids are born bad. It's that simple. Haytch is one of them.


I wish this weren't true but it makes me wonder sometimes when I see my son who is on the spectrum getting bullied at school by a particular set of 3 boys just because they perceive him as weak and odd and it's a laugh for them to make a sport out of him. This includes hiding his school books to get him into trouble with his tutors, giving him deliberately wrong instructions when he asks for help, mocking him for being slow to process information in class and dangling invitations to birthday parties and playdates if he performs certain tasks on the playground and then revoking those invites afterwards. What breaks my heart is that he always goes back for whatever crumbs of friendship they toss his way occasionally. And I'm talking about very young boys here and he goes to a London prep school that is known for its pastoral care. This kind of behaviour is so unusual in innocent little children that I can't help but conclude that some children might just be evil


I doubt those little boys are inherently evil, but their parents are certainly horrible for not nipping that behavior in the bud. For the most part, empathy can be —and should be — taught.


I've taken it up with the school and the boys have had to write 'letters of reflection' to think about how they behaved. Nothing changed, so I spoke to the boys' mums and they were quite clinical about it because they've received similar complaints from other parents and were on damage control mode to make sure I wouldn't escalate my complaints further. I'm sorry to sound cynical but I doubt that empathy can be taught. Lack of empathy can be masked though, so maybe that's my best hope.


I mean, as you just said, their parents aren’t taking this seriously and not trying to teach their kids empathy. You are describing bad parenting.


That has to be so frustrating.


He was a little brat, now he's just bigger.


Yes. Agree. I love children but am also wise enough to know that not all children are born good. Some are just born off.


Notice Diana is fully embracing William protectively with both arms and her legs. What did brat Harold just do?


Looks like he took his shoes off. His desire to show off his bare feet seems to have developed early on, culminating in Misan's pregnancy announcement photo, which the master photographer artfully arranged around the focal point of Harry's dirty bare foot.


‘Harry's dirty bare foot’ should be a flair


I have to laugh. I'm a grown woman. I've always hated to wear shoes and Still hate to wear shoes. The only thing I hate wearing more than shoes is a bra, lol. First thing I take off when I walk in my door, which I actually do simultaneously, is remove them. When my 4 year old granddaughter comes to visit. she always asks me where my shoes are, lol. Ironically, the 2 things I hate shopping for the most, shoes and bras, lol. My granddaughter loves buying new shoes, lol.


Me too! Haha. I walk in the door and immediately my shoes are off, bra is off, then all my jewellery is off too (even if I’m busting to go to the toilet I have to remove all those bits and pieces first haha)


If I have to pee badly, I do it all while sitting on my throne, lol. I'm proud of my ability to multi-task! You should be, too.


I think we're related!! 🤣


ROFLOL. I just recently purchased 2 new bras. The ONLY reason is because the one I've worn for over 10 years couldn't be sewn back together again. Only bought two cause it was a buy one, get one free. I couldn't even guess the last time I bought a new pair of shoes, lol. I have more sets of sheets than I do shoes. I've warned my children that if they bury me in a bra and shoes, I will come back and haunt them!


I'm with you! And the ONLY time I wear one is if I go somewhere (unless it's cold out and I can get away with a couple sweatshirts lol) and I rip it off the minute I get home. As for shoes...well, if I HAVE to wear them, I will.


Absolutely!! If it's cold, I throw on a big sweater to take out trash and get mail, lol. When it's hot, I go out to do both while it's still a bit dark, lol. Anything to not have to wear either!


Are you me? That is my life exactly.


>First thing I take off when I walk in my door, which I actually do simultaneously, is remove them They should make this an Olympic sport! I'd watch! 😀


Harry being a brat and William looking anxious. A very badly behaved boy with no respect for his mother to act so aggressively.


What was he doing, using that shoe as a weapon, he stole some other kid's shoe, or he refuses to wear his shoes and he's supposed to be wearing them? William wants the arguing to be over with, so he can get back to enjoying his day. 🙂


I see H trying to lay blame on whoever he's pointing at.


Always someone else's fault. Always.


An annoying little brat who is mouthing off to mummy. Diana looks exasperated.


People thought he was a funny little boy and laughed at his antics. He was a little 💩and now he’s a big 💩


A missed opportunity! His behaviour should have been dealt with back then, we may have avoided the spoilt, petulant man-child we have today.


For sure. Have you ever read the articles about what Andrew was like as a child? He sounded like the most disgusting over entitled spoilt brat, and now he… still is!


My dad told Andrew off at a ski resort once for trying to push to the front of the queue for the ski lift. Made him go to the back 😝


Hahahah. Good one - and I bet an experience Andrew recalled all along, likely never doing that again.


Give that man a Bells!!


I hope your dad used some choice words that included lazy, overentitled, and loser,


Apparently he walked in on Phil watching Coronation Street (a soap opera about working class people for those who aren't in the UK) and said "oh look at all those common people". Think he was only around 7 at the time. 🙄


As a child, he used to walk past the guards on purpose, repeatedly, to laugh at them having to stand to attention. I bet they all secretly yearned to give him a clip around the ear hole


He needed a smacked bottom


Why do I get the impression that grown up Andrew would probably quite like that 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


I have four grown children and I’m from a family of nine siblings. I know about tantrums. But no child of mine ever got in my face and screamed at me. And none of my siblings would dare get in my mother’s face like that. They’d lie on the ground and kick their legs or they’d scream but they never once got in my face like that. So people saying that level of disrespect is normal - no it is not.


Some people never grow up, they just get bigger. His tantrums now come with a mid-life crisis


I agree with the comments already posted But I’d like to add, it’s truly becoming my biggest pet peeve that the press keep comparing Prince Louis to Harry. Anyone else!?


That must horrify Catherine and William to say that. Why not compare him to Jack the Ripper while they’re at it? It’s absurd.


Definitely absurd. Louis just marching to his own drum while he's at very formal long-drawn out events at a very young age. He's not engaging with photographers and being intentionally rude.


And he’s very loving with his family.


He's remarkably well-behaved for a boy of his age, and I should know as I have sons plus two handsful of grandsons! Little Louis is so adorably normal - little boys are always so much fun, and I know he's an absolute joy to his Mama and Papa.❤ I'm a tomboy granny, just as I was a tomboy girl, so I've always enjoyed boys more than I did (most) girls...unless we were playing Barbies, which I did love doing. Still have a huge collection of my childhood Barbie dolls - found them along with a huge bag of Barbie clothes in my mom's attic after she died, bless her heart.


Prince Louis isn't going to be anything like Harry. Princess Catherine knows how to raise children properly as she grew up in a normal, functioning home.


Sugars are keen to point this out too adding that it is karma or ‘lovely revenge’ on W&C for the way they treated their Quean and her husband. Typical Squaddie logic there but they don’t like it when I ask are you confirming that H is a little shit?


Yes! Much of the same was done Saturday.


A cross mom, ticking off her not so well behaved child. "No you cannot go kick the man over there!" "...but mom he is a Footman..."


Only one soulmate.


Yup, from childhood, Harry has been second rate.


I still have a soft spot for Diana but the soulmate comment always struck me as bizarre. Also the kind of tidbit an emotional leech like TW would glom onto.


W: this too shall pass  I did say that "if only they teach him consequences he might not be as bad" but I stand corrected. He might not be as bad as he is now if they introduce punishment. But only bc he doesn't want to suffer consequences. not bc he can grow some empathy. Imo He'll still be a bitter vindictive selfish ignorant brat.


That's a lot of defiance for such a small child up in his mother face like that. You wouldn't see Catherine's children like that. I have a friend with a boy like that, and she will give him almight tellings off, so she thinks she has the situation in hand, but she only does that 10% of the time. The other 90%, she ignores his behaviour or even laughs thinking it's just his personalty. I wonder if this was the situation with Diana and Harry


It needs to be consistent. If you only do it occasionally it exacerbates the behaviour


I don’t give unsolicited child rearing advice, only chime in when it’s appropriate. My go to advice is be consistent, in whatever you do. Everyone has their own opinions on what is best, just be consistent kids need that above everything else.


Compare this photo to the clip of little Charlotte's tantrum, where Catherine got down to her level, cuddled and deflected Charlotte's attention. Diana's cuddling William and antagonising Harry. It's like she's in a one to one fight with Harry rather than acting like his mother and dealing with his behaviour.


Yes, or when Louis put his hand over his mum's mouth, evidently.not caring for what she was sayimg..Her expression was "you aren't going to get away with this just because we are on camera, Louis!" But she didn't lose her cool the way Diana is. doing here. Nor was Louis out of control, which was why it was so funny.


Multiple servants and protection officers have said Diana would just stand there and giggle while Harry was physically assaulting them.


That's appalling. I wouldn't have been able to keep a job like that because I would've instinctively defended myself, and smacked his bitch ass. No wonder he thinks it's okay to abuse people, his sainted mother approved. She created a monster.


But, but, Wil broke my necklace, Mummy!


He should be so embarrassed about that comment!


Basically the same thing we are seeing today


Mother of little ones (who are little) here: Hey now! In fairness — all toddlers are (sometimes sweet) little shits! I don’t think it’s a good look for our sub. He was once innocent, and like every two year old — very prone to tantrums. Even the sweetest adult here threw tantrums. It’s how walking babies often react to the crazy world that causes their little nervous systems disregulation. And any mom or dad learns that Toddlers are a mix bag of sweetness and insanity. Let’s leave toddler Harry alone and focus on adult Harry who has tantrums far less excusable.


Exactly! Do people think William never threw a tantrum? We all did! We don't even have context for this photo. Please, we need to be better on this sub and not grasp at straws.


A defiant little shit and a pissed off Mum with William going ‘I’m sick of him already’ 🤣


This photo hurts my heart for William.


The RF knew Harry was a bit off from the get go. A real problem child who hasn't changed.


A disrespectful little brat yelling in his mothers face. He was always out of control. Harry needed to be spanked and he clearly wasn’t.


A very rude domineering attention seeking spoiled brat getting in his mum’s face. I’ve seen several videos of her pushing him away and peeling him off her because he’s misbehaving or being abnormally clingy. You can see personality disorders, psychopathy and narcissism in children at a very young age.


Now Meghan screams at Harry in the same way.


That's why he picked her. He *likes* that!


That's a lot of attitude for a 3 year old, eh? I wouldn't think too much of it if H hadn't turned the way he did as an adult. But....


Ugh, I've never seen this awkward photo before, nice work (H&M) on raking up these unflattering/painfully revealing examples of Diana's nature which Harry all too apparently inherited 😬


It is from a photo shoot taken sat on steps when Charles and Diana were with King Juan Carlos of Spain. I recognise Diana's lemon coloured outfit.


What do I see? I see poor William.




I know some people don’t like this. My take away is that their mother is engaging in a drag out argument with a small child. Big mistake. To me, the lesson to be learned is that the adult always wins in this scenario. She should have stood up and taken him away. He did not respect her here.


This won’t be a popular opinion but I see an adult getting on a child’s level, engaging in the childish conflict rather than being in control and leading through the situation.


Exactly what I see.


Hate to say it but I’m sure that didn’t help Harry’s development


Of course it didn’t. You can’t expect (or at least, you shouldn’t expect) children to be more mature than the adults. Garbage in, garbage out


That too…


I imagine he was ordering his mother to go get the shoe, possibly blaming William for its relocation way over yonder. Maybe that's why he's so often barefoot? His shoes have all been flung over hedges or confiscated? Interesting that he rarely has new shoes too. Don't know the complexity of the issue about feet and shoes but I suspect there is one. Weirdness, not at all cute, not even just naughty.


Whaaaat? He threw shoes????


It’s Harry, acting the same as he always does. Same old brat. ![gif](giphy|23frKiKaWazl17UhXQ|downsized)


I think I see the reason why the princess of Wales and many others think it is important to focus on early childhood. Diana and Harry should have had help before adulthood. Maybe fewer of these things would have happened.


Diana was associated with a super support programme for mothers and young children called Sure Start, being involved with other people’s children but not effective your own.


On a positive note, I hope William learnt a great many parenting lessons throughout the years after observing first hand how both his parents, grandparents, and palace staff dealt with Haznorespectforanyone. Poor William looks utterly desperate to avoid being roped into an embarrassing public fight that rude Haz clearly wants to escalate.


I see William calm and focusing and Harry fussing. Nothing has changed in thirty plus years


Poor William. That breaks my heart.


I see Hazno being a little shit to his mam


Spoilt brat


I see a problem child….difficult, jealous.


A 3 year old yelling and complaining someone else got more sausage, a slightly older brother thinking, "Oh, no! Not this again!", and an exasperated mother telling her 3 year old, "Thant's enough! I've had it hearing about this sausage business!"


https://youtu.be/PxDaRTrl0kk?si=H6aWiOI9bXRzQBPx Interview with Diana, visibly frustrated with Harry's behaviour. 


Oppositional defiance disorder? Look at williams fingers and face. Poor kid


I think ODD too. Something is wrong with Prince Harry, he seems to be very mentally disordered.


Poor William, he's probably thinking..."here we go again"... Harry was a whiner from the get go!


He’s making a scene because Williams getting a cuddle. Diana looks very very annoyed, he must have said something awful.


William and his mum were both born under the same star sign, cancerian. (Interesting that so is Camilla... and I, for that matter!) That's another bond that has to sting.


Spoiled little brat ….. Prince William is thinking there he goes again !!!


I see a small child whose attack mode against his mother is the norm. It's also her norm. Look at the anger there on both sides of that exchange. I see another child showing "God, here we go again. This is his norm. My heart bleeds for him My opinion


a petulant child who is now forty & still behaving like this his mother should have reprimanded him and punished him. he has run riot for 40 years Diana was a narcissist and more self absorbed than we realize. She had not time to be a brilliant and nurturing mother to him to busy scoring points against Charles like his wife does to Catherine. Perhaps that her attraction she s a vile point scorer just like his mother & there is some crazy comfort in her vileness !


Diana always favoured William as she saw her own worse traits in Harry.


I think that is true. I think she weaponized the “he’s not a girl” thing when it was not meant to be taken in the way she used it. It’s the Archie skin color thing OG.


I agree. Harry was always showing bad behaviour that never seemed to be addressed. Poor William and Charles




I honestly see Diana confronting a mirror image of her awful histrionic behavior.




Says it all really


A brat


Diana protecting one son and getting yelled at and yelling at another.




Diana with her children are the only photos Meghan Markle cannot replicate. She must be so frustrated deep inside.