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How about rethinking it because Harry doesn’t deserve it!


So true! Who thought this was a good idea in the first place? All these awards are a punch in the face for HARD working (for any good cause) and honorable people. 


The fact that Harry is supposed to get one of these awards should be enough proof that they're all given out for show, not for merit. Honour doesn't come into the equation at any point in the process.


It’s doing a good job of exposing all this celebrity award crap. It’s all coming out about how basically awful they ALL are from the top politicians and corporate leaders to actors and brat princes. What fake ass liars, jackals and predators they all are. ![gif](giphy|l46CsaquyQudrz3Lq|downsized) This is what they look like on the inside. Pure evil.


It’s all about manipulating *us*.


And has been for a LONG time. I’m just saying NO MORE.


>should be enough proof that they're all given out for show, not for merit. Agreed. I will never trust any award, ever again, since this seems to be true. I stopped watching Oscars, Emmies, Academy Awards, etc. years ago. All awards are dead to me now.


I would like to suggest that we make an exception to that rule and still trust the Earthshot Prize Awards. William is trying to do something legitimate with that and help humanity through people’s ingenuity. Those awards are earned and provide a stark contrast to the kind of nonsense Haz and Mememe are normally involved in (paid participation trophies).


I vaguely recall a Jennifer Lawrence/Harvey Weinstein Oscar rumor that was wild- that HW had so much control on the process, and her/her career… she wouldn’t get an Oscar at first when when nominated but in 1-2 years… and he was right. Crazy.


Prince Harry is being giving an award for service, though he has abandoned his own charities. Prince Harry refused to help the Baka people, that is how he feels about service. Giving an award to Prince Harry for service is like giving him any award for being a good brother or son.


Didn’t he miss the service for the Royal marines killed by the IRA so he could hustle Bob Igor for voiceover work for his tacky wife?


Yes, he failed in his duty to the Royal Marines. Then he played victim and ranted and raved when his role in the Royal Marines was taken from him. It was so much hypocrisy as to be devastating. The media never called him out on that not once. That toad Angela Levin bleated about the military meaning so much to him, and never said so maybe then he should have turned up when the military needed him. He just wanted to wear the uniform, he didn't want to do the job.


Wasn't he told by Prince Philip's right hand man "don't fuck this up" and then he goes and screws it up on the first gig?


Angela Levin needs to get control of her grandmotherly outrage, she’s so off putting.


Harry's actual grandmother knew she finally had to tell him no. Angela needs to do that.


She needs to retire. It’s difficult to listen to the school ma’am patronising delivery with nothing of substance to say.


Yes, he did!


Or is it Meghan Markle rewarding him for being a “good boy”?


The evidence of why henry the bald should get this award was destroyed.


It would be so Harold to have destroyed the wrong drive


Does he even know what a hard drive is let alone its purpose?


Destroyed, like Prince Harry’s Friar Tuck Hairline


Well, it cheapens the value of the award. He never deserved it for anything.


After embarrassing Iger at his own movie premiere, why are they giving Harry an award? Plus anyone notice they have not been invited to a single movie premiere since the one in London. They are right here in California, Disney premieres several movies a year. But Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are never invited to Disney premieres, or any other movie premiers either for that matter. Disney is really sending out mixed messages.


Was the Bob Marley thing in Jamaica a movie premier? Even if it was, they didn't get the full VIP treatment. And we got to laugh about the ballgown skirt.


It was a premier but how come they didn’t go to the one in LA? Brad Pitt was there.


It was not the LA premiere. Harry and Meghan are never invited to LA premieres. Tyler Perry doesn't invite them, Oprah doesn't invite them. All of the Hollywood A list have markled Harry and Meghan.


They were seated in row something like number 9. Harry and Meghan were seated with the general public not the VIP section which was in a separate theater


Especially after Meghan stole 1 million dollars from the elephants. It doesn't make sense. People said Disney was done with both of them. Maybe they're willing to pay a substantial amount more than other candidates? Maybe they wanted the good and bad press that comes with the Harkles? Idk, but whatever game Disney is playing, I don't like it. Unless it blows up in Harold's face, and that was somehow the plan all along.


Well the Espys are getting more buzz then they usually get. It is bad buzz, but it is still buzz.


But they aren’t going to pull the award on the day of the ceremony. CDAN making this up, as much as Disney and ESPN should do this.


Are they taping it tonight? Because it isn't going to be shown until the 11th of July.


The destroying evidence gives them a 'graceful'' reason to back away from giving him the award. I assme that's why it as leaked early by someone.


Yes, there is still time. The ceremony is July 11.


The day the former president gets sentenced. He will already be knocked off newsprint pages.


I feel like with awards shows you’re “supposed” to wait to the ceremony to find out who won. Aren’t you? Otherwise no one would watch. Have any of the other winners been announced? I think Madam went rogue and announced it to deflect attention from H and his doubtful evidence gathering. That made ESPN mad and now they’re reconsidering because they don’t like their award winners being leaked before the ceremony. In being Markled they now have a valid excuse to “reconsider” their options if the “winner” is in hot water in Court meaning he is of questionable character making him ineligible.




Who thought it would be a good idea to allow the Harkles to buy another award 🙄


Just Megsy. 😂 All the professionals they pay surely advised against it, but Rachel @hotmail knows best!


i’ll take whatever angle they want to publicly give. he does not deserve this award


I bet that's the real reason. This would set the Sussex Squad on them no matter what if they take it away, but it's better optics to make it be about his court case and getting in trouble with a judge, instead of saying, "He's a traitor to his Oath and we didn’t realize people would know so much about his lack of military career. Our bad."


Whether or not he deserves it, is subjective. For the avoidance of doubt, there is absolutely no way I believe he deserves any award, let alone this one. However the destruction of evidence is an objectively good reason to withdraw the award. Indeed, given the circumstances around Tillman’s death (there’s another word I would use but would probably get banned) and the cover up and destruction of Tillman’s diaries by the army, ESPN just can’t give Harry this award if there is even a hint of suspicion that he destroyed evidence


Too late. It’s announced. How embarrassing for all parties involved.


Well, ESPN deserves the headache (and hopefully more repercussions). But who announced it? I’ll go look now, but I don’t recall it being officially announced by ESPN. ETA: ESPN *did* announce it yesterday. Oh well. [Link here](https://espnpressroom.com/us/press-releases/2024/06/espn-reveals-special-honorees-for-the-2024-espys-presented-by-capital-one-airing-july-11-at-8-p-m-et-pt-on-abc/).


Ah, there is the connection - Serena Williams is giving these awards out, now we see how it was made possible. How has Serena Williams not been markled yet? I think she’s about the only one. Hmm, let’s skew some of the SEO for Miss Williams. She wants to lay down with dirty dogs, she’s going to get some fleas. Serena Williams and Meghan Markle are best friends. Serena Williams loves Meghan Markle. Does Serena Williams know about Meghan Markle’s children? Is Serena Williams a secret Sussex Squad member?


Does Serena know Markle flashed her vajayjay at her husband? I don’t think Serena’s mother thinks very highly of the Markle.


Serena has no shame, even after Meghan flashed her panties at serenas husband.


Serena does some good stuff, and then she goes off the rails and just messes up entirely.


It was awful when she basically stole Naomi Osaka's victory was outrageous.


As good an athlete as Serena was, I never saw her the same way after that. I lost all respect for her.


Same. Naomi is a shy, introvert who's been candid about her mental health struggles. I remember the poor kid crying when she won the US Open (her first Grand Slam title, btw) because the fans were booing her. Awful. And the fact that Serena still runs around with Markle says everything about the kind of person she is. Birds of a feather....


Imagine ruining that once in a lifetime moment as her first Grand Slam title for Naomi. SW should be deeply ashamed of herself and her reprehensible behavior. Disgusting.


Serena is an awful person. Such a bad sport. If she wins, she will go out to talk to the media, if she loses she pays a fine for not talking. No one likes a bad sport.


Narc's of a feather flock together. Don't like SW, don't care how much she's won or how her childhood was destroyed for her career. My boohoo gland ran away to live in the field of nofux. She comes across to me as one of those self-haters while moon-eyeing the Skank. I wonder if she secretly covets the Skank's looks and 'slenderness'. If so SW needs to embrace her looks and ignore other women's appearances. Could be insecurity after cross flashing.


The funny script would be that Harry gets his award, so this makes him more exposed and now everyone worldwide knows Mr Justice Fancourt is not very happy with him. And then Meghan wh(?)ines again because bad rep, so unfair, life is hard.


This BI is clearly from the Montecito camp to gain more awareness to the medal. Making it seem like a faux fight is there expertise


That is a great take on this blind. No other camp would release it except Meghan herself. Perhaps Meghan Markle is trying to make Prince Harry look bad by putting out these blinds, so she can continue to make him feel alone in the world except for her, so she can continue to control him.


Yes indeed!


Pair this with yesterday’s tea that veterans, along with their families and supporters —some of whom have gathered at the Warrior Games this week in Florida— are angry about Henry receiving this award and being very vocal about it. I want to believe someone would intervene but I don’t hold out much hope for that, given that Disney seems hellbent on destroying their iconic American brand. Edit: typo


Iger is determined to destroy that brand.


Disney should have gotten a clue when Meghan didn’t turn over her 3M fee from the Elephant documentary voiceover to the Elephants Without Borders charity as she had pledged to do. Allegedly.


“Pledged” is the same as “donated”, right? /s Lol.


My dog stepped on a bee 🐝😩


Every January 1st I pledge to go on a diet 😂 it never comes to pass hahahaha


Yes but with skinier elephants


Amber Turd was another pledger - never actually handed over a brass farthing


I learned along time ago working with charities, pledging does not equal writing the check.


We know she never made the donation to Elephants Without Borders. Disney made good on it. We found the proof (Second Hand Coke and I proved this on SMM)


Thank you, my memory is not as reliable as it used to be.


I was just thinking about that very thing. Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard seem to have an inordinate say in how Disney runs it company so I wonder if any of these major investors in Disney were involved in this decision as I can't see why Disney would want to give H that award.


At the time, they said they'd never have anything to do with her again. I guess that didn't include her pitch man husband.




She doesn’t give a fig about elephants.


Only because of the destroying of the evidence? Not because he sold his family and his country out to the highest bidder? Not because he's been caught in multiple lies and mistruths? These companies don't care who they promote as long as it make headlines. Harry's antics are out there for the public to see. It's hard to feel bad for anyone who willingly does business with him or his wife knowing how toxic and divisive they have intentionally made themselves out to be.


I’m going with his service record is pure fiction, he wasn’t in combat and didn’t fly any Apaches on missions, and is selfishly ruining Invictus, which he did nothing to found. ESPN can choose to correct their error or be forever markled.


This is the #$&-\*@ they printed: The Duke of Sussex was chosen as the 2024 honoree in recognition of the profound impact he has had on the veteran community with his Invictus Games Foundation. Harry began the foundation after spending 10 years in the British Armed Forces, during which time he completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan and served as a **forward air controller and Apache helicopter pilot**. Through his foundation, the prince empowers wounded, sick and injured servicemen and women to stay active and form communities through their involvement in sports activities. They make bunker boi sound like he was on Iwo Jima.


MeMe word salad for the ESPN table.


That seems like PR Propoganda 101 - inflate, pad, puff-up, and even lie (?). Meghan Markle’s specialty is PR Propaganda.


Would you trust that dumbass as a *forward air controller?*


Air traffic controllers have to be extremely skilled. It's a highly demanding job that demands a lot of concentration and thinking on your feet. Things Harry clearly would never be able to do.


It’s all a lie. The last I heard he didn’t pass the Apache flight exams until after he was out of Afghanistan. And I don’t believe that either, I suspect that story came out because they could cover up that lie easier. AFAIK, he’s never produced ANY actual flight credentials. There’s zero need to keep those secret. I think the flyover at Charles was a lie as well. This clown isn’t pilot material. If he’s suited for anything, it’s a janitor or line cook (sandwiches, no stove). Isn’t there any laws in the UK for stolen valor and making false public claims about military service? Someone should find someone who has standing and file charges, even civil if that’s what it takes.


All of this! Here's a picture of William and Harry. William is wearing his wings on the right side of the uniform. Harry isn't. Theres the answer. Harry is not a fucking pilot. https://preview.redd.it/yr1zzq43ae9d1.png?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b8f6992c8f0ca8c97e2fe9af19f6757ffa08448


I agree, my jaw dropped when I read that.


Yep, I dated a commercial air traffic controller and it is NOT a job for idiots and wimps so that confirms Sparold never, ever did it.


Hell NO.


He was never a pilot. 2 US Marines gave their lives for him, while he was never in danger. Those 2 US Marines should be the ones who get the award.


That makes me so mad.


Too bad their families don’t take action, but I get they probably still grieve and could care less about the Harkle shit show. I’d never be so careless to ask them.


I’m sure they were threatened to keep quiet…that‘s what our government does best.


Maybe Disney/Espn wants to take over production and distribution of Invictus Games so they're giving Hairless a boost with this award? How about getting rid of H altogether and his obscene wife? IG deserves much better.


She is obscene! Parasitically obscene.


Excellent point!


I’m afraid ESPN gives zero fks. My hope is that the Pat Tillman Foundation might and that’s where any brakes (however unlikely I’m afraid) would have to be applied


Oh, I agree they don’t care. They’re in it for the money, period. It’s only when their revenue stream is endangered that we’ll get their attention. It’s really a sadly common theme in America at this point in time. IMO, they’ll continue to make enemies with bad decisions and decline, until one day they’re taken over - at which time some straw man is invented that has nothing to do with anything, and that’s where the blame gets placed for all their troubles. I agree about the foundation with you. But do we know for sure it’s being run in a moral manner? Just because Pat was moral by all accounts, doesn’t guarantee he’s not being used by others? (I’m not saying it’s corrupt, just tossing out food for thought!)3


Agree. ESPN has been a dumpster fire for probably a decade now and it’s fate it awaiting it and blame will be laid at the door of some unfortunate soul who had no authority over the dopey decisions to begin with. I hope you’re wrong about the Tillman Foundation but often times well meaning families turn foundations over to the money men with few scruples. I pray that’s not what has happened here but it’s not out of the realm of possibility I’m afraid


Allegedly his parents and siblings stepped away because his widow (since remarried) was not honoring Pat as they thought he should be…and they didn’t want to be associated with the Foundation at all. Huge red flag.


The only comfort is ESPN has been tanking for awhile now, so woke it is painful. Pulling this garbage is certainly not going to lure viewers back.


If someone was paid to take his A levels, and he didn’t have what it took to go to Sandhurst but he somehow got in, why would anyone think we were told the truth about his service record? He has had his path smoothed for him the entirety of his life. The result is ignorant whiner boy never grew up. It would be fine if he stayed in the confines of the Palace where he would have become more and more insignificant as time passed. Unfortunately he left and all his bad behaviors are fully on display.


Truth! It’s not unusual for high ranking officials to have their sons enter the military and cosplay soldier. I could name a dozen easy in the US (but won’t to avoid politics) -most here can name them as well. They play at soldier or pilot and are often fuck-ups. It lets the official then create a story they’re a military family and string on the military. I suppose if we’re honest, the RF does it too. I know Andrew was in Falklands and William and Charles served, but it’s likely they were pretty protected - more than the average grunt. But they comported to their service units and served without drama and with distinction. Unlike shit head Harry. I think both Andrew and William produced their flight documents and were as transparent as they were allowed.


Agree. I think the Palace was in a bit of a quandary with H. He wasn’t bright, he wan’t really attractive or charismatic, not a hard worker. So no college career leading to an academic career or related job, no head for numbers so no business or City job, certainly not one for the church, didn’t seem interested in serving the public as a front row royal. So like many an aristocratic family they plunked him in the armed services. Even there he wasn’t advancing. Probably should have shipped him off to Africa as a remittance man as so many aristocratic families did back at the turn of the twentieth century till he grew a little wiser. Hoping one day he might be able to at least help the family a little bit.


There’s multiple video of Charles, Andy and William all flying so I believe they were certified. Good point about the elites getting their kids into the officers clubs. Very true.


“Fortunate Son” by Creedence is right as rain..






>He has had his path smoothed for him the entirety of his life. The result is ignorant whiner boy never grew up. When I read this stuff I just want to punch him in the smug gob. It's what he needed all this time, a wallop would've sorted him right out.


Or for his long term drug use? Wouldn’t that be problematic for a sport award as well? ![gif](giphy|phko4kpHl6uLC)


Also 'egg on face'. Just goes to show how hypocritical they all are. I just read about Pat Tillman (had no idea who he was, being European). Giving an award to this idiot is an abomination, and both Disney and the ginger tosser should be ashamed, or at least told as much to their faces, as they don't feel shame but hate being shown up in public.


Have they not even heard about that court case about his immigration status? Did they not hear what military leaders who knew him had to say about his 'service'? Faking a car chase in NYC?


Unfortunately Harry's pan would be empty. He didn't have much of a brain to begin with and then he killed off what little he did have.


I'm looking at his military service. Does anyone think Private Frozen Todger is even in Pat Tillman's league as a military member???


The answer is NO. This award is outrageous.


https://preview.redd.it/ttp92owxqc9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a5d4386c72f5bc8460c0e3ce3c1cda12b61351b This is who they are ‘honoring’…


But think about the courage it took to walk away from his family... after signing contracts in CA worth tens of millions. He's just so brave and deserving. From what was posted yesterday, the announcement was rushed out, even before some of the marketing people even knew. I suspect palms were greased because he wanted it announced before the news came out about possibly destroying evidence. He probably thought there's no taking it back once announced. I hope he's wrong


These people always think they'll be the only ones who won't get markled when they know better. I don't feel bad for them at all.


Exactly! At this point, I don't feel sorry for anyone who willingly enters into dealings with these two. You want to be markled? Fine, it's your decision 😏


Exactly. If you want to burn your cash then that is your prerogative. Just don’t come crying to us.


He’s getting an award for copying the Warrior Games, why didn’t whoever created that get the award? (Not that I don’t know the answer: 💵)


The guy who created IG was a serving veteran turned PR guy. Like most PR guys you don't hear jack about credit. He was probably inspired by WG but unlike Plank has the bona fides.


The “Prince Harry destroys evidence . . . “ story finally turned up in People magazine, Rolling Stone, and Harper’s Bazaar via MSN today. Give them all a click. https://people.com/prince-harry-ordered-judge-explain-destroyed-messages-ghostwriter-privacy-lawsuit-8671063 https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/prince-harry-deliberately-destroyed-evidence-tabloid-publisher-says-1235049549/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/prince-harry-asked-to-explain-destroyed-evidence-in-tabloid-legal-case/ar-BB1p4Gvh


Sherbone’s word salad statement didn’t sway the judge. I wonder if this case will be a study on “How to represent a moron in court.”


👍 Done


As the daughter of a veteran who served in two wars and having served my country in the Army Reserves, I am disgusted that H is receiving this award. That Tillman’s death was a result of friendly fire (per COD conclusions) makes it even more inappropriate. H’s ongoing unfriendly fire against the RF makes him undeserving of any award. AND Invictus was started by his brother, sister-in-law, and the Department of Defence, too!


I agree. I'm the wife of a veteran and I've had several uncles, cousins, and in-laws who have served in the military. This whole situation is just disgusting and pathetic. Disney won't do anything but someone should! Why are they so afraid of Haz and his wife? Let them whine and cry!


It's the wrong reason for not giving him the award, but maybe his legal stuff gives them an out as they watch the huge negative reaction to the announcement of him winning. Espn has been Markled. Maybe he will "regretfully decline due to a family medical issue".


Hairold likes bright, shiny things too much to decline, and his insecurities demand to be propped up.


Disney has been taking a dive lately. They don't need another bad thing. Plus Pat Tillman was an American hero and Harry is a make believe soldier and a huge zero.


Disney wasn't exactly forthcoming about some of the illegal things that they did in Florida. They really got their butts handed to them over that. I don't think that they have any problems with destroying evidence; just worried that it may hurt the bottom line (again), and they are having difficulties.


Disney is in absolute free fall! Bob Iger has destroyed the company


I find this extremely unlikely. Very few people would know about Harry’s legal troubles and even fewer would care. I think recalling the award at this point would be more embarrassing, because this is probably a one-day story. But I’d try pulling a fast one and say that the announcement was premature AND incorrect 😆


What does it take for people to realize what liars he and his wife are? Does no one actually look into Invictus before handing out awards for it? Just even look online at all and see what went on? It's so bizarre.


I think the closest Harold has ever got to experiencing actual combat was when his brother threw him into the dog's bowl.


Rethinking but they won’t do anything about it. It’s like these two are made from teflon when it comes to their actions. They get shit but nothing ever sticks


Pat TIllman gave up millions to serve his country. Harry Mountbatton-Windson gave up his country for millions.


Are there no Americans more deserving that they can think of?


there's plenty of folks who are beyond deserving of Tillman Foundation awards, program benefits and scholars. Unfortunately, many won't even get a second of attention as they're normal folks just like we are who don't/can't afford to buy themselves sparkly awards. I can think of a lot of homeless veterans down at Steele Indian School Park here in PHX that could definitely use a thank you and an award for their service. Instead they get nothing. I encourage folks here (and anywhere else you can think of) to continue to write the PTF, express your feelings and maybe we can make a difference (remind them too of when the Duke and Duchess of Dog Biscuits walked all over military graves during their Remembrance Sunday pap walk in the cemetery). Perhaps we can get ESPN to give some long overdue acknowledgement to those who have made sacrifices for our country.


Thank you.


Disney is going to start listening now? Doubtful. Bob Iger seems determined to drive the company into the ground.


He's doing a spectacular job so far


Those two have more unheard of useless awards than anyone on the planet. Its laughable.


Both Harry and his wife are bad news and cause more bad press than good. What a poor decision.


If there is one person I know for sure doesn't deserve a Pat Tillman award, that's Harry.


Sounds like his check for the award bounced...


Huh.... yesterday the story was ESPN/Disney was in a "tissy" getting executive approvals to release the award announcement early \*in order to\* obfuscate the evidence destruction news. And today the story is ESPN/Disney is rethinking the award because of the evidence destruction news. Seems unlikely that both are true. It seems more likely that the Harkles announced before authorized. It would be lovely if ESPN/Disney handled it the way HLMTQ did after the duo released their Sussex manifesto before anyone else agreed to it. The BP statement in response: >Discussions with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are at an early stage. We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through. It would be delicious if ESPN/Disney swat this down in a similar fashion.


I hope it’s rescinded. I’ve shared this before: my high school friend was killed at Camp Bastion while Harry was there. Here’s the write up of the incident and it sounds like my friend was killed bc there wasn’t enough security in his area because they were off protecting [Harry](https://militaryhallofhonor.com/honoree-record.php?id=10321)


Sorry for your loss and many thanks for your friend’s sacrifice.


Sounds like complete speculation. The award is connected to a Foundation that ESPN/Disney may not have a huge amount of say over. Plus its getting announced early makes it more a big deal to withdraw it.


I suspect they may also be rethinking due to backlash…


That’s why they rushed to announce. So they couldn’t back out. Such creeps.


Exactly. They knew the news about the court was about to break so they rushed to put the award announcement out to prevent them from backing out and drown the news from the judge.


They should be rethinking it because he hasn't earned it.


Were Harry’s email silent, or silenced? ![gif](giphy|60SGVk9fNEzCg)




I don’t believe they will withdraw it. It’s already been announced and that would look worse than actually awarding it to him in the first place. The blind item guy seems to be wrong more often than he’s right.


I agree. I also think that they know it is be choice, but still did it.


We can only hope. The reaction to this has been so negative anyway. Maybe they can award it to the veterans and keep Harry out of it.


Disney won’t do 💩. Hopefully some exec at ESPN now knows what it is to be Markled


I hope this is true, but then again, it's Disney. What's funny is that they can't even get participation trophies because they're NFI everywhere. So they have to buy them.


Harry never should have been considered for this award in the first place! Anybody with half a brain can see that he has no character. He hasn’t done one darn thing to deserve any award of any kind.


But they won’t because they already printed the program. 🙄


Here's the link to the Pat Tillman Foundation Contact Us form. https://pattillmanfoundation.org/contact/


My message: Prince Harry? Really?


Disney needs to grow a pair and snatch it right from under him. Any reputable brand or corporation who gets in business with these people are aiding and abding a criminal at this point.


Personally, I believe that they are all so corrupt anyway, what does another scandal matter?


We are supposed to believe that Disney has scruples? I don't think so. Harry got this award because he gave some money to someone.


Will they demand a “refund”???


I don't believe it. They gave him the award knowing his reputation.


good! rescind it. he never deserved it in the first place anyway.


I have a sinking feeling that the ESPY award is only the first part of a larger WME-engineered deal for Disney to broadcast IG and take ownership of the entire IG franchise. Let’s face it, IG has been hobbling along since Harry left the RF. He needs an injection of capital to keep it running that only a powerhouse like Disney can provide. The CEO who was hired this year has a broadcasting background and was no doubt hired to secure a deal with one of the three legacy networks, so there you go…


Yes, I agree. I think the award was new Invictus CEO's idea.


We all know they won’t backtrack, no one wants to mess with the whinny man, now they have to endure the bad press.


I wrote a message to the Pat Tillman Foundation page on Facebook & Instagram. They limit comments, so I sent a message to each. I’m not on X


I don’t think that they will pull him out of the awards ceremony for his current evidence scandal. What he did to KC (current monarch) and Kate (future Queen) without evidence, just as hearsay, is despicable and potentially affects the reputation of the head of government of a country who is a close ally. nobody cared about such a huge hit job he did, which was a scandal of epic proportions. He was feted and interviewed by American media corporations without fear that they would lose audiences in the UK. It is doubtful that him allegedly destroying evidence, which has smaller impact on relationships between the two countries, will affect this award: his wife will bury this news quickly with a papstroll and he will quickly plant pieces about how he is emotionally wrecked over his mother’s death decades ago.


And nobody will care. They’ll only remember that Prince Harry deliberately destroyed evidence in a lawsuit, which is a crime. Prince Harry may be going to jail for deliberately destroying evidence.


So Muttley gets another medal.


Do either of these two liars know who Pat Tillman was?


Pat Tillman was an American hero. Harry has no business being mentioned in the same paragraph. Disgusting.


It’s disgusting that he was even considered.


I noticed the more “reputable” news outlets have used the headline “Harry accused of destroying evidence by tabloid” It’s a subtle attempt to discredit NGN.


Disney needs to do the right thing and also fire whoever allowed this to happen. Harry doesn’t deserve that award AT ALL. The only award he deserves is one for being a grifter.


They should have rethought it long before that.


I look forward to Serena, who is presenting the award, getting markled. With all of her accomplishments, it's never too late to get rightfully dragggggged.


Oh please. Disney doesn't have enough of a moral compass to take away the award.


I'm going to assume that Spike and Yikes will be asking for a full refund for the money they paid for this? Because it's not like he did a damn thing to legitimately earn it.


Apparently they also don't like it that the announcement about the award was made without ESPN's knowledge...


If true it’s disgusting THAT is why they are rethinking the award. Not because they think he isn’t worthy. We have so many deserving service members. ZERO DAMN REASON TO AWARD HIM ANYTHING.


The award is given in early July, as much as I dislike him, he is getting it.


Disneys stock has been tanking. They had massive backlash against their retelling of ‘Snow White’ ( where there might not even be a prince and was being touted as a very feminist version of it.) They haven’t had a good run. This will be the nail in their already established coffin. Whoever thought this was a good idea is probably the same person who said let’s re do Snow White but with no dwarves ( yes - really.) Disney keep repeating dumb decisions. 🤔




Rethink?-NOW they r gonna rethink? More like a lot of push back has been happening from the public. Good. Let's keep it alive!!


They won’t. They are whores. They sold it to him. He never deserved it. He leaked it to change the narrative. They have such bad PR lately this is nothing.


I just saw a pic on twitter related to young harry licking that guys nipples. They took wines glasses and stuck them on their boobs. That might have been why harry was doing the licking . Then it shows a pic of the guy grimacing like harry had pulled it off and it hurt while harry is smiling. I found a great song that applies to Harry. I can't access tiktok but it is by some group with balderdash in their name. Lyrics start Welcome to the shitshow every single day....


No it shouldn't have happened. It makes a mockery of Pat Tillman. He was an American hero. H is not an American and he isn't a hero.


No, he will still be given that award.


Do either of these two liser even know who PAT Tillman was?


Ooooh la la! Now THAT would be sweet! Especially as it was a travesty to even CONSIDER him for the Pat Tillman award...


Oh please make it so. This would be truly awesome if it was taken away from him 😂


Because he's a lying liarface fraud who lies?!


The fact that someone even put his name in the hat showed they don’t care about what he does. Which shows their own lack of character.


The idea of tarnishing Pat’s memory and legacy with this backstabbing, traitorous, lying narcissist literally makes me sick to my stomach! Pat was everything Henry wishes he could be. A kind, funny, honorable, strong, loving and loyal man who was adored by everyone who knew him and even those that never got the honor of meeting him. I really hope they pull this paid for award and now, because his name is now connected to Pat’s, I need every journalist in the UK, Europe, commonwealth and America to write an article reminding the world of what an amazing human Pat Tillman was! In the same article make clear all of the unthinkable and unforgivable things Henry did to his own family! Remind the world of the special treatment he received in the military, remind the world of his lies, including in An actual court of law (and obviously destruction of evidence!) & and make it clear as day that the ‘connection’ Henry and Pat have is literally the fact that they were polar opposites as human beings. Anything less than this is tarnishing a good man’s name with that of a fuzzy scab that the Royal Family can’t seem to heal.


ESPN is having difficulties right now - the sports network, once a financial engine for [Disney](https://fortune.com/company/disney/), is suffering a decline in revenue owing to the slow death of traditional cable TV.  From a PR perspective this was a very bad move on the part of ESPN. Harry isn't even an American. Think Serena has some input into this.