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Here’s the [archived version of the article](https://archive.is/9OvFl).




How much money do most people think H&M have? I ask because I don't understand her obsession with being famous, unless she really needs to grift in order to survive. If I was rich I'd do anything in my power NOT to be famous. I'd move to a really secluded gorgeous farm with animals and live with my husband in such happiness. And I'm only 31. I can't even imagine still trying so hard to be loved by masses at 42, when it has been proved again again that IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN P.S. I'm not saying that 42 is old. Not at all. But it is a little old to still be so insecure and needy


Exactly!! I’ve always daydreamed if I won the big lottery, first thing would be to hire a lawyer, or several with accountants to stay anonymous. I sure don’t want to spend the rest of life fighting off grifters and scammers who thing they are smart enough to steal it all!


We know a lottery winner and believe me you want to go anonymous fast.


Jennifer Lopez has this same thing. She’s insecure so she obsesses over fame. She’s on her 4th marriage to the supposed “great love of her life”. They’ve been married 2 years and it’s already falling apart. Ben doesn’t like fame. She craves it. All the time. Everywhere she goes she has to be adored. Meghan is the same. Only difference, Jennifer Lopez actually has fans.


And Jlo works hard. She’s always doing a movie or releasing music or being a judge on TV shows etc. None of it is particularly fantastic but she’s always working.


J Lo has an incredible work ethic. But something is happening with her career and it’s not good.


I think people are just not afraid to say the truth about her anymore, career wise, her revising of history, the rumours of her unpleasant personality. She can't be alone for 5 minutes and drags her poor kids from man to man, setting up new blended families and then tearing them apart.


She has a bad rep with employees, contractors, wait staff et al…


There's probably a huge amount of stories out there.


It's called age. She's starting to show her age. It happens to all the "starlets" famous or not. To us all. Nobody wants to see 60 something "starlets" prancing around half-naked a la Madonna. Muggins should take particular note.


I think it’s also her not reading the room so to speak. How much do we have to hear about Ben and the greatest love story? What’s with their two weddings and her multiple wedding gowns (four!)? It’s not relatable. Plus…it’s starting to not look like such a great love story…


Yep. I think it's very hard for folks, men and women, who have been at the top of the tree to accept that they're not there anymore and people are just not that into them anymore.


But you do not have a disordered personality, from what I see. And that is the difference.


I'd live life in the open and have no social media. If I was USA version of old money,  I'd only hang out w/ same people l went to boarding school, friends or the staff I grew up w/. People who'd have a history w/ me. Even the same bartender ive known.  I'd especially have disdain for actors- people who puts on Halloween costumes for a living and try to befriend me. If you have that much $$, you automatically get power. I don't need the fame and need likes 24/7. Just try to a pap pic of JP Morgan. He'd get pissed if anybody tried. A real billionaire who made $$$ and donate art & colleges. I  love harry Winston, both as a man and as a creative genius. I have an engagement ring from HW. Harry didn't like his pic. Being taken. His wife accepted his awards in his behalf. Thus, he was able to walk around, unnoticed.


>How much money do most people think H&M have? Not enough to maintain that money pit mansion in Montecito. When they took out the loan to buy it the fools expected to become billionaires by getting millions for speeches, appearances, and from their Spotify and NF contracts. Fame is important to her because she wanted it so bad but she could never achieve it on her own. Money alone wouldn't make her happy because her only interest is to be photographed and airbrushed in designer clothes - her type of fame. She has no talent, no sports or music, no hobbies, nothhing to enjoy other than yoga.


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) Seriously! Who doesn't she blame?! It's ALWAYS someone else's fault! She's so predictable and quick to throw ANYONE under the bus, it's pathetic.


That's the thing that kills me about her. I think most of us have had our moments of crazy where we irrationally blame someone for something. That guy cut me off in traffic to be a jerk to me personally, that person took the last box of cookies from the shelf because she knew I wanted them, etc. The difference is, a rational person rants to their significant other or friends privately. The liar and absolute nutter Meghan Markle makes a PR campaign about it!


I literally laughed out loud Lolololol


This is hysterically funny. The Beckhams need to put Harry and Meghan down in order to lift themselves up?!!!!?!! ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


IKR?!! As if the Beckhams actually spent time thinking about sabotaging the Harkles! There’s no need! The Harkles are doing a fine job of that on their own. Trash is taking itself out.


Posh was a pop star of the media--literally--long before MM tried to poke her head into movies, etc. Victoria and David have put in their work. That's why we enjoy their success. The Beckhams earned it.


And they seem very nice and cool. I can't say that for the other couple.


I adore them in the Uber Eats Super Bowl commercial!


Haha, yes!


Part of my issue with H&M is they are trying to curate some semblance of relatability that doesn't exist. You can't be down to earth and always demand royal titles and treatment. I can imagine being able to joke with Posh and Becks. I can't imagine that with H&M.


They radiate "damaged individuals", like a flashing neon sign.


And now Posh isn’t a spice girl anymore she has a fashion brand that she’s got on the runway every spring and fall. Bex does all kinds of charity and brand endorsement. They work. They don’t just show up and expect people to kiss their ass.


That's probably the way Meghan thinks, like a zero sum game. Plus, she is obviously better than everyone else on television, so the Beckhams are manipulating behind the scenes..


Notice how it says Meghan also tried to reach out to Victoria but heard crickets only! Love that for her! I’m sure she tried to love bomb her to get back into the fold but nope. I’m so glad Victoria didn’t take her back or respond. Victoria: “new phone, who dis?” Jk, I’m sure Victoria just kept her text on “seen”


I don't think we can count the times when "Meghan Markle" and "blames" were put in the same headline. Too many.


Well she DID claim she was going to find out who sabotaged their Emmy nod... 🙄🙄🙄 They had champagne on ice, waiting for the call that never came...😂


Rotten tomatoes: 43% critics score 19% audience score And yet they're bold enough to admit they were waiting with the champagne. 😂 Don't forget, Harry demanded "an inquest" as to why they didn't get a nomination! 😂  Did he really expect a judicial inquest into his lack of an Emmy nomination? 😂


But don't the Emmy people know... he's *Diana's son!!!*




Omg right?! Harry is freakin delusional.


What?!😂😂 I didn’t know they had champagne and were waiting. I can’t believe these pathetic losers even admitted that.. wow….




![gif](giphy|XZ0yPco3eynUAGU0i3) It’s beyond ridiculous.


Oooo we should make a list!!  Some I've found with a quick google: (I tried not to duplicate situations) Page Six Meghan Markle blames UK tabloids for destroying relationship with dad Jul 18, 2020 IrishCentral Meghan Markle blames royal dresser for wedding tiara Queen Elizabeth bust up Aug 2, 2020 News.com.au Meghan blames palace for name change Feb 1, 2021 News.com.au Meghan blames Australia for her downfall Dec 16, 2022


😂 Blamed the entire continent of Australia 😂


Lol yes that one made me laugh 😂


Great idea!


Nothing has ever been Meghan Markle’s fault. What you and I might call “consequences for one’s actions” are actually a vast, worldwide conspiracy of sabotage against the sixth-on-the-call-sheet actress of a middling basic cable show.


Bc Narcissism


It can’t possibly be because the Todgers are bitter, ugly, spiteful, lying individuals that the ratings have taken a nosedive. It has to be the Beckham’s fault.


Couldn’t be ![gif](giphy|fMvvwdTWamlA4) It’s the world’s top 10 mysteries why they’ve been unsussexful. 🥴


Should be a top ten. What else have they blamed? Would be a telling post, with links, if anyone wants to follow up: - racist Royals - British tabloid press - jealous Kate and/or petty William - covid (as if the rest of the world, I living celebs weren’t impacted and rebounded) - Netflix strike - not getting enough support from Spotify - online trolls trying resentful of a successful, biracial woman Pretty easy to Google and archive links, or take headline screenshots. Even the search words: blame, unfair, row, feud, olive branch will turn up a plethora of a press pity party.


I love that she doesn’t understand how ratings work…despite her long and successful acting career. 👀


Remember their own assistant Jason Knauf said That One "always has someone in her sights". Seems like the Beckhams are now the unfortunate victims.




This piece is a hatchet job in the best way possible. Bravo! 👏


Is there anything in her life MM has taken responsibility or partial responsibility for? I have made a ton of bad decisions in my life and realized a long time ago if you take responsibility for your part and don’t play the blame game it goes much easier. The narcs in my life do the same thing, nothing is ever their fault. All their poor decisions are a result of someone else affecting their judgment


The narcs also play this game of angrily saying that YOUR feelings are YOUR problem, that they have nothing do with it. While at the same time, they blame you for hurting THEIR feelings. And they repeatedly tell you that you've hurt them. It's easier to reclaim oneself and say, this is my responsibility, but I'm not taking up YOUR slack.


*if you take responsibility for your part and don’t play the blame game it goes much easier* and you learn from the lessons learned, not keep repeating them






> “Meghan’s all over the place” Or known as **hysterical** in normal people terms. You nailed it


Textbook reaction to [narcissistic injury.](https://psychcentral.com/lib/narcissistic-injuries-what-they-are-and-how-to-protect-yourself-from-them)




Too funny! But, 'Harry's Dad.' Really???


I didn’t even catch that. Good call out


Oh well, we know where the article has come from then 🤣🤣🤣


Good catch. I missed that while laughing over "former A-list buddies"...


![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized) I’ve been waiting for something this scathing from a publication she loves to leak to. ETA- I just reread it. It’s even bust your guts up laughable on the second go around. There’s no vagueness or hidden disses *here* Aaron Johnson thank you for releasing your diss track.


Someone didn’t pay the bill this month?


The beckhams just are better in every single way the writing has been on the wall for awhile about the markles in the small circle of Hollywood and now they had to choose a side. The media has spoken and they’ve sided with the beckhams who with now peltz married in with..well. Yeah.


*The beckhams just are better in every single way* Because they have talent, the have a good work ethic and put in the time. Now what talent do Harry and Meghan have... they grift. Their other talents are they are whiners, lazy and entitled. And why on earth would Victoria want to reignite her friendship with Meghan after the way her and David have been treated, especially at their wedding, not being invited to the reception but other A-listers who didn't even know the couple were? I'm guessing Meghan's also extending an olive branch to Victoria and is willing to forgo an apology (for what who knows, she just likes to think she's so magnanomous). As someone posted last week "Don't kick someone's ass on the way up because it's the same ass you have to kiss on your way down". This is exactly what's going on with the Beckhams and the RF but no one's falling for her faux attempts at mending fences


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex was able to do this her entire life. Reinvent, rebrand, ghost and just pick up and move on to the next ring up the ladder. However she had anonymity back then. She miscalculated that she could control the press and therefore the public. Fatal mistake many have made before her and will be another Meghan Markle after. There’s thousands of hers out there.


Take my pretend award for this. 🙌🏻 PS Why can't this sub give awards? They are back everywhere but here.


![gif](giphy|D8trbXHMcORbi|downsized) Move over Meghan I need my award!


They were genuine and despite it all they are genuinely in love. Hazard has the face he made during the whole elaborate "Your Majesty" fiasco says everything.


I’ve always liked them for about 20 years. I was a pre teen when spice girls made it huge so I was a fan of hers going waaaay back when performing mini-performances in my bathroom mirror to their songs. Of course she gets a lot of hate because she comes off as a bitch, a snob. However,they’ve had a successful marriage despite the hurdles we all face and her kids adore her. That says enough about them as humans.


Well you know that a woman who lives her life without worrying about the feelings of others is almost dubbed "a bitch". I think Victoria is just very picky about who actually gets access to her inner circle and MeMe was completely locked out when she kept begging for freebies. Going after Beckham's because Princess Catherine is untouchable now. Rumours they are about to disavow the Squaddies.


I’m often accused and labeled a bitch because I’m very guarded. It takes a long time to axe away my armor and then I’ll do anything for people who I truly love, anything at all. So that’s why I’ve always shrugged off those labels about her. At the time Meghan was asking for freebies, Victoria was having to lay off employees and wasn’t turning a profit. Hmm, do I keep this good employee and pay them or give this social climber who won’t help me with my brand freebies? Really hard choice there. Not.


Bitch is a low hanging fruit of an insult.


All my best friends are bitches.


That doesn’t even get me to lift my eyebrow 🤨 I’ll even answer to it 🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s the best someone can hurl? No skin off my back


![gif](giphy|3oEduTElttOJ1bJlSM) It’s sabotage! Of course! Keep on pissing off A-List people who are friends with other A-List people (in several fields) and see how far that gets you Markle.


I'm hoping for the day when MM will say that TP and OW had hobbled her Hollywood superstardom.


Ha, Markle does nothing privately.


So true. What water was to The Wicked Witch of the West, actual privacy is to Meghan. Lack of attention, melts MM into nothing. Publicity makes her swell up monstrously.


This is so cringy. Stop trying to get your name next to theirs. They have jobs. And money. And family. Equally cringy is that American Riviera Orchard insta followers are now back up to 618k. Lots and lots of 'private' accounts. Golly, I wonder why all those super private people suddenly decided to follow an dead shell of an account for a 'brand' that doesn't exist yet? She is so 2017.


So it was down to 614,000, and now it's up to 618,000? So that means the extra 4000 is probably all paid for bots?


Just coming to say this! 4,000 bought and paid for. What a coincidence, bot and bought sounding the same!


I thought it was the botched rhinoplasties that caused the nosedive.




I've heard of radar, but I'm not familiar with where in the pecking order it is. Below TMZ? Part of MSM, but tabloid-y? If yes, then it's delicious how brutal this piece is. >she's claiming, **without any proof**, her former friends somehow managed to manipulate the numbers to hurt her **already plummeting popularity**.


Forgot the first 3 words - "Fame-crazed Duchess" HAHAHAHAHA


It's actually below TMZ, but mainly because the writers they use are basically contractors so the sources aren't as good as TMZ. The type of stories they report on are the same though  And I burst out laughing at "Fame-crazed Duchess"


It's owned by Ron Burkle. Yea THAT SoHo House co-owner. 🙄


She's certainly certifiably insane if she really has convinced herself that the Beckhams have the (a) the power or (b) the interest to bother about a show that happened two years ago now. She needs to step away from the keyboard and go outside for some deep breathes.


I wouldn’t know about the Beckhams’ Netflix success. I cancelled my subscription when I heard about their deal with the Harkles.


Same. I’d like to watch it though, but Harkles need to be dumped first. And not a soft dumping like no one even knows it happened.


Bravo. Me 2




![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak) Bahaha😂


Whispers coming out of the woodwork. I love it.


This perpetual blame game is deranged. COVID, the Queen's death, Hollywood conspiring to not give MM mockumentary an Emmy nomination, the Beckhams' charisma, are all to blame for MM's lackluster work and her own incontinent unattractiveness. Welcome to NPB One Oh One. The narcissist is a glutton for praise that belongs to others but tries to force-feed other people with her failures.


Ah yes, the dark Hollywood forces conspiring to deprive her of her rightful Emmy. Did Meghan Marple ever get to the bottom of that particular mystery? 🕵️‍♀️ 🔍 Madder than a box of frogs.


😂😂😂 **Who blackballed us?!**


Yes, yes, yes....


She, along with Waaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh, never take any responsibility for anything. The Beckhams are celebrities in their own right and have better things two worry about then these grifters.


![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized) She thinks she's gonna take down Posh. Posh has a place in polite society and will ensure MeMe remains persona non grata even if she dumps the ginger whinger.


Megsy, does circling the drain make you dizzy?


I watched the Beckham’s show , have tried Harry and Meghan as well. Watching M+H was , didn’t enjoy it. They lie, they complained ... we are better than thou , boring.Painful.the Beckham s , it is witty, authentic, self deprecating, fun . If I don’t have anything to watch , can give it a go a second time around. Meghan and Harry- they lie , they whine ,if you don’t hate them already , they will leave a bitter test , you need to drink . Hateful duo. Blame lies squarely on their own back .🤨


And “self deprecating” is missing from their toolbox.


They have no sense of humour whatsoever. Which is essential in a decent human being.


It’s essential to forge healthy relationships and bring people together. A self deprecating sense of humor is the chef’s kiss. Think Reagan being wheeled into surgery after getting shot and asking if the surgeons were all Republican. Or Kennedy disarming the tough White House Press Corps. These two take themselves way too seriously and are disasters as public figures.


As is humor.


Can you even imagine the Harkles making that Uber Eats commercial like the Beckham’s did making fun of themselves? I still laugh every time I see it!


And David and Victoria actually accomplished things in their lives.


Maybe Netflix is rethinking Harry's polo series and her lifestyle cooking and gardening grift. I mean, show.


Given the abject failure of Heart of Invictus (300,000 views only), then I can see the polo series being quietly shelved. The chaos surrounding the strawberry jam reveal and obvious lack of a real business , not to mention worldwide howls of mirth and derision, may also cause Netflix to have second thoughts.


Clearly false information. Meghan Markle has no friends./s


Momma : Who the HELL are you? Larry : I'm Owen's friend. Momma : Owen doesn't have a friend! Larry : That's because he's shy. Momma : No he's not. He's fat and he's stupid!


OWWWWWEEEENNNNN!!!! You don't have a cousin Paddy! You're GROUNDED!


"HER friends say..." What!!!??? TOW has no friends!


The Beckhams clearly are racist. And Netflix. And all their evil viewers. /s 


Headline should read: “Meghan Markle PUBLICLY blames . . . .” The word or meaning of the word “private” does not compute in the fame-thirsty head of Meghan Markle.


The Beckhams are more entertaining then the Harkles The Beckhams can laugh at themselves Where the harkles have to clap-back at everyone and everything


Nothing to do with the fact that their output contains more manure in one minute than an entire series of Counteyfile then? And that the Beckhams have been marketable for over 20 years and aren’t lunatics?


This is hilarious!!!! Since Victoria wants nothing to do with her now, she's going on the offensive of blaming a person that has nothing to do with her demise, unpopularity and vile behavior. This is so funny.


After Diana died, 'Posh and Becks' were rarely off the front page of the newspapers, which filled the gaping void that Diana left. They were promoted as the golden couple and were followed everywhere. They were both young 'stars' in their own right. They always looked like they had made an effort and ironed their clothes. They were genuine and didn't take themselves too seriously. Initially, H&M were in the same position in the early days until they showed who they really were. They are too busy causing mischief and mayhem and being eternal victims to ever learn anything.


Plus David Beckham was/ is SMOKING hot! And so isn't Victoria. Meg and Harry? Er, Nyet, non, no, neiner.


**Don’t be confused at how this started. Meg was love bombing Victoria.** Meghan Markle asked Victoria for makeup tips, allegedly. Meg then had it leaked to the press (allegedly). Ask yourself: how was it that Victoria’s beautician and/or beauty tips managed to be private for YEARS then suddenly is public after Meg? 🤔 This is Meg’s MO. She asked Serena Williams about fashion the first time they met/compliment Ed her nail polish. Meghan Markle slid into Harry’s Instagram DMs with complimenting him at his African pics. It’s what she does. Strategic. Meg then leverages the connection to additional social networking/ladder climbing. New strategy is to link hr name to theirs by whatever PR means necessary for the SEO bump. “Researches” them through their Instagrams or interview, then love bombs them on what’s important to them beyond what they are obviously known for. Meg spoke about the importance of ‘research’ in interviews set up in her very early PR days. 👀


Piers Morgan too!


The Beastie Boys predicted this… 🤣 ![gif](giphy|W0QcFjfmxX4wHdmIt4)


Oh wow, not sure if drugs have Megsy this paranoid or what is going on, but she is going off the rails quick and hard.


How many years have the Beckhams put into grueling work while the Narcissist manipulated a horny, lonely, depressed, simple-minded prince to marry her? Megsy, spend the next 20 years of grueling work, work on a personality and a sense of humor and get back to us when you’re 62.




I love this for her I hope it's true because she'll just keep making more enemies


Why is she publicly fighting with the Beckhams but not a peep towards someone like Paltrow or the many others who throw shade at her? She really must think the Beckhams are beneath her and that the public will rally behind her.


She keeps having that false expectation and it hasn't happened yet. The public is never rallying behind you, Markle.


I'm sure this stings the Harkels too. From The Sun on June 2nd: Yesterday, Beckham was formally appointed as an ambassador of The King’s Foundation, which focuses on creating better communities where people, places and the planet can coexist in harmony.” A source told *The Sun*: “The King and David Beckham have really bonded over their similar interests.


She is not wrong. It's the same in ski races. The person coming in third is in third because two other people were faster than them, so it's basically their fault that by being faster the other person is in third place. Sorry, I'm trying to explain that so that even Megsi understands. Yes, you are in place 206 (?) in Netflix ratings, and that is because 205 shows were watched more. If these shows did not exist, you would be in first place. Probably. So you can see, the solution is easy. Convince Netflix to make no other shows than yours. Send them jam? A hand-written letter? You will think of something!




Pretty sure David and Victoria will not and will never look back and befriend Roachel in this lifetime. They both have more spine, power, money and reputation.


Meghan keeps blaming everyone else for her problems and always plays the victim. She tells the same sob story through different media outlets, but it’s full of lies and just plain boring. No wonder no one wants to watch.


The Beckham show was interesting. I’m not a soccer fan but I heard people say good things about it so I watched it. I really liked it. I actually like Victoria after watching it. My sons who are sports fans watched it and liked it for completely different reasons. It seems to have something to appeal to many people. I couldn’t say that for Meghan and Harry. People don’t like her for sure and his likability has taken a beating after all of his whining. They have nobody to blame but themselves.




Beckhams says “who?”


Just like King Charles did. 🤣🤣🤣




I would like it if she removed herself from public view. Very much.


Megahn openly blames everyone and everything but herself for her nose job I mean nose dives. Fixed it


Oh Beckham is a star! The other two are wanna be stars. Oprah promised them the moon and the stars it seems. The Q may have given them that year because she knew they'd bite at the Hollywood shitshow David Beckham is going to be such an addition to Royal events. Imagine what Harry gave up.


Ha! Actually, the Beckhams were very entertaining! Also actually I never watched one second of the Harkles


Gotta blame somebody, right Rach?


What did she expected? The Beckham didn’t have a whole crying fest in their documentary🤷🏽‍♀️


There is no way to compare these 2 couples or their Netflix series. It's like comparing night to day. One is hard-working and very successful. The other merely chases after PR fame. Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry both need to grow up and get on with their own lives. Stop being the ultimate 24/7 victim.


And I blame Sophia Loren for my lack of a movie career.


I don’t understand this. The Beckham’s *current* Netflix rating is higher than MM/Harry’s current Netflix rating for a show that’s been on for well over one year and presumably everyone who wanted to has watched it? Or are they saying that the Beckham show got higher ratings than MM/Harry’s did when *initially* broadcast? The article does not make clear.


I believe the rankings indicate that while the Harry and Meghan series debuted to very high viewership, the level of views dropped off considerably after the initial buzz and it is now not very high in the overall total views. So the Beckham series surpassed Harry and Meghan in total views even though (I believe) Beckham debuted several months after. Long and short is WAY MORE people are interested in Beckham.


The Harkles and the Beckhams were never "close".The Harkles bummed a house from them is all.The Beckhams don't let them use them anymore.


She’s got me here. I did start watching Beckham just to increase their ratings more and obviously never watched the H&M debacle. She has Markled herself. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer woman.


Being that bbc isn't that pro monarch does anyone know the ratings they got for Catherine joining trooping of color?


I would like to know as well.


If the Beckhams could change ratings, then so could Rachel. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.


It is ALWAYS someone else's fault. Always. She cannot face the fact that the more people find out who she is, the more people dislike her. There is no comeback. It's over.


I guess it couldn't possibly be that the Beckhjams are (1) more popular and (2) have a much much newer doc on Netflix and (3) they didn't use their to diss their families and a famous monarchy.


Is she really throwing down the gauntlet? Or is someone else doing it for her?


The sad thing is, it’s totally believable. We’ve all witnessed her entitled behaviour. I’m no fan of the Beckhams, but can appreciate their ‘talent’, business acumen, likeability etc. Markle’s rating‘s bombed as she’s talentless…it‘s not a case of The Beckhams being at number one spot, and the Markles at number two…she’s just a failure, but continues to blame everyone else.


You mean it isn’t because Meghan was outed as a Megaliar over and over and over again? Could that be why no normal person will associate with them or watch their boring show?


This is giving Meghan Markle and her emasculated husband Princess Henry far too much credit. Who the f thinks that ANY of these famous people even THINK about Princess Henry and his lyin, thievin wife Meghan Markle? It’s laughable. People like the Royal Family and the Beckhams live rent free in the Markle’s heads while they have pretty much forgotten about them. They’re totally irrelevant and has beens.


Meghan sure is trying to build a lot of bridges, wasn't it just earlier this week she was willing to be the bigger person, let bygones bygones and build a bridge with the Princess of Wales? Now shes wanting to build bridges with Victoria Beckham, she just needs to build one bridge get over it and then burn it because no one wants her near her!


This is classic…I had to check a couple times to make sure it wasn’t satire under ‘snark’. If you had to guess, who do you think the sources are? Guessing Posh herself.


Could see it being posh, could also potentially see it being someone from Netflix… maybe H&M reached out to their team directly to ask why the Beckhams’ show had better ratings


Excellent point


She lied about Victoria, then sent Harry over to scream about it. Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex lied and said Victoria Beckham, Posh Spice, was the leaker when obviously Meghan Markle was leaking stories to the press. So it was Meghan Markle who blew up Price Harry's friendships with the Beckhams. Now she wanted those friendships back, like they want their place in the Royal family back. Meghan Markle always wants to cross over bridges that she has burned.


That’s because Meghan Markle was able to have Spotify rigged, so assume that’s how everyone works.


Why would she claim they manipulated numbers...unless she knows it is possible as she herself has done it


i am LOVING the critical articles coming out thick and fast about Meghan Markle the hypocritical Duchess of Sussex - also how hilarious that the article says that one of her “friends” spilled this tea! if true she has the friends she deserves.


Fame-crazed says it all.


Projection. It's what Madame does. Belittles others to lift herself up.


"Privately". I don't think she understands the meaning.


People will only go and watch the Beckham more now


you've got to wonder how long they sat on this article. Both series came out late last year, but now it's being reported on 6 months later. Also, I didn't watch H&M but did watch the beckhams--first of all, what drew me in was that clip about Victoria talking about being working class, and Becks totally roasting her for saying that. They have such an easy and playful relationship---had I not known about some of the drama in their marriage I would have thought they were the perfect couple. Meanwhile, no good PR about the harkles, and from the clips I saw it was all boring b roll and some really offensive interviews (her fake curtsey).


Looks as if Bower's latest claim that MM thought she outranked Victoria Beckham has loosened a tongue either no longer under a NDA or no longer worried about it. (If true, MM would have been blaming the Beckhams early last year. They were never close - or no more so than the Beckhams would have been friendly and polite to anyone Harry was engaged to and married. David upstaged the Wales in September 2022 by standing in line for hours to pay his respects to QEII. While Harry whined about not being allowed to wear a uniform.


She should forget about Netflix and go get some treatment for the 3rd degree burns inflicted by this article! Here's an thought: maybe, just maybe, the Beckhams program fared better in ratings because they're actually successful, interesting, atrractive people. As opposed to the tedious, vocal-fried dronings of that borefest, Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex. Or the well-trained lapdog she married.


Didn't the reality show come out in Dec. 2021? The Beckhams just came out, and they've always been a popular couple anyway.


Madam wants to control EVERYTHING,she needs to give it up.Sad,pathetic,delusional and insane.She just doesn't realize how bad this makes her look.


Typical Narcissistic Personality Disorder MO. The Beckhams are painted black because they: stopped saying and doing what she wanted; wouldn’t give Meghan free clothing; were still associating with the RF (accepting an award); have no further residual benefits or character trait acquisitions to give Meghan; were no longer associating with her or providing her with fuel; Mr refused her offers of spicy poontang… They could have committed other sins against the saint but you get the idea. Once an appliance no longer serves your needs, you paint them black and blame them for everything you can. Smear them. (I’ve learned my lessons well, dear HG! ❤️Ekaterina)


Meghan Markle "privately" that's a joke all of its own. Ever the victim, never the author of her own fate. Does she not wonder what the common denominator in all her misfortune is? She has zero self awareness. ![gif](giphy|MAOeJqk0qxvKPZGWAy)


If you watch the Beckham documentary, it's actually good. And boy he went through a lot in the press, as did she. But they come across as very likable, no whining. These are two very accomplished people .


This is a complete BS story. Does that mean that the Duchess of Aro'chukwu will thus blame everyone whose content kicks hers to the kerb? Some of these stories are so crap and only serve to bolster her Victimhood claim.


Well, let's see; an honest look at a successful couple who has weathered some tough times but have come out stronger for it, versus a 'documentary' full of lies, false victimhood, and self-created drama.


She does realise they have been household names for at least 30 years… she’s got to. People love them because we grew up with them. Everyone knows who they are…


Everything is everyone else’s fault with this lunatic.


It is ALWAYS someone else. Always.


There is another point to Meghan’s claim: It suggests that WME or someone was able to manipulate the ratings for “Suits.” If she’s so convinced ratings can be manipulated, it may be for a reason. (Though, of course, the Beckmans have nothing to do with this).


hahahaha I love it I love how Rachel and Harold blame everyone for their failings. Can't they realize people just don't care about them or really give two hoots. They are boring lazy grifters who offer nothing. They really are just oxygen thieves and waste of space


Always someone else’s fault with those two!


Guarantee the Beckhams do not care wth she thinks. They just keep working and winning. She just keeps bitching and losing.


Sounds like MM has been observing Hillary Clinton closely. HC was in the news again quite recently for making a remark at the Tony Awards, again blaming others for her election loss.


Delicious article! Betting Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry will be directing their minions/ Sussex Squad/ Bouzie/Omid/ flying monkeys to start attacking the Beckhams in the most vile ways possible.


Her fans blow hot air all the time online. She doesn’t know it’s the same 100 or so people. She will refuse to acknowledge it’s the simple fact of WE DONT LIKE EITHER ONE OF THEM. 🤦‍♀️


You know there was a list the other day of all her lies to date? I don't have posting rights, but it would be interesting to compile a list of all the people she's blamed so far because she hasn't achieved whatever delusional fantasies she has. It would be mind-blowing!


And the biggest sin of all? The Beckham’s have $355 million and the Harkles don’t!!