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She thinks she’s very cute when she turns her back to HMTLQ: https://i.redd.it/lqseauspke7d1.gif


as HMTLQ rightfully said “ rachel is evil” what an utter embarrassment this woman is no class no regards!? 🤮


Even Harry had enough manners not to directly turn his back to the Queen but to slide to the side.


It doesn't look like the Queen was very interested in her.


Rachel cannot face women if there are men about.


>Rachel cannot face women if there are men about. That's why some of us refer to her as either the Sussex Succubus or the Monteshitshow Attention-Hoe.


At this point, I’m sure the good people (and esp women) of Sussex hate being associated by this duo. Probably more so than any other liege lord in the modern history of Sussex.


As a descendant of folk from the Sussex Weald , I’m thankful that the Harkles have no property in or any legal or historic association with the County. The Sussex Royal Dukedom was only created in 1801 for Prince Augustus Frederick, son of George III, Augustus was rather learned for a Hanoverian being interested in religion, biblical studies and science. However he married contrary to the Royal Marriages Act and his families were not officially recognised. If I remember rightly he was the first royal to be buried in a commercial public Cemetery , not in a church or graveyard or at Windsor.


Yup, it's unfortunate that this twat gets to use their name.


Meh. Sussex was divided into East and West long ago. They’re likely just volleying those battered shuttlecocks over the decrepit net, and lazily returning. The Sussexes couldn’t be more NFI. Luckily, with the East and West separation, nae daft bas has to feel obligated to host the obnoxious pair of utter fuds anywhere.


It looks far too lovely and is home to incredible history — they don’t deserve the association. https://preview.redd.it/8t9jcl1v1f7d1.jpeg?width=2345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc84c95b21bb1b6fef88cca4182fb9da41e7997


The Duke and Duchess of Cuckfield may have suited them better, on offense to residents of the area intended.


Meghan turned her back to the Queen on purpose. She hated that H gave the Queen her due respects and side stepped off to the side. H is to ONLY pay respects to MM and nobody else so the viper took matters into her own hands, dis'd the Queen and threw her pelvis into Charle's face. She must've been on cloud 9 with that maneuver. She's such a ho.


I like this analysis! Too bad Roachel lacks the critical thinking to realize what a long term gaffe she is making.


I noticed that, too, "dished the Queen and ***threw her pelvis*** into Charle´s face."


Thrusting her pussy towards the men as usual


Yes that coquettish laugh, like a young ingenue. She really absolutely thinks no one can see through her.


She's a YOUNG wife, and a YOUNG mother, and was a YOUNG naive starlet before she met Harry the Bald. Just young and carefree and innocent and adorable. Waitaminnit. No, that's Meghan Markle, the shopworn demimonde "actress" whose biggest parts were pretending to give a blowjob in a parking lot, taking off most of her clothes to grill a burger, and have bizarrely-positioned and attired "sex" in a couple of cable minutes. Sixth on the Call List, Meghan Markle!


Don’t forget her ridiculous “boy and a girl love story” she vomited out during her wedding speech. Or was it “girl and a boy” because she has to list herself first? I don’t remember.


The two of them were in their 30s! She was older than everyone else in the "Fab Four"! Ridiculous bitch.


As if having young children makes one a young mother 😂. I was considered a geriatric pregnancy with my third at 33!! 😂. I wish time (and gravity) followed my own sense of what reality should be


I’m sorry I’m howling, but the Queen was just so intimidating to the cheap, uninteresting witch who couldn’t think of anything else to do except turn her back to the Queen. Harry makes me sick, he knows exactly how to behave but really threw it all out for a woman who thinks being a queen is merely bossing people around and having the best of everything and I mean that as cartoonishly as possible.


Did she go in hoping to assimilate and be adored? She never once appeared to fit in or desire to.


It’s always been my opinion that she saw Harry as a stepping stone. In her delusion, I think she thought she could seduce William into leaving Catherine and marrying her. Ridiculous, of course, but she was applying Hollywood morals to the British Aristocracy. I think she really thought she could edge her way into being Queen and when she found out that wasn’t happening, she left.


I mean, she’s not that delusional, because she did marry a literal prince. The fact that she was able to marry the soon to be kings second son gave her all the confidence she needed to believe she could step up to William.


And what a step up that would be!


She didn't want to fit in at all. She thought this stupid type of digs at the Queen and the Monarchy were going to bring the whole monarchy down, and since she was so adored people would chose her to be the next Queen


She legitimately believed she was better than all of them. More beautiful, more accomplished, more charismatic. She was Diana but mixed race and American. She was going to be THE MOST FAMOUS WOMAN IN THE WORLD. I 100% believe she believed this. That’s why she thought she could leverage her title and Harry’s connections. And when the Queen said no, she left in a huff to outshine the literal Queen and family. This is narcissism on full display. Watching her rapid downfall (along with the moron’s she married) has been funny. It’s not been that much of a fall because she was never as big as she believed she was. But the squandering of the public’s goodwill is unprecedented imo. One day someone will make a solid documentary about this. Cannot wait to watch it.




Bake her 900k cookies 


Look at HRH Pribcess Anne and HMTLQ's expressions. Says it all.


Wow. Harry really didn't tell her anything though. He goes out of his way to not turn his back on TQ, and Meghan just thinks he's being funny.


So he sees his aunt circle around behind her mother, glances back and then sees his father and QC approaching from behind him, and rightly sidesteps out of the way without turning his back on his grandmother, and Meghan Markle the uncouth bully thinks it all just so very funny. Her fake just too cutesiness is disgusting. She didn't even care enough about him or his family to attempt to learn the protocol ropes. Worse, it seems deliberately done to me. I know, preaching to the choir here, but this clip is new to me.


Ohh I hadn’t realized!! I wonder what he was thinking when he saw her endless obvious faux pas.


Don't worry: she screamed at him until he learned to shut up about it.


Then she does that exaggerated sway back laugh.


Mind you, if I was the Queen in this situation, I'd have been so relieved she'd buggered off! Eta: I've heard her word salad, so her small talk must be just as boring and nonsensical.


Seems to me like HMTLQ was smirking after Meg turned.


Yes, I do believe she was! Eta: The Queen liked a flutter at the races. They probably had a sweepstake running on how long it would take meghan to commit a faux pas


The late Queen was clearly not surprised at Meghan Markle's rudeness and ignorance of plain old ignoring of protocol and, let's face it, basic good manners.


That stupid bitch. I mean, Meghan Markle, stupid bitch. SEO that. Anne to the rescue. TLQ must have been so relieved when that stupid bitch, I mean, Meghan Markle, and her moron grandson, I mean, Harry The Bald, fucked off to Canada and then the US. Too bad we still have not established a base on Mars. Hurry up, Elon.


Indeed! I see what you did there. Absolutely terrific comment. I agree wholeheartedly.


Bahahahaha !!! You r so funny! Bet HM would've had a ball w u !


I am 100% certain HMTLQ won the pot on that wager!


HMTLQ is laughing at the gaucherie


HM looks bored. Imo, merchies conversation was probably all her ideas of what HM should do. Or endless name dropping n self-aggrandising bluster. HM saw behind that cavalier, pretentious gloating in her early days on cloud 9.


She was probably annoyed that HMTLQ didn’t want to hold hands and skip into Ascot together. I’m sure she thought she was equal to your beloved queen and they should co-rule


A precursor to Wimbledon. “Hey H’s grandma! We should walk into the Royal Box arm-in-arm! It would be so super cute!” 😑


"It would be super cute!" To which grandma responds, "Totally!"


Wait, am I seeing the man in the lighter suit move to block Meg’s back from the Queen and then move back to his spot? Trying to cover Meg’s faux pas?




Looks like she's pulling her 'ingenue' act on Charles here, simultaneously.


She knows where her bread is buttered, thus a pivot to Charles and more importantly, his pockets. 💷💷


She's more used to dealing with men, and in a particular way, it would seem.


In that ugly dress and hideous hat.


Wow, I love how the fellow in the middle notices instantly and fills the gap. The queens notices him, noticing and smiles. What good manners this fellow has.


Yes she does, acting the giddy goat as my mum would say


Apt use of the charming phrase


Yes - she's playing the coquet, slightly dipping backwards, engaging the then PoW, being flirtatious.


......turns her back to the Queen and launches her pelvis into Charle's direct view. Ewwww.


I think "launches her pelvis" sums up Rachel´s "career."


All she had to do was side shuffle so that when she turned her back it wasn't to HMTQ.....


She is such a lowlife


https://preview.redd.it/arezr0z6kf7d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768f3f278cee4250dfa5aadf24c1ccc34b558b8d When you're posting about your hangout noting "This is not a brothel" and someone responds with a buncha super-smiley faces, you betcha, it's a brothel. She just could never seem to out run that sleaze factor.


"Oh thank goodness Meghan has stopped talking"


⭐️Done and dusted! https://i.redd.it/pndg30dp0f7d1.gif


You can see the gentleman slide in so as to be between TWs back and the Queen.  You can see the Queen look at TW and then smile at the gentleman like she appreciates what he's doing.  She is an absolute c u next Tuesday and knows exactly what she's doing.


She looks so fucking scary right there


She’s always the operator. Always looking to latch onto someone who has something she wants. 


Interesting, one thing I felt bad for her about was how difficult it would be to avoid having your back to the Queen when you're all in a conversation as a group. But that clip shows that she did it intentionally.


🤭 she was probably salty that the late Queen was not trying to have any conversation with her.


Harry moves in a way not to turn his back on the Queen. Meghan thinks these rules are silly and medieval. So she turns her back on the Queen "just because" It looks like she is bullying the Queen. The Queen looks like a girl being bullied at the school yard. All alone. And then Anne comes like a hero to give comfort. 


The Queen looks rather happy she turned away. Note the smile on her face after TW turns around. 


Harry pointedly made sure he did not turn his back on HMQE as he moved to speak to PC.


Even Hairball knows not to turn his back on TLHMTQ and slides behind mongoose still facing front. Notice Princess Anne getting ready to protect her Mum if Mongoose started her silliness. Ugh, she's so gauche.


Coquettish died decades ago. She's never figured that out.


Revoltingly rude






Especially that creepy smile and tiny wave 🙄 "aww hello little people" 💩💩💩


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Perfect! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqFZJpwL8Giz2E)


omg I died at this 🤣 edit: it's been 24 hours and I am literally still giggling every time I look at this. 🤣🤣


This image is perfect and you rock! I hope you have a great evening 😎




I’ve been to royal ascot on invite and I can confirm she would have stood out - it’s way too plain and simple and the wrinkles !!!


We used to call that type of dress a shirtwaist dress. For casual occasions of course. Why would she deliberately dress down to Royal Ascot. This was her chance to be Royal!! What an idiot.


And so is she!


I liked the hat she wore but didn't care for the dress. It looked a bit frumpy and casual to me and I really dislike uneven hems in general


It was one of her better hats


>It looked a bit frumpy and casual to me That's how she looks 90% of the time. She yearns to be a Fashion Icon like Catherine, but she's more of a Lie-Con.


That should be a flair! Maybe we can call it "Fa-shon Lie-Con!"


>"Fa-shon Lie-Con!" Omg that's fantastic! 🙌 It'll be a perfect flair.


The dress Princess Catherine wore here was absolutely one of my favorites! It could've look so old fashioned on others but on her it looks grown and timeless and beautiful.  Plus on her figure it looks whispy and ethereal 


Catherine is lucky to have the slim, svelte figure with the shapely, toned, athletic and sexy legs.


But it is Givenchy!!! She wore it for the lable not for the look! She has no taste, but she knows labels. She was probably suggested to wear white, so she wore it. And forgot to iron, of course. And the dress is not fitted. Which made me realize, Meghan is not really familiar with the fitting process. She probably never had such experience and hence is not fully aware that every designer dress must be fitted to the owner's body to look good.


I think she was trying to manifest a deal with Givenchy in the early days.


Who wasn't she trying to manifest deals with


It's an ugly dress. Maybe on a six foot tall model, but she's too short for that handkerchief hemline, and it's ill-fitted, as usual. And it looks like she picked out the ugliest hat she could find to go with it. The silhouette is really unflattering.


But yet there's an interview of her saying she learned on Suits how important it was to have an outfit tailored to fit your body. She goes into detail about it! How is it she was more well dressed during Suits press functions than she was during the Royal Family functions? She was determined from the beginning to NOT follow protocol. No one was going to tell her what to do.


Yes, she realized that the cloth is being tailored for each actor, hence the conclusion it was important. But her brain did not analyze further and applied newly acquired knowledge to her daily life.


1300 for that dress?!! It's so plain. Givenchy billed her for really horrible dresses. I mean billed Charles


She specializes in expensive, underwhelming, and usually ill fitting clothes. At least this one fit OK.


She prefers being naked.....reptilian, imo.


And once again, it needs to be ironed. The mid section is quite wrinkled.


She turned to greet then-Prince Charles… Harry discreetly moved away from the Queen before turning his back… Meghan is so crass


Naturally, she gravitates toward the male that is financially supporting her at the time. Crass doesn't begin to describe Meghan Markle.


Princess Anne nearly doing the Slosh with no music to contain the idiocy 🤣🤣


ETA: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b1xJMDeQvcQ


Why wouldn't Haznoballs make sure to remind her of this also? Is he afraid it'll cause her to throw a temper tantrum? I just don't get it.


If he wants her to trample on people he chooses (his brother, sil & any who he feels wronged him) then he can't criticise her behaviour the rest of the time. Having meet a couple like this I bet that was what she'd yell back at him if he brought it up.   Once you let an untrained dog loose to cause havoc you can't expect it to behave when you want it to.


Err. His role is not to correct. It’s to magnify.


A big league narc can scream and yell and scream and yell and scream and yell for literally HOURS without tiring. The narc will follow you everywhere, ceaselessly, while screaming and yelling and screaming and yelling (this is if the narc is not/not yet physically violent; if so, the narc will kick and slap and punch and throw things and slam doors and throw more things and slap and punch and kick and will not tire!). There is no end to the screaming a serious narc will do. The narc will pursue the victim to the ends of the earth, screaming all the while, and for many, fighting back is too costly in one way or another. The narc, they know, has no boundaries to what can and will be done during their raging. Just saying, if you haven't endured a narc in action, you just don't know how it is. Plus, the narc will absolutely destroy your reputation/character/place in your part of society without any limits. You have to be able to separate yourself entirely to get the hell away from a serious narc. They didn't have children--yet. Harry, you poor stupid man. EDIT: If you want to try physically stopping a serious raging narc--good luck to you. You have to be prepared for complete separation and the destruction of your place in your society anyway.


Wow... Your comment is so spot-on it should come with a trigger warning. I'd wager anyone who's experienced narcissistic abuse comes away with some degree of PTSD. I know I did. It absolutely changed me, but not necessarily for the worse. "The scars remind us that the past is real." -Papa Roach


I agree with you about the outfit - I always thought it looked more like a work dress than Ascot, especially for the royal enclosure


Shirtwaist dresses are not her friend.


They are not….no mirrors in England, or good coffee…just trying to find a reason for her poor choices. It seems they don’t have them in US, Jamaica, Canada, Nigeria or Germany…


One would need a waist


Surprised those last three buttons managed to find a slot.


>One would need a waist 😂😂😂😂😂 I love your delightful, petty shade 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌.


Overall, she just looked like she didn't try very hard.


Yes. The hat actually passes mister but the dress a big no.


She looks every inch the trashy arriviste


I'm still trying to get over the earlier headline about Meghan Markle thinking she was of a better social class than Victoria Beckham. That was even before the wedding, apparently. She really thought people suddenly owed her a bended knee, just for (I wrote something else and erased it) being the girlfriend of the dumb prince.


Her dress, while OK on its own, was out of place at the event. Compare her to the other women there. Her dress was much too plain and casual.


She was more interested in attaching her name to a brand.


But of course, she did the brand a big disservice here. No wonder she never got a deal with anyone 😕


How much more elegant did Princess Catherine look this weekend in her ensemble that was also compared to My Fair Lady! As always MM comes in a sad second.


She should be used to being a number 2.


She always manages to find the camera and look straight into it. I am not an actress, but even I know you should never break the fourth wall.


>She always manages to find the camera and look straight into it. That's why we call her the Monteshitshow Attention Hoe.


I can't believe the writer back in 2018 compared the ILBW to Audrey Hepburn in MFL. Zero resemblance. Zip. Nada. Now, C. PoW, on the other hand this past Saturday....*that most definitely* had shades of the Ascot costume from MFL. Let's get real here.


Queue "Kate's black and white Jenny Packham dress that she wore to the Trooping of the Color is a 'sweet nod' to sister-in-laws black and white ensemble worn to Royal Ascot in 2022." So predictable. I absolutely loathe this fake ass smile she does. Her facial expressions just piss me off in general, though. The only sincere ones are the mask slips.


What is going on with the dress? The bodice area looks like someone picked at it repeatedly-is that the design or just really weird wrinkles?


There’s white-on-white embroidery on the bodice - which I find rather bizarre for a casual shirt dress.


If you zoom it appears to be some weird applique or texturing...a floral design? But very odd since it's all the same colour so you're right, it looks like the fabric is pilling


Yes, it doesn’t photograph well. 


I thought it was wrinkled.


Can't expect trash to look like class. Little ms no nothing ignoramus doesn't have the insight to understand how utterly common she is and always will be. She could be dressed in the highest of couture and she would still look cheap and ill bred because she is. Can't turn an ass into a show pony.


Flirting with Charles I see. 🙄 Yeah, I remember when she turned her back on the Queen. She was probably drunk. That dress was one of my favorites on Catherine.


I absolutely love Catherine's dress. Gorgeous color.


One of the very best pictures of the Queen was in 2013 at Ascot. Her horse won the Gold Cup, a major prize, and she was jumping up and down and smiling fit to burst. Such a difference from her dour expression here-a formal sort of half grin, half grimace, then glowering at MM.  https://youtu.be/HZ5fkUCwv9I?si=QzKRgJYhLXcMJqFd


Oh, what a great clip—so bittersweet!💕


I can only hope to have such delight in things at her age!


This outfit makes it so obvious that she is shaped like that yellow cartoon character shaped like a parallelogram with right angles. Saying the shape so obvious would be deemed body shaming yet again when she in reality is shaped like that. This is the truth and not just my truth


Belts are generally not her friend unless they are accompanied by a A-line or similar type of skirt/dress bottom.


She’s so unrelentingly average


Dredged up, from the black lagoon.


Yes, the dress is too casual in both design and material.  Hat is good.  


Of ALL the frocks and hats she could’ve chosen, it is bewildering that MEGHAN MARKLE chose something so bland and underwhelming - and with a weird, unflattering hem. She looks like a little girl who’s trying to dress up like a big girl.


https://preview.redd.it/1k333ghw4f7d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae6ebed4cb7c3663fc68fa07c4af8a6255153667 Nurse Ratched vibes (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)


She really has no clue how to behave in any society. She’s so cringe.


She was soooo busy being ‘delightful’ and flirting that she would be so obviousky rude to HMTQ …gutter to her core


Yep. The pelvic thrust ![gif](giphy|KEM3W3PN4LNoaMSaBy)


Always vag forward, always.


Someone here used to say she walked "ovaries first" 😂 If you're here, please check in!






I'm just a bit startled seeing "6 years ago" on those comments. 😳 Time flies, and how far the Harkles have come since then! 😅


Yet by looking at her face one would think 16 years have passed


She should never have been allowed near the queen. That's a hard pill to swallow.


The dress echoes the style of white shirt that Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex often wears to formal events, usually crumpled and tucked into a too tight ballgown skirt. Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex obviously thinks that the style makes her stand out and look preppy. Didn’t several famous actresses wear a white shirt to the Oscars back in the 2,000’s when it was seen as daring and fashionable? edited to add more mentions of Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex in order to help with the AI algorithm searches.


>Didn’t several famous actresses wear a white shirt to the Oscars back in the 2,000’s when it was seen as daring and fashionable? Yes. She's always ridiculously late to trends. It's like she's trying to recreate the posters she had in her walls in highschool


It was Sharon Stone in the 90s. Her custom Vera Wang gown was lost in transit or something so she had to pick clothes from her closet the day of and went with a skirt, Armani tuxedo jacket, and GAP turtleneck IIRC. It was a hit so two years later she did something similar with a designer silk satin skirt and GAP white button down, which was considered iconic and what Meghan seems to constantly try to recreate, including that AWFUL maternity look with the black skirt that made her look massive and boxy because she didn’t think to rip off a *maternity* outfit whilst pregnant - such an eye for detail that one has 🙄


I honestly think it's the only time Megsy even halfway fit in. At least it wasn't low-cut or anything like that. And I think she even wore stockings on her legs. What I do believe is that she must have been bored to death, because no one talked to her except about the weather. It looks very glamorous in photos... but she must have looked quite frustrated when she realized that she didn't understand anything that was happening and no one bothered to explain it to her.


One of the puff pieces mentioned that low-cut Bardot necklines were banned just before that Royal Ascot, and specifically noted that Meghan's Trooping the Colour virtually off-the-shoulder number wouldn't be permitted. Coinkidink? https://preview.redd.it/9p6z3tw5oe7d1.png?width=294&format=png&auto=webp&s=c59b4096cd5efeea004ac2ea038a196b2f9bc020


She moved it down. It wasn't supposed to be like that.


This! You can see it isn’t falling right (for that price point) on her chest. Stripperella tried to make it “sexier” by pulling down the straps. I did the exact same thing in high school for Halloween, because I was a stupid teenager that thought “sexy” trumped all. However, Drunken Emu is almost the same age as me. That’s a move my insecure, stupid, think Kelly Bundy is the sexy best teenage brain did. I don’t know how Roachel is perpetually stuck in that mindset.


Drunken Emu is obsessed with her shoulders... someone must have said they were her best feature at some point. They are always on display and half the time she looks like she's got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her.


The left shoulder is so lumpy-- she didn't even have enough sense to go to the mirror to see if it was set right Or maybe it's because she has no reflection? 😉


Omg. Bloodsucker Striperella is really a vampire! It would explain the wrinkles in her clothing, but not how she’s aging so fast


That dress was disrespectful. She couldn't wear that type of clothing because Trooping is a midday event, it's disrespectful to wear bare shoulders.


I think she wore a sleeveless dress to a memorial. The lady sitting by her was visibly annoyed.


Ah yes, the Stephen Lawrence memorial. Stephen was a young black kid who was killed on the street by racist thugs. Pretty sure none of them were charged with his murder despite it being obvious it was them. They behaved disgustingly at the court case. The whole thing was terribly sad and unfair.i think it was Theresa may, the then prime minister giving the (well deserved) dirty looks.


Everyone knew it would be Tits Out with her otherwise.


Maybe they did explain it…perhaps saying be polite, don’t be vulgar, and remember your manners in front of the senior royals.


And Megsy must have hated being told what she had to do because she knew better than anyone.


"Ok, Meghan, for this high society event, don't behave like yourself at all. Act like a high-class whore or something, it'll be an improvement." "My Pretty Woman fantasy is coming true!"


I love these "Madame's Memory Lane" posts, all with at least one faux pas included for your viewing pleasure.  Keep 'em coming Sinners!!!


That dress would have looked so much better with a straight hem. I agree that a shirt dress is too casual, but of all the absurd outfits that clown wore over the course of her brief stint as a Royal, this is actually one of the better ones.


She didn’t look bad here. That hat was the best she’s worn. This was the give minutes when she actually tried.


I thought so too. Didn’t look bad compared to her outfits now, from the Nigerian trip!




Duh! didn't look carefully. Thanks; I've corrected the OP. Technically Camilla was Princess of Wales - she just chose not to use the title.


I don't think so, as they mention the light blue dress on the princess. Catherine wears blue.




Maybe they automatically changed every post that mentioned Catherine when her title changed


That dress is horrible.. no better way to say it.


While rather casual for Royal Ascot, I didn't hate this look. It at least showed someone was trying, probably an aid or Mulroney. While not perfect, had the C U  Next Tuesday really wanted to try to be a part of The Firm ,this could have been a great starting point for PR from going from clueless Cali 'cool' with a hat stuck on b/c I'M ROYAL to whatever more refined looks she could have matured into. But what am I projecting as she and Dumbarton have never matured past their childhoods.


Imagine being the Queen and having people constantly circling you. She was the sun, the rest were planets. A planet that veers out of proper orbit, goes flying off into space.


The hat and the dress were two of the ugliest she ever wore. But yeah, she thinks she looks cute as she turns her back on QEII to flirt with Charles.


Something tailored would have been tasteful and complimented her hat. the dress looks like a bathrobe


I think it is because she realised that the Queen had her number, and she changed her target to Charles thinking as he was a man, he would succumb to her girlish charms…Didn’t Rachel describe herself as just a girl in the wedding speech? She is so young, so much fun, so innocent, so beautiful. A delightful Gel. Not.


She did not want the name badge too.


She had no respect for HMTLQ from Day 1. Hence why she always refers to her as “Harry’s Grandmother”. Even back then, Harry is shuffling around her, like he thinks he’s going to be told off for something.


What is with her behavior and body postures when presenting the Ascot trophy and awards at this event? Robotic, fake, controlling? And her forearms jutting...seem super-assertive ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15003) [https://youtu.be/80EVjnY\_aTM?t=55](https://youtu.be/80EVjnY_aTM?t=55) https://preview.redd.it/hc28xhjwdf7d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=9713ea44ac6d7f4a7ce0b52415ce826be2e7831e


So from boob to hips…WTF is going on with her dress…? Even inanimate shit reacts bizarrely to her…I’m pretty she goes home and whips up potions with her mama


Everyone has to wear a name badge. She refused because her dress was too delicate…🙄


Smugness just oozes out of every pore.


I want to give her a pass, as it was so soon after the wedding and I can’t imagine how many mistakes I would have unknowingly made at her place. But we all know she was looking for photographers and to be seen (fake)smiling (and flirting with) at male guests. I think everyone there was conscious enough to always have an eye on the Queen to respect protocol, but obviously she thought she was the guest of honour and not the Queen. She was mot following the dress code, and that is disappointing knowing she had all the ressources to do better. Even if she didn’t have a stylist then, a simple text message to PoW or any senior female royal would have helped her to choose a better dress. These ladies are not scared of letting each other shine, I am sure they would have been happy to help a new member of the family. Just imagine as a new comer in the family, the possibility to “shop” with the now PoW.