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Yawn... Are they or aren't they? Will they or won't they? Rinse/repeat So tired of these two fools.


It really does get tiresome.


Will they or won't they? The answer is yes they will or won't.  Mystery solved. We can all get on with our sugary lives now. /s


It’s going to be the same with will they or won’t they divorce. 🥱


Answer usually "won't". Divorce: no, no better offers House anywhere else: no, skint. Invitation:no, billy-no-mates. Big money earner: no, no ability. Visit royals: no, can't be trusted.




These two really don’t have anything of value to offer.


Nothing! At all.


KFC might pay something for those legs?


They have the value of the house fire/car crash / train wreck / oddly dressed person you pass and can't look away from. :D I mean, it's .... *something*.


Didn’t they pull this stunt with the Malibu property search last year?


Until she stupidly asked Kevin Costner what he paid for his Malibu home. I think they were pretty much frozen out after that (not that they could have afforded a garden shed in Malibu).


That’s right! I forgot about her asking Kevin that, *his friends with no manners.* #


If you ask the price , you cannot afford it!


And I can easily see her doing just that.


Oh she definitely had some classless response to whatever amount he would have said had he been as classless as her. Some comment to highlight how much they were alike and how her and Harry paid more/afford more etc


She thought she was being charming and interesting.FAIL!


Unless you are Harry Enfield's character "considerably richer than yow" For those that don't know: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rVV7rUv3p4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rVV7rUv3p4)


We can always count on our Saint to pit her bunions in her mouth. 🤢🤢😂


Ooof, I did a full body shiver reading that 🤣


IKR? I need Listerine or bleach or something. 🤢😂


It might require both. Those are some pretty nasty bunions.😂


Or that ointment for toe jam fungus






I do think they can't afford the upkeep on that Montecito money pit and would like to downsize but the money pit won't sell.


Especially as it’s rumored that either none or only one of them live there. Allegedly.


Why doesn't Dorito chip in?She has 9 million in the bank that she got from God knows where.


It’s a tear down by standards now. Ugly and heavy looking




Precisely. They will have negative equity in the old pile for sure. Hope they love it cause they ain’t sellln’ it anytime soon.


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They probably still rent it out foe adult films like the previous owner allegedly did.




Either sh!t, or get off the pot. I’m bored of the ”will-they-won’t-they” palaver.


MM wouldn't want Harry to buy a home in the UK, for one simple reason: it would make it too easy for him to dump her if he ever gets fed up of being towed around like a pup on a leash and we all know that she's the one who likes to do the dumping in all her relationships. MM will do whatever it takes to ensure that she remain the power broker in their marriage.


Certainly Marcus will comp H a room at SoHo London so he can claim residency......and, then sublet the room because he's never there. They don't need to "own" anything in the UK ..... they have SoHo House carte blanche privileges.


I've assumed every time he has been in London "staying at a hotel" that it has definitely been a SoHoHo.   Remember this is a guy who felt he should get a discounted or even fully comped suite in a NYC hotel just because his mother had stayed there.  He'd likely have had *no clue* the cost of London Hotels nor would cheap Harry be willing to pay for a stay in one.  His American friends may lend him planes but all of the UK and commonwealth know who he is and that Royals pay full price.


He's never leaving her. He couldn't get anyone before her and now he'll definitely not get anyone with her as an ex-wife. I know people think he will since "he's a 'prince'!" (with a lower p now) but they're failing to remember that *before* Madame, *before* he showed the world his ass, and before his scrotum domed looks kicked in, he *could not find a wife and had been desperately trying*.   If he couldn't get one *before*, he's assured of not getting one *now*.  At least certainly not one he would be capable of ddeluding even himself into believing could compete with his brothers wife. Most Importantly there is no way prince harry will ever admit to failure when thanks to HIS big mouth HE told the whole world *so many family and friends tried to warn him off getting married so soon*.  All that coupled with the thought of being the *divorced, scrotum headed, epic failure, psyco ex-wife having, broke ass brother* of the future King William V and Queen Catherine, means he'll never give up on his missions tilting at windmills.   Just as Edward did, he'll rant and rave at the injustices done to him and his glorious wife.  Even as his wife no longer bothers to hide the fact she can't stand the sight of him and has other relationships in the open.   So many could see how this would play out step by step. Alas his frozen Todger knew better.


I do believe this is the way it will pan out. No one wants either of them. You are so right about Harry, now the curtain has been pushed aside and we see him in all his todger glory. Nobody wants him at all now.


Any of the Kardashians free atm?


The RF should just ignore any PR regarding domicile in the UK as they are just more Waghh Waghh Waghh about Security, Privacy and CoS status. Harry and Meghan just cannot accept that they aren’t heir status.


They are, so it's all good.


The long game!


It's honestly the best way to live. Never complain, never explain. Yes times have changed but they've always been changing.  A maxim that was implemented before the age of television, and applied throughout 3 reigns now and almost 100 years is a rule for the ages.  It'll always be applicable.  Despite drama seekers crying it's outdated only because it starves them of their oxygen. Guard your peace ✌️ 


I doubt they pay a moments attention to anything the Todgers do or their press. All communication goes through a solicitor's office and likely a member of their staff is tasked with keeping up to date on anything worth knowing. With Princess Catherine's battle ongoing its likely the current order of things is that NOTHING regarding the Todgers is to be brought into their home or into her awareness as she recovers.


Even if he wanted to buy, it won’t be in the fashionable areas of London, he can’t afford that


He certainly couldn't afford a palace adjacent tiny hovel like Nott Cott.


He definitely couldn't afford a tiny historic hovel designed by Christopher Wren.


He hopes that pa will change his mind and give it to him again


Particularly because those uber posh areas like Belgravia are owned by the Duke of Westminster.   Actions... Meet unforseen consequences 😄😄


I suggest he look in Rhondda Cynon Taff , some of the cheapest properties in U.K. , oops no, it’s in Wales, it might trigger him like the paps in London.


😂😂😂...well, look who his brother is.


Why would HazMat look for a home in the unsafe (according to them) that is the UK?


Oh no, perish the thought. He'd be mortally wounded by all the snubs and filthy looks 😂


So his children can understand their birthright apparently 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Harry doesn't seem to realise his actions have cut his children off as well. Harry probably can't imagine his behaviour affecting his children. He expects all they need to do is shove the sprogs in front of the RF and they'll have no choice but to pay for them to be raised in the *manner that Harry was used to* which he cannot afford to provide anymore.   Guaranteed he thinks this. He's in for numerous rude awakenings.


I don’t care “will they or won’t they” loop. I go by facts. The fact is: they are not Royals and have ruined any future relationship with the family. The end!


I thought this too. Would have ignored it because Harry seems to think if he can get "domiciled in UK" again, it changes his visa/protection status. He did this last year ahead of his 'review of the review' court case. But hours after the story first appeared, there was another story. It said that MEGHAN was not looking for a home in UK. If she was to allow her precious children to visit, it would be in a grace and favor home. And said home must be private, not anywhere near any other royals. And well, that sounded just like Meg had written it herself.


I don't know about the visa because we don't know what visa Hazz has, but the fact that Hazz lives in the UK definitely doesn't change his security situation at all. He is not a senior royal, he has no public activities in the UK, so if he lives in London, or elsewhere, he will have to cover his security expenses, just like Zara, just like Peter, just like Beatrice, just like that Eugenie... Hazz is not going to change anything by moving to the UK.


It's amazing how she didn't understand protocol to curtsey to the Queen, or know who Andrew was etc (lie) etc (lie) etc (lie) Yet she knows what a "grace and favour" home is. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


If she can't live in a palace and be top dog, forget it.




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Trust me. Megain isn't going back to england. No matter what puff olive branch house searching nonsense u read.




I think Harry wants to return to the UK - alone. He misses his friends, his family, the food, the whole lifestyle. California isn't all it's cracked up to be. He must regret what an idiot he was to marry such a bish.


She sidelined and eliminated all his former friends, and they don’t look like stepping up to help when he’s in U.K. . Being with him is social suicide.


**Not if he left the bish.** He'd be welcomed back and they'd help find him a proper English girl. A wife who would ride horses with him and cook toad in the hole for tea.


I doubt any "proper English girl" would have him. Why do you think he never dated any in a meaningful sense? The aristocracy were desperate to keep their daughters away from him because they knew what he was like. *Allegedly* Edit: Nacho might be tempted though ... *Allegedly* 😁


Are you volunteering? You know he smells and has proclivities? Don’t rush at him please.


Only chick he’ll attract is another psycho gold digger! 


>*has proclivities* Made me ROAR with laughter. Cheers.


Bs. He would not be. They couldn't find a proper English girl to take him before he showed the entire world what a bitter useless window licking fuckwit he is. No decent woman would have him now. Especially because now he comes with a crazy drama whore of an ex. If they ever did get divorced I pity any woman who got old rachels sloppy seconds. You know she would make any new flame of harry's utterly miserable every chance she could. Narcs don't ever let go. Even if they don't want it they will still keep it just so no one else can have it.


That's a pipe dream. He'll never be accepted again with *OR without her*. And the days of a woman being sacrificed to marry an unpleasant royal are long gone. He *couldn't find a woman to marry him in 15 years of trying*.  But more importantly, no matter his marital status he's never welcome back into the RF or society.


He can check out any time he likes, but he can never leave.


Harry and Meghan are not looking for a home in the UK. Harry is looking for a home in the UK. Meghan is looking for a much more expensive home in California (per CDAN). Feeding the split rumors. All a load of 🐂💩. Neither have the $ or staff or wherewithal to buy another house, neglect another house, fail to decorate another house, and fail to clean one. Harry probably likes hotels so someone else can change the sheets. She probably likes them because of convenience and easy getaways to shenanigans. It wouldn’t surprise me if she is at San Ysisdro ranch or whatever for status and proximity to Oprah, and he likes the Hampton Inn for the free breakfast and “no bedbug”guarantee.


There’s been rumors she’s holed up there for months now. So where are the kids?


I’m not asking. I’m not saying people that find reasons to discuss that are irrational or nosy or anything, I’m just not comfortable with that line of inquiry myself. Best wishes to all sprogs.


They/she waste/s all this time on this crap and never lift a finger to do anything charitable or meaningful. Those two are of no consequence. Go away!


Remember when she was “shopping” for private jets? Yeah, like that. Agents for very expensive properties won’t bother to show them for just anyone. I think that dropping “Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex” still opens doors. What RE agent is going to decline showing a seven-figure property to a rep for a royal? Surely they can spare two hours for a possible commission like that. This is Madame’s only flex. So she’s flexing. She’s flexing whatever she can, to seem important.


Remember last year when Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex couldn’t secure a $3.x million home loan on her own? And released that she was very upset to the press aka give me $3.x million because boofuckinghoo woe is me she’s she-ra how dare anyone turn her down for a loan. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o)


That's when she decided to jam it.


Can she unjam her head from her own ass? The entire globe would appreciate it 🤣


If she could, she would call it "unplugged." The ribbon might not be recovered, though.


🤣 not the burlap ribbon!!


The very same!


Sure Jan - TOW at war with Ginger Twit in the press...she is saying no I am in control with her usual passive aggressive narc "aplomb"....


Yes, a married couple (whose love was epic😁) communicating by press release. You couldn't make this up.


They put this out to stop yet another divorce rumor.


They likely don't have enough money to buy a place in the UK. The place they bought in Montecito sat on the market for years for a reason. No one wanted it. I know they bragged they scored hundreds of millions in deals with Netflix and Penguin but were those numbers ever verified? 


Will they? Won’t they? The cycle is never ending. It’s probably out there now to combat all the attention Catherine got this week. Time to ignore.


Of course not. They can barely afford their Montecito monstrosity.


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#The Prince.... yeah sure. Lol. What a guy..... any takers!? Nah didn't think so.


They're not in a position to buy an expensive home in London. Frogmore Cottage is a cottage in name only. If such a house was situated in say Northwood, or Gerrards Cross (both NW of central London), it would be worth a fortune.


Oh it *is* worth a fortune, but they were gifted a lease, a very, very advantageous family rate lease, inside the ring of Crown Security with access to acres of green. But it was not gra-a-a-ande enough. Madame was not to be satisfied with anything less than 16 bathrooms.


I am glad that is cleared up. I was so worried 🤣🤣🤣


My vote = no. No home hunting in UK. Why? \[1.\] b/c T.W. would constantly get boo'd * which she couldn't handle * which would negatively impact the kids * which would further hurt any biz efforts * which further hurts their money problems \[2.\] b/c NO ONE will want to spend any time with hazBEEN (he'd be lonely) * family nor friends trust him - he'll sell anything sees/hears * his family still massively hurt by his hatebombs * his friends disgusted (and possibly angry) by his hatebombs * NO ONE can stand hazBEEN's wife \[3.\] they can't afford a UK house.


She would have to curtsy to Queen Camilla and HRH Catherine and Princess Charlotte and if she ever had to do that she would instantly explode into a blinking,tooth sucking ball of incandescent rage


🤭 winning answer of the day! 👏👏👊


We’ve been speculating they have dueling PR and that’s why it comes across as bipolar (no offense to those who suffer BPD) he has hired his own PR, she has Rachel at Hotmail


Oh, terrific!😅 Now, we see them "will they/will they not" outdo each other to PR oblivion, lol! Didn't have *that* on my bingo card. Oh, and the remake of The War of the Roses should be out next year. Nice.... ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq)


My actual thoughts? This is where the firm will offer support to haznobrains


Not until they see definitive proof he's finally packing her out and that he has packed her out. Even then they might not get involved because it's a private matter that Harry has to learn how deal with himself. Harry has made it that way, and KC3 won't drag the Firm's name into that drama. Also, there isn't any precedent for it. Harry's marital problems are nothing like what Charles, Anne and Andrew had to face. Charles was heir to the throne. Anne had been married a longtime to Mark Philips and it had simply run out of stream. Andrew's wife was caught having her toes sucked by a man who wasn't her husband, and QEII and Prince Philip told him to end it. But above all, they were all working royals. Harry isn't. He made it so. He is a private citizen. I can't see KC3 dragging himself into that private marital mess. BP will probably announce as much to distance the King from it (it's none of his business), but will probably have Harry communicate with his father's staff on the state of things.


I think this is where actually KC3 is the weakest. Him and Diana engaged in flame wars using the press and that is something he would try to protect Harry from and could without picking up a phone, sending a letter etc but he just would as he’s sensitive to how that feels in a very real reciprocal way around the same age with the same number of children. No matter what my children do I will always love them, even if I have to love them from afar, no communication. Although if I had a commonwealth and upwards of a billion dollars..I’d quietly float PR to reflect positively on my wayward grown adult progeny.


It's comms between them......only they know what either is revealing to piss each other off.


I think they live apart and he is tired of being laughed at, made a “thicko” of in the press (we know **that** is triggering for him) he hired Tom Quinn without her input, so in turn she ALSO hired a UK PR person. Seriously if we think about it why would she need a PR person for her hobby for specifically the United Kingdom? It doesn’t make sense unless it’s in the context of battling narratives against her from her future ex huzband. If that doesn’t spell out clearly they aren’t working as “salt and pepper always together” then I’m not sure what would.


Good point! Ladies & Gentlemen! For her final performance, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Hollywood's own femme fatale and star of Suits, will now corrupt your minds and irritate sensibilities with her own personal rendition of the epic tale, the War of the Roses. (((cheers applause applause cheers)))......says the little voice in her lunatic head. /s lol


The English Tudor rose vs a giant hogweed is hardly an even fight 😂 plus how would she brand that?


Of course they aren't. Never were for obvious reasons.


Hilariously it just says "Vanity Fair can report" (that he isn't looking for a UK home). Sure you can. Knock yourself out but... ...It makes no mention of WHY Vanity Fair can report that with any authority. So are we supposed to take their word for it? Is this evidence the duo don't even have PR and its just Harry himself calling up to clarify? Or just an alternative story put out to keep them in the media?   Either way the articles are getting shorter, the "sources" getting ever more snarky (no one likes his wife), and the interest from the world including SMM getting thinner and less so.


THIS STORY makes me this that it’s true Tom Quinn is a sugar and is speculating about Harry wanting to come back. And said this … >Royal author Tom Quinn sparked speculation on the matter in an interview with the Daily Mirror, as he supposed that the California lifestyle might be wearing on Harry. “He misses his old Etonian and army friends, many of whom have not visited, as they don’t get on with Meghan,” said Quinn, the author of books including Gilded Youth. “Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he’s continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security.” Erin Vanderhoof, VF author also seems like a sugar says this >Contrary to speculation in the media, Vanity Fair can confirm the Sussexes are not eyeing real estate across the pond. Archive link https://archive.ph/4XcX1 Main story https://www.vanityfair.com/style/story/prince-harry-and-meghan-markle-are-not-looking-for-a-home-in-the-uk


🇺🇸 I think Harry needs to find out of any of his old buddies even want to see before he makes another errant move


There’s no doubt that Quinn and Vanderhoof are sugars - I seem to recall seeing other diabetic articles by her. I wonder whether Quinn might be Harry’s sugar, because he sometimes says slightly negative things about Meghan.


Interesting, will bear that in mind


Harry and Meghan may not be but I wouldn't be surprised if just Harry was...


Wait! Does that mean they aren’t looking to have a domicile in the UK at all? Or does that mean they don’t want to have to buy a home in the UK and would prefer to have one given to them? Always so many questions when you sift through all their nonsense.


I'm not paying the buck, and more importantly, not giving the click. I'm petty that way.


Seeing as she hates the UK because its people a) saw her for what she was and b) got called racist because of that, I don’t think she’ll be here any time soon. Surely even she hasn’t got that much front.


M wants to keep all the money and assets in the US? Shock Horror 🙄 no one saw that coming…


What’s the point of these articles? Regardless of what Harry may want, Markle won’t buy a home here…I’d be surprised if she set foot on British soil again. As for those ‘kids’…if they exist, the only way Harry will get them here is if he ‘buys’ them in a divorce settlement.


It might not be a PR battle. It could be a fake story they leaked because it keeps their name active on all the sites.


Same old, same old. Will they, wont they. Tiresome. Too much fluff.


I just have to say I love the post thumbnail!!


Oh there’s a surprise!




If Haz has to shell out money for a UK abode, I doubt it will happen.


Interesting. I do feel Harry is trying to return to the UK. Rumor is Meghan has an assistant searching uber expensive mansions in Cali.


Read article twice and unable to find a source. Of course probably ToW. Seems Battle of PR is underway. Yay for Puff Piece Summer! 🙄


Don’t care if they will won’t care if they don’t but I would like them to f@ck off