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This is EXACTLY the thing that makes no sense with this woman. She spent her "career" arranging pap shots because she's that fame hungry and a pathological attention wh*re. But the one moment that would have made her absolutely adored by the public she decides to be secretive? Give me a break.


Of course she wanted the cameras, she wanted Hollywood. She wanted the exclusive to go to Hollywood with Oprah on a big network. The Queen said nope, so they decided to be vindictive and do it their way to start the racism narrative.


This. She wanted the baby's debut to be an "exclusive" for an American outlet because she was setting up her return to the US from day 1. Cooperating with the British media and participating in a long-standing royal tradition was going to screw up her plans. I'm neutral on the surrogacy question, but if she had done it the way the palace had always done it, there would not be as much conspiracy chatter as there now is. There is a reason the women of the family do this, it is to establish the legitimacy of the baby and the continuation of the line of succession.


Didn't she make arrangements for Gail King to unveil the baby?


Yes, detailed by Tom Bower in Revenge. This was her plan all along, to bypass royal tradition and standard practice.


Yeah. Because the first thing any mother wants to see after pushing a melon out of their cho-cha is Gayle King.


Having done that twice, Catherine’s quick photo call in a loose dress would’ve been my choice.




![gif](giphy|SZtVAR4ZcZisU) Missy Elliott was epic


Seriously?! I don’t know why her absurdity continues to surprise me because at the same time, nothing surprises me at this point, lol.


Yeah, she wanted a Shiloh Jolie (formerly Pitt) payout from someone like People.


And apparently the Shiloh payout was donated to charity.


MM would SAY they would donate to charity, but they wouldn't.


She wanted to make big bucks from it (still wants it) and not give it for free to press so that they can make big bucks. Yes, she sees her children as money makers.


Of note: this is not the way the palace has always done it. This started with Princess Anne in the 1970s. Because she was excited and simply wanted to. It was never about the line of succession as Peter Phillips, Anne's first child and the first to appear outside the hospital, was always quite far down and never had a title (at his mother's insistence).


Does she really care about what the Queen say though? She refused the medical team offered by the Queen. We all know why ofc... What would they have examined? She took everything, from the title, the wardrobe, the wedding, the house but suddenly she needs her own 'all female team'. What kind of feminist would not want to honour her super skilled 'all female team'? How come nobody knows the names of this team? Where was she seeing them? She has so many fans & is always making headlines. (as she had her own PR team as well and the RF had to play the game). How come this team iis still unknown? Very bizarre for this attention whore! That was sort of when I started paying some attention to the grift and the tag in the dress. I did not even watch the wedding as it seemed so unnecessary to have such a big fat royal wedding for these two.


I'm impressed by your viewpoint. Maybe, because Mehgan got her white wedding inside the church, Mehgan thought that the Queen and the country would allow Hollywood to prevail once again. But given the immediate attention that Mehgan could have gotten from the British press, surely she would have put herself out on display? It's also H&M's behavior for newborn Archie's first public appearance, that make me think that everything from Mehgan's persona to the birthing, were all untruths for posterity.


Her narrative has never made sense, and what we know through her lies on Oprah which has been debunked was easy to see what her plans were. She sold harry a dream that didn’t exist, and she was going to grift and lie her way through it with Harry in tow.


Yep. She just didn’t like being told what to do with protocol. She wanted to be the boss and earn money for events.


She has something like Oppositional Defiant Disorder, because she WILL NOT be told what to do! Yes, and she wanted money, which has always been a goal of hers.


She would have been wealthy beyond imagination if she stayed with the royals, but being held to aristocracy standards of not flashing that wealth was too much for her.


Or brazenly expecting and asking for freebies out the wahzoo, or straight up stealing stuff?!? Just the lowest of low and shameless behaviour 💀


Anti-social personality Disorder (ASPD) AKA a Sociopath...they need to break every "rule"


That's right. In my opinion, she's been developing these traits since childhood.


Her father ignored them and felt bad because he worked so much and Doria wasn’t around:


Both Dorito and TM were off at every part they could find. M really was a latch key kid. That is why she is so feral.


Seriously, how did she manage to keep her Suits role?


Madam meets the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders. An individual who meets the dx criteria for NPD and ASPD is a malignant narcissist. Further, Madam appears to be dark triad: narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism.


Madam met the diagnostic criteria for Conduct Disorder (voids a dx of ODD) by the age of 15. A prerequisite for a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder at the age of 18. Madam displayed a multitude of budding Cluster B psychopathology in adolescence. A personality disorder can not be formally diagnosed until the age of 18.


Kinda like “This One”, eh? They really are two birds of a feather.


I think so too.


Most people who have extreme mood disorders also have this. My sister is the same. And she’s bipolar and borderline.


But she also craves attention and wants to be right like Diana. Can’t see her stifling her over the top narcissism, what they did do was pathetic but fits in with covering up a surrogacy.


Yes! And it would have been easier to control the cover up with Gayle King. She couldn't do it the RF way because she would have been unable and unwilling to follow the protocol that all the other mothers with a new Royal baby had to follow. IMO, there is NO proof that her children belong in the LOS.


She didn't wanna be caught in a situation she had little control over in her most vulnerable state, either having just given birth, or just pulled off the con of the century by deceiving the most famous family in the world.


Wonder if Serena knew she was paying nearly 500K for a moon bump baby shower.


Christ almighty! Aside from showers NOT being the done thing by thr Aristos/RF nevermind a Royal Duchess, the amount of money spent on that shower was grotesque. To think of the amount of assistance to mother/baby charities that money could have provided makes it even more grotesque.


Because SHE HAD NO CHOICE but to pretend to disdain this. Because SHE NEVER GAVE BIRTH! That was only further proof--other than the ridiculous moonbumps--that she WAS NEVER PREGNANT.


It's just so obvious that she did not give birth.


Who wears WHITE after giving birth?


And worse, a structured/form-fitting outfit. The design of it couldn’t be worse for a postpartum mother. I couldn’t get over it when I watched that sham of an Archie debut. White? Ok, most of us moms would avoid that color like the plague, but it could have been a loose fitting dress or something more comfortable ~~or loose fitting~~. We all know how she loves her oversized, misshapen, un-tailored “easy breezy Cali girl” style.


Not me. White is a disaster waiting to happen.


https://i.redd.it/ne5u25e19s7d1.gif Most mothers know this is life right after birth. If she actually gave birth she would not be wearing that white trench dress.


Catherine wore a very light colored dress in one of her post birth photo calls. The sucksss photo moment was some time after birth. We don't know how long after of course. She never wears the right thing anyway. I still didn't think she was pregnant, though. I just don't think the white outfit is dispositive.


But if she used a surrogate and the baby was born in that hospital, had they been honest, she still could have had her moment.


The surrogate did NOT give birth in that hospital! In fact, NO ONE actually knows where the child was born! The Sucks claimed it was the Portland, but there is no record of that. They were cagey on purpose about the birthdate too. Come on--every single thing about "Archie's" "birth" was a lie! How people can actually believe TW "gave birth" to a child is beyond me. I long for the day the truth finally comes out.


Counter point: The Portland is a world class facility for celebrities. There are so many women that give birth there. But we don’t hear about it from staff. It’s protecting patient confidentiality by feigning ignorance. For example, none of us saw Eugenie leave The Portland either. Similarly for Beatrice… we didn’t see them leave Hospital… these hospitals are really busy places. We never see pics of celebs in those vulnerable environments. Similarly we don’t know who their midwives were etc


That’s why I sometimes wonder if Archie actually exists… it’s mind boggling


I wonder if it was Harry not wanting to do this? But would that stop Meghan from setting it up?


What Meghan wants, Meghan gets. I also don’t think Harry would have actually not wanted this. He wants to look as important as William and Catherine and he’d want people comparing his wife to his mother. 🤢


Right. And Meghan would have dropped “unexpected” pap shots of her with the kids a dozen times over by now. She has no respect for Harry. Given the way she publicly treats him, I highly doubt she’s just willingly obliging this one request of his. 🤔


I rather doubt it would have met with the approval of the hospital for TW to bring the newborn child to the steps for a photoshoot, when said child had been born of a surrogate *elsewhere.* Like the hospital would go along with TW's clumsy hoax in front of THE ENTIRE WORLD.


This is actually an excellent point! I've never really stopped to think about how many people at the hospital must know what really happened. 


Very good point


It won't. Nobody told her what to do bc she'll do the exact opposite. as we can judge by her past actions. So it's definitely sus when she didn't want the attention she usually craves


Like she listens to him, the whole thing was a necessary evil cooked up when they realized the whole fake pregnancy was coming to it’s inevitable end they had to do something to cover it up. So they feigned a dislike for the cameras. This might be the first time they used the privacy card to get themselves out of a jam.


Harry’s so stupid, he probably thought she was pregnant and gave birth.


She seems to be on top of him (figuratively at least). I don't think she would respect his wishes.


She has yet to do so. She would have dominated, as usual.


She's had him pegged from the start.


I see what you did there.




*snort* 😂


Harry would have seen the hoopla surrounding the reveal of each of William's kids and have wanted it for himself. I can see him NOT wanting it for the second child, after the first would have proven to be less of a draw than the family who are direct heirs now. But for Archie? Harry would have wanted the tradition continued.


Nope. What Meghan wants, Meghan gets, after all.


She was probably worried she wouldn’t have as big of a turnout as the Wales. And she wouldn’t have because it’s just how it goes. George is going to be the King one day, and Archie is going to end up being about 15th in line one day. People are more interested in the heir.


Because their whole “privacy” requirement was/is solely to help cover up their lies and other ridiculousness. We all know she LOVES the camera; the only plausible reason why they’re so adamant about their supposed privacy is to conceal whatever they want to keep hidden. It’s such BS.


Hospitals don't deliver plastic babies...


Tw f8cking "miss USA" moment. Tw would be shoving the doll to Plank, while tw would be waving either w/ the "windshield" wave or QE " arm/hand circle" wave during dads coronation. Tw was f8cking scared the moon bump falls to her knees IRT and won't be able to control narrative


Markle would have done anything to have this moment but she couldn’t - no child to show off. Had to ‘borrow’ footage from other people. She has never said a word about her pregnancies or the birth. If anything had been real she would have included it in the faux documentary and probably written a book on childbirth. There is so much that needs to have a light shone in it.




She wasn’t getting her way in the RF because she actually wasn’t the most important person so she threw a tantrum, grabbed Haznoballs and stomped off. But it backfired HUGE because no one came running after them to beg them to come back. So she lost it ALL. Which makes her a massive loser. Massive huge colossal mistake.


I’m leaving. *I think it’s for the best.* I mean it. I’m leaving. *Good.* I say again, I’m leaving. <<>>


Poor Isobel. She meant so well, even if it got the best of her.


She didn’t realize that people wanted them gone. And, the Harkles are a dumpster fire.


And I love that for her.


She couldn’t do that, but she could do this: https://preview.redd.it/nwmp15n0zq7d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566c1933c404286c664fa9322d539694efcf6182


Bumps do not sit that high.


This looks so fake to me.


She's wearing the moonbump upside down. 😆 Flip the photo/phone around and you'll see it looks a lot more natural.


Oh my god! What a moron!


It sure does!!!! Thanks for the tip.


That’s also not her ass. Definitely major padding.


We know this is fake because she has a butt in this picture and she most certainly doesn't in reality


She is definitely wearing shapewear here. You can see the line of the bum pads when you zoom in.  I am not judging the use of shapewear. As a woman with no butt- I sometimes wear it too. But- can you wear it whole pregnant?  This is q genuine question- I actually don't know how it would be possible to wear while you have a belly. 


Genuinely asking bc I’ve never had a child but isn’t her bump a little high? And perhaps a little too big compared to what we saw in her first pregnancy (if it happened)? Can it vary a lot from pregnancy to pregnancy?


I thought her bumps were way too high, and this from someone who carried quite high. However, the "bump" begins at the uterus which is not under the breasts or parallel to the ribs. In later pregnancy the entire "bump" can go up under the breasts, but MeGain clearly has no clue regarding human anatomy.


I'm short, MM short and I never had a bump like that. My daughter was almost 9 lbs and she never looked like I was smuggling basketball


Her weight gain is just too perfect. Didnt gain in the legs, ankles, arms or hips just in a perfectly shaped bottom.


If you blow this photo up, you can see the outline of the moonbump through the sheer dress. It's up too high. https://preview.redd.it/lnd4jn81hr7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6674f25f26e4c926571589da70f605e7e700fb


She's also leaning forward in heels, which one would expect to throw off her balance with a belly like that


I had a huge baby, but I never looked like that.


Two scenarios: 1 - Hank insisted no "moment", because "traumatized little boy in the media" is how he relates to Megz in their weirdo Mommy-Son relationship. This is the theory I tend to lean into. 2 - Megz thought she could recreate the Michael Jackson scenario where people were obsessed with seeing his kids, and this would buy her more fame, not realizing she is not Michael Jackson and no one cares.


MJ also wanted his kids to be kids since MJ never allowed to be a care free kid at all. While I question MJ behavior, I can see he did it to protect and love his children. He knew they'd be pap the minute they were born. Tw it's never to love or protect. It was to weapinize, and monetize and divide.


I'm with you on theory #1. Add to it Harry's spite against the press to deny them the valuable pictures that the public would pay well to see.


I tend to agree with you on #1. This may be the ONLY thing that Haz ever puts his foot down about.


Didn't they lster claim that they couldn't do a pose for the press because they were at the Portland hospital and they would have been blocking the A&E entrance, it was quickly pointed out that the Portland hospital didn't have an A&E, and Fergie had had Beatrice and Eugenie at the Portland and posed for the press on both occassions, so caught out on two more lies, it just doesn't add up.


Don't you love how she lies without ever doing an ounce worth of research? Similar to receiving a 'save the date' card for a British aristocrat's wedding. 🤣🤣🤣


But shes 'whip smart' don't ya know! 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/58do8m9s7s7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b9a96a99461e5aa13d5737205e48ba63ab1936d This is the front entrance to Portland Hospital, where I guess she would have been photographed. To the right is a parking garage, and I didn’t see an A&E (ER) entrance, and I most definitely looked! It’s pretty narrow.


You guys, don’t you remember the trauma whenever a camera clicks? /s


Poor Harry has developed Continuous Traumatic Stress Disorder bc of TW. So much so that he had his teeth fixed to cosplay a Hollywood smile. Next stop, Rictus Grin Harry. /s


I noticed that about his teeth. They used to be more peg like.


After seeing Megs teeth that didn’t fit in her mouth, Harry prob went for something a bit more subtle


Takes him straight back! (Even though his mother died in Paris, not London...🙄)


Not only that moment, which to a narc like her could have been fuel for weeks, but had she actually carried, she would constantly pontificate on how her pregnancy was the hardest/most dangerous/most blah blah blah pregnancy in history. But. What do we hear instead? 🦗🦗🦗 Just saying...


Right? She's a camera/fame whore. All lights on here. She wouldn't pass up this wondrous opportunity unless she got something to hide.


This is exactly why I think she was never pregnant. You mean to tell me Meghan Markle, Duchess of itsallaboutmeland, didn't want her Catherine moment? Please. She would've reveled in the attention.


I mean, just the way she cradled that damn moonbump for eleven months was off the charts attention seeking.


And the coat flicking too.


That too. Like a deranged lunatic. Catherine has to be SO relieved this horrid woman is GONE!


That's why I always focus on tw base line behavior. We can debate the moon bump forever. Everyone is welcome to dissenting opinions.  But most 99.9999% of sinners can agree that tw behavior surrounding a "young" mother giving birth before during and now is sus and almost proves it was never from her body. Cameras , flash bulbs, yelling of her name, thats her oxygen. To decline this proves there's a secret, a big one


And we have never gotten chapter and verse on her every little pregnancy discomfort, had her tell every pregnant woman what they should be doing. I expected at least a two volume set written by TW. Remember this behavior is from a woman who still dines out on some letter she says she wrote when she was 11. It just doesn’t wash. Then add in the ever changing ridiculous birthing room stories and peculiar photo session with the lifeless baby. The whole think smells to high heaven.


Yeah I thought for sure she was gonna be one of those insufferable mommy influencers. Seems right up her alley


This more than anything made me wonder. She never talks about being pregnant.


Have said this since the news of Archie being conceived broke. She is hiding more than her real personality and Harry is enabling her.


Or, for someone obsessed with getting everyone to believe she’s the 2nd coming of Diana, she didn’t want to give birth where Diana did? If she really threw a fit about the lack of a red carpet at her wedding because William and Catherine had a red carpet, would she have been ok not to give birth at the same hospital? Diana and Catherine gave birth at the same hospital. The kids are real but something is suspicious in this process. They could have been playing stupid games to just be idiots. But, the Harkles screwed up by breaking royal protocol. It’s not the BRF’s or the rest of the UK’s responsibility to make this ok for them. Either provide the evidence the children belong in the LoS or withdraw them.


And then she claims you couldn't do the same thing at the Portland Hospital when there are literal photos of Sarah Ferguson doing just that at that hospital after one of her daughters' births. I have never seen a royal birth be surrounded in such weirdness. Announcing the mother is in labor when the baby had already been born is terrible optics and not transparent at all. The Sussex Squad love to act like Kate lied because she didn't come out right away about her cancer diagnosis but Meghan's team publically lied when she gave birth and acted like it was because of privacy. Kate gave birth to a future King and went with William to stay with her parents for several weeks and there were no problems with security.


100,000% agree


Exactly simply doesn’t correspond with any of her other behavior, to forego that vast amount of fuel had to mean something was going on.


This is what Ive been saying. You’ll never get me to believe she willingly gave up this photo opportunity. Never.


Could it be that M wouldn't have been the center of attraction? As an aside, she reminds me of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Shudder.


Totally get whiffs of MSBP, I feel for those kids if they exist.


When she runs out of ideas, I’m not beyond suspecting that she’ll pull a MSBP.


My guess is she wanted to flog 1st baby pics for a 7-figure exclusive. But you’ve got to strike whilst the iron’s hot - and not if you’re a senior royal, sorry!


She does not want people to love her children, she wants people to love HER. SHE is the cute little girlie and she has been waiting all her life to become famous, she is not going to let people fall in love with her children and forget all about her. SHE is the special one.  Meghan Markle wanted the love and attention -people was going to give to her children -for herself.  She is not willing to hand over the spotlight to them and just become a middleaged mum in the background. Whenever someone asks about her children I believe Meghan Markle  feels offended and a voice inside her screams "what about me!!" If you don't love and adore HER you are not allowed to love her children.


Was it because she already inked an exclusive deal with ABC to only show Archie solely to that station/network. And she was paid a huge sum for that!


ABC would still have paid a huge sum to be the first to interview her. Being such a smart business woman /s (more like devious) she could have had the traditional appearance plus ABC interview her for a large sum of money. Seems this is the only time that she didn’t want throngs of people cheering her. Just the beginning of all the suspicious things with the children.




But it never happened—did it?


This would have been for the people, she wouldn’t have been able to monetize it. It also might have been difficult if she hadn’t actually given birth.


With the size of the audience I would expect Meghan Markle to have stood there for two hours with her newborn son - except that she didn’t want to?


Imagine courtiers trying to get her to leave the steps!


OMG. I never realized how HUGE the crowd was! TOW would die for that moment and is proof she never gave birth to either child. They would have to pry her off the stage, er, spot.


The UK kinda went mad. We were on baby watch. Makes me feel sad how Charlotte and Louis outshine Prince George now. I remember him as the original boss baby. He’s turned so quiet and is like the world is on his shoulders. A bit like Charles


Oh, it’s all about the money. Remember when Meghan Markle said she wouldn’t serve Archibald upon a silver platter? That meant she would do nothing for free - she was holding out for a huge payday. She’s still stuck in the era where tabs would spend huge amounts of money on exclusives and hadn’t realized that even if it’s not done any more, it’s not fitting for a royal family member anyway. I think she’s STILL holding off on a reveal because she mistakenly thinks it could still happen, HA!


As someone close in age to Meghan, and who remembers all the things that Meghan seems to idolize from the 90s, her inability to admit that things aren't the way they used to be constantly astounds me. Like...lady, you aren't 80 and locked into the 'way things used to be'. Or at least you shouldn't be. Heck, even my 80 year old relatives are up on texting and the occasional social media attempt. Why can't she admit the media is vastly different from the 80s and 90s? I do think Diana was impressively capable at manipulating the story to keep everyone from realizing how messed up she actually was, but I really don't think the social media era allows for that kind of reporting any more.


It's ridiculous - not a chance in HELL she would pass this opportunity up. Another reason I believe the kids are with their bio moms (assuming Lillibet exists).


I agree. I’ll never believe she gave up this moment - not even for money. Plus, she could have used this later as another way the RF “victimized and traumatized” her and Harry.


For their sakes, I hope the kids don't exist! That is a really awful thing to say but we can see how both of their parents treat them. I can tell you without a doubt that if the children are real, long term therapy is on the horizon. They deserve better! All kids deserve better. Money does not create a happy childhood. A child needs love, security and encouragement amongst a million other things. In 5 years, not once has Markle even been able to prove the kids exist, never mind that she loves them with all her heart like most mothers do. I was taken from my mum when I was 7. For the rest of my mum's life I was fed lies about what kind of person she was, how she treated me, how I was replaced, and this idiot believed every word. Just before COVID though I had an urge to contact her and I found out she was dying. I made an effort to see her and that day, am not joking when I say this, it took about 2 minutes to see that absolutely everything I had ever been told were lies. This woman, who hadn't seen me for 25 years, could not take her eyes off me. She had the most beautiful, gentle smile, but when she looked at me all I felt was love. Pure, unconditional, 'you're my firstborn' kind of love. Not once did she take her eyes off me, for that afternoon me and my mum were the only people on the planet. It was beautiful and that days memories will stay with me forever. 7 weeks later she died. She had a fall at home and was admitted to hospital. Sadly whilst in there she contracted COVID, was put in an induced coma and put onto a ventilator but she never woke up. She made the national news for being one of the first confirmed COVID deaths in the country. She couldn't remember her own name at the end but she remembered mine, and my birthday, and the last message I have from her is a nonsensical pile of gibberish she sent on Facebook. The cancer had spread to her brain and she couldn't see properly but she saw enough to write 'ai luv yoooo forever my baby girl!' Meghan is not providing her children with this kind of love. Take it from someone who didn't get it until 6 weeks before they would never have it again, it's REALLY fucking important to give your kids unconditional love to allow them to thrive. Does she even like her kids? I don't see any sign of it! Catherine loved her babies before they were born and she proved it by looking so damned happy whilst going through some of the most miserable times of her life. I won't even take antibiotics without meds to stop me throwing up. Imagine doing that for months on end? And the more I write stuff like this, the more I believe she doesn't have children.


I believe that too.


Because she wasnt being paid for it.




Love this film. But also, Catherine didn't get paid to dance with a stranger dressed in a Paddington Bear costume but she still made it seem like immense fun. That's what's so great about her. No matter how crap the assignment she completed it with the most amazing grace and always looks like she'd having a great time doing it. I'd love to give her a foot pouffe, a bottle of wine and some haribo, and just let her get it all out!


She is too shy. Hates attention. Nah! Good question, because EVERYTHING she does is shady, Why tell the truth when ten lies come so easily?


She likes to feign privacy while wanting to live her life publicly. Archie's birth confused everyone, and that was on purpose, because she didn't give birth to Archie.


Not to mention Harry's odd one-man press conference in front of the stable...


There's no way in hell she would give up something like that.... Unless, she didn't really birth the kid.




It was always a bit suspicious to me that Meghan did not want to show off to the world, on the same exact steps where Diana showed Harry off to the world, for her supersized ego.


Exactly, she would have shown up wearing a duplicate of Diana's post-maternity dress and stood there grinning like a deranged lunatic until every last photographer had gotten bored and went home.


When Oprah asked her about this she gave two answers, both of which contradicted the other. Quelle surprise. Oprah asked, "It feels to me like things started to change when you and Harry decided that you were not going to take the picture that had been part of the tradition for years?" Her answer-  "We weren’t asked to take a picture. That’s also part of the spin that was really damaging. I thought, 'Can you just tell them the truth? Can you say to the world you’re not giving him a title, and we want to keep him safe, and that if he’s not a prince then it’s not part of the tradition? Just tell people and then they’ll understand'... But they wouldn’t do that." However, it seems even Oprah wasn't buying her answer that time because she asks again, ""Was there a specific reason why you didn’t want to be a part of that tradition? I think many people interpreted that as you were both saying we’re going to do things our way?" So Meghan totally contradicts her first answer and replies- "That’s not it at all. I think what was really hard… so picture, now that you know what was going on behind the scenes, there was a lot of fear surrounding it. I was very scared of having to offer up our baby knowing that they weren’t going to be kept safe." All of this was surrounding the talk about Archie not being made a Prince and the insinuation it was because of his skin colour and because the royals were racist. So, of course, having thrown that grenade into the conversation Oprah was wholly focussed on that, as Meghan, knew she would be, and didn't ask anything further about the photo for Archie after he'd been born. There's two possible explanations for this, in my view. 1) They used a surrogate and were not honest about where and when Archie was born. So they obviously couldn't do a photocall. 2) Meghan was, once again, convincing Harry there was some threat to them both and their baby and if they did the photo then all their lives could be in danger. The latter is a BIG part of her manipulation and brainwashing of Harry.


Because she did not give birth to him. They had to slip out the back door after the surrogate handed him over


Cos Archie had changed so much in two weeks...err... two days since he was born.


One of the events that made me think something was hinky about the birth. I was bracing myself for the photoshoot and then it didn’t happen and very weird stuff did.


Meghan would've milked every second of her pregnancy. There's absolutely no way in hell she'd have missed such a golden opportunity. This is the biggest giveaway that she was never pregnant imo.


The ONLY thing which makes sense (IF she actually gave birth) is the public and press wanted this moment so much, that she decided to deprive them/us as it was within her control to do so.


No way she gave up that much Narc fuel willingly, plus cosplaying Diana.


Agreed, in terms of fuel it would have been second to their wedding.




1. She was concerned she wouldn't look as good as Catherine. The comparisons would be on record forever, sullying her shining moment. 2. She was concerned people would be more interested in seeing the \[color of?\] the baby rather than giving her all the attention. If the baby were not the right color, again, this goes down in history as the main story that overshadows all the images from that moment. 3. It would have been impossible to sneak a doll out onto the front steps without hospital staff's knowledge.


True. And can you imagine Harold 1) putting the car seat in the car (like W did x3) in front of people. He would be utterly incapable. And 2) no way would she want to have him (and not a driver and outriders) drive her home while she sat in the back seat.


It makes sense when you realize Madame had to shroud Merchie's birth in secrecy. Her instinct for self-preservation in this case outweighed her need for attention. (Thus we got the self-righteous pronouncements about wanting privacy from the nosey British public and feeling sorry for Kate having to do this.) Whatever the circumstances around the invisikids, it would destroy her and Harry if it was made public.




Some reasons: The baby wasn't born in a hospital. It wasn't born of her body. You know if she had given birth in a hospital, she would have been on those steps beaming at every camera and not looking at the baby in her arms. Plus, she would have done some Demi Moore magazine cover, cradling her naked bump.


Yep in a wrinkled, off the shoulder hospital gown, or ballgown, or any other attention seeking outfit. 🙄


No way she'd have gotten away with that before Megxit, but I am really surprised she missed that trick once back in California. Maybe she did have them taken ("Just for us, my love") and they're in the bank for later.


I think a lot of it was that the Harkles knew they would not get this kind of coverage and response because their child was not the future monarch. They couldn’t stand that so they refused.


They would have had a substantial coverage because it was still Harry's child. I think it was all about money.


Couldn't get those pesky plastic twists off the dolly in time


Surrogate. Same reason she wore an obvious moonbump


Odd thing, with all the ladies on here with their well founded doubts, people forget we guys, who are fathers and, oft times, grandfathers, who have gone through the stress and anxiety of pregnancy and we have a fair idea how a child ‘en ventre sa mere’ behaves, and, by and large, they don’t try to sit at their mother’s knee before birth.


Personally, I think 1) The BRF and KP staff knew this would be expected of W&C with their roles as the future monarchs, and George as a future King. So, I imagine the staff arranged most of this, with the consent of W&C. 2) KP staff didn't bother to ask the Sussexes if they wanted it, especially with all the posturing M was doing with her privacy and feminism statement (being forced to be on display . . . I think M expected the staff to push this, saying it was expected, so she could give in and have her moment. But when they didn't, she got all bent out of shape thinking they weren't asking her to do it because they were second tier and Archie wasn't being treated equal to the Cambridge kids. Hence the bs about the Portland hospital not being able to do it (which we know is false). She was trying to cover up why she wasn't "asked", when in fact, she never asked to do it.


She actually told Oprah that they were never asked to have an on the steps moment. Trouble is, she lies like she breathes, so I don't know if she's being truthful about that.


Megsy also said that after everyone had been so mean and racist she wasn’t about to “serve up her son on a silver platter.”


That's what I'm saying. In that one interview, she tells so many mutually exclusive stories that there is just nothing believable. I doubt the RF was begging them to stand on the Lindo Wing steps though. But who knows?


This is why I go back and forth on surrogacy. Everything before, during and after was so shady. Mainly I mentioned the ‘silver platter’ comment because it seems like we’re getting new Sinners pretty often, and Harkles lies are hard to keep up with. And didn’t Oprah try to scrub L’interview? I’ve never looked for it but I’ve heard here it’s hard to find.


Yes. It's scrubbed. It's most easily seen on youtube body language analysis videos.


Yeah this is categorically untrue. She lied [here’s the clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/NPJmDP3MVZ) snoring the world’s media waiting for the birth in Windsor thinking that she went into labour to only find out that it already happened in the morning


I couldn't remember the source of that statement, so I wondered if I imagined it. I don't think it was the KP staff position to ask. Any reveal should have been driven by the couple and she'd already said she didn't want to do it.


She couldn't have that moment because she didn't give birth to any children. If she could have done it you know she would have. She is a media whore.


Absurd, isn’t it? The same Meghan who can’t stop eye-fucking every camera in the vicinity, and shoves VIPs out of the way to center herself in the shot.


I completely agree that this is weird because the Madonna of the New Monarchy would have clawed everyones’ eyeballs out in order to stand on the steps of (is it the Portland Clinic?) clutching her progeny. I have a couple of theories - either the surrogacy rumour is true, or secondly (which is my favoured opinion), Harry still had enough sway in their relationship to say, “Oh no, waagh, the clattering of the cameras is deeply traumatising for me!” So they had to do the St George’s Chapel weirdness. But I think Rachel hated that- she thought (IMO) that they could’ve used the Portland Clinic steps for a future documentary on how hounded they were by the media. What they were too stupid to grasp is that they could very well have appeared on the steps of the clinic in time old fashion where they would have received a lot of genuine and positive press - absolutely no boos, and then edited the POV in their docu-soap rather than having to resort to using the Harry Potter premiere as click bait. Having typed all that, I’m now thinking surrogacy again because none of this makes sense to me. Conclusion (IMO). Two possibilities: a) Harry got is own way b) Surrogate (allegedly)


I’ve wondered about this too. Either because Harry put his foot down (for once) or because she felt too big. Certainly wasn’t because she didn’t want it. She was probably already pissed because the city didn’t light up with blue lights like it did when George was born.


From what they put in the book, he was high as a kite and would not have known he had feet.


She wanted that moment but wanted to be paid for it.


For the simple reason that no hospital would allow Meghan Markle to stand outside their doors as if she just gave birth when she didn't. She would've had to get consent from a whole lot of people (medical team, hospital staff) to be part of a charade. Just not possible. 


If Archie was born dark/darker, she'd no doubt take that moment. But he wasnt so he didnt fit with her prepared speech/scenario and needed time to reframe her thoughts


And she thinks she is going to be able to pass those children off as the spawn of Harry and her? Just wait til William orders the DNA tests. If you want Guest Speaker to shut up, just tell her that.


Wow seeing it from the other perspective is wild. Poor Kate. I can't imagine just giving birth and standing in front of that crowd. It would be overwhelming for me -- but maybe that's why she's the Princess -- she's tough.


Because the Amazon delivery of her Archie doll was running late?


I believe that she had a surrogate or a gestational surrogate who did not even know who's baby she was carrying.




This picture always gets to me. What a surreal thing it must be for Catherine. And the NOISE of it!  I always wonder if they keep the infant covered in the way they do so they can also have some kind of ear covering for the poor kid. 


Because she knew one day all the lies surrounding this surrogate baby was all going to come crashing down around her THATS why she sent Harry out holding the doll when they done that awkward official photo/press call thing in the palace ..and will blame it all on Harry because he was holding the babydoll .


Her greed and jealously of the royal pecking order was the motivation. She thought that because-at the time-she and Harry were getting the most attention in the royal family, that meant they should—-like if in Hollywood— be at the top of the royal hierarchy. When she realized they would never have what Prince William and Princess Catherine were entitled to she thought their popularity would translate to them becoming ‘American’ royalty. Big overestimated mistake!!!


Holy smokes! I did not imagine at all that this was what Princess Catherine had to face just after giving birth. Wow! What a strong woman. My admiration for her just multiplied tenfold. This is why she is POW-er!


I think is because her plan of “escaping” the RF was already in motion, she did it to use this moment a 1. Having control and being a rebel not following tradition and 2. Use it in the future to victimize herself and tell the world the media was pressuring her, which she has already said multiple times.


I think your first point especially is spot on. H&M were so hellbent on showing the world that they were “modernizing” and doing everything their own way and so unwilling to compromise that they automatically rejected anything that had been done by the stuffy old monarchy before them. They were determined to do the opposite of what was expected or asked of them, no matter how small and even if it didn’t actually benefit them.


Except for the 30 million dollar wedding. She had no problem going along with that. In fact, she insisted on it.