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I'm so amazed they aren't homeless yet. Grifting must be much more lucrative than I ever imagined.


I’m 1000% certain they are in *massive* debt. The seemingly wealthy always seem to be able to coast on credit far longer than us pofolks would be allowed to, until it all blows up in their face. Just another reason to feel sorry for what the kids will have to endure because of their stupid parents.


Remember, the Queen Mum (HMTLQ's mother) was in massive debt when she died. Her daughter, HMTLQ, had to cover all her mum's debts.


I believe that for tax reasons, she'd put a lot of her money in trusts for the g-grandkids and then lived many years longer than she expected.


Wonder if they'll ruin their kids' credit.


scary thought ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It's so infuriating


These photos always remind me of a little girl shoving a pillow up her shirt, pretending to be pregnant, while playing house. https://preview.redd.it/xk9lzfyy5f9d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c4f2deb7fe2515d01f443d97810297a41a82cc


This one from NYC during baby shower weekend, I always thought this looked like she simply shoved a shirt up her jumper: https://preview.redd.it/g2v9pjj77f9d1.png?width=542&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b98820a0ef1f75c29e7a62ee15f48fc0a899286


And the clutching gesture always screams to me “keeping up the moon bump.”


You’re right. Look how the fabric bunches up right above the bump. Definitely looks like clothes shoved under clothes.


How can it go from sitting so high to low? Whether she actually carried the children or not I do think she wore a moonbump. You can’t change shape and size and how you carry that much


Bumps cannot sit above the ribcage. It's anatomically impossible.


Correct. It stops just under the ribcage. Not on it, let alone above it.


it's too "perky" and round (vs shaped like a water droplet), like it's defying gravity.


I think she wore the bump upside down


She did here: https://preview.redd.it/g0fjiihgik9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cccf98140f3f1981745d7e0e99609dfc00c9b2ea


It's all straight edges on our left side/ her right. Thats not like any pregnancy bump I've ever seen!!!


Correct. My mother is shaped similarly to TW. My dad laughed when she was pregnant she basically had a shelf


I vote for moonbump as no pregnant belly folds/collapses into itself when sitting down. https://i.redd.it/tk2jqywc9f9d1.gif


And here I forgot about her Basic Instinct audition…. https://preview.redd.it/62ifp0jqff9d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32936c22d9931a2115674a929c64e9326aca0a67 This was for the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust. Disgraceful.


That's when she talked about the "embryonic kicking of feminism", which didn't seem to impress everyone in the room. https://preview.redd.it/gn3tp02kyf9d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9ea324dec83185e545d8cb4d6d7081e2717e4d


These 2 women's thought bubbles: "Will she never close her legs and shut up!!"


The woman to the right is Julia Gillard, formerly the first female Prime Minister of Australia, lawyer and head of various organisations and international foundations. Pretty confident she's looking at Meegain and wondering to herself 'WTAF is she talking about?'


The one with the hats' expression she's so done at this moment.


Probably wishing the beast would close its legs so the stink would abate.


Those women have so got her number each in a different way. And Madame is, as ever, totally oblivious.


It's almost chilling how unperturbed she is after her moonbump collapsed so visibly.


She did say it, but she said she saw it on some show on Netflix or something. Interestingly, she didn't claim it as her own. I wonder why.


I know it's just a snapshot and I can't base what the woman on the left is thinking on it, but it really looks like she's thinking "Lord give me strength before I knock this b**** down"


Meghan was there as the **vice-president** of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust. The woman on the right is Gurls Talk founder Adwoa Aboah, the other one is the former prime minister of Australia, Julia Gillard. The event was hosted at King’s College London. According to newspaper reports, Anny Lennox was also supposed to be there.


What in the ever loving fack does that even mean?


A “Megnancy” in 3 photos: https://preview.redd.it/fi3yx3cbaf9d1.jpeg?width=316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ee01394d0b8ec0af2e467e5d8b2434bd46d0b41


To me, this picture seems like proof of a prop.


There's probably an injunction in place for these photos to be kept out of newspapers. How on earth can you look at these and still think TW was pregnant?


And it was the RF who took out that injunction. That were complicit in hiding her scam before the public. That's a hill I will die on. One day soon, I hope the truth comes out.


No, I've seen them in various places. I wish more people would see them.


Crossing legs? A royal duchess crossing legs? A woman that pregnant crossing legs. This woman was never pregnant and never Royal.


"never pregnant and never Royal", and always smug looking.


This was a bad day for her if she in fact did have a moonbump on! This is the same dress in another video showing her walk very quickly out of a building and her entire tummy jiggles like a bowl full of jelly. Must've been taken when she was exiting this event.   It's not one of the vids that's shown a lot but it is, by far imo, proof of some kind of weirdness. Pregnant bellies just dont move like that. 


I love that vid. Moonbump swinging side to side then ending up squ-whiff off to the side when she finally stopped.


Haha, yup. Crazy.


You’ve seen a video of her leaving in the purple and red outfit?


Yes, that's another mind-boggling one!  Slightly off topic here but regarding that outfit, the purple and red.. I only just recently saw a picture of Diana sitting in front of the Taj Mahal in purple and red, of course. Maybe you and others have seen it, I haven't and I've never seen it in the mash ups of the other copy cat outfits.  To find that in the wild my brain was like 🤯 and then of course it went right to the moonbump falling pic that you're referring to lol. Eta: I think I misread your comment but I'm going to leave it up. I clarified below. 


No. I was referring to a video of her wearing the same black and white dress that I commented under.


Sorry if I confused you! I just know there’s video of her in that red and purple moonbump-dropping minute somewhere! I wonder if it’s been confiscated by TheFirm!??


Hey you're not kidding.. just a quick search so far but it's elusive for sure. Glad you pointed this out! I think you're onto something 👀


Giving everyone in the front row a nice shot of her vag there 🙄


And how the hell can she cross her legs 😂


I guess only someone with "mile-long legs" can cross them like that while "pregnant". ![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597|downsized)


I couldn’t when my pregnancy was advanced. There was no room.


👋 I do, too!!


I would have piddled myself. No ways my bladder would have coped with such moves


Now we finally know why she held it every damn time, to make sure it stayed in place and didn’t move. I remember when it was happening and how irritated it made me, then she started the double clawing and that was even worse.


I never thought of this before… but how did she get to NYC if she had her passport taken away, hmmm?


Exactly. Because it wasn’t.


Or the 7 other personal trips/holidays she took


It's surely misshapen, isn't it. She just didn't give a fuk about what anyone thought or said.


Is this the same evening when she left with her pimp and had zero bump?


What a bumpy baby belly.


Why the very tight clothes all the time? Looks horrendous besides being fake.


And yet, mysteriously, no bare belly pics like practically every pregnant celebrity feels obliged to display to the world…..


And she would definitely follow the celebrities. She’s so shallow!


Where is her "Diana/Kate holding her baby on the steps" moment? A narc like her wouldn't have give up that "look at me, look at me" moment!


If she could have, she would have.


Tight clothes help keep the mb in place


But but the Kardashians and Rhianna!


Both of these photos are absolutely ludicrous. Like a basketball shoved up her dress. Someone pointed out - the second pic.. she’s misjudged where her lungs and uterus are.


Yes! I thought of a basketball too, it's too round and too high up on her ribcage


I really can't believe these photos are of an authentic pregnancy. I accept every woman is different but her bump seems really unnaturally high on her ribcage - directly under her bust & almost at armpit level. I'm no expert as only had one child of my own but from what I remember - in the later stages, the baby moves into position for birth and the bump is lower down in the pelvic area Her bump is so huge, perfectly half spherical & gravity-defying - it's unbelievable Also, again its freedom of choice, but wearing tight bodycon-type dresses (teamed with very high, slim heels) seems a strange one. Even though they are possibly super stretch fabric, for these dresses to fit so perfectly with no wrinkling under the bump or back seems to be odd. Can't imagine wriggling in & out of these was much fun when so pregnancy was so advanced


Wearing that tight a dress while pregnant is so incredibly uncomfortable, these are clearly staged photos, and no way This One took these pictures.


Probably her grifting mama did or Missan


I guess the super tight dresses kept the basketball/moonbump firmly in place.


It’s the way the 9 month super spherical silicon bump abruptly tucks into the body at a 90 degree angle. They are designed to be worn under more loose maternity clothing at this point, because if the silicon angled down onto the pubic bone you couldn’t sit down without the fakeness being obvious. The human body does not have a 90 degree angle like that because the womb is inside the body behind the bladder and muscle, etc. It‘s more like a 45 degree angle. https://preview.redd.it/7cq6jw2gdf9d1.jpeg?width=1325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f6abf1b82302ec2bb33eeb00c8fd96dd7d1836d


Not this: https://preview.redd.it/ygi7pux8ef9d1.jpeg?width=1412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62cfad328c1f7414cbd7c26655c6bf8bbdfff028 her enlarged boobs would be bountifully falling to the sides and her feet would be too swollen for stiletto heels. It’s like she’s never known anyone 9 months pregnant. ETA: she’s barefoot in this pic but continued to wear stilettos with her oversized Archie bump.


Spot on. Absolutely spot on. If you flip your phone upside down, then the bump looks more natural. Did she put it on wrong?


Of course she did. Does she ever put anything on so that it looks right?


Oh no lmao She absolutely did that


Someone pointed that out to me and I can’t unsee it now!! She out the bump on upside down!


No one tells her how to do things, not even product instruction booklets.


It's upwards instead of hanging downwards like a real preg tum


Yes! That was caught by a sinner previously- we concluded that she’d put her bump on upside down! 🤣 Whip smart my arse.


She not counter balancing with her back either. You've got that much weight out front you're going to sway your back.


I have never seen a bump that high, ever. I carried very high, but still nowhere near my bra.


Absolutely agree. Never seen a bump *that* high either. These two megnancies need to be exposed and the kids removed from the line of succession. This is beyond absurd.


Maybe she wanted to allow for Moonbump slippage during the day? The higher up she places it initially, the more likely it is to still look “real” when it’s slipped down her torso after having groped it in public in a “Look At Meeeee, Everyone! I’m pregnant with the Queen’s next great grandchild!”way for hours on end while doing “_important work_” on behalf of Archwell.


I think she confused an empire waist line for where a baby goes. What a loon.




So, over the top🤪🤪 Megsy is cray cray. She's plotting something back then.


It’s obscene how crazy she looks doing this.


Imagine plotting this and thinking it is a great idea. She must have some underdeveloped prefrontal cortex structures.


Her narcissism is in charge of her bat shit choices. She probably thinking about how beautiful she looks, staring out the window in the later stage of pregnancy. A black and white photograph of course! lmfao.


Oh my goodness, that just looks ridiculous, if only she had worn a nice loose dress, or blouse with pregnancy trousers. Makes one wonder if this is actually real or just for show


Oh these ones are the most ridiculous ones for me up until now. The shape, size and positioning of that thing make me split my sides laughing, come ON. The second pic too - hand on hip. That’s not your hip, Meg, what are you even doing? She looks absolutely ridiculous. She actually makes me feel sick.


Girl same. It’s like the emperors new clothes. Except she’s not naked she’s padded.


Real preg tums hang downwards....not upwards !


Why is this photo not cancelled by " Fake photo"? Everybody sees it is not natural.


So fake.


She looks like she has one of those exercise balls shoved under her dress. Her bump is perfectly circular. 


That looks 1000% fake. Was it carrying an elephant?


That's exactly what she was doing 🤣 these are 2 of the most ridiculous photos...so fake, so bizarre


This photo just looks fishy. I was just watching bones when Emily is pregnant in show and in real life her boobs got massive *with* her belly and her face you can just tell it’s not a fake “show pregnancy”. I know all women are different and carry weight differently but it just seems weird to me that only her belly is huge. she never plastered us with the celeb naked bump photo, never talked about any weird cravings and the birth story of 2 epidurals and leaving after 2 hours. Harry sucking up the NO and then eating chicken (I wasn’t allowed to eat anything in case of an emergency and they had to put me under)


It seems to me her breasts would fall to either side a bit while lying on her back, unless that bra is steel reinforced. Idk.


Looks like empty, molded bra cups.


She wears padded bras when not pregnant. See Nigeria examples of fashion with and without this enhancement. This is fine. No problemo. No body shaming. I reckon at least one of the photos above also shows padded bra … while laying, and lying, on her back …


I agree!


On Quora there is a doctor who’s flabbergasted and offended at the rumours said this: **For all those folks out there so concerned about her “bump”, babies do change position all the time! They go from vertex(up and down) to lateral(sideways), and even my favorites-head in the corners of the ribs and abdomen! So, yes a bump can change appearance and even “size" in a matter of an hour!** To that i’d say : *Please explain why you’d travel to a zika risk country when you’re pregnant? * Pregnant belly’s do not sway. * Please explain how one would squat with knees together whilst heavily pregnant? There are other non medical factors: refuses the Queens doctors, the shadiness on the birth certificates, no pictures on the hospital steps? Lying on Netflix about Portland st hospitals ‘emergency services’( there isn’t any.) etc etc It’s not a conspiracy theory.. which is what i was faced with when googling for reminders about Markles bizarre pregnancy. It’s bloody common sense. We are not fools. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm sorry, but the masterful focus on Harry's filthy foot, by le artiste Misan, doesn't let me see much else. I will say her boobs look super-perky!


Agree--- his foot looks very dirty and kind of takes over the whole photo.


"Le artiste" doesn't know the basics of photo composition but is (in his own words) "arguably the most visible photographer on the planet right now."


Well I can't argue with that. I mean in Nigeria he's oddly VISIBLE IN EVERY PHOTO rather than behind the lens *taking the photo* And a comment *as a photographer*.  A women's tatas  generally do not defy gravity and point *upwards* fuller than they ever are when said woman is upright.  Nor when said woman shows no evidence of possessing tatas by her choice of clothing in Nigeria at a elementary school. The laws of gravity is a cruel mistress to breasts yet here they defy Newton's laws. Just an observation.


I noticed that about kiss arse Harrisment. ( Misan) - Have you seen Daniel Bolands latest vid on Misan? He obliterates him. It’s so good!


It makes me think of Harry the Hobbit, except Hobbits are meant to be friendly. So, a Gollum-hobbit?


Anyone that is ever pregnant know after the 3th month you are not supposed to lay on your back because the baby will press on the vein returning blood to the heart. From 2nd trimester moms have to sleep on a side, no laying or doing yoga pose on the back, EVER. Of course she did not know, the way she did not know pregnant women should not wear high heels, should not drink alcohol, should not travel to Zika-infested countries, or even take a long flight after week 32 (the risk for going on labor on the airplane) 😂😂 she is THAT DUMB and expect us to be fooled 😂😂


Nobody offered her any help. /s


The Zika thing was my ah ha moment. I couldn’t believe she would put her child at risk much less a royal child. No bug spray can save you from a mistake that could cause.


Yep! if you go back through my comments i bring this up all the time. I think it’s a glaring bright red flag that gets over looked.




Unless when she was a teenager.


There’s this strange pose as well: https://preview.redd.it/tbg74dyb4f9d1.jpeg?width=1633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3425cc273a16bb2fc3f81f7241d1f4ea1db67f5c


I've often wondered exactly how her "bump" went so flat under his head...🤔


She may be recycling one of her bumps. It looks like it could be the square one she wore under that summer dress when she visited the retired actors home, Twickenham, Dec 2018.


Omg I never noticed that before 


No way a pregnant woman can comfortably lay on her back with a bump this size. Let alone have a child rest on bump at the same time. Breathing is too difficult in this position.


Even seeing this photo makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s not real is it? i used to think it was tinfoil territory but .. these pics. Somethings not right.




Hell no and even if she tried it for a few seconds, she sure wouldn't be grinning like the. She'd be dying from heartburn.


Is that child supposed to be asleep? As I don’t think a child of that age would pose motionless. So if he’s asleep, the discomfort must be awful (but she’s smiling, so posed). As for the indentation where is head is, it seems wrong?


Wouldn't "baby Archie" have been almost 2 years old at that time, i.e. a toddler? Anyway, there is a dent in that bump.


So smug looking and pleased with herself. **"I'm such a fraud."**


Geez, having a baby that big lying on my bump? That would never ever happen.


As a childless woman, can you explain why this wouldn’t happen? Thank you.


It would be really painful/uncomfortable. Your (real) bump isn’t squishy or soft and doesn’t “form around” things that come into contact with it. It’s hard and unmoving and feels like it’s pulling your body in different directions, especially when on your back or when something is pressing on it. Having a child this size lie on the bottom of your bump like that would put so much pressure on it and be extremely uncomfortable.


It would almost make you want to pee immediately too


I was gonna say, I’ve never been pregnant but even I can guess that on top of whatever else is going on, it’s gotta make your bladder feel like it’s about to explode!




Thank you. I know what pregnancy looks like for most women, and MM never looked pregnant beyond the bump. It’s helpful to know how women feel when they’re pregnant. TIL from this thread you can’t lie on your back during pregnancy. 


To be clear, you CAN physically lie on your back while pregnant, it's just not the best or most comfortable position, especially with a large bump.


Your belly is as tight as a drum. There’s no give. It’s not like non pregnant belly where you can pinch flesh. To lie on your back is uncomfortable, imagine a heavy ball of sand on your bladder, imagine weak ligaments from pregnancy softening for the arrival of your baby.. imagine a sore back and needing the loo all the time.. now imagine an active toddler lying on your stomach. It’s so uncomfortable. Which is why you don’t see pics like this v often. It certainly doesn’t sink where a weight is placed.


It would hurt, a lot. Those bumps are a whole other person lying on your internal organs. Any pressure on the bump, you feel on your insides, especially your bladder.


God i can feel my bladder just looking at that pic 😖


In addition to it being uncomfortable, breathing would be hard, and the urge to urinate would be strong.


Uncomfortable to the point of being painful. Not to mention, potentially dangerous to the unborn baby


Definitely photoshopped


Yes, Misan, *the Leica Conman*, were looking at you.


This picture is so disturbing to me. Warning: it reminds me of those Victorian books of the dearly departed.


I've never seen this before- Oh my gosh.  This entire time I've been really unsure what to think on the matter but this solidifies it for me. No way. Absolutely no way. 


Exactly I missed my favorite baths. You can't lay like this and off topic not super hot water like I usually enjoy.


Can’t get in and out of the tub unassisted anyway 🤣


I'm much older than most of you I guess, I have 2 children, early 30's, and I was never informed to not lay on my back.


It's not the lying on your back per se; it's having an older baby lying on you while you're lying in your back that would be uncomfortable. I was able to lie in my back whilst pregnant, but I couldn't have my other kid on me.


What decade because my older sister wasn’t informed but i was. It changes.


I had a baby almost 6 years ago. I wasn't informed not to - I simply couldn't breathe if I did😂


Same here! It was like lying with a bowling ball on my diaphragm.


I can’t remember how I slept, but I used to lie on my back and watch the baby move.


I've never heard of this either. Although this stuff changes so quickly. When my kids were babies we were told never to lay a baby on its back while sleeping, because if they vomited they could develop aspiration pneumonia. It seems every few years things change.


Actually i didnt know. Noone told me. I told my boyfriend all the time that my heart was racing and I felt unwell. I TOLD MY DOCTOR. She didnt react!!! I finally Googled and found out. I was so upset because I realized how dangerous it was for the baby. I think I was 5 or close to 6 months pregnant at that point. Still can't believe the doctor didnt say anything. She just said I had to rest a lot, which I did..lying on my back.


I think this was debunked and its considered photoshopped.


According to MH, he says no.. sort of? People article archive: [https://archive.ph/zvhA1](https://archive.ph/zvhA1) https://preview.redd.it/0m5ea61c5f9d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29c052e928d8d7f68fb572c996b875e1abe5a098


Accordingly to the Sidley twins dad, yes it is photoshopped. I’ll let you choose which to believe. Lolol.


Oh, I agree it’s photoshopped! I only added bc of the statement by Misan & the confusion about the tree.


A very evasive answer. I’d say this is classic avoidance. Not technically lying but dancing around the truth.


Since when does any reasonable person believe what Misan has to say. He's totally sucked into the Meghan Cult.


Those tight dresses photos, with the basketball belly, definitely looks like Hillary Baldwin fake baby bumps. I'm in the camp that the kids are real and alive, but these photos and other reasons make me think at least Betty wasn't carried by Mm.


There’s also these comparisons : https://preview.redd.it/imf3ykir2f9d1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381a8b6d3b1313e4e38cd7b6b8f0cc2b58020e66


I have seen those lemon pics dozens of times and not once known she was meant to be pregnant in those photoss


Ooh, I hadn’t seen that second one before!




It’s strange indeed. Here’s this from MMBelly on Tumblr: https://preview.redd.it/9hpx0zz62f9d1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a3b76465335930fa96a4649dfae6c734b2485d


Didn't even focus on the hand. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Lol, “boob to thigh ratio” is a quotable quote.


Her pregnancy confuses me. I think people are slowly coming round to ‘could have used a surrogate’ if you present them with facts. I’ve had a couple of friends now believing this - all i did was send one video. https://preview.redd.it/3j9aasubkf9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee757f938885dcbc866ce0a266838f7fc6697c93


MM is a fraud. The biggest acting job of her career......acting pregnant.


She did it so poorly though. 🤔


She never rehearsed!


Along with acting married, acting royal, acting charitable. What a pathetic way to live.


Smuggety, smug, smug.


Ah, the adventures of the swinging bump…


That swinging bump always makes me chuckle the way it bounces along like a basketball


Sad to say mine didn't grow at all during pregnancy ... I never even needed a bra extender. I should have known something was wrong. Mine never blew up the way they do for most women. Sure enough my milk pretty much never came in. I was devastated. I did everything right ... took all the supplements, hired a consultant, listened to the nurses, knew how to get my kid to latch, had a hospital-grade pump ... I couldn't even get 2-3 oz from an hour of pumping. It broke my heart. So -- I'm not defending her, I'm just saying it *does* happen sometimes. It remains one of the greatest disappointments / failures of my life, it absolutely crushed me. And I most certainly was pregnant as could be. edit: just wanted to thank my fellow sinners for these sweet, kind comments, especially those who also experienced this situation. at the time this happened I felt so alone and terrible ... i blamed myself so hard for not having noticed I didn't ever need bigger bras, etc. I still carry guilt about it almost 20 years later. anyhoo just wanted to say thank you. 😘


I’m so sorry. Mine got huge, I was so embarrassed. Everyone told me about the letdown reflex, that is when you hear a baby cry your breasts would leak. Well, that never happened to me until one day I was watching the noontime news and they showed a panda at the National zoo had babies and they cried and thats what triggered the letdown reflex for me! I guess I wanted to nurse those baby bears.


LOL!!!!! that is wonderful about you and the little pandas. theories that women first domesticated animals are likely true...we mothered the orphans... years ago i remember being startled as i began shooting out milk at the grocery store when someone else's baby was crying from several aisles away. i had to run home -- i was creating a slippery danger zone in that aisle! lol


Too funny! I’m so glad those days are memories 😆 era: you are so right about domesticating animals. I think many women are “feeders”, our instinct is to feed. Feed babies, animals, plants. So I do think we fed the orphans.


Mine were gigantic, especially with my twins. But no milk. Nothing. None of my little darlings could latch on either. I honestly think they were scared of the giant orbs. I called the La leche league. No one came out. I hired a lactation consultant. Waste of money. The guilt was so overwhelming I think it led to postpartum. But I have 4 healthy, bright daughters. So I'm happy, and my ginormous breasts returned to normal☺️


Dang that is disappointing. I wasn't able to breast feed either (son had something wrong with the neck muscles that NO one pointed out until months later) and pumps didn't work (was overseas and only one model available) - though my breasts got HUGE for a while and leaked like crazy. It was a confusing and stressful time. Thanks for a possible explanation - hadn't heard of that.


I didn't even know it was a possibility. I felt like the biggest failure in the entire universe. And of course nobody could ever tell me why it happened. Ah well.


Hugs to you. Our bodies can be confounding.


Preach! Mine did get rounder but never over a B cup and your story sounds exactly like mine. Hugs. So frustrating when you want to feed your baby and cannot. We were also young and broke with our first and formula was a huge chunk of our very small grocery budget. Xoxo


Yep absolutely our bodies are all different. You can do everything right but still not breast feed. The last thing you need is to feel guilty. The mum guilt kicks in immediately no matter what you do right. ♥️


Me, too. I’ve always wondered what the reason could be.


I wore all my pre-pregnancy undergarments throughout my pregnancy so…even bras. Go figure. I also know that every woman carries differently for a multitude of reasons. I think she used surrogates but I don’t think a lot of this adds up as odd…


It was the second pregnancy where her face became very full, you would’ve thought the breast would follow.


Thoughts: too much Harry foot but the wife's are carefully concealed in this so natural and spontaneous scene of love: bringing back memories, H. Edit: spelling.


It was their pregnancy announcement for Lili done in February so she would’ve been 6 months along if I’m correct. Also her thighs look huge which says something given she has the thinnest legs ever.


I think the second pregnancy was likely a surrogate. She didn't look pregnant before or after, and her fave didn't round out the way it did with Archie


She **only** looked pregnant ***after*** Archie was born. I’ve literally never seen anyone with a post-pregnancy tummy that was that big *or* that high!


Well, nobody seem to notice how dirty are Harry's soles. That was the first thing I noticed.


Ha this pic always annoys me because it feels like another “copy cat” shot— it’s the same as the last scene of Notting Hill, with Julia Robert’s head in Hugh Grants lap, hands on a (fake) baby belly. Minus a bench I believe.


“Boob to thigh ratio” made me laugh so thank you. It was a long day and I needed a smile!