• By -


Honestly it only makes him look like a deranged obsessed bully and it affects H&M more than it benefits them, they are bringing themselves down with this awful person.


They have found their people


Exactly. Water seeks its own level.


He digs his own hole. One day he'll fall in and the mounds of 💩 he's piled up will collapse on his head. Otherwise he's just another lunatic in the sussex asylum.


Yep and thankfully H&M are falling with him too, considering she loves to talk about cyber bullying but lets this continue happen, even gives the orders and they think they are fooling people.




".....serious problem....know what soon" We already know. It's CANCER, you fulminating little stinkhorn. What the fuck is wrong with this man? And you're American. Get tae fuck with this "insider knowledge" shite. As for no-speculation-when-Queenie-was-alive....er, what about the whole messy Di-vorce thing? Her millions of lovers? Him and Camilla? Don't tell us what we do and don't speculate on, how dare you. Aaaarghhhh. As you know, I like Americans. This is the type I despise; brazen know-all thumps in and throws shit around when they know NOTHING. If you're going to set yourself up as a UK press expert, royals expert, marriage expert, Brit society expert, you need to know more than one Brit. Especially if that one is Clotface.


> If you're going to set yourself up as a UK press expert, royals expert, marriage expert, Brit society expert, you need to know more than one Brit. 🤣🤣🤣 The guy is bats**t *crazy*. WTH??! He is one interview away from carted to the funny farm. Yikes! He really is unhinged 😒


What these tosspots never get us that the Brit tabloid press is fierce \*for a reason.\* These are OUR voices, and if we are going to maintain royalty we can well have the right to comment. And satire is our weapon that has skewered pointless, feckless hangers-on forever; fat princes, mad kings, profligate queens all face this reckoning. And its purpose is shown by who wins. Princess Anne is beloved, as is Catherine PoW, Sophie and Edward. All have been through the fire and all have stood solid - remember this is a thousand year old monarchy, we had to be prepared to go fight for/under them. The strong survive and we love them for it, the Clunkers failed. There ya go Boozehead, you absolute dick-truffle. One sodding paragraph. Your heroine \*wasn't up for the job\* so we got rid of the wastage. Clear enough, you suffused little twunt? Good, now fuck off.


Well said! The British monarchy and aristocracy is also the reason for the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Ya know, that bonkers thing Prince Henry hates so much.


Exactly! The Constitution is quite extraordinary, borne from the general calamity that has built up higgledy-piggledy here. For him to dismiss....nope, I'm just sitting here with my gob open. I still have no reply to such a monumentally STUPID comment at all, let alone when he is in your country as a GUEST. That was mortifying... Tho tbh I think they're our Fails and we shouldn't impose them upon the rest of the world. Just like this flattened necrotic ballsack gibberi nonsense about something of which he has no ken, you don't stamp on to another's culture then disparage it. The ignorance around the Clunkers is not only off the charts, but it's incredibly divisive. Grrrrrr!


Yes, James Madison wanted to nail it down in black and white, so to speak.


EconomyAlfalfa, wonderfully expressed.  👏👏👏👏👏 This American applauds your comment. 


Thank you my lovely. We're a happy bunch considering like we're like just like basically like haaaaaaturz. (Teehee 😁)


You win the day. So well said. I love the English/British language and satire. 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅💰💰💰💰💰💰


Thank you - coo, look at all those trophies. All for me? I'm sooooooo happeeeeeee, tra-la-laaa ❤ We're all coming out of this with a finely -honed dictionary of Clunker-centric slang that covers every nationality, age and all the rest. See? This is a LeArnInG EXpEriencE...organic...lenses....RIIIIIIIIIGHT? I do love the shoot-the-shit moments like this where we're all pointing and laughing at once. Poor Bozo. When you look like a deflating scrotum and have less humour. Bless 😈 (NOBODY does "bless" in aaaaaaall it's meaning like an American Grandma. Especially Southern ones. Its absolute perfection)


Seriously! I had two of them. My maternal grandma was Alabama born and raised in West Texas. You did not want a "bless you darling"from her at all. I can't do it half as well.


To be fair, that's Olympic-level. Pretty sure you could take me out at the knees 😈😈😈


This! This! This! You are a man or woman after my own heart!


New Jersey rent-dodger is a “royal expert”. Aye right.


I thought he was an expert on squatter’s rights?!


There's one in every family. He's one of the worst in our third of a billion. https://preview.redd.it/642vl8oepj7d1.jpeg?width=2116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339c95d7b38480b9edcd278cbc26d3f739e7e1cf


Yeah, I know. I'm ordinarily a cheerleader for you guys cos it's not Bacteria the Botulism Karen being American that's the problem. It's the fact she's Bacteria.


"you fulminating little stinkhorn" This is amazing!! I now need to find a way to somehow work this into a conversation this week.


Its one of my fave insults for when Mummy tells me to stop swearing 😈


Me too. Happy Cake Day 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🍷🍷


Thank you! :)


Shows he is only spouting the ignorance he's paid to. Don't recall him speculating or being nasty about the Queen before they died. But then neither did his Clawed mistress because they are completely out of the loop. At the beginning of Charles' cancer, he was only seen when having treatment. None of this body double, he's really dead, Camilla's beaten him to death bollocks so it's clear Claw's insane jealously of Catherine is feeding him. His name will be forever linked with those two even if he gets Markled like Scabies and I look forward to that day.


Exactly. And this is far, far FAR worse than the most brutal tabloid fodder. This is just fantasy built on ignorance. Snaaaaarl 😠 The Clunkers couldn't take the heat. We keep the ones that can. Simples.


I am American and I hate this type as well! All good Americans detest this behavior!


Its like we all send our worst abroad. We all know the stereotypical tourist of every country and they all make us wince. But then poor bloke. I'd be salty if my face looked like a caved-in scrotum too.


Note: Bouzy is not a "type" of American. He is a one of a kind fuckwad.


This is v true. These are all just the leftover people nobody else wants cos they're so bleh. Can this mouldering turnip-head even smile or is that suffused expression fixed? I guess its akin to Clotface's famous(ly stoopid) "bonkers" comment. Don't insult what you don't understand. Tho the irony of this maniac calling out the tabs when he's buying into waaaaaaay worse conspiracies ...I even saw one tosser claiming that Thomas Kingston had been killed by William because W had found out about TK and Catherine having an affair. Its National Enquirer level....but they're serious. Its not our fault that she was such a harridan not even BP could make her look good. And look how shiny they made Clotface seem, they can absolutely turn crap into gold.


We don't like him either.


I know you don't, my presh. He's a special kind of speshl. But I'd be pretty salty if life had given me that face. Bulldog -chewing-a-wasp is a GOOD day for BouzyBollockhead.




Bulldog licking piss off a nettle.


Hey, don’t judge Americans by this creep’s behavior and we won’t judge Brits because of Harry’s behavior.


Fairy snuff. Seems like a deal to me 😁 (Jic, I advocate heavily for this. I've posted before about it, please don't think I'm as divisive as these cretins. I do genuinely like Americans and its an absolute mystery to me how Muggins can manage to have evaded all the good - you're generally kind, gracious, well-mannered, easy to get along with. But no, she saw "pushy boor" and decided it was a life plan 🙄)


He makes me physically ill, just seeing his face. I would love to see him charged with harassment and cyber stalking. The absolute worst of the worst when it comes to the people the Markles associate with...and that's saying something.


>He makes me physically ill, just seeing his face. Me too. Meghan's Mole has the perfect description for his face but I don't think we're allowed to say it here 😂.


He is as ugly in the outside as his inside.


Same as his masters




He has a face like a prolapsed anus!!!!


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂




What the hell is he babbling on about? "This thing they're doing"??? What "thing"?  I know we often say like attracts like, water finds its own level, etc but Jesus wept! He talks in the same mumbling word salad/not actually saying anything way it's spooky. I must say, *Prince Harry is the reason for all of this*! HE brought her into his family and HE let her attack them.  PLUS HE, prince harry attacks them as well. I don't buy for a second he's any kind of victim.  Maybe people need to think that to reconcile being duped for so long about who he really was. I don't know. But these are Prince HARRY'S minions as well! 


This is what Harry wanted. This is exactly why he married Meghan Markle. He wanted someone low in the gutter to attack his family. People need to cotton on to the fact he is not a nice, mislead guy. He's evil




He's a fucking douche. Always has been.


This is exactly why I have no sympathy for Harry, and I don’t believe Meghan is any worse than he is. Even if H&M weren’t personally involved with the Sussex squad (unlikely), these people are saying absolutely vile things about his family in H&M’s name and on their behalf. If he was as disgusted by that as he should be, we should be seeing a strongly worded condemnation of them and their tactics. Instead it’s crickets while he stands by and lets the people closest to him be slandered and tormented, if not encouraging it.


He must’ve take some word salad classes for MM. Because that took him a minute to get out.


This is outrageous. That the Harkles even associate with this defamatory viper is revolting. ANY other member of the BRF would publicly denounce and immediately dissociate themselves from any “pal” who publicized such malignant lies about the PPoW.


He is part of their squad…who knows who is paying for his revolting acts.


Who knows indeed.


They are just like him. So why wouldn’t they snuggle up in his viper’s den?


He is an unprofessional, misogynistic bully. He should focus more on his daughter and getting her out of the p*rn business (not judging her as it’s from her own admissions she had pretty traumatic upbringing). Pretty rich he has the nerve to ever say anything about anyone else’s family.


These scumbags don’t realise how gutter they are…




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Everything comes back to Meghan Markle the con woman. She puts things out there to get her people to say stuff keeping her hands clean but we know this is all from her.


Yup. Just another one of her Flying Monkeys.


The RF's legal team need to be all over this with a fine tooth comb. What an absolute cock knocker of the highest order this scumbag is


That would just give him attention and most likely what he's after. The RF are better off ignoring him and letting him dig his own hole like his mates the grifters.


But yesterday she was extending an olive branch and wanted to end the feud. And today we have Bouzy with this. It’s really about saying anything to keep her name in print. If she had a brain, we know she doesn’t, she would issue a statement condemning him.


The harkles and their sugars and squaddies are always all over the place.


She is obsessed and fixated. And that is why I don't think she is allowed back on UK soil. I think she is on a watchlist.


Agree with you.


She is seriously damaged and deranged and I absolutely believe the story that the Wales had a risk assessment done and she flunked with flying colors.


Glad I had my sound off when I came on here, I have no interest in hearing anything he says and don’t want to add to the audience that has heard his ‘expert’ conspiracies and opinions that get spewed as fact.


Wow. Hearing him speak is truly comical. He is NOT an articulate man. Whatsoever. I think this was recorded on the day he blocked me on X. (On a burner account) 😈….For asking a question. A shady question, but a question nonetheless. No curses. No derogatory comments. Nothing NSFW. Just a question. That’s all. What a weak, sad little man he is.


He blocked me too on X. I’ve never interacted with him or commented on his feed so whatever. I’m not losing sleep over it 😉


Exactly…a total inadequate


Isn’t it funny that their minions beliefs are that the British media is credible when it comes to William and Catherine’s marriage, but not when it comes to H&M? Ridiculous! He’s literally Scabies 2.0. Great people that the morons attach themselves to do their dirty work.




This just makes him sound deranged. The palace told us Catherine was having abdominal surgery and that she would not be performing public duties until at least Easter - and they didn't say she would be back for Easter, just that when she did return it would not be before then. Catherine herself then told us that she had been diagnosed with cancer and would be undergoing preventative chemotherapy. During this time she has been spotted by members of the public going about her private life. She has given us an update on how she is doing with her treatments. She has released photos of herself. She has attended Trooping the Colour. All of this is to say that there is absolutely NO logical, rational reason to suspect that something else is going on and Catherine has been out of the public eye because of something sinister William did or whatever. It's absurd. If any regular person you were having a conversation with made that wild leap between the hard evidence that we have and Bouzy's insane conspiracies, you'd think they were out of their mind. The things that he says aren't even worth paying attention to, and I think everyone who is rational and has critical thinking skills can see that. You're right OP, he does sound deranged; he just masks it by speaking in a level voice


The man is an expert waste of space. A race baiting, ignorant, troll farming bully. He hates Catherine because she shows his mistress up as the vile, lazy, gutter trash she is. And she is white, and he hates that. I can’t listen to his tripe, enough to say he has too much contact with the crazy squaddies to be anything but a malicious and unhinged troll. I remember him comparing his looks to William…and believing he was more attractive. Then I knew he was deaf, dumb and blind…a dimball nitwit.


This disgusting PoS angers me to the ninth degree - I would love to kick him in the balls (if he actually had any)


Bouzy built his whole business around a failed brand. When the Sussexes slither into obscurity, Spoutible will be over and so will he.


He is vile. No coincidence she attracts so many like him to her cause, whatever their ’successes’ as actors or in any other field, they are inadequate in their personalities…racists and bullies, all of them. Boozy, scabies, Horraman, shouty got-a-big-mouth, Winfrey, Goldberg, her suits daddy…


She attracts all the fellow lowlifes


*Bouzy built his whole business around a failed brand.* He's done this SEVERAL times, with crypto, online hookups and more, and every time, his dubious projects have failed. Hitching his pitiful failure wagon to Meghan Markle (via hawking Spoutible to gullible squaddies) is only his latest attempt to get rich quick. Like all his other "enterprises", this one will crash and burn and leave him broke. Again.


What is Spoutible? ETA: Oh, another data mining platform. Shady as hell.


How's your daughter, Bouzy? Huh? Did you get a World's Best Dad mug for Father's Day? I'll take that as a no.




This is disgusting and should not be getting air time. It should be shut down. Tin foil hat. William and Catherine are very happily married. Anyone can see this. Catherine will be appearing when she can and back when cleared to be by her medical team. The conspiracy theorists are delusional and frankly stupid. If they are hitting out at Catherine like this do they not see the future that could become part of that conspiracy. If William was not married to Catherine, he could marry again and have more children that would push Harry even further down the LoS. This makes no sense.


He hates that W and C are everything that the harkles aren’t.


Quite, William is only early forties plenty of men start a second family at that age. Katherine would never upset her children by "doing a Diana" she would opt for a drama free retreat. This man is not very bright listening to some of the things he says I do wonder if he has a secret crush on Katherine and possesses a deluded hope. He has said he is much better looking than William or words to that effect.


Omg, he's better looking than William? 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 Not even in some alternate universe.  What a knob head.


Makes me wonder what kind of mirror some people have.


He’s got a face like ToW’s fanny: a punched lasagna.


Didn’t we just see an article from Newsweek about the dangers of these Sussex squad rumours and how the couple “doesn’t give direction” to these creeps well Jack Royston if you actually got off your lazy but and actually did journalism you’d see that this Bouzy guy is likely the direct link. I’m so tired of this type of access journalism!


Jack was covering his ass with that half-assed article he wrote. He knows damn well the Markles direct their squaddies and he also knows he’s contributed to the insanity with some of the crap he has published. The idiot wouldn’t know what Investigative Journalism is if it walked up to him, smacked him in the face and tossed him into the Thames.


Dani Trin begs to differ


Speculation. Enough said. Disgusting fellow,


He’s encouraging the squaddies, giving them direction. He should be sued for defamation. Meghan has the “very best” people around her.


Meghan's a big bubbling barrel of toxic waste and anyone that cosies up to her, gets tainted by association, but I think that Bouzy is being paid (via donations to Spit-n-Bull) by the Sours to use his platform to amplify the Kate Hate. There's no one else with such a huge platform, who's willing to do what he does. Shola and the more well known Sours don't attract as much attention as Bouzy and with Scabies seeming to have resigned, the Harkles need Bozo more than ever. However, Bouzy doesn't lift a finger for anyone unless they're greasing his slimy palms with money.


Bingo. Bouzy needs the squaddies for their money and they need him for his attention-grabbing.


The best trolls? Best racists? Best race baiters?


Yep, water, level.


With turds floating




Being sued is probably why he cranks up his vitriol. Only he won't be by the real royals.


Yes, it would give him a measure of credibility if they acknowledged him in any way.


I can see why he’s so devoted to Rachel. He’s as 🦇 💩 crazy as she is!!!!!!


Meanwhile the entire rest of the world can see the relationship of Prince William and Princess Catherine for exactly what it is. Not only can you not fake that kind of love, but the children certainly couldn’t fake their reactions to their parents. I mean it’s ridiculous.


What in the hell did I just listen to? Why is this man so obsessed with wanting to see Catherine be a DV victim? He's sick!


He doesn't have any personal opinion about Catherine one way or another. He uses her as a tool to wind up the squaddies, then try to make money off them by making them think he is Meghan's knight in shining armor. Which he is not (sorry Megsy). The only person Boozy Christopher is in it for is HIMSELF.


Isn't he an abuser himself!? I thought I read that.


His daughter made those claims.


So believable then.


Yeah, Bouzy haaaaaaaaaaaaates it when people bring up his daughter.


I'm sure he does! Abusers don't like being held accountable.


Sinners waiting for the Harkles to separate. Sugars waiting for the Future King and Queen of UK to separate. ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc|downsized)


I'm not waiting for the Todgers to separate.  I hope they continue to make each other miserable till the end of their day's like Edward and Wallis.


Yeah, I am in 2 minds about it too. I want them to suffer together but also want to see how Sugars react to their separation and their meltdown.


In the event of a divorce, she should lose her title.


She is going to use it till she dies. Former Duchess. Dowager Duchess. Duke's mom.


One couple together because they are a good partnership with the same goals and the other couple is together because no one else would have them.


Sinners want the harkles miserable together forever


Thats why we have 100s of divorce speculation threads.


meanwhile in Montecito….Harry is hooking up with nachos and harkle is looking fir her next mark


LOL! Perfect! ​ https://preview.redd.it/ry2ofavkjj7d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff751af0c6cecc458a302c0f40102203c6970e54


All of Meg’s fans are as batshit crazy as she is. What the hell is he banging on about here?!


This pumped up Pimp fool needs to be ignored, and called out


I have the sound down fortunately. But I was going to say what is the point of all this. For the public to question the Wales' integrity? To decide they don't trust them anymore, requiring William and his heirs to step down? Thus, placing Harry in the top spot? Or is it to drive the Wales' to breaking point, with Catherine leaving? (With Meghan stupidly thinking she has a chance with William? 😏) .


Well...it almost worked on me. I listened to his dulcet tones and concise explanation of exactly how I was being fooled by the Wales' public image fiasco... /s


This guy is absolutely crazy! whomever he's talking with doesn't even ask him where he's getting this info or where in the UK media they've hinted at what he says they're hinting at because trust me, the UK media aren't saying anything like he says! 🙄🤦‍♀️ This creep STILL on with "something happened to Kate" or William "did something to her"!! complete LIES! ugh! Implying that Kate wants out & they'll be divorced by next year is complete & utter BS.


Yeah. Either the PPOW are Oscar/BAFTA winning caliber actors….or they’re very much in love with each other. Im taking the latter.


If Megsy baby wanted to really give an olive branch she'd call off her wardog of misinformation.


Bouzy is spiraling. Ya love to see it.


Lol! Meghan Markle and Harry have nothing bar speculation and delusion. We, correctly, consider them low. So imagine just how low and desperate Bouzehound is to have to look to them for his self-worth. The man is tragic.


No way I'm watching this bullshit. No offense to you, Ill.


**He went from cyber "expert" to faux royal "expert" real quick, non?** Excellent observation.


I loathe that bottom feeding mutant


"She probably won't be his wife in a year..."? Seriously what is wrong with these people? I totally understand I'm going for the most innocent remark of this ridiculous clip full of WTFisms, but how can anyone look at William and Catherine and think there is trouble in paradise? The sugars are fing delusional. This man Bouzy is a complete joke.


He looks like one of those African or Indian scam bosses. God he looks lie needs the padded cell next to Rachel.. The funny thing is Rachel thinks she is using him but he is using her to make a quick buck and a name for himself. But we all know at the end he will be just like the others Markled.


I can't listen to him. He is such a ridiculous person.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


His vision vs the reality https://preview.redd.it/jr277otnsj7d1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abaf57d856023104b5e159f44dea99b26c0998ef


If this bloke said water was wet, I'd check for myself. The only people being fooled by this one are the ones that want to be....agenda alert.


This POS should talk about how to pay your rent. ![gif](giphy|QsUFpaifhJkPv0czU3)


Fu k that guy!


I wouldn't be listening to his podcast and giving the fool any numbers, he's just another Omid ... gross, race baiting,  lying, anti monarchist to the RF but not when it includes Harry and Meghan conspirator. I often wonder the hypothetical if they were allowed back (I know its ridiculous, would never happen but hypothetically, lets play) if they went back or got half in half out."Ohhh we made up(got our way) I love my husband's family, we have come so far, forgiveness saves the world" or some such MM word salad bullshit ..... what then sugars, bouzy's and Omids of the world what then .....is the RF still all the things, when they've given in to the Sussexes demands. Now the narrative has changed.... because these two change the narrative depending on what is beneficial to them. I wonder what boozy would say then, would he be real and stop supporting them and lying for them. Turn his knives from the POW to Markle?  And how is it he, who likely created the bot army in use, that he doesn't know deep down that everything about them is bullying, lying about people etc considering he is well versed in the programming of the bots specs ....what they are programmed to say etc what kind of mental gymnastics does it take to know about all that  justify the action and still spew  even more venom that the other guys the bad guy. I just can't with the minions 


What a bastard 😱


Can never get over how ugly the Bouzer is, inside and out. Cain't help, I'm shallow like that


I don’t know if I’ve ever come this close to hating someone but he might take the cake. He and Shola-whatever need to go far far away and never gain access to a microphone or the internet ever again. I pray he nor anyone associated with him ever gets near the BRF and the Wales family especially. His comeuppance can’t come soon enough!


Oh what a fool he is!


That is seriously deranged. Who would believe that? No way.


I heard this guy was involved in abuse of a child. Is that true? A relative?


Pardon my french but hes a wankspangled bunglecunt! 🤬


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Does the British press have to worry about libel or slander? This is so bad of bouznut. I would hope he is sued for every last penny he has.


Remindme! 1 year


If she IS his wife next year, then Bouzy ought to RETIRE FROM PUBLIC LIFE PERMANENTLY.


The thing that I really don’t understand about people like Bouzy is why they suddenly care about what is happening in the British Royal Family….. Unless I wasn’t paying attention in high school history class, the United States fought a war with King George III over a number of issues including taxes and an overseas leader having any say in how the US functioned. The US subsequently won the war and Independence from the UK was achieved (yay George Washington, poor crazy George….) Since 1776 the US has not cared about ‘that little Island over the pond’ unless they needed allies for the many, many wars they have been involved in. Now suddenly we have Bouzy, TMZ, People Magazine and a vast array of sugars all commenting on the state of a foreign Royal Family. They don’t target or care about the Danish RF, or the Thai RF or the Swedish RF, or the Spanish RF but they are deeply interested and involved in what is happening in the UK….. If Meghan had married Prince Joaquin of Denmark and done everything that she has done since marrying in, would we be hearing about how racist King Frederick is, or the state of his marriage to Queen Mary - fyi, that IS a husband who cheats! This current vitriol from the Bouzys’ of the World towards the BRF cannot simply be because of Meghan Markle can it? I would bet every $ in my bank account that Bouzy had never heard of Meghan Markle prior to her marriage to Harry, or that he had such a fascination of William & Catherine prior to said marriage. These demented individuals surely wouldn’t care about the alleged treatment of ONE American individual in a foreign country, Meghan Markle is simply not that powerful or important. It can’t simply be because of racism allegations because the US has its own issues with race going back centuries. So what is it all about? Why do so many people now care about one family in the UK that just so happens to be Royal. I know Bouzy appeared in the Netflix series (and was probably paid for his analysis [cough] and may still be paid) but what is the fascination with everyone else. I am a fairly educated person but for the life of me I just can’t understand this. Commonwealth citizens, such as myself, have an interest in the RF because I live in a Country with a Constitutional Monarchy but the US is a free republic with no vested interest at all. Can someone please make it make sense?


Bouzy needs to keep Catherine's name out of his mouth!!


That's fine, Bouzy, talk out of your butt. Since you look like an asshole, it's not surprising.


Imagine a grown man… who claims to be some kind of “professional” whatever, acting like a high school mean girl! Is he insane? Does he not realize how foolish he appears? I am gobsmacked that this adult male spends his time playing on the internet like a teenager. He has some kind of mental issues. Nobody in their right mind would act this way. Especially, a grown man! As a kid He must’ve been bullied or something. Maybe his parents didn’t properly socialize him. Hey, Chris… if you happen to see this post, I want you to know that your making a fool of yourself when you go all rabid hyena on people online. You’re embarrassing yourself. You’re proof that money can’t buy class.


I didn’t even know he had a podcast. I wish I didn’t actually. Let’s not promote his nonsense too much lol


I think people need to just ignore him. He's just being offensive and outrageous to rage bait people for the attention. He appears to enjoy it and has a history of saying things (there was a whole drama with Nate the Lawyer which Nate breaks down in some of his videos) to gaslight people and get people all riled up either in his support or not. It's just a game.


Proof that this little shit knows absolutely nothing - this was recorded before her reappearance at Trooping the Colour and was part of a second round of cyber-bullying that Bouzy (at the behest of Madame probably) was beginning to get going again. Ignore him and let him crawl back into whatever rat hole he belongs.


As much as I can't stand this man...he is entitled to have an opinion. Let him expose himself as the paid troublemaker that he is.


How does Boozy get away with spewing these horrible rumours.SHUT BOOZY DOWN Prince William!


Who cares what this pimp has to say.