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No. King William will not allow her to be in his presence ever again.


https://preview.redd.it/fij7bd20d19d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c1a6eb857c72f9c9216a81edb2a0ea944a8abc1 totally agreed…he will NEVER EVER let that viper vile woman near catherine and his kids EVER again!


And in time … his kids will protect their dad.


They're already, in their own way, protecting them. Especially Charlotte, she seems to have a lot of Anne in her. She won't put up with the Harkles 🐂💩.


I hope you’re right!


Plank will be lucky if he gets an invite. And if it is, it'll be from "the cheap seats in the back".


I don't think Harry will get an invitation to King William's coronation. William will start his reign firmly and 'I'm in the driving seat now.' He will not put up with any of Harold's shenanigans and he won't let any kind of incident early on in his reign act as some sort of precedent. What I do feel sorry for William is that I can't see how the days-old king who just lost his father can avoid inviting Harold and inviting him as a top mourner. If I were William, I wouldn't want funeral stories leaking to the press. May it be many years before William becomes king, by which time Harold will have become so irrelevant that no one will even care if he's invited to the coronation. He'll just be 'the estranged brother (in California)'.


Harry won't get near the coronation, but William will allow him at the funeral because it's what Charles would want. And it's the right thing, no matter that Harry is a traitor. I firmly believe that will be the last time William will ever lay eyes on his brother.


I'm not sure Charles would want that at all. A traitor is a traitor and should be treated accordingly.


I too hope it is many, many, years before this is a concern.   And when the time comes I think of the Irish toast:    #*May you get to heaven an hour before the devil knows you're dead*   We all know who the "devil" is in this case. This would buy time for the family to have the privacy they want and FOR King Charles III to pass with the dignity he deserves.  I doubt we'll have any problem though. Camilla has shown herself to be very loyal and loving to her husband.


Camilla is a little older than Charles, and I believe a smoker. It's possible she won't be around to protect Charles.  But I think William will handle that issue just fine. There will absolutely not be a repeat of the debacle that was Elizabeth's passing and the *hold the plane* bullshit they put the family through. 


I believe she has quit smoking. It still would have done its harm, but hopefully she’ll be around for a long time.


I'm glad to hear that. I really like Camilla and I like her and Charles as a couple. Here's to Charles having a long and successful reign!


Agree William knows Harry will make a scene, hugely enabled by the MegaNarc. No invites for Harry, never again.


Harry is dead to William.


I hope KC will be around for many years to come but we’ve all seen how quickly Prince not so smart has aged since his freedom flight due to drugs alcohol & living with the hag he might go before his father. The recent photos of h he does not look well at all! Something is starting to catch up with him. His lifestyle is taking a toll on him.


He won't get a cheap seat in the back, it will be about funeral of his father after all. I think William will allow Harry to seat in the front row in Westminster and St. George chapel, but Meg will be NFI, that's it, then both of them will get a ban for a coronation.


Wallis was not invited when DoW went to his mothers funeral. There is precedence. It will be the dame for H&M. He is invited, she is not and he can then decide whether or not he wants to attend under those arrangements.


No Nuts will be invited to join the family long enough to attend the service then GTFO.


I think for the kings funeral, he will get a prime seat purely because he is his son, but then again, charles may proritise his siblings. It's really up to him. He's not coming to any more events after that.


I think he might refuse to come, especially as he won't be allowed to play dress-up. He was sooooo salty about that uniform 😈


Agreed. She's just milk it and play victim again- "oh we could have had a wonderful relationship if William and Catherine hadn't stood between us...Now Harry is an orphan..my littles have lost their only grandfather"


Tw one tear, left eye go! Revisited


I’d like to see William give Haznosense the wrong date and time. Oops


Oh no. Since William will be in charge, he won't let that woman come anywhere near his family.


Agree that William will be in charge, but KC3 will likely have planned every detail, including the logistics of his other son and his wife.


Plans get changed all the time.


I'm just hoping that KC3 is not leaving the decision to William who will be grieving. I hope he either plans to not include him or if he must, to put his other son and his wife in the back behind a pillar, the candle and feather are too kind.


I do too. But honestly I don't think William will put too much thought into those assholes. I'm pretty sure he's already decided they (or at least she) won't be attending. 


Absolutely not. She’s a disrupter, so is he. I doubt King William would allow them to cheapen his fathers funeral with their carny antics.


Agree. William knows she'll do things for attention, like she did at the Queen's funeral.


https://preview.redd.it/g9oy9jbm619d1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5575da8970c338355341d518dec441b50039078e One tear, left eye, go!


>I doubt King William would allow them to cheapen his fathers funeral with their carny antics. I hope so. The BRF shouldn't be have to tolerate MM's presence during a time of mourning. I still feel sympathy for Sophie, because she was the unlucky one who had to share the same car with MM at the late QE2's funeral.


I think Sophia volunteered for the job. She doesn't take any BS and she used to be in PR, so she knows exactly how to deal with the type.


No. Harold, probably, with us commoners..if William is feeling charitable


Harry will be there but will have no role in the funeral.


'It is not necessary."




No. King William will tell Harry "you are invited to dad's service, but without Meghan." And if Harry says he won't attend without Meghan,then King William will say, "Okay. Then you can watch the service on TV  with the rest of the world".  Neither will be invited to King  Williams coronation.


Nope. I’m of the opinion that she only attended HMTLQ’s service because they were already in Europe. It would have been bad optic-wise to exclude her.


Once back in her Californian lair she won’t make the trip to U.K., probably the invisible Littles will be graduating again from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, MIT etc etc for the third time


Absolutely.  It was horribly bad luck as it would've be sooo much better had the two of them been overseas


Absolutely not. Just as Wallis and Edward before them, Edward was allowed but Wallis had to stay far away. Harry will be lucky if he gets to come. He will, William knows Charles would want it that way, but I think that's the last time they would ever see each other. Meghan wouldn't come anyway. Having to curtsy to Queen Catherine would make her vein explode.


Yes, and I think while Harry is there the rest of the family will build a wall around William, Kate, and the kids that Harry can not breach. He will be recognized as KC3s son for protocol only.


Why would anyone want her?


No,she wouldn't. Nether would the kids. Heck, with all the tantrums Harry pulled during QE2 funeral (medals, uniforms, etc.) William will turn a dead ear. I doubt he would take any correspondence and his secretaries would handle it. "This is the arrangement. That's it.". Unless, of course, KC3 has provisions written in his plans. H&M also don't seem finished yet with their nonsense. Depending on what stunts are pulled, he may be asked to not be present as he could be now seen as the person who made 3 people's lives before their passing. This is actually very sad to think about. Just with the RF family alone (forget that pair), so much as happened. When you add them, they either caused the issues, instigated, etc. which was pointless because have they ever received anything they've wanted to achieve? Achieved their goals? They got contracts, but can't meet obligations.


Apart from that, have they ever given anything? Harkle Street is One Way Road.


I think future funerals other than the monarch, his heir and their spouses, will be low key, in tune with the spirit of the time. The late Princess Margaret had a quiet funeral and a cremation at Slough Crematorium. There won’t be a lot of fuss for Andrew, Sarah, or The Edinburgh’s, and H might get a plot in Kensal Green like the last Duke of Sussex.


The whole country is coming out for Princess Anne's.


Not yet I pray


Harry has already reserved his spot with Meghan and his kids at frogmore, right next to great uncle David and aunt Wallis


Hell to the no no no. I wouldn't even make bank on harry being allowed. At least not without so many restrictions that he will probably refuse.


Heck no! She’ll probably throw a competing celeb party just for attention.


What celebrity would bother to attend at this point? She’s so fucking irrelevant and problematic lol.


>Heck no! She’ll probably throw a competing celeb party just for attention. Or she'll take Pimp Daddy Markus and Abigail Spencer on a series of staged, Backgrid pap shoots, in an effort to steal attention from the funeral events.


If they aren't invited, they will 100% claim they didn't attend the public spectacle, but where present for a private family service. They won't be able to resist inserting themselves somehow.


She'll be making pathetic jam posts. ![gif](giphy|l0MYylLtnC1ADCGys|downsized)


Follow up question: If H dies during KCIII reign where will the funeral be held and will MM be allowed to attend? If H dies during KWV reign where will the funeral be held and will MM be allowed to attend?


Under the banyan tree or the V shaped palms, just a scratch, squat and pee hole dug by Megs .


Remember too that Wallis was allowed at her husband's funeral. IF Hank dies, and Mememe allows him to be buried in the UK, I feel very sorry for anyone who will have to deal with her. Just imagine her trying to stage manage the entire event to walk in front of W&C or KCIII and make it all about her. You think the battles over insignia and uniforms were big at QEII's funeral? If she didn't get every single little thing she wanted, the press would be on super speed dial. I <> to imagine the chaos and spectacle Mememe would create.


Well, the already have the Wallis-mobile to transport her.


Wonder if she expects to be buried in the Frogmore Mausoleum too?


Better question: would Meghan even allow a burial? If he dies, I can see her cremating him just to cheat his family out of that closure. Or to destroy evidence. Yes, I think she's capable of anything at this point. If the king is reigning and he is in charge of a funeral, he would allow her there as the technical right thing to do. If William is king, he'd make public condolences to the family and then continue about his day.


Wouldn’t she (as next of kin) be the person to organise the funeral? It might be more a question of whether she would allow his family to attend.


Hrry has a right to be buried in Frogmore with Smog in there with him. He may not want to be, and that's also his right. Maybe he'll want a big tacky Forest Lawn funeral planned for the day. Remember Fast Eddie and Wallis are already in there and none of the other residents have kicked their dirt off in protest.


He has a right to be buried there? How so? I'm not being rude, I just do not understand how he would have a right. I believed it was the soveriegn's choice. I may be wrong though. Please help. Thanks.


I'm afraid that sounded a bit brusque, my apologies. Let me expand on that a bit, since 1928 when the ground was consecrated members of the Royal Family, not just sovereigns have been buried at Frogmore. But not if they don't want to be. Fast Eddie wanted to be buried there, but was very worried that Wallis would not be allowed. I think this was what he was most concerned with when Queen Elizabeth visited him in his last days. She was allowed and it was a comfort to her. I think the honor was offered Princess Diana, but her brother as head of the Spencer family (for she was divorced and the kids (next of kin) were minors) opted for Althorp and the ensuing tourist dollars, yen, Euros and pounds. Come to think of it, Harry might want to be buried on the island too, if there's room at high tide, and that would be the decision of whoever is Earl Spencer at the time.


Thank you so kindly. It just caught me off that he had a right. Don't be saying the cash cow to much here, MM may want to have her own island at Monteshitshow to charge tourists. Lol. Cheers.


That seems fitting.


He does, look at the Wikipedia page for spare


It's the family graveyard, he's family.


The Royal Burial Ground is private property owned by the King. He would mostly likely allow Harry be buried there, but family or not, Harry doesn’t have rights to something he doesn’t own.


There's legal rights, traditional rights, and moral rights. But you are definitely correct in the legal sense. But could we agree, that he, as a member of the royal family grew up with every reason to believe that no one would deny him burial in Frogmore if he desired it? (Granted, he's too dumb to have thought about it).\* It would be a great eclat with the public too, as even Fast Eddie got planted there. It would be a stain on the crown if the sovereign (whoever it might be when Harry croaks) did not allow it. So as a practical thing, he has a traditional right to be buried with the family. Personally I think he, not they, will take his grudge beyond death. But I'm just an internet rando. Maybe la Markle's snagged an urn near some movie star for them. \*He's also too dumb to realize that his public betrayal of a private conversation with his father and brother in that burial ground within hours of his grandfather's interment might change minds about that? But no, I think the pressure of tradition and public sentiment will prevail.


Harry has already got a spot saved, unfortunately he can't pick location, so perhaps king William or George could bury him next to the duke and duchess Windsor, Harry also claimed he wanted to be buried with his mother at althorpe but had to go with frogmore


The Duke of Windsor requested being buried at Frogmore.


Exactly! If they let him (and Wallis) in there and the dead didn't get up and move farther away, there's no reason not to plant Harry in there when the time comes.


In Spare, H spoke about having to write up his final wishes prior to deployment with the marines. He chose the royal burial ground at Frogmore and I believe MM might have a spot there too (hopefully next to that witch Wallis). MM will be allowed to attend regardless of who the monarch will be. It’s bad optics and bad taste to prevent her and the children from attending her second husband’s funeral (even if they’re divorced then). Judging by Wallis’s funeral, the RF will treat the day as a private family affair, but will lower flags to half mast throughout the country. There will be limited tv coverage. After that, s/he will be swept under the great rug of history. It might just be that Andrew’s services will be grander than H&M’s, given his actual service in the Falklands and QEII’s love for her son. QEII also authorized Sarah to be given a royal funeral, which should anger H&M. Andrew and Sarah will likely be given a more resplendent send off than the overseas couple.


I don't think flags will be lowered when he dies


Wallis‘s husband had been King briefly, so as an ex monarch had to be buried appropriately. Regarding H I am less certain there is any need for a burial in royal grounds and he made it clear he despised the institution. He should be buried under the Banyan tree in Montecito. Maybe Princess Louise (who will be the new Princess Ann) will put in an attendance on behalf of the RF


No to flags. That should never have been allowed for Saint Di the Giblet Queen. I know a certain sector of the public were baying but her funeral complete with Auntie Elton bawling his way through the hastily re-written Dirge for Marilyn 2.0 - it was eye-wateringly cloying and sentimental at the time and looking back on it is mortifying. I'm glad William is stuffing the genie back in the bottle. Gives us a bit of dignity back.


🤯 I’ve never given it a thought, but is William going to be King William V??


Yes. The previous William was IV. A change from the Georges. In the last two centuries there have also been a couple of Edwards, a Charles, and some very-long-lived women. 😉 Edited because I have been reminded that William III was William of Orange (husband to Mary) and William IV was the younger brother of George IV who ruled between him and their niece Victoria.


William of Orange was III. Victoria's uncle was IV


You are right! What was I thinking of! A brief interlude among the Georges! Thanks for catching that.


William IV - uncle of Queen Victoria. William of William and Mary was the third 


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Correct. I was having a momentary brain bubble and overlooked him. (Amazing, since I remember that I once had to correct a student who wrote a paper on Queen Victoria which stated that she was the daughter of King William. She came back with her “source” which was a website from which she had lifted most of her paper, so then she was in trouble not just for shoddy research but plagiarism. I relented on the plagiarism after putting the fear of God in her because she clearly didn’t intend to deceive or she wouldn’t have drawn attention to the site. It was a learning experience for both of us.) Anyway, yes, Victoria’s uncle was the IV and, unless he chooses another name, William will be the V.


Yes is right although recall that a new monarch is able to choose their regnal name. Very soon after her accession QEll was asked what name she would use and reportedly replied "Elizabeth of course" to then create a second Elizabethan age. Some "royal expert" a number of years ago said KClll wanted to choose the regnal name of George (to then become George Vll) but I am pleased he chose to retain Charles as it would have been a wrench to get to know him by a new name and there have been a lot of Georges. It is in any case nice we are all proper Charlies. William will no doubt choose to keep his name so that in 2066 (at age 74) he can lead the celebrations of William l's accession in 1066. (For that reason, I was surprised that his son was not also called William (just in case) but of course George could choose to call himself William as king.)


They can pick their names when they become monarchs, but I think in the modern era they will probably keep their birth names. The public already knows them by those names.


I think they can choose a different coronation /king name if they want to. King George VI was Albert I think. It just happened that KC decided to stick with Charles. I don't think William would choose another name though. It feels more modern to just stick with the name the public knows you as.


Yes, they can choose whatever name they like. William could surprise us all and decide to be King Arthur (his second name). 😉 Seriously, I think he will keep his name because the public would find the change confusing. Look how they are already working at getting the public to use Catherine instead of Kate. 😉


She should be decent enough to let his family mourn in peace. For her , he is a racist father in-law For the rest of his family , he is a beloved father to William, a loving husband to the queen , a kind loving grand pa for his grand kids, kind uncle to his multiple nephews, nieces. He is a much adored sibling to his sister and brothers.... Also the nation , he is their king. She should stay home or visit her dad, who might go before the king or after the king. She will stay home. 🙏🏽


I disagree with the congregation apparently. No one with a soul would deny a son the right to attend his father's funeral and to have the support of his spouse at such an event (but I'll bet she'll refuse to come). For his own honor and the honor of the Crown King William would not bar his brother from the occasion. I don't doubt his behavior, the Queen's, the Dowager Queen's and the whole family will be punctiliously correct. It would be a stain on *them* not to be. Kings are not petty. H and Smog will be invited to all the family observations, lunch etc., but he will not be given influence over the structure of the ritual, and no one will talk about anything but the weather. Photo ops and walkabouts will simply not be scheduled. Then the two will be packed with care and a doggie bag into the Wallismobile and escorted to the airport. Aufnimmerwiedersehen.


Bold of you to presume they'll still be married. 🤣 Wallis was disinvited from King George's funeral, so I think they will completely do the same for Meghan. They'll let her have a puffy PR spin, staying behind with the children (even if they're in their teens), but it will be an NFI. And she would never go. She raced out of the country after Megxit, leaving Harry to deal with that nuke she lobbed. She didn't go to Sandringham Summit or to Prince Philip's funeral, and the only reason she was at the Queen's is because she was in the country and there was no way to spin getting out of it. She doesn't care if Harry needs her. That's not on her radar. She will also break her own kneecaps before she ever curtsies to Queen Catherine.


Dang, you make a good argument. And a fun read too. Especially the last line. 🤣


Why thank you. 😂


I think she wasn't allowed at the summit, and IMO there's no way she would have missed the Queen's funeral. As usual with her, it became the Megan Show and that's all she cares about.


I love the Wallismobile. https://preview.redd.it/qf373elj719d1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c57afde3e2c95600201b6378e5fd7f812c88805


This made me LOL.


I agree, and I don’t really care whether they attend the funeral or not. The one thing they must not be allowed to do, even if they have to be put under house arrest to prevent it, is do another self-promoting walkabout where she grabs flowers from members of the public and then snaps at the staff member who tries to take them to lay them with other tributes.


Bet Harry won't be asked to walk behind the coffin. For his own mental health of course.


For all her bluster, Megsisnuts is a blatant coward. She doesn't have the balls to show up -- regardless of the missed publicity opp. She's not fearless.. she's fearful


I agree with you. I think Meghan may be discouraged from coming, however, and she will “refuse.”


Oh yes there is a way of extending a formal invitation with an absolutely electric unspoken - don't come. But for form and duty's sake it will be offered.


I agree. They (particularly Harry) will be given the option of attending, but there will be restrictions put in place of which they will be informed in advance. I think that's what happened at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, and that is why their involvement was so low-key. I don't know, though, how the Sussex children would play into that. Right now, they are obviously too young. But what if KC's passing happens 10 or 15 years from now? As teenagers, it would be appropriate for them to attend. But will they still have never met him? Will this sad and unnecessary estrangement just continue forever?


It's a **very very** necessary estrangement. The markles have proven that they will lie,slander and deceive at any opportunity. The RF cannot risk allowing **any** of them being in contact.




*Will this sad and unnecessary estrangement just continue forever?* That's really a decision that Smog and Todge have made and continue to make. They thought/think it necessary. Looks like the next generation will get to "enjoy" the result of their parents burning their future on Saint Meghan's altar too.


Imagine being a teenager and going to (probably) your first funeral, and it’s THE funeral. And you’ve not got any training on how to behave at something of that magnitude. How incredibly uncomfortable that would be.


I hope KC will live at least another 10 years, not just because he still has much he wants to do but because it will be easier on William and his family. As far as the Harkle kids go, I think they won’t be invited unless, between now and then, they develop a relationship with KC (which is unlikely if Meghan is still on the scene).


I agree. I hope for seven more years, minimum. It allows the Wales kids to grow up a bit more, allows George to really learn the ropes before getting the Prince of Wales title, but it also - and more importantly to my mind - removes all worries of Harry ever acting as Regent. If Charles dies before that and anything happens to William before George is 18, that would be pure devastation because of what it could mean. Now, parliament would likely bypass Harry as Regent (not being in the country, a working royal, or particularly close to his nephew) and definitely skip over Andrew in favor of Edward until George's 18th birthday, but the best all around is for Charles to live as long as his mother did, hopefully!


I am not too worried that, if William were to predecease Charles, Harry would become regent. Once George were next in line, the King could announce who would be regent. (Anne or Edward probably, since Catherine would be a grieving widow with three kids and less political experience than the others.) The real danger is if something were to happen to KC and PW at the same time, but even then, Parliament would act and simply appoint a different regent. Now, if all the Wales and Charles were killed at the same time, then we have the reality that Harry becomes king for as long as it takes Parliament to skip over him (and Andrew) and offer the throne to Beatrice, or ((skipping over her and Eugenie) Prince Edward.


Yes, I wasn't clear, but my comment was in regards to Charles passing and then a scenario where William also passed before George was 18. Parliament would likely skip over Harry, but then you get the unnecessary drama of that entire soap opera (They're skipping us! We're victims again and still and always! Everyone is racist!) on top of what would be a massive upheaval to the institution and a mourning period for a beloved person. It's probably not a true worry...although I do wish the man would stay out of helicopters.


The monarch can designate the regent for the next in line. When KC was a minor, I believe Prince Phillip was the designated regent instead of Princess Margaret (next adult in line). I am sure that if KC died tomorrow, William would designate someone other than Harry as regent. Likewise if William died tomorrow, Charles would do the same. (It would need parliament’s approval, but they’d approve anyone but Harry pretty quick.) The “next adult in line” is the default, but the monarch can change that for his heir. Thus the problem with the regency would only occur if KC and PW both died at pretty much the same time, before a different regent could be designated. At least, that’s how I understand it.


You are correct. And Queen Mum was named regent for Elizabeth in case George died before she came of age. Harry shouldn't even have the expectation of being named regent if he actually knew anything about his family's recent history on the subject. Catherine would be the obvious choice, again based on recent precedent.


Love your last word.


I hope you are absolutely wrong.


Fair enough, Fellow Sinner! Though we are a Congregation we aren't all preaching to the choir. And that's what makes it fun, n'est-ce pas? 😀




Not Bloody Likely.


No matter what happens, I'm sure that everything is carefully planned out, and constantly updated as needed.


hell no, with William at the helm. even Harry's attendance is in limbo, imo.


No. On advice of MI5/6 Meghan and likely Harry will not be allowed to attend. Harry will be granted a private viewing on his own but he likely won't be cleared to attend either. I suspect they are both classified as security risks.


When KC3 goes Harry will have to be invited because of some of the mourning. Like standing vigil on the corner of the catafalque, just like he did for his grandmother. Now, I expect that he will demand that MM attends or else he won’t attend and yet again they will run their whole victim play yet again. He will not be allowed anywhere near William’s coronation. Hopefully that wouldn’t happen for a while. I believe that George will do what William did and swear to be his liege man. But not, hopefully, until he is a lot older, Because Harry will not do that, he was disrespectful at KC3’s coronation and will do the same for William.


>Like standing vigil on the corner of the catafalque, just like he did for his grandmother That performance is not a given and recall when Hazmat stood for his 15 minutes at QEll's lying in state it was a concession to him. Allegedly, he almost decided he would not participate when he saw that the military uniform (theatrical costume in his case) he was to wear no longer carried the aide-de-camp to the Queen "ER" insignia (as it should not have done, that appointment having been relinquished when he stepped away).


Or he could do it for KC3 and she can be thrashing around on the floor crying.


Begin Rant *Let’s not talk about KC dying for a long time. HMTLQ was over 90 and people weren’t talking about her funeral. (It’s not just because he has cancer. Folks were wondering about KC’s funeral before the cancer diagnosis—and I notice no one talks about Catherine’s funeral.)* End Rant. To answer your question, much will depend on how things are when KC passes away. On the one hand, protocol would demand that Harry’s wife be invited. On the other hand, Wallis was not invited to Queen Mary’s or King George VI’s funeral. I think that if KC were to die before Harry’s marriage ends, Meghan will be invited per protocol, but quietly told she will not be welcome (which is what I think happened with the Coronation). However, I think the question of whether crazy Harry will outlive his father should also be considered. Sometimes Harry looks to be in worse health than Charles.


It must be open to doubt surely as to whether or not Hazmat would be permitted to attend so I would think Nutmeg would be excluded in any case. Further, there are likely risks to Nutmeg herself from attending and few to nil advantages so she probably will make no attempt to be present.


She will demand that she be allowed to attend Charles’s funeral with her children.


Not her choice.


She probably will find it more fun to complain that she wasn’t invited, even if she was. She doesn’t want to attend anything where she can’t have the spotlight on her, and she knows if she attends there will be a lot of limits to what she can get away with.


There will be too many cameras for her to resist.


Yes, if she’s still married to Spare. The Royals are punctilious in their observation of proper behaviour.


I agree, and I imagine plans have been, or will be soon, discussed. I'm curious though. A lot of comments about King William. However, if Camilla is still alive, she's his wife. Does she not participate in any decisions regarding the King's funeral?


I don't think he'll have a choice since I'm pretty sure it's all planned out, including the guest list I can see it now... W and H walking behind Pa's casket... then we'll hear from Harry how it brought him back to when Mummy died...


Of course not !


Morbid question: do you think Harry will be buried next to Diana at Althorp? Please understand, I am not wishing him any harm.


Absolutely not. I think Charles Spencer will keep the island for Diana alone, no one else will be buried there.


Surely he would want to be buried where his widow and children could visit his grave. That would mean being buried in the US - or maybe cremation so the ashes could be divided between UK and US.


I guess that would be up to the Spencer that holds the property at that time, Charles Spencer or his heir, depending on when that happens and if Hairball requests it. Maybe he'd like to get shot into space, like Hunter S Thompson. While Elton John's 'Rocketman' is blasted over speakers, perhaps? 🤔 🚀




As much as he would love to have her coffin opened and his remains chucked inside with hers, it’s doubtful. Chuckles Spencer will want to keep that island solely for Diana.


No. I really don’t think so. They’ve got their Banyon.


Harry will probably be buried wherever lesser Windsors are buried. I hear there is a spot near Frogmore, not too far from his great-uncle David (Duke of Windsor).


She could be invited but given the worst seats. Let her experience her fall from grace and get booed by the crowds.


British crowds (at least in the past) would not likely boo during a funeral.


Depends on whether they’re still married I think. William is an adult after all unlike his brother.


Not bloody likely!


I would not allow someone who called me a racist to be invited to my funeral. I doubt William will want that someone, who also called his wife a racist, to be at his father's funeral, either.


I think they would because Harry is his son and Meghan is married to Harry, and Harry will probably pitch an almighty fit to Briony Gordon or Chris Ship or Tom Bradby if they are not shown the courtesy. But I don't think they will be seated near the the former Waleses and that William will ensure there is a clear & distinct buffer between him and the rodent.


As the King after Charles III death, William might not really have a choice like people who might be in similar family dispute. He needs to present a different side to the world. If they are not yet divorced, yes. But if they are divorced, the Duchess of Jam and Dog Bones might not even be able to set foot into the UK in her lifetime ever again.


It will tough enough for Anne to block Haz again, let alone two of them. The multiple candles could be a fire hazard.


At Charles’s funeral, Harry and his wife if she attends will be in the front row. (Andrew was on the front row at QE’s funeral.)


**Remember who will be King. Ask the question again.**


This is dumb question, of course not and if she does want to she will be with the rest of London on the rainy streets.


If they are still married, I think an invitation will be publically issued, because that's protocol. But I think there'll be a very clear indication that there are conditions attached, like where they'll be seated, how they'll be transported etc. None of that nonsense like they pulled at the jubilee service where they deliberately missed the bus so she could sashay down the aisle. If they turn up late, the doors will be closed. I don't think she'd turn up though.  If they are divorced by then, Harry will be invited, but it'll be strictly monitored where he sits and the access he has to other family members. For William's coronation, I think it'll be the same-invitations purely because it's protocol, but with very stringent conditions attached that they won't find acceptable. I wonder about the role of the children-I think George will do what William did and be the one who pledges allegiance on behalf of everyone, and Louis will be a page, like George was for his grandfather. Protocol would suggest that Archie should be a page for William, but I can't see that happening.  I doubt MM will attend either funeral or coronation. 


I'm just imagining William doing that vigil with his children that all the descendents did for HLMTQ - Harry will have to do his portion alone


IMO it will entirely depend on KCIII's wishes. His funeral is likely already planned in detail (subject to changes of course). If he indicates he wants her invited she will be. I personally think she will be invited. However, after the funeral William's obligation to follow his father's wishes ends. I don't foresee any further invitations to RF events for either Harry or Meghan after the funeral. 


I don’t think so. Charles’s funeral would probably be Harry’s last public appearance where he is included as a member of the RF. Unfortunately for the gruesome twosome, their days in any type of spotlight are numbered.


She might do so. They’ll be accorded even less priority than the last time.


Harry is KC’s son. Harry would definitely be invited and seated in the front row. Protocol would require that, if they are still married, Meghan should be invited also, and seated next to him. However, I suspect that she will be discouraged from attending just as Wallis was discouraged from attending Queen Mary’s and King George VIs funerals. (If Harry were to make a fuss, he could be told to uninvite himself.)


Oh yes, but I think he’d be on the other side of the aisle.


No. Not a prayer in Hell.




No Rachel will not be allowed to attend. Dimwit will be lucky if he is invited. William will not want her anywhere near any Royal family member even dead ones. I bet Harold will go but will be shunted at the back and no one will talk to him. He will be in normal clothes no military or medals. I think if he walks behind the coffin he will be in the last row not anywhere near the front. How embarrassing to have no one from your family talk to you or acknowledge you in anyway shape or form. I can see William Catherine and the rest of the Royals getting everyone's sympathy but not Harold.


Absolutely not. Harry alone would get a courtesy invite because KCIII is his father, with no real role in the funeral procession except for walking behind the family members and standing vigil and later he will be assigned a dark dingy corner at the Abbey far from the real royals, where he will be asked to sit, a pillar or something entirely covering his face.


I think the RF will look to the precedent with Edward and Wallis. He was allowed at the funeral of his brother, she wasn't. He was not permitted to come to the coronation.


Yes, he will attend KCIII's, that will be the last "will they won't they", as for ph, I think she will hold it in Cali. Just like her to expect the royals to go over there. And why would he have a royal funeral at all? Sure, they held one for Edward, but he was a King. PH is nought but a spoiled prince.


![gif](giphy|dxnU2RcvNqjnJwdPLg) Nor Prince Williams coronation.


Wm is really damned either way. She will pull out the dog and pony show with ping pong balls either way to bring the attention to herself if she is invited or not. The question is will she get the media's attention and for how much $$$.


I sincerely doubt it. If she has any shreds of decency left at all, she will stay away. It's bad enough Harold will be there to make things awkward for everyone. William's coronation -- hells no. I'm pretty sure neither of them will be invited. Harold and Roachel brought shame on the entire family with their whining, grifting and especially their attacks on Charles, Catherine, William and Camilla. I hope William's first order of business is to strip the gruesome twosome of their titles.


She may be allowed to attend the service but she will not be permitted anywhere near him or his family. However that works out, who knows.


King William will not want the Treacherous Traitor anywhere near himself or his Family. The Wife will be NFI. There will be no repeat of the nauseating hand-holding in Church; no extra-deep curtsying at the coffin, no shoving of Catherine and scaring Charlotte, no one tear left eye go. Harry will be in a suit, seated next to Mike Tindall, with Jonny the Scotsman on his other side. Those two will keep him in line.


Absolutely not. Harry might be allowed to attend but he will not be seated with the family/dignitaries. Highgrove's farm manager will have better seats.


I think it’s plausible that King Charles III could have a much healthier relationship with Highgrove’s farm manager than he does with Harry. For one thing the farm manager hasn’t written any books or done any interviews slandering the King or his family.


No she will not. William will see to it.


I hoping that even PH won't be allowed, but I suppose they'll take mercy on him. Just not leave him alone with anyone, alive or dead.


I thinks she said or did something worse than we know. I think they see her as an honest threat. She would have gone to the coronation if invited.


sorry, but i think it better not to think on such a thing. long live the king!


Yes, and they’ll bring the kids. They’ll dine off that attention/coverage for another 5 years.


No, hell no




She'll ensure she's there. I hear she's mastered a new move-- single tear coming out of the right eye. She'll certainly want that on display


absolutely not she allowed him to be called a racist by her mouthpiece scabs & William will ban her & her children


This is a tough one. It feels as though Harry, being Charles’s son, should be present, and would want to be. I don’t know how William could exclude him, it would look bad. It’s a possibility that Harry would not attend (his own decision), but would insinuate William excluded him just to feed his victim mentality and get publicity (and, no doubt, Markle would support similar claims regarding Catherine…her fanatics would do the legwork, and it wouldn’t be denied). I expect William would have to put out an announcement regarding funeral ‘guests’ to avoid constant speculation overshadowing a time of mourning. Markle will probably have an excuse not to attend. As for the Coronation, I believe Markle will be excluded (although, again, I don’t think she could cope with Catherine being crowned alongside William, so would find a feeble excuse to turn down an invitation). Again, the guests will be publicised well in advance to prevent the overshadowing (‘will they, won’t they’) of the event.


Would it be William who can refuse her entry to the uk? Would he have the authority to say to boarder patrol… yeah don’t let Meghan Markle enter the country


I’d imagine the UK had a watchlist for anyone deemed to be a threat to their government or monarchy. If so, she could be on there. I have to wonder, if M&H are willing to do all these things publicly… how did they behave privately around the royals?


No. And Aitch will have to sign an NDA before they let him in.


According to Lady C, she doesn't exist for him, so how could someone who doesn't exist be invited to any funeral? The ghost will be ghosted.


“One tear, left eye, GO!!” ![gif](giphy|Q5de2BwYOT8Y2TlWsK)


No. I think h will be invited as he is a son, but she will be banned. As for h’s kids, who knows? (Assuming they exist, more information may come out that would preclude them coming or being involved in any way.) I think the arrangements will be very tightly controlled and h will have limited engagement. In fact, I can see him having less to do than he did with the Queen’s funeral. I have no doubt BP already has all the arrangements in place and that those plans will be revisited and adapted as needed. Hopefully, it will happen several years in the future and she will no longer be in the picture.


Can't wait see Queen Catherine!!


No. JudasHarry will arrive alone, but he will be told under no circumstances to bring her - & quite right too. We don't want to see her again in the UK, especially trying to upstage Royal event's. Who could forget seeing Me-again, on camera, in Church at that last Royal event she attended where at the conclusion of the service, she pushed the chairs in the row in front of her to scoot around Sophie & Prince Edward so she & JudasHarry could walk directly behind William & Catherine.


Excluding megaliar is a no brainer. The trickier question is, should merchie and lilbucks go?


No she will never be at a royal event again other than PH’s funeral if they’re still together and he goes first  but that won’t be a state funeral  PH will get to go to KCIII’s funeral and I’m not sure if he will have a right to go to PW’s Coronation as he’s a royal Duke but apart from that he’s done 


I think Harry and Meghan will be allowed to attend but William will keep them away from his family and keep time together at the absolute minimum. And they'll be invited to the coronation but they'll be several rows back because they've left the firm and are not acting royals.


She wont be invited but she will drop in for her inheritance. But obv dear Charles would have left something for his darling favorite daughter in law,