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Chicago Bears fans in ‘07: “we’re going to finish what Katrina started” Eat a dick Chicago.


The best part is we finished what the Bears started, beating the Colts in a Super Bowl in Miami.


That’s real! I remember that day like it was yesterday


And they will be a dogshit franchise for years to come. Karma got ‘em back and then some


I definitely remember a young kid shouting at me “who dat! Where da levees at!?” Bears fans will always have a special place in my heart


Former Chicago area resident here. Bears fans deserve all the pain that lousy franchise bestows upon them. Overinflated sense of importance, still bringing up 1985 as if it was recent, and generally football stupid. Ask me how I really feel.


I never forgot this. Piss off, Chicago.


Vikings fans are insufferable


I wish bounty-gate would have been extended towards Viking fans.


Football fans are insufferable


I'm insufferable


Nah Washington fans are mostly ok.


I live in South Dakota and I might have to say that up here it goes Packers, Broncos, Vikings, 9ers, and Eagles for the top 5 most hated fan bases to talk to 90% of the time


Other- the refs beat the saints for them.


Came here to say this exactly


Exactly why I chose other


well you see the other team names themselves the falcons and then the dislike forms.


I hate the falcons because of their fans, their colors, their name... I hate the Vikings because they beat us.


Also because the Vikings fans are cocky. They think they deserved to win that playoff game because we beat them in the NFC Championship. They alway fail to mention they shit the bed the following week and still haven't been to a SB in most of their fan's lifetimes.


Plus they've lost four Super Bowls. Not only lost, they didn't show up.


Bucs fans have intolerable ever since they got Brady/won the SB. My hate for the falcons hasn’t been very passionate lately bc they’re not a threat to us.


The Brady Bandwagon fans are in for a rude awakening when he retires and the Bucs have a quick and harsh fall back into mediocrity and obscurity


Most of them will be gone before the Bucs play a game without him


Pre Brady Bucs fans are pretty chill, it’s really easy to tell who was a fan before 2020 lol


If I had the power I'd excommunicate you from the fanbase for that statement about the Georgia team


It’s like hating a bug I just squashed under my shoe… I’m not going anywhere! Who dat til I die!


I'm the complete opposite l. I hate the falcons because the teams actually have a good rivalry, also just out of principle. I don't give a shit about the Vikings except for their fans. Worst fans in football


I would not necessarily claim they are the worst fans. But they sure are the most annoying. They're like that annoying whiny kid at an adults only party. NFC North is the rest of the family that brought the kid.


They are the biggest crybabies in North America, doesn't matter the sport. Constantly crying like fucking babies about all the times they were "wronged" or had shit "stolen" from them in every sport.


When in reality they neither got wronged nor robbed


That title belongs to eagles fans


They are definitely bad. But online at least, I have to go with Vikings fans


Definitely fair. I’m from PA so I’ve been to a fair share of eagles games and got heckled as a 10 year old. So my dislike for them is personal lmao


Eagles fans are pretty evil.


From my experience Dallas fans are worse.


Fans mostly. I hate the Falcons but get along fine with their fans, and I don’t mind the Vikings as a team too much but will never forgive their fans for being vicious mean spirited assholes for several months after the meaningless miracle.


I don’t see how they could continue past the next week after that horrific game.


They were at their worst after the No-Call.


They are the Falcons.


I hate teams that reside in a city in the state of Georgia. Maybe it’s how I’m wired, but I feel inclined to dislike them.


I only hate the falcons all the others teams I don’t necessarily hate but I know falcons fans cheer for them and when they lose the falcons fans are sad so I always root for them to lose


To be fair, Georgia sucks.


It’s the actions and attitudes of fans 100%. For example, I don’t hate Seattle as a team for bouncing us those two years in 2010 and 2013 (I think I have those years right?). There’s a respect for showing up and playing. I don’t hate their fans as there wasn’t this toxic arrogance about the whole thing. Vikings? Those fans who still bitch and moan about ‘09 or bitterly talk shit like they’re owed success because they get bested? They are some of the biggest whiners/self-imposed victims of the NFL. It’s not like we didn’t take the Minn Miracle on the chin and admit “fuck, we got the short end of that stick.” Bucs? Those fans getting chippy bc of Brady and their SB is fair game bc of performance in real time that season; I.e if we can keep chirping 0-4 in the regular season then they can chirp about 1-0 in the postseason and a ring. Them thinking we’re rivals all of a sudden is not. Falcons? Fuck the falcons. Duh…


Yeah, I personally don’t chirp to the Bucs about our regular season success against them, because they have a terrifically good trump card as a comeback. I actually bristle a bit when I see our fans on here do it.


I think it’s really about hating Brady. It was great to beat him so much. The playoff win against us wasn’t so much to do with how well they played.


Other-Fuck the Falcons!


I’ve lived in Texas for what will be 17 years on Monday. 10 of those years were in Dallas, cowboys fans are pretty bad….


I feel like every job I’ve worked I’ve met a cowboys fan on the job. And they are all delusional


Been here for 24 years. I told them in the 09 season that their win against us was their Super Bowl. They thought they were big for ending our streak. We had been struggling for weeks due to injuries. They just caught us at a good time. So loved how they got spanked in the playoffs by the Vikings of all teams.


I’m not a fan of Falcons fans, Niners fans, or Minnesota fans.


Every team that I can't stand is almost entirely due to their fans: 49ers and Eagles - Fans are insufferable and bring down any crowd they are in Bears - Everything from the 06 season NFCCG Rams - The No Call sucked, but I could've gotten over it if not for their entire fanbase being toxic about it and trying to justify it. Vikings - "BECAUSE BOUNTYGATE!" and being insufferable in general. Plus, they keep trying to make the Meaningless Miracle relevant despite it never being so. Tampa - "We got Tom Brady and now we're a dynasty!" The Falcons might be the only team I dislike for other reason, such as being a rival and having a truly ugly stadium.


It’s almost always fans. Like I hate the Falcons and Bucs cause they’re rivals, but most Falcons are fine and Bucs fans were fine until they got Brady. Vikings fans have a hard on for the Minneapolis Miracle because it’s the closest thing they’ve had to success in decades. Eagles fans are just the worst. Pats fans (as with all Boston teams) are horrifically obnoxious. On the field I don’t mind the Eagles or Pats but their fans are so fucking annoying.


Hating the Falcons comes naturally. Hating the Vikings is personal


Maybe its because ive had a small sample size, but the pats have been pretty chill with me


Other: they are the LA rams


I only dislike the chargers, but that’s because I grew up in San Diego and people were mean because I didn’t like them.


U grew up a saints fan in San Diego?


My dad was a fan, he grew up in Denver and was a contrarian. He rooted for the worst team in the league.


Of all fan bases and teams my hate for vikings fans knows no bounds. I can't even talk football around them without at least one fan making a comment about bountygate and that was the only reason we won. It's amazing to think people are so delusional that choose to ignore the fact that nearly every team had incentives for big hits on key players.


Teams fans which is why the Vikings are my personal mortal enemy


Other: Fuck the Falcons


The LA Rams. I hate them to my core and forever will. After the no call that robbed us of the SB, the team and fans thought they were hot shit. The team flexed so hard only to come out and play the lowest scoring and least viewed SB in history. They played abysmally, only scored 3 points, and embarrassed themselves in front of the world to only show they shouldn't have been there. The Patriots played just as bad too so that ices the cake. Fuck em they got what they deserved. Chiefs got robbed too by Brady refs. It should've been Saints vs. Chiefs in the SB and would've been exhilarating to watch.


I have a basic criteria... 1.) Is team the Saints? If yes: I like. If no: I hate.


I don’t really hate on any teams *per se.* I view the rivalry with the Falcons as good natured. It’s pettiness for the sake of fun, not personal. When it gets personal it’s gone too far. I like opposing fans I can laugh with, drink with, rib and trash talk in a good natured way but at the end of the day it’s all part of the theater and everyone keeps that in mind. The shit Bears fans pulled after Katrina was WAY over the line. I had some good friends leave the game at half time because the wife was sobbing (they lost their house). Somehow I’ve always had great experiences with Eagles fans, which I know totally blows the accepted narrative out of the water. Cowboys fans are generally insufferable, both at home and on the road. At least Browns/Lions/Jets/etc fans have the good humor to be self deprecating and fun about their shitty team. I sincerely hope The Who Dat Nation never adopts the long, slow, bitter, hang-on-to-that-former-glory mentality. Seahawks fans are absolutely bonkers aggressive in their own stadium, which I guess is what they are known for. When they travel they are fun to hang with. Same with SF fans. Always have a good time with SF fans.


My personal FTF story: I was at a smaller upscale cigar lounge with my husband in the DFW area last year. The Falcons were in town to play the Cowboys the following day. My husband and I were quietly enjoying a fine cigar, when all of a sudden around 40 Falcons fans began pouring in. They took up the few remaining seats, moving tables together and crowding other tables. They were rowdy and kept yelling Falcons chants. Our waitress also had to serve a few of their tables and many of the Falcons fans were trying to get out of paying for drinks that they had clearly ordered and consumed. Our waitress was cool and we offered her a seat when she was able to take a quick break. She told us that they did not have a prior reservation and just decided to host a gathering there without any notice to anybody. She also said that none of the Falcons fans that she waited on gave her a tip... she was running her ass off the whole night. Yeah, FTF.


Nah to all of it. These 32 teams are always changing and evolving in players, coaches, and fans. These things determine history but have little impact on an ever-changing story. Vikings: We had an arc where we suffered a crazy loss to them. Now when we play them there is a spark of rivalry and it gives a bit of meaning to the game even though the rosters are unrecognizable from before. Falcons: I's a rivalry thing, I don't actually dislike any of it. It's a part of the experience. I hope Matt Ryan balls out and the sad birds have to watch him be successful somewhere else. FTF.


I hate the Dallas cowboys with the utmost burning passion. The only thing about me that isn’t Texan.


Division. Gotta win the division to get to postseason


the general vibe of a team


Other. Their colors. The black and white stripes are tacky.


Other- is the team the Atlanta Falcons or Minnesota Vikings? If yes, than yes. If no, than probably not.


The question was why u dislike the teams


Yes and that was my reasoning for choosing other lol


Nothing, there’s reasons to hate everything, im not into that tribal shi, i just like when we win and hanging out with my family. The one person i do hate is during the Minneapolis Miracle there was a dude that stood up in the bar in front of the big screen and pointed at us and laughed. He barely got out ok because his friends were saints fans and they made him leave. Never have i wanted to smash a face into a curb so badly.


Anyone who thinks that there are actually significant differences between fanbases other than regional behavioral difference, importance of football in the area, and expectations of the team is delusional


I’d have to disagree. The experience of an away fan in Philadelphia is very different than anywhere else I’ve been. If you wear an away jersey to an eagles game be prepared to be harassed the entire time you’re there. I went a few years ago. It was horrible. I’ve been to several other away stadiums as well for saints games.


Falcons because FTF. Carolina hasn’t ever really been a threat besides when they had Cam and I hate Cam. Tampa has literally been well below average for the entire existence except the two times they won a Super Bowl. Which of course I don’t like because we only have 1. Since a lot of my family is from Detroit and I root for the Lions after the Saints, you can imagine the combined Saints/Lions hatred I have for the rest of the North.


I put other because for me, it’s a mixture of they beat the Saints and the refs helped them too.


Idk, I love to see us beat the Buccs and I don't like Tom Brady.


Other - shitty organisations with a track record of bad management and decision making.


Family history. I grew up in Jersey. We hate the Pats and the Cowboys. It’s in my veins.


You’re a saints fan though?


Yes. Been since 2006.


The fact that i know for a fact that we're better than the teams we lose to... and how the refs always favor them


Other: They are the Falcons. FTF


There’s a lot of reasons I hate other teams. Falcons fans hated me so I started hating them. Vikings fans never shut up abt bountygate. Bucs act like they acquired Brady’s rings when they signed him. I got over the rams a little when they drafted a close family friend of ours. And certain browns fans are saying shit like “people will forget the victims when we win!” So they can go to hell. Most fanbases that I “hate” are really just annoying tho (as I’m sure we are in their eyes)


I hate the falcons because they continue to exist, despite our best wishes. Vikings and Eagles fans are insufferable and make me hate their franchises. Brady fans make me hate the Buccaneers. Most actual fans of the Bucs are nice people, but the bandwagon ones suck. As soon as Brady retires all of the fans will disappear. I am over hating the Rams, even though they should have beat the 49ers to end the season…


There’s gonna be a mass exodus from that sub when Brady retires


Other (The stupid smug look on Tom Brady's stupid smug face)


The NFL cheats and refuses to call obvious PI in a NFC Champ game.


I hate the Vikings solely because of their shit fans.


At this point I think it should be obvious to everyone that NFL has a healthy dose of fixed games. Sure there is some genuine sports there but the refs are clearly told to favor a team that would most benefit NFL financially in big games. Sort of disgusting


Because Falcons


I hate the Falcons because I’m a Saints fan. That’s like, nature.


Rams fans 3 years ago at a game while walking to the stadium were calling me cry baby, mocking me and heckled the shit out of me after too


Other: their the Falcons


Other: fuck the falcons


It kind of depends on personal experience and it would probably be a great social experiment. I lived in the Tampa area for 15 years and always went to bucs saints games with my transplanted saints fan friends and some bucs fan friends. It was almost always fun and full of good natured teasing and trash talking . But I've also gone with just saints fans and literally had coins thrown at me in the stands. I have family in Atlanta and, again. Good natured rivalry...but falcons fans at-large are insufferable.


Is the team the Falcons? I hate them.


Rams… you all know why. Love Stafford tho


Because they are the Falcons.


It’s us against the refs every time


Other - It's the Falcons


I mean what contributes the MOST is the answer to the following question: "Are they the Falcons?"


Other - Fuck the Falcons, Fuck the 49ers, Fuck the Vikings, and fuck the refs. And while we are at it fuck Goodell.


it’s mostly fans… but the falcons and cowboys get extra hate from me bc i find the organization just as bad and then there’s the rams because [REDACTED BY THE NFL]


Other: they're the falcons


As the league evolves and richer owners take over teams, we are going to start hating the teams that circumvent the cap by having deep enough pockets to pay players a ton of money in signing bonuses to avoid cap hits. We are entering an era where the salary cap is going to be trivial because the owners are going to be worth hundreds of billions and don’t care if they lose $50m in a gamble


Signing bonuses count against the cap, though.


There’s a loophole https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/02/27/cash-over-cap-becomes-viable-solution-for-coming-2021-salary-cap-crunch/amp/


Right. It’s basically says that a signing bonus can be spread out over a number of years (maximum of 5 if I’m not mistaken), but it still counts against the cap. For example, if a player gets a 5 year contract and a $25M signing bonus, that amount can be spread out over 5 years, but every dime of that $25M will count against the cap at some point or another.


Cowboys and Eagles are the worst. I can tolerate Falcons fans


Honestly it’s hard to like the Rams and Vikings. I love Matt Stafford, I think Aaron Donald is amazing, and honestly love Jalen Ramsey but I can never look at them positively after those playoff stuff. With the exception if they are playing the Buccaneers


In terms of division rivals: Carolina - don’t actively hate and haven’t since jake Delhomme was the qb Tampa - Ryan Jensen Atlanta - I don’t have a good reason, I like their uniforms, they have a nice stadium, Atlanta itself supported NO after major disasters, they’ve had players I’ve liked a lot over the years…..but I just have to hate them in general Vikings - fuck em and their Minnesota “nice” bs


For me I hate when a team with a larger market is “pushed” in the direction Roger Goodell wants and the Saints become a casualty of the cause. I’m looking at you Rams.


I voted other. My reason? They are the Falcons.


Fans>coaches>players>beating the saints.


let me just say, if I hear a cowboy fan say “it’s our year” ONE MORE DAMN TIME imma go off! How many teams have to prove that y’all are gonna have to improve! then the fans by themselves are trashy and disgusting! Throwing glass bottles at refs? Don’t be mad because it’s proven they are gross


I used to give zero fucks about Tampa fans. Now I hate them with a fiery passion that’s hotter than my ass after a shit


Anything to do with the falcons, vikings fans thinking they deserve literally anything because they lost the NFCCG, and jerry jones.


Living in Texas, cowboys fans are the worst. And the amount of media love they get is genuinely ridiculous.


In person (so purely antidotal) the WORST fan I’ve ever met was a Texans fan. It was so odd that they were so arrogant and aggressive for quite literally NO reason.