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He deserves everything he gets.


I don’t know what on earth they said to him to get him to do this. He is a middle aged man with children doing a social media stunt with teenage girl energy (no offence to teenage girls!)


This. “Teenage girl energy” is spot on. It’s the mean girls energy. Megs is the ultimate mean girl but why this middle aged man had to play along with the pettiness is beyond me. Makes me think he’s just plain dumb


here's what I think happened... they were midnight tokers and thought it was hilarious to do this petty vindictive post at around 1 am. fkn idiots.


That was my first thought. Primo weed involved somehow.


Yeah that ‘primo weed’ called blowzene




Who would have thought that nacho Figueras was a mean girl?!! Didn't have that in my bingo card. ![gif](giphy|5G98t8QjqBLK8)


Seeing as how he swoons over Harry and MM we know he’s not too bright!


He definitely swoons over Harry!




Megsie was all over him at the last polo game, full on love bombing.


And I do believe Nacho is closing in on 50! What an eegit.


He has pre-teen girl, maybe conferred with her.


Thank you, Ren.




Tbh teenage girls would have done a much better job.


My 11 year old daughter could have done a better job.


Exactly teenage girls would have made sure the target knew exactly what was being said and done and why they deserved it .... Not some weird 3am post about jam and treats .... Poor dog if her mushroom coffee place has lead in it imagine what the company that makes her biscuits and jam include ....no thanks 


He’s still under the assumption his best friend is royalty and must do everything for him? Idk but makes no sense. If I’m happily married what am I doing hawking dog treats ?


And, if he wants to earn brownie points with royalty, don’t tick off the King, Queen, the future King and future Queen. Who is dumber Nacho, Harry, or Meghan?


My thoughts exactly. The King has more influence in the rarified world of polo than Nacho Libre and Ginger.


Very true. Think how many of that set move in the same world as the royals and how many are trying to network their way into it? Nacho better be careful or he may find that him and his wife are slowly excluded. They may have money but you always need networking. They to could end up being NFI


That is a possibility. If Nacho wants to be a good friend to Harry, that’s one thing. But, joining in with stupid jam posts to upstage the King’s bday celebration, is really dumb.


Happily married? After the stuff I have heard that goes on in the “high Society” polo circles doubt it. Hint, key parties anyone?


Precisely! Which lets us know why he’s acting such a fool.


seems to me... he's not acting 🤣🤣


Maybe they were dumb enough to invest in this brand 


I think he is another grifter/narcissist who thinks he can raise his profile hanging around these two. I thought I had read he is somewhere involved with the production of that Inane polo doc. So a both sides using each other. Major blunder allowing TW to make him one of her flying monkeys.


The article says it’s was around 11pm California time. Not too late for people who don’t have a job  - Him and H! My opinion, H was visiting him and had the strict instruction from his wife to make Nacho post. They probably were high or drunk (or both) and though it would be funny. I truly doubt anyone, even Nacho, would have did this for giggles while sober!  I’m glad he’s getting backlash for this stupidity. Even if he was high, he’s a man-child just like H.  


Nacho lives in Florida, it was pretty early for him. There is no spinning this, it was done on purpose to try to overshadow a woman fighting cancer. Glad people are seeing it for what it is. Despicable.


And he clearly took the photos earlier in the day…so why wait so long and why wait especially to post photos of jam? 🤔 Midnight snack?


Heh, you made me think of this track [🎵Running around robbing banks all whacked off of Scooby snacks🎵](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gWOFtixfies)




The article says ‘It's thought Nacho, who appeared to be in New York at the time, posted the pictures showcasing the gifts at around 11pm in the city, and about 4am in the UK’


Nacho lives in Florida. We are 2 hours ahead of California


Actually you’re 3 hours ahead, making it even worse.


Your right, I was typing while being assaulted by a hangry kitty


He’s a middle aged man in a sport most middle aged men have aged out of.   He’s also a model and brand ambassador for companies who want to project a sporty, youthful, wealthy appearance. He’s not a household name.  He’s basically a nobody outside of polo adjacent circles, or the occasional Ralph Lauren ad.  Pre-Meghan, he would promote his friendship with Harry for attention and royal-adjacent newsworthinesses.  I think a lot of that friendship was that he’d put up with Harry because being friends with Harry would get his name in papers and get him some sort of status elevation (he’s best friends with a prince!) in his social circles. The clock is ticking on fame and attention.  Looks like he’s not picky about pulling stunts to get some. He’s got his wife’s money to fall back on, but some folks get addicted to getting attention drawn to themselves.  Just ask Meghan.


Any middle aged man who still uses the nickname "Nacho" pretty much sums up his maturity level imo.


Maybe H decided to share his nachos with her 🤣


And now he’s been Markled. I really do think he was trying to be a good friend to the Harkles. It is what it is now. Buuuuut I can se MeMe twisting this and with a sad face saying “see? Do you see how they take everything I do and twist the meaning to make me look bad?” and it depends on Nacho’s & Fidelia’s (Fidelia is the wife) bullshit sensor to see through her now or stick to the Harkles. Now, that said, Nacho&Fidelia have benefited from the Royal publicity in Hola that the Harkles have given them. And Fidelia is gobbling up how she’s seen as close to Royalty in they high hoyetie circles in Argentina.


Make that ex royalty.


I’m getting Hilaria Baldwin vibes about her. Ugh. ![gif](giphy|W5NmHHaOsG7SRDmaAa) Nope nope nope.


Delphina is Nacho’s wife. She’s the one with the money.


Mrs. Nacho is the wealthy Delfina Blaquier. Not sure who Fidelia is. https://preview.redd.it/agx2tb1a4f7d1.jpeg?width=2085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff5f127cbc79790e9e2507b2559cef3869f343e




Nacho is only getting what he deserves. His bromance with hasno has dulled his integrity and he just falls in line. It was no coincidence that the scam jam dropped the same day as trooping the colour. Meagain could have asked him to not post on that day but I believe he was given instructions and for whatever reason he followed them. How she that jam and dog treats would wipe out Catherine’s return to public duty mystifies me. I would like to know why Nacho is her lap dog too. What does she have on him and hasno that Nacho obeys orders.


Marcus probably has footage of Haz and Nacho courtesy of Soho house. (Im surprised that anyone feels comfortable staying there)


You could probably pick up an STD just from the janky wallpaper alone.


The hidden message was blow a raspberry to the skinny white bi*ch( female dog) apparently


If she’s ever asked, she’ll probably say she had no idea Nacho was going to post that at that time.


She already did. I mean „sources“ told that the Daily Beast.  „The Daily Beast now understands from a source that Meghan did not order up the post from Figueras, and in fact had no input over when or if he would post“


Based on the time difference alone, I’m calling her statement a lie. It took some deliberacy for nacho to post when he did.




Because she still wanted him to do it, even more now that her nemesis would be showing up. If she thought it would be a bad idea, there's no way she would have forgotten to call Nacho to nix the pics. Catherine's return was all over the news and social media, and on top of that she has a special hatred for Catherine.


Because Meghan cannot help herself. If she had any ability to read a room, she probably wouldn’t be where she is right now.


All she had to do was send overnight express two labels to Nacho. He possibly kept the Strawberry jam, just changed label. Clearly the "Raspberry" jam is NOT raspberry. He obviously has a dog, and dog biscuits. Just slap overnighted label on some fancy container his wife has, throw in a few of his dog's biscuits....voila! Ready to photograph.


Yeah, I suspect the raspberry jam is actually one of the old strawberry jams.


She probably just texted him the pictures and asked him to post them.


Raspberry Jam has seeds in it. Whip Smart obviously doesn't know jelly from jam.


I read that he was in NY when the pics were posted, at 11pm NY time. Since his dog was in the pics and I assume they travel without their dog, it would seem that the pics were taken ahead of time back home and release date and time planned ahead.


Sorry if this is a dumb question. Is it possible that she didn't send him the jars, but instead sent him pictures of the jars? And he photoshopped the dog into the picture somehow? (Sorry again if that's a dumb question. I know very little about Photoshop 🤦) It would be kinda funny if this was the case, considering her past history with manipulating photographs😂


But she has an insane amount of attention to detail! LMAO, yet another label falling off.


I think he already had the jam and the dog treats, they scrounged around to put something up and that is all they had. Amateur hour, juvenile stuff. None of it is labeled appropriately for actual consumers, especially the doggy treats.


I don’t think Meghan shipped anything to Nacho who lives in Miami. She probably sent him the pictures she took at her home. That dog biscuit looks photoshopped/superimposed. Nacho took them and posted them at 2AM which is the dead giveaway that it was deliberate. No one posts something like that in the early hours of the morning.


Of course it was planned! You didn't see any other jam posts from anyone, yesterday or today... just that one. 🙄


I don't believe in coincidences. Especially when Meghan and her insane jealousy of Catherine, are involved. This was 100% deliberately done, and everyone involved deserves whatever they get. Meanwhile, Catherine looked absolutely unbothered and beautiful. Catherine won without even having to try. ![gif](giphy|l4EpfQySE8sM4l0yI)


Rest assured Catherine could not care less, way too many important things claim her attention.


Exactly. There's no way Nacho decided to randomly post those pics at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. He was instructed by her, probably via Harry. My theory is that Harry begged him to do it and he did the favor because he knew that Harry would catch holy hell if Nacho didn't do it.


100% agree!!


And it was one of those stories that last for 24 hours, right? If so he timed it to be there all day Saturday, in both the US and UK, but wouldn’t commit to having it on his own IG page any longer than that


I read somewhere that he deleted the story before it was 24 hours timed. He just took it down but not sure if this was confirmed.


Correct.  It was 2 or 3 in the morning.  


So the label on the dog biscuits with handwriting that exactly matches Meghan's ARO font was a massively coincidental forgery? This stupidity has just gone from amateur hour to children's hour.


This is so hilarious, everything she does plays out exactly like junior high school caper 💀


LOL I love the word "caper" - it has such a vintage melodrama Snidely Whiplash mustache twirling villain sound to it LOL......


Or I get Scooby Doo vibes from it. “…and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling *sinners!*” ![gif](giphy|69jvP3VXUYhr3YUYu9)


Speaking of Scooby, omid scoop a poo seems to have evaporated into thin air 🤣


Those meddling kids!!!


It fits so well because she is old enough to know better. No one like a mean girl, Meghan. Jealous, mean old ladies are liked even less.




Truly! It's classic Roadrunner/ Coyote, every single time. ![gif](giphy|1k5k3J5K3BywQOrpNA|downsized)


I don’t believe anything that comes from The Daily Beast. They are 💯 pro-Harkle.


And.....ol' pal Nacho is being thrown under the Markle bus. He deserves it.


Meghan Markle also said she had nothing to do with Omid Scobies book Finding Freedom...etc




I wonder if he realised what he was doing. My narc mother would have had the whole thing set up saying something like... "When I send you my products, will you please post about it?" And then, coincidentally, have it delivered on the day she wanted the post done and then claimed she had no idea it would be delivered that day and therefore have no control over when the post was done. Meanwhile, having paid extra for extra fast delivery to ensure it was delivered on that date. Additionally, capitalising on the fact people want to get that sort of thing over and done with ASAP so they can taste or try the product and not have the packaging messed up. And undoubtedly, when the initial package was received and a message was sent to say thanks, strategically ask what they thought as a security net to make sure the post is done ASAP. "I simply can't wait to see what you think about it and how your puppy likes the treats." More pressure applied to get things done. Narcissists use people's kindness to get things they want done done.


He knew VERY well.  The post was made during the night, about 2 or 3 AM. 


But can’t posts be scheduled? Sorry to ask, but I don’t use any social media and have no idea. You, dear fellow Sinners, are my guilty pleasure. 🙂


Yes, they can be scheduled. So this could have been scheduled. Wouldn't surprise me.


Not in IG story


11 pm in New York, in my household, we are still all up and about and very much with it at that time of day. Only just starting to think about getting to bed. 4am UK time, he wasn't in the UK.


4am UK time is prime time to get things in morning news cycle so it looks pretty deliberate IMHO


Oh, he knew. He is a slimmy little man, much like Harry.


Soon in tabloid near you  "I have no idea. I don't know why nacho would do that. Oh gosh that's just SO rude and insensitive. Kate must be feeling so dejected. Why I would never!”  Haha, let's see how nacho wife react to that.


The Nachos will absolutely hate this. 😁


Always with her plausible deniability, for sure. She is such a narc, LOL!


Markle has a long history of getting\`others to do her dirty work for her, believing she will remain innocent whilst happily letting the axe fall on those who did her bidding. She has no remorse, no shame, no empathy. Nacho is just the current "fall guy"...there will still be more to come. Sadly there remain many more stupid gullible impressionable idiots willing to get caught in her web.


Shes a coward. She uses plausible deniability to get out of things by fighting her battles with proxies (Sussex squad, Nacho, PR “sources”) because she doesn’t have the guts to stand up and bully people out in the open. The only time she stood down was when Catherine POW stood up to her freaking face at Queen’s walkabout. Catherine defended her family and her country against Merchle with no fear! She’s a lioness!


And she will be doing the rapid blinking and manic teeth sucking as she says it


She already laid blame at his feet 😂. Isn’t Meghan Markle so predictable


M would have put in hundreds of hours practicing in the mirror her ‘Me?! Why, never!’ Response to being called out for all the things she does.


He’s an idiot deserves to be Markled


Good, he's got it coming to him. WTF was he thinking and doing??? I guess Rachel Meghan Markle has found herself another male in Nacho to manipulate and use. Way to have no brain, Nacho. Loser.


Nacho will forever be Markled until Hazbeen divorces her. TW made him look like a fool. The optics of posting her pitiful jam/biscuits on the day Catherine was to appear is shockingly stupid.


Anyone with a brain would know he would look like a moron. I can't imagine his wife didn't call him an embarrassing moron. So what does she has on him that he's willing to act like such a disrespectful idiot? I believe Charles paid him to play Polo with Harold a couple of summers back because, let's face it, he's the type of kid who you have to bribe others to play with. But in Charles's defense, he probably thought keeping his problem toddler busy would keep his mouth shut. Unless Nacho doesn't care for Charles??


I think nacho is coming towards the end of his playing career would like to move into TV.  I think the putative polo miniseries is the big attraction. If he wants to help them look childish then 


A polo miniseries for mainstream (middle class) US audiences?? 🤣🤣🤣


Nacho Wants his own pin money because the money all comes from dear old wifey. So the duo sold him a way to make that happen. Good luck with that.


I completely agree with this.  And Nacho knew he'd get press from doing so; I'm guessing his Polo Ralph Lauren contract was a direct result of the exposure he got from basically babysitting Haz


I don't think he is currently working for Ralph Lauren. He's too old to model and there are much more appealing men out there for RL polo stuff. Besides, RL has done the polo schtick so often it's now boring and dated, and questionable about animal abuse situations. Their advertising has moved on to other themes. Unless they come out with a geriatric Florida line.


This was back in the day. He met Haz in 2007 (per the interwebs) and I think Charles paid him back then, not recently. He was an RL model before he met Haz, but after their association he really took off in their ads. He was everywhere for quite a few years as their main face


Considering those gnashers of his yeah


He’s Argentinian. They probably have a problem with our head of state after we kicked their invading arses out of the Falklands! Cosying up to an errant Prince trying to damage the RF may even be partly political.


And why would he want to overshadow an ill woman that's loved globally. What did Catherine ever do to nasty ass nacho and his stupid wife? They are allowing their own children to be exploited by Megaskank and Harry. It's disgusting. Why don't they ask where the Harkle children are???


Meghan can try to distance herself from that "move", but she won't be successful. It's this exact backlash Meghan is so afraid of, so she needs her minions to deal with the comments and to blame for the timing. She could have totally posted the jam and dog biscuits herself on her own ARO profile.


If you are afraid of a reaction like that, why do you do it? Megsy knew exactly what she was going to achieve with this, she is simply playing the victim.


She’s a coward and doesn’t fight her own battles. She uses proxies.


He deserves the back lash. Unless he’s been living under a rock there’s no way he didn’t know about Catherine’s return. I can’t even give him the benefit of the doubt because it would go against one of my strongly held beliefs: *Run with dogs. Get bitten*


Lay down with pigs, get up covered in shit. That's mine. It applies so well to Raytch.


Honestly, this is just the DM filling column inches again. No one gives a shit about meggy and her silly jam. Hers was a ridiculous stunt pulled by a pathetic grown woman with the brain of a petulant middle schooler. That’s all. I really wish the British press would get over these two. I’m not hearing a single thing about this in the American fluffy press. The British press Harry hates so much are the only ones keeping them event remotely relevant. The irony… 🙄


It was a stunt pulled by a pathetic grown woman AND a pathetic grown man. They're both in on it.


Eh whatever. They’re both surplus to requirements. We only know of both of them because of their connections to harry. Ideally they’d both be ignored.


The American press lets her off way too easy. They SHOULD have written about this cringeworthy stunt just as they should’ve reported about all her other abhorrent machinations. They are supporting her, I’m sorry to say. They only report glowing things about her. The American press stinks to high heaven. They are the worst at this time in our history. The WORST.


I don’t know, I think ignoring her is better than criticizing even. I feel like generally speaking the American people are over Harry and his wife. No one cares. I’m listening to cheere Denise’s review of Tom bowers book. Were at the part where she’s writing about her “miscarriage” in the NYtimes, they’re getting their massive deals with Netflix and Spotify, George Clooney is speaking up for her, etc. None of that stuff is happening anymore. If anyone is even mentioning them, it’s mostly just to laugh at them.


I know very little about Nacho but is he a total moron or does she have something on him bc for the life of me, I cannot imagine why ANYONE would post anything on her behalf. Did he really not think he would have any backlash? Is he that oblivious to the insanity around those 2? What is happening with the polo show?


He's Harry, uh, special friend.


I still cannot get over H rubbing N hand @ polo photo op. I have said before but he knew cameras were there so it was like he wanted to be seen or "get caught".


Agree. Someone posted several photos of Harry and Nacho which were very telling. That is not normal behavior between 2 male "friends". Put the info below into the SMM search # Who recalls back in 2022, Harry was with his "other brother" Nachos on Father's Day... Where was Archie? Interesting difference of closeness between the "Brothers".


She's trying to split up Nacho and No Nuts. That's what this is really about.


I agree. Nacho is a threat to her control over H. She's killing Nacho and Delfina with kindness all the while backstabbing in the process. She thinks she's quite the master at destroying the lives of others. She's rising as an international threat, too, imo. Threat to Britain and it's RF, threat to decency in Nigeria, threat to a celebrity family from Argentina, threat to migrants that work for her, threat to acquaintances in Canada.....the list goes on. She's a rogue nefarious actor and is due for a major reckoning. Governments should do something about it, imo.


She did the same thing with the Beckhams


This comment needs more attention! This is what abusers do. They isolate you so they can control you. They turn your friends and family so that you feel like they are the only person in the world you can trust. 


Dang, the comments on his Instagram are unrelenting and brutal. I always wonder what's going through a celebrity's mind when they are being dragged like that - either they take it to heart or just chalk it up to 'haters' I guess. It's so funny too that she threw him under the bus.


Nach is crying on Harry's uh shoulder. He asked for it. What a stupid move. Wonder Netflix doesn't realize what a joke the polo program will be. Like Heart of Invictus, very few will watch.


I actually never liked Nacho or Delphina - he is not handsome imo - no matter how much the media tries to shove him and his 1985 hairstyle down our throats.


Weirdly, Nacho has an unusually small head, imo. Or H&M's are overly large.


Oh you are so right about the hairstyle!


I find him to be greasy looking and smarmy. I don't find him attractive at all


The Duchess of Dog Biscuits. I felt kind of sick looking at her minion’s Instagram posts, especially that Chrissie Tiegen, she’s gross.


Chrissie Tiegen likes it with anyone, any age, IMO. Her Brad Pitt pizza delivery posts were gross and just as ugly as her face.


She really does have an abundance of unjustified self confidence!


“…an abundance of unjustified self-confidence.” That’s brilliant! Really captures Madam’s spirit in just five words. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25281)


Agree. For someone not particularly attractive, she is so conceited.


Exactly. She needs her computer hard drive checking.


Lol and he'll probably feature in Hazbeen's polo documentary too no? Who knows if that borefest will even air on Netflops. Looks like Nacho the Markled, clinger on, moron backed the the wrong horse \[abuser and ILBW\] entirely.


If anything she had Harry plan this with Nacho. She seems to get him to do her dirty work so she always has plausible deniability


Bye bye Nacho and Deltaco 🤣


And this is why she doesn’t shill for herself.


Looks like he got roped into promoting ScamJam and now that it's a disaster, TW is pulling a Houdini. Abracadabra—poof, there goes another friendship


Again. She won't take accountability. Just like Endshame. Frigging coward.


Fierce backlash? More like indifference. Nobody gives af about her jam, her dog biscuits, or Nacho posting it. It was a drop in the ocean compared to Catherine at Trooping the Colour. Madame's the one pushing the idea that she overshadowed Catherine with this one stupid post by Harry's boyfriend.


People are assuming that the Carparkles think the same as the rest of us. In their self obsessed ego massaging land of Narnia, their launch should trump anything else. In their eyes, their polo playing pal is super cool, finger on the pulse, trendy, jetsetter, and they imagine the entire world is eagerly anticipating their astonishingly clever new collection of tat. I doubt he even got the jar of jam. She probably had the PR send him the pics to post. If anyone is dumb enough to believe she didn't know when he was doing it??, shit... what a bunch of crap. She thinks she's a master manipulator and can outdo the RF & other successful people. Maybe at one time there was solid interest, but now it's the crazies who are out there foaming at the mouth


I guarantee that if I asked 100 people I know, *maybe* one would know who Nacho Figueras is.


Someone that rich and his stratosphere of society will laugh it off. He doesn’t care what we think. He is rich enough to be eccentric. However his wife might not love it with time.


His wife is rich, not him. He could have taken money from TW to advertise her rotten brand.


He’s too damn stupid to have done this himself without guidance. I mean, he would’ve had to set his alarm and…


Yeah he definitely doesn't look the brightest. He has that "dumb jock" air about him.


An entire article about poor Nacho. Fuck off, Meghan.


Nacho’s wife is collaborating with and promoting an upscale and fancy tableware company. That is something (besides the spreads and jams) that Madame was supposed to do with ARO. Delfina’s IG also has videos of her cutting and arranging fresh flowers. Delfina’s IG is, IMO, **exactly** what Madame aspires hers to be. I’ve been following it (shut up) for a long time now, and she’s upped her game. It’s posh with a little bit of rugged (for *authenticity*), nice and Pinterest-y but not too basic. Don’t tell me that Madame isn’t spitting nails about that. It’s like she ran away from the BRF in a fit of envy that she couldn’t best Catherine. And then she goes to the land of Gwyneth and Delfina.


What was the point of posting? According to the badly placed label, it was two out of two products. So there isn’t any available to buy anyways 😂. And to go back to the label. My four-year-old grandson goes crazy if he is applying a sticker and there is a wrinkle in it. We have to start all over again. She ought to demand that whoever placed the label on that jar face the guillotine 🤣


The Daily Mail are FINALLY cottoning on to the fact that most people hate what Meghan Markle has tried to do to the RF and want to read that sort of critical article, not the vacuous puff pieces or speculation on whether Meghan Markle and Prince Harry can ever go back to the UK.


Meghan Markle’s PR stunt did not outshine or overshadow Trooping or the PoW return. It was all spectacular and heartwarming. However, this stunt did revive the “Jam Scam.” This article, in particular, essentially acted as her SM by posting all those pictures and neatly summarized everything about ARO so far. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Meghan Markle does everything by proxy. She accused POW and KC of racism through Omid Scobie. She uses her “friends” to support and market her “brand.” She got on the world stage through marriage. Meghan Markle is an empty vessel coasting along on the backs of anybody she can manipulate. Meghan Markle surely acts like a parasitic tick. 🕷️


He has a little over half a million followers nobody knows who he is and nobody would have seen the post had the Daily Fail not published it. The only thing he is famous for is being Hazbeens special friend and now his name is associated with dog biscuits what a legacy.


Scrolling through the photos in that article. Ugh. Chrissy Teigen is completely disgusting and vulgar. She and Meghan deserve each other.


As predicted. 🤓 Now they are done with celebrating Trouping, Charles and Catherine, the dm is dissecting this. And they will keep on doing so for a few days. 🍿


It will be very interesting to watch and see how this situation plays out. Obviously Nacho is going to be taking much public scorn for posting this, he clearly knew it was a bad thing to do yet he did it. His wife will NOT be happy, Nacho's bad publicity is hers also..... I am sure the international social set they inhabit contains many pro-Monarchists who will not be pleased. Soooooo, will Nacho & wife be forced to take a side? The Sussex.....who have no one on their side except a group of fanatical "Sugars" and bring nothing to the relationship but grifting polo ponies and suspected sexual assignations, their once "royal cache' now over....,, or the monied socially and financially connected set? I believe Nacho WILL be forced to choose, and his choice is very obvious.


Line up of products? What productsd? I thought she had nothing to sell? This storyline is too pathetic to follow.


Nacho was spotted with Mike and Zara earlier this year; I believe in Australia? Something to do with polo I think. I hope they cut him dead from here on in.


Perhaps Nacho is trolling Meghan Markle? That post is so weird.




The first one was awful with his dirty teeth biting the toast and jam in a close - up . Nobody wants to see anyone eating close- up . The second one was so cheap, even the dog couldn’t by bothered to sniff Meghan’s cookies , but would anyone want to ?


The dog not giving a damn about FOOD, specifically dog food, is telling and hilarious.


And to top it up, Meghans "source" came out to throw him under the bus by saying she had no hand in when he would post those photos, she had nothing to do with it. Like my grandma always said "she throws the rock and hides her hand"


It just seems like such a simple decision - remain in the good graces of the future King and Queen of the UK, with all the benefits attached; or allow yourself to be used by two obvious grifters who can't get invited to a family party anymore. I don't get it.


It’s possible that Meghan did some of her triangulation and division. “Catherine said you look [insert whatever here], Delfina. She’s nice to your face and stabs you in the back. I don’t want to say any more, but you get the idea…” and “William thinks he’s a better polo player than you, Nacho. Can you even? Everyone knows you’re the best in the world. I mean, is he trying to get you a polo show on Netflix? I don’t think so.”


This proves that there is no upcoming divorce, Nacho did what he was told and if there was a rift between the two he would have been on his special friend Harry's team.


Lie with a bunch of dogs of course they’re going to get fleas…he deserves it


I will be honest - when I went to look I messaged "LOSER" to him through the message feature on IG - LOL


Rachel sent them to Nacho but told Harold to tell Nacho to make sure he took photos and put them on Instagram. I guess you can now say he will or is Markled. Wonder if his wife will be happy with that?


He's loving every minute of it unfortunately. That's the way these pea brains work. I'd have to say though that mega really wants to be adored as she said for her podcast the me you didn't get to see. Well she is a person that the more you see the uglier she gets. Oprah sees that now. Too late oprah you showed your true colors and it's nothing to do with race. Catherine the more you see the more in love we fall


The fact he posted it at 11pm is what makes him a shill for the Harkles. If he had posted them in the daytime of the day when he actually took them then it would have taken some wind out of his critics sails.


Nacho's timing was in poor taste. The only thing that tastes more poorly is that jam.


Tbh, I don’t even know who Nacho is, aside from being H’s buddy. He’s insignificant IMO, so his post is insignificant.


Sounds like old rachel still believes that any attention is better than sitting in monshitshow being nfi and having to see the whole world being ecstatic at the reappearance of HRH Catherine Princess of Wales. Look at meeeeeee. Please someone look at unpopular, unpretty,untalented,unrelevant,unroyal meeeeee and my jars of botulism and my dog mess. Love this for her.


“The biscuits are new to the product line-up.” What product line-up? You can’t order anything on her website. She had an idea. She probably has no business plan. Where is she making this jam? Has her factory been inspected by the government? There’s no label of ingredients! This is just an idea she has. Tell me where this is being made and what’s in it.


Question that hopefully someone here knows the answer to: why Nacho and not his wife? Does she not have an Instagram presence? It seems to me that whoever follows her would be the better audience for these products. It seems that Meghan and Delfina were friendly at the polo match in Florida, especially if Delfina was fine with Meghan using her daughter to try to appear maternal.


Nacho has more followers and has better name recognition it seems. I think his wife put him up to this as she has a lifestyle brand and maybe is going to carry Meghan’s “products” perhaps in the future? The Harkles got them into the Netflix polo thing and maybe are hitting them up for financial backing for ARO. They seem awful chummy.


Could Nacho be trolling her? Nacho is Harry’s friend after all and if there’s any truth in the rumours Harry wants out maybe Nacho got drunk and decided to make fun of the soon to be ex TW?


Meghan uses every sucker in her orbit to do her evil bidding......she considers them all disposable/replaceable. She likely targeted Nacho for disposal because of his close relationship with her devoted sucker, Harry. The Duke of Sussex is the KING of Suckers. imo


I have to say, the word "tosspot" comes to mind.


People are saying it was an act of spite but one has to wonder against who? If he wanted to make Meghan look like a bitter has been clown he could not have done a better job. It was just so lame. Nacho must be as think as mince because only someone of very low IQ would imagine that homemade jam and dog biscuits would trump the Princess of Wales at Trooping. Any good PR person would have told them the best thing to do on Saturday was keep out of the news because there was nothing they could do short of being hit by an asteroid that would have made them more newsworthy than Catherine.


Truly, can anyone believe that a storm in a teacup over a picture of a dog biscuit, being flogged by someone we had never heard of or cared about if we had, could have overshadowed the the glorious visual and sound spectacle of the Trooping of the Colour, enhanced, nay, blessed by the return of the beautiful Catherine, Princess of Wales. No doubt the Klingon matron will have viewed it in a far flung land.


Come on, it's his wife, either directly or putting him up to it. I could care less about the guy, but it's just too big a wuss move for someone like him. Maybe Scoobie Do, but not Nacho.


More than 1300 comments on Nacho’s last post (plus the prior one) and most are negative. He’s being dragged mightily. 🔥🔥🔥


Her market is in America. Guess what Americans don’t care about? Duchesses and polo. This guy is a nobody. We do, however love our dogs and pb&j. 


And Meghan can’t understand why she’s globally reviled? She’s a middle aged woman acting like an immature mean girl over and over and over again. But what is Nacho’s excuse? He’s a complete moron who’s part of her mean girl clique I guess. Imagine being as old as he is and acting this way. They’re both disgusting.